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r41824 Sunday 22nd November, 2015 at 13:04:35 UTC by R. Belmont |
Merge pull request #473 from ImJezze/master Fixed missing shadow mask (nw) |
[/trunk] | .gitignore makefile |
[3rdparty/genie/src/actions/cmake] | cmake_project.lua |
[3rdparty/genie/src/host] | scripts.c |
[doxygen] |* doxy-boot.js* doxygen.config* footer.html* header.html* style.css* |
[hash] | bbc_32016_flop.xml bbc_65c102_flop.xml bbc_68000_flop.xml* bbc_80186_flop.xml bbc_arm_flop.xml bbc_z80_flop.xml bbca_cass.xml bbcb_cass.xml bbcb_flop.xml bbcb_orig_flop.xml* bbcm_cass.xml nes.xml psx.xml |
[scripts] | genie.lua |
[scripts/src] | 3rdparty.lua cpu.lua lib.lua |
[scripts/src/osd] | modules.lua |
[src/devices/bus/isa] | cga.cpp cga.h |
[src/devices/cpu/arc] | arc.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/e0c6200] | e0c6200.h e0c6s46.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/h8] | h8.cpp h83002.cpp h83006.cpp h83008.cpp h83048.cpp h83337.cpp h8_adc.cpp h8_intc.cpp h8_port.cpp h8_sci.cpp h8_timer16.cpp h8_timer8.cpp h8s2245.cpp h8s2320.cpp h8s2357.cpp h8s2655.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/hcd62121] | hcd62121.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/i4004] | i4004.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/i8089] | i8089.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/i860] | i860.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/i960] | i960.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/ie15] | ie15.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/m6502] | m6502.cpp m6509.cpp m6510.cpp m65ce02.cpp m740.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/mb86233] | mb86233.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/mcs96] | i8x9x.cpp mcs96.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/melps4] | m58846.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/mn10200] | mn10200.h |
[src/devices/cpu/pdp1] | tx0.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/psx] | dma.cpp irq.cpp mdec.cpp sio.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/s2650] | s2650.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/saturn] | saturn.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/scmp] | scmp.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/se3208] | se3208.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/sm8500] | sm8500.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/superfx] | superfx.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/tms34010] | tms34010.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/tms57002] | tms57002.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/unsp] | unsp.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/upd7725] | upd7725.cpp |
[src/devices/cpu/z8000] | z8000.cpp |
[src/devices/machine] | 40105.cpp 68230pit.cpp 68561mpcc.cpp 7200fifo.cpp 74123.cpp 74181.cpp 8530scc.cpp aakart.cpp adc0808.cpp adc1038.cpp aicartc.cpp amigafdc.cpp ataflash.cpp atahle.cpp cdp1852.cpp dp8390.cpp ds1204.cpp ds1315.cpp ds2401.cpp ds2404.cpp e0516.cpp e05a30.cpp i8212.cpp i8243.cpp i8271.cpp idehd.cpp ins8154.cpp jvsdev.cpp jvshost.cpp k033906.cpp lh5810.cpp linflash.cpp lpc-rtc.cpp m6m80011ap.cpp mb14241.cpp mb3773.cpp mb8795.cpp mc146818.cpp mc68328.cpp microtch.cpp mm74c922.cpp mos6551.cpp ncr5380n.cpp ncr5390.cpp nsc810.cpp nscsi_bus.cpp nscsi_cb.cpp nscsi_cd.cpp nscsi_hd.cpp pc_lpt.cpp pla.cpp rf5c296.cpp rtc4543.cpp rtc9701.cpp s3520cf.cpp s3c44b0.cpp serflash.cpp spchrom.cpp tms1024.cpp upd4701.cpp upd4992.cpp upd7002.cpp v3021.cpp vrc4373.cpp vt82c496.cpp wozfdc.cpp wozfdc.h ym2148.cpp |
[src/devices/sound] | 315-5641.cpp awacs.cpp es1373.cpp esqpump.cpp fmopl.cpp i5000.cpp ics2115.cpp k054539.cpp k056800.cpp l7a1045_l6028_dsp_a.h mas3507d.cpp msm5232.cpp tc8830f.cpp tms5220.cpp upd7752.cpp vrc6.cpp wave.cpp ymf262.cpp ymz770.cpp |
[src/devices/video] | 315_5313.cpp crtc_ega.cpp ef9340_1.cpp epic12.cpp fixfreq.cpp gf4500.cpp h63484.cpp huc6202.cpp huc6261.cpp mc6845.cpp mc6845.h msm6222b.cpp saa5050.cpp scn2674.cpp sed1200.cpp sed1520.cpp t6a04.cpp |
[src/emu] | machine.cpp machine.h |
[src/lib/formats] | ap2_dsk.cpp fsd_dsk.cpp* fsd_dsk.h* |
[src/mame] | arcade.lst mess.lst |
[src/mame/drivers] | 1943.cpp a6809.cpp apple2.cpp apricot.cpp aristmk4.cpp arkanoid.cpp asteroid.cpp bbc.cpp bwidow.cpp bzone.cpp cclimber.cpp crystal.cpp fidelz80.cpp galaxian.cpp goldnpkr.cpp lethalj.cpp marinedt.cpp mcatadv.cpp mhavoc.cpp namcos23.cpp naomi.cpp omegrace.cpp peplus.cpp quantum.cpp ramtek.cpp sandscrp.cpp starwars.cpp stv.cpp subsino.cpp taito_f3.cpp tempest.cpp tomcat.cpp |
[src/mame/includes] | amstrad.h arkanoid.h bbc.h |
[src/mame/layout] | fvrpitch.lay* |
[src/mame/machine] | amstrad.cpp asteroid.cpp bbc.cpp naomim2.cpp |
[src/mame/video] | arkanoid.cpp avgdvg.cpp avgdvg.h bbc.cpp cclimber.cpp vrender0.cpp |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12 | 12 | !/scripts/ |
13 | 13 | !/src/ |
14 | 14 | !/tests/ |
15 | !/doxygen/ | |
15 | 16 | !/web/ |
16 | 17 | !/.gitattributes |
17 | 18 | !/.gitignore |
r250335 | r250336 | |
42 | 42 | for _,v in ipairs(cfg.includedirs) do |
43 | 43 | _p('include_directories(../%s)', premake.esc(v)) |
44 | 44 | end |
45 | for _,v in ipairs(cfg.defines) do | |
46 | _p('add_definitions(-D%s)', premake.esc(v)) | |
47 | end | |
48 | break | |
45 | 49 | end |
50 | break | |
46 | 51 | end |
47 | 52 | |
48 | 53 | if (prj.kind=='StaticLib') then |
r250335 | r250336 | |
176 | 176 | "function premake.cmake.workspace(sln)\n_p('cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.4)')\n_p('')\nfor i,prj in ipairs(sln.projects) do\nlocal name = premake.esc(\n_p('add_subdirectory(%s)', name)\nend\nend\n", |
177 | 177 | |
178 | 178 | /* actions/cmake/cmake_project.lua */ |
179 | "local cmake = premake.cmake\nlocal tree = premake.tree\nfunction cmake.files(prj)\nlocal tr = premake.project.buildsourcetree(prj)\ntree.traverse(tr, {\nonbranchenter = function(node, depth)\nend,\nonbranchexit = function(node, depth)\nend,\nonleaf = function(node, depth)\n_p(1, '../%s',\nend,\n}, true, 1)\nend\nfunction premake.cmake.project(prj)\nio.indent = \" \"\n_p('cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.4)')\n_p('')\n_p('project(%s)', premake.esc(\n_p('set(')\n_p('source_list')\ncmake.files(prj)\n_p(')')\nlocal platforms = premake.filterplatforms(prj.solution, premake[].platforms, \"Native\")\nfor i = #platforms, 1, -1 do\nif premake.platforms[platforms[i]].iscrosscompiler then\ntable.remove(platforms, i)\nend\nend \nfor _, platform in ipairs(platforms) do\nfor cfg in premake.eachconfig(prj, platform) do\nfor _,v in ipairs(cfg.includedirs) do\n_p('include_directories(../%s)', premake.esc(v))\nend\nend\nend\nif (prj.kind=='StaticLib') then\n_p('add_library(%s STATIC ${sour" | |
180 | "ce_list})',premake.esc(\nend\nif (prj.kind=='SharedLib') then\n_p('add_library(%s SHARED ${source_list})',premake.esc(\nend\nif (prj.kind=='ConsoleApp') then\n_p('add_executable(%s ${source_list})',premake.esc(\nend\nif (prj.kind=='WindowedApp') then\n_p('add_executable(%s ${source_list})',premake.esc(\nend\nend\n", | |
179 | "local cmake = premake.cmake\nlocal tree = premake.tree\nfunction cmake.files(prj)\nlocal tr = premake.project.buildsourcetree(prj)\ntree.traverse(tr, {\nonbranchenter = function(node, depth)\nend,\nonbranchexit = function(node, depth)\nend,\nonleaf = function(node, depth)\n_p(1, '../%s',\nend,\n}, true, 1)\nend\nfunction premake.cmake.project(prj)\nio.indent = \" \"\n_p('cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.4)')\n_p('')\n_p('project(%s)', premake.esc(\n_p('set(')\n_p('source_list')\ncmake.files(prj)\n_p(')')\nlocal platforms = premake.filterplatforms(prj.solution, premake[].platforms, \"Native\")\nfor i = #platforms, 1, -1 do\nif premake.platforms[platforms[i]].iscrosscompiler then\ntable.remove(platforms, i)\nend\nend \nfor _, platform in ipairs(platforms) do\nfor cfg in premake.eachconfig(prj, platform) do\nfor _,v in ipairs(cfg.includedirs) do\n_p('include_directories(../%s)', premake.esc(v))\nend\nfor _,v in ipairs(cfg.defines) do\n_p('add_definitions(-D%s)', premake.esc(" | |
180 | "v))\nend\nbreak\nend\nbreak\nend\nif (prj.kind=='StaticLib') then\n_p('add_library(%s STATIC ${source_list})',premake.esc(\nend\nif (prj.kind=='SharedLib') then\n_p('add_library(%s SHARED ${source_list})',premake.esc(\nend\nif (prj.kind=='ConsoleApp') then\n_p('add_executable(%s ${source_list})',premake.esc(\nend\nif (prj.kind=='WindowedApp') then\n_p('add_executable(%s ${source_list})',premake.esc(\nend\nend\n", | |
181 | 181 | |
182 | 182 | /* actions/make/_make.lua */ |
183 | 183 | "_MAKE = { }\npremake.make = { }\nlocal make = premake.make\nfunction _MAKE.esc(value)\nlocal result\nif (type(value) == \"table\") then\nresult = { }\nfor _,v in ipairs(value) do\ntable.insert(result, _MAKE.esc(v))\nend\nreturn result\nelse\nresult = value:gsub(\"\\\\\", \"\\\\\\\\\")\nresult = result:gsub(\" \", \"\\\\ \")\nresult = result:gsub(\"%%(\", \"\\\\%(\")\nresult = result:gsub(\"%%)\", \"\\\\%)\")\nresult = result:gsub(\"$\\\\%((.-)\\\\%)\", \"$%(%1%)\")\nreturn result\nend\nend\nfunction premake.make_copyrule(source, target)\n_p('%s: %s', target, source)\n_p('\\t@echo Copying $(notdir %s)', target)\n_p('\\t-$(call COPY,%s,%s)', source, target)\nend\nfunction premake.make_mkdirrule(var)\n_p('\\t@echo Creating %s', var)\n_p('\\t-$(call MKDIR,%s)', var)\n_p('')\nend\nfunction make.list(value)\nif #value > 0 then\nreturn \" \" .. table.concat(value, \" \")\nelse\nreturn \"\"\nend\nend\nfunction _MAKE.getmakefilename(this, searchprjs)\nlocal count = 0\nfor sln in premake.solution.each() do\nif (sln.loca" |
r0 | r250336 | |
1 | What is MAME? | |
2 | ============= | |
3 | ||
4 | MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. | |
5 | ||
6 | MAME's purpose is to preserve decades of video-game history. As gaming technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents these important "vintage" games from being lost and forgotten. This is achieved by documenting the hardware and how it functions. The source code to MAME serves as this documentation. The fact that the games are playable serves primarily to validate the accuracy of the documentation (how else can you prove that you have recreated the hardware faithfully?). | |
7 | ||
8 |
r0 | r250336 | |
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2 | ||
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5 | ||
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7 | $('li > a[href="modules.html"] > span').before("<i class='fa fa-square'></i> "); | |
8 | $('li > a[href="namespaces.html"] > span').before("<i class='fa fa-bars'></i> "); | |
9 | $('li > a[href="annotated.html"] > span').before("<i class='fa fa-list-ul'></i> "); | |
10 | $('li > a[href="classes.html"] > span').before("<i class='fa fa-book'></i> "); | |
11 | $('li > a[href="inherits.html"] > span').before("<i class='fa fa-sitemap'></i> "); | |
12 | $('li > a[href="functions.html"] > span').before("<i class='fa fa-list'></i> "); | |
13 | $('li > a[href="functions_func.html"] > span').before("<i class='fa fa-list'></i> "); | |
14 | $('li > a[href="functions_vars.html"] > span').before("<i class='fa fa-list'></i> "); | |
15 | $('li > a[href="functions_enum.html"] > span').before("<i class='fa fa-list'></i> "); | |
16 | $('li > a[href="functions_eval.html"] > span').before("<i class='fa fa-list'></i> "); | |
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18 | $('img[src="ftv2cl.png"]').replaceWith('<span class="label label-danger">C</span> '); | |
19 | ||
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30 | ||
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32 | ||
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38 | ||
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47 | ||
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50 | ||
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55 | ||
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60 | ||
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62 | ||
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65 | ||
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74 | ||
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79 | ||
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84 | ||
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90 | ||
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95 | ||
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121 | } | |
122 | }); | |
123 | }); |
r0 | r250336 | |
1 | # Doxyfile 1.8.5 | |
2 | ||
3 | # This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system | |
4 | # doxygen ( for a project. | |
5 | # | |
6 | # All text after a double hash (##) is considered a comment and is placed in | |
7 | # front of the TAG it is preceding. | |
8 | # | |
9 | # All text after a single hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored. | |
10 | # The format is: | |
11 | # TAG = value [value, ...] | |
12 | # For lists, items can also be appended using: | |
13 | # TAG += value [value, ...] | |
14 | # Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (\" \"). | |
15 | ||
16 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
17 | # Project related configuration options | |
18 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
19 | ||
20 | # This tag specifies the encoding used for all characters in the config file | |
21 | # that follow. The default is UTF-8 which is also the encoding used for all text | |
22 | # before the first occurrence of this tag. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the iconv | |
23 | # built into libc) for the transcoding. See | |
24 | # for the list of possible encodings. | |
25 | # The default value is: UTF-8. | |
26 | ||
28 | ||
29 | # The PROJECT_NAME tag is a single word (or a sequence of words surrounded by | |
30 | # double-quotes, unless you are using Doxywizard) that should identify the | |
31 | # project for which the documentation is generated. This name is used in the | |
32 | # title of most generated pages and in a few other places. | |
33 | # The default value is: My Project. | |
34 | ||
36 | ||
37 | # The PROJECT_NUMBER tag can be used to enter a project or revision number. This | |
38 | # could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version | |
39 | # control system is used. | |
40 | ||
42 | ||
43 | # Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description | |
44 | # for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer a | |
45 | # quick idea about the purpose of the project. Keep the description short. | |
46 | ||
47 | PROJECT_BRIEF = "Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator" | |
48 | ||
49 | # With the PROJECT_LOGO tag one can specify an logo or icon that is included in | |
50 | # the documentation. The maximum height of the logo should not exceed 55 pixels | |
51 | # and the maximum width should not exceed 200 pixels. Doxygen will copy the logo | |
52 | # to the output directory. | |
53 | ||
54 | PROJECT_LOGO = | |
55 | ||
56 | # The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute) path | |
57 | # into which the generated documentation will be written. If a relative path is | |
58 | # entered, it will be relative to the location where doxygen was started. If | |
59 | # left blank the current directory will be used. | |
60 | ||
61 | OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = output-doc | |
62 | ||
63 | # If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES, then doxygen will create 4096 sub- | |
64 | # directories (in 2 levels) under the output directory of each output format and | |
65 | # will distribute the generated files over these directories. Enabling this | |
66 | # option can be useful when feeding doxygen a huge amount of source files, where | |
67 | # putting all generated files in the same directory would otherwise causes | |
68 | # performance problems for the file system. | |
69 | # The default value is: NO. | |
70 | ||
72 | ||
73 | # The OUTPUT_LANGUAGE tag is used to specify the language in which all | |
74 | # documentation generated by doxygen is written. Doxygen will use this | |
75 | # information to generate all constant output in the proper language. | |
76 | # Possible values are: Afrikaans, Arabic, Brazilian, Catalan, Chinese, Chinese- | |
77 | # Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Farsi, | |
78 | # Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Japanese-en, | |
79 | # Korean, Korean-en, Latvian, Norwegian, Macedonian, Persian, Polish, | |
80 | # Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, | |
81 | # Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese. | |
82 | # The default value is: English. | |
83 | ||
84 | OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = English | |
85 | ||
86 | # If the BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC tag is set to YES doxygen will include brief member | |
87 | # descriptions after the members that are listed in the file and class | |
88 | # documentation (similar to Javadoc). Set to NO to disable this. | |
89 | # The default value is: YES. | |
90 | ||
92 | ||
93 | # If the REPEAT_BRIEF tag is set to YES doxygen will prepend the brief | |
94 | # description of a member or function before the detailed description | |
95 | # | |
96 | # Note: If both HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS and BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC are set to NO, the | |
97 | # brief descriptions will be completely suppressed. | |
98 | # The default value is: YES. | |
99 | ||
100 | REPEAT_BRIEF = YES | |
101 | ||
102 | # This tag implements a quasi-intelligent brief description abbreviator that is | |
103 | # used to form the text in various listings. Each string in this list, if found | |
104 | # as the leading text of the brief description, will be stripped from the text | |
105 | # and the result, after processing the whole list, is used as the annotated | |
106 | # text. Otherwise, the brief description is used as-is. If left blank, the | |
107 | # following values are used ($name is automatically replaced with the name of | |
108 | # the entity):The $name class, The $name widget, The $name file, is, provides, | |
109 | # specifies, contains, represents, a, an and the. | |
110 | ||
112 | ||
113 | # If the ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC and REPEAT_BRIEF tags are both set to YES then | |
114 | # doxygen will generate a detailed section even if there is only a brief | |
115 | # description. | |
116 | # The default value is: NO. | |
117 | ||
119 | ||
120 | # If the INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB tag is set to YES, doxygen will show all | |
121 | 1# inherited members of a class in the documentation of that class as if those | |
122 | # members were ordinary class members. Constructors, destructors and assignment | |
123 | # operators of the base classes will not be shown. | |
124 | # The default value is: NO. | |
125 | ||
127 | ||
128 | # If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES doxygen will prepend the full path | |
129 | # before files name in the file list and in the header files. If set to NO the | |
130 | # shortest path that makes the file name unique will be used | |
131 | # The default value is: YES. | |
132 | ||
134 | ||
135 | # The STRIP_FROM_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of the path. | |
136 | # Stripping is only done if one of the specified strings matches the left-hand | |
137 | # part of the path. The tag can be used to show relative paths in the file list. | |
138 | # If left blank the directory from which doxygen is run is used as the path to | |
139 | # strip. | |
140 | # | |
141 | # Note that you can specify absolute paths here, but also relative paths, which | |
142 | # will be relative from the directory where doxygen is started. | |
143 | # This tag requires that the tag FULL_PATH_NAMES is set to YES. | |
144 | ||
145 | STRIP_FROM_PATH = | |
146 | ||
147 | # The STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of the | |
148 | # path mentioned in the documentation of a class, which tells the reader which | |
149 | # header file to include in order to use a class. If left blank only the name of | |
150 | # the header file containing the class definition is used. Otherwise one should | |
151 | # specify the list of include paths that are normally passed to the compiler | |
152 | # using the -I flag. | |
153 | ||
154 | STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH = src | |
155 | ||
156 | # If the SHORT_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate much shorter (but | |
157 | # less readable) file names. This can be useful is your file systems doesn't | |
158 | # support long names like on DOS, Mac, or CD-ROM. | |
159 | # The default value is: NO. | |
160 | ||
161 | SHORT_NAMES = NO | |
162 | ||
163 | # If the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then doxygen will interpret the | |
164 | # first line (until the first dot) of a Javadoc-style comment as the brief | |
165 | # description. If set to NO, the Javadoc-style will behave just like regular Qt- | |
166 | # style comments (thus requiring an explicit @brief command for a brief | |
167 | # description.) | |
168 | # The default value is: NO. | |
169 | ||
171 | ||
172 | # If the QT_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then doxygen will interpret the first | |
173 | # line (until the first dot) of a Qt-style comment as the brief description. If | |
174 | # set to NO, the Qt-style will behave just like regular Qt-style comments (thus | |
175 | # requiring an explicit \brief command for a brief description.) | |
176 | # The default value is: NO. | |
177 | ||
178 | QT_AUTOBRIEF = YES | |
179 | ||
180 | # The MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF tag can be set to YES to make doxygen treat a | |
181 | # multi-line C++ special comment block (i.e. a block of //! or /// comments) as | |
182 | # a brief description. This used to be the default behavior. The new default is | |
183 | # to treat a multi-line C++ comment block as a detailed description. Set this | |
184 | # tag to YES if you prefer the old behavior instead. | |
185 | # | |
186 | # Note that setting this tag to YES also means that rational rose comments are | |
187 | # not recognized any more. | |
188 | # The default value is: NO. | |
189 | ||
191 | ||
192 | # If the INHERIT_DOCS tag is set to YES then an undocumented member inherits the | |
193 | # documentation from any documented member that it re-implements. | |
194 | # The default value is: YES. | |
195 | ||
196 | INHERIT_DOCS = YES | |
197 | ||
198 | # If the SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES tag is set to YES, then doxygen will produce a | |
199 | # new page for each member. If set to NO, the documentation of a member will be | |
200 | # part of the file/class/namespace that contains it. | |
201 | # The default value is: NO. | |
202 | ||
204 | ||
205 | # The TAB_SIZE tag can be used to set the number of spaces in a tab. Doxygen | |
206 | # uses this value to replace tabs by spaces in code fragments. | |
207 | # Minimum value: 1, maximum value: 16, default value: 4. | |
208 | ||
209 | TAB_SIZE = 2 | |
210 | ||
211 | # This tag can be used to specify a number of aliases that act as commands in | |
212 | # the documentation. An alias has the form: | |
213 | # name=value | |
214 | # For example adding | |
215 | # "sideeffect=@par Side Effects:\n" | |
216 | # will allow you to put the command \sideeffect (or @sideeffect) in the | |
217 | # documentation, which will result in a user-defined paragraph with heading | |
218 | # "Side Effects:". You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert | |
219 | # newlines. | |
220 | ||
221 | ALIASES = | |
222 | ||
223 | # This tag can be used to specify a number of word-keyword mappings (TCL only). | |
224 | # A mapping has the form "name=value". For example adding "class=itcl::class" | |
225 | # will allow you to use the command class in the itcl::class meaning. | |
226 | ||
227 | TCL_SUBST = | |
228 | ||
229 | # Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C tag to YES if your project consists of C sources | |
230 | # only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for C. For | |
231 | # instance, some of the names that are used will be different. The list of all | |
232 | # members will be omitted, etc. | |
233 | # The default value is: NO. | |
234 | ||
236 | ||
237 | # Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA tag to YES if your project consists of Java or | |
238 | # Python sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored | |
239 | # for that language. For instance, namespaces will be presented as packages, | |
240 | # qualified scopes will look different, etc. | |
241 | # The default value is: NO. | |
242 | ||
244 | ||
245 | # Set the OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN tag to YES if your project consists of Fortran | |
246 | # sources. Doxygen will then generate output that is tailored for Fortran. | |
247 | # The default value is: NO. | |
248 | ||
250 | ||
251 | # Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL tag to YES if your project consists of VHDL | |
252 | # sources. Doxygen will then generate output that is tailored for VHDL. | |
253 | # The default value is: NO. | |
254 | ||
256 | ||
257 | # Doxygen selects the parser to use depending on the extension of the files it | |
258 | # parses. With this tag you can assign which parser to use for a given | |
259 | # extension. Doxygen has a built-in mapping, but you can override or extend it | |
260 | # using this tag. The format is ext=language, where ext is a file extension, and | |
261 | # language is one of the parsers supported by doxygen: IDL, Java, Javascript, | |
262 | # C#, C, C++, D, PHP, Objective-C, Python, Fortran, VHDL. For instance to make | |
263 | # doxygen treat .inc files as Fortran files (default is PHP), and .f files as C | |
264 | # (default is Fortran), use: inc=Fortran f=C. | |
265 | # | |
266 | # Note For files without extension you can use no_extension as a placeholder. | |
267 | # | |
268 | # Note that for custom extensions you also need to set FILE_PATTERNS otherwise | |
269 | # the files are not read by doxygen. | |
270 | ||
271 | EXTENSION_MAPPING = h=C++ inc=C++ | |
272 | ||
273 | # If the MARKDOWN_SUPPORT tag is enabled then doxygen pre-processes all comments | |
274 | # according to the Markdown format, which allows for more readable | |
275 | # documentation. See for details. | |
276 | # The output of markdown processing is further processed by doxygen, so you can | |
277 | # mix doxygen, HTML, and XML commands with Markdown formatting. Disable only in | |
278 | # case of backward compatibilities issues. | |
279 | # The default value is: YES. | |
280 | ||
282 | ||
283 | # When enabled doxygen tries to link words that correspond to documented | |
284 | # classes, or namespaces to their corresponding documentation. Such a link can | |
285 | # be prevented in individual cases by by putting a % sign in front of the word | |
286 | # or globally by setting AUTOLINK_SUPPORT to NO. | |
287 | # The default value is: YES. | |
288 | ||
290 | ||
291 | # If you use STL classes (i.e. std::string, std::vector, etc.) but do not want | |
292 | # to include (a tag file for) the STL sources as input, then you should set this | |
293 | # tag to YES in order to let doxygen match functions declarations and | |
294 | # definitions whose arguments contain STL classes (e.g. func(std::string); | |
295 | # versus func(std::string) {}). This also make the inheritance and collaboration | |
296 | # diagrams that involve STL classes more complete and accurate. | |
297 | # The default value is: NO. | |
298 | ||
300 | ||
301 | # If you use Microsoft's C++/CLI language, you should set this option to YES to | |
302 | # enable parsing support. | |
303 | # The default value is: NO. | |
304 | ||
305 | CPP_CLI_SUPPORT = NO | |
306 | ||
307 | # Set the SIP_SUPPORT tag to YES if your project consists of sip (see: | |
308 | # sources only. Doxygen | |
309 | # will parse them like normal C++ but will assume all classes use public instead | |
310 | # of private inheritance when no explicit protection keyword is present. | |
311 | # The default value is: NO. | |
312 | ||
313 | SIP_SUPPORT = NO | |
314 | ||
315 | # For Microsoft's IDL there are propget and propput attributes to indicate | |
316 | # getter and setter methods for a property. Setting this option to YES will make | |
317 | # doxygen to replace the get and set methods by a property in the documentation. | |
318 | # This will only work if the methods are indeed getting or setting a simple | |
319 | # type. If this is not the case, or you want to show the methods anyway, you | |
320 | # should set this option to NO. | |
321 | # The default value is: YES. | |
322 | ||
324 | ||
325 | # If member grouping is used in the documentation and the DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC | |
326 | # tag is set to YES, then doxygen will reuse the documentation of the first | |
327 | # member in the group (if any) for the other members of the group. By default | |
328 | # all members of a group must be documented explicitly. | |
329 | # The default value is: NO. | |
330 | ||
332 | ||
333 | # Set the SUBGROUPING tag to YES to allow class member groups of the same type | |
334 | # (for instance a group of public functions) to be put as a subgroup of that | |
335 | # type (e.g. under the Public Functions section). Set it to NO to prevent | |
336 | # subgrouping. Alternatively, this can be done per class using the | |
337 | # \nosubgrouping command. | |
338 | # The default value is: YES. | |
339 | ||
341 | ||
342 | # When the INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes, structs and unions | |
343 | # are shown inside the group in which they are included (e.g. using \ingroup) | |
344 | # instead of on a separate page (for HTML and Man pages) or section (for LaTeX | |
345 | # and RTF). | |
346 | # | |
347 | # Note that this feature does not work in combination with | |
349 | # The default value is: NO. | |
350 | ||
352 | ||
353 | # When the INLINE_SIMPLE_STRUCTS tag is set to YES, structs, classes, and unions | |
354 | # with only public data fields or simple typedef fields will be shown inline in | |
355 | # the documentation of the scope in which they are defined (i.e. file, | |
356 | # namespace, or group documentation), provided this scope is documented. If set | |
357 | # to NO, structs, classes, and unions are shown on a separate page (for HTML and | |
358 | # Man pages) or section (for LaTeX and RTF). | |
359 | # The default value is: NO. | |
360 | ||
362 | ||
363 | # When TYPEDEF_HIDES_STRUCT tag is enabled, a typedef of a struct, union, or | |
364 | # enum is documented as struct, union, or enum with the name of the typedef. So | |
365 | # typedef struct TypeS {} TypeT, will appear in the documentation as a struct | |
366 | # with name TypeT. When disabled the typedef will appear as a member of a file, | |
367 | # namespace, or class. And the struct will be named TypeS. This can typically be | |
368 | # useful for C code in case the coding convention dictates that all compound | |
369 | # types are typedef'ed and only the typedef is referenced, never the tag name. | |
370 | # The default value is: NO. | |
371 | ||
373 | ||
374 | # The size of the symbol lookup cache can be set using LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE. This | |
375 | # cache is used to resolve symbols given their name and scope. Since this can be | |
376 | # an expensive process and often the same symbol appears multiple times in the | |
377 | # code, doxygen keeps a cache of pre-resolved symbols. If the cache is too small | |
378 | # doxygen will become slower. If the cache is too large, memory is wasted. The | |
379 | # cache size is given by this formula: 2^(16+LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE). The valid range | |
380 | # is 0..9, the default is 0, corresponding to a cache size of 2^16=65536 | |
381 | # symbols. At the end of a run doxygen will report the cache usage and suggest | |
382 | # the optimal cache size from a speed point of view. | |
383 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 9, default value: 0. | |
384 | ||
385 | LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE = 0 | |
386 | ||
387 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
388 | # Build related configuration options | |
389 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
390 | ||
391 | # If the EXTRACT_ALL tag is set to YES doxygen will assume all entities in | |
392 | # documentation are documented, even if no documentation was available. Private | |
393 | # class members and static file members will be hidden unless the | |
394 | # EXTRACT_PRIVATE respectively EXTRACT_STATIC tags are set to YES. | |
395 | # Note: This will also disable the warnings about undocumented members that are | |
396 | # normally produced when WARNINGS is set to YES. | |
397 | # The default value is: NO. | |
398 | ||
399 | EXTRACT_ALL = NO | |
400 | ||
401 | # If the EXTRACT_PRIVATE tag is set to YES all private members of a class will | |
402 | # be included in the documentation. | |
403 | # The default value is: NO. | |
404 | ||
406 | ||
407 | # If the EXTRACT_PACKAGE tag is set to YES all members with package or internal | |
408 | # scope will be included in the documentation. | |
409 | # The default value is: NO. | |
410 | ||
412 | ||
413 | # If the EXTRACT_STATIC tag is set to YES all static members of a file will be | |
414 | # included in the documentation. | |
415 | # The default value is: NO. | |
416 | ||
418 | ||
419 | # If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES classes (and structs) defined | |
420 | # locally in source files will be included in the documentation. If set to NO | |
421 | # only classes defined in header files are included. Does not have any effect | |
422 | # for Java sources. | |
423 | # The default value is: YES. | |
424 | ||
426 | ||
427 | # This flag is only useful for Objective-C code. When set to YES local methods, | |
428 | # which are defined in the implementation section but not in the interface are | |
429 | # included in the documentation. If set to NO only methods in the interface are | |
430 | # included. | |
431 | # The default value is: NO. | |
432 | ||
434 | ||
435 | # If this flag is set to YES, the members of anonymous namespaces will be | |
436 | # extracted and appear in the documentation as a namespace called | |
437 | # 'anonymous_namespace{file}', where file will be replaced with the base name of | |
438 | # the file that contains the anonymous namespace. By default anonymous namespace | |
439 | # are hidden. | |
440 | # The default value is: NO. | |
441 | ||
443 | ||
444 | # If the HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all | |
445 | # undocumented members inside documented classes or files. If set to NO these | |
446 | # members will be included in the various overviews, but no documentation | |
447 | # section is generated. This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled. | |
448 | # The default value is: NO. | |
449 | ||
451 | ||
452 | # If the HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all | |
453 | # undocumented classes that are normally visible in the class hierarchy. If set | |
454 | # to NO these classes will be included in the various overviews. This option has | |
455 | # no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled. | |
456 | # The default value is: NO. | |
457 | ||
459 | ||
460 | # If the HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all friend | |
461 | # (class|struct|union) declarations. If set to NO these declarations will be | |
462 | # included in the documentation. | |
463 | # The default value is: NO. | |
464 | ||
466 | ||
467 | # If the HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide any | |
468 | # documentation blocks found inside the body of a function. If set to NO these | |
469 | # blocks will be appended to the function's detailed documentation block. | |
470 | # The default value is: NO. | |
471 | ||
472 | HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS = NO | |
473 | ||
474 | # The INTERNAL_DOCS tag determines if documentation that is typed after a | |
475 | # \internal command is included. If the tag is set to NO then the documentation | |
476 | # will be excluded. Set it to YES to include the internal documentation. | |
477 | # The default value is: NO. | |
478 | ||
479 | INTERNAL_DOCS = NO | |
480 | ||
481 | # If the CASE_SENSE_NAMES tag is set to NO then doxygen will only generate file | |
482 | # names in lower-case letters. If set to YES upper-case letters are also | |
483 | # allowed. This is useful if you have classes or files whose names only differ | |
484 | # in case and if your file system supports case sensitive file names. Windows | |
485 | # and Mac users are advised to set this option to NO. | |
486 | # The default value is: system dependent. | |
487 | ||
489 | ||
490 | # If the HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES tag is set to NO then doxygen will show members with | |
491 | # their full class and namespace scopes in the documentation. If set to YES the | |
492 | # scope will be hidden. | |
493 | # The default value is: NO. | |
494 | ||
496 | ||
497 | # If the SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES tag is set to YES then doxygen will put a list of | |
498 | # the files that are included by a file in the documentation of that file. | |
499 | # The default value is: YES. | |
500 | ||
502 | ||
503 | # If the FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES tag is set to YES then doxygen will list include | |
504 | # files with double quotes in the documentation rather than with sharp brackets. | |
505 | # The default value is: NO. | |
506 | ||
508 | ||
509 | # If the INLINE_INFO tag is set to YES then a tag [inline] is inserted in the | |
510 | # documentation for inline members. | |
511 | # The default value is: YES. | |
512 | ||
513 | INLINE_INFO = YES | |
514 | ||
515 | # If the SORT_MEMBER_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the | |
516 | # (detailed) documentation of file and class members alphabetically by member | |
517 | # name. If set to NO the members will appear in declaration order. | |
518 | # The default value is: YES. | |
519 | ||
521 | ||
522 | # If the SORT_BRIEF_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the brief | |
523 | # descriptions of file, namespace and class members alphabetically by member | |
524 | # name. If set to NO the members will appear in declaration order. | |
525 | # The default value is: NO. | |
526 | ||
527 | SORT_BRIEF_DOCS = NO | |
528 | ||
529 | # If the SORT_MEMBERS_CTORS_1ST tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the | |
530 | # (brief and detailed) documentation of class members so that constructors and | |
531 | # destructors are listed first. If set to NO the constructors will appear in the | |
532 | # respective orders defined by SORT_BRIEF_DOCS and SORT_MEMBER_DOCS. | |
533 | # Note: If SORT_BRIEF_DOCS is set to NO this option is ignored for sorting brief | |
534 | # member documentation. | |
535 | # Note: If SORT_MEMBER_DOCS is set to NO this option is ignored for sorting | |
536 | # detailed member documentation. | |
537 | # The default value is: NO. | |
538 | ||
540 | ||
541 | # If the SORT_GROUP_NAMES tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the hierarchy | |
542 | # of group names into alphabetical order. If set to NO the group names will | |
543 | # appear in their defined order. | |
544 | # The default value is: NO. | |
545 | ||
547 | ||
548 | # If the SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME tag is set to YES, the class list will be sorted by | |
549 | # fully-qualified names, including namespaces. If set to NO, the class list will | |
550 | # be sorted only by class name, not including the namespace part. | |
551 | # Note: This option is not very useful if HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES is set to YES. | |
552 | # Note: This option applies only to the class list, not to the alphabetical | |
553 | # list. | |
554 | # The default value is: NO. | |
555 | ||
557 | ||
558 | # If the STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING option is enabled and doxygen fails to do proper | |
559 | # type resolution of all parameters of a function it will reject a match between | |
560 | # the prototype and the implementation of a member function even if there is | |
561 | # only one candidate or it is obvious which candidate to choose by doing a | |
562 | # simple string match. By disabling STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING doxygen will still | |
563 | # accept a match between prototype and implementation in such cases. | |
564 | # The default value is: NO. | |
565 | ||
567 | ||
568 | # The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable ( YES) or disable ( NO) the | |
569 | # todo list. This list is created by putting \todo commands in the | |
570 | # documentation. | |
571 | # The default value is: YES. | |
572 | ||
574 | ||
575 | # The GENERATE_TESTLIST tag can be used to enable ( YES) or disable ( NO) the | |
576 | # test list. This list is created by putting \test commands in the | |
577 | # documentation. | |
578 | # The default value is: YES. | |
579 | ||
581 | ||
582 | # The GENERATE_BUGLIST tag can be used to enable ( YES) or disable ( NO) the bug | |
583 | # list. This list is created by putting \bug commands in the documentation. | |
584 | # The default value is: YES. | |
585 | ||
587 | ||
588 | # The GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST tag can be used to enable ( YES) or disable ( NO) | |
589 | # the deprecated list. This list is created by putting \deprecated commands in | |
590 | # the documentation. | |
591 | # The default value is: YES. | |
592 | ||
594 | ||
595 | # The ENABLED_SECTIONS tag can be used to enable conditional documentation | |
596 | # sections, marked by \if <section_label> ... \endif and \cond <section_label> | |
597 | # ... \endcond blocks. | |
598 | ||
600 | ||
601 | # The MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES tag determines the maximum number of lines that the | |
602 | # initial value of a variable or macro / define can have for it to appear in the | |
603 | # documentation. If the initializer consists of more lines than specified here | |
604 | # it will be hidden. Use a value of 0 to hide initializers completely. The | |
605 | # appearance of the value of individual variables and macros / defines can be | |
606 | # controlled using \showinitializer or \hideinitializer command in the | |
607 | # documentation regardless of this setting. | |
608 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 10000, default value: 30. | |
609 | ||
611 | ||
612 | # Set the SHOW_USED_FILES tag to NO to disable the list of files generated at | |
613 | # the bottom of the documentation of classes and structs. If set to YES the list | |
614 | # will mention the files that were used to generate the documentation. | |
615 | # The default value is: YES. | |
616 | ||
618 | ||
619 | # Set the SHOW_FILES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Files page. This | |
620 | # will remove the Files entry from the Quick Index and from the Folder Tree View | |
621 | # (if specified). | |
622 | # The default value is: YES. | |
623 | ||
624 | SHOW_FILES = YES | |
625 | ||
626 | # Set the SHOW_NAMESPACES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Namespaces | |
627 | # page. This will remove the Namespaces entry from the Quick Index and from the | |
628 | # Folder Tree View (if specified). | |
629 | # The default value is: YES. | |
630 | ||
632 | ||
633 | # The FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program or script that | |
634 | # doxygen should invoke to get the current version for each file (typically from | |
635 | # the version control system). Doxygen will invoke the program by executing (via | |
636 | # popen()) the command command input-file, where command is the value of the | |
637 | # FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag, and input-file is the name of an input file provided | |
638 | # by doxygen. Whatever the program writes to standard output is used as the file | |
639 | # version. For an example see the documentation. | |
640 | ||
642 | ||
643 | # The LAYOUT_FILE tag can be used to specify a layout file which will be parsed | |
644 | # by doxygen. The layout file controls the global structure of the generated | |
645 | # output files in an output format independent way. To create the layout file | |
646 | # that represents doxygen's defaults, run doxygen with the -l option. You can | |
647 | # optionally specify a file name after the option, if omitted DoxygenLayout.xml | |
648 | # will be used as the name of the layout file. | |
649 | # | |
650 | # Note that if you run doxygen from a directory containing a file called | |
651 | # DoxygenLayout.xml, doxygen will parse it automatically even if the LAYOUT_FILE | |
652 | # tag is left empty. | |
653 | ||
654 | LAYOUT_FILE = | |
655 | ||
656 | # The CITE_BIB_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more bib files containing | |
657 | # the reference definitions. This must be a list of .bib files. The .bib | |
658 | # extension is automatically appended if omitted. This requires the bibtex tool | |
659 | # to be installed. See also for more info. | |
660 | # For LaTeX the style of the bibliography can be controlled using | |
661 | # LATEX_BIB_STYLE. To use this feature you need bibtex and perl available in the | |
662 | # search path. Do not use file names with spaces, bibtex cannot handle them. See | |
663 | # also \cite for info how to create references. | |
664 | ||
665 | CITE_BIB_FILES = | |
666 | ||
667 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
668 | # Configuration options related to warning and progress messages | |
669 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
670 | ||
671 | # The QUIET tag can be used to turn on/off the messages that are generated to | |
672 | # standard output by doxygen. If QUIET is set to YES this implies that the | |
673 | # messages are off. | |
674 | # The default value is: NO. | |
675 | ||
676 | QUIET = NO | |
677 | ||
678 | # The WARNINGS tag can be used to turn on/off the warning messages that are | |
679 | # generated to standard error ( stderr) by doxygen. If WARNINGS is set to YES | |
680 | # this implies that the warnings are on. | |
681 | # | |
682 | # Tip: Turn warnings on while writing the documentation. | |
683 | # The default value is: YES. | |
684 | ||
685 | WARNINGS = YES | |
686 | ||
687 | # If the WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED tag is set to YES, then doxygen will generate | |
688 | # warnings for undocumented members. If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag | |
689 | # will automatically be disabled. | |
690 | # The default value is: YES. | |
691 | ||
693 | ||
694 | # If the WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate warnings for | |
695 | # potential errors in the documentation, such as not documenting some parameters | |
696 | # in a documented function, or documenting parameters that don't exist or using | |
697 | # markup commands wrongly. | |
698 | # The default value is: YES. | |
699 | ||
701 | ||
702 | # This WARN_NO_PARAMDOC option can be enabled to get warnings for functions that | |
703 | # are documented, but have no documentation for their parameters or return | |
704 | # value. If set to NO doxygen will only warn about wrong or incomplete parameter | |
705 | # documentation, but not about the absence of documentation. | |
706 | # The default value is: NO. | |
707 | ||
709 | ||
710 | # The WARN_FORMAT tag determines the format of the warning messages that doxygen | |
711 | # can produce. The string should contain the $file, $line, and $text tags, which | |
712 | # will be replaced by the file and line number from which the warning originated | |
713 | # and the warning text. Optionally the format may contain $version, which will | |
714 | # be replaced by the version of the file (if it could be obtained via | |
716 | # The default value is: $file:$line: $text. | |
717 | ||
718 | WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text" | |
719 | ||
720 | # The WARN_LOGFILE tag can be used to specify a file to which warning and error | |
721 | # messages should be written. If left blank the output is written to standard | |
722 | # error (stderr). | |
723 | ||
724 | WARN_LOGFILE = | |
725 | ||
726 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
727 | # Configuration options related to the input files | |
728 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
729 | ||
730 | # The INPUT tag is used to specify the files and/or directories that contain | |
731 | # documented source files. You may enter file names like myfile.cpp or | |
732 | # directories like /usr/src/myproject. Separate the files or directories with | |
733 | # spaces. | |
734 | # Note: If this tag is empty the current directory is searched. | |
735 | ||
736 | INPUT = doxygen/ src/emu src/osd src/lib | |
737 | ||
738 | # This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files | |
739 | # that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding. Doxygen uses | |
740 | # libiconv (or the iconv built into libc) for the transcoding. See the libiconv | |
741 | # documentation (see: for the list of | |
742 | # possible encodings. | |
743 | # The default value is: UTF-8. | |
744 | ||
745 | INPUT_ENCODING = UTF-8 | |
746 | ||
747 | # If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the | |
748 | # FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns (like *.cpp and | |
749 | # *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left blank the | |
750 | # following patterns are tested:*.c, *.cc, *.cxx, *.cpp, *.c++, *.java, *.ii, | |
751 | # *.ixx, *.ipp, *.i++, *.inl, *.idl, *.ddl, *.odl, *.h, *.hh, *.hxx, *.hpp, | |
752 | # *.h++, *.cs, *.d, *.php, *.php4, *.php5, *.phtml, *.inc, *.m, *.markdown, | |
753 | # *.md, *.mm, *.dox, *.py, *.f90, *.f, *.for, *.tcl, *.vhd, *.vhdl, *.ucf, | |
754 | # *.qsf, *.as and *.js. | |
755 | ||
756 | FILE_PATTERNS = *.h *.cpp *.mm *.md | |
757 | ||
758 | # The RECURSIVE tag can be used to specify whether or not subdirectories should | |
759 | # be searched for input files as well. | |
760 | # The default value is: NO. | |
761 | ||
762 | RECURSIVE = YES | |
763 | ||
764 | # The EXCLUDE tag can be used to specify files and/or directories that should be | |
765 | # excluded from the INPUT source files. This way you can easily exclude a | |
766 | # subdirectory from a directory tree whose root is specified with the INPUT tag. | |
767 | # | |
768 | # Note that relative paths are relative to the directory from which doxygen is | |
769 | # run. | |
770 | ||
771 | EXCLUDE = | |
772 | ||
773 | # The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used to select whether or not files or | |
774 | # directories that are symbolic links (a Unix file system feature) are excluded | |
775 | # from the input. | |
776 | # The default value is: NO. | |
777 | ||
779 | ||
780 | # If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the | |
781 | # EXCLUDE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns to exclude | |
782 | # certain files from those directories. | |
783 | # | |
784 | # Note that the wildcards are matched against the file with absolute path, so to | |
785 | # exclude all test directories for example use the pattern */test/* | |
786 | ||
787 | EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = */test/* tst_* | |
788 | ||
789 | # The EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS tag can be used to specify one or more symbol names | |
790 | # (namespaces, classes, functions, etc.) that should be excluded from the | |
791 | # output. The symbol name can be a fully qualified name, a word, or if the | |
792 | # wildcard * is used, a substring. Examples: ANamespace, AClass, | |
793 | # AClass::ANamespace, ANamespace::*Test | |
794 | # | |
795 | # Note that the wildcards are matched against the file with absolute path, so to | |
796 | # exclude all test directories use the pattern */test/* | |
797 | ||
798 | EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS = detail | |
799 | ||
800 | # The EXAMPLE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or directories | |
801 | # that contain example code fragments that are included (see the \include | |
802 | # command). | |
803 | ||
804 | EXAMPLE_PATH = | |
805 | ||
806 | # If the value of the EXAMPLE_PATH tag contains directories, you can use the | |
807 | # EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp and | |
808 | # *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left blank all | |
809 | # files are included. | |
810 | ||
812 | ||
813 | # If the EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE tag is set to YES then subdirectories will be | |
814 | # searched for input files to be used with the \include or \dontinclude commands | |
815 | # irrespective of the value of the RECURSIVE tag. | |
816 | # The default value is: NO. | |
817 | ||
819 | ||
820 | # The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or directories | |
821 | # that contain images that are to be included in the documentation (see the | |
822 | # \image command). | |
823 | ||
824 | IMAGE_PATH = | |
825 | ||
826 | # The INPUT_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program that doxygen should | |
827 | # invoke to filter for each input file. Doxygen will invoke the filter program | |
828 | # by executing (via popen()) the command: | |
829 | # | |
830 | # <filter> <input-file> | |
831 | # | |
832 | # where <filter> is the value of the INPUT_FILTER tag, and <input-file> is the | |
833 | # name of an input file. Doxygen will then use the output that the filter | |
834 | # program writes to standard output. If FILTER_PATTERNS is specified, this tag | |
835 | # will be ignored. | |
836 | # | |
837 | # Note that the filter must not add or remove lines; it is applied before the | |
838 | # code is scanned, but not when the output code is generated. If lines are added | |
839 | # or removed, the anchors will not be placed correctly. | |
840 | ||
841 | INPUT_FILTER = | |
842 | ||
843 | # The FILTER_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify filters on a per file pattern | |
844 | # basis. Doxygen will compare the file name with each pattern and apply the | |
845 | # filter if there is a match. The filters are a list of the form: pattern=filter | |
846 | # (like *.cpp=my_cpp_filter). See INPUT_FILTER for further information on how | |
847 | # filters are used. If the FILTER_PATTERNS tag is empty or if none of the | |
848 | # patterns match the file name, INPUT_FILTER is applied. | |
849 | ||
851 | ||
852 | # If the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES tag is set to YES, the input filter (if set using | |
853 | # INPUT_FILTER ) will also be used to filter the input files that are used for | |
854 | # producing the source files to browse (i.e. when SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES). | |
855 | # The default value is: NO. | |
856 | ||
858 | ||
859 | # The FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify source filters per file | |
860 | # pattern. A pattern will override the setting for FILTER_PATTERN (if any) and | |
861 | # it is also possible to disable source filtering for a specific pattern using | |
862 | # *.ext= (so without naming a filter). | |
863 | # This tag requires that the tag FILTER_SOURCE_FILES is set to YES. | |
864 | ||
866 | ||
867 | # If the USE_MDFILE_AS_MAINPAGE tag refers to the name of a markdown file that | |
868 | # is part of the input, its contents will be placed on the main page | |
869 | # (index.html). This can be useful if you have a project on for instance GitHub | |
870 | # and want to reuse the introduction page also for the doxygen output. | |
871 | ||
873 | ||
874 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
875 | # Configuration options related to source browsing | |
876 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
877 | ||
878 | # If the SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES then a list of source files will be | |
879 | # generated. Documented entities will be cross-referenced with these sources. | |
880 | # | |
881 | # Note: To get rid of all source code in the generated output, make sure that | |
882 | # also VERBATIM_HEADERS is set to NO. | |
883 | # The default value is: NO. | |
884 | ||
886 | ||
887 | # Setting the INLINE_SOURCES tag to YES will include the body of functions, | |
888 | # classes and enums directly into the documentation. | |
889 | # The default value is: NO. | |
890 | ||
892 | ||
893 | # Setting the STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS tag to YES will instruct doxygen to hide any | |
894 | # special comment blocks from generated source code fragments. Normal C, C++ and | |
895 | # Fortran comments will always remain visible. | |
896 | # The default value is: YES. | |
897 | ||
899 | ||
900 | # If the REFERENCED_BY_RELATION tag is set to YES then for each documented | |
901 | # function all documented functions referencing it will be listed. | |
902 | # The default value is: NO. | |
903 | ||
905 | ||
906 | # If the REFERENCES_RELATION tag is set to YES then for each documented function | |
907 | # all documented entities called/used by that function will be listed. | |
908 | # The default value is: NO. | |
909 | ||
911 | ||
912 | # If the REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE tag is set to YES and SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set | |
913 | # to YES, then the hyperlinks from functions in REFERENCES_RELATION and | |
914 | # REFERENCED_BY_RELATION lists will link to the source code. Otherwise they will | |
915 | # link to the documentation. | |
916 | # The default value is: YES. | |
917 | ||
919 | ||
920 | # If SOURCE_TOOLTIPS is enabled (the default) then hovering a hyperlink in the | |
921 | # source code will show a tooltip with additional information such as prototype, | |
922 | # brief description and links to the definition and documentation. Since this | |
923 | # will make the HTML file larger and loading of large files a bit slower, you | |
924 | # can opt to disable this feature. | |
925 | # The default value is: YES. | |
926 | # This tag requires that the tag SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES. | |
927 | ||
929 | ||
930 | # If the USE_HTAGS tag is set to YES then the references to source code will | |
931 | # point to the HTML generated by the htags(1) tool instead of doxygen built-in | |
932 | # source browser. The htags tool is part of GNU's global source tagging system | |
933 | # (see You will need version | |
934 | # 4.8.6 or higher. | |
935 | # | |
936 | # To use it do the following: | |
937 | # - Install the latest version of global | |
938 | # - Enable SOURCE_BROWSER and USE_HTAGS in the config file | |
939 | # - Make sure the INPUT points to the root of the source tree | |
940 | # - Run doxygen as normal | |
941 | # | |
942 | # Doxygen will invoke htags (and that will in turn invoke gtags), so these | |
943 | # tools must be available from the command line (i.e. in the search path). | |
944 | # | |
945 | # The result: instead of the source browser generated by doxygen, the links to | |
946 | # source code will now point to the output of htags. | |
947 | # The default value is: NO. | |
948 | # This tag requires that the tag SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES. | |
949 | ||
950 | USE_HTAGS = NO | |
951 | ||
952 | # If the VERBATIM_HEADERS tag is set the YES then doxygen will generate a | |
953 | # verbatim copy of the header file for each class for which an include is | |
954 | # specified. Set to NO to disable this. | |
955 | # See also: Section \class. | |
956 | # The default value is: YES. | |
957 | ||
959 | ||
960 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
961 | # Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index | |
962 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
963 | ||
964 | # If the ALPHABETICAL_INDEX tag is set to YES, an alphabetical index of all | |
965 | # compounds will be generated. Enable this if the project contains a lot of | |
966 | # classes, structs, unions or interfaces. | |
967 | # The default value is: YES. | |
968 | ||
970 | ||
971 | # The COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX tag can be used to specify the number of columns in | |
972 | # which the alphabetical index list will be split. | |
973 | # Minimum value: 1, maximum value: 20, default value: 5. | |
974 | # This tag requires that the tag ALPHABETICAL_INDEX is set to YES. | |
975 | ||
976 | COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX = 1 | |
977 | ||
978 | # In case all classes in a project start with a common prefix, all classes will | |
979 | # be put under the same header in the alphabetical index. The IGNORE_PREFIX tag | |
980 | # can be used to specify a prefix (or a list of prefixes) that should be ignored | |
981 | # while generating the index headers. | |
982 | # This tag requires that the tag ALPHABETICAL_INDEX is set to YES. | |
983 | ||
984 | IGNORE_PREFIX = | |
985 | ||
986 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
987 | # Configuration options related to the HTML output | |
988 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
989 | ||
990 | # If the GENERATE_HTML tag is set to YES doxygen will generate HTML output | |
991 | # The default value is: YES. | |
992 | ||
994 | ||
995 | # The HTML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the HTML docs will be put. If a | |
996 | # relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of | |
997 | # it. | |
998 | # The default directory is: html. | |
999 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1000 | ||
1001 | HTML_OUTPUT = . | |
1002 | ||
1003 | # The HTML_FILE_EXTENSION tag can be used to specify the file extension for each | |
1004 | # generated HTML page (for example: .htm, .php, .asp). | |
1005 | # The default value is: .html. | |
1006 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1007 | ||
1008 | HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = .html | |
1009 | ||
1010 | # The HTML_HEADER tag can be used to specify a user-defined HTML header file for | |
1011 | # each generated HTML page. If the tag is left blank doxygen will generate a | |
1012 | # standard header. | |
1013 | # | |
1014 | # To get valid HTML the header file that includes any scripts and style sheets | |
1015 | # that doxygen needs, which is dependent on the configuration options used (e.g. | |
1016 | # the setting GENERATE_TREEVIEW). It is highly recommended to start with a | |
1017 | # default header using | |
1018 | # doxygen -w html new_header.html new_footer.html new_stylesheet.css | |
1019 | # YourConfigFile | |
1020 | # and then modify the file new_header.html. See also section "Doxygen usage" | |
1021 | # for information on how to generate the default header that doxygen normally | |
1022 | # uses. | |
1023 | # Note: The header is subject to change so you typically have to regenerate the | |
1024 | # default header when upgrading to a newer version of doxygen. For a description | |
1025 | # of the possible markers and block names see the documentation. | |
1026 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1027 | ||
1028 | HTML_HEADER = doxygen/header.html | |
1029 | ||
1030 | # The HTML_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a user-defined HTML footer for each | |
1031 | # generated HTML page. If the tag is left blank doxygen will generate a standard | |
1032 | # footer. See HTML_HEADER for more information on how to generate a default | |
1033 | # footer and what special commands can be used inside the footer. See also | |
1034 | # section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the default footer | |
1035 | # that doxygen normally uses. | |
1036 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1037 | ||
1038 | HTML_FOOTER = doxygen/footer.html | |
1039 | ||
1040 | # The HTML_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify a user-defined cascading style | |
1041 | # sheet that is used by each HTML page. It can be used to fine-tune the look of | |
1042 | # the HTML output. If left blank doxygen will generate a default style sheet. | |
1043 | # See also section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the style | |
1044 | # sheet that doxygen normally uses. | |
1045 | # Note: It is recommended to use HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET instead of this tag, as | |
1046 | # it is more robust and this tag (HTML_STYLESHEET) will in the future become | |
1047 | # obsolete. | |
1048 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1049 | ||
1050 | HTML_STYLESHEET = | |
1051 | ||
1052 | # The HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify an additional user- | |
1053 | # defined cascading style sheet that is included after the standard style sheets | |
1054 | # created by doxygen. Using this option one can overrule certain style aspects. | |
1055 | # This is preferred over using HTML_STYLESHEET since it does not replace the | |
1056 | # standard style sheet and is therefor more robust against future updates. | |
1057 | # Doxygen will copy the style sheet file to the output directory. For an example | |
1058 | # see the documentation. | |
1059 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1060 | ||
1061 | HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET = doxygen/style.css | |
1062 | ||
1063 | # The HTML_EXTRA_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more extra images or | |
1064 | # other source files which should be copied to the HTML output directory. Note | |
1065 | # that these files will be copied to the base HTML output directory. Use the | |
1066 | # $relpath^ marker in the HTML_HEADER and/or HTML_FOOTER files to load these | |
1067 | # files. In the HTML_STYLESHEET file, use the file name only. Also note that the | |
1068 | # files will be copied as-is; there are no commands or markers available. | |
1069 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1070 | ||
1071 | HTML_EXTRA_FILES = doxygen/doxy-boot.js | |
1072 | ||
1073 | # The HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE tag controls the color of the HTML output. Doxygen | |
1074 | # will adjust the colors in the stylesheet and background images according to | |
1075 | # this color. Hue is specified as an angle on a colorwheel, see | |
1076 | # for more information. For instance the value | |
1077 | # 0 represents red, 60 is yellow, 120 is green, 180 is cyan, 240 is blue, 300 | |
1078 | # purple, and 360 is red again. | |
1079 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 359, default value: 220. | |
1080 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1081 | ||
1082 | HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE = 220 | |
1083 | ||
1084 | # The HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT tag controls the purity (or saturation) of the colors | |
1085 | # in the HTML output. For a value of 0 the output will use grayscales only. A | |
1086 | # value of 255 will produce the most vivid colors. | |
1087 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 255, default value: 100. | |
1088 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1089 | ||
1090 | HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT = 100 | |
1091 | ||
1092 | # The HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA tag controls the gamma correction applied to the | |
1093 | # luminance component of the colors in the HTML output. Values below 100 | |
1094 | # gradually make the output lighter, whereas values above 100 make the output | |
1095 | # darker. The value divided by 100 is the actual gamma applied, so 80 represents | |
1096 | # a gamma of 0.8, The value 220 represents a gamma of 2.2, and 100 does not | |
1097 | # change the gamma. | |
1098 | # Minimum value: 40, maximum value: 240, default value: 80. | |
1099 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1100 | ||
1102 | ||
1103 | # If the HTML_TIMESTAMP tag is set to YES then the footer of each generated HTML | |
1104 | # page will contain the date and time when the page was generated. Setting this | |
1105 | # to NO can help when comparing the output of multiple runs. | |
1106 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1107 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1108 | ||
1110 | ||
1111 | # If the HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS tag is set to YES then the generated HTML | |
1112 | # documentation will contain sections that can be hidden and shown after the | |
1113 | # page has loaded. | |
1114 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1115 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1116 | ||
1118 | ||
1119 | # With HTML_INDEX_NUM_ENTRIES one can control the preferred number of entries | |
1120 | # shown in the various tree structured indices initially; the user can expand | |
1121 | # and collapse entries dynamically later on. Doxygen will expand the tree to | |
1122 | # such a level that at most the specified number of entries are visible (unless | |
1123 | # a fully collapsed tree already exceeds this amount). So setting the number of | |
1124 | # entries 1 will produce a full collapsed tree by default. 0 is a special value | |
1125 | # representing an infinite number of entries and will result in a full expanded | |
1126 | # tree by default. | |
1127 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 9999, default value: 100. | |
1128 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1129 | ||
1130 | HTML_INDEX_NUM_ENTRIES = 100 | |
1131 | ||
1132 | # If the GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, additional index files will be | |
1133 | # generated that can be used as input for Apple's Xcode 3 integrated development | |
1134 | # environment (see:, introduced with | |
1135 | # OSX 10.5 (Leopard). To create a documentation set, doxygen will generate a | |
1136 | # Makefile in the HTML output directory. Running make will produce the docset in | |
1137 | # that directory and running make install will install the docset in | |
1138 | # ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets so that Xcode will find it at | |
1139 | # startup. See | |
1140 | # for more information. | |
1141 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1142 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1143 | ||
1145 | ||
1146 | # This tag determines the name of the docset feed. A documentation feed provides | |
1147 | # an umbrella under which multiple documentation sets from a single provider | |
1148 | # (such as a company or product suite) can be grouped. | |
1149 | # The default value is: Doxygen generated docs. | |
1150 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES. | |
1151 | ||
1152 | DOCSET_FEEDNAME = "Doxygen generated docs" | |
1153 | ||
1154 | # This tag specifies a string that should uniquely identify the documentation | |
1155 | # set bundle. This should be a reverse domain-name style string, e.g. | |
1156 | # com.mycompany.MyDocSet. Doxygen will append .docset to the name. | |
1157 | # The default value is: org.doxygen.Project. | |
1158 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES. | |
1159 | ||
1160 | DOCSET_BUNDLE_ID = org.doxygen.Project | |
1161 | ||
1162 | # The DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID tag specifies a string that should uniquely identify | |
1163 | # the documentation publisher. This should be a reverse domain-name style | |
1164 | # string, e.g. com.mycompany.MyDocSet.documentation. | |
1165 | # The default value is: org.doxygen.Publisher. | |
1166 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES. | |
1167 | ||
1168 | DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID = org.doxygen.Publisher | |
1169 | ||
1170 | # The DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME tag identifies the documentation publisher. | |
1171 | # The default value is: Publisher. | |
1172 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES. | |
1173 | ||
1174 | DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME = Publisher | |
1175 | ||
1176 | # If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES then doxygen generates three | |
1177 | # additional HTML index files: index.hhp, index.hhc, and index.hhk. The | |
1178 | # index.hhp is a project file that can be read by Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop | |
1179 | # (see: on | |
1180 | # Windows. | |
1181 | # | |
1182 | # The HTML Help Workshop contains a compiler that can convert all HTML output | |
1183 | # generated by doxygen into a single compiled HTML file (.chm). Compiled HTML | |
1184 | # files are now used as the Windows 98 help format, and will replace the old | |
1185 | # Windows help format (.hlp) on all Windows platforms in the future. Compressed | |
1186 | # HTML files also contain an index, a table of contents, and you can search for | |
1187 | # words in the documentation. The HTML workshop also contains a viewer for | |
1188 | # compressed HTML files. | |
1189 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1190 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1191 | ||
1193 | ||
1194 | # The CHM_FILE tag can be used to specify the file name of the resulting .chm | |
1195 | # file. You can add a path in front of the file if the result should not be | |
1196 | # written to the html output directory. | |
1197 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. | |
1198 | ||
1199 | CHM_FILE = | |
1200 | ||
1201 | # The HHC_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location (absolute path | |
1202 | # including file name) of the HTML help compiler ( hhc.exe). If non-empty | |
1203 | # doxygen will try to run the HTML help compiler on the generated index.hhp. | |
1204 | # The file has to be specified with full path. | |
1205 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. | |
1206 | ||
1207 | HHC_LOCATION = | |
1208 | ||
1209 | # The GENERATE_CHI flag controls if a separate .chi index file is generated ( | |
1210 | # YES) or that it should be included in the master .chm file ( NO). | |
1211 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1212 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. | |
1213 | ||
1214 | GENERATE_CHI = NO | |
1215 | ||
1216 | # The CHM_INDEX_ENCODING is used to encode HtmlHelp index ( hhk), content ( hhc) | |
1217 | # and project file content. | |
1218 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. | |
1219 | ||
1221 | ||
1222 | # The BINARY_TOC flag controls whether a binary table of contents is generated ( | |
1223 | # YES) or a normal table of contents ( NO) in the .chm file. | |
1224 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1225 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. | |
1226 | ||
1227 | BINARY_TOC = NO | |
1228 | ||
1229 | # The TOC_EXPAND flag can be set to YES to add extra items for group members to | |
1230 | # the table of contents of the HTML help documentation and to the tree view. | |
1231 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1232 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. | |
1233 | ||
1234 | TOC_EXPAND = NO | |
1235 | ||
1236 | # If the GENERATE_QHP tag is set to YES and both QHP_NAMESPACE and | |
1237 | # QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER are set, an additional index file will be generated that | |
1238 | # can be used as input for Qt's qhelpgenerator to generate a Qt Compressed Help | |
1239 | # (.qch) of the generated HTML documentation. | |
1240 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1241 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1242 | ||
1243 | GENERATE_QHP = NO | |
1244 | ||
1245 | # If the QHG_LOCATION tag is specified, the QCH_FILE tag can be used to specify | |
1246 | # the file name of the resulting .qch file. The path specified is relative to | |
1247 | # the HTML output folder. | |
1248 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1249 | ||
1250 | QCH_FILE = | |
1251 | ||
1252 | # The QHP_NAMESPACE tag specifies the namespace to use when generating Qt Help | |
1253 | # Project output. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Namespace | |
1254 | # (see: | |
1255 | # The default value is: org.doxygen.Project. | |
1256 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1257 | ||
1258 | QHP_NAMESPACE = org.doxygen.Project | |
1259 | ||
1260 | # The QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER tag specifies the namespace to use when generating Qt | |
1261 | # Help Project output. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Virtual | |
1262 | # Folders (see: | |
1263 | # folders). | |
1264 | # The default value is: doc. | |
1265 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1266 | ||
1267 | QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER = doc | |
1268 | ||
1269 | # If the QHP_CUST_FILTER_NAME tag is set, it specifies the name of a custom | |
1270 | # filter to add. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Custom | |
1271 | # Filters (see: | |
1272 | # filters). | |
1273 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1274 | ||
1276 | ||
1277 | # The QHP_CUST_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes of the | |
1278 | # custom filter to add. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Custom | |
1279 | # Filters (see: | |
1280 | # filters). | |
1281 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1282 | ||
1284 | ||
1285 | # The QHP_SECT_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes this | |
1286 | # project's filter section matches. Qt Help Project / Filter Attributes (see: | |
1287 | # | |
1288 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1289 | ||
1291 | ||
1292 | # The QHG_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location of Qt's | |
1293 | # qhelpgenerator. If non-empty doxygen will try to run qhelpgenerator on the | |
1294 | # generated .qhp file. | |
1295 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1296 | ||
1297 | QHG_LOCATION = | |
1298 | ||
1299 | # If the GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP tag is set to YES, additional index files will be | |
1300 | # generated, together with the HTML files, they form an Eclipse help plugin. To | |
1301 | # install this plugin and make it available under the help contents menu in | |
1302 | # Eclipse, the contents of the directory containing the HTML and XML files needs | |
1303 | # to be copied into the plugins directory of eclipse. The name of the directory | |
1304 | # within the plugins directory should be the same as the ECLIPSE_DOC_ID value. | |
1305 | # After copying Eclipse needs to be restarted before the help appears. | |
1306 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1307 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1308 | ||
1310 | ||
1311 | # A unique identifier for the Eclipse help plugin. When installing the plugin | |
1312 | # the directory name containing the HTML and XML files should also have this | |
1313 | # name. Each documentation set should have its own identifier. | |
1314 | # The default value is: org.doxygen.Project. | |
1315 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP is set to YES. | |
1316 | ||
1317 | ECLIPSE_DOC_ID = org.doxygen.Project | |
1318 | ||
1319 | # If you want full control over the layout of the generated HTML pages it might | |
1320 | # be necessary to disable the index and replace it with your own. The | |
1321 | # DISABLE_INDEX tag can be used to turn on/off the condensed index (tabs) at top | |
1322 | # of each HTML page. A value of NO enables the index and the value YES disables | |
1323 | # it. Since the tabs in the index contain the same information as the navigation | |
1324 | # tree, you can set this option to YES if you also set GENERATE_TREEVIEW to YES. | |
1325 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1326 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1327 | ||
1328 | DISABLE_INDEX = NO | |
1329 | ||
1330 | # The GENERATE_TREEVIEW tag is used to specify whether a tree-like index | |
1331 | # structure should be generated to display hierarchical information. If the tag | |
1332 | # value is set to YES, a side panel will be generated containing a tree-like | |
1333 | # index structure (just like the one that is generated for HTML Help). For this | |
1334 | # to work a browser that supports JavaScript, DHTML, CSS and frames is required | |
1335 | # (i.e. any modern browser). Windows users are probably better off using the | |
1336 | # HTML help feature. Via custom stylesheets (see HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET) one can | |
1337 | # further fine-tune the look of the index. As an example, the default style | |
1338 | # sheet generated by doxygen has an example that shows how to put an image at | |
1339 | # the root of the tree instead of the PROJECT_NAME. Since the tree basically has | |
1340 | # the same information as the tab index, you could consider setting | |
1341 | # DISABLE_INDEX to YES when enabling this option. | |
1342 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1343 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1344 | ||
1346 | ||
1347 | # The ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE tag can be used to set the number of enum values that | |
1348 | # doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML documentation. | |
1349 | # | |
1350 | # Note that a value of 0 will completely suppress the enum values from appearing | |
1351 | # in the overview section. | |
1352 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 20, default value: 4. | |
1353 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1354 | ||
1355 | ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE = 4 | |
1356 | ||
1357 | # If the treeview is enabled (see GENERATE_TREEVIEW) then this tag can be used | |
1358 | # to set the initial width (in pixels) of the frame in which the tree is shown. | |
1359 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 1500, default value: 250. | |
1360 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1361 | ||
1362 | TREEVIEW_WIDTH = 250 | |
1363 | ||
1364 | # When the EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW option is set to YES doxygen will open links to | |
1365 | # external symbols imported via tag files in a separate window. | |
1366 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1367 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1368 | ||
1370 | ||
1371 | # Use this tag to change the font size of LaTeX formulas included as images in | |
1372 | # the HTML documentation. When you change the font size after a successful | |
1373 | # doxygen run you need to manually remove any form_*.png images from the HTML | |
1374 | # output directory to force them to be regenerated. | |
1375 | # Minimum value: 8, maximum value: 50, default value: 10. | |
1376 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1377 | ||
1378 | FORMULA_FONTSIZE = 12 | |
1379 | ||
1380 | # Use the FORMULA_TRANPARENT tag to determine whether or not the images | |
1381 | # generated for formulas are transparent PNGs. Transparent PNGs are not | |
1382 | # supported properly for IE 6.0, but are supported on all modern browsers. | |
1383 | # | |
1384 | # Note that when changing this option you need to delete any form_*.png files in | |
1385 | # the HTML output directory before the changes have effect. | |
1386 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1387 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1388 | ||
1390 | ||
1391 | # Enable the USE_MATHJAX option to render LaTeX formulas using MathJax (see | |
1392 | # which uses client side Javascript for the rendering | |
1393 | # instead of using prerendered bitmaps. Use this if you do not have LaTeX | |
1394 | # installed or if you want to formulas look prettier in the HTML output. When | |
1395 | # enabled you may also need to install MathJax separately and configure the path | |
1396 | # to it using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option. | |
1397 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1398 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1399 | ||
1400 | USE_MATHJAX = YES | |
1401 | ||
1402 | # When MathJax is enabled you can set the default output format to be used for | |
1403 | # the MathJax output. See the MathJax site (see: | |
1404 | # for more details. | |
1405 | # Possible values are: HTML-CSS (which is slower, but has the best | |
1406 | # compatibility), NativeMML (i.e. MathML) and SVG. | |
1407 | # The default value is: HTML-CSS. | |
1408 | # This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES. | |
1409 | ||
1411 | ||
1412 | # When MathJax is enabled you need to specify the location relative to the HTML | |
1413 | # output directory using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option. The destination directory | |
1414 | # should contain the MathJax.js script. For instance, if the mathjax directory | |
1415 | # is located at the same level as the HTML output directory, then | |
1416 | # MATHJAX_RELPATH should be ../mathjax. The default value points to the MathJax | |
1417 | # Content Delivery Network so you can quickly see the result without installing | |
1418 | # MathJax. However, it is strongly recommended to install a local copy of | |
1419 | # MathJax from before deployment. | |
1420 | # The default value is: | |
1421 | # This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES. | |
1422 | ||
1423 | MATHJAX_RELPATH = | |
1424 | ||
1425 | # The MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS tag can be used to specify one or more MathJax | |
1426 | # extension names that should be enabled during MathJax rendering. For example | |
1427 | # MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS = TeX/AMSmath TeX/AMSsymbols | |
1428 | # This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES. | |
1429 | ||
1431 | ||
1432 | # The MATHJAX_CODEFILE tag can be used to specify a file with javascript pieces | |
1433 | # of code that will be used on startup of the MathJax code. See the MathJax site | |
1434 | # (see: for more details. For an | |
1435 | # example see the documentation. | |
1436 | # This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES. | |
1437 | ||
1439 | ||
1440 | # When the SEARCHENGINE tag is enabled doxygen will generate a search box for | |
1441 | # the HTML output. The underlying search engine uses javascript and DHTML and | |
1442 | # should work on any modern browser. Note that when using HTML help | |
1443 | # (GENERATE_HTMLHELP), Qt help (GENERATE_QHP), or docsets (GENERATE_DOCSET) | |
1444 | # there is already a search function so this one should typically be disabled. | |
1445 | # For large projects the javascript based search engine can be slow, then | |
1446 | # enabling SERVER_BASED_SEARCH may provide a better solution. It is possible to | |
1447 | # search using the keyboard; to jump to the search box use <access key> + S | |
1448 | # (what the <access key> is depends on the OS and browser, but it is typically | |
1449 | # <CTRL>, <ALT>/<option>, or both). Inside the search box use the <cursor down | |
1450 | # key> to jump into the search results window, the results can be navigated | |
1451 | # using the <cursor keys>. Press <Enter> to select an item or <escape> to cancel | |
1452 | # the search. The filter options can be selected when the cursor is inside the | |
1453 | # search box by pressing <Shift>+<cursor down>. Also here use the <cursor keys> | |
1454 | # to select a filter and <Enter> or <escape> to activate or cancel the filter | |
1455 | # option. | |
1456 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1457 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1458 | ||
1460 | ||
1461 | # When the SERVER_BASED_SEARCH tag is enabled the search engine will be | |
1462 | # implemented using a web server instead of a web client using Javascript. There | |
1463 | # are two flavours of web server based searching depending on the | |
1464 | # EXTERNAL_SEARCH setting. When disabled, doxygen will generate a PHP script for | |
1465 | # searching and an index file used by the script. When EXTERNAL_SEARCH is | |
1466 | # enabled the indexing and searching needs to be provided by external tools. See | |
1467 | # the section "External Indexing and Searching" for details. | |
1468 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1469 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES. | |
1470 | ||
1472 | ||
1473 | # When EXTERNAL_SEARCH tag is enabled doxygen will no longer generate the PHP | |
1474 | # script for searching. Instead the search results are written to an XML file | |
1475 | # which needs to be processed by an external indexer. Doxygen will invoke an | |
1476 | # external search engine pointed to by the SEARCHENGINE_URL option to obtain the | |
1477 | # search results. | |
1478 | # | |
1479 | # Doxygen ships with an example indexer ( doxyindexer) and search engine | |
1480 | # (doxysearch.cgi) which are based on the open source search engine library | |
1481 | # Xapian (see: | |
1482 | # | |
1483 | # See the section "External Indexing and Searching" for details. | |
1484 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1485 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES. | |
1486 | ||
1488 | ||
1489 | # The SEARCHENGINE_URL should point to a search engine hosted by a web server | |
1490 | # which will return the search results when EXTERNAL_SEARCH is enabled. | |
1491 | # | |
1492 | # Doxygen ships with an example indexer ( doxyindexer) and search engine | |
1493 | # (doxysearch.cgi) which are based on the open source search engine library | |
1494 | # Xapian (see: See the section "External Indexing and | |
1495 | # Searching" for details. | |
1496 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES. | |
1497 | ||
1499 | ||
1500 | # When SERVER_BASED_SEARCH and EXTERNAL_SEARCH are both enabled the unindexed | |
1501 | # search data is written to a file for indexing by an external tool. With the | |
1502 | # SEARCHDATA_FILE tag the name of this file can be specified. | |
1503 | # The default file is: searchdata.xml. | |
1504 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES. | |
1505 | ||
1506 | SEARCHDATA_FILE = searchdata.xml | |
1507 | ||
1508 | # When SERVER_BASED_SEARCH and EXTERNAL_SEARCH are both enabled the | |
1509 | # EXTERNAL_SEARCH_ID tag can be used as an identifier for the project. This is | |
1510 | # useful in combination with EXTRA_SEARCH_MAPPINGS to search through multiple | |
1511 | # projects and redirect the results back to the right project. | |
1512 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES. | |
1513 | ||
1515 | ||
1516 | # The EXTRA_SEARCH_MAPPINGS tag can be used to enable searching through doxygen | |
1517 | # projects other than the one defined by this configuration file, but that are | |
1518 | # all added to the same external search index. Each project needs to have a | |
1519 | # unique id set via EXTERNAL_SEARCH_ID. The search mapping then maps the id of | |
1520 | # to a relative location where the documentation can be found. The format is: | |
1521 | # EXTRA_SEARCH_MAPPINGS = tagname1=loc1 tagname2=loc2 ... | |
1522 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES. | |
1523 | ||
1525 | ||
1526 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1527 | # Configuration options related to the LaTeX output | |
1528 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1529 | ||
1530 | # If the GENERATE_LATEX tag is set to YES doxygen will generate LaTeX output. | |
1531 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1532 | ||
1533 | GENERATE_LATEX = NO | |
1534 | ||
1535 | # The LATEX_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the LaTeX docs will be put. If a | |
1536 | # relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of | |
1537 | # it. | |
1538 | # The default directory is: latex. | |
1539 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1540 | ||
1541 | LATEX_OUTPUT = latex | |
1542 | ||
1543 | # The LATEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the LaTeX command name to be | |
1544 | # invoked. | |
1545 | # | |
1546 | # Note that when enabling USE_PDFLATEX this option is only used for generating | |
1547 | # bitmaps for formulas in the HTML output, but not in the Makefile that is | |
1548 | # written to the output directory. | |
1549 | # The default file is: latex. | |
1550 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1551 | ||
1552 | LATEX_CMD_NAME = latex | |
1553 | ||
1554 | # The MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the command name to generate | |
1555 | # index for LaTeX. | |
1556 | # The default file is: makeindex. | |
1557 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1558 | ||
1559 | MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME = makeindex | |
1560 | ||
1561 | # If the COMPACT_LATEX tag is set to YES doxygen generates more compact LaTeX | |
1562 | # documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to save some | |
1563 | # trees in general. | |
1564 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1565 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1566 | ||
1567 | COMPACT_LATEX = NO | |
1568 | ||
1569 | # The PAPER_TYPE tag can be used to set the paper type that is used by the | |
1570 | # printer. | |
1571 | # Possible values are: a4 (210 x 297 mm), letter (8.5 x 11 inches), legal (8.5 x | |
1572 | # 14 inches) and executive (7.25 x 10.5 inches). | |
1573 | # The default value is: a4. | |
1574 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1575 | ||
1576 | PAPER_TYPE = a4 | |
1577 | ||
1578 | # The EXTRA_PACKAGES tag can be used to specify one or more LaTeX package names | |
1579 | # that should be included in the LaTeX output. To get the times font for | |
1580 | # instance you can specify | |
1581 | # EXTRA_PACKAGES=times | |
1582 | # If left blank no extra packages will be included. | |
1583 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1584 | ||
1585 | EXTRA_PACKAGES = | |
1586 | ||
1587 | # The LATEX_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX header for the | |
1588 | # generated LaTeX document. The header should contain everything until the first | |
1589 | # chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a standard header. See | |
1590 | # section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to let doxygen write the | |
1591 | # default header to a separate file. | |
1592 | # | |
1593 | # Note: Only use a user-defined header if you know what you are doing! The | |
1594 | # following commands have a special meaning inside the header: $title, | |
1595 | # $datetime, $date, $doxygenversion, $projectname, $projectnumber. Doxygen will | |
1596 | # replace them by respectively the title of the page, the current date and time, | |
1597 | # only the current date, the version number of doxygen, the project name (see | |
1598 | # PROJECT_NAME), or the project number (see PROJECT_NUMBER). | |
1599 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1600 | ||
1601 | LATEX_HEADER = | |
1602 | ||
1603 | # The LATEX_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX footer for the | |
1604 | # generated LaTeX document. The footer should contain everything after the last | |
1605 | # chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a standard footer. | |
1606 | # | |
1607 | # Note: Only use a user-defined footer if you know what you are doing! | |
1608 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1609 | ||
1610 | LATEX_FOOTER = | |
1611 | ||
1612 | # The LATEX_EXTRA_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more extra images or | |
1613 | # other source files which should be copied to the LATEX_OUTPUT output | |
1614 | # directory. Note that the files will be copied as-is; there are no commands or | |
1615 | # markers available. | |
1616 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1617 | ||
1618 | LATEX_EXTRA_FILES = | |
1619 | ||
1620 | # If the PDF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the LaTeX that is generated is | |
1621 | # prepared for conversion to PDF (using ps2pdf or pdflatex). The PDF file will | |
1622 | # contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references. This | |
1623 | # makes the output suitable for online browsing using a PDF viewer. | |
1624 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1625 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1626 | ||
1628 | ||
1629 | # If the LATEX_PDFLATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen will use pdflatex to generate | |
1630 | # the PDF file directly from the LaTeX files. Set this option to YES to get a | |
1631 | # higher quality PDF documentation. | |
1632 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1633 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1634 | ||
1635 | USE_PDFLATEX = YES | |
1636 | ||
1637 | # If the LATEX_BATCHMODE tag is set to YES, doxygen will add the \batchmode | |
1638 | # command to the generated LaTeX files. This will instruct LaTeX to keep running | |
1639 | # if errors occur, instead of asking the user for help. This option is also used | |
1640 | # when generating formulas in HTML. | |
1641 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1642 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1643 | ||
1645 | ||
1646 | # If the LATEX_HIDE_INDICES tag is set to YES then doxygen will not include the | |
1647 | # index chapters (such as File Index, Compound Index, etc.) in the output. | |
1648 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1649 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1650 | ||
1652 | ||
1653 | # If the LATEX_SOURCE_CODE tag is set to YES then doxygen will include source | |
1654 | # code with syntax highlighting in the LaTeX output. | |
1655 | # | |
1656 | # Note that which sources are shown also depends on other settings such as | |
1657 | # SOURCE_BROWSER. | |
1658 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1659 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1660 | ||
1662 | ||
1663 | # The LATEX_BIB_STYLE tag can be used to specify the style to use for the | |
1664 | # bibliography, e.g. plainnat, or ieeetr. See | |
1665 | # and \cite for more info. | |
1666 | # The default value is: plain. | |
1667 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1668 | ||
1669 | LATEX_BIB_STYLE = plain | |
1670 | ||
1671 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1672 | # Configuration options related to the RTF output | |
1673 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1674 | ||
1675 | # If the GENERATE_RTF tag is set to YES doxygen will generate RTF output. The | |
1676 | # RTF output is optimized for Word 97 and may not look too pretty with other RTF | |
1677 | # readers/editors. | |
1678 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1679 | ||
1680 | GENERATE_RTF = NO | |
1681 | ||
1682 | # The RTF_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the RTF docs will be put. If a | |
1683 | # relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of | |
1684 | # it. | |
1685 | # The default directory is: rtf. | |
1686 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES. | |
1687 | ||
1688 | RTF_OUTPUT = rtf | |
1689 | ||
1690 | # If the COMPACT_RTF tag is set to YES doxygen generates more compact RTF | |
1691 | # documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to save some | |
1692 | # trees in general. | |
1693 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1694 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES. | |
1695 | ||
1696 | COMPACT_RTF = NO | |
1697 | ||
1698 | # If the RTF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the RTF that is generated will | |
1699 | # contain hyperlink fields. The RTF file will contain links (just like the HTML | |
1700 | # output) instead of page references. This makes the output suitable for online | |
1701 | # browsing using Word or some other Word compatible readers that support those | |
1702 | # fields. | |
1703 | # | |
1704 | # Note: WordPad (write) and others do not support links. | |
1705 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1706 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES. | |
1707 | ||
1708 | RTF_HYPERLINKS = NO | |
1709 | ||
1710 | # Load stylesheet definitions from file. Syntax is similar to doxygen's config | |
1711 | # file, i.e. a series of assignments. You only have to provide replacements, | |
1712 | # missing definitions are set to their default value. | |
1713 | # | |
1714 | # See also section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the | |
1715 | # default style sheet that doxygen normally uses. | |
1716 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES. | |
1717 | ||
1719 | ||
1720 | # Set optional variables used in the generation of an RTF document. Syntax is | |
1721 | # similar to doxygen's config file. A template extensions file can be generated | |
1722 | # using doxygen -e rtf extensionFile. | |
1723 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES. | |
1724 | ||
1726 | ||
1727 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1728 | # Configuration options related to the man page output | |
1729 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1730 | ||
1731 | # If the GENERATE_MAN tag is set to YES doxygen will generate man pages for | |
1732 | # classes and files. | |
1733 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1734 | ||
1735 | GENERATE_MAN = NO | |
1736 | ||
1737 | # The MAN_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the man pages will be put. If a | |
1738 | # relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of | |
1739 | # it. A directory man3 will be created inside the directory specified by | |
1740 | # MAN_OUTPUT. | |
1741 | # The default directory is: man. | |
1742 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES. | |
1743 | ||
1744 | MAN_OUTPUT = man | |
1745 | ||
1746 | # The MAN_EXTENSION tag determines the extension that is added to the generated | |
1747 | # man pages. In case the manual section does not start with a number, the number | |
1748 | # 3 is prepended. The dot (.) at the beginning of the MAN_EXTENSION tag is | |
1749 | # optional. | |
1750 | # The default value is: .3. | |
1751 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES. | |
1752 | ||
1753 | MAN_EXTENSION = .3 | |
1754 | ||
1755 | # If the MAN_LINKS tag is set to YES and doxygen generates man output, then it | |
1756 | # will generate one additional man file for each entity documented in the real | |
1757 | # man page(s). These additional files only source the real man page, but without | |
1758 | # them the man command would be unable to find the correct page. | |
1759 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1760 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES. | |
1761 | ||
1762 | MAN_LINKS = NO | |
1763 | ||
1764 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1765 | # Configuration options related to the XML output | |
1766 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1767 | ||
1768 | # If the GENERATE_XML tag is set to YES doxygen will generate an XML file that | |
1769 | # captures the structure of the code including all documentation. | |
1770 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1771 | ||
1772 | GENERATE_XML = NO | |
1773 | ||
1774 | # The XML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the XML pages will be put. If a | |
1775 | # relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of | |
1776 | # it. | |
1777 | # The default directory is: xml. | |
1778 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_XML is set to YES. | |
1779 | ||
1780 | XML_OUTPUT = xml | |
1781 | ||
1782 | # If the XML_PROGRAMLISTING tag is set to YES doxygen will dump the program | |
1783 | # listings (including syntax highlighting and cross-referencing information) to | |
1784 | # the XML output. Note that enabling this will significantly increase the size | |
1785 | # of the XML output. | |
1786 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1787 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_XML is set to YES. | |
1788 | ||
1790 | ||
1791 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1792 | # Configuration options related to the DOCBOOK output | |
1793 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1794 | ||
1795 | # If the GENERATE_DOCBOOK tag is set to YES doxygen will generate Docbook files | |
1796 | # that can be used to generate PDF. | |
1797 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1798 | ||
1800 | ||
1801 | # The DOCBOOK_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the Docbook pages will be put. | |
1802 | # If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in | |
1803 | # front of it. | |
1804 | # The default directory is: docbook. | |
1805 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCBOOK is set to YES. | |
1806 | ||
1807 | DOCBOOK_OUTPUT = docbook | |
1808 | ||
1809 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1810 | # Configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output | |
1811 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1812 | ||
1813 | # If the GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF tag is set to YES doxygen will generate an AutoGen | |
1814 | # Definitions (see file that captures the structure of | |
1815 | # the code including all documentation. Note that this feature is still | |
1816 | # experimental and incomplete at the moment. | |
1817 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1818 | ||
1820 | ||
1821 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1822 | # Configuration options related to the Perl module output | |
1823 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1824 | ||
1825 | # If the GENERATE_PERLMOD tag is set to YES doxygen will generate a Perl module | |
1826 | # file that captures the structure of the code including all documentation. | |
1827 | # | |
1828 | # Note that this feature is still experimental and incomplete at the moment. | |
1829 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1830 | ||
1832 | ||
1833 | # If the PERLMOD_LATEX tag is set to YES doxygen will generate the necessary | |
1834 | # Makefile rules, Perl scripts and LaTeX code to be able to generate PDF and DVI | |
1835 | # output from the Perl module output. | |
1836 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1837 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_PERLMOD is set to YES. | |
1838 | ||
1839 | PERLMOD_LATEX = NO | |
1840 | ||
1841 | # If the PERLMOD_PRETTY tag is set to YES the Perl module output will be nicely | |
1842 | # formatted so it can be parsed by a human reader. This is useful if you want to | |
1843 | # understand what is going on. On the other hand, if this tag is set to NO the | |
1844 | # size of the Perl module output will be much smaller and Perl will parse it | |
1845 | # just the same. | |
1846 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1847 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_PERLMOD is set to YES. | |
1848 | ||
1850 | ||
1851 | # The names of the make variables in the generated doxyrules.make file are | |
1852 | # prefixed with the string contained in PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX. This is useful | |
1853 | # so different doxyrules.make files included by the same Makefile don't | |
1854 | # overwrite each other's variables. | |
1855 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_PERLMOD is set to YES. | |
1856 | ||
1858 | ||
1859 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1860 | # Configuration options related to the preprocessor | |
1861 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1862 | ||
1863 | # If the ENABLE_PREPROCESSING tag is set to YES doxygen will evaluate all | |
1864 | # C-preprocessor directives found in the sources and include files. | |
1865 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1866 | ||
1868 | ||
1869 | # If the MACRO_EXPANSION tag is set to YES doxygen will expand all macro names | |
1870 | # in the source code. If set to NO only conditional compilation will be | |
1871 | # performed. Macro expansion can be done in a controlled way by setting | |
1872 | # EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF to YES. | |
1873 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1874 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
1875 | ||
1877 | ||
1878 | # If the EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF and MACRO_EXPANSION tags are both set to YES then | |
1879 | # the macro expansion is limited to the macros specified with the PREDEFINED and | |
1880 | # EXPAND_AS_DEFINED tags. | |
1881 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1882 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
1883 | ||
1885 | ||
1886 | # If the SEARCH_INCLUDES tag is set to YES the includes files in the | |
1887 | # INCLUDE_PATH will be searched if a #include is found. | |
1888 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1889 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
1890 | ||
1892 | ||
1893 | # The INCLUDE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more directories that | |
1894 | # contain include files that are not input files but should be processed by the | |
1895 | # preprocessor. | |
1896 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCH_INCLUDES is set to YES. | |
1897 | ||
1898 | INCLUDE_PATH = src | |
1899 | ||
1900 | # You can use the INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard | |
1901 | # patterns (like *.h and *.hpp) to filter out the header-files in the | |
1902 | # directories. If left blank, the patterns specified with FILE_PATTERNS will be | |
1903 | # used. | |
1904 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
1905 | ||
1907 | ||
1908 | # The PREDEFINED tag can be used to specify one or more macro names that are | |
1909 | # defined before the preprocessor is started (similar to the -D option of e.g. | |
1910 | # gcc). The argument of the tag is a list of macros of the form: name or | |
1911 | # name=definition (no spaces). If the definition and the "=" are omitted, "=1" | |
1912 | # is assumed. To prevent a macro definition from being undefined via #undef or | |
1913 | # recursively expanded use the := operator instead of the = operator. | |
1914 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
1915 | ||
1917 | ||
1918 | # If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then this | |
1919 | # tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded. The | |
1920 | # macro definition that is found in the sources will be used. Use the PREDEFINED | |
1921 | # tag if you want to use a different macro definition that overrules the | |
1922 | # definition found in the source code. | |
1923 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
1924 | ||
1926 | ||
1927 | # If the SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS tag is set to YES then doxygen's preprocessor will | |
1928 | # remove all refrences to function-like macros that are alone on a line, have an | |
1929 | # all uppercase name, and do not end with a semicolon. Such function macros are | |
1930 | # typically used for boiler-plate code, and will confuse the parser if not | |
1931 | # removed. | |
1932 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1933 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
1934 | ||
1936 | ||
1937 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1938 | # Configuration options related to external references | |
1939 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1940 | ||
1941 | # The TAGFILES tag can be used to specify one or more tag files. For each tag | |
1942 | # file the location of the external documentation should be added. The format of | |
1943 | # a tag file without this location is as follows: | |
1944 | # TAGFILES = file1 file2 ... | |
1945 | # Adding location for the tag files is done as follows: | |
1946 | # TAGFILES = file1=loc1 "file2 = loc2" ... | |
1947 | # where loc1 and loc2 can be relative or absolute paths or URLs. See the | |
1948 | # section "Linking to external documentation" for more information about the use | |
1949 | # of tag files. | |
1950 | # Note: Each tag file must have an unique name (where the name does NOT include | |
1951 | # the path). If a tag file is not located in the directory in which doxygen is | |
1952 | # run, you must also specify the path to the tagfile here. | |
1953 | ||
1954 | TAGFILES = | |
1955 | ||
1956 | # When a file name is specified after GENERATE_TAGFILE, doxygen will create a | |
1957 | # tag file that is based on the input files it reads. See section "Linking to | |
1958 | # external documentation" for more information about the usage of tag files. | |
1959 | ||
1960 | GENERATE_TAGFILE = output-doc/mame.tag | |
1961 | ||
1962 | # If the ALLEXTERNALS tag is set to YES all external class will be listed in the | |
1963 | # class index. If set to NO only the inherited external classes will be listed. | |
1964 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1965 | ||
1966 | ALLEXTERNALS = NO | |
1967 | ||
1968 | # If the EXTERNAL_GROUPS tag is set to YES all external groups will be listed in | |
1969 | # the modules index. If set to NO, only the current project's groups will be | |
1970 | # listed. | |
1971 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1972 | ||
1974 | ||
1975 | # If the EXTERNAL_PAGES tag is set to YES all external pages will be listed in | |
1976 | # the related pages index. If set to NO, only the current project's pages will | |
1977 | # be listed. | |
1978 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1979 | ||
1981 | ||
1982 | # The PERL_PATH should be the absolute path and name of the perl script | |
1983 | # interpreter (i.e. the result of 'which perl'). | |
1984 | # The default file (with absolute path) is: /usr/bin/perl. | |
1985 | ||
1986 | PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl | |
1987 | ||
1988 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1989 | # Configuration options related to the dot tool | |
1990 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1991 | ||
1992 | # If the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag is set to YES doxygen will generate a class diagram | |
1993 | # (in HTML and LaTeX) for classes with base or super classes. Setting the tag to | |
1994 | # NO turns the diagrams off. Note that this option also works with HAVE_DOT | |
1995 | # disabled, but it is recommended to install and use dot, since it yields more | |
1996 | # powerful graphs. | |
1997 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1998 | ||
2000 | ||
2001 | # You can define message sequence charts within doxygen comments using the \msc | |
2002 | # command. Doxygen will then run the mscgen tool (see: | |
2003 | # to produce the chart and insert it in the | |
2004 | # documentation. The MSCGEN_PATH tag allows you to specify the directory where | |
2005 | # the mscgen tool resides. If left empty the tool is assumed to be found in the | |
2006 | # default search path. | |
2007 | ||
2008 | MSCGEN_PATH = | |
2009 | ||
2010 | # If set to YES, the inheritance and collaboration graphs will hide inheritance | |
2011 | # and usage relations if the target is undocumented or is not a class. | |
2012 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2013 | ||
2015 | ||
2016 | # If you set the HAVE_DOT tag to YES then doxygen will assume the dot tool is | |
2017 | # available from the path. This tool is part of Graphviz (see: | |
2018 | #, a graph visualization toolkit from AT&T and Lucent | |
2019 | # Bell Labs. The other options in this section have no effect if this option is | |
2020 | # set to NO | |
2021 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2022 | ||
2023 | HAVE_DOT = NO | |
2024 | ||
2025 | # The DOT_NUM_THREADS specifies the number of dot invocations doxygen is allowed | |
2026 | # to run in parallel. When set to 0 doxygen will base this on the number of | |
2027 | # processors available in the system. You can set it explicitly to a value | |
2028 | # larger than 0 to get control over the balance between CPU load and processing | |
2029 | # speed. | |
2030 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 32, default value: 0. | |
2031 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2032 | ||
2033 | DOT_NUM_THREADS = 0 | |
2034 | ||
2035 | # When you want a differently looking font n the dot files that doxygen | |
2036 | # generates you can specify the font name using DOT_FONTNAME. You need to make | |
2037 | # sure dot is able to find the font, which can be done by putting it in a | |
2038 | # standard location or by setting the DOTFONTPATH environment variable or by | |
2039 | # setting DOT_FONTPATH to the directory containing the font. | |
2040 | # The default value is: Helvetica. | |
2041 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2042 | ||
2043 | DOT_FONTNAME = Helvetica | |
2044 | ||
2045 | # The DOT_FONTSIZE tag can be used to set the size (in points) of the font of | |
2046 | # dot graphs. | |
2047 | # Minimum value: 4, maximum value: 24, default value: 10. | |
2048 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2049 | ||
2050 | DOT_FONTSIZE = 10 | |
2051 | ||
2052 | # By default doxygen will tell dot to use the default font as specified with | |
2053 | # DOT_FONTNAME. If you specify a different font using DOT_FONTNAME you can set | |
2054 | # the path where dot can find it using this tag. | |
2055 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2056 | ||
2057 | DOT_FONTPATH = | |
2058 | ||
2059 | # If the CLASS_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for | |
2060 | # each documented class showing the direct and indirect inheritance relations. | |
2061 | # Setting this tag to YES will force the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag to NO. | |
2062 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2063 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2064 | ||
2065 | CLASS_GRAPH = NO | |
2066 | ||
2067 | # If the COLLABORATION_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a | |
2068 | # graph for each documented class showing the direct and indirect implementation | |
2069 | # dependencies (inheritance, containment, and class references variables) of the | |
2070 | # class with other documented classes. | |
2071 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2072 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2073 | ||
2075 | ||
2076 | # If the GROUP_GRAPHS tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for | |
2077 | # groups, showing the direct groups dependencies. | |
2078 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2079 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2080 | ||
2081 | GROUP_GRAPHS = YES | |
2082 | ||
2083 | # If the UML_LOOK tag is set to YES doxygen will generate inheritance and | |
2084 | # collaboration diagrams in a style similar to the OMG's Unified Modeling | |
2085 | # Language. | |
2086 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2087 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2088 | ||
2089 | UML_LOOK = NO | |
2090 | ||
2091 | # If the UML_LOOK tag is enabled, the fields and methods are shown inside the | |
2092 | # class node. If there are many fields or methods and many nodes the graph may | |
2093 | # become too big to be useful. The UML_LIMIT_NUM_FIELDS threshold limits the | |
2094 | # number of items for each type to make the size more manageable. Set this to 0 | |
2095 | # for no limit. Note that the threshold may be exceeded by 50% before the limit | |
2096 | # is enforced. So when you set the threshold to 10, up to 15 fields may appear, | |
2097 | # but if the number exceeds 15, the total amount of fields shown is limited to | |
2098 | # 10. | |
2099 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 100, default value: 10. | |
2100 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2101 | ||
2102 | UML_LIMIT_NUM_FIELDS = 10 | |
2103 | ||
2104 | # If the TEMPLATE_RELATIONS tag is set to YES then the inheritance and | |
2105 | # collaboration graphs will show the relations between templates and their | |
2106 | # instances. | |
2107 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2108 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2109 | ||
2111 | ||
2113 | # YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented file showing the | |
2114 | # direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with other documented | |
2115 | # files. | |
2116 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2117 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2118 | ||
2119 | INCLUDE_GRAPH = YES | |
2120 | ||
2122 | # set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented file showing | |
2123 | # the direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with other documented | |
2124 | # files. | |
2125 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2126 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2127 | ||
2129 | ||
2130 | # If the CALL_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a call | |
2131 | # dependency graph for every global function or class method. | |
2132 | # | |
2133 | # Note that enabling this option will significantly increase the time of a run. | |
2134 | # So in most cases it will be better to enable call graphs for selected | |
2135 | # functions only using the \callgraph command. | |
2136 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2137 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2138 | ||
2139 | CALL_GRAPH = NO | |
2140 | ||
2141 | # If the CALLER_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a caller | |
2142 | # dependency graph for every global function or class method. | |
2143 | # | |
2144 | # Note that enabling this option will significantly increase the time of a run. | |
2145 | # So in most cases it will be better to enable caller graphs for selected | |
2146 | # functions only using the \callergraph command. | |
2147 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2148 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2149 | ||
2150 | CALLER_GRAPH = NO | |
2151 | ||
2152 | # If the GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY tag is set to YES then doxygen will graphical | |
2153 | # hierarchy of all classes instead of a textual one. | |
2154 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2155 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2156 | ||
2158 | ||
2159 | # If the DIRECTORY_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will show the | |
2160 | # dependencies a directory has on other directories in a graphical way. The | |
2161 | # dependency relations are determined by the #include relations between the | |
2162 | # files in the directories. | |
2163 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2164 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2165 | ||
2167 | ||
2168 | # The DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT tag can be used to set the image format of the images | |
2169 | # generated by dot. | |
2170 | # Note: If you choose svg you need to set HTML_FILE_EXTENSION to xhtml in order | |
2171 | # to make the SVG files visible in IE 9+ (other browsers do not have this | |
2172 | # requirement). | |
2173 | # Possible values are: png, jpg, gif and svg. | |
2174 | # The default value is: png. | |
2175 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2176 | ||
2177 | DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT = png | |
2178 | ||
2179 | # If DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT is set to svg, then this option can be set to YES to | |
2180 | # enable generation of interactive SVG images that allow zooming and panning. | |
2181 | # | |
2182 | # Note that this requires a modern browser other than Internet Explorer. Tested | |
2183 | # and working are Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. | |
2184 | # Note: For IE 9+ you need to set HTML_FILE_EXTENSION to xhtml in order to make | |
2185 | # the SVG files visible. Older versions of IE do not have SVG support. | |
2186 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2187 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2188 | ||
2190 | ||
2191 | # The DOT_PATH tag can be used to specify the path where the dot tool can be | |
2192 | # found. If left blank, it is assumed the dot tool can be found in the path. | |
2193 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2194 | ||
2195 | DOT_PATH = | |
2196 | ||
2197 | # The DOTFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that | |
2198 | # contain dot files that are included in the documentation (see the \dotfile | |
2199 | # command). | |
2200 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2201 | ||
2202 | DOTFILE_DIRS = | |
2203 | ||
2204 | # The MSCFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that | |
2205 | # contain msc files that are included in the documentation (see the \mscfile | |
2206 | # command). | |
2207 | ||
2208 | MSCFILE_DIRS = | |
2209 | ||
2210 | # The DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES tag can be used to set the maximum number of nodes | |
2211 | # that will be shown in the graph. If the number of nodes in a graph becomes | |
2212 | # larger than this value, doxygen will truncate the graph, which is visualized | |
2213 | # by representing a node as a red box. Note that doxygen if the number of direct | |
2214 | # children of the root node in a graph is already larger than | |
2215 | # DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES then the graph will not be shown at all. Also note that | |
2216 | # the size of a graph can be further restricted by MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH. | |
2217 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 10000, default value: 50. | |
2218 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2219 | ||
2220 | DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES = 50 | |
2221 | ||
2222 | # The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH tag can be used to set the maximum depth of the graphs | |
2223 | # generated by dot. A depth value of 3 means that only nodes reachable from the | |
2224 | # root by following a path via at most 3 edges will be shown. Nodes that lay | |
2225 | # further from the root node will be omitted. Note that setting this option to 1 | |
2226 | # or 2 may greatly reduce the computation time needed for large code bases. Also | |
2227 | # note that the size of a graph can be further restricted by | |
2228 | # DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES. Using a depth of 0 means no depth restriction. | |
2229 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 1000, default value: 0. | |
2230 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2231 | ||
2232 | MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH = 0 | |
2233 | ||
2234 | # Set the DOT_TRANSPARENT tag to YES to generate images with a transparent | |
2235 | # background. This is disabled by default, because dot on Windows does not seem | |
2236 | # to support this out of the box. | |
2237 | # | |
2238 | # Warning: Depending on the platform used, enabling this option may lead to | |
2239 | # badly anti-aliased labels on the edges of a graph (i.e. they become hard to | |
2240 | # read). | |
2241 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2242 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2243 | ||
2245 | ||
2246 | # Set the DOT_MULTI_TARGETS tag to YES allow dot to generate multiple output | |
2247 | # files in one run (i.e. multiple -o and -T options on the command line). This | |
2248 | # makes dot run faster, but since only newer versions of dot (>1.8.10) support | |
2249 | # this, this feature is disabled by default. | |
2250 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2251 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2252 | ||
2254 | ||
2255 | # If the GENERATE_LEGEND tag is set to YES doxygen will generate a legend page | |
2256 | # explaining the meaning of the various boxes and arrows in the dot generated | |
2257 | # graphs. | |
2258 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2259 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2260 | ||
2262 | ||
2263 | # If the DOT_CLEANUP tag is set to YES doxygen will remove the intermediate dot | |
2264 | # files that are used to generate the various graphs. | |
2265 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2266 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2267 | ||
2268 | DOT_CLEANUP = YES |
r0 | r250336 | |
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3 | ||
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22 | ||
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24 | <img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" | |
25 | src="" | |
26 | alt="Fork me on GitHub" | |
27 | data-canonical-src=""/> | |
28 | </a> | |
29 | ||
30 | </body> | |
31 | </html> |
r0 | r250336 | |
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2 | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> | |
3 | <html xmlns=""> | |
4 | <head> | |
5 | <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> | |
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8 | ||
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10 | <meta name="generator" content="Doxygen $doxygenversion"/> | |
11 | ||
12 | <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> | |
13 | <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> | |
14 | ||
15 | <!--BEGIN PROJECT_NAME--><title>$projectname: $title</title><!--END PROJECT_NAME--> | |
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18 | <script type="text/javascript" src="$relpath^dynsections.js"></script> | |
19 | $treeview | |
20 | $search | |
21 | ||
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23 | ||
24 | <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> | |
25 | <script src=""></script> | |
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27 | ||
28 | $extrastylesheet | |
29 | ||
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32 | <nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation"> | |
33 | <div class="container"> | |
34 | <div class="navbar-header"> | |
35 | <span class="navbar-brand">$projectname $projectnumber</span> | |
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37 | <div class="navbar-header"> | |
38 | <span class="navbar-brand brief">$projectbrief</span> | |
39 | </div> | |
40 | </div> | |
41 | </nav> | |
42 | ||
43 | <div id="top"><!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! --> | |
44 | <div class="content" id="content"> | |
45 | ||
46 | <!-- end header part --> |
r0 | r250336 | |
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6 | ||
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10 | ||
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20 | ||
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24 | background-color: #fff; | |
25 | border: none; | |
26 | margin: 4px; | |
27 | padding: 1px 0 0 8px; | |
28 | } | |
29 | ||
30 | .table > tbody > > .memTemplParams { | |
31 | line-height: 14px; | |
32 | background-color: #fff; | |
33 | margin: 0px; | |
34 | } | |
35 | ||
36 | .table > tbody > { | |
37 | border: 1px solid #DDD; | |
38 | border-radius: 4px; | |
39 | } | |
40 | ||
41 | .label { | |
42 | margin-right: 0.5em; | |
43 | } | |
44 | ||
45 | /* -- customizing boostrap.css stuff -- */ | |
46 | ||
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49 | } | |
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51 | background: none; | |
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55 | } | |
56 | ||
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61 | ||
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67 | ||
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74 | ||
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78 | ||
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82 | ||
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85 | ||
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89 | ||
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98 | ||
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102 | ||
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106 | ||
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118 | ||
119 | ||
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121 | -------------------------------------------------- */ | |
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125 | /* The html and body elements cannot have any padding or margin. */ | |
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127 | ||
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137 | ||
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148 | ||
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173 | ||
174 | ||
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188 | ||
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193 | ||
194 | /* DOXYGEN Code Styles | |
195 | ----------------------------------- */ | |
196 | ||
197 | ||
198 | a.qindex { | |
199 | font-weight: bold; | |
200 | } | |
201 | ||
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208 | ||
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212 | ||
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216 | ||
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220 | ||
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222 | ||
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226 | ||
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238 | ||
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247 | ||
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271 | -o-transition-duration: 0.5s; | |
272 | transition-property: background-color, box-shadow; | |
273 | transition-duration: 0.5s; | |
274 | } | |
275 | ||
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280 | ||
281 | ||
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287 | white-space: pre; | |
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292 | ||
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296 | ||
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301 | } | |
302 | ||
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305 | font-style: italic; | |
306 | } | |
307 | ||
308 | /* @group Code Colorization */ | |
309 | ||
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311 | color: #008000 | |
312 | } | |
313 | ||
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315 | color: #604020 | |
316 | } | |
317 | ||
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320 | } | |
321 | ||
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323 | color: #800000 | |
324 | } | |
325 | ||
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327 | color: #806020 | |
328 | } | |
329 | ||
330 | span.stringliteral { | |
331 | color: #002080 | |
332 | } | |
333 | ||
334 | span.charliteral { | |
335 | color: #008080 | |
336 | } | |
337 | ||
338 | span.vhdldigit { | |
339 | color: #ff00ff | |
340 | } | |
341 | ||
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343 | color: #000000 | |
344 | } | |
345 | ||
346 | span.vhdlkeyword { | |
347 | color: #700070 | |
348 | } | |
349 | ||
350 | span.vhdllogic { | |
351 | color: #ff0000 | |
352 | } | |
353 | ||
354 | blockquote { | |
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356 | border-left: 2px solid #9CAFD4; | |
357 | margin: 0 24px 0 4px; | |
358 | padding: 0 12px 0 16px; | |
359 | } | |
360 | ||
361 | div.summary { | |
362 | float: right; | |
363 | font-size: 8pt; | |
364 | padding-right: 5px; | |
365 | width: 80%; | |
366 | text-align: right; | |
367 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1 | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | 2 | <!DOCTYPE softwarelist SYSTEM "softwarelist.dtd"> |
3 | 3 | |
4 | <!-- | |
4 | <!-- BBC Micro - 32016 Co-Processor Discs --> | |
5 | 5 | |
6 | 6 | <!-- Loading Instructions: |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 8 | Hold down the SHIFT key and press and release the BREAK key. |
9 | 9 | --> |
10 | 10 | |
11 | <softwarelist name="bbc_32016_flop" description=" | |
11 | <softwarelist name="bbc_32016_flop" description="32016 Co-Processor Discs"> | |
12 | 12 | |
13 | <software name="panos111" supported="no"> | |
14 | <description>1 PanOS Startup and Utilities v1.1</description> | |
13 | <software name="panos11" cloneof="panos14" supported="no"> | |
14 | <description>PanOS Version 1.10 System Disks</description> | |
15 | 15 | <year>1985</year> |
16 | 16 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> |
17 | 17 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> |
18 | 18 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> |
19 | 19 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> |
20 | <feature name="part_id" value="PanOS Startup and Utilities"/> | |
20 | 21 | <dataarea name="flop" size="407552"> |
21 | 22 | <rom name="panos11-1.ssd" size="407552" crc="bec45a4d" sha1="4634c4bc7fc62576a0cfe2ac43d75abfca7458fc" offset="0" /> |
22 | 23 | </dataarea> |
23 | 24 | </part> |
24 | </software> | |
25 | ||
26 | <software name="panos112" supported="no"> | |
27 | <description>2 PanOS System v1.1</description> | |
28 | <year>1985</year> | |
29 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
30 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
31 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> | |
32 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
25 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
26 | <feature name="part_id" value="PanOS System"/> | |
33 | 27 | <dataarea name="flop" size="245760"> |
34 | 28 | <rom name="panos11-2.ssd" size="245760" crc="e80fb7c4" sha1="41cd9b89a0b3e844f22b2afc7ff4acc52ae7d70c" offset="0" /> |
35 | 29 | </dataarea> |
36 | 30 | </part> |
37 | </software> | |
38 | ||
39 | <software name="panos113" supported="no"> | |
40 | <description>3 FORTRAN 77 (PanOS) v1.1</description> | |
41 | <year>1985</year> | |
42 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
43 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
44 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> | |
45 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
31 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
32 | <feature name="part_id" value="FORTRAN 77 (PanOS)"/> | |
46 | 33 | <dataarea name="flop" size="309760"> |
47 | 34 | <rom name="panos11-3.ssd" size="309760" crc="43841e68" sha1="99afc53f9964f825f0361bbe5f9c228e4a24fa9c" offset="0" /> |
48 | 35 | </dataarea> |
49 | 36 | </part> |
50 | </software> | |
51 | ||
52 | <software name="panos114" supported="no"> | |
53 | <description>4 ISO PASCAL (PanOS) v1.1</description> | |
54 | <year>1985</year> | |
55 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
56 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
57 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> | |
58 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
37 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
38 | <feature name="part_id" value="ISO PASCAL (PanOS)"/> | |
59 | 39 | <dataarea name="flop" size="360960"> |
60 | 40 | <rom name="panos11-4.ssd" size="360960" crc="634a61a5" sha1="232f80862d038f3932a8333bd3690e2e7f0aa25c" offset="0" /> |
61 | 41 | </dataarea> |
62 | 42 | </part> |
63 | </software> | |
64 | ||
65 | <software name="panos115" supported="no"> | |
66 | <description>5 C (PanOS) v1.1</description> | |
67 | <year>1985</year> | |
68 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
69 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
70 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> | |
71 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
43 | <part name="flop5" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
44 | <feature name="part_id" value="C (PanOS)"/> | |
72 | 45 | <dataarea name="flop" size="401664"> |
73 | 46 | <rom name="panos11-5.ssd" size="401664" crc="99c7c7ad" sha1="bf5d4cece6673a04c634ea59af19cad3ed74e58b" offset="0" /> |
74 | 47 | </dataarea> |
75 | 48 | </part> |
76 | </software> | |
77 | ||
78 | <software name="panos116" supported="no"> | |
79 | <description>6 Cambridge LISP (PanOS) v1.1</description> | |
80 | <year>1985</year> | |
81 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
82 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
83 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> | |
84 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
49 | <part name="flop6" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
50 | <feature name="part_id" value="Cambridge LISP (PanOS)"/> | |
85 | 51 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
86 | 52 | <rom name="panos11-6.ssd" size="409600" crc="e125d3c1" sha1="35f3cb89abc909e0d6787ffa2e727f0f4b1937b9" offset="0" /> |
87 | 53 | </dataarea> |
88 | 54 | </part> |
89 | </software> | |
90 | ||
91 | <software name="panos117" supported="no"> | |
92 | <description>7 Welcome Programs v1.1</description> | |
93 | <year>1985</year> | |
94 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
95 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
96 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> | |
97 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
55 | <part name="flop7" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
56 | <feature name="part_id" value="Welcome Programs"/> | |
98 | 57 | <dataarea name="flop" size="377344"> |
99 | 58 | <rom name="panos11-7.ssd" size="377344" crc="baa462ea" sha1="22cab34f8f51b13a3995db63a83354097c0a613e" offset="0" /> |
100 | 59 | </dataarea> |
101 | 60 | </part> |
102 | 61 | </software> |
103 | 62 | |
104 | <software name="panos141" supported="no"> | |
105 | <description>1 PanOS Startup and Utilities v1.4</description> | |
63 | <software name="panos14" supported="no"> | |
64 | <description>PanOS Version 1.40 System Disks</description> | |
106 | 65 | <year>1985</year> |
107 | 66 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> |
108 | 67 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> |
109 | 68 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> |
110 | 69 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> |
70 | <feature name="part_id" value="PanOS Startup and Utilities"/> | |
111 | 71 | <dataarea name="flop" size="384768"> |
112 | 72 | <rom name="panos14-1.ssd" size="384768" crc="eed42267" sha1="55a8a650ad214e2c623f6c0a2639acc96cd264cf" offset="0" /> |
113 | 73 | </dataarea> |
114 | 74 | </part> |
115 | </software> | |
116 | ||
117 | <software name="panos142" supported="no"> | |
118 | <description>2 PanOS System v1.4</description> | |
119 | <year>1985</year> | |
120 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
121 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
122 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> | |
123 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
75 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
76 | <feature name="part_id" value="PanOS System"/> | |
124 | 77 | <dataarea name="flop" size="205060"> |
125 | 78 | <rom name="panos14-2.ssd" size="205060" crc="5f0b7639" sha1="4bd9e7ee5db79f4c0f3608b7d2b9b5437aae356d" offset="0" /> |
126 | 79 | </dataarea> |
127 | 80 | </part> |
128 | </software> | |
129 | ||
130 | <software name="panos143" supported="no"> | |
131 | <description>3 FORTRAN 77 (PanOS) v1.4</description> | |
132 | <year>1985</year> | |
133 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
134 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
135 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> | |
136 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
81 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
82 | <feature name="part_id" value="FORTRAN 77 (PanOS)"/> | |
137 | 83 | <dataarea name="flop" size="290304"> |
138 | 84 | <rom name="panos14-3.ssd" size="290304" crc="5b28d9e4" sha1="e8503acb278259483bcb82697c3a8006be09ce42" offset="0" /> |
139 | 85 | </dataarea> |
140 | 86 | </part> |
141 | </software> | |
142 | ||
143 | <software name="panos144" supported="no"> | |
144 | <description>4 ISO PASCAL (PanOS) v1.4</description> | |
145 | <year>1985</year> | |
146 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
147 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
148 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> | |
149 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
87 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
88 | <feature name="part_id" value="ISO PASCAL (PanOS)"/> | |
150 | 89 | <dataarea name="flop" size="378624"> |
151 | 90 | <rom name="panos14-4.ssd" size="378624" crc="62fc2639" sha1="f2ceeccb021f4c5030150244fb47897cc7e63f80" offset="0" /> |
152 | 91 | </dataarea> |
153 | 92 | </part> |
154 | </software> | |
155 | ||
156 | <software name="panos145" supported="no"> | |
157 | <description>5 C (PanOS) v1.4</description> | |
158 | <year>1985</year> | |
159 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
160 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
161 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> | |
162 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
93 | <part name="flop5" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
94 | <feature name="part_id" value="C (PanOS)"/> | |
163 | 95 | <dataarea name="flop" size="378624"> |
164 | 96 | <rom name="panos14-5.ssd" size="378624" crc="2f0940f6" sha1="873942b6033fd234db791b34d4df76a866f366b7" offset="0" /> |
165 | 97 | </dataarea> |
166 | 98 | </part> |
167 | </software> | |
168 | ||
169 | <software name="panos146" supported="no"> | |
170 | <description>6 Cambridge LISP (PanOS) v1.4</description> | |
171 | <year>1985</year> | |
172 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
173 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
174 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> | |
175 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
99 | <part name="flop6" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
100 | <feature name="part_id" value="Cambridge LISP (PanOS)"/> | |
176 | 101 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409088"> |
177 | 102 | <rom name="panos14-6.ssd" size="409088" crc="5337964d" sha1="bfecd5cada401d6dfeb410ebc17fb62333f19bbc" offset="0" /> |
178 | 103 | </dataarea> |
179 | 104 | </part> |
180 | </software> | |
181 | ||
182 | <software name="panos147" supported="no"> | |
183 | <description>7 Welcome Programs v1.4</description> | |
184 | <year>1985</year> | |
185 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
186 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
187 | <info name="compatibility" value="32016 co-processor" /> | |
188 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
105 | <part name="flop7" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
106 | <feature name="part_id" value="Welcome Programs"/> | |
189 | 107 | <dataarea name="flop" size="402176"> |
190 | 108 | <rom name="panos14-7.ssd" size="402176" crc="2e5e4fe4" sha1="f69687efea606468a72ed1363f6eab0ce8203f6b" offset="0" /> |
191 | 109 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1 | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | 2 | <!DOCTYPE softwarelist SYSTEM "softwarelist.dtd"> |
3 | 3 | |
4 | <!-- BBC M | |
4 | <!-- BBC Micro - 65C102 Co-Processor Discs --> | |
5 | 5 | |
6 | 6 | <!-- Loading Instructions: |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 8 | Hold down the SHIFT key and press and release the BREAK key. |
9 | 9 | --> |
10 | 10 | |
11 | <softwarelist name="bbc_65c102_flop" description=" | |
11 | <softwarelist name="bbc_65c102_flop" description="65C102 Co-Processor Discs"> | |
12 | 12 | |
13 | 13 | <software name="coprosup" supported="no"> |
14 | <description>65C102 Co-Processor Support Disc</description> | |
14 | <description>BBC Master 65C102 Co-Processor Support Disc</description> | |
15 | 15 | <year>1983</year> |
16 | 16 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> |
17 | 17 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> |
r0 | r250336 | |
1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
2 | <!DOCTYPE softwarelist SYSTEM "softwarelist.dtd"> | |
3 | ||
4 | <!-- BBC Micro - 68000 Co-Processor Discs --> | |
5 | ||
6 | <!-- Loading Instructions: | |
7 | ||
8 | Hold down the SHIFT key and press and release the BREAK key. | |
9 | --> | |
10 | ||
11 | <softwarelist name="bbc_68000_flop" description="68000 Co-Processor Discs"> | |
12 | ||
13 | <software name="casper" supported="no"> | |
14 | <description>Casper Support Discs</description> | |
15 | <year>1986</year> | |
16 | <publisher>Delcomm</publisher> | |
17 | <info name="format" value="DFS" /> | |
18 | <info name="compatibility" value="68000 co-processor" /> | |
19 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
20 | <feature name="part_id" value="Casper Control C Version 0.1"/> | |
21 | <dataarea name="flop" size="204800"> | |
22 | <rom name="casper control c version 0_1.ssd" size="204800" crc="f92958ef" sha1="3b68a54befb002e26c7a30a1d8f42dfae2b2f501" offset="0" /> | |
23 | </dataarea> | |
24 | </part> | |
25 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
26 | <feature name="part_id" value="Casper System Disc Version 2.2"/> | |
27 | <dataarea name="flop" size="204800"> | |
28 | <rom name="casper system disc version 2_2.ssd" size="204800" crc="fa48e7e1" sha1="a3dffefdc13e4a44ec4e57b1cad27e912abdcd15" offset="0" /> | |
29 | </dataarea> | |
30 | </part> | |
31 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
32 | <feature name="part_id" value="Casper Test Disc Version 2.2"/> | |
33 | <dataarea name="flop" size="204800"> | |
34 | <rom name="casper test disc version 2_2.ssd" size="204800" crc="67c43659" sha1="83b0361ab7908584aaedb9f5a42e9cf5c3cc6c1d" offset="0" /> | |
35 | </dataarea> | |
36 | </part> | |
37 | </software> | |
38 | ||
39 | </softwarelist> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1 | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | 2 | <!DOCTYPE softwarelist SYSTEM "softwarelist.dtd"> |
3 | 3 | |
4 | <!-- BBC M | |
4 | <!-- BBC Micro - 80186 Co-Processor Discs --> | |
5 | 5 | |
6 | 6 | <!-- Loading Instructions: |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 8 | Hold down the SHIFT key and press and release the BREAK key. |
9 | 9 | --> |
10 | 10 | |
11 | <softwarelist name="bbc_80186_flop" description=" | |
11 | <softwarelist name="bbc_80186_flop" description="80186 Co-Processor Discs"> | |
12 | 12 | |
13 | <software name="dosboot" supported="no"> | |
14 | <description>512 Disc 1 DOS Plus Boot v2.1</description> | |
13 | <software name="m512sys" supported="no"> | |
14 | <description>BBC Master 512 System Discs</description> | |
15 | 15 | <year>1986</year> |
16 | 16 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> |
17 | 17 | <info name="format" value="ADFS-DOS" /> |
18 | 18 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> |
19 | 19 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> |
20 | <feature name="part_id" value="DOS Plus Boot v2.1"/> | |
20 | 21 | <dataarea name="flop" size="655360"> |
21 | 22 | <rom name="bbcmaster512-disc1-dosplusboot-v2.1.adl" size="655360" crc="7805045c" sha1="89ad16c97842f94809cf05eb9b079867944ca8d8" offset="0" /> |
22 | 23 | </dataarea> |
23 | 24 | </part> |
24 | </software> | |
25 | ||
26 | <software name="dosboot12a" cloneof="dosboot" supported="no"> | |
27 | <description>512 Disc 1 DOS Plus Boot v1.2a</description> | |
28 | <year>1986</year> | |
29 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
30 | <info name="format" value="ADFS-DOS" /> | |
31 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
32 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
25 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
26 | <feature name="part_id" value="DOS Plus Boot v1.2a"/> | |
33 | 27 | <dataarea name="flop" size="655360"> |
34 | 28 | <rom name="bbcmaster512-disc1-dosplusboot-v1.2a.adl" size="655360" crc="264fff88" sha1="7d3386e117b96cc08e78d80ba0d226821e945eac" offset="0" /> |
35 | 29 | </dataarea> |
36 | 30 | </part> |
37 | </software> | |
38 | ||
39 | <software name="dosboot12" cloneof="dosboot" supported="no"> | |
40 | <description>512 Disc 1 DOS Plus Boot v1.2</description> | |
41 | <year>1986</year> | |
42 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
43 | <info name="format" value="ADFS-DOS" /> | |
44 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
45 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
31 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
32 | <feature name="part_id" value="DOS Plus Boot v1.2"/> | |
46 | 33 | <dataarea name="flop" size="655360"> |
47 | 34 | <rom name="bbcmaster512-disc1-dosplusboot-v1.2.adl" size="655360" crc="c2677483" sha1="2df6155aecfd4fc9595cd95359b153d158c313a3" offset="0" /> |
48 | 35 | </dataarea> |
49 | 36 | </part> |
50 | </software> | |
51 | ||
52 | <software name="gemapps" supported="no"> | |
53 | <description>512 Disc 2 GEM Applications</description> | |
54 | <year>1986</year> | |
55 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
56 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> | |
57 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
58 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
37 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
38 | <feature name="part_id" value="GEM Applications"/> | |
59 | 39 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
60 | 40 | <rom name="bbcmaster512-disc2-gemapplications.img" size="819200" crc="68b1cdfe" sha1="0fd737ab5c8499727e6ec3711e59566e702244e7" offset="0" /> |
61 | 41 | </dataarea> |
62 | 42 | </part> |
63 | </software> | |
64 | ||
65 | <software name="gemdata" supported="no"> | |
66 | <description>512 Disc 3 GEM Data</description> | |
67 | <year>1986</year> | |
68 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
69 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> | |
70 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
71 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
43 | <part name="flop5" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
44 | <feature name="part_id" value="GEM Data"/> | |
72 | 45 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
73 | 46 | <rom name="bbcmaster512-disc3-gemdata.img" size="819200" crc="b463f444" sha1="e80911c292aba1b601507c75d9233a79887e3b51" offset="0" /> |
74 | 47 | </dataarea> |
75 | 48 | </part> |
76 | </software> | |
77 | ||
78 | <software name="misc" supported="no"> | |
79 | <description>512 Disc 4 Miscellaneous</description> | |
80 | <year>1986</year> | |
81 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
82 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> | |
83 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
84 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
49 | <part name="flop6" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
50 | <feature name="part_id" value="Miscellaneous"/> | |
85 | 51 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
86 | 52 | <rom name="bbcmaster512-disc4-miscellaneous.img" size="819200" crc="2de63513" sha1="e6718419d4d6f6a834653655f6334667b5c4c355" offset="0" /> |
87 | 53 | </dataarea> |
88 | 54 | </part> |
89 | 55 | </software> |
90 | 56 | |
91 | <software name="dabs11" supported="no"> | |
92 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.1 Disc 1</description> | |
93 | <year>19??</year> | |
57 | <software name="dabs1" supported="no"> | |
58 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.1</description> | |
59 | <year>1988</year> | |
94 | 60 | <publisher>Dabs Press</publisher> |
95 | 61 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> |
96 | 62 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> |
97 | 63 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> |
64 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 1 - Word Processing"/> | |
98 | 65 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
99 | 66 | <rom name="dabs-shareware-vol1-disc1.img" size="819200" crc="767569f6" sha1="103718d7410cf635eb56010fa6204012fcddb719" offset="0" /> |
100 | 67 | </dataarea> |
101 | 68 | </part> |
102 | </software> | |
103 | ||
104 | <software name="dabs12" supported="no"> | |
105 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.1 Disc 2</description> | |
106 | <year>19??</year> | |
107 | <publisher>Dabs Press</publisher> | |
108 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> | |
109 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
110 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
69 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
70 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 2 - Business"/> | |
111 | 71 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
112 | 72 | <rom name="dabs-shareware-vol1-disc2.img" size="819200" crc="011ac2db" sha1="8dc11173655864c6a1d37251bc88f512ba43a09c" offset="0" /> |
113 | 73 | </dataarea> |
114 | 74 | </part> |
115 | </software> | |
116 | ||
117 | <software name="dabs13" supported="no"> | |
118 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.1 Disc 3</description> | |
119 | <year>19??</year> | |
120 | <publisher>Dabs Press</publisher> | |
121 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> | |
122 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
123 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
75 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
76 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 3 - Games"/> | |
124 | 77 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
125 | 78 | <rom name="dabs-shareware-vol1-disc3.img" size="819200" crc="531d3a4b" sha1="a75dd613f4f5bc096a01e259620d16b154305ba8" offset="0" /> |
126 | 79 | </dataarea> |
127 | 80 | </part> |
128 | </software> | |
129 | ||
130 | <software name="dabs14" supported="no"> | |
131 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.1 Disc 4</description> | |
132 | <year>19??</year> | |
133 | <publisher>Dabs Press</publisher> | |
134 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> | |
135 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
136 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
81 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
82 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 4 - Printer Programs"/> | |
137 | 83 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
138 | 84 | <rom name="dabs-shareware-vol1-disc4.img" size="819200" crc="ee1a6961" sha1="c970d723d9b9ee55717928850897d6b21c376c5e" offset="0" /> |
139 | 85 | </dataarea> |
140 | 86 | </part> |
141 | </software> | |
142 | ||
143 | <software name="dabs15" supported="no"> | |
144 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.1 Disc 5</description> | |
145 | <year>19??</year> | |
146 | <publisher>Dabs Press</publisher> | |
147 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> | |
148 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
149 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
87 | <part name="flop5" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
88 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 5 - Miscellaneous"/> | |
150 | 89 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
151 | 90 | <rom name="dabs-shareware-vol1-disc5.img" size="819200" crc="4ab201a7" sha1="094d3af950631a803960d19b573be0e65c19158d" offset="0" /> |
152 | 91 | </dataarea> |
153 | 92 | </part> |
154 | 93 | </software> |
155 | 94 | |
156 | <software name="dabs21" supported="no"> | |
157 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.2 Disc 1</description> | |
158 | <year>19??</year> | |
95 | <software name="dabs2" supported="no"> | |
96 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.2</description> | |
97 | <year>1988</year> | |
159 | 98 | <publisher>Dabs Press</publisher> |
160 | 99 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> |
161 | 100 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> |
162 | 101 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> |
102 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 1"/> | |
163 | 103 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
164 | 104 | <rom name="dabs-shareware-vol2-disc1.img" size="819200" crc="ba7e3ed4" sha1="b5d649a7bdc4ccd75f99e0636ad0a0b6ec71c4cf" offset="0" /> |
165 | 105 | </dataarea> |
166 | 106 | </part> |
167 | </software> | |
168 | ||
169 | <software name="dabs22" supported="no"> | |
170 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.2 Disc 2</description> | |
171 | <year>19??</year> | |
172 | <publisher>Dabs Press</publisher> | |
173 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> | |
174 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
175 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
107 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
108 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 2"/> | |
176 | 109 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
177 | 110 | <rom name="dabs-shareware-vol2-disc2.img" size="819200" crc="b858f06c" sha1="698c6a29fc2f549e8b8ff057e1289c41fc6647e5" offset="0" /> |
178 | 111 | </dataarea> |
179 | 112 | </part> |
180 | </software> | |
181 | ||
182 | <software name="dabs23" supported="no"> | |
183 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.2 Disc 3</description> | |
184 | <year>19??</year> | |
185 | <publisher>Dabs Press</publisher> | |
186 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> | |
187 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
188 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
113 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
114 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 3"/> | |
189 | 115 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
190 | 116 | <rom name="dabs-shareware-vol2-disc3.img" size="819200" crc="2f066a93" sha1="7b2c4b4355ba9855f9167e27d9316ed928dae010" offset="0" /> |
191 | 117 | </dataarea> |
192 | 118 | </part> |
193 | </software> | |
194 | ||
195 | <software name="dabs24" supported="no"> | |
196 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.2 Disc 4</description> | |
197 | <year>19??</year> | |
198 | <publisher>Dabs Press</publisher> | |
199 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> | |
200 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
201 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
119 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
120 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 4"/> | |
202 | 121 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
203 | 122 | <rom name="dabs-shareware-vol2-disc4.img" size="819200" crc="d507700b" sha1="9d5a75b90eb73387eda913f12dde8cc5cf8c9cab" offset="0" /> |
204 | 123 | </dataarea> |
205 | 124 | </part> |
206 | </software> | |
207 | ||
208 | <software name="dabs25" supported="no"> | |
209 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.2 Disc 5</description> | |
210 | <year>19??</year> | |
211 | <publisher>Dabs Press</publisher> | |
212 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> | |
213 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
214 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
125 | <part name="flop5" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
126 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 5"/> | |
215 | 127 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
216 | 128 | <rom name="dabs-shareware-vol2-disc5.img" size="819200" crc="3cfdd202" sha1="e4e8230f29aff2c6bc4a1e218c9be4c9d157fbef" offset="0" /> |
217 | 129 | </dataarea> |
218 | 130 | </part> |
219 | </software> | |
220 | ||
221 | <software name="dabs2b" supported="no"> | |
222 | <description>Dabs Shareware Vol.2 Bonus</description> | |
223 | <year>19??</year> | |
224 | <publisher>Dabs Press</publisher> | |
225 | <info name="format" value="DOS+" /> | |
226 | <info name="compatibility" value="80186 co-processor" /> | |
227 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
131 | <part name="flop6" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
132 | <feature name="part_id" value="Bonus"/> | |
228 | 133 | <dataarea name="flop" size="819200"> |
229 | 134 | <rom name="dabs-shareware-vol2-bonus.img" size="819200" crc="69b81821" sha1="2977d4628e262907ddf5f5b3ad35abf703092809" offset="0" /> |
230 | 135 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1 | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | 2 | <!DOCTYPE softwarelist SYSTEM "softwarelist.dtd"> |
3 | 3 | |
4 | <!-- ARM | |
4 | <!-- BBC Micro - ARM Co-Processor Discs --> | |
5 | 5 | |
6 | 6 | <!-- Loading Instructions: |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 8 | Hold down the SHIFT key and press and release the BREAK key. |
9 | 9 | --> |
10 | 10 | |
11 | <softwarelist name="bbc_arm_flop" description="ARM | |
11 | <softwarelist name="bbc_arm_flop" description="ARM Co-Processor Discs"> | |
12 | 12 | |
13 | <software name="armeval1" supported="no"> | |
14 | <description>ARM Evaluation System Disc 1</description> | |
13 | <software name="armevals" supported="no"> | |
14 | <description>ARM Evaluation System Discs</description> | |
15 | 15 | <year>1986</year> |
16 | 16 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> |
17 | 17 | <info name="format" value="ADFS" /> |
18 | 18 | <info name="compatibility" value="ARM co-processor" /> |
19 | 19 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> |
20 | <feature name="part_id" value="TWIN and ASSEMBLER"/> | |
20 | 21 | <dataarea name="flop" size="655360"> |
21 | <rom name="armevaluationsystem-disc1.adl" size="655360" crc=" | |
22 | <rom name="armevaluationsystem-disc1.adl" size="655360" crc="82fe3687" sha1="494bf65dcf070a198512115fa42456315a86e535" offset="0" /> | |
22 | 23 | </dataarea> |
23 | 24 | </part> |
24 | </software> | |
25 | ||
26 | <software name="armeval2" supported="no"> | |
27 | <description>ARM Evaluation System Disc 2</description> | |
28 | <year>1986</year> | |
29 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
30 | <info name="format" value="ADFS" /> | |
31 | <info name="compatibility" value="ARM co-processor" /> | |
32 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
25 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
26 | <feature name="part_id" value="Utilities 1"/> | |
33 | 27 | <dataarea name="flop" size="655360"> |
34 | <rom name="armevaluationsystem-disc2.adl" size="655360" crc=" | |
28 | <rom name="armevaluationsystem-disc2.adl" size="655360" crc="600e6976" sha1="f6f29281668e9673da7dee9a4fc9dec2b8c40343" offset="0" /> | |
35 | 29 | </dataarea> |
36 | 30 | </part> |
37 | </software> | |
38 | ||
39 | <software name="armeval3" supported="no"> | |
40 | <description>ARM Evaluation System Disc 3</description> | |
41 | <year>1986</year> | |
42 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
43 | <info name="format" value="ADFS" /> | |
44 | <info name="compatibility" value="ARM co-processor" /> | |
45 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
31 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
32 | <feature name="part_id" value="Utilities 2 & BASIC"/> | |
46 | 33 | <dataarea name="flop" size="655360"> |
47 | <rom name="armevaluationsystem-disc3.adl" size="655360" crc=" | |
34 | <rom name="armevaluationsystem-disc3.adl" size="655360" crc="44fa03a3" sha1="f5114ff744f6f742da3959a91a1b98af0bd1db5d" offset="0" /> | |
48 | 35 | </dataarea> |
49 | 36 | </part> |
50 | </software> | |
51 | ||
52 | <software name="armeval4" supported="no"> | |
53 | <description>ARM Evaluation System Disc 4</description> | |
54 | <year>1986</year> | |
55 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
56 | <info name="format" value="ADFS" /> | |
57 | <info name="compatibility" value="ARM co-processor" /> | |
58 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
37 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
38 | <feature name="part_id" value="Cambridge LISP"/> | |
59 | 39 | <dataarea name="flop" size="655360"> |
60 | <rom name="armevaluationsystem-disc4.adl" size="655360" crc=" | |
40 | <rom name="armevaluationsystem-disc4.adl" size="655360" crc="99b8850d" sha1="aba50d169c63088a11e5ef106a86f26dd9e65db3" offset="0" /> | |
61 | 41 | </dataarea> |
62 | 42 | </part> |
63 | </software> | |
64 | ||
65 | <software name="armeval5" supported="no"> | |
66 | <description>ARM Evaluation System Disc 5</description> | |
67 | <year>1986</year> | |
68 | <publisher>Acorn Computers</publisher> | |
69 | <info name="format" value="ADFS" /> | |
70 | <info name="compatibility" value="ARM co-processor" /> | |
71 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
43 | <part name="flop5" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
44 | <feature name="part_id" value="PROLOG"/> | |
72 | 45 | <dataarea name="flop" size="655360"> |
73 | <rom name="armevaluationsystem-disc5.adl" size="655360" crc="c7 | |
46 | <rom name="armevaluationsystem-disc5.adl" size="655360" crc="c4756884" sha1="171f86f0c5591a8ee5388e42db76f81d30ab0484" offset="0" /> | |
74 | 47 | </dataarea> |
75 | 48 | </part> |
49 | <part name="flop6" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
50 | <feature name="part_id" value="FORTRAN 77"/> | |
51 | <dataarea name="flop" size="655360"> | |
52 | <rom name="armevaluationsystem-disc6.adl" size="655360" crc="3545ff34" sha1="88a74bfe6eb864574be41e09a6f338f5895bc980" offset="0" /> | |
53 | </dataarea> | |
54 | </part> | |
76 | 55 | </software> |
77 | 56 | |
78 | 57 | </softwarelist> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1 | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | 2 | <!DOCTYPE softwarelist SYSTEM "softwarelist.dtd"> |
3 | 3 | |
4 | <!-- BBC Micro | |
4 | <!-- BBC Micro - Z80 Co-Processor Discs --> | |
5 | 5 | |
6 | 6 | <!-- Loading CP/M: |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 8 | Reset with Z80 co-processor enabled and Acorn CP/M System Disc 1 in drive 0. |
9 | 9 | --> |
10 | 10 | |
11 | <softwarelist name="bbc_z80_flop" description=" | |
11 | <softwarelist name="bbc_z80_flop" description="Z80 Co-Processor Discs"> | |
12 | 12 | |
13 | <software name="cpmsys1" supported="no"> | |
14 | <description>Acorn CP/M System Disc 1</description> | |
13 | <software name="cpmsys" supported="no"> | |
14 | <description>Acorn CP/M System Discs</description> | |
15 | 15 | <year>1984</year> |
16 | 16 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> |
17 | <info name="serial" value="CP2-884-003481" /> | |
18 | 17 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> |
19 | 18 | <info name="usage" value="Hard reset with Z80 co-processor enabled" /> |
20 | 19 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> |
21 | 20 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> |
21 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 1"/> | |
22 | 22 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
23 | 23 | <rom name="acorn_cpm_system_disk1.ssd" size="409600" crc="78686d61" sha1="28f33e5e356d307d7e35714b34c18e672aec0031" offset="0" /> |
24 | 24 | </dataarea> |
25 | 25 | </part> |
26 | </software> | |
27 | ||
28 | <software name="cpmsys2" supported="no"> | |
29 | <description>Acorn CP/M System Disc 2</description> | |
30 | <year>1984</year> | |
31 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
32 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
33 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
34 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
26 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
27 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 2"/> | |
35 | 28 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
36 | 29 | <rom name="acorn_cpm_system_disk2.ssd" size="409600" crc="afeaa342" sha1="e4b838dae211317c8ccadf47a17fa2ab5aa436a4" offset="0" /> |
37 | 30 | </dataarea> |
38 | 31 | </part> |
39 | </software> | |
40 | ||
41 | <software name="cpmsys3" supported="no"> | |
42 | <description>Acorn CP/M System Disc 3</description> | |
43 | <year>1984</year> | |
44 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
45 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
46 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
47 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
32 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
33 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 3"/> | |
48 | 34 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
49 | 35 | <rom name="acorn_cpm_system_disk3.ssd" size="409600" crc="edc26e0e" sha1="7650ecbd02ee0a9f3e986c96719c791db5505de6" offset="0" /> |
50 | 36 | </dataarea> |
51 | 37 | </part> |
52 | </software> | |
53 | ||
54 | <software name="cpmsys4" supported="no"> | |
55 | <description>Acorn CP/M System Disc 4</description> | |
56 | <year>1984</year> | |
57 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
58 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
59 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
60 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
38 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
39 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 4"/> | |
61 | 40 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
62 | 41 | <rom name="acorn_cpm_system_disk4.ssd" size="409600" crc="53dbea69" sha1="1ab9fe7f7ea7b69e6dd1a1ebccd24eae9677b749" offset="0" /> |
63 | 42 | </dataarea> |
64 | 43 | </part> |
65 | </software> | |
66 | ||
67 | <software name="cpmsys5" supported="no"> | |
68 | <description>Acorn CP/M System Disc 5</description> | |
69 | <year>1984</year> | |
70 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
71 | <info name="serial" value="A02 AC UK0013257" /> | |
72 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
73 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
74 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
44 | <part name="flop5" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
45 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 5"/> | |
75 | 46 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
76 | 47 | <rom name="acorn_cpm_system_disk5.ssd" size="409600" crc="cf426f1c" sha1="7e336b8ae82138b7c6e19c59ba20c0664b4c8a77" offset="0" /> |
77 | 48 | </dataarea> |
78 | 49 | </part> |
79 | </software> | |
80 | ||
81 | <software name="cpmsys6" supported="no"> | |
82 | <description>Acorn CP/M System Disc 6</description> | |
83 | <year>1984</year> | |
84 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
85 | <info name="serial" value="A02 AG UK0013440" /> | |
86 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
87 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
88 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
50 | <part name="flop6" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
51 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 6"/> | |
89 | 52 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
90 | 53 | <rom name="acorn_cpm_system_disk6.ssd" size="409600" crc="03575faa" sha1="f568a23ae3b0d17866f55bf16ca29a351850167c" offset="0" /> |
91 | 54 | </dataarea> |
92 | 55 | </part> |
93 | </software> | |
94 | ||
95 | <software name="cpmsys7" supported="no"> | |
96 | <description>Acorn CP/M System Disc 7</description> | |
97 | <year>1984</year> | |
98 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
99 | <info name="serial" value="BQ03261BC" /> | |
100 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
101 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
102 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
56 | <part name="flop7" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
57 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 7"/> | |
103 | 58 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
104 | 59 | <rom name="acorn_cpm_system_disk7.ssd" size="409600" crc="8ae52625" sha1="23c102b852eab471a45fac588c8e326cc96e1368" offset="0" /> |
105 | 60 | </dataarea> |
106 | 61 | </part> |
107 | 62 | </software> |
108 | 63 | |
109 | <software name="cpmutils" supported="no"> | |
110 | <description>CP/M Utilities Disc</description> | |
64 | <software name="cpmprog" supported="no"> | |
65 | <description>Acorn CP/M Program Discs</description> | |
111 | 66 | <year>1984</year> |
112 | 67 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> |
113 | 68 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> |
114 | 69 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> |
115 | 70 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> |
71 | <feature name="part_id" value="CP/M Utilities Disc"/> | |
116 | 72 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
117 | 73 | <rom name="cpm_utilities_disc.dsd" size="409600" crc="1afbcc5f" sha1="ec4cf1810d43e0000b92943204dfd593bec883f1" offset="0" /> |
118 | 74 | </dataarea> |
119 | 75 | </part> |
120 | </software> | |
121 | ||
122 | <software name="basicprg" supported="no"> | |
123 | <description>BASIC Program Disc</description> | |
124 | <year>1984</year> | |
125 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
126 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
127 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
128 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
76 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
77 | <feature name="part_id" value="BASIC Program Disc"/> | |
129 | 78 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
130 | 79 | <rom name="basic_program_disc.dsd" size="409600" crc="827304e7" sha1="76b808b059982ad6f1ab3454b745f83f2fc6ab1d" offset="0" /> |
131 | 80 | </dataarea> |
132 | 81 | </part> |
133 | </software> | |
134 | ||
135 | <software name="cobolprg" supported="no"> | |
136 | <description>CIS COBOL Program Disc</description> | |
137 | <year>1984</year> | |
138 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
139 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
140 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
141 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
82 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
83 | <feature name="part_id" value="CIS COBOL Program Disc"/> | |
142 | 84 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
143 | 85 | <rom name="cis_cobol_program_disc.dsd" size="409600" crc="a7b8d740" sha1="f2d6cb366d00031958f1da774bc61521f61f86fe" offset="0" /> |
144 | 86 | </dataarea> |
145 | 87 | </part> |
146 | </software> | |
147 | ||
148 | <software name="memoprg" supported="no"> | |
149 | <description>MemoPlan Program Disc</description> | |
150 | <year>1984</year> | |
151 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
152 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
153 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
154 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
88 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
89 | <feature name="part_id" value="MemoPlan Program Disc"/> | |
155 | 90 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
156 | 91 | <rom name="memoplan_program_disc.dsd" size="409600" crc="1a3eaf3e" sha1="87c047857e0bcd4abf6fc1c785e0e0035147fd0a" offset="0" /> |
157 | 92 | </dataarea> |
158 | 93 | </part> |
159 | </software> | |
160 | ||
161 | <software name="graphprg" supported="no"> | |
162 | <description>GraphPlan Program Disc</description> | |
163 | <year>1984</year> | |
164 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
165 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
166 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
167 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
94 | <part name="flop5" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
95 | <feature name="part_id" value="GraphPlan Program Disc"/> | |
168 | 96 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
169 | 97 | <rom name="graphplan_program_disc.dsd" size="409600" crc="015eca7c" sha1="c18216ca44bfd21d2119a33630691363b22c32b1" offset="0" /> |
170 | 98 | </dataarea> |
171 | 99 | </part> |
172 | </software> | |
173 | ||
174 | <software name="fileprg" supported="no"> | |
175 | <description>FilePlan Program Disc</description> | |
176 | <year>1984</year> | |
177 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
178 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
179 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
180 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
100 | <part name="flop6" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
101 | <feature name="part_id" value="FilePlan Program Disc"/> | |
181 | 102 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
182 | 103 | <rom name="fileplan_program_disc.dsd" size="409600" crc="8b832b7e" sha1="9d3f9401e098b8ab50c842552eb6ac98195647f7" offset="0" /> |
183 | 104 | </dataarea> |
184 | 105 | </part> |
185 | </software> | |
186 | ||
187 | <software name="accntprg" supported="no"> | |
188 | <description>Accountant Program Disc</description> | |
189 | <year>1984</year> | |
190 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
191 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
192 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
193 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
106 | <part name="flop7" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
107 | <feature name="part_id" value="Accountant Program Disc"/> | |
194 | 108 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
195 | 109 | <rom name="accountant_program_disc.dsd" size="409600" crc="02a76ee8" sha1="3119b294f63c6beb7726c6a5c73065a130efc8e2" offset="0" /> |
196 | 110 | </dataarea> |
197 | 111 | </part> |
198 | </software> | |
199 | ||
200 | <software name="accntdat" supported="no"> | |
201 | <description>Accountant Data Disc</description> | |
202 | <year>1984</year> | |
203 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
204 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
205 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
206 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
112 | <part name="flop8" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
113 | <feature name="part_id" value="Accountant Data Disc"/> | |
207 | 114 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
208 | 115 | <rom name="accountant_data_disc.dsd" size="409600" crc="d2b4c506" sha1="875e123044c9dee63c9c1f2b1fa8f248125f3dc7" offset="0" /> |
209 | 116 | </dataarea> |
210 | 117 | </part> |
211 | </software> | |
212 | ||
213 | <software name="nucldef" supported="no"> | |
214 | <description>Nucleus Definitions Program Disc</description> | |
215 | <year>1984</year> | |
216 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
217 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
218 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
219 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
118 | <part name="flop9" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
119 | <feature name="part_id" value="Nucleus Definitions Program Disc"/> | |
220 | 120 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
221 | 121 | <rom name="nucleus_definitions_program_disc.dsd" size="409600" crc="447e8629" sha1="2e39dfdae5aebaa7719e35499b13d5e6ac445f03" offset="0" /> |
222 | 122 | </dataarea> |
223 | 123 | </part> |
224 | </software> | |
225 | ||
226 | <software name="nuclrpt" supported="no"> | |
227 | <description>Nucleus Report Program Disc</description> | |
228 | <year>1984</year> | |
229 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
230 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
231 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
232 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
124 | <part name="flop10" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
125 | <feature name="part_id" value="Nucleus Report Program Disc"/> | |
233 | 126 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
234 | 127 | <rom name="nucleus_reporter_program_disc.dsd" size="409600" crc="c2e51084" sha1="62117dde924b10c7af241e640e468c3ca35db016" offset="0" /> |
235 | 128 | </dataarea> |
236 | 129 | </part> |
237 | </software> | |
238 | ||
239 | <software name="nuclparm" supported="no"> | |
240 | <description>Nucleus Parameter File Program Disc</description> | |
241 | <year>1984</year> | |
242 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
243 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
244 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
245 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
130 | <part name="flop11" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
131 | <feature name="part_id" value="Nucleus Parameter File Program Disc"/> | |
246 | 132 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
247 | 133 | <rom name="nucleus_parameter_file_program_disc.dsd" size="409600" crc="2c81fc08" sha1="b60bbfac15aab888c5be5e03b5977419b0e61903" offset="0" /> |
248 | 134 | </dataarea> |
249 | 135 | </part> |
250 | </software> | |
251 | ||
252 | <software name="startday" supported="no"> | |
253 | <description>Start Of Day Disc</description> | |
254 | <year>1984</year> | |
255 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> | |
256 | <info name="format" value="CP/M" /> | |
257 | <info name="compatibility" value="Z80 co-processor" /> | |
258 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
136 | <part name="flop12" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
137 | <feature name="part_id" value="Start Of Day Disc"/> | |
259 | 138 | <dataarea name="flop" size="409600"> |
260 | 139 | <rom name="start_of_day_disc.dsd" size="409600" crc="f85aa0f5" sha1="4221d8c64dba5e44acd770effbce7fe2bc0da77e" offset="0" /> |
261 | 140 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
78 | 78 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> |
79 | 79 | <info name="release" value="G20" /> |
80 | 80 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
81 | <feature name="part_id" value="Draughts"/> | |
81 | 82 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6165"> |
82 | 83 | <rom name="dar-draughts-v2.1(1983)(acornsoft)(g20).uef" size="6165" crc="35e365ed" sha1="0000bae54eaaa8d5507cc0d7a444aaeac03df97d" offset="0" /> |
83 | 84 | </dataarea> |
84 | 85 | </part> |
85 | 86 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
87 | <feature name="part_id" value="Reversi"/> | |
86 | 88 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5627"> |
87 | 89 | <rom name="dar-reversi-v2.1(1983)(acornsoft)(g20).uef" size="5627" crc="fc23b2d1" sha1="6b96831ba63e0e9f6f4470af8a27cfc6a69588b1" offset="0" /> |
88 | 90 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
94 | 96 | <year>1982</year> |
95 | 97 | <publisher>I.J.K.</publisher> |
96 | 98 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
99 | <feature name="part_id" value="Beetle"/> | |
97 | 100 | <dataarea name="cass" size="2152"> |
98 | 101 | <rom name="fg-beetle(ijk).uef" size="2152" crc="b59da103" sha1="027cfc74305d4ffa415ea5c2a18eaf8049335eb1" offset="0" /> |
99 | 102 | </dataarea> |
100 | 103 | </part> |
101 | 104 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
105 | <feature name="part_id" value="Dice"/> | |
102 | 106 | <dataarea name="cass" size="1127"> |
103 | 107 | <rom name="fg-dice(ijk).uef" size="1127" crc="8b9c429f" sha1="fd246f58c464c23b5e7f1d618e337bd108bf656a" offset="0" /> |
104 | 108 | </dataarea> |
105 | 109 | </part> |
106 | 110 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
111 | <feature name="part_id" value="Grand National"/> | |
107 | 112 | <dataarea name="cass" size="1498"> |
108 | 113 | <rom name="fg-grandnational(ijk).uef" size="1498" crc="a734c961" sha1="e99e2f2fbb366f84a3869bb9637228452d9db109" offset="0" /> |
109 | 114 | </dataarea> |
110 | 115 | </part> |
111 | 116 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
117 | <feature name="part_id" value="Hangman"/> | |
112 | 118 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5086"> |
113 | 119 | <rom name="fg-hangman(ijk).uef" size="5086" crc="e0f6ee12" sha1="ae091f682f59b88ac597337ade7718bc32bcf4b6" offset="0" /> |
114 | 120 | </dataarea> |
115 | 121 | </part> |
116 | 122 | <part name="cass5" interface="bbc_cass"> |
123 | <feature name="part_id" value="Kryptogram"/> | |
117 | 124 | <dataarea name="cass" size="1502"> |
118 | 125 | <rom name="fg-kryptogram(ijk).uef" size="1502" crc="75367a68" sha1="5e260a5d929694dd32bf8fc62700999ece741f42" offset="0" /> |
119 | 126 | </dataarea> |
120 | 127 | </part> |
121 | 128 | <part name="cass6" interface="bbc_cass"> |
129 | <feature name="part_id" value="Music"/> | |
122 | 130 | <dataarea name="cass" size="1169"> |
123 | 131 | <rom name="fg-music(ijk).uef" size="1169" crc="0a54e462" sha1="f5edcc6217f19744890b861fac5ba98ba1e5fe83" offset="0" /> |
124 | 132 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
65 | 65 | <software name="3dconvoy"> |
66 | 66 | <description>3D Convoy</description> |
67 | 67 | <year>198?</year> |
68 | <publisher>Doctor | |
68 | <publisher>Doctor Soft</publisher> | |
69 | 69 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
70 | 70 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6198"> |
71 | 71 | <rom name="3dconvoy(doctorsoft).uef" size="6198" crc="75b32812" sha1="b08c67c044cb9d1feaf35cd0a8a466e77e083ae1" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
222 | 222 | <software name="747e" cloneof="747"> |
223 | 223 | <description>747 (Early)</description> |
224 | 224 | <year>1983</year> |
225 | <publisher>Doctor | |
225 | <publisher>Doctor Soft</publisher> | |
226 | 226 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
227 | 227 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7426"> |
228 | 228 | <rom name="747-early(doctorsoft).uef" size="7426" crc="a1c21adf" sha1="bb2277de12538163cfa8e4382cfe294ae0d55bf7" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
233 | 233 | <software name="747"> |
234 | 234 | <description>747</description> |
235 | 235 | <year>1983</year> |
236 | <publisher>Doctor | |
236 | <publisher>Doctor Soft</publisher> | |
237 | 237 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
238 | <feature name="part_id" value="Joystick"/> | |
238 | 239 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7319"> |
239 | 240 | <rom name="747-joystick(doctorsoft).uef" size="7319" crc="904248e2" sha1="b948886e3547403763f5a15d946c0930d7c306b8" offset="0" /> |
240 | 241 | </dataarea> |
241 | 242 | </part> |
242 | 243 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
244 | <feature name="part_id" value="Keyboard"/> | |
243 | 245 | <dataarea name="cass" size="8981"> |
244 | 246 | <rom name="747-keyboard(doctorsoft).uef" size="8981" crc="11c96e96" sha1="337569c285e62ff91043f33b55a580693d483d89" offset="0" /> |
245 | 247 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
525 | 527 | |
526 | 528 | <software name="airwolf"> |
527 | 529 | <description>Airwolf</description> |
528 | <year>198 | |
530 | <year>1985</year> | |
529 | 531 | <publisher>Elite</publisher> |
530 | 532 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
531 | 533 | <dataarea name="cass" size="15748"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
619 | 621 | <year>1986</year> |
620 | 622 | <publisher>Riverdale</publisher> |
621 | 623 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
624 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
622 | 625 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10645"> |
623 | 626 | <rom name="americansuds-pt1_be(1986)(riverdale).uef" size="10645" crc="bbba8a02" sha1="05bee4976191e3f67ff3c1d67d57261b508dcc94" offset="0" /> |
624 | 627 | </dataarea> |
625 | 628 | </part> |
626 | 629 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
630 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
627 | 631 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10434"> |
628 | 632 | <rom name="americansuds-pt2_be(1986)(riverdale).uef" size="10434" crc="4b35ba6a" sha1="06586a7ad13735a85a6259074e5917bb607e03f7" offset="0" /> |
629 | 633 | </dataarea> |
630 | 634 | </part> |
631 | 635 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
636 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 3"/> | |
632 | 637 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10892"> |
633 | 638 | <rom name="americansuds-pt3_be(1986)(riverdale).uef" size="10892" crc="5e684124" sha1="24b12118544e9e01ca63380b4b9ef4c2677c965b" offset="0" /> |
634 | 639 | </dataarea> |
635 | 640 | </part> |
636 | 641 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
642 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 4"/> | |
637 | 643 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10935"> |
638 | 644 | <rom name="americansuds-pt4_be(1986)(riverdale).uef" size="10935" crc="8f5d1deb" sha1="681282f14eac3014c656c666f2d0eb1e22efa93e" offset="0" /> |
639 | 645 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
667 | 673 | <year>19??</year> |
668 | 674 | <publisher>Lee</publisher> |
669 | 675 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
676 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
670 | 677 | <dataarea name="cass" size="12533"> |
671 | 678 | <rom name="annabelgray-pt1_be(lee).uef" size="12533" crc="5e466131" sha1="8ceb3a881790854393b4b4f6bf0792b6c84db806" offset="0" /> |
672 | 679 | </dataarea> |
673 | 680 | </part> |
674 | 681 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
682 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
675 | 683 | <dataarea name="cass" size="12439"> |
676 | 684 | <rom name="annabelgray-pt2_be(lee).uef" size="12439" crc="1fa621e2" sha1="15efd0bb58e6b9ccb63ede49bbf8b8e9e6004336" offset="0" /> |
677 | 685 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
761 | 769 | <year>1983</year> |
762 | 770 | <publisher>Software Invasion</publisher> |
763 | 771 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
772 | <feature name="part_id" value="Joystick"/> | |
764 | 773 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7523"> |
765 | 774 | <rom name="apollo-joysticks(softwareinvasion).uef" size="7523" crc="07ebf289" sha1="5543073467915012ee0059e8ef639f9d084378e8" offset="0" /> |
766 | 775 | </dataarea> |
767 | 776 | </part> |
768 | 777 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
778 | <feature name="part_id" value="Keyboard"/> | |
769 | 779 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7259"> |
770 | 780 | <rom name="apollo(softwareinvasion).uef" size="7259" crc="787688ed" sha1="185de7feec4555f2d2093e9c18b860239fa71a68" offset="0" /> |
771 | 781 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1024 | 1034 | <year>1987</year> |
1025 | 1035 | <publisher>Elk Adventure Club</publisher> |
1026 | 1036 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
1037 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
1027 | 1038 | <dataarea name="cass" size="14406"> |
1028 | 1039 | <rom name="axeofkolt-pt1_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="14406" crc="05ca98fc" sha1="0b0a6ab7e88fdb353e6103cb099eeefed1c726d5" offset="0" /> |
1029 | 1040 | </dataarea> |
1030 | 1041 | </part> |
1031 | 1042 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
1043 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
1032 | 1044 | <dataarea name="cass" size="11086"> |
1033 | 1045 | <rom name="axeofkolt-pt2_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="11086" crc="98322c43" sha1="fea681b3a86e490456b29d8d918c3a51516d5dda" offset="0" /> |
1034 | 1046 | </dataarea> |
1035 | 1047 | </part> |
1036 | 1048 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
1049 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 3"/> | |
1037 | 1050 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10930"> |
1038 | 1051 | <rom name="axeofkolt-pt3_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="10930" crc="cf80e6c3" sha1="b02092dec746215e6780e2401f63a421ad8d442c" offset="0" /> |
1039 | 1052 | </dataarea> |
1040 | 1053 | </part> |
1041 | 1054 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
1055 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 4"/> | |
1042 | 1056 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10808"> |
1043 | 1057 | <rom name="axeofkolt-pt4_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="10808" crc="2af8d97a" sha1="6f45f4ff60048025294b1fd3966b6e1dc17b1e77" offset="0" /> |
1044 | 1058 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1149 | 1163 | <year>1987</year> |
1150 | 1164 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> |
1151 | 1165 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
1166 | <feature name="part_id" value="Combat Practice"/> | |
1152 | 1167 | <dataarea name="cass" size="24764"> |
1153 | 1168 | <rom name="barbarian-combatpractice(1987)(superior).uef" size="24764" crc="2e4d51e3" sha1="8fba7af4384f7170bc735898b111c4d42d44f705" offset="0" /> |
1154 | 1169 | </dataarea> |
1155 | 1170 | </part> |
1156 | 1171 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
1172 | <feature name="part_id" value="Fight to the Death"/> | |
1157 | 1173 | <dataarea name="cass" size="24742"> |
1158 | 1174 | <rom name="barbarian-fighttothedeath(1987)(superior).uef" size="24742" crc="4766f29c" sha1="f939b8c3cbe59ad457c8bc78a552ec4d28a9a3d9" offset="0" /> |
1159 | 1175 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1459 | 1475 | </software> |
1460 | 1476 | |
1461 | 1477 | <software name="blockbus"> |
1462 | <description>Block Buster</description> | |
1463 | <year>198?</year> | |
1478 | <description>Blockbuster</description> | |
1479 | <year>1984</year> | |
1464 | 1480 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> |
1465 | 1481 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
1466 | 1482 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7253"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1754 | 1770 | <year>19??</year> |
1755 | 1771 | <publisher>J Keyne</publisher> |
1756 | 1772 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
1773 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape A"/> | |
1757 | 1774 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5041"> |
1758 | 1775 | <rom name="bridgemaster-tapea_be(jkeyne).uef" size="5041" crc="ba94bafc" sha1="752800f97f445afa16dcca40c488113892c4050c" offset="0" /> |
1759 | 1776 | </dataarea> |
1760 | 1777 | </part> |
1761 | 1778 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
1779 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape B"/> | |
1762 | 1780 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5805"> |
1763 | 1781 | <rom name="bridgemaster-tapeb_be(jkeyne).uef" size="5805" crc="6512bfc3" sha1="2005318732bb1014d5137bedde9c6203c64f360c" offset="0" /> |
1764 | 1782 | </dataarea> |
1765 | 1783 | </part> |
1766 | 1784 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
1785 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape C"/> | |
1767 | 1786 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5690"> |
1768 | 1787 | <rom name="bridgemaster-tapec_be(jkeyne).uef" size="5690" crc="ef6ce2ba" sha1="c2ddae81ee7951da1808eda070cd5633ad2991a6" offset="0" /> |
1769 | 1788 | </dataarea> |
1770 | 1789 | </part> |
1771 | 1790 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
1791 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape D"/> | |
1772 | 1792 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5744"> |
1773 | 1793 | <rom name="bridgemaster-taped_be(jkeyne).uef" size="5744" crc="004a5565" sha1="2d8f8d4f03e3d22c483ac1f1b5a9912c9b5984c7" offset="0" /> |
1774 | 1794 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1941 | 1961 | </dataarea> |
1942 | 1962 | </part> |
1943 | 1963 | </software> |
1944 | ||
1964 | ||
1945 | 1965 | <software name="carwarsp"> |
1946 | 1966 | <description>Car Wars/Planet of the Aliens</description> |
1947 | 1967 | <year>1982</year> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2026 | 2046 | <year>1984</year> |
2027 | 2047 | <publisher>MRM Software</publisher> |
2028 | 2048 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
2049 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
2029 | 2050 | <dataarea name="cass" size="8824"> |
2030 | 2051 | <rom name="castleofgems-side1(1984)(mrm).uef" size="8824" crc="69b0d0b6" sha1="4b937e34845664c5ccbf9324bb3d5cb70e97e167" offset="0" /> |
2031 | 2052 | </dataarea> |
2032 | 2053 | </part> |
2033 | 2054 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
2055 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
2034 | 2056 | <dataarea name="cass" size="8876"> |
2035 | 2057 | <rom name="castleofgems-side2(1984)(mrm).uef" size="8876" crc="048aabb4" sha1="8b8d96a3641b6f93d02ad4e6003c442029d66673" offset="0" /> |
2036 | 2058 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2623 | 2645 | |
2624 | 2646 | <software name="commando"> |
2625 | 2647 | <description>Commando</description> |
2626 | <year>198 | |
2648 | <year>1985</year> | |
2627 | 2649 | <publisher>Elite</publisher> |
2628 | 2650 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
2629 | 2651 | <dataarea name="cass" size="19228"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2648 | 2670 | <year>198?</year> |
2649 | 2671 | <publisher>CDS</publisher> |
2650 | 2672 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
2673 | <feature name="part_id" value="Backgammon"/> | |
2651 | 2674 | <dataarea name="cass" size="4290"> |
2652 | 2675 | <rom name="tchec-backgammon(cds).uef" size="4290" crc="8dfeb5cc" sha1="4044b782321cd05dfe277ac0cfe094b2319a6083" offset="0" /> |
2653 | 2676 | </dataarea> |
2654 | 2677 | </part> |
2655 | 2678 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
2679 | <feature name="part_id" value="Bridge"/> | |
2656 | 2680 | <dataarea name="cass" size="22034"> |
2657 | 2681 | <rom name="tchec-bridge(cds).uef" size="22034" crc="9ef5480e" sha1="b3fa888528fca6338de57021cc19e9ab0256ba50" offset="0" /> |
2658 | 2682 | </dataarea> |
2659 | 2683 | </part> |
2660 | 2684 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
2685 | <feature name="part_id" value="Chess"/> | |
2661 | 2686 | <dataarea name="cass" size="37519"> |
2662 | 2687 | <rom name="tchec-chess(cds).uef" size="37519" crc="11e8b89c" sha1="8ebe8576f47c5756e19b90cfef511e636a091714" offset="0" /> |
2663 | 2688 | </dataarea> |
2664 | 2689 | </part> |
2665 | 2690 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
2691 | <feature name="part_id" value="Dominoes"/> | |
2666 | 2692 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6335"> |
2667 | 2693 | <rom name="tchec-dominoes(cds).uef" size="6335" crc="b9f95e1e" sha1="148728f6f2d07b71fe95eb24e2908cbfd08d0269" offset="0" /> |
2668 | 2694 | </dataarea> |
2669 | 2695 | </part> |
2670 | 2696 | <part name="cass5" interface="bbc_cass"> |
2697 | <feature name="part_id" value="Poker"/> | |
2671 | 2698 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7040"> |
2672 | 2699 | <rom name="tchec-poker(cds).uef" size="7040" crc="0940cf91" sha1="b715180928250a9d9c7c0c35353cf50734bfd4a1" offset="0" /> |
2673 | 2700 | </dataarea> |
2674 | 2701 | </part> |
2675 | 2702 | <part name="cass6" interface="bbc_cass"> |
2703 | <feature name="part_id" value="Pontoon"/> | |
2676 | 2704 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7633"> |
2677 | 2705 | <rom name="tchec-pontoon(cds).uef" size="7633" crc="74807e91" sha1="c41877aa6c71fee5d126e3d82d86c6386f528bdf" offset="0" /> |
2678 | 2706 | </dataarea> |
2679 | 2707 | </part> |
2680 | 2708 | <part name="cass7" interface="bbc_cass"> |
2709 | <feature name="part_id" value="Word Search"/> | |
2681 | 2710 | <dataarea name="cass" size="13801"> |
2682 | 2711 | <rom name="tchec-wordsearch(cds).uef" size="13801" crc="5c612659" sha1="a9206dd3d4170945f68252ee275c340e3bcb086c" offset="0" /> |
2683 | 2712 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2916 | 2945 | </software> |
2917 | 2946 | |
2918 | 2947 | <software name="ctodoom"> |
2919 | <description>Countdown | |
2948 | <description>Countdown to Doom</description> | |
2920 | 2949 | <year>1982</year> |
2921 | 2950 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> |
2922 | 2951 | <info name="release" value="G19" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2932 | 2961 | <year>19??</year> |
2933 | 2962 | <publisher>Selec</publisher> |
2934 | 2963 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
2964 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
2935 | 2965 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9786"> |
2936 | 2966 | <rom name="coursewinner3-side1-nh(selec).uef" size="9786" crc="37cade71" sha1="6ee07de660a965974c826c328d23f6ff87cf10b5" offset="0" /> |
2937 | 2967 | </dataarea> |
2938 | 2968 | </part> |
2939 | 2969 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
2970 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
2940 | 2971 | <dataarea name="cass" size="8882"> |
2941 | 2972 | <rom name="coursewinner3-side2-flat(selec).uef" size="8882" crc="2cbd896e" sha1="30a8c7076c604fa1006706011af04c682f42d053" offset="0" /> |
2942 | 2973 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3129 | 3160 | <year>198?</year> |
3130 | 3161 | <publisher>Cumana</publisher> |
3131 | 3162 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
3163 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
3132 | 3164 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7308"> |
3133 | 3165 | <rom name="cumanasketchpad-side1(cumana).uef" size="7308" crc="71be2480" sha1="3b2d824d15bee0f213257b8e6f8bdfd88a239bff" offset="0" /> |
3134 | 3166 | </dataarea> |
3135 | 3167 | </part> |
3136 | 3168 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
3169 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
3137 | 3170 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6046"> |
3138 | 3171 | <rom name="cumanasketchpad-side2(cumana).uef" size="6046" crc="b0fdb864" sha1="e39d67bab0fbdc3826358e878de38a9698b67671" offset="0" /> |
3139 | 3172 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3211 | 3244 | <year>198?</year> |
3212 | 3245 | <publisher>Ocean</publisher> |
3213 | 3246 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
3247 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
3214 | 3248 | <dataarea name="cass" size="14665"> |
3215 | 3249 | <rom name="daleythompsonssupertest-side1(ocean).uef" size="14665" crc="ef93cca9" sha1="add01e556a84000afca03d2c8466c83014ecb4c0" offset="0" /> |
3216 | 3250 | </dataarea> |
3217 | 3251 | </part> |
3218 | 3252 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
3253 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
3219 | 3254 | <dataarea name="cass" size="14837"> |
3220 | 3255 | <rom name="daleythompsonssupertest-side2(ocean).uef" size="14837" crc="d0442a89" sha1="27f7eb82f9ac5a6439b78cc1103b49a1db982dd3" offset="0" /> |
3221 | 3256 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3383 | 3418 | <publisher>Voltmace</publisher> |
3384 | 3419 | <info name="usage" value="Load with *RUN" /> |
3385 | 3420 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
3421 | <feature name="part_id" value="Joystick Driver"/> | |
3386 | 3422 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7467"> |
3387 | 3423 | <rom name="delta14joystickdriver_run(voltmace).uef" size="7467" crc="a0d9062c" sha1="4fcb5a57ae6621f41d7fdcab1c1cb49ba1c7a0fe" offset="0" /> |
3388 | 3424 | </dataarea> |
3389 | 3425 | </part> |
3390 | 3426 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
3427 | <feature name="part_id" value="Keypad Driver"/> | |
3391 | 3428 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5424"> |
3392 | 3429 | <rom name="delta14keypaddriver_run(voltmace).uef" size="5424" crc="04288595" sha1="a402bbd9c8e42318684da88b2252bf3f1f0825fd" offset="0" /> |
3393 | 3430 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3411 | 3448 | <publisher>Visions</publisher> |
3412 | 3449 | <info name="usage" value="Load with *RUN" /> |
3413 | 3450 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
3451 | <feature name="part_id" value="Normal"/> | |
3414 | 3452 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9319"> |
3415 | 3453 | <rom name="demolator_run(visions).uef" size="9319" crc="5dc43e5b" sha1="d7d88ca1b651926104c0833e257e967e0d47dfc2" offset="0" /> |
3416 | 3454 | </dataarea> |
3417 | 3455 | </part> |
3418 | 3456 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
3457 | <feature name="part_id" value="Infinite Lives"/> | |
3419 | 3458 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9339"> |
3420 | 3459 | <rom name="demolator_infinitelives_run(visions).uef" size="9339" crc="8c638151" sha1="85aced0345aec14e7750c5daa290f1cb642b1961" offset="0" /> |
3421 | 3460 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
4115 | 4154 | |
4116 | 4155 | <software name="etype"> |
4117 | 4156 | <description>E-Type</description> |
4118 | <year>19 | |
4157 | <year>1990</year> | |
4119 | 4158 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> |
4120 | 4159 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
4121 | 4160 | <dataarea name="cass" size="25773"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
4593 | 4632 | |
4594 | 4633 | <software name="fortress"> |
4595 | 4634 | <description>Fortress</description> |
4596 | <year>198 | |
4635 | <year>1984</year> | |
4597 | 4636 | <publisher>Pace</publisher> |
4598 | 4637 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
4599 | 4638 | <dataarea name="cass" size="14071"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5036 | 5075 | <year>1983</year> |
5037 | 5076 | <publisher>Salamander</publisher> |
5038 | 5077 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5078 | <feature name="part_id" value="Alphabet Soup"/> | |
5039 | 5079 | <dataarea name="cass" size="2224"> |
5040 | 5080 | <rom name="gcb1-alphabetsoup(1983)(salamander).uef" size="2224" crc="84837080" sha1="146778908cc9deed224ae56c1f35e83118f93928" offset="0" /> |
5041 | 5081 | </dataarea> |
5042 | 5082 | </part> |
5043 | 5083 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5084 | <feature name="part_id" value="Fireman"/> | |
5044 | 5085 | <dataarea name="cass" size="2840"> |
5045 | 5086 | <rom name="gcb1-fireman(1983)(salamander).uef" size="2840" crc="717985c4" sha1="f00b4cd9059fe889b9d74dfa402680922bdac53d" offset="0" /> |
5046 | 5087 | </dataarea> |
5047 | 5088 | </part> |
5048 | 5089 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5090 | <feature name="part_id" value="Hangman"/> | |
5049 | 5091 | <dataarea name="cass" size="4191"> |
5050 | 5092 | <rom name="gcb1-hangman(1983)(salamander).uef" size="4191" crc="f510b7d0" sha1="fc200debf38e8b748538c515f140722076e2012f" offset="0" /> |
5051 | 5093 | </dataarea> |
5052 | 5094 | </part> |
5053 | 5095 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5096 | <feature name="part_id" value="Simon"/> | |
5054 | 5097 | <dataarea name="cass" size="1482"> |
5055 | 5098 | <rom name="gcb1-simon(1983)(salamander).uef" size="1482" crc="062c610f" sha1="269ab5e3db28529edf0f45f5492acf7cadeb6b44" offset="0" /> |
5056 | 5099 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5062 | 5105 | <year>1983</year> |
5063 | 5106 | <publisher>Salamander</publisher> |
5064 | 5107 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5108 | <feature name="part_id" value="Bomber"/> | |
5065 | 5109 | <dataarea name="cass" size="1764"> |
5066 | 5110 | <rom name="gcb3-bomber(1983)(salamander).uef" size="1764" crc="2def2939" sha1="775103e746289002e4f7fac8ce5cfe6d1b919639" offset="0" /> |
5067 | 5111 | </dataarea> |
5068 | 5112 | </part> |
5069 | 5113 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5114 | <feature name="part_id" value="Boothill"/> | |
5070 | 5115 | <dataarea name="cass" size="3244"> |
5071 | 5116 | <rom name="gcb3-boothill(1983)(salamander).uef" size="3244" crc="79fd9d50" sha1="c4929cb24da850d9c033732c422daf53ceafd8df" offset="0" /> |
5072 | 5117 | </dataarea> |
5073 | 5118 | </part> |
5074 | 5119 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5120 | <feature name="part_id" value="Mole"/> | |
5075 | 5121 | <dataarea name="cass" size="3857"> |
5076 | 5122 | <rom name="gcb3-mole(1983)(salamander).uef" size="3857" crc="a0b991d5" sha1="ec16b655b072703162876ffd1107faa37696d7ba" offset="0" /> |
5077 | 5123 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5218 | 5264 | <year>1983</year> |
5219 | 5265 | <publisher>MGB Software</publisher> |
5220 | 5266 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5267 | <feature name="part_id" value="Keyboard"/> | |
5221 | 5268 | <dataarea name="cass" size="3129"> |
5222 | 5269 | <rom name="gobbler1k(1983)(mgb).uef" size="3129" crc="f155d05d" sha1="e18d9f3b6bbabd2f91bebcd3a202fe19aa811bb9" offset="0" /> |
5223 | 5270 | </dataarea> |
5224 | 5271 | </part> |
5225 | 5272 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5273 | <feature name="part_id" value="Joystick"/> | |
5226 | 5274 | <dataarea name="cass" size="3043"> |
5227 | 5275 | <rom name="gobbler2j(1983)(mgb).uef" size="3043" crc="7759f9ad" sha1="843dabc4c7c0deee658d39769afe90b50dac2478" offset="0" /> |
5228 | 5276 | </dataarea> |
5229 | 5277 | </part> |
5230 | 5278 | </software> |
5231 | ||
5279 | ||
5232 | 5280 | <software name="golddigg"> |
5233 | 5281 | <description>Gold Digger</description> |
5234 | 5282 | <year>1984</year> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5309 | 5357 | <software name="gorf"> |
5310 | 5358 | <description>Gorf</description> |
5311 | 5359 | <year>1983</year> |
5312 | <publisher>Doctor | |
5360 | <publisher>Doctor Soft</publisher> | |
5313 | 5361 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5314 | 5362 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9462"> |
5315 | 5363 | <rom name="gorf(1983)(doctorsoft).uef" size="9462" crc="379517fe" sha1="20b6241dba582a72bc906b4148385722b01b71ce" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5352 | 5400 | </software> |
5353 | 5401 | |
5354 | 5402 | <software name="gradvcre"> |
5355 | <description>Graphic Adventure Creator</description> | |
5403 | <description>The Graphic Adventure Creator</description> | |
5356 | 5404 | <year>1986</year> |
5357 | 5405 | <publisher>Incentive</publisher> |
5358 | 5406 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5407 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
5359 | 5408 | <dataarea name="cass" size="11147"> |
5360 | 5409 | <rom name="adventurecreator-side1_be(incentive).uef" size="11147" crc="ba879f45" sha1="ebe76a4867abe84694710c2524f7886d2ebae4fd" offset="0" /> |
5361 | 5410 | </dataarea> |
5362 | 5411 | </part> |
5363 | 5412 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5413 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
5364 | 5414 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6335"> |
5365 | 5415 | <rom name="adventurecreator-side2_be(incentive).uef" size="6335" crc="e6ae14f8" sha1="d17790b4f51ae0439016897148c6a0c9f5c47c60" offset="0" /> |
5366 | 5416 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5612 | 5662 | <software name="happynum"> |
5613 | 5663 | <description>Happy Numbers</description> |
5614 | 5664 | <year>198?</year> |
5615 | <publisher>Bourne</publisher> | |
5665 | <publisher>Bourne Educational Software</publisher> | |
5616 | 5666 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5617 | 5667 | <dataarea name="cass" size="4676"> |
5618 | 5668 | <rom name="happynumbers(bourne).uef" size="4676" crc="3cd9531a" sha1="04d71c30dc0804c6c416b6f8e743535ad68ccaa3" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5812 | 5862 | |
5813 | 5863 | <software name="holedoc1"> |
5814 | 5864 | <description>Holed Out Extra Courses Vol.1</description> |
5815 | <year>19 | |
5865 | <year>1990</year> | |
5816 | 5866 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> |
5817 | 5867 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5818 | 5868 | <dataarea name="cass" size="35742"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5823 | 5873 | |
5824 | 5874 | <software name="holedoc2"> |
5825 | 5875 | <description>Holed Out Extra Courses Vol.2</description> |
5826 | <year>19 | |
5876 | <year>1990</year> | |
5827 | 5877 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> |
5828 | 5878 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
5829 | 5879 | <dataarea name="cass" size="35752"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6024 | 6074 | |
6025 | 6075 | <software name="hyperspo"> |
6026 | 6076 | <description>Hyper Sports</description> |
6027 | <year>198 | |
6077 | <year>1985</year> | |
6028 | 6078 | <publisher>Imagine</publisher> |
6029 | 6079 | <info name="compatibility" value="disable Speech" /> |
6030 | 6080 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6047 | 6097 | |
6048 | 6098 | <software name="icarus"> |
6049 | 6099 | <description>Icarus</description> |
6050 | <year>19 | |
6100 | <year>1988</year> | |
6051 | 6101 | <publisher>Mandarin</publisher> |
6052 | 6102 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
6053 | <dataarea name="cass" size="12628"> | |
6054 | <rom name="icarus-decks(mandarin).uef" size="12628" crc="ddcf1493" sha1="900ec9fe5c0a5eec6736fd7c654a82a4e8ef1b0f" offset="0" /> | |
6103 | <feature name="part_id" value="Game"/> | |
6104 | <dataarea name="cass" size="15305"> | |
6105 | <rom name="icarus-game(mandarin).uef" size="15305" crc="9c5c82cb" sha1="4b2c98f3005db862ac5fca8625fe291e55d1554a" offset="0" /> | |
6055 | 6106 | </dataarea> |
6056 | 6107 | </part> |
6057 | 6108 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
6058 | <dataarea name="cass" size="15305"> | |
6059 | <rom name="icarus-game(mandarin).uef" size="15305" crc="9c5c82cb" sha1="4b2c98f3005db862ac5fca8625fe291e55d1554a" offset="0" /> | |
6109 | <feature name="part_id" value="Decks"/> | |
6110 | <dataarea name="cass" size="12628"> | |
6111 | <rom name="icarus-decks(mandarin).uef" size="12628" crc="ddcf1493" sha1="900ec9fe5c0a5eec6736fd7c654a82a4e8ef1b0f" offset="0" /> | |
6060 | 6112 | </dataarea> |
6061 | 6113 | </part> |
6062 | 6114 | </software> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6141 | 6193 | |
6142 | 6194 | <software name="impmiss"> |
6143 | 6195 | <description>Impossible Mission</description> |
6144 | <year>198 | |
6196 | <year>1985</year> | |
6145 | 6197 | <publisher>U.S. Gold</publisher> |
6146 | 6198 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
6147 | 6199 | <dataarea name="cass" size="24956"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6174 | 6226 | |
6175 | 6227 | <software name="indoorsp"> |
6176 | 6228 | <description>Indoor Sports</description> |
6177 | <year>198 | |
6229 | <year>1988</year> | |
6178 | 6230 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> |
6179 | 6231 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
6180 | 6232 | <dataarea name="cass" size="79291"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6232 | 6284 | <year>198?</year> |
6233 | 6285 | <publisher>Lee</publisher> |
6234 | 6286 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
6287 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
6235 | 6288 | <dataarea name="cass" size="12851"> |
6236 | 6289 | <rom name="insearchofatahaulpa-pt1_be(lee).uef" size="12851" crc="83783735" sha1="d3a1f6516a0a5be24825e7019f11d89b0c83d8f5" offset="0" /> |
6237 | 6290 | </dataarea> |
6238 | 6291 | </part> |
6239 | 6292 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
6293 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
6240 | 6294 | <dataarea name="cass" size="11759"> |
6241 | 6295 | <rom name="insearchofatahaulpa-pt2_be(lee).uef" size="11759" crc="2474f012" sha1="f552732e68d4b8cb790ef9bffb71ec7654d401c0" offset="0" /> |
6242 | 6296 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6363 | 6417 | <year>198?</year> |
6364 | 6418 | <publisher>Central Computing</publisher> |
6365 | 6419 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
6420 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
6366 | 6421 | <dataarea name="cass" size="17561"> |
6367 | 6422 | <rom name="itsmagic-pt1(central).uef" size="17561" crc="30f5faaa" sha1="90d33ab03dceacd94abde8c369ac104f0946e188" offset="0" /> |
6368 | 6423 | </dataarea> |
6369 | 6424 | </part> |
6370 | 6425 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
6426 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
6371 | 6427 | <dataarea name="cass" size="17598"> |
6372 | 6428 | <rom name="itsmagic-pt2(central).uef" size="17598" crc="f3d30f21" sha1="3ff5506dad5c0d7a6d33179617084e39efc76f54" offset="0" /> |
6373 | 6429 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6556 | 6612 | |
6557 | 6613 | <software name="jumpjet"> |
6558 | 6614 | <description>Jump Jet</description> |
6559 | <year>198?</year> | |
6560 | <publisher>Doctorsoft</publisher> | |
6615 | <year>1984</year> | |
6616 | <publisher>Doctor Soft</publisher> | |
6561 | 6617 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
6562 | 6618 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7292"> |
6563 | 6619 | <rom name="jumpjet(doctorsoft).uef" size="7292" crc="ae44f860" sha1="d872a5032929bcfb7e8ef4e283994baa44242c45" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6622 | 6678 | |
6623 | 6679 | <software name="kayleth"> |
6624 | 6680 | <description>Kayleth</description> |
6625 | <year>198 | |
6681 | <year>1986</year> | |
6626 | 6682 | <publisher>U.S. Gold</publisher> |
6627 | 6683 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
6628 | 6684 | <dataarea name="cass" size="20678"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6811 | 6867 | |
6812 | 6868 | <software name="kourtyd"> |
6813 | 6869 | <description>Kourtyard</description> |
6814 | <year>19 | |
6870 | <year>1988</year> | |
6815 | 6871 | <publisher>Godax</publisher> |
6816 | 6872 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
6817 | 6873 | <dataarea name="cass" size="23712"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6834 | 6890 | <software name="kremlin"> |
6835 | 6891 | <description>Kremlin</description> |
6836 | 6892 | <year>1983</year> |
6837 | <publisher>Doctor | |
6893 | <publisher>Doctor Soft</publisher> | |
6838 | 6894 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
6839 | 6895 | <dataarea name="cass" size="4784"> |
6840 | 6896 | <rom name="kremlin(1983)(doctorsoft).uef" size="4784" crc="5dd9558c" sha1="ad3f9d85a457bafded72a7930f162104d88890f7" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
7181 | 7237 | <year>1985</year> |
7182 | 7238 | <publisher>Mirrorsoft</publisher> |
7183 | 7239 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7240 | <feature name="part_id" value="Old MacDonalds Farm"/> | |
7184 | 7241 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7497"> |
7185 | 7242 | <rom name="ls-oldmacdonaldsfarm_be(1985)(mirrorsoft).uef" size="7497" crc="3f11d07f" sha1="359952f8fa204271f387760fd1b9632a563fd381" offset="0" /> |
7186 | 7243 | </dataarea> |
7187 | 7244 | </part> |
7188 | 7245 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7246 | <feature name="part_id" value="Sort"/> | |
7189 | 7247 | <dataarea name="cass" size="8068"> |
7190 | 7248 | <rom name="ls-sort_be(1985)(mirrorsoft).uef" size="8068" crc="aaaabdfd" sha1="1ec43458d43de2c146df7c85c4484128132c7e06" offset="0" /> |
7191 | 7249 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
7230 | 7288 | <year>1986</year> |
7231 | 7289 | <publisher>Melbourne House</publisher> |
7232 | 7290 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7291 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape 1 - Side 1 - Part 1a"/> | |
7233 | 7292 | <dataarea name="cass" size="26529"> |
7234 | 7293 | <rom name="lordoftherings-tape1side1-part1a(1986)(melbourne).uef" size="26529" crc="18c40a4e" sha1="620ff7a5107822a495379bff83886fde1469f6f3" offset="0" /> |
7235 | 7294 | </dataarea> |
7236 | 7295 | </part> |
7237 | 7296 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7297 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape 1 - Side 2 - Part 1b"/> | |
7238 | 7298 | <dataarea name="cass" size="25885"> |
7239 | 7299 | <rom name="lordoftherings-tape1side2-part1b(1986)(melbourne).uef" size="25885" crc="fdb188b8" sha1="207e7d2a22bfd6310836f1431e7c99e6bf2af656" offset="0" /> |
7240 | 7300 | </dataarea> |
7241 | 7301 | </part> |
7242 | 7302 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7303 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape 2 - Side 1 - Parts 2a-2b"/> | |
7243 | 7304 | <dataarea name="cass" size="52459"> |
7244 | 7305 | <rom name="lordoftherings-tape2side1-parts2a2b(1986)(melbourne).uef" size="52459" crc="3a3b8cb9" sha1="8009dc86f4882ad9fed8bd7c9c4e35af4c019cd6" offset="0" /> |
7245 | 7306 | </dataarea> |
7246 | 7307 | </part> |
7247 | 7308 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7309 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape 2 - Side 2 - Beginners Game"/> | |
7248 | 7310 | <dataarea name="cass" size="26716"> |
7249 | 7311 | <rom name="lordoftherings-tape2side2-beginnersgame(1986)(melbourne).uef" size="26716" crc="93347237" sha1="4af3e25b76a71e0e35911643f5654fb75bdbeb23" offset="0" /> |
7250 | 7312 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
7368 | 7430 | <year>1987</year> |
7369 | 7431 | <publisher>Elk Adventure Club</publisher> |
7370 | 7432 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7433 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
7371 | 7434 | <dataarea name="cass" size="12224"> |
7372 | 7435 | <rom name="magneticmoon-pt1_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="12224" crc="07a7a715" sha1="c0076c62477efd5ba34b11d00fcc6cf814edf37e" offset="0" /> |
7373 | 7436 | </dataarea> |
7374 | 7437 | </part> |
7375 | 7438 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7439 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
7376 | 7440 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10367"> |
7377 | 7441 | <rom name="magneticmoon-pt2_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="10367" crc="1d9bf270" sha1="3e5ba399d5d2dc7edcb7f43cd9a3d111800dd40d" offset="0" /> |
7378 | 7442 | </dataarea> |
7379 | 7443 | </part> |
7380 | 7444 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7445 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 3"/> | |
7381 | 7446 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10471"> |
7382 | 7447 | <rom name="magneticmoon-pt3_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="10471" crc="bfc74912" sha1="9a383a100997b3dcc7eab19b07ef3f93c1017177" offset="0" /> |
7383 | 7448 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
7431 | 7496 | <software name="maprally"> |
7432 | 7497 | <description>Map Rally</description> |
7433 | 7498 | <year>198?</year> |
7434 | <publisher>Bourne</publisher> | |
7499 | <publisher>Bourne Educational Software</publisher> | |
7435 | 7500 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7436 | 7501 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6957"> |
7437 | 7502 | <rom name="maprally(bourne).uef" size="6957" crc="ece25693" sha1="7f4a1dc179ded6606cca053392c79eafb9772b26" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
7563 | 7628 | </software> |
7564 | 7629 | |
7565 | 7630 | <software name="megapoca"> |
7566 | <description>Mega Apocalypse</description> | |
7567 | <year>198?</year> | |
7631 | <description>Mega-Apocalypse</description> | |
7632 | <year>1988</year> | |
7568 | 7633 | <publisher>Martech</publisher> |
7569 | 7634 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7570 | 7635 | <dataarea name="cass" size="16408"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
7643 | 7708 | |
7644 | 7709 | <software name="mexico86"> |
7645 | 7710 | <description>Mexico 86</description> |
7646 | <year>198 | |
7711 | <year>1986</year> | |
7647 | 7712 | <publisher>Qualsoft</publisher> |
7648 | 7713 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7714 | <feature name="part_id" value="Finals"/> | |
7649 | 7715 | <dataarea name="cass" size="8625"> |
7650 | 7716 | <rom name="mexico86-finals(qualsoft).uef" size="8625" crc="633204a9" sha1="f75d4fcad28baf3ea9b03cb67cc9d28fa174c174" offset="0" /> |
7651 | 7717 | </dataarea> |
7652 | 7718 | </part> |
7653 | 7719 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7720 | <feature name="part_id" value="Qualifiers"/> | |
7654 | 7721 | <dataarea name="cass" size="8727"> |
7655 | 7722 | <rom name="mexico86-qualifiers(qualsoft).uef" size="8727" crc="c7e20a5e" sha1="7f2988fe361ecc184a238e09092ede3ceec12447" offset="0" /> |
7656 | 7723 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
7816 | 7883 | <software name="missatta"> |
7817 | 7884 | <description>Missile Attack</description> |
7818 | 7885 | <year>1983</year> |
7819 | <publisher>Doctor | |
7886 | <publisher>Doctor Soft</publisher> | |
7820 | 7887 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
7821 | 7888 | <dataarea name="cass" size="11379"> |
7822 | 7889 | <rom name="missileattack(1983)(doctorsoft).uef" size="11379" crc="b6ac6d65" sha1="2c1a1e835e25cfebb3bd7a1d06e034529299a18d" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
8042 | 8109 | <year>198?</year> |
8043 | 8110 | <publisher>Slippery Slug</publisher> |
8044 | 8111 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8112 | <feature name="part_id" value="Demonstration"/> | |
8045 | 8113 | <dataarea name="cass" size="15741"> |
8046 | 8114 | <rom name="moviemaker-demonstrationmovie(slippery).uef" size="15741" crc="5b34d6de" sha1="cd59f700e7f4374e6d73922f36bb70536cc1cc10" offset="0" /> |
8047 | 8115 | </dataarea> |
8048 | 8116 | </part> |
8049 | 8117 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8118 | <feature name="part_id" value="Introductory"/> | |
8050 | 8119 | <dataarea name="cass" size="15809"> |
8051 | 8120 | <rom name="moviemaker-introductorymovie_run(slippery).uef" size="15809" crc="a0f9acab" sha1="87e75d1ac034ebad36569d7ee83eb67405908eb2" offset="0" /> |
8052 | 8121 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
8168 | 8237 | <year>198?</year> |
8169 | 8238 | <publisher>Hybrid</publisher> |
8170 | 8239 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8240 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
8171 | 8241 | <dataarea name="cass" size="16132"> |
8172 | 8242 | <rom name="music500-side1(hybrid).uef" size="16132" crc="3f32bb08" sha1="4f4124f5e63102f571e98ff325756126691586b1" offset="0" /> |
8173 | 8243 | </dataarea> |
8174 | 8244 | </part> |
8175 | 8245 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8246 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
8176 | 8247 | <dataarea name="cass" size="13053"> |
8177 | 8248 | <rom name="music500-side2(hybrid).uef" size="13053" crc="0e2d2db4" sha1="9a6b049efc3831e289915fe7479f0534858c4413" offset="0" /> |
8178 | 8249 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
8184 | 8255 | <year>19??</year> |
8185 | 8256 | <publisher>GTM</publisher> |
8186 | 8257 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8258 | <feature name="part_id" value="Instructions"/> | |
8187 | 8259 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10762"> |
8188 | 8260 | <rom name="musicmaestro-instructions(gtm).uef" size="10762" crc="288b3e9b" sha1="ab7782e69a1fb77bf9b6cf4d52ae4c4da2dc97e0" offset="0" /> |
8189 | 8261 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
8200 | 8272 | <year>19??</year> |
8201 | 8273 | <publisher>Duckworth</publisher> |
8202 | 8274 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8275 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
8203 | 8276 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9912"> |
8204 | 8277 | <rom name="musictools-side1(duckworth).uef" size="9912" crc="5cccd131" sha1="b671b05c09d4f7260d19b6458b902f294457de39" offset="0" /> |
8205 | 8278 | </dataarea> |
8206 | 8279 | </part> |
8207 | 8280 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8281 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
8208 | 8282 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7682"> |
8209 | 8283 | <rom name="musictools-side2(duckworth).uef" size="7682" crc="2429da82" sha1="db32006d5dabf9b41506e099e5768da2aa8ee426" offset="0" /> |
8210 | 8284 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
8315 | 8389 | <year>19??</year> |
8316 | 8390 | <publisher>Central Computing</publisher> |
8317 | 8391 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8392 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side One"/> | |
8318 | 8393 | <dataarea name="cass" size="18314"> |
8319 | 8394 | <rom name="mysteryofthelostsheep-sideone(central).uef" size="18314" crc="3e5b7ef9" sha1="cfa4aba39083042f5df83e6314f27e08b43337f4" offset="0" /> |
8320 | 8395 | </dataarea> |
8321 | 8396 | </part> |
8322 | 8397 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8398 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side Two"/> | |
8323 | 8399 | <dataarea name="cass" size="20179"> |
8324 | 8400 | <rom name="mysteryofthelostsheep-sidetwo(central).uef" size="20179" crc="2e8c19d3" sha1="5a4cde7ad2709cd9d0274abf68ef3953092adb81" offset="0" /> |
8325 | 8401 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
8450 | 8526 | |
8451 | 8527 | <software name="notapenn"> |
8452 | 8528 | <description>Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less</description> |
8453 | <year>198 | |
8529 | <year>1987</year> | |
8454 | 8530 | <publisher>Domark</publisher> |
8455 | 8531 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8456 | 8532 | <dataarea name="cass" size="68039"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
8548 | 8624 | </software> |
8549 | 8625 | |
8550 | 8626 | <software name="osprey"> |
8551 | <description>Osprey</description> | |
8552 | <year>19??</year> | |
8553 | <publisher>Bourne</publisher> | |
8627 | <description>Osprey!</description> | |
8628 | <year>198?</year> | |
8629 | <publisher>Bourne Educational Software</publisher> | |
8554 | 8630 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8555 | 8631 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7916"> |
8556 | 8632 | <rom name="osprey(bourne).uef" size="7916" crc="68b80b6e" sha1="f9ad3d68e48cb562ed9c435e21cc2ea416a143e8" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
8869 | 8945 | |
8870 | 8946 | <software name="phancomb"> |
8871 | 8947 | <description>Phantom Combat</description> |
8872 | <year>1986</year> | |
8873 | <publisher>Doctorsoft</publisher> | |
8948 | <year>1985</year> | |
8949 | <publisher>Doctor Soft</publisher> | |
8874 | 8950 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8875 | 8951 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10039"> |
8876 | 8952 | <rom name="phantomcombat(1986)(doctorsoft).uef" size="10039" crc="19c21145" sha1="86d91ed1e9806a2b055c57a17af83ff94a6e8d83" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
8972 | 9048 | <year>1989</year> |
8973 | 9049 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> |
8974 | 9050 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
9051 | <feature name="part_id" value="Game"/> | |
8975 | 9052 | <dataarea name="cass" size="25675"> |
8976 | 9053 | <rom name="pipeline-game(1989)(superior).uef" size="25675" crc="b718679c" sha1="a4754c6b3c0d09902cb4736bb7ef1f972ca11a72" offset="0" /> |
8977 | 9054 | </dataarea> |
8978 | 9055 | </part> |
8979 | 9056 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
9057 | <feature name="part_id" value="Mission Design"/> | |
8980 | 9058 | <dataarea name="cass" size="22942"> |
8981 | 9059 | <rom name="pipeline-missiondesign(1989)(superior).uef" size="22942" crc="fa044ec6" sha1="43938e8a0492c8ab39787d046f674a0a3f54a873" offset="0" /> |
8982 | 9060 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
8984 | 9062 | </software> |
8985 | 9063 | |
8986 | 9064 | <software name="pipemani"> |
8987 | <description>Pipemania</description> | |
8988 | <year>1988</year> | |
8989 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
9065 | <description>Pipe Mania</description> | |
9066 | <year>1989</year> | |
9067 | <publisher>Empire</publisher> | |
8990 | 9068 | <info name="usage" value="Load with *RUN" /> |
8991 | 9069 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
8992 | 9070 | <dataarea name="cass" size="20634"> |
8993 | <rom name="pipemania_run(1988)( | |
9071 | <rom name="pipemania_run(1988)(empire).uef" size="20634" crc="eb205617" sha1="9e98e9d12b5e453c064119b60dcaadec8c95437d" offset="0" /> | |
8994 | 9072 | </dataarea> |
8995 | 9073 | </part> |
8996 | 9074 | </software> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
9667 | 9745 | <year>1987</year> |
9668 | 9746 | <publisher>Elk Adventure Club</publisher> |
9669 | 9747 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
9748 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
9670 | 9749 | <dataarea name="cass" size="14192"> |
9671 | 9750 | <rom name="reluctanthero-pt1_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="14192" crc="a723bbaa" sha1="e1c97335a5e85253014f03998925c7d6ca99c588" offset="0" /> |
9672 | 9751 | </dataarea> |
9673 | 9752 | </part> |
9674 | 9753 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
9754 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
9675 | 9755 | <dataarea name="cass" size="11070"> |
9676 | 9756 | <rom name="reluctanthero-pt2_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="11070" crc="1e9a871b" sha1="b2245e11105e4513f164d9ce80ab54d15cd758b3" offset="0" /> |
9677 | 9757 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
9883 | 9963 | <year>1986</year> |
9884 | 9964 | <publisher>Robico</publisher> |
9885 | 9965 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
9966 | <feature name="part_id" value="Rick Hanson"/> | |
9886 | 9967 | <dataarea name="cass" size="20174"> |
9887 | 9968 | <rom name="rht1-rickhanson(1986)(robico).uef" size="20174" crc="4d032d45" sha1="393658b5d54aeff21cf77f90bf04cd6119753f9f" offset="0" /> |
9888 | 9969 | </dataarea> |
9889 | 9970 | </part> |
9890 | 9971 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
9972 | <feature name="part_id" value="Project Thesius"/> | |
9891 | 9973 | <dataarea name="cass" size="17256"> |
9892 | 9974 | <rom name="rht2-projectthesius(1986)(robico).uef" size="17256" crc="36b903df" sha1="7a186a3140e071371a8543f91248fa020f73791c" offset="0" /> |
9893 | 9975 | </dataarea> |
9894 | 9976 | </part> |
9895 | 9977 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
9978 | <feature name="part_id" value="Myorem"/> | |
9896 | 9979 | <dataarea name="cass" size="21687"> |
9897 | 9980 | <rom name="rht3-myorem(1986)(robico).uef" size="21687" crc="3367bc9a" sha1="2ad6f4349c9db4b90aafc52ba0fe0068e703db59" offset="0" /> |
9898 | 9981 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
9949 | 10032 | <publisher>Larsoft</publisher> |
9950 | 10033 | <info name="usage" value="Load with *RUN" /> |
9951 | 10034 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
10035 | <feature name="part_id" value="The Prophecy"/> | |
9952 | 10036 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9223"> |
9953 | 10037 | <rom name="ros1-theprophecy_run_be(1984)(larsoft).uef" size="9223" crc="f7899448" sha1="3052ff98547e3d1af8a417282db8d1d89d92a963" offset="0" /> |
9954 | 10038 | </dataarea> |
9955 | 10039 | </part> |
9956 | 10040 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
10041 | <feature name="part_id" value="Return of the Warrior"/> | |
9957 | 10042 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10509"> |
9958 | 10043 | <rom name="ros2-returnofthewarrior_run_be(1984)(larsoft).uef" size="10509" crc="3ba81ddc" sha1="984b771e4acfa0cdf334c93d790104b54a1f63c5" offset="0" /> |
9959 | 10044 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
10091 | 10176 | <publisher>Elk Adventure Club</publisher> |
10092 | 10177 | <info name="usage" value="Load with *RUN" /> |
10093 | 10178 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
10179 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
10094 | 10180 | <dataarea name="cass" size="12915"> |
10095 | 10181 | <rom name="rohaktheswordsman-pt1_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="12915" crc="a96635d9" sha1="03d906ac5a6df1c95b7814710b5db0524e7dcfc0" offset="0" /> |
10096 | 10182 | </dataarea> |
10097 | 10183 | </part> |
10098 | 10184 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
10185 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
10099 | 10186 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10388"> |
10100 | 10187 | <rom name="rohaktheswordsman-pt2_run_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="10388" crc="203423dd" sha1="da7d0ffefe738a31834fcb7b18636cd7fb1c0809" offset="0" /> |
10101 | 10188 | </dataarea> |
10102 | 10189 | </part> |
10103 | 10190 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
10191 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 3"/> | |
10104 | 10192 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10530"> |
10105 | 10193 | <rom name="rohaktheswordsman-pt3_run_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="10530" crc="e9e6fae7" sha1="e75c6deea3ba3cad12d8fa818939220251cff156" offset="0" /> |
10106 | 10194 | </dataarea> |
10107 | 10195 | </part> |
10108 | 10196 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
10197 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 4"/> | |
10109 | 10198 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10535"> |
10110 | 10199 | <rom name="rohaktheswordsman-pt4_run_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="10535" crc="98f13055" sha1="3ca8831ac63c1a88a24acd4db209dc922732041e" offset="0" /> |
10111 | 10200 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
10271 | 10360 | <year>1984</year> |
10272 | 10361 | <publisher>Triffid Software</publisher> |
10273 | 10362 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
10363 | <feature name="part_id" value="Character Generator"/> | |
10274 | 10364 | <dataarea name="cass" size="8749"> |
10275 | 10365 | <rom name="runemagicadv1-charactergenerator(triffid).uef" size="8749" crc="d1d81b63" sha1="2c807027b60cf20d60bb982306328bee15217561" offset="0" /> |
10276 | 10366 | </dataarea> |
10277 | 10367 | </part> |
10278 | 10368 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
10369 | <feature name="part_id" value="Secret River"/> | |
10279 | 10370 | <dataarea name="cass" size="15120"> |
10280 | 10371 | <rom name="runemagicadv1-secretriver(triffid).uef" size="15120" crc="273b76ce" sha1="981c0b196ee4c4744fa08d9f13b734c854e10890" offset="0" /> |
10281 | 10372 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
10287 | 10378 | <year>1984</year> |
10288 | 10379 | <publisher>Triffid Software</publisher> |
10289 | 10380 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
10381 | <feature name="part_id" value="Wizard's Citadel"/> | |
10290 | 10382 | <dataarea name="cass" size="13980"> |
10291 | 10383 | <rom name="runemagicadv2-wizardscitadel(triffid).uef" size="13980" crc="54705431" sha1="fab56a3d8d94419e295823d620d473e2f1da7d05" offset="0" /> |
10292 | 10384 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
10739 | 10831 | |
10740 | 10832 | <software name="skirmish"> |
10741 | 10833 | <description>Skirmish</description> |
10742 | <year>19 | |
10834 | <year>1988</year> | |
10743 | 10835 | <publisher>Godax</publisher> |
10744 | 10836 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
10745 | 10837 | <dataarea name="cass" size="22110"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11036 | 11128 | <year>198?</year> |
11037 | 11129 | <publisher>Qualsoft</publisher> |
11038 | 11130 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11131 | <feature name="part_id" value="Data"/> | |
11039 | 11132 | <dataarea name="cass" size="2857"> |
11040 | 11133 | <rom name="soccersupremo-data(qualsoft).uef" size="2857" crc="afe54b24" sha1="e7c29f3a71383d721413fbcd90625cf7181d088e" offset="0" /> |
11041 | 11134 | </dataarea> |
11042 | 11135 | </part> |
11043 | 11136 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11137 | <feature name="part_id" value="Division One"/> | |
11044 | 11138 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9062"> |
11045 | 11139 | <rom name="soccersupremo-division1(qualsoft).uef" size="9062" crc="a7a844f9" sha1="19bcaa0c7879fdd0b8305a630d83d4eab175ecd4" offset="0" /> |
11046 | 11140 | </dataarea> |
11047 | 11141 | </part> |
11048 | 11142 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11143 | <feature name="part_id" value="Euro Cups"/> | |
11049 | 11144 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7793"> |
11050 | 11145 | <rom name="soccersupremo-eurocups(qualsoft).uef" size="7793" crc="182792a9" sha1="15ad8c55cd09709f1c323b2f6f437044e8be4ec0" offset="0" /> |
11051 | 11146 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11259 | 11354 | |
11260 | 11355 | <software name="spshuttm"> |
11261 | 11356 | <description>Space Shuttle (Microdeal)</description> |
11262 | <year>198 | |
11357 | <year>1983</year> | |
11263 | 11358 | <publisher>Microdeal</publisher> |
11264 | 11359 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11265 | 11360 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7465"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11340 | 11435 | <year>198?</year> |
11341 | 11436 | <publisher>Sullis</publisher> |
11342 | 11437 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11438 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape 1"/> | |
11343 | 11439 | <dataarea name="cass" size="14151"> |
11344 | 11440 | <rom name="spellboundbeseiged-tape1(sullis).uef" size="14151" crc="b6aca196" sha1="3935d2c6f8cf1b37eb11a79587de4413aa93fce2" offset="0" /> |
11345 | 11441 | </dataarea> |
11346 | 11442 | </part> |
11347 | 11443 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11444 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape 2"/> | |
11348 | 11445 | <dataarea name="cass" size="13746"> |
11349 | 11446 | <rom name="spellboundbeseiged-tape2(sullis).uef" size="13746" crc="f1d787b2" sha1="8885169ac9ecc83bb87c4a1abba83a17b7456740" offset="0" /> |
11350 | 11447 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11456 | 11553 | <year>1990</year> |
11457 | 11554 | <publisher>CDS</publisher> |
11458 | 11555 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11556 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape 1"/> | |
11459 | 11557 | <dataarea name="cass" size="38897"> |
11460 | 11558 | <rom name="sportingtrianglescassette1_be(1990)(cds).uef" size="38897" crc="c37b2b57" sha1="30bbc74cce8ac3662e3243e9369533068d8db52e" offset="0" /> |
11461 | 11559 | </dataarea> |
11462 | 11560 | </part> |
11463 | 11561 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11562 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape 2"/> | |
11464 | 11563 | <dataarea name="cass" size="46327"> |
11465 | 11564 | <rom name="sportingtrianglescassette2_be(1990)(cds).uef" size="46327" crc="9481e84b" sha1="f27c48b6cb378b401578a4d112b56448d550b06d" offset="0" /> |
11466 | 11565 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11472 | 11571 | <year>1988</year> |
11473 | 11572 | <publisher>Alternative</publisher> |
11474 | 11573 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11574 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
11475 | 11575 | <dataarea name="cass" size="30437"> |
11476 | 11576 | <rom name="sportspectacular-side1_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="30437" crc="5bd5966d" sha1="524f7ba974eda2de1c4ab24668a9f0a8ab6d3080" offset="0" /> |
11477 | 11577 | </dataarea> |
11478 | 11578 | </part> |
11479 | 11579 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11580 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
11480 | 11581 | <dataarea name="cass" size="27849"> |
11481 | 11582 | <rom name="sportspectacular-side2_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="27849" crc="fff1292a" sha1="e29188ab795d065033e543fdc3afc8a00d41d35e" offset="0" /> |
11482 | 11583 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11605 | 11706 | </software> |
11606 | 11707 | |
11607 | 11708 | <software name="starflen"> |
11608 | <description>Star | |
11709 | <description>Starfleet Encounter</description> | |
11609 | 11710 | <year>1984</year> |
11610 | 11711 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> |
11611 | 11712 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11684 | 11785 | |
11685 | 11786 | <software name="starquak"> |
11686 | 11787 | <description>Star Quake</description> |
11687 | <year>19 | |
11788 | <year>1987</year> | |
11688 | 11789 | <publisher>Bubble Bus</publisher> |
11689 | 11790 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11690 | 11791 | <dataarea name="cass" size="40808"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11732 | 11833 | <year>1987</year> |
11733 | 11834 | <publisher>Elk Adventure Club</publisher> |
11734 | 11835 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11836 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
11735 | 11837 | <dataarea name="cass" size="12656"> |
11736 | 11838 | <rom name="starshipquest-pt1_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="12656" crc="01577bd6" sha1="3b6173f5a48d92b95daa4e2247400717edfa1439" offset="0" /> |
11737 | 11839 | </dataarea> |
11738 | 11840 | </part> |
11739 | 11841 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11842 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
11740 | 11843 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10241"> |
11741 | 11844 | <rom name="starshipquest-pt2_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="10241" crc="36a649cf" sha1="1fa123d966b27be8e23b884f1a35faa8c96f3ae8" offset="0" /> |
11742 | 11845 | </dataarea> |
11743 | 11846 | </part> |
11744 | 11847 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
11848 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 3"/> | |
11745 | 11849 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10653"> |
11746 | 11850 | <rom name="starshipquest-pt3_be(1987)(elk).uef" size="10653" crc="c37fd2e4" sha1="10716471f6dfee7e969c5d93e8103d1752c06ec0" offset="0" /> |
11747 | 11851 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11964 | 12068 | <year>19??</year> |
11965 | 12069 | <publisher>Central Computing</publisher> |
11966 | 12070 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12071 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side One"/> | |
11967 | 12072 | <dataarea name="cass" size="15755"> |
11968 | 12073 | <rom name="streetpatroller-sideone(central).uef" size="15755" crc="3c80f7ad" sha1="e44925b30162f5671c05c08c315b44b8aea66af7" offset="0" /> |
11969 | 12074 | </dataarea> |
11970 | 12075 | </part> |
11971 | 12076 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12077 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side Two"/> | |
11972 | 12078 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7153"> |
11973 | 12079 | <rom name="streetpatroller-sidetwo(central).uef" size="7153" crc="dc47efc6" sha1="e11d07f0d0e54dbdfd682881c5644ee3380ed28a" offset="0" /> |
11974 | 12080 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11981 | 12087 | <year>19??</year> |
11982 | 12088 | <publisher>Central Computing</publisher> |
11983 | 12089 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12090 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side One"/> | |
11984 | 12091 | <dataarea name="cass" size="23899"> |
11985 | 12092 | <rom name="streetpatrollertheremix-sideone(central).uef" size="23899" crc="4fbccc21" sha1="646e5e7b4d2680c3beba590822810bdae7e65d3e" offset="0" /> |
11986 | 12093 | </dataarea> |
11987 | 12094 | </part> |
11988 | 12095 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12096 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side Two"/> | |
11989 | 12097 | <dataarea name="cass" size="16446"> |
11990 | 12098 | <rom name="streetpatrollertheremix-sidetwo(central).uef" size="16446" crc="f4f1db25" sha1="95335a56e2e72562effc89a6d2121d46ad930c36" offset="0" /> |
11991 | 12099 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12015 | 12123 | </software> |
12016 | 12124 | |
12017 | 12125 | <software name="strykrun"> |
12018 | <description>Strykers Run</description> | |
12126 | <description>Stryker's Run</description> | |
12019 | 12127 | <year>1986</year> |
12020 | 12128 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> |
12021 | 12129 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12063 | 12171 | <year>1986</year> |
12064 | 12172 | <publisher>Riverdale</publisher> |
12065 | 12173 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12174 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
12066 | 12175 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10780"> |
12067 | 12176 | <rom name="suds-pt1_be(1986)(riverdale).uef" size="10780" crc="76d35920" sha1="c895df01063eaf068e860c6d21ac4191edefd157" offset="0" /> |
12068 | 12177 | </dataarea> |
12069 | 12178 | </part> |
12070 | 12179 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12180 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
12071 | 12181 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9860"> |
12072 | 12182 | <rom name="suds-pt2_be(1986)(riverdale).uef" size="9860" crc="a65f7dba" sha1="f0501a881ffb55460efb60a6d3e3e01dbb8ac808" offset="0" /> |
12073 | 12183 | </dataarea> |
12074 | 12184 | </part> |
12075 | 12185 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12186 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 3"/> | |
12076 | 12187 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9081"> |
12077 | 12188 | <rom name="suds-pt3_be(1986)(riverdale).uef" size="9081" crc="664a6f48" sha1="9bd6d372a82a4a0d0f5ca6752cecf055d70fbaa6" offset="0" /> |
12078 | 12189 | </dataarea> |
12079 | 12190 | </part> |
12080 | 12191 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12192 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 4" /> | |
12081 | 12193 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9271"> |
12082 | 12194 | <rom name="suds-pt4_be(1986)(riverdale).uef" size="9271" crc="6d0ceb39" sha1="367229021238c2910c9feda6f3cf1217fba0dd36" offset="0" /> |
12083 | 12195 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12377 | 12489 | |
12378 | 12490 | <software name="tarzanm"> |
12379 | 12491 | <description>Tarzan (Martech)</description> |
12380 | <year>198 | |
12492 | <year>1987</year> | |
12381 | 12493 | <publisher>Martech</publisher> |
12382 | 12494 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12383 | 12495 | <dataarea name="cass" size="15611"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12468 | 12580 | <year>198?</year> |
12469 | 12581 | <publisher>CRL</publisher> |
12470 | 12582 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12583 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
12471 | 12584 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10033"> |
12472 | 12585 | <rom name="testmatch-v2-side1(crl).uef" size="10033" crc="9b3930ec" sha1="47e29d64a4241beaeceb4fa1894fdb1a90244988" offset="0" /> |
12473 | 12586 | </dataarea> |
12474 | 12587 | </part> |
12475 | 12588 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12589 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
12476 | 12590 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10485"> |
12477 | 12591 | <rom name="testmatch-v2-side2(crl).uef" size="10485" crc="0caee081" sha1="556db26d207f271033e616a362d278177bfcae64" offset="0" /> |
12478 | 12592 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12484 | 12598 | <year>198?</year> |
12485 | 12599 | <publisher>CRL</publisher> |
12486 | 12600 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12601 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
12487 | 12602 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10040"> |
12488 | 12603 | <rom name="testmatch-side1(crl).uef" size="10040" crc="30cee921" sha1="62aa386bbc10aefba6fcd42a854fc3535282f733" offset="0" /> |
12489 | 12604 | </dataarea> |
12490 | 12605 | </part> |
12491 | 12606 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12607 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
12492 | 12608 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7989"> |
12493 | 12609 | <rom name="testmatch-side2(crl).uef" size="7989" crc="6d5979e6" sha1="3b0db0cd3e8e129185544ff7f965ea1cc26cac96" offset="0" /> |
12494 | 12610 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12556 | 12672 | <year>1989</year> |
12557 | 12673 | <publisher>Impact</publisher> |
12558 | 12674 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12675 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1 MODE4"/> | |
12559 | 12676 | <dataarea name="cass" size="12647"> |
12560 | 12677 | <rom name="theartstudio-side1mode4_be(1989)(impact).uef" size="12647" crc="df5049f8" sha1="cb37bd80c626f88e2de6d3b05838606ecff7ca5f" offset="0" /> |
12561 | 12678 | </dataarea> |
12562 | 12679 | </part> |
12563 | 12680 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12681 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2 MODE5"/> | |
12564 | 12682 | <dataarea name="cass" size="13064"> |
12565 | 12683 | <rom name="theartstudio-side2mode5_be(1989(impact).uef" size="13064" crc="22ab434f" sha1="a2e8a9373ca60f576d16e795e82e3e8eacd62595" offset="0" /> |
12566 | 12684 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12613 | 12731 | |
12614 | 12732 | <software name="dambustr"> |
12615 | 12733 | <description>The Dam Busters</description> |
12616 | <year>198 | |
12734 | <year>1985</year> | |
12617 | 12735 | <publisher>U.S. Gold</publisher> |
12618 | 12736 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12619 | 12737 | <dataarea name="cass" size="11310"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12627 | 12745 | <year>1988</year> |
12628 | 12746 | <publisher>DW Gore</publisher> |
12629 | 12747 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12748 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
12630 | 12749 | <dataarea name="cass" size="11465"> |
12631 | 12750 | <rom name="thefourwands-pt1_be(dwgore).uef" size="11465" crc="eebae37b" sha1="ee18f1b8a6332fd572d6d32a2b2e107d0d3360ff" offset="0" /> |
12632 | 12751 | </dataarea> |
12633 | 12752 | </part> |
12634 | 12753 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12754 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
12635 | 12755 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10749"> |
12636 | 12756 | <rom name="thefourwands-pt2_be(dwgore).uef" size="10749" crc="3e8821a5" sha1="10ff75d238cf636203dd38d728b0d48d75d4ba1b" offset="0" /> |
12637 | 12757 | </dataarea> |
12638 | 12758 | </part> |
12639 | 12759 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12760 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 3"/> | |
12640 | 12761 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10891"> |
12641 | 12762 | <rom name="thefourwands-pt3_be(dwgore).uef" size="10891" crc="aaf524a2" sha1="ebf1f5611a32cb3ca91a7df834275deea1fa598f" offset="0" /> |
12642 | 12763 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12659 | 12780 | <year>198?</year> |
12660 | 12781 | <publisher>Quicksilva</publisher> |
12661 | 12782 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12783 | <feature name="part_id" value="Character Generator"/> | |
12662 | 12784 | <dataarea name="cass" size="3762"> |
12663 | 12785 | <rom name="tg-charactergenerator(quicksilva).uef" size="3762" crc="cae70c3b" sha1="c9fd1a732bccf92fe944320157b64778c4f05248" offset="0" /> |
12664 | 12786 | </dataarea> |
12665 | 12787 | </part> |
12666 | 12788 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
12789 | <feature name="part_id" value="Teletext Generator"/> | |
12667 | 12790 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7514"> |
12668 | 12791 | <rom name="tg-teletextgenerator(quicksilva).uef" size="7514" crc="8c0ab1e7" sha1="e7a97dc451d54867d7ad20c093004361195d850d" offset="0" /> |
12669 | 12792 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13022 | 13145 | <year>1983</year> |
13023 | 13146 | <publisher>Gemini</publisher> |
13024 | 13147 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13148 | <feature name="part_id" value="Accordian"/> | |
13025 | 13149 | <dataarea name="cass" size="2672"> |
13026 | 13150 | <rom name="tg-accordian_be(1983)(gemini).uef" size="2672" crc="3a620f75" sha1="5c1fda51b7d6211cf87a6f8f3a1ca0878bb7ad61" offset="0" /> |
13027 | 13151 | </dataarea> |
13028 | 13152 | </part> |
13029 | 13153 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13154 | <feature name="part_id" value="Backgammon"/> | |
13030 | 13155 | <dataarea name="cass" size="4723"> |
13031 | 13156 | <rom name="tg-backgammon_be(1983)(gemini).uef" size="4723" crc="a4fc635e" sha1="cad405c987c8bf72eeed6b19ea577e8e59372b85" offset="0" /> |
13032 | 13157 | </dataarea> |
13033 | 13158 | </part> |
13034 | 13159 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13160 | <feature name="part_id" value="Gin Rummy"/> | |
13035 | 13161 | <dataarea name="cass" size="3995"> |
13036 | 13162 | <rom name="tg-ginrummy_be(1983)(gemini).uef" size="3995" crc="65cdb3a0" sha1="326394f88256f77849a3275772c5cc40fb8588d1" offset="0" /> |
13037 | 13163 | </dataarea> |
13038 | 13164 | </part> |
13039 | 13165 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13166 | <feature name="part_id" value="Piquet"/> | |
13040 | 13167 | <dataarea name="cass" size="4129"> |
13041 | 13168 | <rom name="tg-piquet_be(1983)(gemini).uef" size="4129" crc="e6755a3b" sha1="0ce6c4e3c0a361216d2a2737f216f715667abddd" offset="0" /> |
13042 | 13169 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13115 | 13242 | <year>1988</year> |
13116 | 13243 | <publisher>Alternative</publisher> |
13117 | 13244 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13245 | <feature name="part_id" value="Bunny Blitz"/> | |
13118 | 13246 | <dataarea name="cass" size="1660"> |
13119 | 13247 | <rom name="td10-bunnyblitz_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="1660" crc="99f1a92b" sha1="abecf28d379e97dd2b436996713a16e995e75d6d" offset="0" /> |
13120 | 13248 | </dataarea> |
13121 | 13249 | </part> |
13122 | 13250 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13251 | <feature name="part_id" value="Money Maze"/> | |
13123 | 13252 | <dataarea name="cass" size="2856"> |
13124 | 13253 | <rom name="td10-moneymaze_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="2856" crc="63772dac" sha1="12ab136d164ff5e4229df1e5386adb0d5050c4a3" offset="0" /> |
13125 | 13254 | </dataarea> |
13126 | 13255 | </part> |
13127 | 13256 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13257 | <feature name="part_id" value="Rockfall"/> | |
13128 | 13258 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5148"> |
13129 | 13259 | <rom name="td10-rockfall_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="5148" crc="50d5a42c" sha1="e56ccb7cead9a85a9b789df1f63b7e698dfce298" offset="0" /> |
13130 | 13260 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13136 | 13266 | <year>1988</year> |
13137 | 13267 | <publisher>Alternative</publisher> |
13138 | 13268 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13269 | <feature name="part_id" value="Day at the Races"/> | |
13139 | 13270 | <dataarea name="cass" size="3758"> |
13140 | 13271 | <rom name="td1-dayattheraces_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="3758" crc="98ad60b1" sha1="33b518d6ff7bf6aaadcd8fcbc93dcbbe8bb8288a" offset="0" /> |
13141 | 13272 | </dataarea> |
13142 | 13273 | </part> |
13143 | 13274 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13275 | <feature name="part_id" value="Grand Prix"/> | |
13144 | 13276 | <dataarea name="cass" size="3106"> |
13145 | 13277 | <rom name="td1-grandprix_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="3106" crc="d1d4d48d" sha1="19afd5ee6c65f59502b34cf1a486b801cb9e619c" offset="0" /> |
13146 | 13278 | </dataarea> |
13147 | 13279 | </part> |
13148 | 13280 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13281 | <feature name="part_id" value="Manic Mole"/> | |
13149 | 13282 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6029"> |
13150 | 13283 | <rom name="td1-manicmole_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="6029" crc="b7c33543" sha1="3ea65fc0b7e391c5816ee50c164869ecea9d9862" offset="0" /> |
13151 | 13284 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13157 | 13290 | <year>1988</year> |
13158 | 13291 | <publisher>Alternative</publisher> |
13159 | 13292 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13293 | <feature name="part_id" value="Haunted House"/> | |
13160 | 13294 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6341"> |
13161 | 13295 | <rom name="td2-hauntedhouse_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="6341" crc="f220a044" sha1="974000aaf52ca543d8abee93a5dde9a7cad7c9d9" offset="0" /> |
13162 | 13296 | </dataarea> |
13163 | 13297 | </part> |
13164 | 13298 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13299 | <feature name="part_id" value="Invasion Force"/> | |
13165 | 13300 | <dataarea name="cass" size="3817"> |
13166 | 13301 | <rom name="td2-invasionforce_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="3817" crc="1bc8de92" sha1="390a98f4ed21f804e42fdded33cc47f89dae5845" offset="0" /> |
13167 | 13302 | </dataarea> |
13168 | 13303 | </part> |
13169 | 13304 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13305 | <feature name="part_id" value="Parachute"/> | |
13170 | 13306 | <dataarea name="cass" size="3189"> |
13171 | 13307 | <rom name="td2-parachute_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="3189" crc="f7d5340d" sha1="2765974ab62cb5c7b432271219b2267e45d33e00" offset="0" /> |
13172 | 13308 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13178 | 13314 | <year>1988</year> |
13179 | 13315 | <publisher>Alternative</publisher> |
13180 | 13316 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13317 | <feature name="part_id" value="Jam Butty"/> | |
13181 | 13318 | <dataarea name="cass" size="4959"> |
13182 | 13319 | <rom name="td3-jambutty_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="4959" crc="e104ea68" sha1="1ece0e663d567593feec80c1e111fd308b5040d0" offset="0" /> |
13183 | 13320 | </dataarea> |
13184 | 13321 | </part> |
13185 | 13322 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13323 | <feature name="part_id" value="Lander"/> | |
13186 | 13324 | <dataarea name="cass" size="2425"> |
13187 | 13325 | <rom name="td3-lander_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="2425" crc="556dfa34" sha1="02c14af7ac4582841c4a23dca80e028d5c2c8c87" offset="0" /> |
13188 | 13326 | </dataarea> |
13189 | 13327 | </part> |
13190 | 13328 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13329 | <feature name="part_id" value="Lunar Invasion"/> | |
13191 | 13330 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5597"> |
13192 | 13331 | <rom name="td3-lunarinvasion_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="5597" crc="86ff28d6" sha1="086319c9695ee8d5ed1ffa8962bf5a7f5d76c2be" offset="0" /> |
13193 | 13332 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13199 | 13338 | <year>1988</year> |
13200 | 13339 | <publisher>Alternative</publisher> |
13201 | 13340 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13341 | <feature name="part_id" value="Fishing"/> | |
13202 | 13342 | <dataarea name="cass" size="4316"> |
13203 | 13343 | <rom name="td4-fishing_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="4316" crc="30128ecd" sha1="4c1ae505585158c2e408d645ca7bcae78d00a3d7" offset="0" /> |
13204 | 13344 | </dataarea> |
13205 | 13345 | </part> |
13206 | 13346 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13347 | <feature name="part_id" value="Golf"/> | |
13207 | 13348 | <dataarea name="cass" size="2959"> |
13208 | 13349 | <rom name="td4-golf_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="2959" crc="adaf81b4" sha1="9b3f2ec7cce0d758ee0c5f3a68ab936ee38e2f86" offset="0" /> |
13209 | 13350 | </dataarea> |
13210 | 13351 | </part> |
13211 | 13352 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13353 | <feature name="part_id" value="Howzat"/> | |
13212 | 13354 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5319"> |
13213 | 13355 | <rom name="td4-howzat_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="5319" crc="27b76b55" sha1="af52dd65256abcdf88891fee936ee673c4e300c5" offset="0" /> |
13214 | 13356 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13220 | 13362 | <year>1988</year> |
13221 | 13363 | <publisher>Alternative</publisher> |
13222 | 13364 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13365 | <feature name="part_id" value="Karate Warrior"/> | |
13223 | 13366 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5631"> |
13224 | 13367 | <rom name="td5-karatewarrior_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="5631" crc="121a519d" sha1="6e321d160e5ceb3757d76cdf59b7169770b074b5" offset="0" /> |
13225 | 13368 | </dataarea> |
13226 | 13369 | </part> |
13227 | 13370 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13371 | <feature name="part_id" value="Skramble"/> | |
13228 | 13372 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6800"> |
13229 | 13373 | <rom name="td5-skramble_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="6800" crc="2d425461" sha1="7e0ab205fd8eaed8a748d0df9afc2d538e194f88" offset="0" /> |
13230 | 13374 | </dataarea> |
13231 | 13375 | </part> |
13232 | 13376 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13377 | <feature name="part_id" value="Starfight"/> | |
13233 | 13378 | <dataarea name="cass" size="4024"> |
13234 | 13379 | <rom name="td5-starfight_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="4024" crc="b9f6cd6e" sha1="9986a532523f0faef807ba21bf32a4e12273f99f" offset="0" /> |
13235 | 13380 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13241 | 13386 | <year>1988</year> |
13242 | 13387 | <publisher>Alternative</publisher> |
13243 | 13388 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13389 | <feature name="part_id" value="Castles of Sand"/> | |
13244 | 13390 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5703"> |
13245 | 13391 | <rom name="td6-castlesofsand_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="5703" crc="20827c9f" sha1="ea22fe3dd338cc52e58bdcd2b23b6edd6f704cdb" offset="0" /> |
13246 | 13392 | </dataarea> |
13247 | 13393 | </part> |
13248 | 13394 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13395 | <feature name="part_id" value="Cavern Capers"/> | |
13249 | 13396 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6890"> |
13250 | 13397 | <rom name="td6-caverncapers_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="6890" crc="fa93f549" sha1="b5da4f0c96019a705449e878114bac314ee330e3" offset="0" /> |
13251 | 13398 | </dataarea> |
13252 | 13399 | </part> |
13253 | 13400 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13401 | <feature name="part_id" value="Snap Dragon"/> | |
13254 | 13402 | <dataarea name="cass" size="4171"> |
13255 | 13403 | <rom name="td6-snapdragon_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="4171" crc="6d9369b9" sha1="428ef9cd739290973b4954653855528f0252a3f2" offset="0" /> |
13256 | 13404 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13262 | 13410 | <year>1988</year> |
13263 | 13411 | <publisher>Alternative</publisher> |
13264 | 13412 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13413 | <feature name="part_id" value="Atom Smash"/> | |
13265 | 13414 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6959"> |
13266 | 13415 | <rom name="td7-atomsmash_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="6959" crc="29fc892b" sha1="c74b61e51a5e2eb01408d2e3a3e6d92f8dc27918" offset="0" /> |
13267 | 13416 | </dataarea> |
13268 | 13417 | </part> |
13269 | 13418 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13419 | <feature name="part_id" value="Knockout"/> | |
13270 | 13420 | <dataarea name="cass" size="2438"> |
13271 | 13421 | <rom name="td7-knockout_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="2438" crc="b764e9d2" sha1="2e53324cc7caf04f07e89d3a29ad5d24b1e25889" offset="0" /> |
13272 | 13422 | </dataarea> |
13273 | 13423 | </part> |
13274 | 13424 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13425 | <feature name="part_id" value="Reaction Tester"/> | |
13275 | 13426 | <dataarea name="cass" size="1206"> |
13276 | 13427 | <rom name="td7-reactiontester_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="1206" crc="97edffb0" sha1="64b747efdfba836d1e4aa3903f24b2a6d1828e3e" offset="0" /> |
13277 | 13428 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13283 | 13434 | <year>1988</year> |
13284 | 13435 | <publisher>Alternative</publisher> |
13285 | 13436 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13437 | <feature name="part_id" value="Break Free"/> | |
13286 | 13438 | <dataarea name="cass" size="3517"> |
13287 | 13439 | <rom name="td9-breakfree_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="3517" crc="d8fb5d4b" sha1="e070e45360841c8d178b10fde9f461cef13b50e0" offset="0" /> |
13288 | 13440 | </dataarea> |
13289 | 13441 | </part> |
13290 | 13442 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13443 | <feature name="part_id" value="Code Breaker"/> | |
13291 | 13444 | <dataarea name="cass" size="2108"> |
13292 | 13445 | <rom name="td9-codebreaker_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="2108" crc="b260db2f" sha1="b1593a47c0c991b92099a4083175e375b2e49222" offset="0" /> |
13293 | 13446 | </dataarea> |
13294 | 13447 | </part> |
13295 | 13448 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13449 | <feature name="part_id" value="Missile Jammer"/> | |
13296 | 13450 | <dataarea name="cass" size="3223"> |
13297 | 13451 | <rom name="td9-missilejammer_be(1988)(alternative).uef" size="3223" crc="8b5553da" sha1="f60628e9bf0e3d39af0767cee37750c10db37e4a" offset="0" /> |
13298 | 13452 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13395 | 13549 | <year>19??</year> |
13396 | 13550 | <publisher>David McKeran</publisher> |
13397 | 13551 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13552 | <feature name="part_id" value="Blockade"/> | |
13398 | 13553 | <dataarea name="cass" size="1597"> |
13399 | 13554 | <rom name="ug-blockade(davidmckeran).uef" size="1597" crc="e5e3b237" sha1="e0e98ed827277232427a7163c9d78ff2a892ed99" offset="0" /> |
13400 | 13555 | </dataarea> |
13401 | 13556 | </part> |
13402 | 13557 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13558 | <feature name="part_id" value="Nightmare Park"/> | |
13403 | 13559 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5772"> |
13404 | 13560 | <rom name="ug-nightmarepark(davidmckeran).uef" size="5772" crc="9dce54a4" sha1="ff61af98febaf51ebd675d060be7100c62a27b09" offset="0" /> |
13405 | 13561 | </dataarea> |
13406 | 13562 | </part> |
13407 | 13563 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13564 | <feature name="part_id" value="Pucman"/> | |
13408 | 13565 | <dataarea name="cass" size="4260"> |
13409 | 13566 | <rom name="ug-pucman(davidmckeran).uef" size="4260" crc="7bbe5a88" sha1="3ae0e563e1274219aed168c3d07fe0e914991562" offset="0" /> |
13410 | 13567 | </dataarea> |
13411 | 13568 | </part> |
13412 | 13569 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13570 | <feature name="part_id" value="Rockfall"/> | |
13413 | 13571 | <dataarea name="cass" size="1598"> |
13414 | 13572 | <rom name="ug-rockfall(davidmckeran).uef" size="1598" crc="a74823da" sha1="49bb83f5b3d1af50a87ac6df48330076457c8dc4" offset="0" /> |
13415 | 13573 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13824 | 13982 | |
13825 | 13983 | <software name="wknight11" cloneof="wknight"> |
13826 | 13984 | <description>White Knight Mk11</description> |
13827 | <year>198 | |
13985 | <year>1983</year> | |
13828 | 13986 | <publisher>BBC Soft</publisher> |
13829 | 13987 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13830 | 13988 | <dataarea name="cass" size="14860"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13835 | 13993 | |
13836 | 13994 | <software name="wknight"> |
13837 | 13995 | <description>White Knight Mk12</description> |
13838 | <year>198 | |
13996 | <year>1985</year> | |
13839 | 13997 | <publisher>BBC Soft</publisher> |
13840 | 13998 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13841 | 13999 | <dataarea name="cass" size="13673"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13959 | 14117 | <software name="wolfpck3"> |
13960 | 14118 | <description>Wolfpack 3</description> |
13961 | 14119 | <year>1983</year> |
13962 | <publisher>Doctor | |
14120 | <publisher>Doctor Soft</publisher> | |
13963 | 14121 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
13964 | 14122 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7892"> |
13965 | 14123 | <rom name="wolfpack3(1983)(doctorsoft).uef" size="7892" crc="64ce8d40" sha1="78dc14dde3097a346c8ecc465d86e1b99ee6f1e7" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14476 | 14634 | <software name="animalve"> |
14477 | 14635 | <description>Animal, Vegetable, Mineral</description> |
14478 | 14636 | <year>198?</year> |
14479 | <publisher>Bourne</publisher> | |
14637 | <publisher>Bourne Educational Software</publisher> | |
14480 | 14638 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14481 | 14639 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6797"> |
14482 | 14640 | <rom name="animalvegetablemineral(bourne).uef" size="6797" crc="c30cb97b" sha1="69109e503cc67094ca829dea7a15ef3a85e7cd2f" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14489 | 14647 | <year>198?</year> |
14490 | 14648 | <publisher>Glentop</publisher> |
14491 | 14649 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14650 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side A"/> | |
14492 | 14651 | <dataarea name="cass" size="4357"> |
14493 | 14652 | <rom name="basicadventuresinspace-thealienplanet-sidea(glentop).uef" size="4357" crc="f7147e9f" sha1="e8d7c3cbdc60929d45bb2b04713f5ea415965f40" offset="0" /> |
14494 | 14653 | </dataarea> |
14495 | 14654 | </part> |
14496 | 14655 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14656 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side B"/> | |
14497 | 14657 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10522"> |
14498 | 14658 | <rom name="basicadventuresinspace-thealienplanet-sideb(glentop).uef" size="10522" crc="0ad0590c" sha1="75315ff323bba9ec39ebe5100a04c24adb9a528b" offset="0" /> |
14499 | 14659 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14505 | 14665 | <year>198?</year> |
14506 | 14666 | <publisher>Addison-Wesley</publisher> |
14507 | 14667 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14668 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
14508 | 14669 | <dataarea name="cass" size="11679"> |
14509 | 14670 | <rom name="basicgraphicsandsound-side1(addisonwesley).uef" size="11679" crc="c5677798" sha1="fecbf6fad0e1b73e630d6c92a3ea1940f372499c" offset="0" /> |
14510 | 14671 | </dataarea> |
14511 | 14672 | </part> |
14512 | 14673 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14674 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
14513 | 14675 | <dataarea name="cass" size="21040"> |
14514 | 14676 | <rom name="basicgraphicsandsound-side2(addisonwesley).uef" size="21040" crc="e72b6a02" sha1="49efed71b645915a374a7725d6290203cf4b0bed" offset="0" /> |
14515 | 14677 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14518 | 14680 | |
14519 | 14681 | <software name="bertboot"> |
14520 | 14682 | <description>Bert Boot</description> |
14521 | <year>198?</year> | |
14522 | <publisher>HS</publisher> | |
14683 | <year>1984</year> | |
14684 | <publisher>H.S.Software</publisher> | |
14523 | 14685 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14524 | 14686 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7174"> |
14525 | 14687 | <rom name="bertboot(hs).uef" size="7174" crc="65f1605d" sha1="9eb8674dfebcd249576757641827dea5a4ee9495" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14532 | 14694 | <year>1985</year> |
14533 | 14695 | <publisher>ASK</publisher> |
14534 | 14696 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14697 | <feature name="part_id" value="Facemaker"/> | |
14535 | 14698 | <dataarea name="cass" size="12006"> |
14536 | 14699 | <rom name="bfl-facemaker_be(1985)(ask).uef" size="12006" crc="4543c740" sha1="0692279dbbe551a28e11f005c4a213f5bb8fa67c" offset="0" /> |
14537 | 14700 | </dataarea> |
14538 | 14701 | </part> |
14539 | 14702 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14703 | <feature name="part_id" value="Hide and Seek"/> | |
14540 | 14704 | <dataarea name="cass" size="12919"> |
14541 | 14705 | <rom name="bfl-hideandseek_be(1985)(ask).uef" size="12919" crc="b0de220e" sha1="f424e48ee6632f4fae7f5ef817925e1d73523052" offset="0" /> |
14542 | 14706 | </dataarea> |
14543 | 14707 | </part> |
14544 | 14708 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14709 | <feature name="part_id" value="Podd"/> | |
14545 | 14710 | <dataarea name="cass" size="11435"> |
14546 | 14711 | <rom name="bfl-podd_be(1985)(ask).uef" size="11435" crc="d6e3f02e" sha1="2cab0c8424189febb288df2ffbc2f2c37e9c09e8" offset="0" /> |
14547 | 14712 | </dataarea> |
14548 | 14713 | </part> |
14549 | 14714 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14715 | <feature name="part_id" value="Words Words Words"/> | |
14550 | 14716 | <dataarea name="cass" size="13013"> |
14551 | 14717 | <rom name="bfl-wordswordswords_be(1985)(ask).uef" size="13013" crc="70a0f49e" sha1="fc687cf3e45514abaebec713f168c5fd68afb72c" offset="0" /> |
14552 | 14718 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14580 | 14746 | <year>198?</year> |
14581 | 14747 | <publisher>Macmillian</publisher> |
14582 | 14748 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14749 | <feature name="part_id" value="Clown"/> | |
14583 | 14750 | <dataarea name="cass" size="8622"> |
14584 | 14751 | <rom name="cac-clown_be(macmillian).uef" size="8622" crc="7586ea21" sha1="e0e58bfefb5417cf42ea868bff9b5a69098bdeca" offset="0" /> |
14585 | 14752 | </dataarea> |
14586 | 14753 | </part> |
14587 | 14754 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14755 | <feature name="part_id" value="King of the Castle"/> | |
14588 | 14756 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9059"> |
14589 | 14757 | <rom name="cac-kingofthecastle_be(macmillian).uef" size="9059" crc="a3aa8576" sha1="c02fe5ea4c7e8c6a432b4e4d5de45d260600d900" offset="0" /> |
14590 | 14758 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14643 | 14811 | <year>1985</year> |
14644 | 14812 | <publisher>Mirrorsoft</publisher> |
14645 | 14813 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14814 | <feature name="part_id" value="Lollipops"/> | |
14646 | 14815 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7814"> |
14647 | 14816 | <rom name="cwo-lollipops_be(1985)(mirrorsoft).uef" size="7814" crc="9e494015" sha1="09feec7f7032257f335f019c254043fc83da2954" offset="0" /> |
14648 | 14817 | </dataarea> |
14649 | 14818 | </part> |
14650 | 14819 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14820 | <feature name="part_id" value="Toyshop"/> | |
14651 | 14821 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7051"> |
14652 | 14822 | <rom name="cwo-toyshop_be(1985)(mirrorsoft).uef" size="7051" crc="c2b70beb" sha1="712c3bd3f7bc5b3e59cec18190ac5f631c45f049" offset="0" /> |
14653 | 14823 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14780 | 14950 | <year>198?</year> |
14781 | 14951 | <publisher>Chalksoft</publisher> |
14782 | 14952 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14953 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
14783 | 14954 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9992"> |
14784 | 14955 | <rom name="eiffeltower-side1(chalksoft).uef" size="9992" crc="47792fb2" sha1="889248e53ea76dea9940c02d93653be27f1780e0" offset="0" /> |
14785 | 14956 | </dataarea> |
14786 | 14957 | </part> |
14787 | 14958 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
14959 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
14788 | 14960 | <dataarea name="cass" size="10004"> |
14789 | 14961 | <rom name="eiffeltower-side2(chalksoft).uef" size="10004" crc="328409ab" sha1="0a9cd93111de6b9a1cf290157f3ed9711d784223" offset="0" /> |
14790 | 14962 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15057 | 15229 | |
15058 | 15230 | <software name="roadcft1"> |
15059 | 15231 | <description>Roadcraft 1</description> |
15060 | <year>198?</year> | |
15061 | <publisher>HS</publisher> | |
15232 | <year>1984</year> | |
15233 | <publisher>H.S.Software</publisher> | |
15062 | 15234 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15063 | 15235 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6854"> |
15064 | 15236 | <rom name="roadcraft1(hs).uef" size="6854" crc="5cb6062d" sha1="6387fb7705651f3bf35ebbad8b5c1bd57393c3be" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15146 | 15318 | |
15147 | 15319 | <software name="timeman1"> |
15148 | 15320 | <description>Timeman One</description> |
15149 | <year>198?</year> | |
15150 | <publisher>Bourne</publisher> | |
15321 | <year>1983</year> | |
15322 | <publisher>Bourne Educational Software</publisher> | |
15151 | 15323 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15152 | 15324 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5889"> |
15153 | 15325 | <rom name="timemanone(bourne).uef" size="5889" crc="724caf40" sha1="291e0410b9662e5a4f0dc7eb703a25686e029ab0" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15158 | 15330 | <software name="timeman2"> |
15159 | 15331 | <description>Timeman Two</description> |
15160 | 15332 | <year>198?</year> |
15161 | <publisher>Bourne</publisher> | |
15333 | <publisher>Bourne Educational Software</publisher> | |
15162 | 15334 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15163 | 15335 | <dataarea name="cass" size="6802"> |
15164 | 15336 | <rom name="timemantwo(bourne).uef" size="6802" crc="d320af80" sha1="21c59974be9668bfc801445e885227f1f8a26571" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15171 | 15343 | <year>198?</year> |
15172 | 15344 | <publisher>Macmillian</publisher> |
15173 | 15345 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15346 | <feature name="part_id" value="Snakes and Ladders"/> | |
15174 | 15347 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9665"> |
15175 | 15348 | <rom name="tat-snakesandladders_be(macmillian).uef" size="9665" crc="1ff59a40" sha1="e43da34a97960199094fa0f379e17972ebde92b2" offset="0" /> |
15176 | 15349 | </dataarea> |
15177 | 15350 | </part> |
15178 | 15351 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15352 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tail End"/> | |
15179 | 15353 | <dataarea name="cass" size="9392"> |
15180 | 15354 | <rom name="tat-tailend_be(macmillian).uef" size="9392" crc="498e708d" sha1="ca70869eb30b1622d2933fa45aad9ef240f5da31" offset="0" /> |
15181 | 15355 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15229 | 15403 | |
15230 | 15404 | <software name="wordhang"> |
15231 | 15405 | <description>Wordhang</description> |
15232 | <year>198?</year> | |
15233 | <publisher>Bourne</publisher> | |
15406 | <year>1983</year> | |
15407 | <publisher>Bourne Educational Software</publisher> | |
15234 | 15408 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15235 | 15409 | <dataarea name="cass" size="8655"> |
15236 | 15410 | <rom name="wordhang(bourne).uef" size="8655" crc="9d70a135" sha1="e99aa22e225f108ef2038de95d8325a2dd6c5af7" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15272 | 15446 | </software> |
15273 | 15447 | |
15274 | 15448 | <software name="worldwis"> |
15275 | <description>World | |
15449 | <description>World-Wise</description> | |
15276 | 15450 | <year>198?</year> |
15277 | <publisher>Bourne</publisher> | |
15451 | <publisher>Bourne Educational Software</publisher> | |
15278 | 15452 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15279 | 15453 | <dataarea name="cass" size="8377"> |
15280 | 15454 | <rom name="worldwise(bourne).uef" size="8377" crc="c1e2ec64" sha1="e98121d7cb8d3ef7406a151ce4523db41a431699" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15284 | 15458 | |
15285 | 15459 | <software name="spooky"> |
15286 | 15460 | <description>Spooky Manor</description> |
15287 | <year>198 | |
15461 | <year>1984</year> | |
15288 | 15462 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> |
15289 | 15463 | <info name="release" value="E18" /> |
15290 | 15464 | <part name="cass" interface="bbc_cass"> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15325 | 15499 | <year>198?</year> |
15326 | 15500 | <publisher>Macmillian</publisher> |
15327 | 15501 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15502 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape 1"/> | |
15328 | 15503 | <dataarea name="cass" size="13958"> |
15329 | 15504 | <rom name="assemblylanguageprogramming-tape1(macmillian).uef" size="13958" crc="307ba0e0" sha1="6acde07a24e117f9643bce2de0e5a9fff7c1295e" offset="0" /> |
15330 | 15505 | </dataarea> |
15331 | 15506 | </part> |
15332 | 15507 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15508 | <feature name="part_id" value="Tape 2"/> | |
15333 | 15509 | <dataarea name="cass" size="16767"> |
15334 | 15510 | <rom name="assemblylanguageprogramming-tape2(macmillian).uef" size="16767" crc="72841da8" sha1="652750b24001b41c610ebdfc5e7c60c75a9e7e0f" offset="0" /> |
15335 | 15511 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15378 | 15554 | <year>198?</year> |
15379 | 15555 | <publisher>Macmillian</publisher> |
15380 | 15556 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15557 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1a"/> | |
15381 | 15558 | <dataarea name="cass" size="20678"> |
15382 | 15559 | <rom name="advancedgraphics1a(macmillian).uef" size="20678" crc="af7b6e20" sha1="7a3caa7d2b8a20f2bb3fa988b157716119d5015d" offset="0" /> |
15383 | 15560 | </dataarea> |
15384 | 15561 | </part> |
15385 | 15562 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15563 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1b"/> | |
15386 | 15564 | <dataarea name="cass" size="18346"> |
15387 | 15565 | <rom name="advancedgraphics1b(macmillian).uef" size="18346" crc="2ef1b465" sha1="e6dc3f6d978acaaa8440687480d1a1bb9d6172b9" offset="0" /> |
15388 | 15566 | </dataarea> |
15389 | 15567 | </part> |
15390 | 15568 | <part name="cass3" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15569 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2a"/> | |
15391 | 15570 | <dataarea name="cass" size="28947"> |
15392 | 15571 | <rom name="advancedgraphics2a(macmillian).uef" size="28947" crc="e16fc37c" sha1="bdd1c408dde831dd942905dbb60f8b6da8dc9741" offset="0" /> |
15393 | 15572 | </dataarea> |
15394 | 15573 | </part> |
15395 | 15574 | <part name="cass4" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15575 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2b"/> | |
15396 | 15576 | <dataarea name="cass" size="38985"> |
15397 | 15577 | <rom name="advancedgraphics2b(macmillian).uef" size="38985" crc="5894c5f9" sha1="c7bbb763839c211791e676fc396604458ca92239" offset="0" /> |
15398 | 15578 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15402 | 15582 | <software name="amxart"> |
15403 | 15583 | <description>AMX Art</description> |
15404 | 15584 | <year>198?</year> |
15405 | <publisher>AM | |
15585 | <publisher>Advanced Memory Systems</publisher> | |
15406 | 15586 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15587 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
15407 | 15588 | <dataarea name="cass" size="14901"> |
15408 | 15589 | <rom name="amxart-side1(amx).uef" size="14901" crc="ea95cac7" sha1="e8a6d54a830ccf8cceafd8f23d680bfe8ba1a0a8" offset="0" /> |
15409 | 15590 | </dataarea> |
15410 | 15591 | </part> |
15411 | 15592 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15593 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
15412 | 15594 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5876"> |
15413 | 15595 | <rom name="amxart-side2(amx).uef" size="5876" crc="3e9dbe35" sha1="2875b75aced167973da64689ca033532b38f2561" offset="0" /> |
15414 | 15596 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15420 | 15602 | <year>198?</year> |
15421 | 15603 | <publisher>Screenplay</publisher> |
15422 | 15604 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15605 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
15423 | 15606 | <dataarea name="cass" size="7288"> |
15424 | 15607 | <rom name="animator-side1(screenplay).uef" size="7288" crc="d1749f77" sha1="9a3c5108ce94b427a0d80c85fc702d9857cdb749" offset="0" /> |
15425 | 15608 | </dataarea> |
15426 | 15609 | </part> |
15427 | 15610 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15611 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
15428 | 15612 | <dataarea name="cass" size="5946"> |
15429 | 15613 | <rom name="animator-side2(screenplay).uef" size="5946" crc="86fbd242" sha1="ed14517307cb3cae5f8fe71a51f0fb71337aeeea" offset="0" /> |
15430 | 15614 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15525 | 15709 | <year>1984</year> |
15526 | 15710 | <publisher>Addison-Wesley</publisher> |
15527 | 15711 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15712 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side One"/> | |
15528 | 15713 | <dataarea name="cass" size="22943"> |
15529 | 15714 | <rom name="graphitosideone_be(1984)(addisonwesley).uef" size="22943" crc="8dc66cc7" sha1="b9de070e071fe222491cb3eabf0db76c03bd600e" offset="0" /> |
15530 | 15715 | </dataarea> |
15531 | 15716 | </part> |
15532 | 15717 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15718 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side Two"/> | |
15533 | 15719 | <dataarea name="cass" size="24492"> |
15534 | 15720 | <rom name="graphitosidetwo_be(1984)(addisonwesley).uef" size="24492" crc="5116e227" sha1="2ecfee4a61320800087f02f278fff63b45826b6a" offset="0" /> |
15535 | 15721 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15590 | 15776 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> |
15591 | 15777 | <info name="release" value="X15" /> |
15592 | 15778 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15779 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
15593 | 15780 | <dataarea name="cass" size="25919"> |
15594 | 15781 | <rom name="linkwordspanish-side1(1984)(acornsoft)(x15).uef" size="25919" crc="f67a4b4a" sha1="857996b61e180ac4c5e73c0dc41e1fb07756de46" offset="0" /> |
15595 | 15782 | </dataarea> |
15596 | 15783 | </part> |
15597 | 15784 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
15785 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
15598 | 15786 | <dataarea name="cass" size="23660"> |
15599 | 15787 | <rom name="linkwordspanish-side2(1984)(acornsoft)(x15).uef" size="23660" crc="f9c3f2fa" sha1="f07f2ebb9e6c9542ae748a5cdb1eac8dab48796d" offset="0" /> |
15600 | 15788 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15 | 15 | |
16 | 16 | <softwarelist name="bbcb_flop" description="BBC Micro Model B disks"> |
17 | 17 | |
18 | <!-- Games --> | |
19 | ||
18 | 20 | <software name="3dbombal"> |
19 | 21 | <description>3D Bomb Alley</description> |
20 | 22 | <year>1983</year> |
21 | 23 | <publisher>Software Invasion</publisher> |
24 | <info name="notes" value="Original" /> | |
22 | 25 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> |
23 | 26 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102400"> |
24 | 27 | <rom name="3dbomballey.ssd" size="102400" crc="5a8deaff" sha1="d0f4716a376e4407492b4db7f87597bc07d7651f" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
26 | 29 | </part> |
27 | 30 | </software> |
28 | 31 | |
32 | <software name="arsoccer"> | |
33 | <description>Arcade Soccer</description> | |
34 | <year>1989</year> | |
35 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
36 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
37 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
38 | <dataarea name="flop" size="92928"> | |
39 | <rom name="arcade soccer.ssd" size="92928" crc="c0ff80d4" sha1="7c522c65ea565b1eba20ea2200fa80b2cc06c2db" offset="0" /> | |
40 | </dataarea> | |
41 | </part> | |
42 | </software> | |
43 | ||
29 | 44 | <software name="cutekill"> |
30 | 45 | <description>Cute To Kill: Beyond Infinity</description> |
31 | 46 | <year>1987</year> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
36 | 51 | </dataarea> |
37 | 52 | </part> |
38 | 53 | </software> |
39 | ||
54 | ||
40 | 55 | <software name="elite"> |
41 | 56 | <description>Elite</description> |
42 | 57 | <year>1984</year> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
59 | 74 | </part> |
60 | 75 | </software> |
61 | 76 | |
77 | <software name="etype"> | |
78 | <description>E-Type</description> | |
79 | <year>1990</year> | |
80 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
81 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
82 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
83 | <dataarea name="flop" size="72704"> | |
84 | <rom name="e-type.ssd" size="72704" crc="cd685f63" sha1="9d64109db22299adbae8da053eb9d2e68a1cb08c" offset="0" /> | |
85 | </dataarea> | |
86 | </part> | |
87 | </software> | |
88 | ||
62 | 89 | <software name="eyes"> |
63 | 90 | <description>Eyes</description> |
64 | 91 | <year>1984</year> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
81 | 108 | </part> |
82 | 109 | </software> |
83 | 110 | |
111 | <software name="gkiller"> | |
112 | <description>Giant Killer</description> | |
113 | <year>1987</year> | |
114 | <publisher>Topologika</publisher> | |
115 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
116 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
117 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102400"> | |
118 | <rom name="giant killer.ssd" size="102400" crc="082df282" sha1="dfd5e3f33cd850246cce1a7f8de977ee21fa0385" offset="0" /> | |
119 | </dataarea> | |
120 | </part> | |
121 | </software> | |
122 | ||
123 | <software name="holedout"> | |
124 | <description>Holed Out</description> | |
125 | <year>1989</year> | |
126 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
127 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
128 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
129 | <dataarea name="flop" size="89856"> | |
130 | <rom name="holed out.ssd" size="89856" crc="4f767fc8" sha1="496f5f20d093651d056528fbee4bcfbc2e9a6c37" offset="0" /> | |
131 | </dataarea> | |
132 | </part> | |
133 | </software> | |
134 | ||
135 | <software name="holedoc1"> | |
136 | <description>Holed Out Extra Courses Vol.1</description> | |
137 | <year>1990</year> | |
138 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
139 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
140 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
141 | <dataarea name="flop" size="99584"> | |
142 | <rom name="holed out extra courses vol1.ssd" size="99584" crc="186a21e9" sha1="b4475e56fae9786c4b964e43b0b1a14dec9e8368" offset="0" /> | |
143 | </dataarea> | |
144 | </part> | |
145 | </software> | |
146 | ||
147 | <software name="holedoc2"> | |
148 | <description>Holed Out Extra Courses Vol.2</description> | |
149 | <year>1990</year> | |
150 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
151 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
152 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
153 | <dataarea name="flop" size="99584"> | |
154 | <rom name="holed out extra courses vol2.ssd" size="99584" crc="78324f99" sha1="eab859a632e8251aa7c3ece6aae4b7d759ec5b99" offset="0" /> | |
155 | </dataarea> | |
156 | </part> | |
157 | </software> | |
158 | ||
159 | <software name="huntshau"> | |
160 | <description>The Hunt: Search for Shauna</description> | |
161 | <year>1987</year> | |
162 | <publisher>Robico</publisher> | |
163 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
164 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
165 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102400"> | |
166 | <rom name="the hunt search for shauna.ssd" size="102400" crc="9967e594" sha1="fc9512ecefc422ae6b2152aa308284b500072bd0" offset="0" /> | |
167 | </dataarea> | |
168 | </part> | |
169 | </software> | |
170 | ||
171 | <software name="inertia"> | |
172 | <description>Inertia</description> | |
173 | <year>1990</year> | |
174 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
175 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
176 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
177 | <dataarea name="flop" size="56064"> | |
178 | <rom name="inertia.ssd" size="56064" crc="e7a50f85" sha1="ce2fa997a2e47abbae819a19b64858db816690d1" offset="0" /> | |
179 | </dataarea> | |
180 | </part> | |
181 | </software> | |
182 | ||
84 | 183 | <software name="mapocaly"> |
85 | <description>Mega | |
184 | <description>Mega-Apocalypse</description> | |
86 | 185 | <year>1988</year> |
87 | <publisher>Martech | |
186 | <publisher>Martech</publisher> | |
88 | 187 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> |
89 | 188 | <dataarea name="flop" size="40192"> |
90 | 189 | <rom name="megaapocalypse.ssd" size="40192" crc="4a6e1489" sha1="399e09d9782d7f0068a9acd9113595657dbb4673" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
92 | 191 | </part> |
93 | 192 | </software> |
94 | 193 | |
194 | <software name="nevryon"> | |
195 | <description>Nevryon</description> | |
196 | <year>1991</year> | |
197 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
198 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
199 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
200 | <dataarea name="flop" size="101632"> | |
201 | <rom name="nevryon.ssd" size="101632" crc="a6c83ad4" sha1="e5f8336ffd3b27be04d70974a45d3972b796afdc" offset="0" /> | |
202 | </dataarea> | |
203 | </part> | |
204 | </software> | |
205 | ||
95 | 206 | <software name="ssgames"> |
96 | 207 | <description>Superior Software - Games on Disc</description> |
97 | 208 | <year>1983</year> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
107 | 218 | <description>Welcome and Disc Utils</description> |
108 | 219 | <year>1982</year> |
109 | 220 | <publisher>Acorn</publisher> |
221 | <info name="notes" value="Original" /> | |
110 | 222 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> |
111 | 223 | <dataarea name="flop" size="78336"> |
112 | 224 | <rom name="welcome.ssd" size="78336" crc="03728f14" sha1="d212aa33a14b30dc2ff64920f834fe8c4e6715cc" offset="0" /> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
114 | 226 | </part> |
115 | 227 | </software> |
116 | 228 | |
229 | <software name="uim"> | |
230 | <description>U.I.M.</description> | |
231 | <year>1989</year> | |
232 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
233 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
234 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
235 | <dataarea name="flop" size="124928"> | |
236 | <rom name="uim.ssd" size="124928" crc="08871fd4" sha1="c08e86fde0c8faa154eca45fab70c915d9b9c526" offset="0" /> | |
237 | </dataarea> | |
238 | </part> | |
239 | </software> | |
240 | ||
241 | <software name="whimagic"> | |
242 | <description>White Magic</description> | |
243 | <year>1989</year> | |
244 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
245 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
246 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
247 | <dataarea name="flop" size="88832"> | |
248 | <rom name="white magic.ssd" size="88832" crc="81988eaf" sha1="04aed4908320aa5befb11aa9d8d707bcdc493b79" offset="0" /> | |
249 | </dataarea> | |
250 | </part> | |
251 | </software> | |
252 | ||
253 | <software name="whimagi2"> | |
254 | <description>White Magic 2</description> | |
255 | <year>1989</year> | |
256 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
257 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
258 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
259 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102400"> | |
260 | <rom name="white magic 2.ssd" size="102400" crc="8d3ed4da" sha1="fe11e69648bae6e1c6fdfc54cdde91b816ca7e85" offset="0" /> | |
261 | </dataarea> | |
262 | </part> | |
263 | </software> | |
264 | ||
265 | <!-- Educational --> | |
266 | ||
267 | <software name="wrldword"> | |
268 | <description>World Without Words</description> | |
269 | <year>198?</year> | |
270 | <publisher>4mation</publisher> | |
271 | <info name="notes" value="Deprotected" /> | |
272 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
273 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102400"> | |
274 | <rom name="world without words.ssd" size="102400" crc="576db44b" sha1="c2cb171af63296eb00bdb56a3b47ed0073ddc764" offset="0" /> | |
275 | </dataarea> | |
276 | </part> | |
277 | </software> | |
278 | ||
117 | 279 | </softwarelist> |
r0 | r250336 | |
1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
2 | <!DOCTYPE softwarelist SYSTEM "softwarelist.dtd"> | |
3 | ||
4 | <!-- BBC Micro Model B Original Disks --> | |
5 | ||
6 | <!-- Loading Instructions: | |
7 | ||
8 | Hold down the SHIFT key and press and release the BREAK key. | |
9 | --> | |
10 | ||
11 | <!-- This list was compiled from the archive at Additional titles will be added as they are made available at forum. --> | |
12 | ||
13 | <!-- All images in this list were created from original discs, most contain copy protection. --> | |
14 | ||
15 | <softwarelist name="bbcb_orig_flop" description="BBC Micro Model B Original disks"> | |
16 | ||
17 | <!-- Games --> | |
18 | ||
19 | <software name="magicmus"> | |
20 | <description>Magic Mushrooms</description> | |
21 | <year>1985</year> | |
22 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
23 | <info name="release" value="G46" /> | |
24 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
25 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55146"> | |
26 | <rom name="004 magic mushrooms.fsd" size="55146" crc="cac03f12" sha1="6efe0e75045805057ec45c44338ba5d2e9ec2c4e" offset="0" /> | |
27 | </dataarea> | |
28 | </part> | |
29 | </software> | |
30 | ||
31 | <software name="arcadian"> | |
32 | <description>Arcadians</description> | |
33 | <year>1982</year> | |
34 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
35 | <info name="release" value="G14" /> | |
36 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
37 | <dataarea name="flop" size="35063"> | |
38 | <rom name="005 arcadians.fsd" size="35063" crc="9e2f412b" sha1="6c833c589a619a4dac186d7e7a1db02b94ee8aba" offset="0" /> | |
39 | </dataarea> | |
40 | </part> | |
41 | </software> | |
42 | ||
43 | <software name="arcadian48" cloneof="arcadian"> | |
44 | <description>Arcadians (40/80t)</description> | |
45 | <year>1982</year> | |
46 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
47 | <info name="release" value="G14" /> | |
48 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
49 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55277"> | |
50 | <rom name="006 arcadians 40-80.fsd" size="55277" crc="94e7e5cf" sha1="66c84208dd461605ed48233b02e3ee6570e95de3" offset="0" /> | |
51 | </dataarea> | |
52 | </part> | |
53 | </software> | |
54 | ||
55 | <software name="boxer48"> | |
56 | <description>Boxer (40/80t)</description> | |
57 | <year>1984</year> | |
58 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
59 | <info name="release" value="G31" /> | |
60 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
61 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55273"> | |
62 | <rom name="007 boxer 40-80.fsd" size="55273" crc="365164a9" sha1="7f25cfa4f4cfccfbcececd0619884d02f1023628" offset="0" /> | |
63 | </dataarea> | |
64 | </part> | |
65 | </software> | |
66 | ||
67 | <software name="hopper48"> | |
68 | <description>Hopper (40/80t)</description> | |
69 | <year>1983</year> | |
70 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
71 | <info name="release" value="G23" /> | |
72 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
73 | <dataarea name="flop" size="101175"> | |
74 | <rom name="008 hopper 40-80.fsd" size="101175" crc="597ee0d9" sha1="3e0e2ad75147ab28cc514f125221c4e765f5f308" offset="0" /> | |
75 | </dataarea> | |
76 | </part> | |
77 | </software> | |
78 | ||
79 | <software name="volcano"> | |
80 | <description>Volcano</description> | |
81 | <year>1984</year> | |
82 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
83 | <info name="release" value="G33" /> | |
84 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
85 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55275"> | |
86 | <rom name="009 volcano.fsd" size="55275" crc="4e16b301" sha1="8775b14d2bb46b3e4254f3e7227463ff77cfd619" offset="0" /> | |
87 | </dataarea> | |
88 | </part> | |
89 | </software> | |
90 | ||
91 | <software name="meteors"> | |
92 | <description>Meteors</description> | |
93 | <year>1982</year> | |
94 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
95 | <info name="release" value="G13" /> | |
96 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
97 | <dataarea name="flop" size="24709"> | |
98 | <rom name="010 meteors.fsd" size="24709" crc="9f4226a2" sha1="6f529751be461cb695bad9778d2f4998784fda34" offset="0" /> | |
99 | </dataarea> | |
100 | </part> | |
101 | </software> | |
102 | ||
103 | <software name="labyrint"> | |
104 | <description>Labyrinth</description> | |
105 | <year>1984</year> | |
106 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
107 | <info name="release" value="G41" /> | |
108 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
109 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55277"> | |
110 | <rom name="011 labyrinth.fsd" size="55277" crc="919768d4" sha1="12e9b368afa58198c823e789ad4827ff6aaabbb3" offset="0" /> | |
111 | </dataarea> | |
112 | </part> | |
113 | </software> | |
114 | ||
115 | <software name="bboxgamb"> | |
116 | <description>Black Box and Gambit</description> | |
117 | <year>198?</year> | |
118 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
119 | <info name="release" value="G34" /> | |
120 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
121 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102329"> | |
122 | <rom name="015 black box and gambit.fsd" size="102329" crc="876b301b" sha1="c5114ea239fd42e4ae6d64c98b25a7f1ed714581" offset="0" /> | |
123 | </dataarea> | |
124 | </part> | |
125 | </software> | |
126 | ||
127 | <software name="metmissn"> | |
128 | <description>Meteor Mission</description> | |
129 | <year>1983</year> | |
130 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
131 | <info name="release" value="G29" /> | |
132 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
133 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55282"> | |
134 | <rom name="016 meteor mission.fsd" size="55282" crc="8c538999" sha1="abab70a653d18ed50ab0d838cb9fe89efedb9aa9" offset="0" /> | |
135 | </dataarea> | |
136 | </part> | |
137 | </software> | |
138 | ||
139 | <software name="tetrapod"> | |
140 | <description>Tetrapod</description> | |
141 | <year>1984</year> | |
142 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
143 | <info name="release" value="G32" /> | |
144 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
145 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55276"> | |
146 | <rom name="017 tetrapod.fsd" size="55276" crc="bc5f3936" sha1="0752cabb3c168cb4695df1d668c9a968c7b44979" offset="0" /> | |
147 | </dataarea> | |
148 | </part> | |
149 | </software> | |
150 | ||
151 | <software name="firebug"> | |
152 | <description>Firebug</description> | |
153 | <year>1984</year> | |
154 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
155 | <info name="release" value="G39" /> | |
156 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
157 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55275"> | |
158 | <rom name="018 firebug.fsd" size="55275" crc="826d3399" sha1="0120f272bc4de8f6ffa480bfc235e0a579c85444" offset="0" /> | |
159 | </dataarea> | |
160 | </part> | |
161 | </software> | |
162 | ||
163 | <software name="snapper"> | |
164 | <description>Snapper</description> | |
165 | <year>1982</year> | |
166 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
167 | <info name="release" value="G04" /> | |
168 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
169 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55138"> | |
170 | <rom name="019 snapper.fsd" size="55138" crc="526d12a5" sha1="a40b51aa75e02bd096e08c13fd8372e0f2c71069" offset="0" /> | |
171 | </dataarea> | |
172 | </part> | |
173 | </software> | |
174 | ||
175 | <software name="drogna"> | |
176 | <description>Drogna</description> | |
177 | <year>1983</year> | |
178 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
179 | <info name="release" value="G27" /> | |
180 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
181 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55274"> | |
182 | <rom name="020 drogna.fsd" size="55274" crc="4ff2895f" sha1="019545da835024bf31959d78bab351988c60ba47" offset="0" /> | |
183 | </dataarea> | |
184 | </part> | |
185 | </software> | |
186 | ||
187 | <software name="go"> | |
188 | <description>Go</description> | |
189 | <year>1984</year> | |
190 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
191 | <info name="release" value="G42" /> | |
192 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
193 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55270"> | |
194 | <rom name="026 go.fsd" size="55270" crc="bb260970" sha1="cdbca519a0825c2d54a08e685cc5dc2cb9ce2842" offset="0" /> | |
195 | </dataarea> | |
196 | </part> | |
197 | </software> | |
198 | ||
199 | <software name="maze"> | |
200 | <description>Maze</description> | |
201 | <year>1982</year> | |
202 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
203 | <info name="release" value="G11" /> | |
204 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
205 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55272"> | |
206 | <rom name="027 maze.fsd" size="55272" crc="38c998e4" sha1="00eee0558e2f12ba864b9612a09e911e5ba61e2e" offset="0" /> | |
207 | </dataarea> | |
208 | </part> | |
209 | </software> | |
210 | ||
211 | <software name="quondam"> | |
212 | <description>Quondam</description> | |
213 | <year>1984</year> | |
214 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
215 | <info name="release" value="G40" /> | |
216 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
217 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55275"> | |
218 | <rom name="028 quondam.fsd" size="55275" crc="10efe562" sha1="09c5069b68ff7dbfcfabfb0a04934e153d664945" offset="0" /> | |
219 | </dataarea> | |
220 | </part> | |
221 | </software> | |
222 | ||
223 | <software name="bouncer"> | |
224 | <description>Bouncer</description> | |
225 | <year>1984</year> | |
226 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
227 | <info name="release" value="G35" /> | |
228 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
229 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55275"> | |
230 | <rom name="029 bouncer.fsd" size="55275" crc="8166acf9" sha1="bc3f9fe318d6f22266698f3d70f9ba3509510813" offset="0" /> | |
231 | </dataarea> | |
232 | </part> | |
233 | </software> | |
234 | ||
235 | <software name="revs"> | |
236 | <description>Revs</description> | |
237 | <year>1984</year> | |
238 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
239 | <info name="release" value="G43" /> | |
240 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
241 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104934"> | |
242 | <rom name="030 revs.fsd" size="104934" crc="48f95827" sha1="2a8d2e82f1d4b0fdd56d39e2400f445a59855f98" offset="0" /> | |
243 | </dataarea> | |
244 | </part> | |
245 | </software> | |
246 | ||
247 | <software name="revs4tra"> | |
248 | <description>Revs 4 Tracks</description> | |
249 | <year>1985</year> | |
250 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
251 | <info name="release" value="G44" /> | |
252 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
253 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102322"> | |
254 | <rom name="031 revs 4 tracks.fsd" size="102322" crc="d1cbdf33" sha1="b4281b2b55c292b7ed96798a52139d9a1a50b661" offset="0" /> | |
255 | </dataarea> | |
256 | </part> | |
257 | </software> | |
258 | ||
259 | <software name="acheton" cloneof="achetont"> | |
260 | <description>Acheton</description> | |
261 | <year>1984</year> | |
262 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
263 | <info name="release" value="G37" /> | |
264 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
265 | <feature name="part_id" value="Program"/> | |
266 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102461"> | |
267 | <rom name="033 acheton program.fsd" size="102461" crc="0c6c46ca" sha1="6322945135310ea8ae1dbf2f1aced77f21688008" offset="0" /> | |
268 | </dataarea> | |
269 | </part> | |
270 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
271 | <feature name="part_id" value="Data"/> | |
272 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105079"> | |
273 | <rom name="033 acheton data.fsd" size="105079" crc="86fdca91" sha1="57f448a17868f0bdbbc6a415464220da0c418f72" offset="0" /> | |
274 | </dataarea> | |
275 | </part> | |
276 | </software> | |
277 | ||
278 | <software name="monsters"> | |
279 | <description>Monsters</description> | |
280 | <year>1982</year> | |
281 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
282 | <info name="release" value="G03" /> | |
283 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
284 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55276"> | |
285 | <rom name="034 monsters.fsd" size="55276" crc="ba2223e5" sha1="66359136ad78a049733eca596a77115037fdbe82" offset="0" /> | |
286 | </dataarea> | |
287 | </part> | |
288 | </software> | |
289 | ||
290 | <software name="monsters4" cloneof="monsters"> | |
291 | <description>Monsters (40t)</description> | |
292 | <year>1982</year> | |
293 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
294 | <info name="release" value="G03" /> | |
295 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
296 | <dataarea name="flop" size="24710"> | |
297 | <rom name="054 monsters 40track.fsd" size="24710" crc="3e371d1d" sha1="f35c4b15f8f3358c4ff9c6fc63c850d228f2e6b3" offset="0" /> | |
298 | </dataarea> | |
299 | </part> | |
300 | </software> | |
301 | ||
302 | <software name="snookera"> | |
303 | <description>Snooker</description> | |
304 | <year>1983</year> | |
305 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
306 | <info name="release" value="G21" /> | |
307 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
308 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55275"> | |
309 | <rom name="035 snooker.fsd" size="55275" crc="08eaa805" sha1="42254fc9b39029f30abac5e4c2da6eeec16dec4a" offset="0" /> | |
310 | </dataarea> | |
311 | </part> | |
312 | </software> | |
313 | ||
314 | <software name="carousel"> | |
315 | <description>Carousel</description> | |
316 | <year>1983</year> | |
317 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
318 | <info name="release" value="G24" /> | |
319 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
320 | <dataarea name="flop" size="101177"> | |
321 | <rom name="036 carousel.fsd" size="101177" crc="dac1680a" sha1="b70cd85993adc22155ef750ef0ec3905e429d195" offset="0" /> | |
322 | </dataarea> | |
323 | </part> | |
324 | </software> | |
325 | ||
326 | <software name="freefall"> | |
327 | <description>Free Fall</description> | |
328 | <year>1983</year> | |
329 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
330 | <info name="release" value="G28" /> | |
331 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
332 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55277"> | |
333 | <rom name="037 free fall.fsd" size="55277" crc="eca72121" sha1="279300664a66bc95908fe48a37075adc24fb5aa1" offset="0" /> | |
334 | </dataarea> | |
335 | </part> | |
336 | </software> | |
337 | ||
338 | <software name="crtracer"> | |
339 | <description>Crazy Tracer</description> | |
340 | <year>1983</year> | |
341 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
342 | <info name="release" value="G26" /> | |
343 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
344 | <dataarea name="flop" size="101318"> | |
345 | <rom name="038 crazy tracer.fsd" size="101318" crc="40d4e30b" sha1="1a35ba220245b1d75319628c1c0cd5fcd53b82e9" offset="0" /> | |
346 | </dataarea> | |
347 | </part> | |
348 | </software> | |
349 | ||
350 | <software name="kofhamil" cloneof="kohamilt"> | |
351 | <description>Kingdom of Hamil</description> | |
352 | <year>1983</year> | |
353 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
354 | <info name="release" value="G25" /> | |
355 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
356 | <dataarea name="flop" size="73134"> | |
357 | <rom name="039 kingdom of hamil.fsd" size="73134" crc="3fe60d1e" sha1="a441d9c67a1677069f855e3b29f638b47b18aaea" offset="0" /> | |
358 | </dataarea> | |
359 | </part> | |
360 | </software> | |
361 | ||
362 | <software name="sshipcom"> | |
363 | <description>Starship Command</description> | |
364 | <year>1983</year> | |
365 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
366 | <info name="release" value="G22" /> | |
367 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
368 | <dataarea name="flop" size="101185"> | |
369 | <rom name="040 starship command.fsd" size="101185" crc="f0bc6523" sha1="446ca8e624a0edfe29540e94b6ad76fcd80b9bfc" offset="0" /> | |
370 | </dataarea> | |
371 | </part> | |
372 | </software> | |
373 | ||
374 | <software name="ctodoom" cloneof="ctodoomt"> | |
375 | <description>Countdown to Doom</description> | |
376 | <year>1984</year> | |
377 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
378 | <info name="release" value="G19" /> | |
379 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
380 | <dataarea name="flop" size="73495"> | |
381 | <rom name="041 countdown to doom.fsd" size="73495" crc="ba37517e" sha1="2cb63f7f044e99bd38abab273229c303f5801259" offset="0" /> | |
382 | </dataarea> | |
383 | </part> | |
384 | </software> | |
385 | ||
386 | <software name="missbase"> | |
387 | <description>Missile Base</description> | |
388 | <year>1982</year> | |
389 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
390 | <info name="release" value="G18" /> | |
391 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
392 | <dataarea name="flop" size="101181"> | |
393 | <rom name="042 missile base.fsd" size="101181" crc="91a46fa1" sha1="6afc77cb445e4aa1e8069ae9134449d51786b704" offset="0" /> | |
394 | </dataarea> | |
395 | </part> | |
396 | </software> | |
397 | ||
398 | <software name="phquest" cloneof="phquestt"> | |
399 | <description>Philosopher's Quest</description> | |
400 | <year>1984</year> | |
401 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
402 | <info name="release" value="G01" /> | |
403 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
404 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55287"> | |
405 | <rom name="043 philosopher's quest.fsd" size="55287" crc="d69898f3" sha1="ea76abc3dd58565d9219c76e2c15db3168ec96be" offset="0" /> | |
406 | </dataarea> | |
407 | </part> | |
408 | </software> | |
409 | ||
410 | <software name="aviator"> | |
411 | <description>Aviator</description> | |
412 | <year>1983</year> | |
413 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
414 | <info name="release" value="G02" /> | |
415 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
416 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55275"> | |
417 | <rom name="044 aviator.fsd" size="55275" crc="8249a0f0" sha1="a6f2a56059851b211c0dc753b14643571b3f4002" offset="0" /> | |
418 | </dataarea> | |
419 | </part> | |
420 | </software> | |
421 | ||
422 | <software name="sphinx"> | |
423 | <description>Sphinx Adventure</description> | |
424 | <year>1983</year> | |
425 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
426 | <info name="release" value="G07" /> | |
427 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
428 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55284"> | |
429 | <rom name="045 sphinx adventure.fsd" size="55284" crc="65f04493" sha1="45faab5009902c6df0e14fb780e74d487dcf7376" offset="0" /> | |
430 | </dataarea> | |
431 | </part> | |
432 | </software> | |
433 | ||
434 | <software name="plantoid"> | |
435 | <description>Planetoid</description> | |
436 | <year>1982</year> | |
437 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
438 | <info name="release" value="G15" /> | |
439 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
440 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55277"> | |
441 | <rom name="046 planetoid.fsd" size="55277" crc="c9b6bd5c" sha1="48fc462499de9fd37a3e5164e723f9022ab0f870" offset="0" /> | |
442 | </dataarea> | |
443 | </part> | |
444 | </software> | |
445 | ||
446 | <software name="plantoid4" cloneof="plantoid"> | |
447 | <description>Planetoid (40t)</description> | |
448 | <year>1982</year> | |
449 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
450 | <info name="release" value="G15" /> | |
451 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
452 | <dataarea name="flop" size="24711"> | |
453 | <rom name="055 planetoid 40track.fsd" size="24711" crc="f8f6c291" sha1="d7a8d0b55052d62f748301b6a0ece3d6d063e606" offset="0" /> | |
454 | </dataarea> | |
455 | </part> | |
456 | </software> | |
457 | ||
458 | <software name="superinv"> | |
459 | <description>Super Invaders</description> | |
460 | <year>1982</year> | |
461 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
462 | <info name="release" value="G16" /> | |
463 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
464 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55282"> | |
465 | <rom name="047 super invaders.fsd" size="55282" crc="e639e138" sha1="61fa94d5beb55b178b1ec732c69649d4a6bdb6ea" offset="0" /> | |
466 | </dataarea> | |
467 | </part> | |
468 | </software> | |
469 | ||
470 | <software name="superinv4" cloneof="superinv"> | |
471 | <description>Super Invaders (40t)</description> | |
472 | <year>1982</year> | |
473 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
474 | <info name="release" value="G16" /> | |
475 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
476 | <dataarea name="flop" size="24716"> | |
477 | <rom name="053 super invaders 40track.fsd" size="24716" crc="0a8e861d" sha1="7d81dbf2a01a83266b4531c913d956a68bc63a12" offset="0" /> | |
478 | </dataarea> | |
479 | </part> | |
480 | </software> | |
481 | ||
482 | <software name="rocketra"> | |
483 | <description>Rocket Raid</description> | |
484 | <year>1982</year> | |
485 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
486 | <info name="release" value="G05" /> | |
487 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
488 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55279"> | |
489 | <rom name="048 rocket raid.fsd" size="55279" crc="06311675" sha1="e7524e853b83906c12ec3a17497339d25596eee8" offset="0" /> | |
490 | </dataarea> | |
491 | </part> | |
492 | </software> | |
493 | ||
494 | <software name="sconrans"> | |
495 | <description>Shirley Conran's Magic Garden</description> | |
496 | <year>1983</year> | |
497 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
498 | <info name="release" value="X04" /> | |
499 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
500 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104959"> | |
501 | <rom name="067 shirley conran's magic garden.fsd" size="104959" crc="dd05b72c" sha1="5914bd14014f89cfae12b8e55a9b4b8349835286" offset="0" /> | |
502 | </dataarea> | |
503 | </part> | |
504 | </software> | |
505 | ||
506 | <software name="spooky"> | |
507 | <description>Spooky Manor</description> | |
508 | <year>1984</year> | |
509 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
510 | <info name="release" value="E18" /> | |
511 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
512 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102321"> | |
513 | <rom name="068 spooky manor.fsd" size="102321" crc="077375a1" sha1="2b2d7cccd4bfa6fe2e8c352098e11acc685633f4" offset="0" /> | |
514 | </dataarea> | |
515 | </part> | |
516 | </software> | |
517 | ||
518 | <software name="peekoc"> | |
519 | <description>Peeko-Computer</description> | |
520 | <year>198?</year> | |
521 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
522 | <info name="release" value="E02" /> | |
523 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
524 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55478"> | |
525 | <rom name="069 peeko-computer.fsd" size="55478" crc="149db5f7" sha1="62967f65582d2e3d78c28be407dbd68da5609824" offset="0" /> | |
526 | </dataarea> | |
527 | </part> | |
528 | </software> | |
529 | ||
530 | <software name="busgames"> | |
531 | <description>Business Games</description> | |
532 | <year>198?</year> | |
533 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
534 | <info name="release" value="E03" /> | |
535 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
536 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102323"> | |
537 | <rom name="070 business games.fsd" size="102323" crc="47b34ec1" sha1="96fe3ca59520a28113387606d5d6826a236e9027" offset="0" /> | |
538 | </dataarea> | |
539 | </part> | |
540 | </software> | |
541 | ||
542 | <software name="microtxt"> | |
543 | <description>Microtext</description> | |
544 | <year>1983</year> | |
545 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
546 | <info name="release" value="L04" /> | |
547 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
548 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104939"> | |
549 | <rom name="075 microtext.fsd" size="104939" crc="b614ea31" sha1="224e87db1a3fa677e53f3506fa1401ee598bd2b2" offset="0" /> | |
550 | </dataarea> | |
551 | </part> | |
552 | </software> | |
553 | ||
554 | <software name="elitedem"> | |
555 | <description>Elite (Demo)</description> | |
556 | <year>1984</year> | |
557 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
558 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
559 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104376"> | |
560 | <rom name="202 elite demo.fsd" size="104376" crc="cd84ea0a" sha1="d7452ab1a7d6d619cf44f64b5743b8fa22a75367" offset="0" /> | |
561 | </dataarea> | |
562 | </part> | |
563 | </software> | |
564 | ||
565 | <software name="prtdrvgn"> | |
566 | <description>Printer Driver Generator</description> | |
567 | <year>198?</year> | |
568 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
569 | <info name="release" value="B0?" /> | |
570 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
571 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105091"> | |
572 | <rom name="227 printer driver generator.fsd" size="105091" crc="c047f362" sha1="024b53fe31bdbec2083de9a9ffc8c9d2737f398d" offset="0" /> | |
573 | </dataarea> | |
574 | </part> | |
575 | </software> | |
576 | ||
577 | <software name="forth"> | |
578 | <description>FORTH</description> | |
579 | <year>1982</year> | |
580 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
581 | <info name="release" value="L01" /> | |
582 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
583 | <dataarea name="flop" size="81355"> | |
584 | <rom name="235 forth.fsd" size="81355" crc="5d6ba897" sha1="f58964a536b59012e85298ffc55c2165b05bd154" offset="0" /> | |
585 | </dataarea> | |
586 | </part> | |
587 | </software> | |
588 | ||
589 | <software name="jars"> | |
590 | <description>Jars</description> | |
591 | <year>198?</year> | |
592 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
593 | <info name="release" value="E15" /> | |
594 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
595 | <dataarea name="flop" size="29478"> | |
596 | <rom name="262 jars.fsd" size="29478" crc="6613abb4" sha1="19024209a8fe98df7726acbefa78744459637dcf" offset="0" /> | |
597 | </dataarea> | |
598 | </part> | |
599 | </software> | |
600 | ||
601 | <software name="chemanal"> | |
602 | <description>Chemical Analysis</description> | |
603 | <year>198?</year> | |
604 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
605 | <info name="release" value="E12" /> | |
606 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
607 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104947"> | |
608 | <rom name="263 chemical analysis.fsd" size="104947" crc="1c0ecd19" sha1="04f9c198dda70bb498844594d206918344aa13d3" offset="0" /> | |
609 | </dataarea> | |
610 | </part> | |
611 | </software> | |
612 | ||
613 | <software name="jcbdiggr"> | |
614 | <description>JCB Digger</description> | |
615 | <year>1983</year> | |
616 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
617 | <info name="release" value="G09" /> | |
618 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
619 | <dataarea name="flop" size="101190"> | |
620 | <rom name="286 jcb digger.fsd" size="101190" crc="16102871" sha1="e0226e03b831d260c8ccbab5e1a6885a0b362b10" offset="0" /> | |
621 | </dataarea> | |
622 | </part> | |
623 | </software> | |
624 | ||
625 | <software name="homeedu"> | |
626 | <description>Home Education</description> | |
627 | <year>1985</year> | |
628 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
629 | <info name="release" value="E0?" /> | |
630 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
631 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104944"> | |
632 | <rom name="336 home education.fsd" size="104944" crc="34a7242f" sha1="1d667119e1abecc208c2f77d2e8617768501117e" offset="0" /> | |
633 | </dataarea> | |
634 | </part> | |
635 | </software> | |
636 | ||
637 | <software name="omegaorb"> | |
638 | <description>Omega Orb</description> | |
639 | <year>1986</year> | |
640 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
641 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
642 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104939"> | |
643 | <rom name="077 omega orb.fsd" size="104939" crc="92433f95" sha1="76ff1011144660c06c13a0c058a168e32a6d9e63" offset="0" /> | |
644 | </dataarea> | |
645 | </part> | |
646 | </software> | |
647 | ||
648 | <software name="tstruck2"> | |
649 | <description>Thunderstruck 2: Mind Master</description> | |
650 | <year>1986</year> | |
651 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
652 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
653 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105098"> | |
654 | <rom name="078 thunderstruck 2.fsd" size="105098" crc="7da6829a" sha1="34e1b77e47b91455f12ca2a8f328fe1b029cfc50" offset="0" /> | |
655 | </dataarea> | |
656 | </part> | |
657 | </software> | |
658 | ||
659 | <software name="blast"> | |
660 | <description>Blast!</description> | |
661 | <year>1989</year> | |
662 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
663 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
664 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104936"> | |
665 | <rom name="084 blast!.fsd" size="104936" crc="25e91719" sha1="42203574fa4ad32b8464d326a11fb81cd56ada4d" offset="0" /> | |
666 | </dataarea> | |
667 | </part> | |
668 | </software> | |
669 | ||
670 | <software name="psycast"> | |
671 | <description>Psycastria</description> | |
672 | <year>1986</year> | |
673 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
674 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
675 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105077"> | |
676 | <rom name="143 psycastria.fsd" size="105077" crc="3e79d475" sha1="0d3174a153da3b41ae1044874690317b2abf7f72" offset="0" /> | |
677 | </dataarea> | |
678 | </part> | |
679 | </software> | |
680 | ||
681 | <software name="breakthr"> | |
682 | <description>Breakthrough</description> | |
683 | <year>1990</year> | |
684 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
685 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
686 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104943"> | |
687 | <rom name="144 breakthrough.fsd" size="104943" crc="f3b5f98b" sha1="a8429c0b2398c5ab90de318e30c29beafeeeda46" offset="0" /> | |
688 | </dataarea> | |
689 | </part> | |
690 | </software> | |
691 | ||
692 | <software name="shark"> | |
693 | <description>Shark</description> | |
694 | <year>1988</year> | |
695 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
696 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
697 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104935"> | |
698 | <rom name="145 shark.fsd" size="104935" crc="1cb6d77a" sha1="6afe49ab8ed8057e7262556dd6121617bd61e931" offset="0" /> | |
699 | </dataarea> | |
700 | </part> | |
701 | </software> | |
702 | ||
703 | <software name="impact"> | |
704 | <description>Impact</description> | |
705 | <year>1987</year> | |
706 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
707 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
708 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105073"> | |
709 | <rom name="146 impact.fsd" size="105073" crc="f02f0a19" sha1="7304eba08b8f27fcc9214975875e77b38a786ba4" offset="0" /> | |
710 | </dataarea> | |
711 | </part> | |
712 | </software> | |
713 | ||
714 | <software name="ziggy"> | |
715 | <description>Ziggy</description> | |
716 | <year>1987</year> | |
717 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
718 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
719 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104935"> | |
720 | <rom name="147 ziggy.fsd" size="104935" crc="9d5e5fc0" sha1="dd6bde5b7ae47ddfb1e7ca983e748e18064ceb09" offset="0" /> | |
721 | </dataarea> | |
722 | </part> | |
723 | </software> | |
724 | ||
725 | <software name="ransack"> | |
726 | <description>Ransack!</description> | |
727 | <year>1987</year> | |
728 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
729 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
730 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104937"> | |
731 | <rom name="148 ransack.fsd" size="104937" crc="04cf2bc5" sha1="dafa70507979a70026e4f666de711b0bf37a7661" offset="0" /> | |
732 | </dataarea> | |
733 | </part> | |
734 | </software> | |
735 | ||
736 | <software name="despride"> | |
737 | <description>Despatch Rider</description> | |
738 | <year>1987</year> | |
739 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
740 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
741 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104944"> | |
742 | <rom name="149 despatch rider.fsd" size="104944" crc="adbfbd97" sha1="a5e1b47e70404e09c0147f41275b6b61f1ebd381" offset="0" /> | |
743 | </dataarea> | |
744 | </part> | |
745 | </software> | |
746 | ||
747 | <software name="heltersk"> | |
748 | <description>Helter Skelter</description> | |
749 | <year>1990</year> | |
750 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
751 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
752 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104944"> | |
753 | <rom name="150 helter skelter.fsd" size="104944" crc="0321f080" sha1="91ccb93a3c61acbdbe100e61ed9e599cf8910580" offset="0" /> | |
754 | </dataarea> | |
755 | </part> | |
756 | </software> | |
757 | ||
758 | <software name="fabfour1"> | |
759 | <description>Fab Four Vol.1</description> | |
760 | <year>1990</year> | |
761 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
762 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
763 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side [A]"/> | |
764 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104944"> | |
765 | <rom name="151 fab four vol 1 [a].fsd" size="104944" crc="f683f7ac" sha1="a8a43297779e2da6e80055fcc2ce80424ad86558" offset="0" /> | |
766 | </dataarea> | |
767 | </part> | |
768 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
769 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side [B]"/> | |
770 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104944"> | |
771 | <rom name="151 fab four vol 1 [b].fsd" size="104944" crc="88473bf5" sha1="23a31ca311f2ad7c32bf18199cae8fb1fc3e6ca9" offset="0" /> | |
772 | </dataarea> | |
773 | </part> | |
774 | </software> | |
775 | ||
776 | <software name="bbcbonz"> | |
777 | <description>BBC Bonanza</description> | |
778 | <year>1987</year> | |
779 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
780 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
781 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side [A]"/> | |
782 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105078"> | |
783 | <rom name="152 bbc bonanza [a].fsd" size="105078" crc="2b10b64f" sha1="2731e2e301bbb9e8ceb8e7cadd0b37b05daa83ab" offset="0" /> | |
784 | </dataarea> | |
785 | </part> | |
786 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
787 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side [B]"/> | |
788 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105078"> | |
789 | <rom name="152 bbc bonanza [b].fsd" size="105078" crc="c12d9858" sha1="5f1061b8abd05b603e3892d82846593dea07b092" offset="0" /> | |
790 | </dataarea> | |
791 | </part> | |
792 | </software> | |
793 | ||
794 | <software name="emlynqz"> | |
795 | <description>Emlyn Hughes Arcade Quiz</description> | |
796 | <year>1991</year> | |
797 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
798 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
799 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104954"> | |
800 | <rom name="157 emlyn hughes arcade quiz.fsd" size="104954" crc="7ab6c8c7" sha1="cce3b3ad142f2f4d0db48b0a568f645e2afe63de" offset="0" /> | |
801 | </dataarea> | |
802 | </part> | |
803 | </software> | |
804 | ||
805 | <software name="loopz"> | |
806 | <description>Loopz</description> | |
807 | <year>1990</year> | |
808 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
809 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
810 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104935"> | |
811 | <rom name="158 loopz.fsd" size="104935" crc="52fe55a6" sha1="85e4ea724281f3999d0e56d18536c00d3a712047" offset="0" /> | |
812 | </dataarea> | |
813 | </part> | |
814 | </software> | |
815 | ||
816 | <software name="sphdest"> | |
817 | <description>Sphere of Destiny</description> | |
818 | <year>1986</year> | |
819 | <publisher>Audiogenic</publisher> | |
820 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
821 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105084"> | |
822 | <rom name="167 sphere of destiny.fsd" size="105084" crc="2bda2617" sha1="da5bb898e4e8dbac0336ab225e38f0534f13848b" offset="0" /> | |
823 | </dataarea> | |
824 | </part> | |
825 | </software> | |
826 | ||
827 | <software name="colos4ch"> | |
828 | <description>Colossus 4 Chess</description> | |
829 | <year>1988</year> | |
830 | <publisher>CDS</publisher> | |
831 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
832 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
833 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104953"> | |
834 | <rom name="000 colossus chess 4 side 1.fsd" size="104953" crc="c759e652" sha1="04a92c17cfec2827b4c6e85e4a271831346c9d00" offset="0" /> | |
835 | </dataarea> | |
836 | </part> | |
837 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
838 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
839 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104953"> | |
840 | <rom name="000 colossus chess 4 side 2.fsd" size="104953" crc="2eda7e43" sha1="2b25c2d66c2d9ab40a90710ea931e01471b7a5d6" offset="0" /> | |
841 | </dataarea> | |
842 | </part> | |
843 | </software> | |
844 | ||
845 | <software name="infinity"> | |
846 | <description>Infinity</description> | |
847 | <year>1989</year> | |
848 | <publisher>White Panther</publisher> | |
849 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
850 | <dataarea name="flop" size="113298"> | |
851 | <rom name="002 infinity.fsd" size="113298" crc="f39fad09" sha1="340f35470179ccca582c2a57b63f05f3a97036b5" offset="0" /> | |
852 | </dataarea> | |
853 | </part> | |
854 | </software> | |
855 | ||
856 | <software name="starquak"> | |
857 | <description>Star Quake</description> | |
858 | <year>1987</year> | |
859 | <publisher>Bubble Bus</publisher> | |
860 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
861 | <dataarea name="flop" size="78570"> | |
862 | <rom name="012 starquake.fsd" size="78570" crc="9f7a8053" sha1="802cb77d35ed81aeb8651a5da63d6f3d5a5e2737" offset="0" /> | |
863 | </dataarea> | |
864 | </part> | |
865 | </software> | |
866 | ||
867 | <software name="wknight"> | |
868 | <description>White Knight Mk12</description> | |
869 | <year>1985</year> | |
870 | <publisher>BBC Soft</publisher> | |
871 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
872 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104947"> | |
873 | <rom name="032 white knight mk12.fsd" size="104947" crc="526d60ba" sha1="cff5986414e73f0659014f2dd5a2a72b47920d2f" offset="0" /> | |
874 | </dataarea> | |
875 | </part> | |
876 | </software> | |
877 | ||
878 | <software name="firetrak"> | |
879 | <description>Fire Track</description> | |
880 | <year>1987</year> | |
881 | <publisher>Aardvark</publisher> | |
882 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
883 | <dataarea name="flop" size="81667"> | |
884 | <rom name="050 firetrack.fsd" size="81667" crc="474ed4f7" sha1="6a6694f3d4f4ab03334a7513937b18f4150d97cf" offset="0" /> | |
885 | </dataarea> | |
886 | </part> | |
887 | </software> | |
888 | ||
889 | <software name="fortress"> | |
890 | <description>Fortress</description> | |
891 | <year>1984</year> | |
892 | <publisher>Pace</publisher> | |
893 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
894 | <dataarea name="flop" size="27817"> | |
895 | <rom name="061 fortress.fsd" size="27817" crc="5d967134" sha1="1230f14adf671005e20636ec8d8272d8668d2b85" offset="0" /> | |
896 | </dataarea> | |
897 | </part> | |
898 | </software> | |
899 | ||
900 | <software name="xoraba" cloneof="xor"> | |
901 | <description>XOR (A&B Computing) (alt)</description> | |
902 | <year>1987</year> | |
903 | <publisher>Logotron</publisher> | |
904 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
905 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102528"> | |
906 | <rom name="064 xor (a+b)-2.fsd" size="102528" crc="d559d5b6" sha1="841cf3861da0c10e8824c024088fe50263c056c5" offset="0" /> | |
907 | </dataarea> | |
908 | </part> | |
909 | </software> | |
910 | ||
911 | <software name="xorab" cloneof="xor"> | |
912 | <description>XOR (A&B Computing)</description> | |
913 | <year>1987</year> | |
914 | <publisher>Logotron</publisher> | |
915 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
916 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102528"> | |
917 | <rom name="064 xor (a+b).fsd" size="102528" crc="0ac04a73" sha1="36b478d42541975037ee97fd1b10a74dd5f6d62a" offset="0" /> | |
918 | </dataarea> | |
919 | </part> | |
920 | </software> | |
921 | ||
922 | <software name="xor"> | |
923 | <description>XOR</description> | |
924 | <year>1987</year> | |
925 | <publisher>Logotron</publisher> | |
926 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
927 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102522"> | |
928 | <rom name="065 xor.fsd" size="102522" crc="166cd24a" sha1="12a85d8058d459a8890b778c472b25e0af31ff5f" offset="0" /> | |
929 | </dataarea> | |
930 | </part> | |
931 | </software> | |
932 | ||
933 | <software name="xordesgn"> | |
934 | <description>XOR Designer</description> | |
935 | <year>1987</year> | |
936 | <publisher>Logotron</publisher> | |
937 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
938 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104999"> | |
939 | <rom name="066 xor designer.fsd" size="104999" crc="97241bdb" sha1="9ee46c346167d6a352e048f6c6a93b79e1ae00f0" offset="0" /> | |
940 | </dataarea> | |
941 | </part> | |
942 | </software> | |
943 | ||
944 | <software name="sinkbism"> | |
945 | <description>Sink the Bismarck</description> | |
946 | <year>1986</year> | |
947 | <publisher>Design People</publisher> | |
948 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
949 | <dataarea name="flop" size="68253"> | |
950 | <rom name="071 sink the bismarck.fsd" size="68253" crc="85fb8e93" sha1="829951372cb6ed89412d360e85bf58801606e051" offset="0" /> | |
951 | </dataarea> | |
952 | </part> | |
953 | </software> | |
954 | ||
955 | <software name="tsentinl"> | |
956 | <description>The Sentinel</description> | |
957 | <year>1986</year> | |
958 | <publisher>Firebird</publisher> | |
959 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
960 | <dataarea name="flop" size="78834"> | |
961 | <rom name="073 the sentinel.fsd" size="78834" crc="ca2e8436" sha1="54fc3d458c86f571f43214e760408fccc190bc1a" offset="0" /> | |
962 | </dataarea> | |
963 | </part> | |
964 | </software> | |
965 | ||
966 | <software name="evenstar"> | |
967 | <description>Evening Star</description> | |
968 | <year>1987</year> | |
969 | <publisher>Hewson Consultants</publisher> | |
970 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
971 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105080"> | |
972 | <rom name="074 evening star.fsd" size="105080" crc="40f24ae7" sha1="87ba44647a54ac67db3a0458d33e9388be206a50" offset="0" /> | |
973 | </dataarea> | |
974 | </part> | |
975 | </software> | |
976 | ||
977 | <software name="beachead"> | |
978 | <description>Beach Head</description> | |
979 | <year>1984</year> | |
980 | <publisher>U.S. Gold</publisher> | |
981 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
982 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105077"> | |
983 | <rom name="076 beach-head.fsd" size="105077" crc="ae5024f2" sha1="11f429599303c0f28feadf1d6f3bf2a941e573ca" offset="0" /> | |
984 | </dataarea> | |
985 | </part> | |
986 | </software> | |
987 | ||
988 | <software name="apocalyc"> | |
989 | <description>Apocalypse (Command)</description> | |
990 | <year>1987</year> | |
991 | <publisher>Command</publisher> | |
992 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
993 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104940"> | |
994 | <rom name="081 apocalypse.fsd" size="104940" crc="da99bbd1" sha1="e915edb63d15614609919daf00852fae46899a52" offset="0" /> | |
995 | </dataarea> | |
996 | </part> | |
997 | </software> | |
998 | ||
999 | <software name="villsoul"> | |
1000 | <description>Village of Lost Souls</description> | |
1001 | <year>1987</year> | |
1002 | <publisher>Robico</publisher> | |
1003 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1004 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105088"> | |
1005 | <rom name="082 village of lost souls.fsd" size="105088" crc="5fd2cbb2" sha1="bcf5d2897be1139fd5a53404350a3826da7cb2bb" offset="0" /> | |
1006 | </dataarea> | |
1007 | </part> | |
1008 | </software> | |
1009 | ||
1010 | <software name="huntshau"> | |
1011 | <description>The Hunt: Search for Shauna</description> | |
1012 | <year>1987</year> | |
1013 | <publisher>Robico</publisher> | |
1014 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1015 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105093"> | |
1016 | <rom name="083 the hunt search for shauna.fsd" size="105093" crc="7914a1a8" sha1="bcef28049a2962965742a0931deb11431fbf2657" offset="0" /> | |
1017 | </dataarea> | |
1018 | </part> | |
1019 | </software> | |
1020 | ||
1021 | <software name="vutype"> | |
1022 | <description>Vu-Type</description> | |
1023 | <year>1984</year> | |
1024 | <publisher>BBC Soft</publisher> | |
1025 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1026 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104937"> | |
1027 | <rom name="091 vu-type.fsd" size="104937" crc="9f3310a9" sha1="b09ec00aea21db3bb00d096244a18c0420d29f29" offset="0" /> | |
1028 | </dataarea> | |
1029 | </part> | |
1030 | </software> | |
1031 | ||
1032 | <software name="battbrit"> | |
1033 | <description>Battle of Britain</description> | |
1034 | <year>1987</year> | |
1035 | <publisher>Design People</publisher> | |
1036 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1037 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104947"> | |
1038 | <rom name="092 battle of britain.fsd" size="104947" crc="6ba3eb9e" sha1="d0798a2bd0717cf3fc872cfdaee77e35fee9913e" offset="0" /> | |
1039 | </dataarea> | |
1040 | </part> | |
1041 | </software> | |
1042 | ||
1043 | <software name="rhansont"> | |
1044 | <description>The Rick Hanson Trilogy - Saga of a Spy</description> | |
1045 | <year>1986</year> | |
1046 | <publisher>Robico</publisher> | |
1047 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1048 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105106"> | |
1049 | <rom name="093 the rick hanson trilogy - saga of a spy.fsd" size="105106" crc="ee8438de" sha1="95dbcef42ff4c40754567e5d5012d88b1f3bad9a" offset="0" /> | |
1050 | </dataarea> | |
1051 | </part> | |
1052 | </software> | |
1053 | ||
1054 | <software name="bribbon1"> | |
1055 | <description>Blue Ribbon Games Disk No.1</description> | |
1056 | <year>1985</year> | |
1057 | <publisher>Blue Ribbon</publisher> | |
1058 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1059 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104957"> | |
1060 | <rom name="094 blue ribbon games disk no 1.fsd" size="104957" crc="6c3094bb" sha1="61a6ec8bd025beb135db182150b9a7a0165dbd50" offset="0" /> | |
1061 | </dataarea> | |
1062 | </part> | |
1063 | </software> | |
1064 | ||
1065 | <software name="bribbon2"> | |
1066 | <description>Blue Ribbon Games Disk No.2</description> | |
1067 | <year>1985</year> | |
1068 | <publisher>Blue Ribbon</publisher> | |
1069 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1070 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104957"> | |
1071 | <rom name="095 blue ribbon games disk no 2.fsd" size="104957" crc="316ed0fc" sha1="9961df49786fa5dcbb510a34d9ce19ec56559b39" offset="0" /> | |
1072 | </dataarea> | |
1073 | </part> | |
1074 | </software> | |
1075 | ||
1076 | <software name="bribbon3"> | |
1077 | <description>Blue Ribbon Games Disk No.3</description> | |
1078 | <year>1985</year> | |
1079 | <publisher>Blue Ribbon</publisher> | |
1080 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1081 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104957"> | |
1082 | <rom name="096 blue ribbon games disk no 3.fsd" size="104957" crc="eca0ae33" sha1="7fcc50e9614f950b5f14415d7d5a595ba3ed1815" offset="0" /> | |
1083 | </dataarea> | |
1084 | </part> | |
1085 | </software> | |
1086 | ||
1087 | <software name="jumpjeta"> | |
1088 | <description>Jump Jet</description> | |
1089 | <year>1985</year> | |
1090 | <publisher>Anirog</publisher> | |
1091 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1092 | <dataarea name="flop" size="36929"> | |
1093 | <rom name="098 jump jet.fsd" size="36929" crc="41c43f6a" sha1="78ee556141909966138b5aedbff43fbea76e2d6b" offset="0" /> | |
1094 | </dataarea> | |
1095 | </part> | |
1096 | </software> | |
1097 | ||
1098 | <software name="war"> | |
1099 | <description>W.A.R.</description> | |
1100 | <year>1986</year> | |
1101 | <publisher>Martech</publisher> | |
1102 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1103 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105070"> | |
1104 | <rom name="099 war.fsd" size="105070" crc="7c6460ea" sha1="26828685ebd2127257b4e6922fac1c6a08b48b9f" offset="0" /> | |
1105 | </dataarea> | |
1106 | </part> | |
1107 | </software> | |
1108 | ||
1109 | <software name="yiear"> | |
1110 | <description>Yie Ar Kung Fu</description> | |
1111 | <year>1984</year> | |
1112 | <publisher>Imagine</publisher> | |
1113 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1114 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105081"> | |
1115 | <rom name="100 yie ar kung fu.fsd" size="105081" crc="75022df9" sha1="a0c0e92db0ed9a0b3cfa0c31562ab15faf964a73" offset="0" /> | |
1116 | </dataarea> | |
1117 | </part> | |
1118 | </software> | |
1119 | ||
1120 | <software name="dambustr"> | |
1121 | <description>The Dam Busters</description> | |
1122 | <year>1985</year> | |
1123 | <publisher>U.S. Gold</publisher> | |
1124 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1125 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105077"> | |
1126 | <rom name="101 dambusters.fsd" size="105077" crc="44dac52e" sha1="44583ea514799ebe43f821a164696189b6136ae4" offset="0" /> | |
1127 | </dataarea> | |
1128 | </part> | |
1129 | </software> | |
1130 | ||
1131 | <software name="impmiss"> | |
1132 | <description>Impossible Mission</description> | |
1133 | <year>1985</year> | |
1134 | <publisher>U.S. Gold</publisher> | |
1135 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1136 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105085"> | |
1137 | <rom name="102 impossible mission.fsd" size="105085" crc="4453c805" sha1="7f773a609222cf0e618721b379b7c2ff4c66d253" offset="0" /> | |
1138 | </dataarea> | |
1139 | </part> | |
1140 | </software> | |
1141 | ||
1142 | <software name="brucelee"> | |
1143 | <description>Bruce Lee</description> | |
1144 | <year>1985</year> | |
1145 | <publisher>U.S. Gold</publisher> | |
1146 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1147 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105076"> | |
1148 | <rom name="103 bruce lee.fsd" size="105076" crc="d4b5ca15" sha1="0cfa4617e97dd5bd9d0508c6286a6c3a6c34e914" offset="0" /> | |
1149 | </dataarea> | |
1150 | </part> | |
1151 | </software> | |
1152 | ||
1153 | <software name="hyperspo"> | |
1154 | <description>Hyper Sports</description> | |
1155 | <year>1985</year> | |
1156 | <publisher>Imagine</publisher> | |
1157 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1158 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105087"> | |
1159 | <rom name="104 hyper sports.fsd" size="105087" crc="d21cef74" sha1="09e64619a9bb0b0a933978186d139f5ce7da794c" offset="0" /> | |
1160 | </dataarea> | |
1161 | </part> | |
1162 | </software> | |
1163 | ||
1164 | <software name="paperboy"> | |
1165 | <description>Paperboy</description> | |
1166 | <year>1984</year> | |
1167 | <publisher>Elite</publisher> | |
1168 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1169 | <dataarea name="flop" size="78728"> | |
1170 | <rom name="105 paperboy.fsd" size="78728" crc="b003d5db" sha1="3f3f6ec3572f1c2e678e52a8f2756dfc309ed06d" offset="0" /> | |
1171 | </dataarea> | |
1172 | </part> | |
1173 | </software> | |
1174 | ||
1175 | <software name="airwolf"> | |
1176 | <description>Airwolf</description> | |
1177 | <year>1985</year> | |
1178 | <publisher>Elite</publisher> | |
1179 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1180 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104937"> | |
1181 | <rom name="106 airwolf.fsd" size="104937" crc="40e3a8e1" sha1="2b0c0aeb9f25f5cbf5905c6593ad734842b7649c" offset="0" /> | |
1182 | </dataarea> | |
1183 | </part> | |
1184 | </software> | |
1185 | ||
1186 | <software name="commando"> | |
1187 | <description>Commando</description> | |
1188 | <year>1985</year> | |
1189 | <publisher>Elite</publisher> | |
1190 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1191 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104938"> | |
1192 | <rom name="107 commando.fsd" size="104938" crc="98c52361" sha1="c72d07c98da31150622495064add6e21d16f5d94" offset="0" /> | |
1193 | </dataarea> | |
1194 | </part> | |
1195 | </software> | |
1196 | ||
1197 | <software name="arkanoid"> | |
1198 | <description>Arkanoid</description> | |
1199 | <year>1987</year> | |
1200 | <publisher>Imagine</publisher> | |
1201 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1202 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105075"> | |
1203 | <rom name="108 arkanoid.fsd" size="105075" crc="8e21d5a2" sha1="a6cd09e531488e7f258225c428e3f5541b964177" offset="0" /> | |
1204 | </dataarea> | |
1205 | </part> | |
1206 | </software> | |
1207 | ||
1208 | <software name="raidmosc"> | |
1209 | <description>Raid Over Moscow</description> | |
1210 | <year>1986</year> | |
1211 | <publisher>U.S. Gold</publisher> | |
1212 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1213 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105083"> | |
1214 | <rom name="109 raid over moscow.fsd" size="105083" crc="9e0f96b3" sha1="3326a2761cac3d974cfecb0e50ea95ebc46ead6d" offset="0" /> | |
1215 | </dataarea> | |
1216 | </part> | |
1217 | </software> | |
1218 | ||
1219 | <software name="wayotef"> | |
1220 | <description>The Way of the Exploding Fist</description> | |
1221 | <year>1985</year> | |
1222 | <publisher>Melbourne House</publisher> | |
1223 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1224 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105096"> | |
1225 | <rom name="110 the way of the exploding fist.fsd" size="105096" crc="17f7e77c" sha1="7290a74156c4d9666e6af1e928f7939808ed07be" offset="0" /> | |
1226 | </dataarea> | |
1227 | </part> | |
1228 | </software> | |
1229 | ||
1230 | <software name="sharrier"> | |
1231 | <description>Strike Force Harrier</description> | |
1232 | <year>1986</year> | |
1233 | <publisher>Mirrorsoft</publisher> | |
1234 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1235 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102539"> | |
1236 | <rom name="111 strike force harrier.fsd" size="102539" crc="8e4dbbe4" sha1="fef93e95b88963c958234c7e8d9ee36813ec44cc" offset="0" /> | |
1237 | </dataarea> | |
1238 | </part> | |
1239 | </software> | |
1240 | ||
1241 | <software name="tetrism"> | |
1242 | <description>Tetris</description> | |
1243 | <year>1987</year> | |
1244 | <publisher>Mirrorsoft</publisher> | |
1245 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1246 | <dataarea name="flop" size="86589"> | |
1247 | <rom name="112 tetris.fsd" size="86589" crc="5233bcdd" sha1="0ff0269595bb929504f9cc1b764203f77fac504e" offset="0" /> | |
1248 | </dataarea> | |
1249 | </part> | |
1250 | </software> | |
1251 | ||
1252 | <software name="pipemani"> | |
1253 | <description>Pipe Mania</description> | |
1254 | <year>1989</year> | |
1255 | <publisher>Empire</publisher> | |
1256 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1257 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102575"> | |
1258 | <rom name="113 pipe mania.fsd" size="102575" crc="a1590704" sha1="931e93720e87035ee4f813e17b073c84904914af" offset="0" /> | |
1259 | </dataarea> | |
1260 | </part> | |
1261 | </software> | |
1262 | ||
1263 | <software name="tarzanm"> | |
1264 | <description>Tarzan (Martech)</description> | |
1265 | <year>1987</year> | |
1266 | <publisher>Martech</publisher> | |
1267 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1268 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105073"> | |
1269 | <rom name="114 tarzan.fsd" size="105073" crc="7cc3db73" sha1="9b29951449b38c7d711a31192d91183142b2c920" offset="0" /> | |
1270 | </dataarea> | |
1271 | </part> | |
1272 | </software> | |
1273 | ||
1274 | <software name="samfoxsp"> | |
1275 | <description>Samantha Fox Strip Poker</description> | |
1276 | <year>1986</year> | |
1277 | <publisher>Martech</publisher> | |
1278 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1279 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105091"> | |
1280 | <rom name="115 samantha fox strip poker.fsd" size="105091" crc="813cd5ce" sha1="61f2e38713b5ab22098f77c1107c1e012eb2563f" offset="0" /> | |
1281 | </dataarea> | |
1282 | </part> | |
1283 | </software> | |
1284 | ||
1285 | <software name="kayleth"> | |
1286 | <description>Kayleth</description> | |
1287 | <year>1986</year> | |
1288 | <publisher>U.S. Gold</publisher> | |
1289 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1290 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105074"> | |
1291 | <rom name="116 kayleth.fsd" size="105074" crc="d77a0f43" sha1="8642156eaeaf3cf175dced0ae47aad89410a3d47" offset="0" /> | |
1292 | </dataarea> | |
1293 | </part> | |
1294 | </software> | |
1295 | ||
1296 | <software name="skirmish"> | |
1297 | <description>Skirmish</description> | |
1298 | <year>1988</year> | |
1299 | <publisher>Godax</publisher> | |
1300 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1301 | <dataarea name="flop" size="103890"> | |
1302 | <rom name="117 skirmish.fsd" size="103890" crc="5f00c4db" sha1="0750f32230ab429802e048185b1364f986230a9c" offset="0" /> | |
1303 | </dataarea> | |
1304 | </part> | |
1305 | </software> | |
1306 | ||
1307 | <software name="kourtyd"> | |
1308 | <description>Kourtyard</description> | |
1309 | <year>1988</year> | |
1310 | <publisher>Godax</publisher> | |
1311 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1312 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104609"> | |
1313 | <rom name="118 kourtyard.fsd" size="104609" crc="808ecc4a" sha1="3696dc1fd4df99213e254d362a5501c6a3f32dce" offset="0" /> | |
1314 | </dataarea> | |
1315 | </part> | |
1316 | </software> | |
1317 | ||
1318 | <software name="strandgr"> | |
1319 | <description>Stranger Danger</description> | |
1320 | <year>1988</year> | |
1321 | <publisher>Roger Hargreaves</publisher> | |
1322 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1323 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104945"> | |
1324 | <rom name="119 stranger danger.fsd" size="104945" crc="f2c5f3f1" sha1="41a69302866fcc436dc474cc96810c98c27bf421" offset="0" /> | |
1325 | </dataarea> | |
1326 | </part> | |
1327 | </software> | |
1328 | ||
1329 | <software name="megapoca"> | |
1330 | <description>Mega-Apocalypse</description> | |
1331 | <year>1988</year> | |
1332 | <publisher>Martech</publisher> | |
1333 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1334 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105082"> | |
1335 | <rom name="134 mega apocalypse.fsd" size="105082" crc="cf3a7d6e" sha1="296c43f5b55a9ddf9894ec47647e5ce978ad4249" offset="0" /> | |
1336 | </dataarea> | |
1337 | </part> | |
1338 | </software> | |
1339 | ||
1340 | <software name="cholo"> | |
1341 | <description>Cholo</description> | |
1342 | <year>1986</year> | |
1343 | <publisher>Firebird</publisher> | |
1344 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1345 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105072"> | |
1346 | <rom name="135 cholo.fsd" size="105072" crc="8f23bd24" sha1="464bec1cf14d34f902d783e62f7ea4789458cee8" offset="0" /> | |
1347 | </dataarea> | |
1348 | </part> | |
1349 | </software> | |
1350 | ||
1351 | <software name="icarus"> | |
1352 | <description>Icarus</description> | |
1353 | <year>1988</year> | |
1354 | <publisher>Mandarin</publisher> | |
1355 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1356 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102315"> | |
1357 | <rom name="136 icarus.fsd" size="102315" crc="a0ae7c9a" sha1="c8ac4964859127838228372dadf64f0391320c57" offset="0" /> | |
1358 | </dataarea> | |
1359 | </part> | |
1360 | </software> | |
1361 | ||
1362 | <software name="musicoll"> | |
1363 | <description>The Musicsoft Collection</description> | |
1364 | <year>1986</year> | |
1365 | <publisher>Duckworth</publisher> | |
1366 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1367 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105091"> | |
1368 | <rom name="137 the musicsoft collection.fsd" size="105091" crc="f877e2ca" sha1="2a7331c81bc61ff72d9adb167e86833928f863f4" offset="0" /> | |
1369 | </dataarea> | |
1370 | </part> | |
1371 | </software> | |
1372 | ||
1373 | <software name="midway"> | |
1374 | <description>Midway</description> | |
1375 | <year>1988</year> | |
1376 | <publisher>Design People</publisher> | |
1377 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1378 | <dataarea name="flop" size="70863"> | |
1379 | <rom name="138 midway.fsd" size="70863" crc="9bef6082" sha1="1264d847abf6c458570913ec3cda6c9ff0fb1d94" offset="0" /> | |
1380 | </dataarea> | |
1381 | </part> | |
1382 | </software> | |
1383 | ||
1384 | <software name="ckeypodd"> | |
1385 | <description>Concept Keyboard Podd</description> | |
1386 | <year>1988</year> | |
1387 | <publisher>ESM</publisher> | |
1388 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1389 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104951"> | |
1390 | <rom name="139 concept keyboard podd.fsd" size="104951" crc="b83dce35" sha1="abd3f44590143f7e4febcae3c4ec2f2db6c17019" offset="0" /> | |
1391 | </dataarea> | |
1392 | </part> | |
1393 | </software> | |
1394 | ||
1395 | <software name="gradvcre"> | |
1396 | <description>The Graphic Adventure Creator</description> | |
1397 | <year>1986</year> | |
1398 | <publisher>Incentive</publisher> | |
1399 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1400 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104959"> | |
1401 | <rom name="140 the graphic adventure creator.fsd" size="104959" crc="11341d1c" sha1="9df4cf2853bf58c5010d8dba0d479c65c5d962c7" offset="0" /> | |
1402 | </dataarea> | |
1403 | </part> | |
1404 | </software> | |
1405 | ||
1406 | <software name="buffers"> | |
1407 | <description>Buffers</description> | |
1408 | <year>1986</year> | |
1409 | <publisher>FSoft</publisher> | |
1410 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1411 | <dataarea name="flop" size="81624"> | |
1412 | <rom name="141 fsoft buffers (corrupt).fsd" size="81624" crc="30376f2f" sha1="f0fedbf368444fbcb12da926109cd7523dbbf1e3" offset="0" /> | |
1413 | </dataarea> | |
1414 | </part> | |
1415 | </software> | |
1416 | ||
1417 | <software name="musicmak"> | |
1418 | <description>Music Maker</description> | |
1419 | <year>1983</year> | |
1420 | <publisher>FSoft</publisher> | |
1421 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1422 | <dataarea name="flop" size="81628"> | |
1423 | <rom name="142 fsoft music maker.fsd" size="81628" crc="add9d908" sha1="76d8d04d294d475330afaa4fe901f8b076f06187" offset="0" /> | |
1424 | </dataarea> | |
1425 | </part> | |
1426 | </software> | |
1427 | ||
1428 | <software name="krakout"> | |
1429 | <description>Krakout</description> | |
1430 | <year>1988</year> | |
1431 | <publisher>Gremlin</publisher> | |
1432 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1433 | <dataarea name="flop" size="89348"> | |
1434 | <rom name="165 krakout.fsd" size="89348" crc="35067841" sha1="06cf690fba697dd83c1efb1e331d4b67ff11537c" offset="0" /> | |
1435 | </dataarea> | |
1436 | </part> | |
1437 | </software> | |
1438 | ||
1439 | <software name="3dpool"> | |
1440 | <description>3D Pool</description> | |
1441 | <year>1989</year> | |
1442 | <publisher>Firebird</publisher> | |
1443 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1444 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105881"> | |
1445 | <rom name="166 3d pool.fsd" size="105881" crc="b8d584c4" sha1="0ad3835f40fca9d967c4537b96733b88ebee460a" offset="0" /> | |
1446 | </dataarea> | |
1447 | </part> | |
1448 | </software> | |
1449 | ||
1450 | <software name="redarrow"> | |
1451 | <description>Red Arrows</description> | |
1452 | <year>1985</year> | |
1453 | <publisher>Database</publisher> | |
1454 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1455 | <dataarea name="flop" size="59426"> | |
1456 | <rom name="168 red arrows.fsd" size="59426" crc="5e9b2984" sha1="53211145e7de4742e43cff009ca212ce3167468b" offset="0" /> | |
1457 | </dataarea> | |
1458 | </part> | |
1459 | </software> | |
1460 | ||
1461 | <software name="phancomb"> | |
1462 | <description>Phantom Combat (BBC Series)</description> | |
1463 | <year>1985</year> | |
1464 | <publisher>Doctor Soft</publisher> | |
1465 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1466 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104944"> | |
1467 | <rom name="169 phantom combat (bbc series).fsd" size="104944" crc="fe65a681" sha1="bd249fcaccaec422ea753aafe9b24efe68d88a20" offset="0" /> | |
1468 | </dataarea> | |
1469 | </part> | |
1470 | </software> | |
1471 | ||
1472 | <software name="phancombb" cloneof="phancomb"> | |
1473 | <description>Phantom Combat (BBC 'B' 32K)</description> | |
1474 | <year>1985</year> | |
1475 | <publisher>Doctor Soft</publisher> | |
1476 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1477 | <dataarea name="flop" size="54572"> | |
1478 | <rom name="170 phantom combat (bbc 'b' 32k).fsd" size="54572" crc="513a6b64" sha1="4ff0d568790fe448d5f803098923a677815a6a53" offset="0" /> | |
1479 | </dataarea> | |
1480 | </part> | |
1481 | </software> | |
1482 | ||
1483 | <software name="phancombbp" cloneof="phancomb"> | |
1484 | <description>Phantom Combat (BBC B & 'Plus')</description> | |
1485 | <year>1985</year> | |
1486 | <publisher>Doctor Soft</publisher> | |
1487 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1488 | <dataarea name="flop" size="54572"> | |
1489 | <rom name="170 phantom combat (bbc b & 'plus').fsd" size="54572" crc="f0e01ac7" sha1="a242b35ee1fd2e403a7ea26a5dd3f708154b77ce" offset="0" /> | |
1490 | </dataarea> | |
1491 | </part> | |
1492 | </software> | |
1493 | ||
1494 | <software name="ccastles"> | |
1495 | <description>Crystal Castles</description> | |
1496 | <year>1986</year> | |
1497 | <publisher>U.S. Gold</publisher> | |
1498 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1499 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105082"> | |
1500 | <rom name="171 crystal castles.fsd" size="105082" crc="533f83de" sha1="765c6d8bbadc46ffe954afd626b6e54dbc7b7819" offset="0" /> | |
1501 | </dataarea> | |
1502 | </part> | |
1503 | </software> | |
1504 | ||
1505 | <software name="daleytst"> | |
1506 | <description>Daley Thompson's Super-Test</description> | |
1507 | <year>1985</year> | |
1508 | <publisher>Ocean</publisher> | |
1509 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1510 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105094"> | |
1511 | <rom name="172 daley thompson's super-test.fsd" size="105094" crc="76dec00e" sha1="c5e82c7338d985272abf099a51420988d0658bba" offset="0" /> | |
1512 | </dataarea> | |
1513 | </part> | |
1514 | </software> | |
1515 | ||
1516 | <software name="3dgraphd"> | |
1517 | <description>3D Graphics Development System</description> | |
1518 | <year>1985</year> | |
1519 | <publisher>Glentop Publishers</publisher> | |
1520 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1521 | <feature name="part_id" value="Startup"/> | |
1522 | <dataarea name="flop" size="97078"> | |
1523 | <rom name="173 3d graphics development system.fsd" size="97078" crc="407466ba" sha1="304eaf043119e382888771d1afbcf29f8d02038f" offset="0" /> | |
1524 | </dataarea> | |
1525 | </part> | |
1526 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1527 | <feature name="part_id" value="Database"/> | |
1528 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105073"> | |
1529 | <rom name="173 3d graphics development system database.fsd" size="105073" crc="b6b986fe" sha1="b425ea1f925032293509423ebe0296db42a356bf" offset="0" /> | |
1530 | </dataarea> | |
1531 | </part> | |
1532 | </software> | |
1533 | ||
1534 | <software name="wediag"> | |
1535 | <description>Diagnostics Disc</description> | |
1536 | <year>1985</year> | |
1537 | <publisher>Watford Electronics</publisher> | |
1538 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1539 | <dataarea name="flop" size="15852"> | |
1540 | <rom name="185 watford electronics diagnostics disc.fsd" size="15852" crc="74cd2892" sha1="ebbc2de75ed329ecdb657ea821864c626d9fa905" offset="0" /> | |
1541 | </dataarea> | |
1542 | </part> | |
1543 | </software> | |
1544 | ||
1545 | <software name="discdebg"> | |
1546 | <description>Disc Debug and Copy All</description> | |
1547 | <year>198?</year> | |
1548 | <publisher><unknown></publisher> | |
1549 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1550 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104953"> | |
1551 | <rom name="190 disk debug and copy-all.fsd" size="104953" crc="20dc59e1" sha1="c5e998e839cef9f9a53b531e10a0d2de4ee8050a" offset="0" /> | |
1552 | </dataarea> | |
1553 | </part> | |
1554 | </software> | |
1555 | ||
1556 | <software name="discexec"> | |
1557 | <description>Disc Executor</description> | |
1558 | <year>198?</year> | |
1559 | <publisher>Vision Software</publisher> | |
1560 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1561 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104943"> | |
1562 | <rom name="191 disc executor.fsd" size="104943" crc="ec1e85a4" sha1="df46bf83ecac015b2b6f5f2ebfe68e42b00a4b12" offset="0" /> | |
1563 | </dataarea> | |
1564 | </part> | |
1565 | </software> | |
1566 | ||
1567 | <software name="mooncrstl" cloneof="mooncrst"> | |
1568 | <description>Moon Cresta (no Lenslok)</description> | |
1569 | <year>1986</year> | |
1570 | <publisher>Incentive</publisher> | |
1571 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1572 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105078"> | |
1573 | <rom name="200 moon cresta (no lenslock).fsd" size="105078" crc="791afbfa" sha1="8a397320421f3a2cc00c2a5ac8378cc677dbbd76" offset="0" /> | |
1574 | </dataarea> | |
1575 | </part> | |
1576 | </software> | |
1577 | ||
1578 | <software name="mooncrst"> | |
1579 | <description>Moon Cresta</description> | |
1580 | <year>1986</year> | |
1581 | <publisher>Incentive</publisher> | |
1582 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1583 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105078"> | |
1584 | <rom name="200 moon cresta.fsd" size="105078" crc="b663fcde" sha1="7fe86e62536655b69308b59047e4867e06ff0c6b" offset="0" /> | |
1585 | </dataarea> | |
1586 | </part> | |
1587 | </software> | |
1588 | ||
1589 | <software name="mmindqm"> | |
1590 | <description>BBC Mastermind Quizmaster</description> | |
1591 | <year>1984</year> | |
1592 | <publisher>Mirrorsoft-Ivan Berg</publisher> | |
1593 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1594 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102330"> | |
1595 | <rom name="201 mastermind quizmaster.fsd" size="102330" crc="70955427" sha1="423ce6de7e159de72261802cf82a0db5db4169c4" offset="0" /> | |
1596 | </dataarea> | |
1597 | </part> | |
1598 | </software> | |
1599 | ||
1600 | <software name="mmind"> | |
1601 | <description>BBC Mastermind</description> | |
1602 | <year>1984</year> | |
1603 | <publisher>Mirrorsoft-Ivan Berg</publisher> | |
1604 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1605 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102529"> | |
1606 | <rom name="201 mastermind.fsd" size="102529" crc="a775c8b7" sha1="c11f149e7827ac5d83544593652f5fb9c8d97910" offset="0" /> | |
1607 | </dataarea> | |
1608 | </part> | |
1609 | </software> | |
1610 | ||
1611 | <software name="tcrosswd"> | |
1612 | <description>The Times Crosswords Vol.1</description> | |
1613 | <year>1988</year> | |
1614 | <publisher>The Times</publisher> | |
1615 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1616 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
1617 | <dataarea name="flop" size="209879"> | |
1618 | <rom name="203 the times crosswords volume 1 side 1.fsd" size="209879" crc="c24e1d46" sha1="43e6a446f763ecebac75fd83e2ee315cf4b7dadc" offset="0" /> | |
1619 | </dataarea> | |
1620 | </part> | |
1621 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1622 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
1623 | <dataarea name="flop" size="209879"> | |
1624 | <rom name="203 the times crosswords volume 1 side 2.fsd" size="209879" crc="341f1170" sha1="59bf18805722ef0e6b3672d35f9ac7192936f3b3" offset="0" /> | |
1625 | </dataarea> | |
1626 | </part> | |
1627 | </software> | |
1628 | ||
1629 | <software name="amxpagem"> | |
1630 | <description>AMX Pagemaker</description> | |
1631 | <year>1986</year> | |
1632 | <publisher>Advanced Memory Systems</publisher> | |
1633 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1634 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105080"> | |
1635 | <rom name="204 amx pagemaker.fsd" size="105080" crc="8f888021" sha1="252b293243a01d2f3fd89036918800ca6de1d8db" offset="0" /> | |
1636 | </dataarea> | |
1637 | </part> | |
1638 | </software> | |
1639 | ||
1640 | <software name="tessalat"> | |
1641 | <description>Tesselator</description> | |
1642 | <year>1984</year> | |
1643 | <publisher>Addison-Wesley</publisher> | |
1644 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1645 | <dataarea name="flop" size="63004"> | |
1646 | <rom name="205 tesselator.fsd" size="63004" crc="ee1b75ee" sha1="8f603b6ac22739fddc7185d31a1ce79d4716098c" offset="0" /> | |
1647 | </dataarea> | |
1648 | </part> | |
1649 | </software> | |
1650 | ||
1651 | <software name="dlogic"> | |
1652 | <description>D-Logic</description> | |
1653 | <year>1983</year> | |
1654 | <publisher>SciCAL Software</publisher> | |
1655 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1656 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104937"> | |
1657 | <rom name="207 d-logic.fsd" size="104937" crc="0a65c978" sha1="8b7b411e4e27a505749afd6daffdaaa2b16b9cb0" offset="0" /> | |
1658 | </dataarea> | |
1659 | </part> | |
1660 | </software> | |
1661 | ||
1662 | <software name="uridium"> | |
1663 | <description>Uridium</description> | |
1664 | <year>1987</year> | |
1665 | <publisher>Hewson Consultants</publisher> | |
1666 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1667 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104675"> | |
1668 | <rom name="209 uridium.fsd" size="104675" crc="8f3637f9" sha1="a68156d3fa600e4c4035102600ff4869fa4c01ba" offset="0" /> | |
1669 | </dataarea> | |
1670 | </part> | |
1671 | </software> | |
1672 | ||
1673 | <software name="tmsys86" cloneof="tmsys"> | |
1674 | <description>The Music System (1986)</description> | |
1675 | <year>1986</year> | |
1676 | <publisher>Island Logic</publisher> | |
1677 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1678 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104951"> | |
1679 | <rom name="210 the music system (1986 release).fsd" size="104951" crc="e61c1d8a" sha1="4e322c6fdef611c55fe16be9ec6302a4051f0c24" offset="0" /> | |
1680 | </dataarea> | |
1681 | </part> | |
1682 | </software> | |
1683 | ||
1684 | <software name="tmsys"> | |
1685 | <description>The Music System</description> | |
1686 | <year>1984</year> | |
1687 | <publisher>Island Logic</publisher> | |
1688 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1689 | <feature name="part_id" value="1a"/> | |
1690 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104741"> | |
1691 | <rom name="244 the music system 1a.fsd" size="104741" crc="5c2bcbbc" sha1="832dca99880d53b258f68c1f66ef0ce365c02b97" offset="0" /> | |
1692 | </dataarea> | |
1693 | </part> | |
1694 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1695 | <feature name="part_id" value="1b"/> | |
1696 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104741"> | |
1697 | <rom name="244 the music system 1b.fsd" size="104741" crc="705e8c30" sha1="e7f0f1f379213c995e403fd2b15445dfc75eb7f5" offset="0" /> | |
1698 | </dataarea> | |
1699 | </part> | |
1700 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1701 | <feature name="part_id" value="1c"/> | |
1702 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104741"> | |
1703 | <rom name="244 the music system 1c.fsd" size="104741" crc="c45ef959" sha1="655e0815acb01a9c9f474c58d6ebb9753aae9d56" offset="0" /> | |
1704 | </dataarea> | |
1705 | </part> | |
1706 | </software> | |
1707 | ||
1708 | <software name="sprtspec"> | |
1709 | <description>Sport Spectacular</description> | |
1710 | <year>198?</year> | |
1711 | <publisher>Alternative</publisher> | |
1712 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1713 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
1714 | <dataarea name="flop" size="99705"> | |
1715 | <rom name="211 sport spectacular side 1.fsd" size="99705" crc="12330a00" sha1="ed2368cde11a6cf26115e2dae85b4ce5ee5f3032" offset="0" /> | |
1716 | </dataarea> | |
1717 | </part> | |
1718 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1719 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
1720 | <dataarea name="flop" size="99706"> | |
1721 | <rom name="211 sport spectacular side 2.fsd" size="99706" crc="e68f751d" sha1="0325f070f4263480d4ac5bf3d3d3f14282effccf" offset="0" /> | |
1722 | </dataarea> | |
1723 | </part> | |
1724 | </software> | |
1725 | ||
1726 | <software name="mexico86"> | |
1727 | <description>Mexico 86</description> | |
1728 | <year>1986</year> | |
1729 | <publisher>Qualsoft</publisher> | |
1730 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1731 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104939"> | |
1732 | <rom name="214 mexico 86.fsd" size="104939" crc="ce06c188" sha1="3785e14ab12404589877959cd6fb6f4ee5f1ab1f" offset="0" /> | |
1733 | </dataarea> | |
1734 | </part> | |
1735 | </software> | |
1736 | ||
1737 | <software name="notapenn"> | |
1738 | <description>Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less</description> | |
1739 | <year>1987</year> | |
1740 | <publisher>Domark</publisher> | |
1741 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1742 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
1743 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104964"> | |
1744 | <rom name="215 napmnapl side 1.fsd" size="104964" crc="8e59911a" sha1="91e5f2aaeee1eb7adb2ee8d898e8b46b53125c48" offset="0" /> | |
1745 | </dataarea> | |
1746 | </part> | |
1747 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1748 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
1749 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104964"> | |
1750 | <rom name="215 napmnapl side 2.fsd" size="104964" crc="ad51aaac" sha1="ef0e5a6daddaac0de147d28b4a7399baf7f3eb1c" offset="0" /> | |
1751 | </dataarea> | |
1752 | </part> | |
1753 | </software> | |
1754 | ||
1755 | <software name="discdup2"> | |
1756 | <description>Disc Duplicator II</description> | |
1757 | <year>1984</year> | |
1758 | <publisher>Howard Spurr</publisher> | |
1759 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1760 | <dataarea name="flop" size="51116"> | |
1761 | <rom name="216 disc duplicator ii.fsd" size="51116" crc="fa519064" sha1="832aa615e66f5594a688666769c9074a46bc054c" offset="0" /> | |
1762 | </dataarea> | |
1763 | </part> | |
1764 | </software> | |
1765 | ||
1766 | <software name="starseek"> | |
1767 | <description>Star Seeker</description> | |
1768 | <year>1985</year> | |
1769 | <publisher>Mirrorsoft</publisher> | |
1770 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1771 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102530"> | |
1772 | <rom name="217 star seeker.fsd" size="102530" crc="54e36349" sha1="8943dc64d52ff43dd6cb42f16b1ff2f94709bcd0" offset="0" /> | |
1773 | </dataarea> | |
1774 | </part> | |
1775 | </software> | |
1776 | ||
1777 | <software name="dunjunz"> | |
1778 | <description>Dunjunz</description> | |
1779 | <year>1987</year> | |
1780 | <publisher>Bug Byte</publisher> | |
1781 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1782 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side A"/> | |
1783 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104937"> | |
1784 | <rom name="226 dunjunz side a.fsd" size="104937" crc="25fc923b" sha1="9d05d9f79b506129347eeaf28711409058d029c9" offset="0" /> | |
1785 | </dataarea> | |
1786 | </part> | |
1787 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1788 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side B"/> | |
1789 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104937"> | |
1790 | <rom name="226 dunjunz side b.fsd" size="104937" crc="3f717792" sha1="915acda5b0522d96dabad0e3e0cfb0d1b260cae4" offset="0" /> | |
1791 | </dataarea> | |
1792 | </part> | |
1793 | </software> | |
1794 | ||
1795 | <software name="keybplay"> | |
1796 | <description>Keyboard Player</description> | |
1797 | <year>1986</year> | |
1798 | <publisher>Chalksoft</publisher> | |
1799 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1800 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104945"> | |
1801 | <rom name="253 keyboard player.fsd" size="104945" crc="ee551142" sha1="4742502caa112bc7c61231af0925becd2b7359e4" offset="0" /> | |
1802 | </dataarea> | |
1803 | </part> | |
1804 | </software> | |
1805 | ||
1806 | <software name="v2140dd"> | |
1807 | <description>Vector 2 v1.40 (Acorn 1770)</description> | |
1808 | <year>1985</year> | |
1809 | <publisher>Chalice Software</publisher> | |
1810 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1811 | <dataarea name="flop" size="62238"> | |
1812 | <rom name="256 vector 2 v140 acorn 1770.fsd" size="62238" crc="bb051095" sha1="3d41d8708ef97b77d63946886ef374d281106cbd" offset="0" /> | |
1813 | </dataarea> | |
1814 | </part> | |
1815 | </software> | |
1816 | ||
1817 | <software name="v2140sd"> | |
1818 | <description>Vector 2 v1.40 (Single Density)</description> | |
1819 | <year>1985</year> | |
1820 | <publisher>Chalice Software</publisher> | |
1821 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1822 | <dataarea name="flop" size="59718"> | |
1823 | <rom name="256 vector 2 v140 single density.fsd" size="59718" crc="38bcae0c" sha1="b585492a62d7a3d96b2f738ccb959eb4b170dfd2" offset="0" /> | |
1824 | </dataarea> | |
1825 | </part> | |
1826 | </software> | |
1827 | ||
1828 | <software name="v1120"> | |
1829 | <description>Vector 1 v1.20</description> | |
1830 | <year>1985</year> | |
1831 | <publisher>Chalice Software</publisher> | |
1832 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1833 | <dataarea name="flop" size="63766"> | |
1834 | <rom name="257 vector 1 v120.fsd" size="63766" crc="28a5004c" sha1="b9aded368127bcefbf699ceb9ebf798bcd536f30" offset="0" /> | |
1835 | </dataarea> | |
1836 | </part> | |
1837 | </software> | |
1838 | ||
1839 | <software name="v1120b"> | |
1840 | <description>Vector 1 v1.20b</description> | |
1841 | <year>1985</year> | |
1842 | <publisher>Chalice Software</publisher> | |
1843 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1844 | <dataarea name="flop" size="63766"> | |
1845 | <rom name="257 vector 1 v120b.fsd" size="63766" crc="2331b7c7" sha1="ab20b1a9ac3f03c550c71a11f030d2aafb5e73e4" offset="0" /> | |
1846 | </dataarea> | |
1847 | </part> | |
1848 | </software> | |
1849 | ||
1850 | <software name="doscopy"> | |
1851 | <description>DOSCOPY</description> | |
1852 | <year>1986</year> | |
1853 | <publisher>Baksoft</publisher> | |
1854 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1855 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104945"> | |
1856 | <rom name="258 baksoft doscopy.fsd" size="104945" crc="145a38f8" sha1="e340fc48921e863cc606cb64ca3aecd77ba5878e" offset="0" /> | |
1857 | </dataarea> | |
1858 | </part> | |
1859 | </software> | |
1860 | ||
1861 | <software name="puff"> | |
1862 | <description>Puff</description> | |
1863 | <year>1986</year> | |
1864 | <publisher>ESM</publisher> | |
1865 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1866 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104938"> | |
1867 | <rom name="279 esm puff.fsd" size="104938" crc="fea462d2" sha1="40f61cb68e77ca9be67352f45ab3462f8083cb7c" offset="0" /> | |
1868 | </dataarea> | |
1869 | </part> | |
1870 | </software> | |
1871 | ||
1872 | <software name="spshuttm"> | |
1873 | <description>Space Shuttle</description> | |
1874 | <year>1983</year> | |
1875 | <publisher>Microdeal</publisher> | |
1876 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1877 | <dataarea name="flop" size="28928"> | |
1878 | <rom name="291 shuttle.fsd" size="28928" crc="602ae93b" sha1="c7ecaf30794d5a4e917903487da94743d030124d" offset="0" /> | |
1879 | </dataarea> | |
1880 | </part> | |
1881 | </software> | |
1882 | ||
1883 | <software name="dddcalc"> | |
1884 | <description>DDD-calc</description> | |
1885 | <year>1985</year> | |
1886 | <publisher>Gemini</publisher> | |
1887 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1888 | <dataarea name="flop" size="85808"> | |
1889 | <rom name="293 ddd-calc.fsd" size="85808" crc="f66ccedc" sha1="0cfa84a59f4cbe0b82c581cbb7e7f2203660bd60" offset="0" /> | |
1890 | </dataarea> | |
1891 | </part> | |
1892 | </software> | |
1893 | ||
1894 | <software name="olympdec"> | |
1895 | <description>Olympic Decathlon</description> | |
1896 | <year>1984</year> | |
1897 | <publisher>Alligata</publisher> | |
1898 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1899 | <dataarea name="flop" size="78737"> | |
1900 | <rom name="294 olympic decathlon.fsd" size="78737" crc="b4543527" sha1="a0ed535c21a3f5cd4a65f2655391938d0d0d64ba" offset="0" /> | |
1901 | </dataarea> | |
1902 | </part> | |
1903 | </software> | |
1904 | ||
1905 | <software name="egyptadv"> | |
1906 | <description>Egyptian Adventure</description> | |
1907 | <year>1987</year> | |
1908 | <publisher>Duckworth</publisher> | |
1909 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1910 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105085"> | |
1911 | <rom name="295 egyptian adventure.fsd" size="105085" crc="aa65c795" sha1="a33c0188feb8029ede52a56428ca141af09648b9" offset="0" /> | |
1912 | </dataarea> | |
1913 | </part> | |
1914 | </software> | |
1915 | ||
1916 | <software name="akhdisku"> | |
1917 | <description>Akhter BBC Disk Utilities</description> | |
1918 | <year>198?</year> | |
1919 | <publisher>Akhter</publisher> | |
1920 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1921 | <dataarea name="flop" size="81366"> | |
1922 | <rom name="296 akhter bbc disk utilities.fsd" size="81366" crc="5eb84680" sha1="f973e9f756d50715d9e51c0883cb324d1c99dde8" offset="0" /> | |
1923 | </dataarea> | |
1924 | </part> | |
1925 | </software> | |
1926 | ||
1927 | <software name="discdup3m" cloneof="discdup3"> | |
1928 | <description>Disc Duplicator 3 (modified to copy itself)</description> | |
1929 | <year>1985</year> | |
1930 | <publisher>FSoft</publisher> | |
1931 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1932 | <dataarea name="flop" size="47298"> | |
1933 | <rom name="297 disc duplicator 3 (modified to copy itself).fsd" size="47298" crc="a27ba46e" sha1="b65903c0e47b118d586634ab52948f3b87eb2614" offset="0" /> | |
1934 | </dataarea> | |
1935 | </part> | |
1936 | </software> | |
1937 | ||
1938 | <software name="discdup3"> | |
1939 | <description>Disc Duplicator 3</description> | |
1940 | <year>1985</year> | |
1941 | <publisher>FSoft</publisher> | |
1942 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1943 | <dataarea name="flop" size="47298"> | |
1944 | <rom name="297 disc duplicator 3.fsd" size="47298" crc="b59f2073" sha1="adb2e3c2c481cd1f6b55cb6ae0866c1814072d29" offset="0" /> | |
1945 | </dataarea> | |
1946 | </part> | |
1947 | </software> | |
1948 | ||
1949 | <software name="lotr"> | |
1950 | <description>The Lord of the Rings</description> | |
1951 | <year>1986</year> | |
1952 | <publisher>Melbourne House</publisher> | |
1953 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1954 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
1955 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105091"> | |
1956 | <rom name="300 lord of the rings side 1.fsd" size="105091" crc="922d9f1b" sha1="cc684e196b8d87c5ebb2791e163855242bfabf19" offset="0" /> | |
1957 | </dataarea> | |
1958 | </part> | |
1959 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1960 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
1961 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105091"> | |
1962 | <rom name="300 lord of the rings side 2.fsd" size="105091" crc="b986982f" sha1="11ae12b8d274ac76b351b9e7b4e8cd192ad1b51d" offset="0" /> | |
1963 | </dataarea> | |
1964 | </part> | |
1965 | </software> | |
1966 | ||
1967 | <software name="offcmate"> | |
1968 | <description>Office Mate</description> | |
1969 | <year>1986</year> | |
1970 | <publisher>Watford Electronics</publisher> | |
1971 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1972 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104941"> | |
1973 | <rom name="301 office mate.fsd" size="104941" crc="7944a905" sha1="0cf2b74e31ebebca042e5a5d823f9f7fa3e6c39a" offset="0" /> | |
1974 | </dataarea> | |
1975 | </part> | |
1976 | </software> | |
1977 | ||
1978 | <software name="offcmast"> | |
1979 | <description>Office Master</description> | |
1980 | <year>1986</year> | |
1981 | <publisher>Gemini</publisher> | |
1982 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1983 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104943"> | |
1984 | <rom name="302 office master.fsd" size="104943" crc="ee2343b2" sha1="65844467183ed02b6253954ba9e498a1fc645e22" offset="0" /> | |
1985 | </dataarea> | |
1986 | </part> | |
1987 | </software> | |
1988 | ||
1989 | <software name="hobbit"> | |
1990 | <description>The Hobbit</description> | |
1991 | <year>1983</year> | |
1992 | <publisher>Melbourne House</publisher> | |
1993 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
1994 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
1995 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105084"> | |
1996 | <rom name="304 the hobbit side 1.fsd" size="105084" crc="291aea5c" sha1="28b78d006b36dc3d4338729d6d92cb0454f9f285" offset="0" /> | |
1997 | </dataarea> | |
1998 | </part> | |
1999 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2000 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
2001 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105084"> | |
2002 | <rom name="304 the hobbit side 2.fsd" size="105084" crc="2629eaff" sha1="ab033a5c6d74d7c86b0e4d03be4a2fd76814cfe2" offset="0" /> | |
2003 | </dataarea> | |
2004 | </part> | |
2005 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2006 | <feature name="part_id" value="Picture Disk 1"/> | |
2007 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104955"> | |
2008 | <rom name="304 the hobbit picture disk 1.fsd" size="104955" crc="c6b638f4" sha1="a0e0683312eaa726b1bfec3e859a7c87bcaff175" offset="0" /> | |
2009 | </dataarea> | |
2010 | </part> | |
2011 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2012 | <feature name="part_id" value="Picture Disk 2"/> | |
2013 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104955"> | |
2014 | <rom name="304 the hobbit picture disk 2.fsd" size="104955" crc="b7a26a82" sha1="f8bc3078627fca6bf6760c86f1078686d8388061" offset="0" /> | |
2015 | </dataarea> | |
2016 | </part> | |
2017 | <part name="flop5" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2018 | <feature name="part_id" value="Save Game Disk"/> | |
2019 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104955"> | |
2020 | <rom name="304 the hobbit save game disk.fsd" size="104955" crc="1f5b81aa" sha1="11f80d16b0d20258138791cd2a3649c4424f92c4" offset="0" /> | |
2021 | </dataarea> | |
2022 | </part> | |
2023 | </software> | |
2024 | ||
2025 | <software name="mrtmeasr"> | |
2026 | <description>Mr T's Measuring Games</description> | |
2027 | <year>1983</year> | |
2028 | <publisher>Good Housekeeping Software</publisher> | |
2029 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2030 | <dataarea name="flop" size="49641"> | |
2031 | <rom name="316 mr t's measuring games.fsd" size="49641" crc="b6c64f34" sha1="edc9bff92859328c2e3271a8269ad048dd500fa0" offset="0" /> | |
2032 | </dataarea> | |
2033 | </part> | |
2034 | </software> | |
2035 | ||
2036 | <software name="clone"> | |
2037 | <description>Clone</description> | |
2038 | <year>1983</year> | |
2039 | <publisher><unknown></publisher> | |
2040 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2041 | <dataarea name="flop" size="34162"> | |
2042 | <rom name="334 clone.fsd" size="34162" crc="5389bd26" sha1="9ac88e04d8c39699e7ed53a1ee27baf91ba99c10" offset="0" /> | |
2043 | </dataarea> | |
2044 | </part> | |
2045 | </software> | |
2046 | ||
2047 | <software name="enthar7"> | |
2048 | <description>Enthar Seven</description> | |
2049 | <year>1985</year> | |
2050 | <publisher>Robico</publisher> | |
2051 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2052 | <feature name="part_id" value="Program Disc"/> | |
2053 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105092"> | |
2054 | <rom name="335 enthar seven program disc.fsd" size="105092" crc="d5312823" sha1="2c87de7cd8d5a47bc892b544f1486a9b60003cc9" offset="0" /> | |
2055 | </dataarea> | |
2056 | </part> | |
2057 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2058 | <feature name="part_id" value="Database Disc"/> | |
2059 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105093"> | |
2060 | <rom name="335 enthar seven database disc.fsd" size="105093" crc="e49c3c99" sha1="82ec0bd187eb38bb96940173740b8f35a20d98f5" offset="0" /> | |
2061 | </dataarea> | |
2062 | </part> | |
2063 | </software> | |
2064 | ||
2065 | <software name="story"> | |
2066 | <description>Story</description> | |
2067 | <year>1983</year> | |
2068 | <publisher>H & H Software</publisher> | |
2069 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2070 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105191"> | |
2071 | <rom name="342 story.fsd" size="105191" crc="3cfde5fc" sha1="99e1bdaacf6615d10279b87c279213188434a57a" offset="0" /> | |
2072 | </dataarea> | |
2073 | </part> | |
2074 | </software> | |
2075 | ||
2076 | <software name="crosswds"> | |
2077 | <description>Crosswords</description> | |
2078 | <year>1986</year> | |
2079 | <publisher>H.S.Software</publisher> | |
2080 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2081 | <dataarea name="flop" size="100224"> | |
2082 | <rom name="344 crosswords.fsd" size="100224" crc="703fe0a0" sha1="fabc8e0d7481e8f16efdefa13a7b38b080515f01" offset="0" /> | |
2083 | </dataarea> | |
2084 | </part> | |
2085 | </software> | |
2086 | ||
2087 | <software name="readrigh"> | |
2088 | <description>Read-Right-Away</description> | |
2089 | <year>1986</year> | |
2090 | <publisher>H.S.Software</publisher> | |
2091 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2092 | <dataarea name="flop" size="58293"> | |
2093 | <rom name="346 read-right-away.fsd" size="58293" crc="3801fa45" sha1="96f0009bd0c7ef6906a075ef2aba206b9ef7a1a4" offset="0" /> | |
2094 | </dataarea> | |
2095 | </part> | |
2096 | </software> | |
2097 | ||
2098 | <software name="goldcoll"> | |
2099 | <description>The Gold Collection</description> | |
2100 | <year>1987</year> | |
2101 | <publisher>U.S. Gold</publisher> | |
2102 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2103 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 0"/> | |
2104 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105086"> | |
2105 | <rom name="351 the gold collection side 0.fsd" size="105086" crc="394f6d76" sha1="462bb55bcf122f9d5d998eacf3f927c7d64bd802" offset="0" /> | |
2106 | </dataarea> | |
2107 | </part> | |
2108 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2109 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
2110 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105086"> | |
2111 | <rom name="351 the gold collection side 1.fsd" size="105086" crc="aebd2b3d" sha1="77b604df862fd7ed18480ab09bb73f63f81adead" offset="0" /> | |
2112 | </dataarea> | |
2113 | </part> | |
2114 | </software> | |
2115 | ||
2116 | <software name="bismarck"> | |
2117 | <description>Bismarck Death of a Battleship</description> | |
2118 | <year>1987</year> | |
2119 | <publisher>BBC Soft</publisher> | |
2120 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2121 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104960"> | |
2122 | <rom name="352 bismarck death of a battleship.fsd" size="104960" crc="171efe2c" sha1="779c4405331e85da57c86463ef9c89e10fecc98c" offset="0" /> | |
2123 | </dataarea> | |
2124 | </part> | |
2125 | </software> | |
2126 | ||
2127 | <software name="stdsnook"> | |
2128 | <description>Steve Davis Snooker</description> | |
2129 | <year>1986</year> | |
2130 | <publisher>CDS</publisher> | |
2131 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2132 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104949"> | |
2133 | <rom name="359 steve davis snooker.fsd" size="104949" crc="fe76aa4b" sha1="d8ac57145d3fd2ddaf93746bab7fbac38e0b6354" offset="0" /> | |
2134 | </dataarea> | |
2135 | </part> | |
2136 | </software> | |
2137 | ||
2138 | <software name="bbcomp2"> | |
2139 | <description>The Bug-Byte Compilation II</description> | |
2140 | <year>1987</year> | |
2141 | <publisher>Bug Byte</publisher> | |
2142 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2143 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104957"> | |
2144 | <rom name="360 the bug-byte compilation ii.fsd" size="104957" crc="f15d6567" sha1="2789823d36f9001996a9d1c463b4789333137a89" offset="0" /> | |
2145 | </dataarea> | |
2146 | </part> | |
2147 | </software> | |
2148 | ||
2149 | <software name="replica2"> | |
2150 | <description>Replica II</description> | |
2151 | <year>1983</year> | |
2152 | <publisher>Clares</publisher> | |
2153 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2154 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104940"> | |
2155 | <rom name="323 replica ii.fsd" size="104940" crc="2127ca86" sha1="653efe9ebe4d4f0c6c4d13cadab9dd91701edf8b" offset="0" /> | |
2156 | </dataarea> | |
2157 | </part> | |
2158 | </software> | |
2159 | ||
2160 | <software name="replica3"> | |
2161 | <description>Replica III</description> | |
2162 | <year>1985</year> | |
2163 | <publisher>Clares</publisher> | |
2164 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2165 | <dataarea name="flop" size="53033"> | |
2166 | <rom name="324 replica iii.fsd" size="53033" crc="7ffdc729" sha1="a0062dd8035f644c8bf292fc4e05ae1ffeecafba" offset="0" /> | |
2167 | </dataarea> | |
2168 | </part> | |
2169 | </software> | |
2170 | ||
2171 | <software name="thekey"> | |
2172 | <description>The Key</description> | |
2173 | <year>1983</year> | |
2174 | <publisher>Clares</publisher> | |
2175 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2176 | <dataarea name="flop" size="18444"> | |
2177 | <rom name="325 the key.fsd" size="18444" crc="0494a7bc" sha1="4b42068026abd56496ea6e85931cc27cc772a795" offset="0" /> | |
2178 | </dataarea> | |
2179 | </part> | |
2180 | </software> | |
2181 | ||
2182 | <software name="funhous"> | |
2183 | <description>Fun House</description> | |
2184 | <year>1984</year> | |
2185 | <publisher>Clares</publisher> | |
2186 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2187 | <dataarea name="flop" size="41627"> | |
2188 | <rom name="326 fun house.fsd" size="41627" crc="12eedc8d" sha1="65509df6eb06707e1afbd2066e9d2b0daba47deb" offset="0" /> | |
2189 | </dataarea> | |
2190 | </part> | |
2191 | </software> | |
2192 | ||
2193 | <software name="grafdisk"> | |
2194 | <description>Grafdisk</description> | |
2195 | <year>1983</year> | |
2196 | <publisher>Clares</publisher> | |
2197 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2198 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104938"> | |
2199 | <rom name="327 grafdisk.fsd" size="104938" crc="5037d4c4" sha1="82e229f2666e749240c2b438a1cb81bf40ff7563" offset="0" /> | |
2200 | </dataarea> | |
2201 | </part> | |
2202 | </software> | |
2203 | ||
2204 | <software name="fwplus"> | |
2205 | <description>Fontwise Plus</description> | |
2206 | <year>198?</year> | |
2207 | <publisher>Clares</publisher> | |
2208 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2209 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105455"> | |
2210 | <rom name="328 fontwise plus.fsd" size="105455" crc="661e024d" sha1="2b3451d5938963a930175977750c3593884b370e" offset="0" /> | |
2211 | </dataarea> | |
2212 | </part> | |
2213 | </software> | |
2214 | ||
2215 | <software name="fwfonted"> | |
2216 | <description>Fontwise Font Editor</description> | |
2217 | <year>198?</year> | |
2218 | <publisher>Clares</publisher> | |
2219 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2220 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105277"> | |
2221 | <rom name="329 font editor.fsd" size="105277" crc="a5d91d15" sha1="2c422b94fdf41cff99c0356974d49adfe52828a1" offset="0" /> | |
2222 | </dataarea> | |
2223 | </part> | |
2224 | </software> | |
2225 | ||
2226 | <software name="profile"> | |
2227 | <description>Profile</description> | |
2228 | <year>1985</year> | |
2229 | <publisher>Clares</publisher> | |
2230 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2231 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105449"> | |
2232 | <rom name="330 profile.fsd" size="105449" crc="993e5239" sha1="e5b403c5a421e0a83b51763e8c9cc493fe901f29" offset="0" /> | |
2233 | </dataarea> | |
2234 | </part> | |
2235 | </software> | |
2236 | ||
2237 | <software name="bbase"> | |
2238 | <description>Beta-Base</description> | |
2239 | <year>1983</year> | |
2240 | <publisher>Clares</publisher> | |
2241 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2242 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105451"> | |
2243 | <rom name="331 beta base.fsd" size="105451" crc="c4846f7a" sha1="109496d5ba557db716de1e150b6a894e70539af1" offset="0" /> | |
2244 | </dataarea> | |
2245 | </part> | |
2246 | </software> | |
2247 | ||
2248 | <software name="bbaseutl"> | |
2249 | <description>Beta-Base Utilities 1</description> | |
2250 | <year>198?</year> | |
2251 | <publisher>Clares</publisher> | |
2252 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2253 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105463"> | |
2254 | <rom name="332 beta base utilities 1.fsd" size="105463" crc="437852e2" sha1="7dfd059bc601d869bb91ac7b3e412bced4d2b62e" offset="0" /> | |
2255 | </dataarea> | |
2256 | </part> | |
2257 | </software> | |
2258 | ||
2259 | <software name="klax"> | |
2260 | <description>Klax</description> | |
2261 | <year>1990</year> | |
2262 | <publisher>Domark</publisher> | |
2263 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2264 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104934"> | |
2265 | <rom name="353 klax.fsd" size="104934" crc="5ebf42dc" sha1="561eee716bdbb1d959d94f49dc818f541081044a" offset="0" /> | |
2266 | </dataarea> | |
2267 | </part> | |
2268 | </software> | |
2269 | ||
2270 | <software name="starwars"> | |
2271 | <description>Star Wars</description> | |
2272 | <year>1987</year> | |
2273 | <publisher>Domark</publisher> | |
2274 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2275 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105197"> | |
2276 | <rom name="354 star wars.fsd" size="105197" crc="90d585a7" sha1="c70e00a1565720319baf011662e2715c2ea6f7ac" offset="0" /> | |
2277 | </dataarea> | |
2278 | </part> | |
2279 | </software> | |
2280 | ||
2281 | <software name="esb"> | |
2282 | <description>The Empire Strikes Back</description> | |
2283 | <year>1988</year> | |
2284 | <publisher>Domark</publisher> | |
2285 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2286 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102595"> | |
2287 | <rom name="355 the empire strikes back.fsd" size="102595" crc="a633c113" sha1="919914ef1515093be5db820ea93a8e8de407d65b" offset="0" /> | |
2288 | </dataarea> | |
2289 | </part> | |
2290 | </software> | |
2291 | ||
2292 | <software name="jedi"> | |
2293 | <description>Return of the Jedi</description> | |
2294 | <year>1988</year> | |
2295 | <publisher>Domark</publisher> | |
2296 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2297 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104948"> | |
2298 | <rom name="356 return of the jedi.fsd" size="104948" crc="71a32e01" sha1="a8a096ca6ba6f1dc96bafc20d56b8547e4ff7e23" offset="0" /> | |
2299 | </dataarea> | |
2300 | </part> | |
2301 | </software> | |
2302 | ||
2303 | <software name="lickill"> | |
2304 | <description>License to Kill</description> | |
2305 | <year>1989</year> | |
2306 | <publisher>Domark</publisher> | |
2307 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2308 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104945"> | |
2309 | <rom name="357 licence to kill.fsd" size="104945" crc="2acfd2e6" sha1="a6a961b3c688ed70a1368081c7e5494b571d9c5b" offset="0" /> | |
2310 | </dataarea> | |
2311 | </part> | |
2312 | </software> | |
2313 | ||
2314 | <software name="livdayl"> | |
2315 | <description>The Living Daylights</description> | |
2316 | <year>1983</year> | |
2317 | <publisher>Domark</publisher> | |
2318 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2319 | <dataarea name="flop" size="106031"> | |
2320 | <rom name="358 the living daylights.fsd" size="106031" crc="03288645" sha1="b4be4e23f0ca89092385cc9337a3cbb39ba329e3" offset="0" /> | |
2321 | </dataarea> | |
2322 | </part> | |
2323 | </software> | |
2324 | ||
2325 | <software name="holedout"> | |
2326 | <description>Holed Out</description> | |
2327 | <year>1989</year> | |
2328 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
2329 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2330 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104939"> | |
2331 | <rom name="-121 holed out.fsd" size="104939" crc="5bd94592" sha1="2ec2c244fe8f2a3a6d6552c7b40d2edadf9d8538" offset="0" /> | |
2332 | </dataarea> | |
2333 | </part> | |
2334 | </software> | |
2335 | ||
2336 | <software name="whimagi2"> | |
2337 | <description>White Magic 2</description> | |
2338 | <year>1989</year> | |
2339 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
2340 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2341 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104943"> | |
2342 | <rom name="097 white magic 2.fsd" size="104943" crc="a51d8e1a" sha1="8a114a55de1f3feea15dbad0a6c4db8c753c953e" offset="0" /> | |
2343 | </dataarea> | |
2344 | </part> | |
2345 | </software> | |
2346 | ||
2347 | <software name="nevryon"> | |
2348 | <description>Nevyron</description> | |
2349 | <year>1991</year> | |
2350 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
2351 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2352 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104937"> | |
2353 | <rom name="120 nevryon.fsd" size="104937" crc="a699d6e8" sha1="dade4d81c4bdb9bc51065a80958e72b7212891db" offset="0" /> | |
2354 | </dataarea> | |
2355 | </part> | |
2356 | </software> | |
2357 | ||
2358 | <software name="uim"> | |
2359 | <description>U.I.M.</description> | |
2360 | <year>1989</year> | |
2361 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
2362 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2363 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105070"> | |
2364 | <rom name="122 uim.fsd" size="105070" crc="7a1272d1" sha1="b81fed0a92de79f7a41e598ed0bdba4f1055dbaa" offset="0" /> | |
2365 | </dataarea> | |
2366 | </part> | |
2367 | </software> | |
2368 | ||
2369 | <software name="etype"> | |
2370 | <description>E-Type</description> | |
2371 | <year>1990</year> | |
2372 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
2373 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2374 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104936"> | |
2375 | <rom name="123 e-type.fsd" size="104936" crc="48a0cf59" sha1="252ce33d06bc16b844563750a8c75d4a18089995" offset="0" /> | |
2376 | </dataarea> | |
2377 | </part> | |
2378 | </software> | |
2379 | ||
2380 | <software name="whimagic"> | |
2381 | <description>White Magic</description> | |
2382 | <year>1989</year> | |
2383 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
2384 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2385 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105078"> | |
2386 | <rom name="124 white magic.fsd" size="105078" crc="f4b7103e" sha1="c1d8757f87a8734c64a130b3cde6573c2c5c94af" offset="0" /> | |
2387 | </dataarea> | |
2388 | </part> | |
2389 | </software> | |
2390 | ||
2391 | <software name="arsoccer"> | |
2392 | <description>Arcade Soccer</description> | |
2393 | <year>1989</year> | |
2394 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
2395 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2396 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104943"> | |
2397 | <rom name="125 arcade soccer.fsd" size="104943" crc="ca1aa429" sha1="95eb3f63cb2e43cc4a36836490a972a0f2de2fd9" offset="0" /> | |
2398 | </dataarea> | |
2399 | </part> | |
2400 | </software> | |
2401 | ||
2402 | <software name="zenon"> | |
2403 | <description>Zenon</description> | |
2404 | <year>1989</year> | |
2405 | <publisher>Impact</publisher> | |
2406 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2407 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104935"> | |
2408 | <rom name="126 zenon.fsd" size="104935" crc="527d6a51" sha1="1913335c3075fe5410a8db6f750023689280feee" offset="0" /> | |
2409 | </dataarea> | |
2410 | </part> | |
2411 | </software> | |
2412 | ||
2413 | <software name="clogger"> | |
2414 | <description>Clogger</description> | |
2415 | <year>1988</year> | |
2416 | <publisher>Impact</publisher> | |
2417 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2418 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105074"> | |
2419 | <rom name="127 clogger.fsd" size="105074" crc="37eddb7b" sha1="eabb0ece6f7a29cc42006e2ffb03a4078db2b2f7" offset="0" /> | |
2420 | </dataarea> | |
2421 | </part> | |
2422 | </software> | |
2423 | ||
2424 | <software name="orbital"> | |
2425 | <description>Orbital</description> | |
2426 | <year>1989</year> | |
2427 | <publisher>Impact</publisher> | |
2428 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2429 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105074"> | |
2430 | <rom name="128 orbital.fsd" size="105074" crc="c62d6e23" sha1="1aaf7b08df9ac24abc854bee8d628b14e88d53d1" offset="0" /> | |
2431 | </dataarea> | |
2432 | </part> | |
2433 | </software> | |
2434 | ||
2435 | <software name="artstudi"> | |
2436 | <description>The Art Studio</description> | |
2437 | <year>1989</year> | |
2438 | <publisher>Impact</publisher> | |
2439 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2440 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104944"> | |
2441 | <rom name="129 the art studio.fsd" size="104944" crc="e4338f0a" sha1="fd5c30303169cbc1ffaf98197644ec17bfe5d7bd" offset="0" /> | |
2442 | </dataarea> | |
2443 | </part> | |
2444 | </software> | |
2445 | ||
2446 | <software name="cheatj1"> | |
2447 | <description>Cheat It Again Joe Vol.1</description> | |
2448 | <year>1988</year> | |
2449 | <publisher>Impact</publisher> | |
2450 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2451 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102473"> | |
2452 | <rom name="130 cheat it again, joe volume 1.fsd" size="102473" crc="7a090ddd" sha1="03dc30e97ec3ebcfd7a014a89be2c2cf4f535654" offset="0" /> | |
2453 | </dataarea> | |
2454 | </part> | |
2455 | </software> | |
2456 | ||
2457 | <software name="cheatj2"> | |
2458 | <description>Cheat It Again Joe Vol.2</description> | |
2459 | <year>1988</year> | |
2460 | <publisher>Impact</publisher> | |
2461 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2462 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105094"> | |
2463 | <rom name="131 cheat it again, joe volume 2.fsd" size="105094" crc="9305d08f" sha1="a543c79a6143e9777316a41802c1910febae07cf" offset="0" /> | |
2464 | </dataarea> | |
2465 | </part> | |
2466 | </software> | |
2467 | ||
2468 | <software name="cheatj4"> | |
2469 | <description>Cheat It Again Joe Vol.4</description> | |
2470 | <year>1988</year> | |
2471 | <publisher>Impact</publisher> | |
2472 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2473 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102336"> | |
2474 | <rom name="132 cheat it again, joe volume 4.fsd" size="102336" crc="70504e56" sha1="ca955b36a1035cf6bbe8b12670383c23bf940a2e" offset="0" /> | |
2475 | </dataarea> | |
2476 | </part> | |
2477 | </software> | |
2478 | ||
2479 | <software name="holedoc1"> | |
2480 | <description>Holed Out Extra Courses Vol.1</description> | |
2481 | <year>1990</year> | |
2482 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
2483 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2484 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104959"> | |
2485 | <rom name="298 holed out extra courses vol1.fsd" size="104959" crc="5b41e1e6" sha1="b8a1feca41cd9f445c96bfec4da9b1b9c5d7049e" offset="0" /> | |
2486 | </dataarea> | |
2487 | </part> | |
2488 | </software> | |
2489 | ||
2490 | <software name="holedoc2"> | |
2491 | <description>Holed Out Extra Courses Vol.2</description> | |
2492 | <year>1990</year> | |
2493 | <publisher>4th Dimension</publisher> | |
2494 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2495 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104959"> | |
2496 | <rom name="299 holed out extra courses vol2.fsd" size="104959" crc="26ea5dbd" sha1="f497036e19b42b9fa657d5ccadb7c1217c2e2e5f" offset="0" /> | |
2497 | </dataarea> | |
2498 | </part> | |
2499 | </software> | |
2500 | ||
2501 | <software name="reteden"> | |
2502 | <description>Return to Eden</description> | |
2503 | <year>1984</year> | |
2504 | <publisher>Level 9 Computing</publisher> | |
2505 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2506 | <dataarea name="flop" size="35171"> | |
2507 | <rom name="014 return to eden.fsd" size="35171" crc="3fe8c91d" sha1="18277447d0447b0ad5c8bbe8d7389ebe044933e8" offset="0" /> | |
2508 | </dataarea> | |
2509 | </part> | |
2510 | </software> | |
2511 | ||
2512 | <software name="colossal"> | |
2513 | <description>Colossal Adventure</description> | |
2514 | <year>1983</year> | |
2515 | <publisher>Level 9 Computing</publisher> | |
2516 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2517 | <dataarea name="flop" size="35175"> | |
2518 | <rom name="051 colossal adventure.fsd" size="35175" crc="0dcf036c" sha1="7344c685c8a06f557814190fc0fde7b54d703b5b" offset="0" /> | |
2519 | </dataarea> | |
2520 | </part> | |
2521 | </software> | |
2522 | ||
2523 | <software name="snowball"> | |
2524 | <description>Snowball</description> | |
2525 | <year>1983</year> | |
2526 | <publisher>Level 9 Computing</publisher> | |
2527 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2528 | <dataarea name="flop" size="35165"> | |
2529 | <rom name="063 snowball.fsd" size="35165" crc="5ef47761" sha1="2c2c2d2bfa4d158c2fe11c72378005d0b1af5ad8" offset="0" /> | |
2530 | </dataarea> | |
2531 | </part> | |
2532 | </software> | |
2533 | ||
2534 | <software name="lordstme"> | |
2535 | <description>Lords of Time</description> | |
2536 | <year>1983</year> | |
2537 | <publisher>Level 9 Computing</publisher> | |
2538 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2539 | <dataarea name="flop" size="35170"> | |
2540 | <rom name="085 lords of time.fsd" size="35170" crc="b3cbfeac" sha1="eb0e7b24b566b6cfb28af36a4a726e24e6936ee6" offset="0" /> | |
2541 | </dataarea> | |
2542 | </part> | |
2543 | </software> | |
2544 | ||
2545 | <software name="advquest"> | |
2546 | <description>Adventure Quest</description> | |
2547 | <year>1983</year> | |
2548 | <publisher>Level 9 Computing</publisher> | |
2549 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2550 | <dataarea name="flop" size="35172"> | |
2551 | <rom name="333 adventure quest.fsd" size="35172" crc="1d6057ce" sha1="7a5349928958c53b4ad883aac1e0e1d9084b31ab" offset="0" /> | |
2552 | </dataarea> | |
2553 | </part> | |
2554 | </software> | |
2555 | ||
2556 | <software name="timemagk"> | |
2557 | <description>Time and Magik - The Trilogy</description> | |
2558 | <year>1988</year> | |
2559 | <publisher>Mandarin</publisher> | |
2560 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2561 | <feature name="part_id" value="Game"/> | |
2562 | <dataarea name="flop" size="209864"> | |
2563 | <rom name="345 time and magik game side.fsd" size="209864" crc="03dd16fe" sha1="09c2bbaaf1a98292093933c139e3946b41faeddb" offset="0" /> | |
2564 | </dataarea> | |
2565 | </part> | |
2566 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2567 | <feature name="part_id" value="Pictures"/> | |
2568 | <dataarea name="flop" size="209849"> | |
2569 | <rom name="345 time and magik pictures side.fsd" size="209849" crc="c8f7b4d5" sha1="4662ba6a2dd6445b293465165630bdfce6d9b4c1" offset="0" /> | |
2570 | </dataarea> | |
2571 | </part> | |
2572 | </software> | |
2573 | ||
2574 | <software name="lancelot"> | |
2575 | <description>Lancelot</description> | |
2576 | <year>1988</year> | |
2577 | <publisher>Mandarin</publisher> | |
2578 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2579 | <feature name="part_id" value="Game"/> | |
2580 | <dataarea name="flop" size="209868"> | |
2581 | <rom name="350 lancelot game side.fsd" size="209868" crc="c4189869" sha1="5d65d025aded494d6030cf281d2bffe31049739d" offset="0" /> | |
2582 | </dataarea> | |
2583 | </part> | |
2584 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2585 | <feature name="part_id" value="Pictures"/> | |
2586 | <dataarea name="flop" size="209872"> | |
2587 | <rom name="350 lancelot pictures side.fsd" size="209872" crc="1a29bbe1" sha1="fb60bc459afc8b66b84a40a409076adad3b0b4f3" offset="0" /> | |
2588 | </dataarea> | |
2589 | </part> | |
2590 | </software> | |
2591 | ||
2592 | <software name="imogen"> | |
2593 | <description>Imogen</description> | |
2594 | <year>1986</year> | |
2595 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2596 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2597 | <dataarea name="flop" size="94532"> | |
2598 | <rom name="062 imogen.fsd" size="94532" crc="086b1ab5" sha1="fcf66c457b50a282517c037f0836bdecd8085dcc" offset="0" /> | |
2599 | </dataarea> | |
2600 | </part> | |
2601 | </software> | |
2602 | ||
2603 | <software name="castleq"> | |
2604 | <description>Castle Quest</description> | |
2605 | <year>1985</year> | |
2606 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2607 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2608 | <dataarea name="flop" size="65627"> | |
2609 | <rom name="072 castle quest.fsd" size="65627" crc="83552111" sha1="13458425fff08bd90686d048102a4d0befc66477" offset="0" /> | |
2610 | </dataarea> | |
2611 | </part> | |
2612 | </software> | |
2613 | ||
2614 | <software name="stockcar"> | |
2615 | <description>Stock Car</description> | |
2616 | <year>1983</year> | |
2617 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2618 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2619 | <dataarea name="flop" size="82193"> | |
2620 | <rom name="086 stock car.fsd" size="82193" crc="45c927de" sha1="617c17abce10221837b1c6483e3d96d4925b8b0b" offset="0" /> | |
2621 | </dataarea> | |
2622 | </part> | |
2623 | </software> | |
2624 | ||
2625 | <software name="cybermis"> | |
2626 | <description>Cybertron Mission</description> | |
2627 | <year>1984</year> | |
2628 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2629 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2630 | <dataarea name="flop" size="87383"> | |
2631 | <rom name="087 cybertron mission.fsd" size="87383" crc="24d1af1e" sha1="a8e0f30ded1a13a899558d6cb7e92fd41731902b" offset="0" /> | |
2632 | </dataarea> | |
2633 | </part> | |
2634 | </software> | |
2635 | ||
2636 | <software name="duneridr"> | |
2637 | <description>Dune Rider</description> | |
2638 | <year>1984</year> | |
2639 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2640 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2641 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102922"> | |
2642 | <rom name="088 dune rider.fsd" size="102922" crc="83414390" sha1="6256e43c97f8e2746baa543c4ec4b9535035e85f" offset="0" /> | |
2643 | </dataarea> | |
2644 | </part> | |
2645 | </software> | |
2646 | ||
2647 | <software name="intergal"> | |
2648 | <description>Intergalactic Trader</description> | |
2649 | <year>1983</year> | |
2650 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2651 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2652 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104950"> | |
2653 | <rom name="089 intergalactic trader.fsd" size="104950" crc="0fe3f66a" sha1="e0cbd9ec0a41a59b13c7e3f9f2684de3095b52c3" offset="0" /> | |
2654 | </dataarea> | |
2655 | </part> | |
2656 | </software> | |
2657 | ||
2658 | <software name="starflen"> | |
2659 | <description>Starfleet Encounter</description> | |
2660 | <year>1984</year> | |
2661 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2662 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2663 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102931"> | |
2664 | <rom name="090 starfleet encounter.fsd" size="102931" crc="85c85b37" sha1="ee81acfaffd937f1d5fea2b19f45844ae43a8881" offset="0" /> | |
2665 | </dataarea> | |
2666 | </part> | |
2667 | </software> | |
2668 | ||
2669 | <software name="drwhomin"> | |
2670 | <description>Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror (Master/B+)</description> | |
2671 | <year>1986</year> | |
2672 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2673 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2674 | <dataarea name="flop" size="86617"> | |
2675 | <rom name="133 doctor who and the mines of terror.fsd" size="86617" crc="c5eade21" sha1="b3bdd76eae53561f8ee4977d2a0088f223f5464b" offset="0" /> | |
2676 | </dataarea> | |
2677 | </part> | |
2678 | </software> | |
2679 | ||
2680 | <software name="drwhominb" cloneof="drwhomin"> | |
2681 | <description>Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror (with ROM)</description> | |
2682 | <year>1985</year> | |
2683 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2684 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2685 | <dataarea name="flop" size="54004"> | |
2686 | <rom name="303 doctor who and the mines of terror.fsd" size="54004" crc="dc4254fb" sha1="20f65441000054a4b878f033cda49ec6d376a2bd" offset="0" /> | |
2687 | </dataarea> | |
2688 | </part> | |
2689 | <part name="cart1" interface="bbc_cart"> | |
2690 | <dataarea name="rom" size="16384"> | |
2691 | <rom name="DoctorWhoAndTheMinesOfTerror.rom" size="16384" crc="9ce48a7e" sha1="9287aa2c0ef535d008f7d0e7e34a96400098816a" offset="0" /> | |
2692 | </dataarea> | |
2693 | </part> | |
2694 | </software> | |
2695 | ||
2696 | <software name="blockbus"> | |
2697 | <description>Blockbuster</description> | |
2698 | <year>1984</year> | |
2699 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2700 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2701 | <dataarea name="flop" size="79605"> | |
2702 | <rom name="193 block buster.fsd" size="79605" crc="6ab8275c" sha1="6af1dcac1cb4d61e83ac11e29230a9ecd8209f04" offset="0" /> | |
2703 | </dataarea> | |
2704 | </part> | |
2705 | </software> | |
2706 | ||
2707 | <software name="mree"> | |
2708 | <description>Mr Ee!</description> | |
2709 | <year>1984</year> | |
2710 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2711 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2712 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102917"> | |
2713 | <rom name="194 mr ee.fsd" size="102917" crc="366d3852" sha1="7cd6deb7ceaebf088986e5dd60341d112079c4a8" offset="0" /> | |
2714 | </dataarea> | |
2715 | </part> | |
2716 | </software> | |
2717 | ||
2718 | <software name="frenzy"> | |
2719 | <description>Frenzy</description> | |
2720 | <year>1983</year> | |
2721 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2722 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2723 | <dataarea name="flop" size="77008"> | |
2724 | <rom name="195 frenzy.fsd" size="77008" crc="ccc3499e" sha1="eb3759b0c1b1c9a61adf9a84d3d32894afc73331" offset="0" /> | |
2725 | </dataarea> | |
2726 | </part> | |
2727 | </software> | |
2728 | ||
2729 | <software name="killergo"> | |
2730 | <description>Killer Gorilla</description> | |
2731 | <year>1984</year> | |
2732 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2733 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2734 | <dataarea name="flop" size="82198"> | |
2735 | <rom name="196 killer gorilla.fsd" size="82198" crc="7788ebfd" sha1="988898b520b46a0fb0ca5ad342284493261f90ef" offset="0" /> | |
2736 | </dataarea> | |
2737 | </part> | |
2738 | </software> | |
2739 | ||
2740 | <software name="ghouls"> | |
2741 | <description>Ghouls</description> | |
2742 | <year>1984</year> | |
2743 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2744 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2745 | <dataarea name="flop" size="92554"> | |
2746 | <rom name="197 ghouls.fsd" size="92554" crc="bfe5cffa" sha1="36e6bf5052a4b894e449446146ca1a1676babfd5" offset="0" /> | |
2747 | </dataarea> | |
2748 | </part> | |
2749 | </software> | |
2750 | ||
2751 | <software name="themine"> | |
2752 | <description>The Mine</description> | |
2753 | <year>1984</year> | |
2754 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2755 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2756 | <dataarea name="flop" size="82192"> | |
2757 | <rom name="198 the mine.fsd" size="82192" crc="ddf67dd6" sha1="3aa22c441642e05558a42dc3ce93f722df261d27" offset="0" /> | |
2758 | </dataarea> | |
2759 | </part> | |
2760 | </software> | |
2761 | ||
2762 | <software name="felixfac"> | |
2763 | <description>Felix in the Factory</description> | |
2764 | <year>1982</year> | |
2765 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2766 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2767 | <dataarea name="flop" size="82204"> | |
2768 | <rom name="199 felix in the factory.fsd" size="82204" crc="693a92fd" sha1="0a7ac7c5086685b0f8bc705a2ff558ce44a01570" offset="0" /> | |
2769 | </dataarea> | |
2770 | </part> | |
2771 | </software> | |
2772 | ||
2773 | <software name="felixwee"> | |
2774 | <description>Felix Meets the Evil Weevils</description> | |
2775 | <year>1984</year> | |
2776 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2777 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2778 | <dataarea name="flop" size="100347"> | |
2779 | <rom name="255 felix meets the evil weevils.fsd" size="100347" crc="71182cc8" sha1="798b4d58b98207e1f5491b76926b4a7198bc3578" offset="0" /> | |
2780 | </dataarea> | |
2781 | </part> | |
2782 | </software> | |
2783 | ||
2784 | <software name="rubbletr"> | |
2785 | <description>Rubble Trouble</description> | |
2786 | <year>1983</year> | |
2787 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2788 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2789 | <dataarea name="flop" size="89971"> | |
2790 | <rom name="264 rubbletrouble.fsd" size="89971" crc="cd1cf430" sha1="3ae07e2aa6d38c682cd1810b6c076a200bcba441" offset="0" /> | |
2791 | </dataarea> | |
2792 | </part> | |
2793 | </software> | |
2794 | ||
2795 | <software name="mpmagic"> | |
2796 | <description>Micro Power Magic</description> | |
2797 | <year>1986</year> | |
2798 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2799 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2800 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side One"/> | |
2801 | <dataarea name="flop" size="86602"> | |
2802 | <rom name="305 micro power magic i side one.fsd" size="86602" crc="5808f35e" sha1="8d290c1179560e0cca601fff17ea876050706158" offset="0" /> | |
2803 | </dataarea> | |
2804 | </part> | |
2805 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2806 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side Two"/> | |
2807 | <dataarea name="flop" size="86602"> | |
2808 | <rom name="305 micro power magic i side two.fsd" size="86602" crc="59188f60" sha1="faf9b366e650c808b3438bcc2e1c77a11ac1d529" offset="0" /> | |
2809 | </dataarea> | |
2810 | </part> | |
2811 | </software> | |
2812 | ||
2813 | <software name="mpmagic2"> | |
2814 | <description>Micro Power Magic II</description> | |
2815 | <year>1986</year> | |
2816 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2817 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2818 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side One"/> | |
2819 | <dataarea name="flop" size="94466"> | |
2820 | <rom name="306 micro power magic ii side one.fsd" size="94466" crc="02bfc44e" sha1="d323933d217c4b206f2cf7eefbd57b3b046b54bf" offset="0" /> | |
2821 | </dataarea> | |
2822 | </part> | |
2823 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2824 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side Two"/> | |
2825 | <dataarea name="flop" size="70877"> | |
2826 | <rom name="306 micro power magic ii side two.fsd" size="70877" crc="2638f310" sha1="d9af8ba63ca03ff74f8fa3b2ab75b34fdc774b9d" offset="0" /> | |
2827 | </dataarea> | |
2828 | </part> | |
2829 | </software> | |
2830 | ||
2831 | <software name="mpmagic3"> | |
2832 | <description>Micro Power Magic III</description> | |
2833 | <year>1986</year> | |
2834 | <publisher>Micro Power</publisher> | |
2835 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2836 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side One"/> | |
2837 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104951"> | |
2838 | <rom name="307 micro power magic iii side one.fsd" size="104951" crc="b50c606d" sha1="fd5995c4bdbea382563eaa4216e14494d4d781b9" offset="0" /> | |
2839 | </dataarea> | |
2840 | </part> | |
2841 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2842 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side Two"/> | |
2843 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104951"> | |
2844 | <rom name="307 micro power magic iii side two.fsd" size="104951" crc="b7404184" sha1="db1afd4c596654de069ad0e568a6a7d9f846c123" offset="0" /> | |
2845 | </dataarea> | |
2846 | </part> | |
2847 | </software> | |
2848 | ||
2849 | <software name="repton"> | |
2850 | <description>Repton</description> | |
2851 | <year>1985</year> | |
2852 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2853 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2854 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104312"> | |
2855 | <rom name="080 repton.fsd" size="104312" crc="425cfb77" sha1="f8bbb2b5264e3c3512302e72149715fdd2f6117e" offset="0" /> | |
2856 | </dataarea> | |
2857 | </part> | |
2858 | </software> | |
2859 | ||
2860 | <software name="citadel"> | |
2861 | <description>Citadel</description> | |
2862 | <year>1985</year> | |
2863 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2864 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2865 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104937"> | |
2866 | <rom name="174 citadel.fsd" size="104937" crc="36debf02" sha1="7014e8d9f93fbf394481fccf28a83e6776efcbb1" offset="0" /> | |
2867 | </dataarea> | |
2868 | </part> | |
2869 | </software> | |
2870 | ||
2871 | <software name="karatec"> | |
2872 | <description>Karate Combat</description> | |
2873 | <year>1986</year> | |
2874 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2875 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2876 | <dataarea name="flop" size="44660"> | |
2877 | <rom name="175 karate combat.fsd" size="44660" crc="96365316" sha1="bedde7da96eda08f3828d2dbc7873174ca32c5c7" offset="0" /> | |
2878 | </dataarea> | |
2879 | </part> | |
2880 | </software> | |
2881 | ||
2882 | <software name="tempest"> | |
2883 | <description>Tempest</description> | |
2884 | <year>1985</year> | |
2885 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2886 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2887 | <dataarea name="flop" size="31549"> | |
2888 | <rom name="176 tempest.fsd" size="31549" crc="671f7206" sha1="1d8ebbe1f3750d3d03ba9505a4a33cc93d365ca4" offset="0" /> | |
2889 | </dataarea> | |
2890 | </part> | |
2891 | </software> | |
2892 | ||
2893 | <software name="deathsta"> | |
2894 | <description>Death Star</description> | |
2895 | <year>1985</year> | |
2896 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2897 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2898 | <dataarea name="flop" size="34172"> | |
2899 | <rom name="177 deathstar.fsd" size="34172" crc="4a5c042c" sha1="f1371e67a4c1941ab2db1a8bcb5e5b01f93ab4dc" offset="0" /> | |
2900 | </dataarea> | |
2901 | </part> | |
2902 | </software> | |
2903 | ||
2904 | <software name="repton2"> | |
2905 | <description>Repton 2</description> | |
2906 | <year>1985</year> | |
2907 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2908 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2909 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104938"> | |
2910 | <rom name="178 repton 2.fsd" size="104938" crc="f37ac03b" sha1="84d0122678bb87263822d4fb5e3d89b2a067f552" offset="0" /> | |
2911 | </dataarea> | |
2912 | </part> | |
2913 | </software> | |
2914 | ||
2915 | <software name="thrust"> | |
2916 | <description>Thrust</description> | |
2917 | <year>1986</year> | |
2918 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2919 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2920 | <dataarea name="flop" size="49895"> | |
2921 | <rom name="179 thrust.fsd" size="49895" crc="52762853" sha1="a3de8ea8f50dfc8ceb2adea54734337874c34ba6" offset="0" /> | |
2922 | </dataarea> | |
2923 | </part> | |
2924 | </software> | |
2925 | ||
2926 | <software name="galaforc"> | |
2927 | <description>Galaforce</description> | |
2928 | <year>1986</year> | |
2929 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2930 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2931 | <dataarea name="flop" size="47277"> | |
2932 | <rom name="180 galaforce.fsd" size="47277" crc="885acb2c" sha1="65d96bdd73f8572a8b42bed368e0fc03ce2c9a02" offset="0" /> | |
2933 | </dataarea> | |
2934 | </part> | |
2935 | </software> | |
2936 | ||
2937 | <software name="strykrun"> | |
2938 | <description>Stryker's Run</description> | |
2939 | <year>1986</year> | |
2940 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2941 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2942 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104943"> | |
2943 | <rom name="181 stryker's run.fsd" size="104943" crc="92e3c589" sha1="cc943acffa8bfec35ac0eb249ebbeb98b6673314" offset="0" /> | |
2944 | </dataarea> | |
2945 | </part> | |
2946 | </software> | |
2947 | ||
2948 | <software name="repton3"> | |
2949 | <description>Repton 3</description> | |
2950 | <year>1986</year> | |
2951 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2952 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2953 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104938"> | |
2954 | <rom name="183 repton 3.fsd" size="104938" crc="98782628" sha1="acd102483cb429b14cdd501bba85f41384b332be" offset="0" /> | |
2955 | </dataarea> | |
2956 | </part> | |
2957 | </software> | |
2958 | ||
2959 | <software name="speech"> | |
2960 | <description>Speech!</description> | |
2961 | <year>1985</year> | |
2962 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2963 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2964 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104936"> | |
2965 | <rom name="184 speech.fsd" size="104936" crc="a7fa3db9" sha1="cda4594b29c63fa97f93bf6df64c32bbb1034493" offset="0" /> | |
2966 | </dataarea> | |
2967 | </part> | |
2968 | </software> | |
2969 | ||
2970 | <software name="overdriv"> | |
2971 | <description>Overdrive</description> | |
2972 | <year>1984</year> | |
2973 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2974 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2975 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104939"> | |
2976 | <rom name="321 overdrive.fsd" size="104939" crc="724512e0" sha1="1de4283665315ea0e9e736280048c3c07b31595e" offset="0" /> | |
2977 | </dataarea> | |
2978 | </part> | |
2979 | </software> | |
2980 | ||
2981 | <software name="froggys"> | |
2982 | <description>Froggy</description> | |
2983 | <year>1982</year> | |
2984 | <publisher>Superior Software</publisher> | |
2985 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2986 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104936"> | |
2987 | <rom name="322 froggy.fsd" size="104936" crc="6105cdaa" sha1="a836c603c8902fc706b16744037f4063a3bc322b" offset="0" /> | |
2988 | </dataarea> | |
2989 | </part> | |
2990 | </software> | |
2991 | ||
2992 | <software name="exilev1" cloneof="exilev3"> | |
2993 | <description>Exile (Version 1)</description> | |
2994 | <year>1988</year> | |
2995 | <publisher>Superior Software/Acornsoft</publisher> | |
2996 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
2997 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102387"> | |
2998 | <rom name="001 exile.fsd" size="102387" crc="f720c7b2" sha1="e91b32a57a78356df8d3f19632c729378557214f" offset="0" /> | |
2999 | </dataarea> | |
3000 | </part> | |
3001 | </software> | |
3002 | ||
3003 | <software name="exilev2" cloneof="exilev3"> | |
3004 | <description>Exile (Version 2)</description> | |
3005 | <year>1988</year> | |
3006 | <publisher>Superior Software/Acornsoft</publisher> | |
3007 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3008 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102387"> | |
3009 | <rom name="188 exile (version 2).fsd" size="102387" crc="e2374b4e" sha1="5dbcc3339e36821d56aad9e234efb628806365fe" offset="0" /> | |
3010 | </dataarea> | |
3011 | </part> | |
3012 | </software> | |
3013 | ||
3014 | <software name="exilev3"> | |
3015 | <description>Exile (Version 3)</description> | |
3016 | <year>1988</year> | |
3017 | <publisher>Superior Software/Acornsoft</publisher> | |
3018 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3019 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104935"> | |
3020 | <rom name="189 exile (version 3).fsd" size="104935" crc="7d43daa0" sha1="784a7b912ab844d2406ee9dd55872f1429055863" offset="0" /> | |
3021 | </dataarea> | |
3022 | </part> | |
3023 | </software> | |
3024 | ||
3025 | <software name="exilerc" cloneof="exilev3"> | |
3026 | <description>Exile (Review Copy)</description> | |
3027 | <year>1988</year> | |
3028 | <publisher>Superior Software/Acornsoft</publisher> | |
3029 | <info name="version" value="D100.43 14/10/88" /> | |
3030 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3031 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102399"> | |
3032 | <rom name="021 exile review copy.fsd" size="102399" crc="57bdb594" sha1="7d41668c3f9ed52e5e75f01a2e6349a3a7f59111" offset="0" /> | |
3033 | </dataarea> | |
3034 | </part> | |
3035 | </software> | |
3036 | ||
3037 | <software name="ravskull"> | |
3038 | <description>Ravenskull</description> | |
3039 | <year>1987</year> | |
3040 | <publisher>Superior Software/Acornsoft</publisher> | |
3041 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3042 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104940"> | |
3043 | <rom name="182 ravenskull.fsd" size="104940" crc="8b9ec17e" sha1="1d80d85ec1001d67047d8c3b352543ec44508bce" offset="0" /> | |
3044 | </dataarea> | |
3045 | </part> | |
3046 | </software> | |
3047 | ||
3048 | <software name="retdoom"> | |
3049 | <description>Return to Doom</description> | |
3050 | <year>1988</year> | |
3051 | <publisher>Topologika</publisher> | |
3052 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3053 | <feature name="part_id" value="Game"/> | |
3054 | <dataarea name="flop" size="35495"> | |
3055 | <rom name="057 return to doom.fsd" size="35495" crc="3e5c81b5" sha1="4e580a652a0df941fd2d434dfd507cff886a6280" offset="0" /> | |
3056 | </dataarea> | |
3057 | </part> | |
3058 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3059 | <feature name="part_id" value="Database"/> | |
3060 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104953"> | |
3061 | <rom name="057 return to doom database.fsd" size="104953" crc="51b8a45c" sha1="bf910c6d9c027a48d23d4c638c06104724bcb340" offset="0" /> | |
3062 | </dataarea> | |
3063 | </part> | |
3064 | </software> | |
3065 | ||
3066 | <software name="gkiller"> | |
3067 | <description>Giant Killer</description> | |
3068 | <year>1987</year> | |
3069 | <publisher>Topologika</publisher> | |
3070 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3071 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104942"> | |
3072 | <rom name="265 giant killer.fsd" size="104942" crc="a8ea4980" sha1="a0b7fc50d52301df4247fc488e907c8cfa7cc354" offset="0" /> | |
3073 | </dataarea> | |
3074 | </part> | |
3075 | </software> | |
3076 | ||
3077 | <software name="ctodoomt"> | |
3078 | <description>Countdown to Doom (Topologika)</description> | |
3079 | <year>1987</year> | |
3080 | <publisher>Topologika</publisher> | |
3081 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3082 | <dataarea name="flop" size="72192"> | |
3083 | <rom name="317 countdown to doom.fsd" size="72192" crc="28bd79f0" sha1="50c4ee07914e508811a08f0deb944d8d2e1c9496" offset="0" /> | |
3084 | </dataarea> | |
3085 | </part> | |
3086 | </software> | |
3087 | ||
3088 | <software name="phquestt"> | |
3089 | <description>Philosopher's Quest (Topologika)</description> | |
3090 | <year>1987</year> | |
3091 | <publisher>Topologika</publisher> | |
3092 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3093 | <dataarea name="flop" size="82678"> | |
3094 | <rom name="318 philosopher's quest.fsd" size="82678" crc="3d146faa" sha1="a722ade607790f89457211cf3e7fa2a0edee367e" offset="0" /> | |
3095 | </dataarea> | |
3096 | </part> | |
3097 | </software> | |
3098 | ||
3099 | <software name="ldaydoom"> | |
3100 | <description>Last Days of Doom</description> | |
3101 | <year>1990</year> | |
3102 | <publisher>Topologika</publisher> | |
3103 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3104 | <dataarea name="flop" size="137797"> | |
3105 | <rom name="319 last days of doom.fsd" size="137797" crc="fad16393" sha1="e21901c31869acc162fa0e427bfa839d56fda000" offset="0" /> | |
3106 | </dataarea> | |
3107 | </part> | |
3108 | </software> | |
3109 | ||
3110 | <software name="achetont"> | |
3111 | <description>Acheton (Topologika)</description> | |
3112 | <year>1987</year> | |
3113 | <publisher>Topologika</publisher> | |
3114 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3115 | <dataarea name="flop" size="145650"> | |
3116 | <rom name="320 acheton.fsd" size="145650" crc="bdac2c79" sha1="ccb1c915838b2cb94c693b1baaa389491e9ac687" offset="0" /> | |
3117 | </dataarea> | |
3118 | </part> | |
3119 | </software> | |
3120 | ||
3121 | <software name="avon"> | |
3122 | <description>Avon</description> | |
3123 | <year>1989</year> | |
3124 | <publisher>Topologika</publisher> | |
3125 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3126 | <dataarea name="flop" size="82663"> | |
3127 | <rom name="avon.fsd" size="82663" crc="67cbc628" sha1="7c4c9fc66d4eb2fa1f96244a665208881a90a72f" offset="0" /> | |
3128 | </dataarea> | |
3129 | </part> | |
3130 | </software> | |
3131 | ||
3132 | <software name="kohamilt"> | |
3133 | <description>Kingdom of Hamil (Topologika)</description> | |
3134 | <year>1987</year> | |
3135 | <publisher>Topologika</publisher> | |
3136 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3137 | <dataarea name="flop" size="61696"> | |
3138 | <rom name="kingdom of hamil.fsd" size="61696" crc="59ce6256" sha1="438bb9612bc7aaf6d9a7ece58c06168957991e2f" offset="0" /> | |
3139 | </dataarea> | |
3140 | </part> | |
3141 | </software> | |
3142 | ||
3143 | <software name="murdac"> | |
3144 | <description>Murdac</description> | |
3145 | <year>1989</year> | |
3146 | <publisher>Topologika</publisher> | |
3147 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3148 | <dataarea name="flop" size="61697"> | |
3149 | <rom name="murdac.fsd" size="61697" crc="5c81cfdb" sha1="193d8db2d1bf4b72a98310e4836bed27c1126f6f" offset="0" /> | |
3150 | </dataarea> | |
3151 | </part> | |
3152 | </software> | |
3153 | ||
3154 | <software name="wolympia"> | |
3155 | <description>Winter Olympiad 88</description> | |
3156 | <year>1988</year> | |
3157 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3158 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3159 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107328"> | |
3160 | <rom name="013 winter olympiad 88.fsd" size="107328" crc="1e502929" sha1="e19e3cff176dea9485806ea81bfc9978fb82bd35" offset="0" /> | |
3161 | </dataarea> | |
3162 | </part> | |
3163 | </software> | |
3164 | ||
3165 | <software name="indoorsp"> | |
3166 | <description>Indoor Sports</description> | |
3167 | <year>1988</year> | |
3168 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3169 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3170 | <dataarea name="flop" size="119005"> | |
3171 | <rom name="056 indoor sports.fsd" size="119005" crc="e72ce832" sha1="31c0aeb42b4464612bf42f6d3cf6615836cbd164" offset="0" /> | |
3172 | </dataarea> | |
3173 | </part> | |
3174 | </software> | |
3175 | ||
3176 | <software name="bdash"> | |
3177 | <description>Boulder Dash</description> | |
3178 | <year>1988</year> | |
3179 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3180 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3181 | <dataarea name="flop" size="116858"> | |
3182 | <rom name="058 boulder dash.fsd" size="116858" crc="b3f9c0b5" sha1="4cc05e633e3e7204a02e3fd01f2d8c83cabab23e" offset="0" /> | |
3183 | </dataarea> | |
3184 | </part> | |
3185 | </software> | |
3186 | ||
3187 | <software name="saigon"> | |
3188 | <description>Saigon</description> | |
3189 | <year>1988</year> | |
3190 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3191 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3192 | <dataarea name="flop" size="118644"> | |
3193 | <rom name="059 saigon.fsd" size="118644" crc="8cee8780" sha1="9b14463dffdb0f1fe47c2dfbbabb39bd5195fb27" offset="0" /> | |
3194 | </dataarea> | |
3195 | </part> | |
3196 | </software> | |
3197 | ||
3198 | <software name="solympid"> | |
3199 | <description>Summer Olympiad</description> | |
3200 | <year>1988</year> | |
3201 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3202 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3203 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105201"> | |
3204 | <rom name="060 summer olympiad.fsd" size="105201" crc="46a76941" sha1="b07d3c9dde884a26316cb1ee382b68800d0839a8" offset="0" /> | |
3205 | </dataarea> | |
3206 | </part> | |
3207 | </software> | |
3208 | ||
3209 | <software name="spyvsspy"> | |
3210 | <description>Spy vs Spy</description> | |
3211 | <year>1984</year> | |
3212 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3213 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3214 | <dataarea name="flop" size="81351"> | |
3215 | <rom name="079 spy vs spy.fsd" size="81351" crc="831855a9" sha1="9d329a6ca19be5ec044d4e3c0071109b999cc127" offset="0" /> | |
3216 | </dataarea> | |
3217 | </part> | |
3218 | </software> | |
3219 | ||
3220 | <software name="circusga"> | |
3221 | <description>Circus Games</description> | |
3222 | <year>1988</year> | |
3223 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3224 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3225 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104942"> | |
3226 | <rom name="153 circus games.fsd" size="104942" crc="facb9c3d" sha1="0dd2404a9eb9e0bcd9af68c6841e30da7184e5c5" offset="0" /> | |
3227 | </dataarea> | |
3228 | </part> | |
3229 | </software> | |
3230 | ||
3231 | <software name="phantom"> | |
3232 | <description>Phantom</description> | |
3233 | <year>1987</year> | |
3234 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3235 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3236 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104937"> | |
3237 | <rom name="154 phantom.fsd" size="104937" crc="d37cdfff" sha1="38889a30f3a2d9bcebd0db20fe999f7f5f819d9f" offset="0" /> | |
3238 | </dataarea> | |
3239 | </part> | |
3240 | </software> | |
3241 | ||
3242 | <software name="futuresh"> | |
3243 | <description>Future Shock</description> | |
3244 | <year>1986</year> | |
3245 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3246 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3247 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102362"> | |
3248 | <rom name="155 future shock.fsd" size="102362" crc="310f80ad" sha1="1e91ba0d64bbb69749a258290b7a69d171458c40" offset="0" /> | |
3249 | </dataarea> | |
3250 | </part> | |
3251 | </software> | |
3252 | ||
3253 | <software name="bhillcop"> | |
3254 | <description>Beverly Hills Cop</description> | |
3255 | <year>1990</year> | |
3256 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3257 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3258 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 00"/> | |
3259 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104947"> | |
3260 | <rom name="156 beverly hills cop (side 00).fsd" size="104947" crc="11ecb37b" sha1="85cef485bd4936ac62fe350fcc3242bd62119f51" offset="0" /> | |
3261 | </dataarea> | |
3262 | </part> | |
3263 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3264 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 01"/> | |
3265 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104948"> | |
3266 | <rom name="156 beverly hills cop (side 01).fsd" size="104948" crc="4ce85ea9" sha1="1e2951fb058fe10c212a5b59842733ba3dc09504" offset="0" /> | |
3267 | </dataarea> | |
3268 | </part> | |
3269 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3270 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 02"/> | |
3271 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104947"> | |
3272 | <rom name="156 beverly hills cop (side 02).fsd" size="104947" crc="05d06984" sha1="308cf3ff46e6b88478ab471bd412fc2d86d53e75" offset="0" /> | |
3273 | </dataarea> | |
3274 | </part> | |
3275 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3276 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 03"/> | |
3277 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104947"> | |
3278 | <rom name="156 beverly hills cop (side 03).fsd" size="104947" crc="bc1da561" sha1="8ac0badcea6caaedfe7a1404c4670928c8631fd7" offset="0" /> | |
3279 | </dataarea> | |
3280 | </part> | |
3281 | </software> | |
3282 | ||
3283 | <software name="goal"> | |
3284 | <description>Goal!</description> | |
3285 | <year>1986</year> | |
3286 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3287 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3288 | <dataarea name="flop" size="81345"> | |
3289 | <rom name="159 goal.fsd" size="81345" crc="cdde2e1d" sha1="c77dbe6694beb7c2e3f301a85779d5e10b277a52" offset="0" /> | |
3290 | </dataarea> | |
3291 | </part> | |
3292 | </software> | |
3293 | ||
3294 | <software name="cwgames"> | |
3295 | <description>Commonwealth Games</description> | |
3296 | <year>1986</year> | |
3297 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3298 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3299 | <feature name="part_id" value="80 track"/> | |
3300 | <dataarea name="flop" size="209868"> | |
3301 | <rom name="160 commonwealth games.fsd" size="209868" crc="7303c63a" sha1="377a42858481e6e5f2494058b70977f4a52ce4a3" offset="0" /> | |
3302 | </dataarea> | |
3303 | </part> | |
3304 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3305 | <feature name="part_id" value="40 track"/> | |
3306 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104948"> | |
3307 | <rom name="160 commonwealth games (40 track).fsd" size="104948" crc="12792e7e" sha1="d3a676358eaae38ca9b0d31d6bc4cf0687098575" offset="0" /> | |
3308 | </dataarea> | |
3309 | </part> | |
3310 | </software> | |
3311 | ||
3312 | <software name="wolympic"> | |
3313 | <description>Winter Olympics</description> | |
3314 | <year>1986</year> | |
3315 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3316 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3317 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104945"> | |
3318 | <rom name="161 winter olympics.fsd" size="104945" crc="af0cff69" sha1="15c2950b6d3d49ea33d45b1a8d692a60933f6893" offset="0" /> | |
3319 | </dataarea> | |
3320 | </part> | |
3321 | </software> | |
3322 | ||
3323 | <software name="superman"> | |
3324 | <description>Superman: The Man of Steel</description> | |
3325 | <year>1989</year> | |
3326 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3327 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3328 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 00"/> | |
3329 | <dataarea name="flop" size="201995"> | |
3330 | <rom name="162 superman (side 00).fsd" size="201995" crc="08577c45" sha1="7ea9dedb20495773418a47ae09ca88714a6d95c2" offset="0" /> | |
3331 | </dataarea> | |
3332 | </part> | |
3333 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3334 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 01"/> | |
3335 | <dataarea name="flop" size="201995"> | |
3336 | <rom name="162 superman (side 01).fsd" size="201995" crc="de9ef62e" sha1="f74cc1cb34fcabf44b40489a2c00573f89c47add" offset="0" /> | |
3337 | </dataarea> | |
3338 | </part> | |
3339 | </software> | |
3340 | ||
3341 | <software name="jetsetw2"> | |
3342 | <description>Jet Set Willy II</description> | |
3343 | <year>1985</year> | |
3344 | <publisher>Tynesoft</publisher> | |
3345 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3346 | <dataarea name="flop" size="81357"> | |
3347 | <rom name="208 jet set willy ii.fsd" size="81357" crc="84c8235b" sha1="56379360fefe1b14a38b14efadce203bf0739ba1" offset="0" /> | |
3348 | </dataarea> | |
3349 | </part> | |
3350 | </software> | |
3351 | ||
3352 | <!-- Business --> | |
3353 | ||
3354 | <software name="mailsys"> | |
3355 | <description>Mailing System</description> | |
3356 | <year>1984</year> | |
3357 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
3358 | <info name="release" value="B09" /> | |
3359 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3360 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104944"> | |
3361 | <rom name="228 mailing system.fsd" size="104944" crc="e3f570ed" sha1="cd5ec03cb9c28636496b5af912d615226d78677a" offset="0" /> | |
3362 | </dataarea> | |
3363 | </part> | |
3364 | </software> | |
3365 | ||
3366 | <software name="database"> | |
3367 | <description>Database</description> | |
3368 | <year>1983</year> | |
3369 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
3370 | <info name="release" value="B06" /> | |
3371 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3372 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102318"> | |
3373 | <rom name="229 database.fsd" size="102318" crc="abebfbc3" sha1="49219fd09580b758bd2d5ab8d285555027407c05" offset="0" /> | |
3374 | </dataarea> | |
3375 | </part> | |
3376 | </software> | |
3377 | ||
3378 | <software name="acctrecv"> | |
3379 | <description>Accounts Receivable</description> | |
3380 | <year>1984</year> | |
3381 | <publisher>Acornsoft/MI</publisher> | |
3382 | <info name="release" value="B10" /> | |
3383 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3384 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104949"> | |
3385 | <rom name="230 accounts receivable.fsd" size="104949" crc="ac819ec1" sha1="a9fe53efcaa39051ee4bb9bbb2b71f1009ddc8ca" offset="0" /> | |
3386 | </dataarea> | |
3387 | </part> | |
3388 | </software> | |
3389 | ||
3390 | <software name="acctpay"> | |
3391 | <description>Accounts Payable</description> | |
3392 | <year>1984</year> | |
3393 | <publisher>Acornsoft/MI</publisher> | |
3394 | <info name="release" value="B13" /> | |
3395 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3396 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104946"> | |
3397 | <rom name="231 accounts payable.fsd" size="104946" crc="cb182be6" sha1="d47a2e8b18f8efb533bc300e334b88bd06125e48" offset="0" /> | |
3398 | </dataarea> | |
3399 | </part> | |
3400 | </software> | |
3401 | ||
3402 | <software name="purchsng"> | |
3403 | <description>Purchasing</description> | |
3404 | <year>1984</year> | |
3405 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
3406 | <info name="release" value="B14" /> | |
3407 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3408 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104940"> | |
3409 | <rom name="232 purchasing.fsd" size="104940" crc="29d5cbdf" sha1="6c0751612fd710e6d09f347cbe0cb1fba3472bd7" offset="0" /> | |
3410 | </dataarea> | |
3411 | </part> | |
3412 | </software> | |
3413 | ||
3414 | <software name="invoicng"> | |
3415 | <description>Invoicing</description> | |
3416 | <year>1984</year> | |
3417 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
3418 | <info name="release" value="B08" /> | |
3419 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3420 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104939"> | |
3421 | <rom name="234 invoicing.fsd" size="104939" crc="3fdd7673" sha1="a33910702375886d4ec4e48337861634e6783d14" offset="0" /> | |
3422 | </dataarea> | |
3423 | </part> | |
3424 | </software> | |
3425 | ||
3426 | <software name="farmcash"> | |
3427 | <description>FarmCash Setup v1.12</description> | |
3428 | <year>198?</year> | |
3429 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
3430 | <info name="protection" value="None" /> | |
3431 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3432 | <dataarea name="flop" size="204800"> | |
3433 | <rom name="240 farmcash.ssd" size="204800" crc="ba011313" sha1="5f502b669b83dd80ef524addc75875b946ae0121" offset="0" /> | |
3434 | </dataarea> | |
3435 | </part> | |
3436 | </software> | |
3437 | ||
3438 | <software name="fieldfil"> | |
3439 | <description>FieldFile Setup v1.11</description> | |
3440 | <year>198?</year> | |
3441 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
3442 | <info name="protection" value="None" /> | |
3443 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3444 | <dataarea name="flop" size="204800"> | |
3445 | <rom name="241 fieldfile.ssd" size="204800" crc="61938782" sha1="50ede0e4380043268a9b010587a4bdb5285ea0f2" offset="0" /> | |
3446 | </dataarea> | |
3447 | </part> | |
3448 | </software> | |
3449 | ||
3450 | <software name="capcost"> | |
3451 | <description>CapCost Setup v1.11</description> | |
3452 | <year>1983</year> | |
3453 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
3454 | <info name="protection" value="None" /> | |
3455 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3456 | <dataarea name="flop" size="204800"> | |
3457 | <rom name="242 capcost.ssd" size="204800" crc="78f00286" sha1="d747ca27c7490c7638870a099e7660d623eaf54e" offset="0" /> | |
3458 | </dataarea> | |
3459 | </part> | |
3460 | </software> | |
3461 | ||
3462 | <software name="farmplan"> | |
3463 | <description>FarmPlanner Setup v1.01</description> | |
3464 | <year>1983</year> | |
3465 | <publisher>Acornsoft</publisher> | |
3466 | <info name="protection" value="None" /> | |
3467 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3468 | <dataarea name="flop" size="204800"> | |
3469 | <rom name="243 farmplanner.ssd" size="204800" crc="142493ad" sha1="3dc58f3d23893f9a926858ff16edf3418ba1b0fd" offset="0" /> | |
3470 | </dataarea> | |
3471 | </part> | |
3472 | </software> | |
3473 | ||
3474 | <software name="moffice"> | |
3475 | <description>Mini Office</description> | |
3476 | <year>1984</year> | |
3477 | <publisher>Database</publisher> | |
3478 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3479 | <dataarea name="flop" size="103283"> | |
3480 | <rom name="206 mini office.fsd" size="103283" crc="0978164e" sha1="abfd772d691743157f4842776e80be8b5b496fcf" offset="0" /> | |
3481 | </dataarea> | |
3482 | </part> | |
3483 | </software> | |
3484 | ||
3485 | <software name="moffice2"> | |
3486 | <description>Mini Office II</description> | |
3487 | <year>1986</year> | |
3488 | <publisher>Database</publisher> | |
3489 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3490 | <dataarea name="flop" size="109842"> | |
3491 | <rom name="003 mini office ii.fsd" size="109842" crc="7fd56209" sha1="ae85a100242e4c564347148759b2e6eff0cf5dea" offset="0" /> | |
3492 | </dataarea> | |
3493 | </part> | |
3494 | </software> | |
3495 | ||
3496 | <!-- Educational --> | |
3497 | ||
3498 | <software name="flowercr"> | |
3499 | <description>Flowers of Crystal</description> | |
3500 | <year>198?</year> | |
3501 | <publisher>4mation</publisher> | |
3502 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3503 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102590"> | |
3504 | <rom name="238 flowers of crystal.fsd" size="102590" crc="caf2ded1" sha1="515dd079c17c63b12c5b75e9129405373eef4013" offset="0" /> | |
3505 | </dataarea> | |
3506 | </part> | |
3507 | </software> | |
3508 | ||
3509 | <software name="dragonwb"> | |
3510 | <description>Dragon World (BBC Only)</description> | |
3511 | <year>198?</year> | |
3512 | <publisher>4mation</publisher> | |
3513 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3514 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102584"> | |
3515 | <rom name="246 dragon world bbc only.fsd" size="102584" crc="717df981" sha1="fc761572e5d2683f32aa48c873959ba0ffea041b" offset="0" /> | |
3516 | </dataarea> | |
3517 | </part> | |
3518 | </software> | |
3519 | ||
3520 | <software name="dragonw"> | |
3521 | <description>Dragon World</description> | |
3522 | <year>198?</year> | |
3523 | <publisher>4mation</publisher> | |
3524 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3525 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102721"> | |
3526 | <rom name="247 dragon world.fsd" size="102721" crc="68168c56" sha1="bad0599d4fddc84c5d295f50957f2e27f6360f6d" offset="0" /> | |
3527 | </dataarea> | |
3528 | </part> | |
3529 | </software> | |
3530 | ||
3531 | <software name="dinodisc"> | |
3532 | <description>Dinosaur Discovery</description> | |
3533 | <year>198?</year> | |
3534 | <publisher>4mation</publisher> | |
3535 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3536 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102506"> | |
3537 | <rom name="248 dinosaur discovery.fsd" size="102506" crc="a552c6cc" sha1="c948b46c8a88c52fcc021fb0c7d0efe9dec8b01b" offset="0" /> | |
3538 | </dataarea> | |
3539 | </part> | |
3540 | </software> | |
3541 | ||
3542 | <software name="wrldword"> | |
3543 | <description>World Without Words</description> | |
3544 | <year>198?</year> | |
3545 | <publisher>4mation</publisher> | |
3546 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3547 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104949"> | |
3548 | <rom name="249 world without words.fsd" size="104949" crc="afd53f5b" sha1="9326f106f479469f53e4abe09e9a096c2091cbe7" offset="0" /> | |
3549 | </dataarea> | |
3550 | </part> | |
3551 | </software> | |
3552 | ||
3553 | <software name="boxtresc"> | |
3554 | <description>Box of Treasures Create</description> | |
3555 | <year>198?</year> | |
3556 | <publisher>4mation</publisher> | |
3557 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3558 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102725"> | |
3559 | <rom name="250 box of treasures create.fsd" size="102725" crc="94a92558" sha1="3116adba9d0c5c454f966ccb02e5ec571c616a12" offset="0" /> | |
3560 | </dataarea> | |
3561 | </part> | |
3562 | </software> | |
3563 | ||
3564 | <software name="boxtres"> | |
3565 | <description>Box of Treasures</description> | |
3566 | <year>1983</year> | |
3567 | <publisher>4mation</publisher> | |
3568 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3569 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102503"> | |
3570 | <rom name="250 box of treasures.fsd" size="102503" crc="7e2a3d56" sha1="2a92a30c363b4830b3e9261b037fdee242103686" offset="0" /> | |
3571 | </dataarea> | |
3572 | </part> | |
3573 | </software> | |
3574 | ||
3575 | <software name="ggarden"> | |
3576 | <description>Granny's Garden</description> | |
3577 | <year>1984</year> | |
3578 | <publisher>4mation</publisher> | |
3579 | <info name="protection" value="None" /> | |
3580 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3581 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102400"> | |
3582 | <rom name="245 granny's garden.ssd" size="102400" crc="60287cc8" sha1="3e9c0f0390fdc35d44923535226115173c43e49f" offset="0" /> | |
3583 | </dataarea> | |
3584 | </part> | |
3585 | </software> | |
3586 | ||
3587 | <software name="childspc"> | |
3588 | <description>Children from Space</description> | |
3589 | <year>1984</year> | |
3590 | <publisher>Acornsoft/ASK</publisher> | |
3591 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3592 | <dataarea name="flop" size="79288"> | |
3593 | <rom name="218 children from space.fsd" size="79288" crc="2a1f96c7" sha1="dda2f5479a755d065d830c9938370a6d743b5e28" offset="0" /> | |
3594 | </dataarea> | |
3595 | </part> | |
3596 | </software> | |
3597 | ||
3598 | <software name="hideseek"> | |
3599 | <description>Hide & Seek</description> | |
3600 | <year>1984</year> | |
3601 | <publisher>Acornsoft/ASK</publisher> | |
3602 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3603 | <dataarea name="flop" size="79280"> | |
3604 | <rom name="219 hide and seek.fsd" size="79280" crc="6a537a1b" sha1="e1d3b464985e13da5476a1da4e40117c9cef0306" offset="0" /> | |
3605 | </dataarea> | |
3606 | </part> | |
3607 | </software> | |
3608 | ||
3609 | <software name="facemake"> | |
3610 | <description>Facemaker</description> | |
3611 | <year>1984</year> | |
3612 | <publisher>Acornsoft/ASK</publisher> | |
3613 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3614 | <dataarea name="flop" size="76468"> | |
3615 | <rom name="220 facemaker.fsd" size="76468" crc="02565c9f" sha1="c3044473cad293f2c0cb2f57d2ff30ffda3ac40b" offset="0" /> | |
3616 | </dataarea> | |
3617 | </part> | |
3618 | </software> | |
3619 | ||
3620 | <software name="squeeze"> | |
3621 | <description>Squeeze</description> | |
3622 | <year>1984</year> | |
3623 | <publisher>Acornsoft/ASK</publisher> | |
3624 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3625 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55138"> | |
3626 | <rom name="221 squeeze.fsd" size="55138" crc="9b9689e7" sha1="6d2af4e6c8454fb9e6ad588611fb22b369b2a845" offset="0" /> | |
3627 | </dataarea> | |
3628 | </part> | |
3629 | </software> | |
3630 | ||
3631 | <software name="numbergu"> | |
3632 | <description>Number Gulper</description> | |
3633 | <year>1984</year> | |
3634 | <publisher>Acornsoft/ASK</publisher> | |
3635 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3636 | <dataarea name="flop" size="79282"> | |
3637 | <rom name="222 number gulper.fsd" size="79282" crc="2827a37e" sha1="1c03bfb9f0af780ef9d271f715e856758795a215" offset="0" /> | |
3638 | </dataarea> | |
3639 | </part> | |
3640 | </software> | |
3641 | ||
3642 | <software name="cranky"> | |
3643 | <description>Cranky</description> | |
3644 | <year>1984</year> | |
3645 | <publisher>Acornsoft/ASK</publisher> | |
3646 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3647 | <dataarea name="flop" size="79275"> | |
3648 | <rom name="223 cranky.fsd" size="79275" crc="2cef012f" sha1="b693814f465653020504f87c57a7909e6a3225a8" offset="0" /> | |
3649 | </dataarea> | |
3650 | </part> | |
3651 | </software> | |
3652 | ||
3653 | <software name="tableadv"> | |
3654 | <description>Table Adventures</description> | |
3655 | <year>1984</year> | |
3656 | <publisher>Acornsoft/ASK</publisher> | |
3657 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3658 | <dataarea name="flop" size="79285"> | |
3659 | <rom name="224 table adventures.fsd" size="79285" crc="098d33cf" sha1="5d21be7e707cdfd2248a6f0beb1612a4cda4a08c" offset="0" /> | |
3660 | </dataarea> | |
3661 | </part> | |
3662 | </software> | |
3663 | ||
3664 | <software name="jugglepu"> | |
3665 | <description>Juggle Puzzle</description> | |
3666 | <year>1984</year> | |
3667 | <publisher>Acornsoft/ASK</publisher> | |
3668 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3669 | <dataarea name="flop" size="55144"> | |
3670 | <rom name="225 juggle puzzle.fsd" size="55144" crc="244d1ac3" sha1="b71d331ee864e91c863065b468617e2ec13179d9" offset="0" /> | |
3671 | </dataarea> | |
3672 | </part> | |
3673 | </software> | |
3674 | ||
3675 | <software name="pazazz"> | |
3676 | <description>Pazazz</description> | |
3677 | <year>1985</year> | |
3678 | <publisher>ASK</publisher> | |
3679 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3680 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102525"> | |
3681 | <rom name="343 pazazz.fsd" size="102525" crc="bb5b4b00" sha1="1fbf3db293278565163476c5eb9d8fbb84f1b3f3" offset="0" /> | |
3682 | </dataarea> | |
3683 | </part> | |
3684 | </software> | |
3685 | ||
3686 | <software name="letscoun"> | |
3687 | <description>Let's Count</description> | |
3688 | <year>1984</year> | |
3689 | <publisher>Acornsoft/ASK</publisher> | |
3690 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3691 | <dataarea name="flop" size="79280"> | |
3692 | <rom name="347 let's count.fsd" size="79280" crc="8d69c2ba" sha1="7dc53270ea1a36964cd2040f3044ae83f936b27a" offset="0" /> | |
3693 | </dataarea> | |
3694 | </part> | |
3695 | </software> | |
3696 | ||
3697 | <software name="wrdswrds"> | |
3698 | <description>Words Words Words</description> | |
3699 | <year>1984</year> | |
3700 | <publisher>Acornsoft/ASK</publisher> | |
3701 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3702 | <dataarea name="flop" size="72642"> | |
3703 | <rom name="348 words words words.fsd" size="72642" crc="ecda7e69" sha1="c2706c4bd45d6eee0af3ce176a8a34d8111bcbd9" offset="0" /> | |
3704 | </dataarea> | |
3705 | </part> | |
3706 | </software> | |
3707 | ||
3708 | <software name="podd"> | |
3709 | <description>Podd</description> | |
3710 | <year>1984</year> | |
3711 | <publisher>Acornsoft/ASK</publisher> | |
3712 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3713 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102386"> | |
3714 | <rom name="349 podd.fsd" size="102386" crc="6d764be9" sha1="8d6334c45f7e9d28e4300b7fe3f8a2f608e833a6" offset="0" /> | |
3715 | </dataarea> | |
3716 | </part> | |
3717 | </software> | |
3718 | ||
3719 | <software name="timeman1"> | |
3720 | <description>Timeman One</description> | |
3721 | <year>1983</year> | |
3722 | <publisher>Bourne Educational Software</publisher> | |
3723 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3724 | <dataarea name="flop" size="15827"> | |
3725 | <rom name="337 timeman one.fsd" size="15827" crc="9eed5d71" sha1="8a70525233f6d8a4b3e4be6bfe4312d8e67e0fd6" offset="0" /> | |
3726 | </dataarea> | |
3727 | </part> | |
3728 | </software> | |
3729 | ||
3730 | <software name="happynum"> | |
3731 | <description>Happy Numbers</description> | |
3732 | <year>198?</year> | |
3733 | <publisher>Bourne Educational Software</publisher> | |
3734 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3735 | <dataarea name="flop" size="15829"> | |
3736 | <rom name="338 happy numbers.fsd" size="15829" crc="94324df5" sha1="6daf43ab38a632a1a239b24ef513862053620066" offset="0" /> | |
3737 | </dataarea> | |
3738 | </part> | |
3739 | </software> | |
3740 | ||
3741 | <software name="fs2-68"> | |
3742 | <description>Fun School 2 (For 6-8 year olds)</description> | |
3743 | <year>1989</year> | |
3744 | <publisher>Database Educational Software</publisher> | |
3745 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3746 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104946"> | |
3747 | <rom name="163 fun school 2 6-8.fsd" size="104946" crc="709bc9d4" sha1="0d773bb6e39370f16e57f71e1a9f91507d1271e4" offset="0" /> | |
3748 | </dataarea> | |
3749 | </part> | |
3750 | </software> | |
3751 | ||
3752 | <software name="fs2-ov8"> | |
3753 | <description>Fun School 2 (For the Over-8s)</description> | |
3754 | <year>1989</year> | |
3755 | <publisher>Database Educational Software</publisher> | |
3756 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3757 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104949"> | |
3758 | <rom name="164 fun school 2 over 8.fsd" size="104949" crc="a530027a" sha1="e0bc5957023ed932788bf6e031de3603b1e439c6" offset="0" /> | |
3759 | </dataarea> | |
3760 | </part> | |
3761 | </software> | |
3762 | ||
3763 | <software name="symbmole"> | |
3764 | <description>Symbols to Moles</description> | |
3765 | <year>198?</year> | |
3766 | <publisher>Five Ways Software</publisher> | |
3767 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3768 | <dataarea name="flop" size="98864"> | |
3769 | <rom name="340 symbols to moles sn1638.fsd" size="98864" crc="83cafdd7" sha1="542f8a8f348b9bc29ddd1294d2b51680b2c7145d" offset="0" /> | |
3770 | </dataarea> | |
3771 | </part> | |
3772 | </software> | |
3773 | ||
3774 | <software name="longwave"> | |
3775 | <description>Longitudinal Waves</description> | |
3776 | <year>198?</year> | |
3777 | <publisher>Five Ways Software</publisher> | |
3778 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3779 | <dataarea name="flop" size="57770"> | |
3780 | <rom name="341 longitudinal waves.fsd" size="57770" crc="700e2dfe" sha1="45dd567282170c0cccc8dcd5c23fc50089d8c39e" offset="0" /> | |
3781 | </dataarea> | |
3782 | </part> | |
3783 | </software> | |
3784 | ||
3785 | <software name="bertboot"> | |
3786 | <description>Bert Boot</description> | |
3787 | <year>1984</year> | |
3788 | <publisher>H.S.Software</publisher> | |
3789 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3790 | <dataarea name="flop" size="21593"> | |
3791 | <rom name="212 bert boot.fsd" size="21593" crc="01f34468" sha1="1428fefdbe06b89e3f410b8aa8b3788bddfb2f72" offset="0" /> | |
3792 | </dataarea> | |
3793 | </part> | |
3794 | </software> | |
3795 | ||
3796 | <software name="roadcft1"> | |
3797 | <description>Roadcraft 1</description> | |
3798 | <year>1984</year> | |
3799 | <publisher>H.S.Software</publisher> | |
3800 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3801 | <dataarea name="flop" size="21595"> | |
3802 | <rom name="213 roadcraft 1.fsd" size="21595" crc="0ee47b08" sha1="3aca175651cd0daa237d2d9d40588aa8fc247775" offset="0" /> | |
3803 | </dataarea> | |
3804 | </part> | |
3805 | </software> | |
3806 | ||
3807 | <software name="frmistra"> | |
3808 | <description>The French Mistress Level A</description> | |
3809 | <year>1983</year> | |
3810 | <publisher>Kosmos</publisher> | |
3811 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3812 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104957"> | |
3813 | <rom name="251 the french mistress level a.fsd" size="104957" crc="33a4b3d3" sha1="25fc6b8a07def80334808d4e917ef3eb4c093bdb" offset="0" /> | |
3814 | </dataarea> | |
3815 | </part> | |
3816 | </software> | |
3817 | ||
3818 | <software name="frmistrb"> | |
3819 | <description>The French Mistress Level B</description> | |
3820 | <year>1983</year> | |
3821 | <publisher>Kosmos</publisher> | |
3822 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3823 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104957"> | |
3824 | <rom name="252 the french mistress level b.fsd" size="104957" crc="3c427fcc" sha1="ec1f59eedf4abf1b7c21d5d42a3d0768dc295efc" offset="0" /> | |
3825 | </dataarea> | |
3826 | </part> | |
3827 | </software> | |
3828 | ||
3829 | <software name="tpicnic"> | |
3830 | <description>The Teddy Bears' Picnic</description> | |
3831 | <year>1989</year> | |
3832 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3833 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3834 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
3835 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104960"> | |
3836 | <rom name="186 the teddy bears' picnic side 1.fsd" size="104960" crc="83657179" sha1="1d12b5579fca525558115fd3338ecf41d1c38ec8" offset="0" /> | |
3837 | </dataarea> | |
3838 | </part> | |
3839 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3840 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
3841 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104960"> | |
3842 | <rom name="186 the teddy bears' picnic side 2.fsd" size="104960" crc="139afdc0" sha1="6ffbb34bd86c2117fde0d559ba1b1a2e9ad9bba5" offset="0" /> | |
3843 | </dataarea> | |
3844 | </part> | |
3845 | </software> | |
3846 | ||
3847 | <software name="connectn"> | |
3848 | <description>Connections</description> | |
3849 | <year>1990</year> | |
3850 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3851 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3852 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104941"> | |
3853 | <rom name="187 connections.fsd" size="104941" crc="59113b53" sha1="4a764f10bad44ebfad503696726ff4d4528521d8" offset="0" /> | |
3854 | </dataarea> | |
3855 | </part> | |
3856 | </software> | |
3857 | ||
3858 | <software name="vowlsnd2"> | |
3859 | <description>Short Vowel Sounds v2</description> | |
3860 | <year>1983</year> | |
3861 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3862 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3863 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105085"> | |
3864 | <rom name="270 short vowel sounds v2.fsd" size="105085" crc="a21326f0" sha1="681521dcd515c8d49cfa7fc3b92662fa8f0ad1db" offset="0" /> | |
3865 | </dataarea> | |
3866 | </part> | |
3867 | </software> | |
3868 | ||
3869 | <software name="vowlsnd" cloneof="vowlsnd2"> | |
3870 | <description>Short Vowel Sounds</description> | |
3871 | <year>1983</year> | |
3872 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3873 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3874 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104948"> | |
3875 | <rom name="266 short vowel sounds.fsd" size="104948" crc="616d6bdd" sha1="c9a3ff853e963451adb501a0e1d0995687542e2d" offset="0" /> | |
3876 | </dataarea> | |
3877 | </part> | |
3878 | </software> | |
3879 | ||
3880 | <software name="tcircus"> | |
3881 | <description>The Circus</description> | |
3882 | <year>1985</year> | |
3883 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3884 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3885 | <feature name="part_id" value="40 track"/> | |
3886 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104940"> | |
3887 | <rom name="267 the circus.fsd" size="104940" crc="3aabf560" sha1="caca0c3362ffd5fe2d3c164a36c9177690be9236" offset="0" /> | |
3888 | </dataarea> | |
3889 | </part> | |
3890 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3891 | <feature name="part_id" value="80 track"/> | |
3892 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105020"> | |
3893 | <rom name="267 the circus (80 track).fsd" size="105020" crc="bbf1118d" sha1="1eb0e41786ad7e43443b2a22f79e9d4a700460e6" offset="0" /> | |
3894 | </dataarea> | |
3895 | </part> | |
3896 | </software> | |
3897 | ||
3898 | <software name="mathsnap"> | |
3899 | <description>Maths Snap</description> | |
3900 | <year>198?</year> | |
3901 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3902 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3903 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105077"> | |
3904 | <rom name="268 maths snap.fsd" size="105077" crc="533dedc1" sha1="25815346eadbbc6b30dcdb60f7a9ecdb0587ecb4" offset="0" /> | |
3905 | </dataarea> | |
3906 | </part> | |
3907 | </software> | |
3908 | ||
3909 | <software name="wbuild2"> | |
3910 | <description>Word Builder MkII</description> | |
3911 | <year>1985</year> | |
3912 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3913 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3914 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107132"> | |
3915 | <rom name="272 word builder mkii.fsd" size="107132" crc="f4bf3718" sha1="cb1e3e74d3b87c7d6c718bcfe4462aa7061e28a6" offset="0" /> | |
3916 | </dataarea> | |
3917 | </part> | |
3918 | </software> | |
3919 | ||
3920 | <software name="wbuild2a" cloneof="wbuild2"> | |
3921 | <description>Word Builder MkII (alt)</description> | |
3922 | <year>1985</year> | |
3923 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3924 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3925 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107132"> | |
3926 | <rom name="273 word builder mkii.fsd" size="107132" crc="533c68ff" sha1="07547298a79c30571d46e2abc67b1d407076cff1" offset="0" /> | |
3927 | </dataarea> | |
3928 | </part> | |
3929 | </software> | |
3930 | ||
3931 | <software name="wbuild"> | |
3932 | <description>Word Builder</description> | |
3933 | <year>198?</year> | |
3934 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3935 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3936 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105079"> | |
3937 | <rom name="269 word builder.fsd" size="105079" crc="65291309" sha1="710bd3f042e81bed5342a8b3457e639683a86d5a" offset="0" /> | |
3938 | </dataarea> | |
3939 | </part> | |
3940 | </software> | |
3941 | ||
3942 | <software name="tensunit"> | |
3943 | <description>Tens and Units</description> | |
3944 | <year>1985</year> | |
3945 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3946 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3947 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107129"> | |
3948 | <rom name="271 tens and units.fsd" size="107129" crc="232afd42" sha1="7138fcd17c27d6eaefc80864982e7ef0dc5b768c" offset="0" /> | |
3949 | </dataarea> | |
3950 | </part> | |
3951 | </software> | |
3952 | ||
3953 | <software name="gbuild"> | |
3954 | <description>Graph Builder</description> | |
3955 | <year>1986</year> | |
3956 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3957 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3958 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107128"> | |
3959 | <rom name="274 graph builder.fsd" size="107128" crc="731b8fc5" sha1="5394615051514b193776759d90b2914c1dc5beb2" offset="0" /> | |
3960 | </dataarea> | |
3961 | </part> | |
3962 | </software> | |
3963 | ||
3964 | <software name="gbuilda" cloneof="gbuild"> | |
3965 | <description>Graph Builder (alt)</description> | |
3966 | <year>1986</year> | |
3967 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3968 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3969 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104943"> | |
3970 | <rom name="284 graph builder.fsd" size="104943" crc="f4aef12c" sha1="98aeef93536d6401271b2b8e6ec9b1d9a7b50d4e" offset="0" /> | |
3971 | </dataarea> | |
3972 | </part> | |
3973 | </software> | |
3974 | ||
3975 | <software name="wizretna" cloneof="wizretn"> | |
3976 | <description>The Wizard's Return (alt)</description> | |
3977 | <year>1989</year> | |
3978 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3979 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3980 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 1"/> | |
3981 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107134"> | |
3982 | <rom name="275 the wizard's return disc 1.fsd" size="107134" crc="1702b5d1" sha1="c5e7a19a7a2b1968f2d145dda2c0485a486c33fa" offset="0" /> | |
3983 | </dataarea> | |
3984 | </part> | |
3985 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3986 | <feature name="part_id" value="Disc 2"/> | |
3987 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107134"> | |
3988 | <rom name="275 the wizard's return disc 2.fsd" size="107134" crc="934a51ba" sha1="fa954c26816ab5f1f1c91aa75f7cfbf909d7764b" offset="0" /> | |
3989 | </dataarea> | |
3990 | </part> | |
3991 | </software> | |
3992 | ||
3993 | <software name="wizretn"> | |
3994 | <description>The Wizard's Return</description> | |
3995 | <year>1985</year> | |
3996 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
3997 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
3998 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
3999 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104949"> | |
4000 | <rom name="313 the wizards return part 1.fsd" size="104949" crc="1d850a68" sha1="3c0df079d109623487b29357523597a7e5269855" offset="0" /> | |
4001 | </dataarea> | |
4002 | </part> | |
4003 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4004 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
4005 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104949"> | |
4006 | <rom name="313 the wizards return part 2.fsd" size="104949" crc="f3b0af75" sha1="f32b5340455d8bac2b2bb6f5f617b759314f310c" offset="0" /> | |
4007 | </dataarea> | |
4008 | </part> | |
4009 | </software> | |
4010 | ||
4011 | <software name="uareaa" cloneof="uarea"> | |
4012 | <description>Understanding Area (alt)</description> | |
4013 | <year>1986</year> | |
4014 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4015 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4016 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107133"> | |
4017 | <rom name="276 understanding area.fsd" size="107133" crc="843de51c" sha1="eecb88db50820e863deeb72abb6e43056ea62180" offset="0" /> | |
4018 | </dataarea> | |
4019 | </part> | |
4020 | </software> | |
4021 | ||
4022 | <software name="uarea"> | |
4023 | <description>Understanding Area</description> | |
4024 | <year>1986</year> | |
4025 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4026 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4027 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104948"> | |
4028 | <rom name="285 understanding area.fsd" size="104948" crc="75f77e4c" sha1="a8bb7871d9177d1e76cd780d1fd6daef341bf22f" offset="0" /> | |
4029 | </dataarea> | |
4030 | </part> | |
4031 | </software> | |
4032 | ||
4033 | <software name="dreamtim"> | |
4034 | <description>Dream Time</description> | |
4035 | <year>1989</year> | |
4036 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4037 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4038 | <feature name="part_id" value="The Lost Box"/> | |
4039 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104952"> | |
4040 | <rom name="277 dreamtime the lost box.fsd" size="104952" crc="d5f3161f" sha1="a3cf6ef2c84ee90ea1abc99768f9df11bdb36b31" offset="0" /> | |
4041 | </dataarea> | |
4042 | </part> | |
4043 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4044 | <feature name="part_id" value="The Lost Toy"/> | |
4045 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104952"> | |
4046 | <rom name="277 dreamtime the lost toy.fsd" size="104952" crc="bce9d536" sha1="d63b17b405b622e61e0454af9e2f3cc504056f1c" offset="0" /> | |
4047 | </dataarea> | |
4048 | </part> | |
4049 | </software> | |
4050 | ||
4051 | <software name="teachcup"> | |
4052 | <description>The Teachers Cupboard</description> | |
4053 | <year>198?</year> | |
4054 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4055 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4056 | <feature name="part_id" value="The Apple"/> | |
4057 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104961"> | |
4058 | <rom name="278 the teachers cupboard the apple.fsd" size="104961" crc="c2210968" sha1="9bcf2de3eb9928fba90da41e876c22218fe7f9cc" offset="0" /> | |
4059 | </dataarea> | |
4060 | </part> | |
4061 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4062 | <feature name="part_id" value="The Crown"/> | |
4063 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104961"> | |
4064 | <rom name="278 the teachers cupboard the crown.fsd" size="104961" crc="92f645c6" sha1="dbd30585b46d08c9f830319a0d43d8b76a55c49e" offset="0" /> | |
4065 | </dataarea> | |
4066 | </part> | |
4067 | </software> | |
4068 | ||
4069 | <software name="easytype"> | |
4070 | <description>Easy Type</description> | |
4071 | <year>1984</year> | |
4072 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4073 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4074 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107124"> | |
4075 | <rom name="280 easy type.fsd" size="107124" crc="034cf940" sha1="6c32e19b82b5a9287dd87a256ffac826bab5224f" offset="0" /> | |
4076 | </dataarea> | |
4077 | </part> | |
4078 | </software> | |
4079 | ||
4080 | <software name="magice"> | |
4081 | <description>Magic E</description> | |
4082 | <year>198?</year> | |
4083 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4084 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4085 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107122"> | |
4086 | <rom name="281 magic e.fsd" size="107122" crc="e6c930b5" sha1="a5c83281287b9417c9f1983dec52f565001b2d85" offset="0" /> | |
4087 | </dataarea> | |
4088 | </part> | |
4089 | </software> | |
4090 | ||
4091 | <software name="storysta"> | |
4092 | <description>Story Starts</description> | |
4093 | <year>198?</year> | |
4094 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4095 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4096 | <feature name="part_id" value="1 The House on the Hill"/> | |
4097 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107151"> | |
4098 | <rom name="282 story starts 1 the house on the hill.fsd" size="107151" crc="cdb59931" sha1="1650a33d33fd9b5a278e2eb1b25c374c7449cb45" offset="0" /> | |
4099 | </dataarea> | |
4100 | </part> | |
4101 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4102 | <feature name="part_id" value="2 Escape from the Castle of Evil"/> | |
4103 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107160"> | |
4104 | <rom name="282 story starts 2 escape from the castle of evil.fsd" size="107160" crc="bc37093c" sha1="6b5af817f84e9f7d01d490d20cb44baca0748732" offset="0" /> | |
4105 | </dataarea> | |
4106 | </part> | |
4107 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4108 | <feature name="part_id" value="3 The Box"/> | |
4109 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107137"> | |
4110 | <rom name="282 story starts 3 the box.fsd" size="107137" crc="b97f2204" sha1="32d798223831e5df66ab0c327a7d94d5d2a97854" offset="0" /> | |
4111 | </dataarea> | |
4112 | </part> | |
4113 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4114 | <feature name="part_id" value="4 The Junk Shop"/> | |
4115 | <dataarea name="flop" size="107143"> | |
4116 | <rom name="282 story starts 4 the junk shop.fsd" size="107143" crc="901c4d1a" sha1="4da1e8d3af012e48da2e174a4e56a80cdfe64350" offset="0" /> | |
4117 | </dataarea> | |
4118 | </part> | |
4119 | </software> | |
4120 | ||
4121 | <software name="wizrevng"> | |
4122 | <description>The Wizard's Revenge</description> | |
4123 | <year>1989</year> | |
4124 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4125 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4126 | <feature name="part_id" value="40 track"/> | |
4127 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104950"> | |
4128 | <rom name="283 the wizards revenge.fsd" size="104950" crc="a6595fae" sha1="9c0b74e7ec586eab95532bb1c8274fb3cedf14c1" offset="0" /> | |
4129 | </dataarea> | |
4130 | </part> | |
4131 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4132 | <feature name="part_id" value="80 track"/> | |
4133 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105165"> | |
4134 | <rom name="283 the wizard's revenge (80 track).fsd" size="105165" crc="189b2b12" sha1="7a16e39562c6634ea24a965c88aecb3c18f3d4a5" offset="0" /> | |
4135 | </dataarea> | |
4136 | </part> | |
4137 | </software> | |
4138 | ||
4139 | <software name="zillion"> | |
4140 | <description>Zillion</description> | |
4141 | <year>1990</year> | |
4142 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4143 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4144 | <feature name="part_id" value="Startup"/> | |
4145 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104945"> | |
4146 | <rom name="287 zillion startup.fsd" size="104945" crc="5f418e9e" sha1="24c89246b9f4b25577b61fe03b9ca90704af0da9" offset="0" /> | |
4147 | </dataarea> | |
4148 | </part> | |
4149 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4150 | <feature name="part_id" value="Planet"/> | |
4151 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104944"> | |
4152 | <rom name="287 zillion planet.fsd" size="104944" crc="5730fb6b" sha1="0b1f058cbc31c68e4d7ee18292635185b6160187" offset="0" /> | |
4153 | </dataarea> | |
4154 | </part> | |
4155 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4156 | <feature name="part_id" value="Solar"/> | |
4157 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104943"> | |
4158 | <rom name="287 zillion solar.fsd" size="104943" crc="31e6903e" sha1="3b2aa66e6c060b73654b99d1bd50e3c1b4312772" offset="0" /> | |
4159 | </dataarea> | |
4160 | </part> | |
4161 | </software> | |
4162 | ||
4163 | <software name="animresc"> | |
4164 | <description>Animal Rescue</description> | |
4165 | <year>1986</year> | |
4166 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4167 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4168 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
4169 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105162"> | |
4170 | <rom name="288 animal rescue part 1 (80 track).fsd" size="105162" crc="bd4297a5" sha1="72d9de024711aef34bd6485bf1f0e874b9722e42" offset="0" /> | |
4171 | </dataarea> | |
4172 | </part> | |
4173 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4174 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
4175 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105165"> | |
4176 | <rom name="288 animal rescue part 2 (80 track).fsd" size="105165" crc="c22c14a8" sha1="7fdbf88045b672d64d63ade918a6af5402651907" offset="0" /> | |
4177 | </dataarea> | |
4178 | </part> | |
4179 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4180 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 3"/> | |
4181 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105165"> | |
4182 | <rom name="288 animal rescue part 3 (80 track).fsd" size="105165" crc="e2777096" sha1="f8309a72370535af6569890a4941daf6ca48d19c" offset="0" /> | |
4183 | </dataarea> | |
4184 | </part> | |
4185 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4186 | <feature name="part_id" value="Problems Disk"/> | |
4187 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105172"> | |
4188 | <rom name="288 animal rescue problems disk (80 track).fsd" size="105172" crc="3ebdc332" sha1="ff15becac2e10ef9d64c0dcda3a1dc4a7e0a1dd2" offset="0" /> | |
4189 | </dataarea> | |
4190 | </part> | |
4191 | </software> | |
4192 | ||
4193 | <software name="naturadv"> | |
4194 | <description>The Nature Park Adventure</description> | |
4195 | <year>1987</year> | |
4196 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4197 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4198 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
4199 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105095"> | |
4200 | <rom name="289 nature park adventure part 1.fsd" size="105095" crc="a5d883c0" sha1="d9ac74f9432ef948d55f87c4b00c3dd416c94c7f" offset="0" /> | |
4201 | </dataarea> | |
4202 | </part> | |
4203 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4204 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
4205 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105095"> | |
4206 | <rom name="289 nature park adventure part 2.fsd" size="105095" crc="94f2b938" sha1="e5b49a1ec877cc5bee5bdbab8527656d8b70d172" offset="0" /> | |
4207 | </dataarea> | |
4208 | </part> | |
4209 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4210 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 3"/> | |
4211 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105095"> | |
4212 | <rom name="289 nature park adventure part 3.fsd" size="105095" crc="23e7b649" sha1="5b243c89097cec8b5c47a57fbbd6faf8cd5c0561" offset="0" /> | |
4213 | </dataarea> | |
4214 | </part> | |
4215 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4216 | <feature name="part_id" value="Problems Disk"/> | |
4217 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105102"> | |
4218 | <rom name="289 nature park adventure problems disk.fsd" size="105102" crc="255f2e11" sha1="3cd50cf3e4424e4e4b7355687497aca38a2160a2" offset="0" /> | |
4219 | </dataarea> | |
4220 | </part> | |
4221 | </software> | |
4222 | ||
4223 | <software name="naturadvb" cloneof="naturadv"> | |
4224 | <description>The Nature Park Adventure (alt)</description> | |
4225 | <year>1987</year> | |
4226 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4227 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4228 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
4229 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104958"> | |
4230 | <rom name="289b nature park adventure part 1.fsd" size="104958" crc="a61197f5" sha1="4468498ea1e4f9a31895b9fa074ae7ff0e65bb9b" offset="0" /> | |
4231 | </dataarea> | |
4232 | </part> | |
4233 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4234 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
4235 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104958"> | |
4236 | <rom name="289b nature park adventure part 2.fsd" size="104958" crc="c306712d" sha1="bffcda49cd64ae843412f7cff4004d84e37215ee" offset="0" /> | |
4237 | </dataarea> | |
4238 | </part> | |
4239 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4240 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 3"/> | |
4241 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104959"> | |
4242 | <rom name="289b nature park adventure part 3.fsd" size="104959" crc="8460904d" sha1="53dfcbd310aa7934c400e54703cf0f29624e252d" offset="0" /> | |
4243 | </dataarea> | |
4244 | </part> | |
4245 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4246 | <feature name="part_id" value="Problems Disk"/> | |
4247 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104965"> | |
4248 | <rom name="289b nature park adventure problems disk.fsd" size="104965" crc="50569566" sha1="59c8e26e2582204637c7dbf2e7b020efe31902e6" offset="0" /> | |
4249 | </dataarea> | |
4250 | </part> | |
4251 | </software> | |
4252 | ||
4253 | <software name="tobybeac"> | |
4254 | <description>Toby at the Beach</description> | |
4255 | <year>1990</year> | |
4256 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4257 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4258 | <feature name="part_id" value="Fun and Games"/> | |
4259 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105041"> | |
4260 | <rom name="290 toby at the beach fun and games (80 track).fsd" size="105041" crc="651d558a" sha1="41159a812f10991ed1da2543439854f369f300b8" offset="0" /> | |
4261 | </dataarea> | |
4262 | </part> | |
4263 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4264 | <feature name="part_id" value="Judy's Shop"/> | |
4265 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105039"> | |
4266 | <rom name="290 toby at the beach judy's shop (80 track).fsd" size="105039" crc="a786702b" sha1="3e8ae35f26714ff35a7f66c8d71db3ad3ac3705c" offset="0" /> | |
4267 | </dataarea> | |
4268 | </part> | |
4269 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4270 | <feature name="part_id" value="Punch + Judy-Rockpools"/> | |
4271 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105052"> | |
4272 | <rom name="290 toby at the beach punch + judy-rockpools (80 track).fsd" size="105052" crc="1becee05" sha1="9e6459a380a56bff5e682f40c82ca3019c43d721" offset="0" /> | |
4273 | </dataarea> | |
4274 | </part> | |
4275 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4276 | <feature name="part_id" value="Ship Ahoy"/> | |
4277 | <dataarea name="flop" size="105037"> | |
4278 | <rom name="290 toby at the beach ship ahoy (80 track).fsd" size="105037" crc="2080c6f9" sha1="dbbf24699a02dcca0acfb65bf9186971140a76ac" offset="0" /> | |
4279 | </dataarea> | |
4280 | </part> | |
4281 | </software> | |
4282 | ||
4283 | <software name="anialpha"> | |
4284 | <description>The Animated Alphabet</description> | |
4285 | <year>198?</year> | |
4286 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4287 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4288 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 0"/> | |
4289 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104955"> | |
4290 | <rom name="292 the animated alphabet side 0.fsd" size="104955" crc="9ed822f1" sha1="9df716119c502dd1236c6339be4bacb824e3de1b" offset="0" /> | |
4291 | </dataarea> | |
4292 | </part> | |
4293 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4294 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
4295 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104955"> | |
4296 | <rom name="292 the animated alphabet side 1.fsd" size="104955" crc="2604da04" sha1="57f0f1942e3846be99a0443ce18f952067a45d24" offset="0" /> | |
4297 | </dataarea> | |
4298 | </part> | |
4299 | </software> | |
4300 | ||
4301 | <software name="sellador"> | |
4302 | <description>Selladore Tales</description> | |
4303 | <year>1991</year> | |
4304 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4305 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4306 | <feature name="part_id" value="Startup Disk"/> | |
4307 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104945"> | |
4308 | <rom name="308 selladore tales startup disk.fsd" size="104945" crc="ae135f24" sha1="7fcad53681521abe225cd33b47ca9bb1885cd25e" offset="0" /> | |
4309 | </dataarea> | |
4310 | </part> | |
4311 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4312 | <feature name="part_id" value="User Disk"/> | |
4313 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104945"> | |
4314 | <rom name="308 selladore tales user disk.fsd" size="104945" crc="170e5791" sha1="210cae555661d056bb2ef016fd33486ea53c3b9b" offset="0" /> | |
4315 | </dataarea> | |
4316 | </part> | |
4317 | </software> | |
4318 | ||
4319 | <software name="thefarm"> | |
4320 | <description>The Farm</description> | |
4321 | <year>1987</year> | |
4322 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4323 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4324 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
4325 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104938"> | |
4326 | <rom name="309 the farm side 1.fsd" size="104938" crc="39c245da" sha1="fcf750803e8bdd7ac50e2f40f1205096f9b85dc7" offset="0" /> | |
4327 | </dataarea> | |
4328 | </part> | |
4329 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4330 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
4331 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104938"> | |
4332 | <rom name="309 the farm side 2.fsd" size="104938" crc="ba7dbe11" sha1="269aeef0129233bd8e6f315f3c6e56ecccdb1319" offset="0" /> | |
4333 | </dataarea> | |
4334 | </part> | |
4335 | </software> | |
4336 | ||
4337 | <software name="mryog"> | |
4338 | <description>Mr Yog and the Nippet</description> | |
4339 | <year>1984</year> | |
4340 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4341 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4342 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104951"> | |
4343 | <rom name="310 mr yog and the nippet.fsd" size="104951" crc="2db88f43" sha1="b68811764db954b2bf86d993d929474fd94bcaf8" offset="0" /> | |
4344 | </dataarea> | |
4345 | </part> | |
4346 | </software> | |
4347 | ||
4348 | <software name="mapventu"> | |
4349 | <description>Mapventure</description> | |
4350 | <year>1988</year> | |
4351 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4352 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4353 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 1"/> | |
4354 | <dataarea name="flop" size="106732"> | |
4355 | <rom name="311 mapventure part 1.fsd" size="106732" crc="a13ffb19" sha1="0d537c94c54c2ba9fb626f3ef81a58635f5c6b22" offset="0" /> | |
4356 | </dataarea> | |
4357 | </part> | |
4358 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4359 | <feature name="part_id" value="Part 2"/> | |
4360 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104940"> | |
4361 | <rom name="311 mapventure part 2.fsd" size="104940" crc="aa5e5609" sha1="30659104edf7ed2257b743765d9deaed7e13dea7" offset="0" /> | |
4362 | </dataarea> | |
4363 | </part> | |
4364 | </software> | |
4365 | ||
4366 | <software name="aninumbr"> | |
4367 | <description>Animated Numbers</description> | |
4368 | <year>198?</year> | |
4369 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4370 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4371 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104946"> | |
4372 | <rom name="312 animated numbers.fsd" size="104946" crc="d97a5ff8" sha1="03bdf36ee151ea7630d630e71648b80f7ad5a43b" offset="0" /> | |
4373 | </dataarea> | |
4374 | </part> | |
4375 | </software> | |
4376 | ||
4377 | <software name="typesett"> | |
4378 | <description>Typesetter!</description> | |
4379 | <year>198?</year> | |
4380 | <publisher>Sherston Software</publisher> | |
4381 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4382 | <feature name="part_id" value="Startup Disk"/> | |
4383 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104948"> | |
4384 | <rom name="314 typesetter startup disc.fsd" size="104948" crc="2489ed9c" sha1="864a14ee1d3d8d3cbc1ba2269849b085dccb7105" offset="0" /> | |
4385 | </dataarea> | |
4386 | </part> | |
4387 | <part name="flop2" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4388 | <feature name="part_id" value="User Disk"/> | |
4389 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104945"> | |
4390 | <rom name="314 typesetter user disc.fsd" size="104945" crc="ac538429" sha1="c14cf40cd64c65bc5d96aca3c7c4641f2f16cc50" offset="0" /> | |
4391 | </dataarea> | |
4392 | </part> | |
4393 | <part name="flop3" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4394 | <feature name="part_id" value="Font Disk"/> | |
4395 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104945"> | |
4396 | <rom name="314 typesetter font disc.fsd" size="104945" crc="8de73319" sha1="5d3dda7bd8495ec9f12c164103764e6ff2f4b975" offset="0" /> | |
4397 | </dataarea> | |
4398 | </part> | |
4399 | <part name="flop4" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4400 | <feature name="part_id" value="Font Disk II"/> | |
4401 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104948"> | |
4402 | <rom name="314 typesetter font disc ii.fsd" size="104948" crc="9233d18a" sha1="f76720b5d42d5c9b973150367c3f24f58398a66d" offset="0" /> | |
4403 | </dataarea> | |
4404 | </part> | |
4405 | </software> | |
4406 | ||
4407 | <software name="osketchp"> | |
4408 | <description>Ollie Octopus' Sketchpad</description> | |
4409 | <year>1983</year> | |
4410 | <publisher>Storm Software</publisher> | |
4411 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4412 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104954"> | |
4413 | <rom name="315 ollie octopus' sketchpad.fsd" size="104954" crc="8352e2b8" sha1="8c9b1b7c9cfb4fbb651d94d0a0f2799aca7997e8" offset="0" /> | |
4414 | </dataarea> | |
4415 | </part> | |
4416 | </software> | |
4417 | ||
4418 | <software name="gtverbs"> | |
4419 | <description>The Grammar Tree - Verbs & Adverbs</description> | |
4420 | <year>1983</year> | |
4421 | <publisher>Sulis Software</publisher> | |
4422 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4423 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102364"> | |
4424 | <rom name="259 thegrammartree-verbs&adverbs.fsd" size="102364" crc="264f9b92" sha1="3c7120b87cf6374fa01f174362bf62e6089b3654" offset="0" /> | |
4425 | </dataarea> | |
4426 | </part> | |
4427 | </software> | |
4428 | ||
4429 | <software name="gtsenten"> | |
4430 | <description>The Grammar Tree - Sentences</description> | |
4431 | <year>1983</year> | |
4432 | <publisher>Sulis Software</publisher> | |
4433 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4434 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104150"> | |
4435 | <rom name="260 thegrammartree-sentences.fsd" size="104150" crc="cbf7ff57" sha1="299eb82358b3f02970f01b482e67ae71858ca51f" offset="0" /> | |
4436 | </dataarea> | |
4437 | </part> | |
4438 | </software> | |
4439 | ||
4440 | <software name="gtnouns"> | |
4441 | <description>The Grammar Tree - Nouns & Adjectives</description> | |
4442 | <year>1983</year> | |
4443 | <publisher>Sulis Software</publisher> | |
4444 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4445 | <dataarea name="flop" size="102367"> | |
4446 | <rom name="261 thegrammartree-nouns&adjectives.fsd" size="102367" crc="c3d75e80" sha1="d6e343bb1cdb3c218cde7809db6b6d1dd1dd2e5c" offset="0" /> | |
4447 | </dataarea> | |
4448 | </part> | |
4449 | </software> | |
4450 | ||
4451 | <software name="timetrav"> | |
4452 | <description>Time Traveller</description> | |
4453 | <year>1983</year> | |
4454 | <publisher>Sulis Software</publisher> | |
4455 | <part name="flop1" interface="floppy_5_25"> | |
4456 | <dataarea name="flop" size="104944"> | |
4457 | <rom name="339 time traveller.fsd" size="104944" crc="8183b124" sha1="4a3f08b0f443fa3cf47e427d0a6d5d6e3e6e2991" offset="0" /> | |
4458 | </dataarea> | |
4459 | </part> | |
4460 | </software> | |
4461 | ||
4462 | </softwarelist> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
62 | 62 | |
63 | 63 | <software name="welcome"> |
64 | 64 | <description>Welcome</description> |
65 | <year>198 | |
65 | <year>1986</year> | |
66 | 66 | <publisher>BBC Soft</publisher> |
67 | 67 | <part name="cass1" interface="bbc_cass"> |
68 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 1"/> | |
68 | 69 | <dataarea name="cass" size="28803"> |
69 | 70 | <rom name="welcome-bbcmaster-side1_bm.uef" size="28803" crc="29076f21" sha1="d56ddebc09166687e89fd1210d87a98ddaf37272" offset="0" /> |
70 | 71 | </dataarea> |
71 | 72 | </part> |
72 | 73 | <part name="cass2" interface="bbc_cass"> |
74 | <feature name="part_id" value="Side 2"/> | |
73 | 75 | <dataarea name="cass" size="38565"> |
74 | 76 | <rom name="welcome-bbcmaster-side2_bm.uef" size="38565" crc="ac51d83c" sha1="c6cfd8ddbff42f983fbf0aa341cd49844025995b" offset="0" /> |
75 | 77 | </dataarea> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
45727 | 45727 | <dataarea name="prg" size="131072"> |
45728 | 45728 | <rom name="fushigi no umi no nadia (japan).prg" size="131072" crc="3cdea85b" sha1="601172b40269c8142aea735d131f0ee6710be3a1" offset="00000" status="baddump" /> |
45729 | 45729 | </dataarea> |
45730 | <!-- 8k WRAM on cartridge, battery backed up --> | |
45731 | <dataarea name="bwram" size="8192"> | |
45732 | <rom value="0x00" size="8192" offset="0" loadflag="fill" /> | |
45733 | </dataarea> | |
45730 | 45734 | </part> |
45731 | 45735 | </software> |
45732 | 45736 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3 | 3 | <softwarelist name="psx" description="Sony Playstation CD-ROMs"> |
4 | 4 | |
5 | 5 | <!-- Interactive CD Sampler Discs--> |
6 | ||
7 | <!-- size="364872255" crc="536126e5" --> | |
6 | ||
8 | 7 | <software name="intcdv1m"> |
9 | 8 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 01 (M Rated)</description> |
10 | 9 | <year>1995</year> |
11 | 10 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
12 | 11 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
13 | 12 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
14 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 1 ( | |
13 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 1 (M Rated)" sha1="de4924cbd635e0a11b33c03e6560e28790b09257"/> | |
15 | 14 | </diskarea> |
16 | 15 | </part> |
17 | 16 | </software> |
18 | 17 | |
19 | <!-- size="428110417" crc="48bd3d35" --> | |
20 | 18 | <software name="intcdv2"> |
21 | 19 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 02</description> |
22 | 20 | <year>1996</year> |
23 | 21 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
24 | 22 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
25 | 23 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
26 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 2" sha1=" | |
24 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 2" sha1="867f9b3e42d4e9d439750d05dc4f18c86bab6f60"/> | |
27 | 25 | </diskarea> |
28 | 26 | </part> |
29 | 27 | </software> |
30 | 28 | |
31 | <!-- size="476195663" crc="fb8d356b" --> | |
32 | 29 | <software name="intcdv30"> |
33 | 30 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 03 (1.0)</description> |
34 | 31 | <year>1996</year> |
35 | 32 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
36 | 33 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
37 | 34 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
38 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 3 (1.0)" sha1=" | |
35 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 3 (1.0)" sha1="3c87bcfe7395e5b3e5c007c80534778ed0b9f751"/> | |
39 | 36 | </diskarea> |
40 | 37 | </part> |
41 | 38 | </software> |
42 | 39 | |
43 | <!-- size="487436207" crc="336304eb" --> | |
44 | 40 | <software name="intcdv31"> |
45 | 41 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 03 (1.1)</description> |
46 | 42 | <year>1996</year> |
47 | 43 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
48 | 44 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
49 | 45 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
50 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 3 (1.1)" sha1=" | |
46 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 3 (1.1)" sha1="c220e22c44a0f0a26b95110b937b398163490298"/> | |
51 | 47 | </diskarea> |
52 | 48 | </part> |
53 | 49 | </software> |
54 | 50 | |
55 | <!-- size="487436203" crc="d96b31d2" --> | |
56 | 51 | <software name="intcdv32"> |
57 | 52 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 03 (1.2)</description> |
58 | 53 | <year>1996</year> |
59 | 54 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
60 | 55 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
61 | 56 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
62 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 3 (1.2)" sha1="2 | |
57 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 3 (1.2)" sha1="2890dd570114ab7116a5556578d11632264cc13b"/> | |
63 | 58 | </diskarea> |
64 | 59 | </part> |
65 | 60 | </software> |
66 | 61 | |
67 | <!-- size="354903558" crc="67ca3059" --> | |
68 | 62 | <software name="intcdv4"> |
69 | 63 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 04</description> |
70 | 64 | <year>1997</year> |
71 | 65 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
72 | 66 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
73 | 67 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
74 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 4" sha1="c | |
68 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 4" sha1="c558a684a28ccf6afe0d3fc166814539c75863f7"/> | |
75 | 69 | </diskarea> |
76 | 70 | </part> |
77 | 71 | </software> |
78 | 72 | |
79 | <!-- size="291855185" crc="8119ed78" --> | |
80 | 73 | <software name="intcdv5"> |
81 | 74 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 05</description> |
82 | 75 | <year>1997</year> |
83 | 76 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
84 | 77 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
85 | 78 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
86 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 5" sha1=" | |
79 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 5" sha1="f1ce1f4a942af852ee67f98c7d2a3c148d835abb"/> | |
87 | 80 | </diskarea> |
88 | 81 | </part> |
89 | 82 | </software> |
90 | 83 | |
91 | <!-- size="427620748" crc="917b5f35" --> | |
92 | 84 | <software name="intcdv6"> |
93 | 85 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 06</description> |
94 | 86 | <year>1998</year> |
95 | 87 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
96 | 88 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
97 | 89 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
98 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 6" sha1=" | |
90 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 6" sha1="78f9e8b125f440e626d1ccc1f3a5a5f5a3a1cb11"/> | |
99 | 91 | </diskarea> |
100 | 92 | </part> |
101 | 93 | </software> |
102 | 94 | |
103 | <!-- size="397092409" crc="17f17815" --> | |
104 | 95 | <software name="intcdv7"> |
105 | 96 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 07</description> |
106 | 97 | <year>1998</year> |
107 | 98 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
108 | 99 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
109 | 100 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
110 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 7" sha1="81 | |
101 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 7" sha1="73e8215a98da98d9f2d1468c62354b46af77fa56"/> | |
111 | 102 | </diskarea> |
112 | 103 | </part> |
113 | 104 | </software> |
114 | 105 | |
115 | <!-- size="420000809" crc="91d8b335" --> | |
116 | 106 | <software name="intcdv8"> |
117 | 107 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 08</description> |
118 | 108 | <year>1998</year> |
119 | 109 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
120 | 110 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
121 | 111 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
122 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 8" sha1=" | |
112 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 8" sha1="8145f022b1f44d2ed7140386acf5b293834fc6c8"/> | |
123 | 113 | </diskarea> |
124 | 114 | </part> |
125 | 115 | </software> |
126 | 116 | |
127 | <!-- size="389598196" crc="993e0ab1" --> | |
128 | 117 | <software name="intcdv9"> |
129 | 118 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 09</description> |
130 | 119 | <year>1998</year> |
131 | 120 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
132 | 121 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
133 | 122 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
134 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 9" sha1=" | |
123 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 9" sha1="4b504a4ce093c255b40f4cc2cf3fb59b4216f501"/> | |
135 | 124 | </diskarea> |
136 | 125 | </part> |
137 | 126 | </software> |
138 | 127 | |
139 | <!-- size="365007076" crc="5f5fd01f" --> | |
140 | 128 | <software name="intcdv10"> |
141 | 129 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 10</description> |
142 | 130 | <year>1999</year> |
143 | 131 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
144 | 132 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
145 | 133 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
146 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 10" sha1=" | |
134 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 10" sha1="960319d09f9ca10663f06068a2ff134f343d22ad"/> | |
147 | 135 | </diskarea> |
148 | 136 | </part> |
149 | 137 | </software> |
150 | 138 | |
151 | <!-- size="272935197" crc="82e6fdf0" --> | |
152 | 139 | <software name="intcdv11"> |
153 | 140 | <description>Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 11</description> |
154 | 141 | <year>1999</year> |
155 | 142 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
156 | 143 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
157 | 144 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
158 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 11" sha1=" | |
145 | <disk name="Interactive CD Sampler Disc - Volume 11" sha1="0506aa051708f32f8470a19b7d6c8538ecedecc1"/> | |
159 | 146 | </diskarea> |
160 | 147 | </part> |
161 | 148 | </software> |
162 | 149 | |
163 | <!-- size="149681460" crc="99551669" --> | |
164 | 150 | <software name="intcdtru"> |
165 | 151 | <description>Toys R Us - Interactive CD Sampler Disc</description> |
166 | 152 | <year>1998</year> |
167 | 153 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
168 | 154 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
169 | 155 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
170 | <disk name="Toys R Us - Interactive CD Sampler Disc" sha1=" | |
156 | <disk name="Toys R Us - Interactive CD Sampler Disc" sha1="65e0b8973fb1c59a3b18e1c21659afb00ff7db33"/> | |
171 | 157 | </diskarea> |
172 | 158 | </part> |
173 | 159 | </software> |
174 | 160 | |
175 | <!-- size="93662349" crc="59bd7278" --> | |
176 | 161 | <software name="intcdff7"> |
177 | 162 | <description>Final Fantasy VII Interactive Sampler CD</description> |
178 | 163 | <year>1996</year> |
179 | 164 | <publisher>SCEA</publisher> |
180 | 165 | <part name="cdrom" interface="psx_cdrom"> |
181 | 166 | <diskarea name="cdrom"> |
182 | <disk name="Final Fantasy VII Interactive Sampler CD" sha1=" | |
167 | <disk name="Final Fantasy VII Interactive Sampler CD" sha1="820d6b26f12e68b0eb2a92895132083bb48a29bc"/> | |
183 | 168 | </diskarea> |
184 | 169 | </part> |
185 | 170 | </software> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
91 | 91 | |
92 | 92 | # QT_HOME = /usr/lib64/qt48/ |
93 | 93 | |
94 | # SOURCES = src/mame/drivers/asteroid.c,src/mame/audio/llander.c | |
94 | # SOURCES = src/mame/drivers/asteroid.cpp,src/mame/audio/llander.cpp | |
95 | 95 | |
96 | 96 | # FORCE_VERSION_COMPILE = 1 |
97 | 97 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
327 | 327 | ifeq ($(TARGETOS),os2) |
328 | 328 | OSD := sdl |
329 | 329 | endif |
330 | ||
331 | ifeq ($(TARGETOS),asmjs) | |
332 | OSD := sdl | |
330 | 333 | endif |
334 | endif | |
331 | 335 | |
332 | 336 | #------------------------------------------------- |
333 | 337 | # which 3rdparty library to build; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1190 | 1194 | |
1191 | 1195 | doxygen: |
1192 | 1196 | @echo Generate Doxygen documentation |
1193 | doxygen | |
1197 | doxygen doxygen/doxygen.config | |
1194 | 1198 | |
1195 | 1199 | #------------------------------------------------- |
1196 | 1200 | # CppCheck analysis |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1 | # Doxyfile | |
2 | ||
3 | # This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system | |
4 | # doxygen ( for a project. | |
5 | # | |
6 | # All text after a double hash (##) is considered a comment and is placed in | |
7 | # front of the TAG it is preceding. | |
8 | # | |
9 | # All text after a single hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored. | |
10 | # The format is: | |
11 | # TAG = value [value, ...] | |
12 | # For lists, items can also be appended using: | |
13 | # TAG += value [value, ...] | |
14 | # Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (\" \"). | |
15 | ||
16 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
17 | # Project related configuration options | |
18 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
19 | ||
20 | # This tag specifies the encoding used for all characters in the config file | |
21 | # that follow. The default is UTF-8 which is also the encoding used for all text | |
22 | # before the first occurrence of this tag. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the iconv | |
23 | # built into libc) for the transcoding. See | |
24 | # for the list of possible encodings. | |
25 | # The default value is: UTF-8. | |
26 | ||
28 | ||
29 | # The PROJECT_NAME tag is a single word (or a sequence of words surrounded by | |
30 | # double-quotes, unless you are using Doxywizard) that should identify the | |
31 | # project for which the documentation is generated. This name is used in the | |
32 | # title of most generated pages and in a few other places. | |
33 | # The default value is: My Project. | |
34 | ||
35 | PROJECT_NAME = "MAME" | |
36 | ||
37 | # The PROJECT_NUMBER tag can be used to enter a project or revision number. This | |
38 | # could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version | |
39 | # control system is used. | |
40 | ||
42 | ||
43 | # Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description | |
44 | # for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer a | |
45 | # quick idea about the purpose of the project. Keep the description short. | |
46 | ||
47 | PROJECT_BRIEF = | |
48 | ||
49 | # With the PROJECT_LOGO tag one can specify a logo or an icon that is included | |
50 | # in the documentation. The maximum height of the logo should not exceed 55 | |
51 | # pixels and the maximum width should not exceed 200 pixels. Doxygen will copy | |
52 | # the logo to the output directory. | |
53 | ||
54 | PROJECT_LOGO = | |
55 | ||
56 | # The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute) path | |
57 | # into which the generated documentation will be written. If a relative path is | |
58 | # entered, it will be relative to the location where doxygen was started. If | |
59 | # left blank the current directory will be used. | |
60 | ||
61 | OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = documentation | |
62 | ||
63 | # If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES then doxygen will create 4096 sub- | |
64 | # directories (in 2 levels) under the output directory of each output format and | |
65 | # will distribute the generated files over these directories. Enabling this | |
66 | # option can be useful when feeding doxygen a huge amount of source files, where | |
67 | # putting all generated files in the same directory would otherwise causes | |
68 | # performance problems for the file system. | |
69 | # The default value is: NO. | |
70 | ||
72 | ||
73 | # If the ALLOW_UNICODE_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will allow non-ASCII | |
74 | # characters to appear in the names of generated files. If set to NO, non-ASCII | |
75 | # characters will be escaped, for example _xE3_x81_x84 will be used for Unicode | |
76 | # U+3044. | |
77 | # The default value is: NO. | |
78 | ||
80 | ||
81 | # The OUTPUT_LANGUAGE tag is used to specify the language in which all | |
82 | # documentation generated by doxygen is written. Doxygen will use this | |
83 | # information to generate all constant output in the proper language. | |
84 | # Possible values are: Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Brazilian, Catalan, Chinese, | |
85 | # Chinese-Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (United States), | |
86 | # Esperanto, Farsi (Persian), Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, | |
87 | # Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Japanese-en (Japanese with English messages), | |
88 | # Korean, Korean-en (Korean with English messages), Latvian, Lithuanian, | |
89 | # Macedonian, Norwegian, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, | |
90 | # Serbian, Serbian-Cyrillic, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, | |
91 | # Ukrainian and Vietnamese. | |
92 | # The default value is: English. | |
93 | ||
94 | OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = English | |
95 | ||
96 | # If the BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC tag is set to YES, doxygen will include brief member | |
97 | # descriptions after the members that are listed in the file and class | |
98 | # documentation (similar to Javadoc). Set to NO to disable this. | |
99 | # The default value is: YES. | |
100 | ||
102 | ||
103 | # If the REPEAT_BRIEF tag is set to YES, doxygen will prepend the brief | |
104 | # description of a member or function before the detailed description | |
105 | # | |
106 | # Note: If both HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS and BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC are set to NO, the | |
107 | # brief descriptions will be completely suppressed. | |
108 | # The default value is: YES. | |
109 | ||
110 | REPEAT_BRIEF = YES | |
111 | ||
112 | # This tag implements a quasi-intelligent brief description abbreviator that is | |
113 | # used to form the text in various listings. Each string in this list, if found | |
114 | # as the leading text of the brief description, will be stripped from the text | |
115 | # and the result, after processing the whole list, is used as the annotated | |
116 | # text. Otherwise, the brief description is used as-is. If left blank, the | |
117 | # following values are used ($name is automatically replaced with the name of | |
118 | # the entity):The $name class, The $name widget, The $name file, is, provides, | |
119 | # specifies, contains, represents, a, an and the. | |
120 | ||
122 | ||
123 | # If the ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC and REPEAT_BRIEF tags are both set to YES then | |
124 | # doxygen will generate a detailed section even if there is only a brief | |
125 | # description. | |
126 | # The default value is: NO. | |
127 | ||
129 | ||
130 | # If the INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB tag is set to YES, doxygen will show all | |
131 | # inherited members of a class in the documentation of that class as if those | |
132 | # members were ordinary class members. Constructors, destructors and assignment | |
133 | # operators of the base classes will not be shown. | |
134 | # The default value is: NO. | |
135 | ||
137 | ||
138 | # If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will prepend the full path | |
139 | # before files name in the file list and in the header files. If set to NO the | |
140 | # shortest path that makes the file name unique will be used | |
141 | # The default value is: YES. | |
142 | ||
144 | ||
145 | # The STRIP_FROM_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of the path. | |
146 | # Stripping is only done if one of the specified strings matches the left-hand | |
147 | # part of the path. The tag can be used to show relative paths in the file list. | |
148 | # If left blank the directory from which doxygen is run is used as the path to | |
149 | # strip. | |
150 | # | |
151 | # Note that you can specify absolute paths here, but also relative paths, which | |
152 | # will be relative from the directory where doxygen is started. | |
153 | # This tag requires that the tag FULL_PATH_NAMES is set to YES. | |
154 | ||
155 | STRIP_FROM_PATH = | |
156 | ||
157 | # The STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of the | |
158 | # path mentioned in the documentation of a class, which tells the reader which | |
159 | # header file to include in order to use a class. If left blank only the name of | |
160 | # the header file containing the class definition is used. Otherwise one should | |
161 | # specify the list of include paths that are normally passed to the compiler | |
162 | # using the -I flag. | |
163 | ||
165 | ||
166 | # If the SHORT_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate much shorter (but | |
167 | # less readable) file names. This can be useful is your file systems doesn't | |
168 | # support long names like on DOS, Mac, or CD-ROM. | |
169 | # The default value is: NO. | |
170 | ||
171 | SHORT_NAMES = NO | |
172 | ||
173 | # If the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then doxygen will interpret the | |
174 | # first line (until the first dot) of a Javadoc-style comment as the brief | |
175 | # description. If set to NO, the Javadoc-style will behave just like regular Qt- | |
176 | # style comments (thus requiring an explicit @brief command for a brief | |
177 | # description.) | |
178 | # The default value is: NO. | |
179 | ||
181 | ||
182 | # If the QT_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then doxygen will interpret the first | |
183 | # line (until the first dot) of a Qt-style comment as the brief description. If | |
184 | # set to NO, the Qt-style will behave just like regular Qt-style comments (thus | |
185 | # requiring an explicit \brief command for a brief description.) | |
186 | # The default value is: NO. | |
187 | ||
188 | QT_AUTOBRIEF = NO | |
189 | ||
190 | # The MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF tag can be set to YES to make doxygen treat a | |
191 | # multi-line C++ special comment block (i.e. a block of //! or /// comments) as | |
192 | # a brief description. This used to be the default behavior. The new default is | |
193 | # to treat a multi-line C++ comment block as a detailed description. Set this | |
194 | # tag to YES if you prefer the old behavior instead. | |
195 | # | |
196 | # Note that setting this tag to YES also means that rational rose comments are | |
197 | # not recognized any more. | |
198 | # The default value is: NO. | |
199 | ||
201 | ||
202 | # If the INHERIT_DOCS tag is set to YES then an undocumented member inherits the | |
203 | # documentation from any documented member that it re-implements. | |
204 | # The default value is: YES. | |
205 | ||
206 | INHERIT_DOCS = YES | |
207 | ||
208 | # If the SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES tag is set to YES then doxygen will produce a new | |
209 | # page for each member. If set to NO, the documentation of a member will be part | |
210 | # of the file/class/namespace that contains it. | |
211 | # The default value is: NO. | |
212 | ||
214 | ||
215 | # The TAB_SIZE tag can be used to set the number of spaces in a tab. Doxygen | |
216 | # uses this value to replace tabs by spaces in code fragments. | |
217 | # Minimum value: 1, maximum value: 16, default value: 4. | |
218 | ||
219 | TAB_SIZE = 4 | |
220 | ||
221 | # This tag can be used to specify a number of aliases that act as commands in | |
222 | # the documentation. An alias has the form: | |
223 | # name=value | |
224 | # For example adding | |
225 | # "sideeffect=@par Side Effects:\n" | |
226 | # will allow you to put the command \sideeffect (or @sideeffect) in the | |
227 | # documentation, which will result in a user-defined paragraph with heading | |
228 | # "Side Effects:". You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert | |
229 | # newlines. | |
230 | ||
231 | ALIASES = | |
232 | ||
233 | # This tag can be used to specify a number of word-keyword mappings (TCL only). | |
234 | # A mapping has the form "name=value". For example adding "class=itcl::class" | |
235 | # will allow you to use the command class in the itcl::class meaning. | |
236 | ||
237 | TCL_SUBST = | |
238 | ||
239 | # Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C tag to YES if your project consists of C sources | |
240 | # only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for C. For | |
241 | # instance, some of the names that are used will be different. The list of all | |
242 | # members will be omitted, etc. | |
243 | # The default value is: NO. | |
244 | ||
246 | ||
247 | # Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA tag to YES if your project consists of Java or | |
248 | # Python sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored | |
249 | # for that language. For instance, namespaces will be presented as packages, | |
250 | # qualified scopes will look different, etc. | |
251 | # The default value is: NO. | |
252 | ||
254 | ||
255 | # Set the OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN tag to YES if your project consists of Fortran | |
256 | # sources. Doxygen will then generate output that is tailored for Fortran. | |
257 | # The default value is: NO. | |
258 | ||
260 | ||
261 | # Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL tag to YES if your project consists of VHDL | |
262 | # sources. Doxygen will then generate output that is tailored for VHDL. | |
263 | # The default value is: NO. | |
264 | ||
266 | ||
267 | # Doxygen selects the parser to use depending on the extension of the files it | |
268 | # parses. With this tag you can assign which parser to use for a given | |
269 | # extension. Doxygen has a built-in mapping, but you can override or extend it | |
270 | # using this tag. The format is ext=language, where ext is a file extension, and | |
271 | # language is one of the parsers supported by doxygen: IDL, Java, Javascript, | |
272 | # C#, C, C++, D, PHP, Objective-C, Python, Fortran (fixed format Fortran: | |
273 | # FortranFixed, free formatted Fortran: FortranFree, unknown formatted Fortran: | |
274 | # Fortran. In the later case the parser tries to guess whether the code is fixed | |
275 | # or free formatted code, this is the default for Fortran type files), VHDL. For | |
276 | # instance to make doxygen treat .inc files as Fortran files (default is PHP), | |
277 | # and .f files as C (default is Fortran), use: inc=Fortran f=C. | |
278 | # | |
279 | # Note: For files without extension you can use no_extension as a placeholder. | |
280 | # | |
281 | # Note that for custom extensions you also need to set FILE_PATTERNS otherwise | |
282 | # the files are not read by doxygen. | |
283 | ||
285 | ||
286 | # If the MARKDOWN_SUPPORT tag is enabled then doxygen pre-processes all comments | |
287 | # according to the Markdown format, which allows for more readable | |
288 | # documentation. See for details. | |
289 | # The output of markdown processing is further processed by doxygen, so you can | |
290 | # mix doxygen, HTML, and XML commands with Markdown formatting. Disable only in | |
291 | # case of backward compatibilities issues. | |
292 | # The default value is: YES. | |
293 | ||
295 | ||
296 | # When enabled doxygen tries to link words that correspond to documented | |
297 | # classes, or namespaces to their corresponding documentation. Such a link can | |
298 | # be prevented in individual cases by putting a % sign in front of the word or | |
299 | # globally by setting AUTOLINK_SUPPORT to NO. | |
300 | # The default value is: YES. | |
301 | ||
303 | ||
304 | # If you use STL classes (i.e. std::string, std::vector, etc.) but do not want | |
305 | # to include (a tag file for) the STL sources as input, then you should set this | |
306 | # tag to YES in order to let doxygen match functions declarations and | |
307 | # definitions whose arguments contain STL classes (e.g. func(std::string); | |
308 | # versus func(std::string) {}). This also make the inheritance and collaboration | |
309 | # diagrams that involve STL classes more complete and accurate. | |
310 | # The default value is: NO. | |
311 | ||
313 | ||
314 | # If you use Microsoft's C++/CLI language, you should set this option to YES to | |
315 | # enable parsing support. | |
316 | # The default value is: NO. | |
317 | ||
318 | CPP_CLI_SUPPORT = NO | |
319 | ||
320 | # Set the SIP_SUPPORT tag to YES if your project consists of sip (see: | |
321 | # sources only. Doxygen | |
322 | # will parse them like normal C++ but will assume all classes use public instead | |
323 | # of private inheritance when no explicit protection keyword is present. | |
324 | # The default value is: NO. | |
325 | ||
326 | SIP_SUPPORT = NO | |
327 | ||
328 | # For Microsoft's IDL there are propget and propput attributes to indicate | |
329 | # getter and setter methods for a property. Setting this option to YES will make | |
330 | # doxygen to replace the get and set methods by a property in the documentation. | |
331 | # This will only work if the methods are indeed getting or setting a simple | |
332 | # type. If this is not the case, or you want to show the methods anyway, you | |
333 | # should set this option to NO. | |
334 | # The default value is: YES. | |
335 | ||
337 | ||
338 | # If member grouping is used in the documentation and the DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC | |
339 | # tag is set to YES then doxygen will reuse the documentation of the first | |
340 | # member in the group (if any) for the other members of the group. By default | |
341 | # all members of a group must be documented explicitly. | |
342 | # The default value is: NO. | |
343 | ||
345 | ||
346 | # Set the SUBGROUPING tag to YES to allow class member groups of the same type | |
347 | # (for instance a group of public functions) to be put as a subgroup of that | |
348 | # type (e.g. under the Public Functions section). Set it to NO to prevent | |
349 | # subgrouping. Alternatively, this can be done per class using the | |
350 | # \nosubgrouping command. | |
351 | # The default value is: YES. | |
352 | ||
354 | ||
355 | # When the INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes, structs and unions | |
356 | # are shown inside the group in which they are included (e.g. using \ingroup) | |
357 | # instead of on a separate page (for HTML and Man pages) or section (for LaTeX | |
358 | # and RTF). | |
359 | # | |
360 | # Note that this feature does not work in combination with | |
362 | # The default value is: NO. | |
363 | ||
365 | ||
366 | # When the INLINE_SIMPLE_STRUCTS tag is set to YES, structs, classes, and unions | |
367 | # with only public data fields or simple typedef fields will be shown inline in | |
368 | # the documentation of the scope in which they are defined (i.e. file, | |
369 | # namespace, or group documentation), provided this scope is documented. If set | |
370 | # to NO, structs, classes, and unions are shown on a separate page (for HTML and | |
371 | # Man pages) or section (for LaTeX and RTF). | |
372 | # The default value is: NO. | |
373 | ||
375 | ||
376 | # When TYPEDEF_HIDES_STRUCT tag is enabled, a typedef of a struct, union, or | |
377 | # enum is documented as struct, union, or enum with the name of the typedef. So | |
378 | # typedef struct TypeS {} TypeT, will appear in the documentation as a struct | |
379 | # with name TypeT. When disabled the typedef will appear as a member of a file, | |
380 | # namespace, or class. And the struct will be named TypeS. This can typically be | |
381 | # useful for C code in case the coding convention dictates that all compound | |
382 | # types are typedef'ed and only the typedef is referenced, never the tag name. | |
383 | # The default value is: NO. | |
384 | ||
386 | ||
387 | # The size of the symbol lookup cache can be set using LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE. This | |
388 | # cache is used to resolve symbols given their name and scope. Since this can be | |
389 | # an expensive process and often the same symbol appears multiple times in the | |
390 | # code, doxygen keeps a cache of pre-resolved symbols. If the cache is too small | |
391 | # doxygen will become slower. If the cache is too large, memory is wasted. The | |
392 | # cache size is given by this formula: 2^(16+LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE). The valid range | |
393 | # is 0..9, the default is 0, corresponding to a cache size of 2^16=65536 | |
394 | # symbols. At the end of a run doxygen will report the cache usage and suggest | |
395 | # the optimal cache size from a speed point of view. | |
396 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 9, default value: 0. | |
397 | ||
398 | LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE = 3 | |
399 | ||
400 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
401 | # Build related configuration options | |
402 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
403 | ||
404 | # If the EXTRACT_ALL tag is set to YES, doxygen will assume all entities in | |
405 | # documentation are documented, even if no documentation was available. Private | |
406 | # class members and static file members will be hidden unless the | |
407 | # EXTRACT_PRIVATE respectively EXTRACT_STATIC tags are set to YES. | |
408 | # Note: This will also disable the warnings about undocumented members that are | |
409 | # normally produced when WARNINGS is set to YES. | |
410 | # The default value is: NO. | |
411 | ||
412 | EXTRACT_ALL = YES | |
413 | ||
414 | # If the EXTRACT_PRIVATE tag is set to YES, all private members of a class will | |
415 | # be included in the documentation. | |
416 | # The default value is: NO. | |
417 | ||
419 | ||
420 | # If the EXTRACT_PACKAGE tag is set to YES, all members with package or internal | |
421 | # scope will be included in the documentation. | |
422 | # The default value is: NO. | |
423 | ||
425 | ||
426 | # If the EXTRACT_STATIC tag is set to YES, all static members of a file will be | |
427 | # included in the documentation. | |
428 | # The default value is: NO. | |
429 | ||
431 | ||
432 | # If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes (and structs) defined | |
433 | # locally in source files will be included in the documentation. If set to NO, | |
434 | # only classes defined in header files are included. Does not have any effect | |
435 | # for Java sources. | |
436 | # The default value is: YES. | |
437 | ||
439 | ||
440 | # This flag is only useful for Objective-C code. If set to YES, local methods, | |
441 | # which are defined in the implementation section but not in the interface are | |
442 | # included in the documentation. If set to NO, only methods in the interface are | |
443 | # included. | |
444 | # The default value is: NO. | |
445 | ||
447 | ||
448 | # If this flag is set to YES, the members of anonymous namespaces will be | |
449 | # extracted and appear in the documentation as a namespace called | |
450 | # 'anonymous_namespace{file}', where file will be replaced with the base name of | |
451 | # the file that contains the anonymous namespace. By default anonymous namespace | |
452 | # are hidden. | |
453 | # The default value is: NO. | |
454 | ||
456 | ||
457 | # If the HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all | |
458 | # undocumented members inside documented classes or files. If set to NO these | |
459 | # members will be included in the various overviews, but no documentation | |
460 | # section is generated. This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled. | |
461 | # The default value is: NO. | |
462 | ||
464 | ||
465 | # If the HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all | |
466 | # undocumented classes that are normally visible in the class hierarchy. If set | |
467 | # to NO, these classes will be included in the various overviews. This option | |
468 | # has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled. | |
469 | # The default value is: NO. | |
470 | ||
472 | ||
473 | # If the HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all friend | |
474 | # (class|struct|union) declarations. If set to NO, these declarations will be | |
475 | # included in the documentation. | |
476 | # The default value is: NO. | |
477 | ||
479 | ||
480 | # If the HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide any | |
481 | # documentation blocks found inside the body of a function. If set to NO, these | |
482 | # blocks will be appended to the function's detailed documentation block. | |
483 | # The default value is: NO. | |
484 | ||
485 | HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS = NO | |
486 | ||
487 | # The INTERNAL_DOCS tag determines if documentation that is typed after a | |
488 | # \internal command is included. If the tag is set to NO then the documentation | |
489 | # will be excluded. Set it to YES to include the internal documentation. | |
490 | # The default value is: NO. | |
491 | ||
492 | INTERNAL_DOCS = NO | |
493 | ||
494 | # If the CASE_SENSE_NAMES tag is set to NO then doxygen will only generate file | |
495 | # names in lower-case letters. If set to YES, upper-case letters are also | |
496 | # allowed. This is useful if you have classes or files whose names only differ | |
497 | # in case and if your file system supports case sensitive file names. Windows | |
498 | # and Mac users are advised to set this option to NO. | |
499 | # The default value is: system dependent. | |
500 | ||
502 | ||
503 | # If the HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES tag is set to NO then doxygen will show members with | |
504 | # their full class and namespace scopes in the documentation. If set to YES, the | |
505 | # scope will be hidden. | |
506 | # The default value is: NO. | |
507 | ||
509 | ||
510 | # If the HIDE_COMPOUND_REFERENCE tag is set to NO (default) then doxygen will | |
511 | # append additional text to a page's title, such as Class Reference. If set to | |
512 | # YES the compound reference will be hidden. | |
513 | # The default value is: NO. | |
514 | ||
516 | ||
517 | # If the SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES tag is set to YES then doxygen will put a list of | |
518 | # the files that are included by a file in the documentation of that file. | |
519 | # The default value is: YES. | |
520 | ||
522 | ||
523 | # If the SHOW_GROUPED_MEMB_INC tag is set to YES then Doxygen will add for each | |
524 | # grouped member an include statement to the documentation, telling the reader | |
525 | # which file to include in order to use the member. | |
526 | # The default value is: NO. | |
527 | ||
529 | ||
530 | # If the FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES tag is set to YES then doxygen will list include | |
531 | # files with double quotes in the documentation rather than with sharp brackets. | |
532 | # The default value is: NO. | |
533 | ||
535 | ||
536 | # If the INLINE_INFO tag is set to YES then a tag [inline] is inserted in the | |
537 | # documentation for inline members. | |
538 | # The default value is: YES. | |
539 | ||
540 | INLINE_INFO = YES | |
541 | ||
542 | # If the SORT_MEMBER_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the | |
543 | # (detailed) documentation of file and class members alphabetically by member | |
544 | # name. If set to NO, the members will appear in declaration order. | |
545 | # The default value is: YES. | |
546 | ||
548 | ||
549 | # If the SORT_BRIEF_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the brief | |
550 | # descriptions of file, namespace and class members alphabetically by member | |
551 | # name. If set to NO, the members will appear in declaration order. Note that | |
552 | # this will also influence the order of the classes in the class list. | |
553 | # The default value is: NO. | |
554 | ||
555 | SORT_BRIEF_DOCS = NO | |
556 | ||
557 | # If the SORT_MEMBERS_CTORS_1ST tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the | |
558 | # (brief and detailed) documentation of class members so that constructors and | |
559 | # destructors are listed first. If set to NO the constructors will appear in the | |
560 | # respective orders defined by SORT_BRIEF_DOCS and SORT_MEMBER_DOCS. | |
561 | # Note: If SORT_BRIEF_DOCS is set to NO this option is ignored for sorting brief | |
562 | # member documentation. | |
563 | # Note: If SORT_MEMBER_DOCS is set to NO this option is ignored for sorting | |
564 | # detailed member documentation. | |
565 | # The default value is: NO. | |
566 | ||
568 | ||
569 | # If the SORT_GROUP_NAMES tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the hierarchy | |
570 | # of group names into alphabetical order. If set to NO the group names will | |
571 | # appear in their defined order. | |
572 | # The default value is: NO. | |
573 | ||
575 | ||
576 | # If the SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME tag is set to YES, the class list will be sorted by | |
577 | # fully-qualified names, including namespaces. If set to NO, the class list will | |
578 | # be sorted only by class name, not including the namespace part. | |
579 | # Note: This option is not very useful if HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES is set to YES. | |
580 | # Note: This option applies only to the class list, not to the alphabetical | |
581 | # list. | |
582 | # The default value is: NO. | |
583 | ||
585 | ||
586 | # If the STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING option is enabled and doxygen fails to do proper | |
587 | # type resolution of all parameters of a function it will reject a match between | |
588 | # the prototype and the implementation of a member function even if there is | |
589 | # only one candidate or it is obvious which candidate to choose by doing a | |
590 | # simple string match. By disabling STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING doxygen will still | |
591 | # accept a match between prototype and implementation in such cases. | |
592 | # The default value is: NO. | |
593 | ||
595 | ||
596 | # The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or disable (NO) the todo | |
597 | # list. This list is created by putting \todo commands in the documentation. | |
598 | # The default value is: YES. | |
599 | ||
601 | ||
602 | # The GENERATE_TESTLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or disable (NO) the test | |
603 | # list. This list is created by putting \test commands in the documentation. | |
604 | # The default value is: YES. | |
605 | ||
607 | ||
608 | # The GENERATE_BUGLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or disable (NO) the bug | |
609 | # list. This list is created by putting \bug commands in the documentation. | |
610 | # The default value is: YES. | |
611 | ||
613 | ||
614 | # The GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or disable (NO) | |
615 | # the deprecated list. This list is created by putting \deprecated commands in | |
616 | # the documentation. | |
617 | # The default value is: YES. | |
618 | ||
620 | ||
621 | # The ENABLED_SECTIONS tag can be used to enable conditional documentation | |
622 | # sections, marked by \if <section_label> ... \endif and \cond <section_label> | |
623 | # ... \endcond blocks. | |
624 | ||
626 | ||
627 | # The MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES tag determines the maximum number of lines that the | |
628 | # initial value of a variable or macro / define can have for it to appear in the | |
629 | # documentation. If the initializer consists of more lines than specified here | |
630 | # it will be hidden. Use a value of 0 to hide initializers completely. The | |
631 | # appearance of the value of individual variables and macros / defines can be | |
632 | # controlled using \showinitializer or \hideinitializer command in the | |
633 | # documentation regardless of this setting. | |
634 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 10000, default value: 30. | |
635 | ||
637 | ||
638 | # Set the SHOW_USED_FILES tag to NO to disable the list of files generated at | |
639 | # the bottom of the documentation of classes and structs. If set to YES, the | |
640 | # list will mention the files that were used to generate the documentation. | |
641 | # The default value is: YES. | |
642 | ||
644 | ||
645 | # Set the SHOW_FILES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Files page. This | |
646 | # will remove the Files entry from the Quick Index and from the Folder Tree View | |
647 | # (if specified). | |
648 | # The default value is: YES. | |
649 | ||
650 | SHOW_FILES = YES | |
651 | ||
652 | # Set the SHOW_NAMESPACES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Namespaces | |
653 | # page. This will remove the Namespaces entry from the Quick Index and from the | |
654 | # Folder Tree View (if specified). | |
655 | # The default value is: YES. | |
656 | ||
658 | ||
659 | # The FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program or script that | |
660 | # doxygen should invoke to get the current version for each file (typically from | |
661 | # the version control system). Doxygen will invoke the program by executing (via | |
662 | # popen()) the command command input-file, where command is the value of the | |
663 | # FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag, and input-file is the name of an input file provided | |
664 | # by doxygen. Whatever the program writes to standard output is used as the file | |
665 | # version. For an example see the documentation. | |
666 | ||
668 | ||
669 | # The LAYOUT_FILE tag can be used to specify a layout file which will be parsed | |
670 | # by doxygen. The layout file controls the global structure of the generated | |
671 | # output files in an output format independent way. To create the layout file | |
672 | # that represents doxygen's defaults, run doxygen with the -l option. You can | |
673 | # optionally specify a file name after the option, if omitted DoxygenLayout.xml | |
674 | # will be used as the name of the layout file. | |
675 | # | |
676 | # Note that if you run doxygen from a directory containing a file called | |
677 | # DoxygenLayout.xml, doxygen will parse it automatically even if the LAYOUT_FILE | |
678 | # tag is left empty. | |
679 | ||
680 | LAYOUT_FILE = | |
681 | ||
682 | # The CITE_BIB_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more bib files containing | |
683 | # the reference definitions. This must be a list of .bib files. The .bib | |
684 | # extension is automatically appended if omitted. This requires the bibtex tool | |
685 | # to be installed. See also for more info. | |
686 | # For LaTeX the style of the bibliography can be controlled using | |
687 | # LATEX_BIB_STYLE. To use this feature you need bibtex and perl available in the | |
688 | # search path. See also \cite for info how to create references. | |
689 | ||
690 | CITE_BIB_FILES = | |
691 | ||
692 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
693 | # Configuration options related to warning and progress messages | |
694 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
695 | ||
696 | # The QUIET tag can be used to turn on/off the messages that are generated to | |
697 | # standard output by doxygen. If QUIET is set to YES this implies that the | |
698 | # messages are off. | |
699 | # The default value is: NO. | |
700 | ||
701 | QUIET = NO | |
702 | ||
703 | # The WARNINGS tag can be used to turn on/off the warning messages that are | |
704 | # generated to standard error (stderr) by doxygen. If WARNINGS is set to YES | |
705 | # this implies that the warnings are on. | |
706 | # | |
707 | # Tip: Turn warnings on while writing the documentation. | |
708 | # The default value is: YES. | |
709 | ||
710 | WARNINGS = YES | |
711 | ||
712 | # If the WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate | |
713 | # warnings for undocumented members. If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag | |
714 | # will automatically be disabled. | |
715 | # The default value is: YES. | |
716 | ||
718 | ||
719 | # If the WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate warnings for | |
720 | # potential errors in the documentation, such as not documenting some parameters | |
721 | # in a documented function, or documenting parameters that don't exist or using | |
722 | # markup commands wrongly. | |
723 | # The default value is: YES. | |
724 | ||
726 | ||
727 | # This WARN_NO_PARAMDOC option can be enabled to get warnings for functions that | |
728 | # are documented, but have no documentation for their parameters or return | |
729 | # value. If set to NO, doxygen will only warn about wrong or incomplete | |
730 | # parameter documentation, but not about the absence of documentation. | |
731 | # The default value is: NO. | |
732 | ||
734 | ||
735 | # The WARN_FORMAT tag determines the format of the warning messages that doxygen | |
736 | # can produce. The string should contain the $file, $line, and $text tags, which | |
737 | # will be replaced by the file and line number from which the warning originated | |
738 | # and the warning text. Optionally the format may contain $version, which will | |
739 | # be replaced by the version of the file (if it could be obtained via | |
741 | # The default value is: $file:$line: $text. | |
742 | ||
743 | WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text" | |
744 | ||
745 | # The WARN_LOGFILE tag can be used to specify a file to which warning and error | |
746 | # messages should be written. If left blank the output is written to standard | |
747 | # error (stderr). | |
748 | ||
749 | WARN_LOGFILE = | |
750 | ||
751 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
752 | # Configuration options related to the input files | |
753 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
754 | ||
755 | # The INPUT tag is used to specify the files and/or directories that contain | |
756 | # documented source files. You may enter file names like myfile.cpp or | |
757 | # directories like /usr/src/myproject. Separate the files or directories with | |
758 | # spaces. | |
759 | # Note: If this tag is empty the current directory is searched. | |
760 | ||
761 | INPUT = src | |
762 | ||
763 | # This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files | |
764 | # that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding. Doxygen uses | |
765 | # libiconv (or the iconv built into libc) for the transcoding. See the libiconv | |
766 | # documentation (see: for the list of | |
767 | # possible encodings. | |
768 | # The default value is: UTF-8. | |
769 | ||
770 | INPUT_ENCODING = UTF-8 | |
771 | ||
772 | # If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the | |
773 | # FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns (like *.cpp and | |
774 | # *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left blank the | |
775 | # following patterns are tested:*.c, *.cc, *.cxx, *.cpp, *.c++, *.java, *.ii, | |
776 | # *.ixx, *.ipp, *.i++, *.inl, *.idl, *.ddl, *.odl, *.h, *.hh, *.hxx, *.hpp, | |
777 | # *.h++, *.cs, *.d, *.php, *.php4, *.php5, *.phtml, *.inc, *.m, *.markdown, | |
778 | # *.md, *.mm, *.dox, *.py, *.f90, *.f, *.for, *.tcl, *.vhd, *.vhdl, *.ucf, | |
779 | # *.qsf, *.as and *.js. | |
780 | ||
781 | FILE_PATTERNS = *.h *.c *.m *.inc | |
782 | ||
783 | # The RECURSIVE tag can be used to specify whether or not subdirectories should | |
784 | # be searched for input files as well. | |
785 | # The default value is: NO. | |
786 | ||
787 | RECURSIVE = YES | |
788 | ||
789 | # The EXCLUDE tag can be used to specify files and/or directories that should be | |
790 | # excluded from the INPUT source files. This way you can easily exclude a | |
791 | # subdirectory from a directory tree whose root is specified with the INPUT tag. | |
792 | # | |
793 | # Note that relative paths are relative to the directory from which doxygen is | |
794 | # run. | |
795 | ||
796 | EXCLUDE = | |
797 | ||
798 | # The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used to select whether or not files or | |
799 | # directories that are symbolic links (a Unix file system feature) are excluded | |
800 | # from the input. | |
801 | # The default value is: NO. | |
802 | ||
804 | ||
805 | # If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the | |
806 | # EXCLUDE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns to exclude | |
807 | # certain files from those directories. | |
808 | # | |
809 | # Note that the wildcards are matched against the file with absolute path, so to | |
810 | # exclude all test directories for example use the pattern */test/* | |
811 | ||
813 | ||
814 | # The EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS tag can be used to specify one or more symbol names | |
815 | # (namespaces, classes, functions, etc.) that should be excluded from the | |
816 | # output. The symbol name can be a fully qualified name, a word, or if the | |
817 | # wildcard * is used, a substring. Examples: ANamespace, AClass, | |
818 | # AClass::ANamespace, ANamespace::*Test | |
819 | # | |
820 | # Note that the wildcards are matched against the file with absolute path, so to | |
821 | # exclude all test directories use the pattern */test/* | |
822 | ||
824 | ||
825 | # The EXAMPLE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or directories | |
826 | # that contain example code fragments that are included (see the \include | |
827 | # command). | |
828 | ||
829 | EXAMPLE_PATH = | |
830 | ||
831 | # If the value of the EXAMPLE_PATH tag contains directories, you can use the | |
832 | # EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp and | |
833 | # *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left blank all | |
834 | # files are included. | |
835 | ||
837 | ||
838 | # If the EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE tag is set to YES then subdirectories will be | |
839 | # searched for input files to be used with the \include or \dontinclude commands | |
840 | # irrespective of the value of the RECURSIVE tag. | |
841 | # The default value is: NO. | |
842 | ||
844 | ||
845 | # The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or directories | |
846 | # that contain images that are to be included in the documentation (see the | |
847 | # \image command). | |
848 | ||
849 | IMAGE_PATH = | |
850 | ||
851 | # The INPUT_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program that doxygen should | |
852 | # invoke to filter for each input file. Doxygen will invoke the filter program | |
853 | # by executing (via popen()) the command: | |
854 | # | |
855 | # <filter> <input-file> | |
856 | # | |
857 | # where <filter> is the value of the INPUT_FILTER tag, and <input-file> is the | |
858 | # name of an input file. Doxygen will then use the output that the filter | |
859 | # program writes to standard output. If FILTER_PATTERNS is specified, this tag | |
860 | # will be ignored. | |
861 | # | |
862 | # Note that the filter must not add or remove lines; it is applied before the | |
863 | # code is scanned, but not when the output code is generated. If lines are added | |
864 | # or removed, the anchors will not be placed correctly. | |
865 | ||
866 | INPUT_FILTER = | |
867 | ||
868 | # The FILTER_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify filters on a per file pattern | |
869 | # basis. Doxygen will compare the file name with each pattern and apply the | |
870 | # filter if there is a match. The filters are a list of the form: pattern=filter | |
871 | # (like *.cpp=my_cpp_filter). See INPUT_FILTER for further information on how | |
872 | # filters are used. If the FILTER_PATTERNS tag is empty or if none of the | |
873 | # patterns match the file name, INPUT_FILTER is applied. | |
874 | ||
876 | ||
877 | # If the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES tag is set to YES, the input filter (if set using | |
878 | # INPUT_FILTER) will also be used to filter the input files that are used for | |
879 | # producing the source files to browse (i.e. when SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES). | |
880 | # The default value is: NO. | |
881 | ||
883 | ||
884 | # The FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify source filters per file | |
885 | # pattern. A pattern will override the setting for FILTER_PATTERN (if any) and | |
886 | # it is also possible to disable source filtering for a specific pattern using | |
887 | # *.ext= (so without naming a filter). | |
888 | # This tag requires that the tag FILTER_SOURCE_FILES is set to YES. | |
889 | ||
891 | ||
892 | # If the USE_MDFILE_AS_MAINPAGE tag refers to the name of a markdown file that | |
893 | # is part of the input, its contents will be placed on the main page | |
894 | # (index.html). This can be useful if you have a project on for instance GitHub | |
895 | # and want to reuse the introduction page also for the doxygen output. | |
896 | ||
898 | ||
899 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
900 | # Configuration options related to source browsing | |
901 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
902 | ||
903 | # If the SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES then a list of source files will be | |
904 | # generated. Documented entities will be cross-referenced with these sources. | |
905 | # | |
906 | # Note: To get rid of all source code in the generated output, make sure that | |
907 | # also VERBATIM_HEADERS is set to NO. | |
908 | # The default value is: NO. | |
909 | ||
911 | ||
912 | # Setting the INLINE_SOURCES tag to YES will include the body of functions, | |
913 | # classes and enums directly into the documentation. | |
914 | # The default value is: NO. | |
915 | ||
917 | ||
918 | # Setting the STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS tag to YES will instruct doxygen to hide any | |
919 | # special comment blocks from generated source code fragments. Normal C, C++ and | |
920 | # Fortran comments will always remain visible. | |
921 | # The default value is: YES. | |
922 | ||
924 | ||
925 | # If the REFERENCED_BY_RELATION tag is set to YES then for each documented | |
926 | # function all documented functions referencing it will be listed. | |
927 | # The default value is: NO. | |
928 | ||
930 | ||
931 | # If the REFERENCES_RELATION tag is set to YES then for each documented function | |
932 | # all documented entities called/used by that function will be listed. | |
933 | # The default value is: NO. | |
934 | ||
936 | ||
937 | # If the REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE tag is set to YES and SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set | |
938 | # to YES then the hyperlinks from functions in REFERENCES_RELATION and | |
939 | # REFERENCED_BY_RELATION lists will link to the source code. Otherwise they will | |
940 | # link to the documentation. | |
941 | # The default value is: YES. | |
942 | ||
944 | ||
945 | # If SOURCE_TOOLTIPS is enabled (the default) then hovering a hyperlink in the | |
946 | # source code will show a tooltip with additional information such as prototype, | |
947 | # brief description and links to the definition and documentation. Since this | |
948 | # will make the HTML file larger and loading of large files a bit slower, you | |
949 | # can opt to disable this feature. | |
950 | # The default value is: YES. | |
951 | # This tag requires that the tag SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES. | |
952 | ||
954 | ||
955 | # If the USE_HTAGS tag is set to YES then the references to source code will | |
956 | # point to the HTML generated by the htags(1) tool instead of doxygen built-in | |
957 | # source browser. The htags tool is part of GNU's global source tagging system | |
958 | # (see You will need version | |
959 | # 4.8.6 or higher. | |
960 | # | |
961 | # To use it do the following: | |
962 | # - Install the latest version of global | |
963 | # - Enable SOURCE_BROWSER and USE_HTAGS in the config file | |
964 | # - Make sure the INPUT points to the root of the source tree | |
965 | # - Run doxygen as normal | |
966 | # | |
967 | # Doxygen will invoke htags (and that will in turn invoke gtags), so these | |
968 | # tools must be available from the command line (i.e. in the search path). | |
969 | # | |
970 | # The result: instead of the source browser generated by doxygen, the links to | |
971 | # source code will now point to the output of htags. | |
972 | # The default value is: NO. | |
973 | # This tag requires that the tag SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES. | |
974 | ||
975 | USE_HTAGS = NO | |
976 | ||
977 | # If the VERBATIM_HEADERS tag is set the YES then doxygen will generate a | |
978 | # verbatim copy of the header file for each class for which an include is | |
979 | # specified. Set to NO to disable this. | |
980 | # See also: Section \class. | |
981 | # The default value is: YES. | |
982 | ||
984 | ||
985 | # If the CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING tag is set to YES then doxygen will use the | |
986 | # clang parser (see: for more accurate parsing at the | |
987 | # cost of reduced performance. This can be particularly helpful with template | |
988 | # rich C++ code for which doxygen's built-in parser lacks the necessary type | |
989 | # information. | |
990 | # Note: The availability of this option depends on whether or not doxygen was | |
991 | # compiled with the --with-libclang option. | |
992 | # The default value is: NO. | |
993 | ||
995 | ||
996 | # If clang assisted parsing is enabled you can provide the compiler with command | |
997 | # line options that you would normally use when invoking the compiler. Note that | |
998 | # the include paths will already be set by doxygen for the files and directories | |
999 | # specified with INPUT and INCLUDE_PATH. | |
1000 | # This tag requires that the tag CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING is set to YES. | |
1001 | ||
1002 | CLANG_OPTIONS = | |
1003 | ||
1004 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1005 | # Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index | |
1006 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1007 | ||
1008 | # If the ALPHABETICAL_INDEX tag is set to YES, an alphabetical index of all | |
1009 | # compounds will be generated. Enable this if the project contains a lot of | |
1010 | # classes, structs, unions or interfaces. | |
1011 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1012 | ||
1014 | ||
1015 | # The COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX tag can be used to specify the number of columns in | |
1016 | # which the alphabetical index list will be split. | |
1017 | # Minimum value: 1, maximum value: 20, default value: 5. | |
1018 | # This tag requires that the tag ALPHABETICAL_INDEX is set to YES. | |
1019 | ||
1020 | COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX = 5 | |
1021 | ||
1022 | # In case all classes in a project start with a common prefix, all classes will | |
1023 | # be put under the same header in the alphabetical index. The IGNORE_PREFIX tag | |
1024 | # can be used to specify a prefix (or a list of prefixes) that should be ignored | |
1025 | # while generating the index headers. | |
1026 | # This tag requires that the tag ALPHABETICAL_INDEX is set to YES. | |
1027 | ||
1028 | IGNORE_PREFIX = | |
1029 | ||
1030 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1031 | # Configuration options related to the HTML output | |
1032 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1033 | ||
1034 | # If the GENERATE_HTML tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate HTML output | |
1035 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1036 | ||
1037 | GENERATE_HTML = YES | |
1038 | ||
1039 | # The HTML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the HTML docs will be put. If a | |
1040 | # relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of | |
1041 | # it. | |
1042 | # The default directory is: html. | |
1043 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1044 | ||
1045 | HTML_OUTPUT = html | |
1046 | ||
1047 | # The HTML_FILE_EXTENSION tag can be used to specify the file extension for each | |
1048 | # generated HTML page (for example: .htm, .php, .asp). | |
1049 | # The default value is: .html. | |
1050 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1051 | ||
1052 | HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = .html | |
1053 | ||
1054 | # The HTML_HEADER tag can be used to specify a user-defined HTML header file for | |
1055 | # each generated HTML page. If the tag is left blank doxygen will generate a | |
1056 | # standard header. | |
1057 | # | |
1058 | # To get valid HTML the header file that includes any scripts and style sheets | |
1059 | # that doxygen needs, which is dependent on the configuration options used (e.g. | |
1060 | # the setting GENERATE_TREEVIEW). It is highly recommended to start with a | |
1061 | # default header using | |
1062 | # doxygen -w html new_header.html new_footer.html new_stylesheet.css | |
1063 | # YourConfigFile | |
1064 | # and then modify the file new_header.html. See also section "Doxygen usage" | |
1065 | # for information on how to generate the default header that doxygen normally | |
1066 | # uses. | |
1067 | # Note: The header is subject to change so you typically have to regenerate the | |
1068 | # default header when upgrading to a newer version of doxygen. For a description | |
1069 | # of the possible markers and block names see the documentation. | |
1070 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1071 | ||
1072 | HTML_HEADER = | |
1073 | ||
1074 | # The HTML_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a user-defined HTML footer for each | |
1075 | # generated HTML page. If the tag is left blank doxygen will generate a standard | |
1076 | # footer. See HTML_HEADER for more information on how to generate a default | |
1077 | # footer and what special commands can be used inside the footer. See also | |
1078 | # section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the default footer | |
1079 | # that doxygen normally uses. | |
1080 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1081 | ||
1082 | HTML_FOOTER = | |
1083 | ||
1084 | # The HTML_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify a user-defined cascading style | |
1085 | # sheet that is used by each HTML page. It can be used to fine-tune the look of | |
1086 | # the HTML output. If left blank doxygen will generate a default style sheet. | |
1087 | # See also section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the style | |
1088 | # sheet that doxygen normally uses. | |
1089 | # Note: It is recommended to use HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET instead of this tag, as | |
1090 | # it is more robust and this tag (HTML_STYLESHEET) will in the future become | |
1091 | # obsolete. | |
1092 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1093 | ||
1094 | HTML_STYLESHEET = | |
1095 | ||
1096 | # The HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify additional user-defined | |
1097 | # cascading style sheets that are included after the standard style sheets | |
1098 | # created by doxygen. Using this option one can overrule certain style aspects. | |
1099 | # This is preferred over using HTML_STYLESHEET since it does not replace the | |
1100 | # standard style sheet and is therefore more robust against future updates. | |
1101 | # Doxygen will copy the style sheet files to the output directory. | |
1102 | # Note: The order of the extra style sheet files is of importance (e.g. the last | |
1103 | # style sheet in the list overrules the setting of the previous ones in the | |
1104 | # list). For an example see the documentation. | |
1105 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1106 | ||
1108 | ||
1109 | # The HTML_EXTRA_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more extra images or | |
1110 | # other source files which should be copied to the HTML output directory. Note | |
1111 | # that these files will be copied to the base HTML output directory. Use the | |
1112 | # $relpath^ marker in the HTML_HEADER and/or HTML_FOOTER files to load these | |
1113 | # files. In the HTML_STYLESHEET file, use the file name only. Also note that the | |
1114 | # files will be copied as-is; there are no commands or markers available. | |
1115 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1116 | ||
1117 | HTML_EXTRA_FILES = | |
1118 | ||
1119 | # The HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE tag controls the color of the HTML output. Doxygen | |
1120 | # will adjust the colors in the style sheet and background images according to | |
1121 | # this color. Hue is specified as an angle on a colorwheel, see | |
1122 | # for more information. For instance the value | |
1123 | # 0 represents red, 60 is yellow, 120 is green, 180 is cyan, 240 is blue, 300 | |
1124 | # purple, and 360 is red again. | |
1125 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 359, default value: 220. | |
1126 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1127 | ||
1128 | HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE = 220 | |
1129 | ||
1130 | # The HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT tag controls the purity (or saturation) of the colors | |
1131 | # in the HTML output. For a value of 0 the output will use grayscales only. A | |
1132 | # value of 255 will produce the most vivid colors. | |
1133 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 255, default value: 100. | |
1134 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1135 | ||
1136 | HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT = 100 | |
1137 | ||
1138 | # The HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA tag controls the gamma correction applied to the | |
1139 | # luminance component of the colors in the HTML output. Values below 100 | |
1140 | # gradually make the output lighter, whereas values above 100 make the output | |
1141 | # darker. The value divided by 100 is the actual gamma applied, so 80 represents | |
1142 | # a gamma of 0.8, The value 220 represents a gamma of 2.2, and 100 does not | |
1143 | # change the gamma. | |
1144 | # Minimum value: 40, maximum value: 240, default value: 80. | |
1145 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1146 | ||
1148 | ||
1149 | # If the HTML_TIMESTAMP tag is set to YES then the footer of each generated HTML | |
1150 | # page will contain the date and time when the page was generated. Setting this | |
1151 | # to NO can help when comparing the output of multiple runs. | |
1152 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1153 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1154 | ||
1156 | ||
1157 | # If the HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS tag is set to YES then the generated HTML | |
1158 | # documentation will contain sections that can be hidden and shown after the | |
1159 | # page has loaded. | |
1160 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1161 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1162 | ||
1164 | ||
1165 | # With HTML_INDEX_NUM_ENTRIES one can control the preferred number of entries | |
1166 | # shown in the various tree structured indices initially; the user can expand | |
1167 | # and collapse entries dynamically later on. Doxygen will expand the tree to | |
1168 | # such a level that at most the specified number of entries are visible (unless | |
1169 | # a fully collapsed tree already exceeds this amount). So setting the number of | |
1170 | # entries 1 will produce a full collapsed tree by default. 0 is a special value | |
1171 | # representing an infinite number of entries and will result in a full expanded | |
1172 | # tree by default. | |
1173 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 9999, default value: 100. | |
1174 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1175 | ||
1176 | HTML_INDEX_NUM_ENTRIES = 100 | |
1177 | ||
1178 | # If the GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, additional index files will be | |
1179 | # generated that can be used as input for Apple's Xcode 3 integrated development | |
1180 | # environment (see:, introduced with | |
1181 | # OSX 10.5 (Leopard). To create a documentation set, doxygen will generate a | |
1182 | # Makefile in the HTML output directory. Running make will produce the docset in | |
1183 | # that directory and running make install will install the docset in | |
1184 | # ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets so that Xcode will find it at | |
1185 | # startup. See | |
1186 | # for more information. | |
1187 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1188 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1189 | ||
1191 | ||
1192 | # This tag determines the name of the docset feed. A documentation feed provides | |
1193 | # an umbrella under which multiple documentation sets from a single provider | |
1194 | # (such as a company or product suite) can be grouped. | |
1195 | # The default value is: Doxygen generated docs. | |
1196 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES. | |
1197 | ||
1198 | DOCSET_FEEDNAME = "Doxygen generated docs" | |
1199 | ||
1200 | # This tag specifies a string that should uniquely identify the documentation | |
1201 | # set bundle. This should be a reverse domain-name style string, e.g. | |
1202 | # com.mycompany.MyDocSet. Doxygen will append .docset to the name. | |
1203 | # The default value is: org.doxygen.Project. | |
1204 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES. | |
1205 | ||
1206 | DOCSET_BUNDLE_ID = org.doxygen.Project | |
1207 | ||
1208 | # The DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID tag specifies a string that should uniquely identify | |
1209 | # the documentation publisher. This should be a reverse domain-name style | |
1210 | # string, e.g. com.mycompany.MyDocSet.documentation. | |
1211 | # The default value is: org.doxygen.Publisher. | |
1212 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES. | |
1213 | ||
1214 | DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID = org.doxygen.Publisher | |
1215 | ||
1216 | # The DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME tag identifies the documentation publisher. | |
1217 | # The default value is: Publisher. | |
1218 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES. | |
1219 | ||
1220 | DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME = Publisher | |
1221 | ||
1222 | # If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES then doxygen generates three | |
1223 | # additional HTML index files: index.hhp, index.hhc, and index.hhk. The | |
1224 | # index.hhp is a project file that can be read by Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop | |
1225 | # (see: on | |
1226 | # Windows. | |
1227 | # | |
1228 | # The HTML Help Workshop contains a compiler that can convert all HTML output | |
1229 | # generated by doxygen into a single compiled HTML file (.chm). Compiled HTML | |
1230 | # files are now used as the Windows 98 help format, and will replace the old | |
1231 | # Windows help format (.hlp) on all Windows platforms in the future. Compressed | |
1232 | # HTML files also contain an index, a table of contents, and you can search for | |
1233 | # words in the documentation. The HTML workshop also contains a viewer for | |
1234 | # compressed HTML files. | |
1235 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1236 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1237 | ||
1239 | ||
1240 | # The CHM_FILE tag can be used to specify the file name of the resulting .chm | |
1241 | # file. You can add a path in front of the file if the result should not be | |
1242 | # written to the html output directory. | |
1243 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. | |
1244 | ||
1245 | CHM_FILE = | |
1246 | ||
1247 | # The HHC_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location (absolute path | |
1248 | # including file name) of the HTML help compiler (hhc.exe). If non-empty, | |
1249 | # doxygen will try to run the HTML help compiler on the generated index.hhp. | |
1250 | # The file has to be specified with full path. | |
1251 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. | |
1252 | ||
1253 | HHC_LOCATION = | |
1254 | ||
1255 | # The GENERATE_CHI flag controls if a separate .chi index file is generated | |
1256 | # (YES) or that it should be included in the master .chm file (NO). | |
1257 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1258 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. | |
1259 | ||
1260 | GENERATE_CHI = NO | |
1261 | ||
1262 | # The CHM_INDEX_ENCODING is used to encode HtmlHelp index (hhk), content (hhc) | |
1263 | # and project file content. | |
1264 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. | |
1265 | ||
1267 | ||
1268 | # The BINARY_TOC flag controls whether a binary table of contents is generated | |
1269 | # (YES) or a normal table of contents (NO) in the .chm file. Furthermore it | |
1270 | # enables the Previous and Next buttons. | |
1271 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1272 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. | |
1273 | ||
1274 | BINARY_TOC = NO | |
1275 | ||
1276 | # The TOC_EXPAND flag can be set to YES to add extra items for group members to | |
1277 | # the table of contents of the HTML help documentation and to the tree view. | |
1278 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1279 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. | |
1280 | ||
1281 | TOC_EXPAND = NO | |
1282 | ||
1283 | # If the GENERATE_QHP tag is set to YES and both QHP_NAMESPACE and | |
1284 | # QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER are set, an additional index file will be generated that | |
1285 | # can be used as input for Qt's qhelpgenerator to generate a Qt Compressed Help | |
1286 | # (.qch) of the generated HTML documentation. | |
1287 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1288 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1289 | ||
1290 | GENERATE_QHP = NO | |
1291 | ||
1292 | # If the QHG_LOCATION tag is specified, the QCH_FILE tag can be used to specify | |
1293 | # the file name of the resulting .qch file. The path specified is relative to | |
1294 | # the HTML output folder. | |
1295 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1296 | ||
1297 | QCH_FILE = | |
1298 | ||
1299 | # The QHP_NAMESPACE tag specifies the namespace to use when generating Qt Help | |
1300 | # Project output. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Namespace | |
1301 | # (see: | |
1302 | # The default value is: org.doxygen.Project. | |
1303 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1304 | ||
1305 | QHP_NAMESPACE = org.doxygen.Project | |
1306 | ||
1307 | # The QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER tag specifies the namespace to use when generating Qt | |
1308 | # Help Project output. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Virtual | |
1309 | # Folders (see: | |
1310 | # folders). | |
1311 | # The default value is: doc. | |
1312 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1313 | ||
1314 | QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER = doc | |
1315 | ||
1316 | # If the QHP_CUST_FILTER_NAME tag is set, it specifies the name of a custom | |
1317 | # filter to add. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Custom | |
1318 | # Filters (see: | |
1319 | # filters). | |
1320 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1321 | ||
1323 | ||
1324 | # The QHP_CUST_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes of the | |
1325 | # custom filter to add. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Custom | |
1326 | # Filters (see: | |
1327 | # filters). | |
1328 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1329 | ||
1331 | ||
1332 | # The QHP_SECT_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes this | |
1333 | # project's filter section matches. Qt Help Project / Filter Attributes (see: | |
1334 | # | |
1335 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1336 | ||
1338 | ||
1339 | # The QHG_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location of Qt's | |
1340 | # qhelpgenerator. If non-empty doxygen will try to run qhelpgenerator on the | |
1341 | # generated .qhp file. | |
1342 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. | |
1343 | ||
1344 | QHG_LOCATION = | |
1345 | ||
1346 | # If the GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP tag is set to YES, additional index files will be | |
1347 | # generated, together with the HTML files, they form an Eclipse help plugin. To | |
1348 | # install this plugin and make it available under the help contents menu in | |
1349 | # Eclipse, the contents of the directory containing the HTML and XML files needs | |
1350 | # to be copied into the plugins directory of eclipse. The name of the directory | |
1351 | # within the plugins directory should be the same as the ECLIPSE_DOC_ID value. | |
1352 | # After copying Eclipse needs to be restarted before the help appears. | |
1353 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1354 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1355 | ||
1357 | ||
1358 | # A unique identifier for the Eclipse help plugin. When installing the plugin | |
1359 | # the directory name containing the HTML and XML files should also have this | |
1360 | # name. Each documentation set should have its own identifier. | |
1361 | # The default value is: org.doxygen.Project. | |
1362 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP is set to YES. | |
1363 | ||
1364 | ECLIPSE_DOC_ID = org.doxygen.Project | |
1365 | ||
1366 | # If you want full control over the layout of the generated HTML pages it might | |
1367 | # be necessary to disable the index and replace it with your own. The | |
1368 | # DISABLE_INDEX tag can be used to turn on/off the condensed index (tabs) at top | |
1369 | # of each HTML page. A value of NO enables the index and the value YES disables | |
1370 | # it. Since the tabs in the index contain the same information as the navigation | |
1371 | # tree, you can set this option to YES if you also set GENERATE_TREEVIEW to YES. | |
1372 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1373 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1374 | ||
1375 | DISABLE_INDEX = NO | |
1376 | ||
1377 | # The GENERATE_TREEVIEW tag is used to specify whether a tree-like index | |
1378 | # structure should be generated to display hierarchical information. If the tag | |
1379 | # value is set to YES, a side panel will be generated containing a tree-like | |
1380 | # index structure (just like the one that is generated for HTML Help). For this | |
1381 | # to work a browser that supports JavaScript, DHTML, CSS and frames is required | |
1382 | # (i.e. any modern browser). Windows users are probably better off using the | |
1383 | # HTML help feature. Via custom style sheets (see HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET) one can | |
1384 | # further fine-tune the look of the index. As an example, the default style | |
1385 | # sheet generated by doxygen has an example that shows how to put an image at | |
1386 | # the root of the tree instead of the PROJECT_NAME. Since the tree basically has | |
1387 | # the same information as the tab index, you could consider setting | |
1388 | # DISABLE_INDEX to YES when enabling this option. | |
1389 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1390 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1391 | ||
1393 | ||
1394 | # The ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE tag can be used to set the number of enum values that | |
1395 | # doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML documentation. | |
1396 | # | |
1397 | # Note that a value of 0 will completely suppress the enum values from appearing | |
1398 | # in the overview section. | |
1399 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 20, default value: 4. | |
1400 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1401 | ||
1402 | ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE = 4 | |
1403 | ||
1404 | # If the treeview is enabled (see GENERATE_TREEVIEW) then this tag can be used | |
1405 | # to set the initial width (in pixels) of the frame in which the tree is shown. | |
1406 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 1500, default value: 250. | |
1407 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1408 | ||
1409 | TREEVIEW_WIDTH = 250 | |
1410 | ||
1411 | # If the EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW option is set to YES, doxygen will open links to | |
1412 | # external symbols imported via tag files in a separate window. | |
1413 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1414 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1415 | ||
1417 | ||
1418 | # Use this tag to change the font size of LaTeX formulas included as images in | |
1419 | # the HTML documentation. When you change the font size after a successful | |
1420 | # doxygen run you need to manually remove any form_*.png images from the HTML | |
1421 | # output directory to force them to be regenerated. | |
1422 | # Minimum value: 8, maximum value: 50, default value: 10. | |
1423 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1424 | ||
1425 | FORMULA_FONTSIZE = 10 | |
1426 | ||
1427 | # Use the FORMULA_TRANPARENT tag to determine whether or not the images | |
1428 | # generated for formulas are transparent PNGs. Transparent PNGs are not | |
1429 | # supported properly for IE 6.0, but are supported on all modern browsers. | |
1430 | # | |
1431 | # Note that when changing this option you need to delete any form_*.png files in | |
1432 | # the HTML output directory before the changes have effect. | |
1433 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1434 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1435 | ||
1437 | ||
1438 | # Enable the USE_MATHJAX option to render LaTeX formulas using MathJax (see | |
1439 | # which uses client side Javascript for the rendering | |
1440 | # instead of using pre-rendered bitmaps. Use this if you do not have LaTeX | |
1441 | # installed or if you want to formulas look prettier in the HTML output. When | |
1442 | # enabled you may also need to install MathJax separately and configure the path | |
1443 | # to it using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option. | |
1444 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1445 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1446 | ||
1447 | USE_MATHJAX = NO | |
1448 | ||
1449 | # When MathJax is enabled you can set the default output format to be used for | |
1450 | # the MathJax output. See the MathJax site (see: | |
1451 | # for more details. | |
1452 | # Possible values are: HTML-CSS (which is slower, but has the best | |
1453 | # compatibility), NativeMML (i.e. MathML) and SVG. | |
1454 | # The default value is: HTML-CSS. | |
1455 | # This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES. | |
1456 | ||
1458 | ||
1459 | # When MathJax is enabled you need to specify the location relative to the HTML | |
1460 | # output directory using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option. The destination directory | |
1461 | # should contain the MathJax.js script. For instance, if the mathjax directory | |
1462 | # is located at the same level as the HTML output directory, then | |
1463 | # MATHJAX_RELPATH should be ../mathjax. The default value points to the MathJax | |
1464 | # Content Delivery Network so you can quickly see the result without installing | |
1465 | # MathJax. However, it is strongly recommended to install a local copy of | |
1466 | # MathJax from before deployment. | |
1467 | # The default value is: | |
1468 | # This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES. | |
1469 | ||
1470 | MATHJAX_RELPATH = | |
1471 | ||
1472 | # The MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS tag can be used to specify one or more MathJax | |
1473 | # extension names that should be enabled during MathJax rendering. For example | |
1474 | # MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS = TeX/AMSmath TeX/AMSsymbols | |
1475 | # This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES. | |
1476 | ||
1478 | ||
1479 | # The MATHJAX_CODEFILE tag can be used to specify a file with javascript pieces | |
1480 | # of code that will be used on startup of the MathJax code. See the MathJax site | |
1481 | # (see: for more details. For an | |
1482 | # example see the documentation. | |
1483 | # This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES. | |
1484 | ||
1486 | ||
1487 | # When the SEARCHENGINE tag is enabled doxygen will generate a search box for | |
1488 | # the HTML output. The underlying search engine uses javascript and DHTML and | |
1489 | # should work on any modern browser. Note that when using HTML help | |
1490 | # (GENERATE_HTMLHELP), Qt help (GENERATE_QHP), or docsets (GENERATE_DOCSET) | |
1491 | # there is already a search function so this one should typically be disabled. | |
1492 | # For large projects the javascript based search engine can be slow, then | |
1493 | # enabling SERVER_BASED_SEARCH may provide a better solution. It is possible to | |
1494 | # search using the keyboard; to jump to the search box use <access key> + S | |
1495 | # (what the <access key> is depends on the OS and browser, but it is typically | |
1496 | # <CTRL>, <ALT>/<option>, or both). Inside the search box use the <cursor down | |
1497 | # key> to jump into the search results window, the results can be navigated | |
1498 | # using the <cursor keys>. Press <Enter> to select an item or <escape> to cancel | |
1499 | # the search. The filter options can be selected when the cursor is inside the | |
1500 | # search box by pressing <Shift>+<cursor down>. Also here use the <cursor keys> | |
1501 | # to select a filter and <Enter> or <escape> to activate or cancel the filter | |
1502 | # option. | |
1503 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1504 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. | |
1505 | ||
1507 | ||
1508 | # When the SERVER_BASED_SEARCH tag is enabled the search engine will be | |
1509 | # implemented using a web server instead of a web client using Javascript. There | |
1510 | # are two flavors of web server based searching depending on the EXTERNAL_SEARCH | |
1511 | # setting. When disabled, doxygen will generate a PHP script for searching and | |
1512 | # an index file used by the script. When EXTERNAL_SEARCH is enabled the indexing | |
1513 | # and searching needs to be provided by external tools. See the section | |
1514 | # "External Indexing and Searching" for details. | |
1515 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1516 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES. | |
1517 | ||
1519 | ||
1520 | # When EXTERNAL_SEARCH tag is enabled doxygen will no longer generate the PHP | |
1521 | # script for searching. Instead the search results are written to an XML file | |
1522 | # which needs to be processed by an external indexer. Doxygen will invoke an | |
1523 | # external search engine pointed to by the SEARCHENGINE_URL option to obtain the | |
1524 | # search results. | |
1525 | # | |
1526 | # Doxygen ships with an example indexer (doxyindexer) and search engine | |
1527 | # (doxysearch.cgi) which are based on the open source search engine library | |
1528 | # Xapian (see: | |
1529 | # | |
1530 | # See the section "External Indexing and Searching" for details. | |
1531 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1532 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES. | |
1533 | ||
1535 | ||
1536 | # The SEARCHENGINE_URL should point to a search engine hosted by a web server | |
1537 | # which will return the search results when EXTERNAL_SEARCH is enabled. | |
1538 | # | |
1539 | # Doxygen ships with an example indexer (doxyindexer) and search engine | |
1540 | # (doxysearch.cgi) which are based on the open source search engine library | |
1541 | # Xapian (see: See the section "External Indexing and | |
1542 | # Searching" for details. | |
1543 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES. | |
1544 | ||
1546 | ||
1547 | # When SERVER_BASED_SEARCH and EXTERNAL_SEARCH are both enabled the unindexed | |
1548 | # search data is written to a file for indexing by an external tool. With the | |
1549 | # SEARCHDATA_FILE tag the name of this file can be specified. | |
1550 | # The default file is: searchdata.xml. | |
1551 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES. | |
1552 | ||
1553 | SEARCHDATA_FILE = searchdata.xml | |
1554 | ||
1555 | # When SERVER_BASED_SEARCH and EXTERNAL_SEARCH are both enabled the | |
1556 | # EXTERNAL_SEARCH_ID tag can be used as an identifier for the project. This is | |
1557 | # useful in combination with EXTRA_SEARCH_MAPPINGS to search through multiple | |
1558 | # projects and redirect the results back to the right project. | |
1559 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES. | |
1560 | ||
1562 | ||
1563 | # The EXTRA_SEARCH_MAPPINGS tag can be used to enable searching through doxygen | |
1564 | # projects other than the one defined by this configuration file, but that are | |
1565 | # all added to the same external search index. Each project needs to have a | |
1566 | # unique id set via EXTERNAL_SEARCH_ID. The search mapping then maps the id of | |
1567 | # to a relative location where the documentation can be found. The format is: | |
1568 | # EXTRA_SEARCH_MAPPINGS = tagname1=loc1 tagname2=loc2 ... | |
1569 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES. | |
1570 | ||
1572 | ||
1573 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1574 | # Configuration options related to the LaTeX output | |
1575 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1576 | ||
1577 | # If the GENERATE_LATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate LaTeX output. | |
1578 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1579 | ||
1580 | GENERATE_LATEX = NO | |
1581 | ||
1582 | # The LATEX_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the LaTeX docs will be put. If a | |
1583 | # relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of | |
1584 | # it. | |
1585 | # The default directory is: latex. | |
1586 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1587 | ||
1588 | LATEX_OUTPUT = latex | |
1589 | ||
1590 | # The LATEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the LaTeX command name to be | |
1591 | # invoked. | |
1592 | # | |
1593 | # Note that when enabling USE_PDFLATEX this option is only used for generating | |
1594 | # bitmaps for formulas in the HTML output, but not in the Makefile that is | |
1595 | # written to the output directory. | |
1596 | # The default file is: latex. | |
1597 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1598 | ||
1599 | LATEX_CMD_NAME = latex | |
1600 | ||
1601 | # The MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the command name to generate | |
1602 | # index for LaTeX. | |
1603 | # The default file is: makeindex. | |
1604 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1605 | ||
1606 | MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME = makeindex | |
1607 | ||
1608 | # If the COMPACT_LATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen generates more compact LaTeX | |
1609 | # documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to save some | |
1610 | # trees in general. | |
1611 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1612 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1613 | ||
1614 | COMPACT_LATEX = NO | |
1615 | ||
1616 | # The PAPER_TYPE tag can be used to set the paper type that is used by the | |
1617 | # printer. | |
1618 | # Possible values are: a4 (210 x 297 mm), letter (8.5 x 11 inches), legal (8.5 x | |
1619 | # 14 inches) and executive (7.25 x 10.5 inches). | |
1620 | # The default value is: a4. | |
1621 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1622 | ||
1623 | PAPER_TYPE = a4 | |
1624 | ||
1625 | # The EXTRA_PACKAGES tag can be used to specify one or more LaTeX package names | |
1626 | # that should be included in the LaTeX output. To get the times font for | |
1627 | # instance you can specify | |
1628 | # EXTRA_PACKAGES=times | |
1629 | # If left blank no extra packages will be included. | |
1630 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1631 | ||
1632 | EXTRA_PACKAGES = | |
1633 | ||
1634 | # The LATEX_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX header for the | |
1635 | # generated LaTeX document. The header should contain everything until the first | |
1636 | # chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a standard header. See | |
1637 | # section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to let doxygen write the | |
1638 | # default header to a separate file. | |
1639 | # | |
1640 | # Note: Only use a user-defined header if you know what you are doing! The | |
1641 | # following commands have a special meaning inside the header: $title, | |
1642 | # $datetime, $date, $doxygenversion, $projectname, $projectnumber, | |
1643 | # $projectbrief, $projectlogo. Doxygen will replace $title with the empty | |
1644 | # string, for the replacement values of the other commands the user is referred | |
1645 | # to HTML_HEADER. | |
1646 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1647 | ||
1648 | LATEX_HEADER = | |
1649 | ||
1650 | # The LATEX_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX footer for the | |
1651 | # generated LaTeX document. The footer should contain everything after the last | |
1652 | # chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a standard footer. See | |
1653 | # LATEX_HEADER for more information on how to generate a default footer and what | |
1654 | # special commands can be used inside the footer. | |
1655 | # | |
1656 | # Note: Only use a user-defined footer if you know what you are doing! | |
1657 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1658 | ||
1659 | LATEX_FOOTER = | |
1660 | ||
1661 | # The LATEX_EXTRA_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify additional user-defined | |
1662 | # LaTeX style sheets that are included after the standard style sheets created | |
1663 | # by doxygen. Using this option one can overrule certain style aspects. Doxygen | |
1664 | # will copy the style sheet files to the output directory. | |
1665 | # Note: The order of the extra style sheet files is of importance (e.g. the last | |
1666 | # style sheet in the list overrules the setting of the previous ones in the | |
1667 | # list). | |
1668 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1669 | ||
1671 | ||
1672 | # The LATEX_EXTRA_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more extra images or | |
1673 | # other source files which should be copied to the LATEX_OUTPUT output | |
1674 | # directory. Note that the files will be copied as-is; there are no commands or | |
1675 | # markers available. | |
1676 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1677 | ||
1678 | LATEX_EXTRA_FILES = | |
1679 | ||
1680 | # If the PDF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the LaTeX that is generated is | |
1681 | # prepared for conversion to PDF (using ps2pdf or pdflatex). The PDF file will | |
1682 | # contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references. This | |
1683 | # makes the output suitable for online browsing using a PDF viewer. | |
1684 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1685 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1686 | ||
1688 | ||
1689 | # If the USE_PDFLATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen will use pdflatex to generate | |
1690 | # the PDF file directly from the LaTeX files. Set this option to YES, to get a | |
1691 | # higher quality PDF documentation. | |
1692 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1693 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1694 | ||
1695 | USE_PDFLATEX = YES | |
1696 | ||
1697 | # If the LATEX_BATCHMODE tag is set to YES, doxygen will add the \batchmode | |
1698 | # command to the generated LaTeX files. This will instruct LaTeX to keep running | |
1699 | # if errors occur, instead of asking the user for help. This option is also used | |
1700 | # when generating formulas in HTML. | |
1701 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1702 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1703 | ||
1705 | ||
1706 | # If the LATEX_HIDE_INDICES tag is set to YES then doxygen will not include the | |
1707 | # index chapters (such as File Index, Compound Index, etc.) in the output. | |
1708 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1709 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1710 | ||
1712 | ||
1713 | # If the LATEX_SOURCE_CODE tag is set to YES then doxygen will include source | |
1714 | # code with syntax highlighting in the LaTeX output. | |
1715 | # | |
1716 | # Note that which sources are shown also depends on other settings such as | |
1717 | # SOURCE_BROWSER. | |
1718 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1719 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1720 | ||
1722 | ||
1723 | # The LATEX_BIB_STYLE tag can be used to specify the style to use for the | |
1724 | # bibliography, e.g. plainnat, or ieeetr. See | |
1725 | # and \cite for more info. | |
1726 | # The default value is: plain. | |
1727 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES. | |
1728 | ||
1729 | LATEX_BIB_STYLE = plain | |
1730 | ||
1731 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1732 | # Configuration options related to the RTF output | |
1733 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1734 | ||
1735 | # If the GENERATE_RTF tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate RTF output. The | |
1736 | # RTF output is optimized for Word 97 and may not look too pretty with other RTF | |
1737 | # readers/editors. | |
1738 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1739 | ||
1740 | GENERATE_RTF = NO | |
1741 | ||
1742 | # The RTF_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the RTF docs will be put. If a | |
1743 | # relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of | |
1744 | # it. | |
1745 | # The default directory is: rtf. | |
1746 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES. | |
1747 | ||
1748 | RTF_OUTPUT = rtf | |
1749 | ||
1750 | # If the COMPACT_RTF tag is set to YES, doxygen generates more compact RTF | |
1751 | # documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to save some | |
1752 | # trees in general. | |
1753 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1754 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES. | |
1755 | ||
1756 | COMPACT_RTF = NO | |
1757 | ||
1758 | # If the RTF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the RTF that is generated will | |
1759 | # contain hyperlink fields. The RTF file will contain links (just like the HTML | |
1760 | # output) instead of page references. This makes the output suitable for online | |
1761 | # browsing using Word or some other Word compatible readers that support those | |
1762 | # fields. | |
1763 | # | |
1764 | # Note: WordPad (write) and others do not support links. | |
1765 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1766 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES. | |
1767 | ||
1768 | RTF_HYPERLINKS = NO | |
1769 | ||
1770 | # Load stylesheet definitions from file. Syntax is similar to doxygen's config | |
1771 | # file, i.e. a series of assignments. You only have to provide replacements, | |
1772 | # missing definitions are set to their default value. | |
1773 | # | |
1774 | # See also section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the | |
1775 | # default style sheet that doxygen normally uses. | |
1776 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES. | |
1777 | ||
1779 | ||
1780 | # Set optional variables used in the generation of an RTF document. Syntax is | |
1781 | # similar to doxygen's config file. A template extensions file can be generated | |
1782 | # using doxygen -e rtf extensionFile. | |
1783 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES. | |
1784 | ||
1786 | ||
1787 | # If the RTF_SOURCE_CODE tag is set to YES then doxygen will include source code | |
1788 | # with syntax highlighting in the RTF output. | |
1789 | # | |
1790 | # Note that which sources are shown also depends on other settings such as | |
1791 | # SOURCE_BROWSER. | |
1792 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1793 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES. | |
1794 | ||
1795 | RTF_SOURCE_CODE = NO | |
1796 | ||
1797 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1798 | # Configuration options related to the man page output | |
1799 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1800 | ||
1801 | # If the GENERATE_MAN tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate man pages for | |
1802 | # classes and files. | |
1803 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1804 | ||
1805 | GENERATE_MAN = NO | |
1806 | ||
1807 | # The MAN_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the man pages will be put. If a | |
1808 | # relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of | |
1809 | # it. A directory man3 will be created inside the directory specified by | |
1810 | # MAN_OUTPUT. | |
1811 | # The default directory is: man. | |
1812 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES. | |
1813 | ||
1814 | MAN_OUTPUT = man | |
1815 | ||
1816 | # The MAN_EXTENSION tag determines the extension that is added to the generated | |
1817 | # man pages. In case the manual section does not start with a number, the number | |
1818 | # 3 is prepended. The dot (.) at the beginning of the MAN_EXTENSION tag is | |
1819 | # optional. | |
1820 | # The default value is: .3. | |
1821 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES. | |
1822 | ||
1823 | MAN_EXTENSION = .3 | |
1824 | ||
1825 | # The MAN_SUBDIR tag determines the name of the directory created within | |
1826 | # MAN_OUTPUT in which the man pages are placed. If defaults to man followed by | |
1827 | # MAN_EXTENSION with the initial . removed. | |
1828 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES. | |
1829 | ||
1830 | MAN_SUBDIR = | |
1831 | ||
1832 | # If the MAN_LINKS tag is set to YES and doxygen generates man output, then it | |
1833 | # will generate one additional man file for each entity documented in the real | |
1834 | # man page(s). These additional files only source the real man page, but without | |
1835 | # them the man command would be unable to find the correct page. | |
1836 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1837 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES. | |
1838 | ||
1839 | MAN_LINKS = NO | |
1840 | ||
1841 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1842 | # Configuration options related to the XML output | |
1843 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1844 | ||
1845 | # If the GENERATE_XML tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate an XML file that | |
1846 | # captures the structure of the code including all documentation. | |
1847 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1848 | ||
1849 | GENERATE_XML = NO | |
1850 | ||
1851 | # The XML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the XML pages will be put. If a | |
1852 | # relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of | |
1853 | # it. | |
1854 | # The default directory is: xml. | |
1855 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_XML is set to YES. | |
1856 | ||
1857 | XML_OUTPUT = xml | |
1858 | ||
1859 | # If the XML_PROGRAMLISTING tag is set to YES, doxygen will dump the program | |
1860 | # listings (including syntax highlighting and cross-referencing information) to | |
1861 | # the XML output. Note that enabling this will significantly increase the size | |
1862 | # of the XML output. | |
1863 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1864 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_XML is set to YES. | |
1865 | ||
1867 | ||
1868 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1869 | # Configuration options related to the DOCBOOK output | |
1870 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1871 | ||
1872 | # If the GENERATE_DOCBOOK tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate Docbook files | |
1873 | # that can be used to generate PDF. | |
1874 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1875 | ||
1877 | ||
1878 | # The DOCBOOK_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the Docbook pages will be put. | |
1879 | # If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in | |
1880 | # front of it. | |
1881 | # The default directory is: docbook. | |
1882 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCBOOK is set to YES. | |
1883 | ||
1884 | DOCBOOK_OUTPUT = docbook | |
1885 | ||
1886 | # If the DOCBOOK_PROGRAMLISTING tag is set to YES, doxygen will include the | |
1887 | # program listings (including syntax highlighting and cross-referencing | |
1888 | # information) to the DOCBOOK output. Note that enabling this will significantly | |
1889 | # increase the size of the DOCBOOK output. | |
1890 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1891 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCBOOK is set to YES. | |
1892 | ||
1894 | ||
1895 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1896 | # Configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output | |
1897 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1898 | ||
1899 | # If the GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate an | |
1900 | # AutoGen Definitions (see file that captures the | |
1901 | # structure of the code including all documentation. Note that this feature is | |
1902 | # still experimental and incomplete at the moment. | |
1903 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1904 | ||
1906 | ||
1907 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1908 | # Configuration options related to the Perl module output | |
1909 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1910 | ||
1911 | # If the GENERATE_PERLMOD tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate a Perl module | |
1912 | # file that captures the structure of the code including all documentation. | |
1913 | # | |
1914 | # Note that this feature is still experimental and incomplete at the moment. | |
1915 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1916 | ||
1918 | ||
1919 | # If the PERLMOD_LATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate the necessary | |
1920 | # Makefile rules, Perl scripts and LaTeX code to be able to generate PDF and DVI | |
1921 | # output from the Perl module output. | |
1922 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1923 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_PERLMOD is set to YES. | |
1924 | ||
1925 | PERLMOD_LATEX = NO | |
1926 | ||
1927 | # If the PERLMOD_PRETTY tag is set to YES, the Perl module output will be nicely | |
1928 | # formatted so it can be parsed by a human reader. This is useful if you want to | |
1929 | # understand what is going on. On the other hand, if this tag is set to NO, the | |
1930 | # size of the Perl module output will be much smaller and Perl will parse it | |
1931 | # just the same. | |
1932 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1933 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_PERLMOD is set to YES. | |
1934 | ||
1936 | ||
1937 | # The names of the make variables in the generated doxyrules.make file are | |
1938 | # prefixed with the string contained in PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX. This is useful | |
1939 | # so different doxyrules.make files included by the same Makefile don't | |
1940 | # overwrite each other's variables. | |
1941 | # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_PERLMOD is set to YES. | |
1942 | ||
1944 | ||
1945 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1946 | # Configuration options related to the preprocessor | |
1947 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1948 | ||
1949 | # If the ENABLE_PREPROCESSING tag is set to YES, doxygen will evaluate all | |
1950 | # C-preprocessor directives found in the sources and include files. | |
1951 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1952 | ||
1954 | ||
1955 | # If the MACRO_EXPANSION tag is set to YES, doxygen will expand all macro names | |
1956 | # in the source code. If set to NO, only conditional compilation will be | |
1957 | # performed. Macro expansion can be done in a controlled way by setting | |
1958 | # EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF to YES. | |
1959 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1960 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
1961 | ||
1963 | ||
1964 | # If the EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF and MACRO_EXPANSION tags are both set to YES then | |
1965 | # the macro expansion is limited to the macros specified with the PREDEFINED and | |
1966 | # EXPAND_AS_DEFINED tags. | |
1967 | # The default value is: NO. | |
1968 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
1969 | ||
1971 | ||
1972 | # If the SEARCH_INCLUDES tag is set to YES, the include files in the | |
1973 | # INCLUDE_PATH will be searched if a #include is found. | |
1974 | # The default value is: YES. | |
1975 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
1976 | ||
1978 | ||
1979 | # The INCLUDE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more directories that | |
1980 | # contain include files that are not input files but should be processed by the | |
1981 | # preprocessor. | |
1982 | # This tag requires that the tag SEARCH_INCLUDES is set to YES. | |
1983 | ||
1984 | INCLUDE_PATH = | |
1985 | ||
1986 | # You can use the INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard | |
1987 | # patterns (like *.h and *.hpp) to filter out the header-files in the | |
1988 | # directories. If left blank, the patterns specified with FILE_PATTERNS will be | |
1989 | # used. | |
1990 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
1991 | ||
1993 | ||
1994 | # The PREDEFINED tag can be used to specify one or more macro names that are | |
1995 | # defined before the preprocessor is started (similar to the -D option of e.g. | |
1996 | # gcc). The argument of the tag is a list of macros of the form: name or | |
1997 | # name=definition (no spaces). If the definition and the "=" are omitted, "=1" | |
1998 | # is assumed. To prevent a macro definition from being undefined via #undef or | |
1999 | # recursively expanded use the := operator instead of the = operator. | |
2000 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
2001 | ||
2002 | PREDEFINED = | |
2003 | ||
2004 | # If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then this | |
2005 | # tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded. The | |
2006 | # macro definition that is found in the sources will be used. Use the PREDEFINED | |
2007 | # tag if you want to use a different macro definition that overrules the | |
2008 | # definition found in the source code. | |
2009 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
2010 | ||
2011 | EXPAND_AS_DEFINED = | |
2012 | ||
2013 | # If the SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS tag is set to YES then doxygen's preprocessor will | |
2014 | # remove all references to function-like macros that are alone on a line, have | |
2015 | # an all uppercase name, and do not end with a semicolon. Such function macros | |
2016 | # are typically used for boiler-plate code, and will confuse the parser if not | |
2017 | # removed. | |
2018 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2019 | # This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES. | |
2020 | ||
2022 | ||
2023 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
2024 | # Configuration options related to external references | |
2025 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
2026 | ||
2027 | # The TAGFILES tag can be used to specify one or more tag files. For each tag | |
2028 | # file the location of the external documentation should be added. The format of | |
2029 | # a tag file without this location is as follows: | |
2030 | # TAGFILES = file1 file2 ... | |
2031 | # Adding location for the tag files is done as follows: | |
2032 | # TAGFILES = file1=loc1 "file2 = loc2" ... | |
2033 | # where loc1 and loc2 can be relative or absolute paths or URLs. See the | |
2034 | # section "Linking to external documentation" for more information about the use | |
2035 | # of tag files. | |
2036 | # Note: Each tag file must have a unique name (where the name does NOT include | |
2037 | # the path). If a tag file is not located in the directory in which doxygen is | |
2038 | # run, you must also specify the path to the tagfile here. | |
2039 | ||
2040 | TAGFILES = | |
2041 | ||
2042 | # When a file name is specified after GENERATE_TAGFILE, doxygen will create a | |
2043 | # tag file that is based on the input files it reads. See section "Linking to | |
2044 | # external documentation" for more information about the usage of tag files. | |
2045 | ||
2047 | ||
2048 | # If the ALLEXTERNALS tag is set to YES, all external class will be listed in | |
2049 | # the class index. If set to NO, only the inherited external classes will be | |
2050 | # listed. | |
2051 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2052 | ||
2053 | ALLEXTERNALS = NO | |
2054 | ||
2055 | # If the EXTERNAL_GROUPS tag is set to YES, all external groups will be listed | |
2056 | # in the modules index. If set to NO, only the current project's groups will be | |
2057 | # listed. | |
2058 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2059 | ||
2061 | ||
2062 | # If the EXTERNAL_PAGES tag is set to YES, all external pages will be listed in | |
2063 | # the related pages index. If set to NO, only the current project's pages will | |
2064 | # be listed. | |
2065 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2066 | ||
2068 | ||
2069 | # The PERL_PATH should be the absolute path and name of the perl script | |
2070 | # interpreter (i.e. the result of 'which perl'). | |
2071 | # The default file (with absolute path) is: /usr/bin/perl. | |
2072 | ||
2073 | PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl | |
2074 | ||
2075 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
2076 | # Configuration options related to the dot tool | |
2077 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
2078 | ||
2079 | # If the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate a class diagram | |
2080 | # (in HTML and LaTeX) for classes with base or super classes. Setting the tag to | |
2081 | # NO turns the diagrams off. Note that this option also works with HAVE_DOT | |
2082 | # disabled, but it is recommended to install and use dot, since it yields more | |
2083 | # powerful graphs. | |
2084 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2085 | ||
2087 | ||
2088 | # You can define message sequence charts within doxygen comments using the \msc | |
2089 | # command. Doxygen will then run the mscgen tool (see: | |
2090 | # to produce the chart and insert it in the | |
2091 | # documentation. The MSCGEN_PATH tag allows you to specify the directory where | |
2092 | # the mscgen tool resides. If left empty the tool is assumed to be found in the | |
2093 | # default search path. | |
2094 | ||
2095 | MSCGEN_PATH = | |
2096 | ||
2097 | # You can include diagrams made with dia in doxygen documentation. Doxygen will | |
2098 | # then run dia to produce the diagram and insert it in the documentation. The | |
2099 | # DIA_PATH tag allows you to specify the directory where the dia binary resides. | |
2100 | # If left empty dia is assumed to be found in the default search path. | |
2101 | ||
2102 | DIA_PATH = | |
2103 | ||
2104 | # If set to YES the inheritance and collaboration graphs will hide inheritance | |
2105 | # and usage relations if the target is undocumented or is not a class. | |
2106 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2107 | ||
2109 | ||
2110 | # If you set the HAVE_DOT tag to YES then doxygen will assume the dot tool is | |
2111 | # available from the path. This tool is part of Graphviz (see: | |
2112 | #, a graph visualization toolkit from AT&T and Lucent | |
2113 | # Bell Labs. The other options in this section have no effect if this option is | |
2114 | # set to NO | |
2115 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2116 | ||
2117 | HAVE_DOT = NO | |
2118 | ||
2119 | # The DOT_NUM_THREADS specifies the number of dot invocations doxygen is allowed | |
2120 | # to run in parallel. When set to 0 doxygen will base this on the number of | |
2121 | # processors available in the system. You can set it explicitly to a value | |
2122 | # larger than 0 to get control over the balance between CPU load and processing | |
2123 | # speed. | |
2124 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 32, default value: 0. | |
2125 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2126 | ||
2127 | DOT_NUM_THREADS = 0 | |
2128 | ||
2129 | # When you want a differently looking font in the dot files that doxygen | |
2130 | # generates you can specify the font name using DOT_FONTNAME. You need to make | |
2131 | # sure dot is able to find the font, which can be done by putting it in a | |
2132 | # standard location or by setting the DOTFONTPATH environment variable or by | |
2133 | # setting DOT_FONTPATH to the directory containing the font. | |
2134 | # The default value is: Helvetica. | |
2135 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2136 | ||
2137 | DOT_FONTNAME = Helvetica | |
2138 | ||
2139 | # The DOT_FONTSIZE tag can be used to set the size (in points) of the font of | |
2140 | # dot graphs. | |
2141 | # Minimum value: 4, maximum value: 24, default value: 10. | |
2142 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2143 | ||
2144 | DOT_FONTSIZE = 10 | |
2145 | ||
2146 | # By default doxygen will tell dot to use the default font as specified with | |
2147 | # DOT_FONTNAME. If you specify a different font using DOT_FONTNAME you can set | |
2148 | # the path where dot can find it using this tag. | |
2149 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2150 | ||
2151 | DOT_FONTPATH = | |
2152 | ||
2153 | # If the CLASS_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for | |
2154 | # each documented class showing the direct and indirect inheritance relations. | |
2155 | # Setting this tag to YES will force the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag to NO. | |
2156 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2157 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2158 | ||
2159 | CLASS_GRAPH = YES | |
2160 | ||
2161 | # If the COLLABORATION_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a | |
2162 | # graph for each documented class showing the direct and indirect implementation | |
2163 | # dependencies (inheritance, containment, and class references variables) of the | |
2164 | # class with other documented classes. | |
2165 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2166 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2167 | ||
2169 | ||
2170 | # If the GROUP_GRAPHS tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for | |
2171 | # groups, showing the direct groups dependencies. | |
2172 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2173 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2174 | ||
2175 | GROUP_GRAPHS = YES | |
2176 | ||
2177 | # If the UML_LOOK tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate inheritance and | |
2178 | # collaboration diagrams in a style similar to the OMG's Unified Modeling | |
2179 | # Language. | |
2180 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2181 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2182 | ||
2183 | UML_LOOK = NO | |
2184 | ||
2185 | # If the UML_LOOK tag is enabled, the fields and methods are shown inside the | |
2186 | # class node. If there are many fields or methods and many nodes the graph may | |
2187 | # become too big to be useful. The UML_LIMIT_NUM_FIELDS threshold limits the | |
2188 | # number of items for each type to make the size more manageable. Set this to 0 | |
2189 | # for no limit. Note that the threshold may be exceeded by 50% before the limit | |
2190 | # is enforced. So when you set the threshold to 10, up to 15 fields may appear, | |
2191 | # but if the number exceeds 15, the total amount of fields shown is limited to | |
2192 | # 10. | |
2193 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 100, default value: 10. | |
2194 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2195 | ||
2196 | UML_LIMIT_NUM_FIELDS = 10 | |
2197 | ||
2198 | # If the TEMPLATE_RELATIONS tag is set to YES then the inheritance and | |
2199 | # collaboration graphs will show the relations between templates and their | |
2200 | # instances. | |
2201 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2202 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2203 | ||
2205 | ||
2207 | # YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented file showing the | |
2208 | # direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with other documented | |
2209 | # files. | |
2210 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2211 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2212 | ||
2213 | INCLUDE_GRAPH = YES | |
2214 | ||
2216 | # set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented file showing | |
2217 | # the direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with other documented | |
2218 | # files. | |
2219 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2220 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2221 | ||
2223 | ||
2224 | # If the CALL_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a call | |
2225 | # dependency graph for every global function or class method. | |
2226 | # | |
2227 | # Note that enabling this option will significantly increase the time of a run. | |
2228 | # So in most cases it will be better to enable call graphs for selected | |
2229 | # functions only using the \callgraph command. | |
2230 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2231 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2232 | ||
2233 | CALL_GRAPH = NO | |
2234 | ||
2235 | # If the CALLER_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a caller | |
2236 | # dependency graph for every global function or class method. | |
2237 | # | |
2238 | # Note that enabling this option will significantly increase the time of a run. | |
2239 | # So in most cases it will be better to enable caller graphs for selected | |
2240 | # functions only using the \callergraph command. | |
2241 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2242 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2243 | ||
2244 | CALLER_GRAPH = NO | |
2245 | ||
2246 | # If the GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY tag is set to YES then doxygen will graphical | |
2247 | # hierarchy of all classes instead of a textual one. | |
2248 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2249 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2250 | ||
2252 | ||
2253 | # If the DIRECTORY_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will show the | |
2254 | # dependencies a directory has on other directories in a graphical way. The | |
2255 | # dependency relations are determined by the #include relations between the | |
2256 | # files in the directories. | |
2257 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2258 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2259 | ||
2261 | ||
2262 | # The DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT tag can be used to set the image format of the images | |
2263 | # generated by dot. | |
2264 | # Note: If you choose svg you need to set HTML_FILE_EXTENSION to xhtml in order | |
2265 | # to make the SVG files visible in IE 9+ (other browsers do not have this | |
2266 | # requirement). | |
2267 | # Possible values are: png, jpg, gif and svg. | |
2268 | # The default value is: png. | |
2269 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2270 | ||
2271 | DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT = png | |
2272 | ||
2273 | # If DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT is set to svg, then this option can be set to YES to | |
2274 | # enable generation of interactive SVG images that allow zooming and panning. | |
2275 | # | |
2276 | # Note that this requires a modern browser other than Internet Explorer. Tested | |
2277 | # and working are Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. | |
2278 | # Note: For IE 9+ you need to set HTML_FILE_EXTENSION to xhtml in order to make | |
2279 | # the SVG files visible. Older versions of IE do not have SVG support. | |
2280 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2281 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2282 | ||
2284 | ||
2285 | # The DOT_PATH tag can be used to specify the path where the dot tool can be | |
2286 | # found. If left blank, it is assumed the dot tool can be found in the path. | |
2287 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2288 | ||
2289 | DOT_PATH = | |
2290 | ||
2291 | # The DOTFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that | |
2292 | # contain dot files that are included in the documentation (see the \dotfile | |
2293 | # command). | |
2294 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2295 | ||
2296 | DOTFILE_DIRS = | |
2297 | ||
2298 | # The MSCFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that | |
2299 | # contain msc files that are included in the documentation (see the \mscfile | |
2300 | # command). | |
2301 | ||
2302 | MSCFILE_DIRS = | |
2303 | ||
2304 | # The DIAFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that | |
2305 | # contain dia files that are included in the documentation (see the \diafile | |
2306 | # command). | |
2307 | ||
2308 | DIAFILE_DIRS = | |
2309 | ||
2310 | # When using plantuml, the PLANTUML_JAR_PATH tag should be used to specify the | |
2311 | # path where java can find the plantuml.jar file. If left blank, it is assumed | |
2312 | # PlantUML is not used or called during a preprocessing step. Doxygen will | |
2313 | # generate a warning when it encounters a \startuml command in this case and | |
2314 | # will not generate output for the diagram. | |
2315 | ||
2316 | PLANTUML_JAR_PATH = | |
2317 | ||
2318 | # When using plantuml, the specified paths are searched for files specified by | |
2319 | # the !include statement in a plantuml block. | |
2320 | ||
2322 | ||
2323 | # The DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES tag can be used to set the maximum number of nodes | |
2324 | # that will be shown in the graph. If the number of nodes in a graph becomes | |
2325 | # larger than this value, doxygen will truncate the graph, which is visualized | |
2326 | # by representing a node as a red box. Note that doxygen if the number of direct | |
2327 | # children of the root node in a graph is already larger than | |
2328 | # DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES then the graph will not be shown at all. Also note that | |
2329 | # the size of a graph can be further restricted by MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH. | |
2330 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 10000, default value: 50. | |
2331 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2332 | ||
2333 | DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES = 50 | |
2334 | ||
2335 | # The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH tag can be used to set the maximum depth of the graphs | |
2336 | # generated by dot. A depth value of 3 means that only nodes reachable from the | |
2337 | # root by following a path via at most 3 edges will be shown. Nodes that lay | |
2338 | # further from the root node will be omitted. Note that setting this option to 1 | |
2339 | # or 2 may greatly reduce the computation time needed for large code bases. Also | |
2340 | # note that the size of a graph can be further restricted by | |
2341 | # DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES. Using a depth of 0 means no depth restriction. | |
2342 | # Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 1000, default value: 0. | |
2343 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2344 | ||
2345 | MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH = 0 | |
2346 | ||
2347 | # Set the DOT_TRANSPARENT tag to YES to generate images with a transparent | |
2348 | # background. This is disabled by default, because dot on Windows does not seem | |
2349 | # to support this out of the box. | |
2350 | # | |
2351 | # Warning: Depending on the platform used, enabling this option may lead to | |
2352 | # badly anti-aliased labels on the edges of a graph (i.e. they become hard to | |
2353 | # read). | |
2354 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2355 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2356 | ||
2358 | ||
2359 | # Set the DOT_MULTI_TARGETS tag to YES to allow dot to generate multiple output | |
2360 | # files in one run (i.e. multiple -o and -T options on the command line). This | |
2361 | # makes dot run faster, but since only newer versions of dot (>1.8.10) support | |
2362 | # this, this feature is disabled by default. | |
2363 | # The default value is: NO. | |
2364 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2365 | ||
2367 | ||
2368 | # If the GENERATE_LEGEND tag is set to YES doxygen will generate a legend page | |
2369 | # explaining the meaning of the various boxes and arrows in the dot generated | |
2370 | # graphs. | |
2371 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2372 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2373 | ||
2375 | ||
2376 | # If the DOT_CLEANUP tag is set to YES, doxygen will remove the intermediate dot | |
2377 | # files that are used to generate the various graphs. | |
2378 | # The default value is: YES. | |
2379 | # This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES. | |
2380 | ||
2381 | DOT_CLEANUP = YES |
r250335 | r250336 | |
532 | 532 | os.outputof( PYTHON .. " " .. MAME_DIR .. "scripts/build/ " .. MAME_DIR .. " " .. _OPTIONS["SOURCES"] .. " drivers " .. _OPTIONS["subtarget"] .. " > ".. GEN_DIR .. _OPTIONS["target"] .. "/" .. _OPTIONS["subtarget"].."/drivlist.cpp") |
533 | 533 | end |
534 | 534 | configuration { "gmake" } |
535 | if _OPTIONS["CPP11"]~="1" then | |
535 | 536 | defines { |
536 | 537 | "nullptr=NULL" -- getting ready for C++11 |
537 | 538 | } |
539 | end | |
538 | 540 | flags { |
539 | 541 | "SingleOutputDir", |
540 | 542 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
621 | 623 | } |
622 | 624 | buildoptions { |
623 | 625 | "-Wno-unused-label", |
626 | "-flax-vector-conversions", | |
624 | 627 | } |
625 | 628 | if _OPTIONS["SYMBOLS"] then |
626 | 629 | buildoptions { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
371 | 371 | defines { |
372 | 372 | "LUA_COMPAT_ALL", |
373 | 373 | } |
374 | if not (_OPTIONS["targetos"]=="windows") then | |
374 | if not (_OPTIONS["targetos"]=="windows") and not (_OPTIONS["targetos"]=="asmjs") then | |
375 | 375 | defines { |
376 | 376 | "LUA_USE_POSIX", |
377 | 377 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
674 | 674 | includedirs { |
675 | 675 | MAME_DIR .. "3rdparty/bx/include/compat/mingw", |
676 | 676 | } |
677 | if _OPTIONS["CPP11"]~="1" then | |
677 | 678 | defines { |
678 | 679 | "nullptr=NULL" -- not used but needed for C++11 code |
679 | 680 | } |
681 | end | |
680 | 682 | |
681 | 683 | configuration { "osx*" } |
682 | 684 | includedirs { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1895 | 1895 | MAME_DIR .. "src/devices/cpu/tms9900/tms9995.h", |
1896 | 1896 | MAME_DIR .. "src/devices/cpu/tms9900/ti990_10.cpp", |
1897 | 1897 | MAME_DIR .. "src/devices/cpu/tms9900/ti990_10.h", |
1898 | MAME_DIR .. "src/devices/cpu/tms9900/99xxcore.h", | |
1899 | 1898 | MAME_DIR .. "src/devices/cpu/tms9900/tms99com.h", |
1900 | 1899 | } |
1901 | 1900 | end |
r250335 | r250336 | |
261 | 261 | MAME_DIR .. "src/lib/formats/fmsx_cas.h", |
262 | 262 | MAME_DIR .. "src/lib/formats/fmtowns_dsk.cpp", |
263 | 263 | MAME_DIR .. "src/lib/formats/fmtowns_dsk.h", |
264 | MAME_DIR .. "src/lib/formats/fsd_dsk.cpp", | |
265 | MAME_DIR .. "src/lib/formats/fsd_dsk.h", | |
264 | 266 | MAME_DIR .. "src/lib/formats/g64_dsk.cpp", |
265 | 267 | MAME_DIR .. "src/lib/formats/g64_dsk.h", |
266 | 268 | MAME_DIR .. "src/lib/formats/gtp_cas.cpp", |
r250335 | r250336 | |
356 | 356 | } |
357 | 357 | |
358 | 358 | if not _OPTIONS["NO_USE_MIDI"] then |
359 | if _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="freebsd" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="openbsd" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="netbsd" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="solaris" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="haiku" or _OPTIONS["targetos"] == " | |
359 | if _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="freebsd" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="openbsd" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="netbsd" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="solaris" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="haiku" or _OPTIONS["targetos"] == "asmjs" or _OPTIONS["targetos"] == "os2" then | |
360 | 360 | _OPTIONS["NO_USE_MIDI"] = "1" |
361 | 361 | else |
362 | 362 | _OPTIONS["NO_USE_MIDI"] = "0" |
r250335 | r250336 | |
379 | 379 | |
380 | 380 | |
381 | 381 | if not _OPTIONS["USE_QTDEBUG"] then |
382 | if _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="windows" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="macosx" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="solaris" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="haiku" or _OPTIONS["targetos"] == " | |
382 | if _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="windows" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="macosx" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="solaris" or _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="haiku" or _OPTIONS["targetos"] == "asmjs" or _OPTIONS["targetos"] == "os2" then | |
383 | 383 | _OPTIONS["USE_QTDEBUG"] = "0" |
384 | 384 | else |
385 | 385 | _OPTIONS["USE_QTDEBUG"] = "1" |
r250335 | r250336 | |
183 | 183 | if (m_update_row_type == -1) |
184 | 184 | return; |
185 | 185 | |
186 | y = m_y; | |
187 | if(m_y >= bitmap.height()) | |
188 | return; | |
189 | ||
186 | 190 | switch (m_update_row_type) |
187 | 191 | { |
188 | 192 | case CGA_TEXT_INTEN: |
r250335 | r250336 | |
253 | 257 | MCFG_MC6845_UPDATE_ROW_CB(isa8_cga_device, crtc_update_row) |
254 | 258 | MCFG_MC6845_OUT_HSYNC_CB(WRITELINE(isa8_cga_device, hsync_changed)) |
255 | 259 | MCFG_MC6845_OUT_VSYNC_CB(WRITELINE(isa8_cga_device, vsync_changed)) |
260 | MCFG_MC6845_RECONFIGURE_CB(isa8_cga_device, reconfigure) | |
256 | 262 | MACHINE_CONFIG_END |
257 | 263 | |
258 | 264 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
302 | 308 | device_t(mconfig, ISA8_CGA, "IBM Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter", tag, owner, clock, "cga", __FILE__), |
303 | 309 | device_isa8_card_interface(mconfig, *this), |
304 | 310 | m_cga_config(*this, "cga_config"), m_framecnt(0), m_mode_control(0), m_color_select(0), |
305 | m_update_row_type(-1), m_chr_gen_base(nullptr), m_chr_gen(nullptr), m_vsync(0), m_hsync(0), | |
311 | m_update_row_type(-1), m_y(0), m_chr_gen_base(nullptr), m_chr_gen(nullptr), m_vsync(0), m_hsync(0), | |
306 | 312 | m_vram_size( 0x4000 ), m_plantronics(0), |
307 | m_palette(*this, "palette") | |
313 | m_palette(*this, "palette"), | |
314 | m_screen(*this, "screen") | |
308 | 315 | { |
309 | 316 | m_chr_gen_offset[0] = m_chr_gen_offset[2] = 0x1800; |
310 | 317 | m_chr_gen_offset[1] = m_chr_gen_offset[3] = 0x1000; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
317 | 324 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
318 | 325 | device_isa8_card_interface(mconfig, *this), |
319 | 326 | m_cga_config(*this, "cga_config"), m_framecnt(0), m_mode_control(0), m_color_select(0), |
320 | m_update_row_type(-1), m_chr_gen_base(nullptr), m_chr_gen(nullptr), m_vsync(0), m_hsync(0), | |
327 | m_update_row_type(-1), m_y(0), m_chr_gen_base(nullptr), m_chr_gen(nullptr), m_vsync(0), m_hsync(0), | |
321 | 328 | m_vram_size( 0x4000 ), m_plantronics(0), |
322 | m_palette(*this, "palette") | |
329 | m_palette(*this, "palette"), | |
330 | m_screen(*this, "screen") | |
323 | 331 | { |
324 | 332 | m_chr_gen_offset[0] = m_chr_gen_offset[2] = 0x1800; |
325 | 333 | m_chr_gen_offset[1] = m_chr_gen_offset[3] = 0x1000; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
346 | 354 | /* Initialise the cga palette */ |
347 | 355 | int i; |
348 | 356 | |
357 | ||
349 | 358 | for ( i = 0; i < CGA_PALETTE_SETS * 16; i++ ) |
350 | 359 | { |
351 | 360 | m_palette->set_pen_color( i, cga_palette[i][0], cga_palette[i][1], cga_palette[i][2] ); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
376 | 385 | save_item(NAME(m_hsync)); |
377 | 386 | save_item(NAME(m_vram)); |
378 | 387 | save_item(NAME(m_plantronics)); |
388 | save_item(NAME(m_y)); | |
379 | 389 | } |
380 | 390 | |
381 | 391 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
390 | 400 | m_vsync = 0; |
391 | 401 | m_hsync = 0; |
392 | 402 | m_color_select = 0; |
403 | m_y = 0; | |
393 | 404 | memset(m_palette_lut_2bpp, 0, sizeof(m_palette_lut_2bpp)); |
394 | 405 | } |
395 | 406 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
911 | 922 | WRITE_LINE_MEMBER( isa8_cga_device::hsync_changed ) |
912 | 923 | { |
913 | 924 | m_hsync = state ? 1 : 0; |
925 | if(state && !m_vsync) | |
926 | { | |
927 | m_screen->update_now(); | |
928 | m_y++; | |
929 | } | |
914 | 930 | } |
915 | 931 | |
916 | 932 | |
917 | 933 | WRITE_LINE_MEMBER( isa8_cga_device::vsync_changed ) |
918 | 934 | { |
919 | m_vsync = state ? 9 : 0; | |
920 | 935 | if ( state ) |
921 | 936 | { |
922 | 937 | m_framecnt++; |
923 | 938 | } |
939 | else | |
940 | { | |
941 | m_screen->reset_origin(); | |
942 | m_y = 0; | |
943 | } | |
944 | m_vsync = state ? 9 : 0; | |
924 | 945 | } |
925 | 946 | |
947 | MC6845_RECONFIGURE( isa8_cga_device::reconfigure ) | |
948 | { | |
949 | rectangle curvisarea = m_screen->visible_area(); | |
950 | m_screen->set_visible_area(visarea.min_x, visarea.max_x, curvisarea.min_y, curvisarea.max_y); | |
951 | } | |
926 | 952 | |
927 | 953 | void isa8_cga_device::set_palette_luts(void) |
928 | 954 | { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1893 | 1919 | |
1894 | 1920 | const device_type ISA8_CGA_M24 = &device_creator<isa8_cga_m24_device>; |
1895 | 1921 | |
1922 | static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( m24, cga ) | |
1924 | MCFG_SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS(XTAL_14_31818MHz,912,0,640,462,0,400) | |
1926 | MCFG_MC6845_RECONFIGURE_CB(isa8_cga_m24_device, reconfigure) | |
1928 | ||
1929 | machine_config_constructor isa8_cga_m24_device::device_mconfig_additions() const | |
1930 | { | |
1931 | return MACHINE_CONFIG_NAME( m24 ); | |
1932 | } | |
1896 | 1933 | isa8_cga_m24_device::isa8_cga_m24_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
1897 | 1934 | isa8_cga_device( mconfig, ISA8_CGA_M24, "Olivetti M24 CGA", tag, owner, clock, "cga_m24", __FILE__), m_mode2(0), m_index(0) |
1898 | 1935 | { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1906 | 1943 | m_start_offset = 0; |
1907 | 1944 | } |
1908 | 1945 | |
1946 | MC6845_RECONFIGURE( isa8_cga_m24_device::reconfigure ) | |
1947 | { | |
1948 | // just reconfigure the screen, the apb sets it to 256 lines rather than 400 | |
1949 | m_screen->configure(width, height, visarea, frame_period); | |
1950 | } | |
1951 | ||
1909 | 1952 | WRITE8_MEMBER( isa8_cga_m24_device::io_write ) |
1910 | 1953 | { |
1911 | 1954 | mc6845_device *mc6845 = subdevice<mc6845_device>(CGA_MC6845_NAME); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
61 | 61 | DECLARE_WRITE_LINE_MEMBER( hsync_changed ); |
62 | 62 | DECLARE_WRITE_LINE_MEMBER( vsync_changed ); |
63 | 63 | virtual UINT32 screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); |
64 | ||
64 | MC6845_RECONFIGURE(reconfigure); | |
65 | 65 | public: |
66 | 66 | int m_framecnt; |
67 | 67 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
69 | 69 | UINT8 m_color_select; /* wo 0x3d9 */ |
70 | 70 | //UINT8 m_status; //unused? /* ro 0x3da */ |
71 | 71 | |
72 | int m_update_row_type; | |
72 | int m_update_row_type, m_y; | |
73 | 73 | UINT8 m_palette_lut_2bpp[4]; |
74 | 74 | offs_t m_chr_gen_offset[4]; |
75 | 75 | UINT8 m_font_selection_mask; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
83 | 83 | UINT8 m_plantronics; /* This should be moved into the appropriate subclass */ |
84 | 84 | offs_t m_start_offset; |
85 | 85 | required_device<palette_device> m_palette; |
86 | required_device<screen_device> m_screen; | |
86 | 87 | }; |
87 | 88 | |
88 | 89 | // device type definition |
r250335 | r250336 | |
268 | 269 | public: |
269 | 270 | // construction/destruction |
270 | 271 | isa8_cga_m24_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock); |
272 | virtual machine_config_constructor device_mconfig_additions() const; | |
271 | 273 | // optional information overrides |
272 | 274 | //virtual const rom_entry *device_rom_region() const; |
273 | 275 | virtual DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER( io_read ); |
274 | 276 | virtual DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER( io_write ); |
275 | 277 | virtual MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( crtc_update_row ); |
276 | 278 | MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( m24_gfx_1bpp_m24_update_row ); |
279 | MC6845_RECONFIGURE(reconfigure); | |
277 | 280 | protected: |
278 | 281 | virtual void device_reset(); |
279 | 282 | private: |
r250335 | r250336 | |
19 | 19 | |
20 | 20 | arc_device::arc_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
21 | 21 | : cpu_device(mconfig, ARC, "ARCtangent A4", tag, owner, clock, "arc", __FILE__) |
22 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 32, 24, 0) // some docs describe these as 'middle endian'?! | |
22 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 32, 24, 0), m_pc(0), m_program(nullptr), m_icount(0), m_debugger_temp(0) | |
23 | // some docs describe these as 'middle endian'?! | |
23 | 24 | { |
24 | 25 | } |
25 | 26 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
19 | 19 | e0c6200_cpu_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, address_map_constructor program, address_map_constructor data, const char *shortname, const char *source) |
20 | 20 | : cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) |
21 | 21 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 16, 13, -1, program) |
22 | , m_data_config("data", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 8, 12, 0, data) | |
22 | , m_data_config("data", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 8, 12, 0, data), m_program(nullptr), m_data(nullptr), m_op(0), m_prev_op(0), m_irq_vector(0), m_irq_id(0), m_possible_irq(false), m_halt(false), | |
23 | m_sleep(false), m_icount(0), m_pc(0), m_prev_pc(0), m_npc(0), m_jpc(0), m_a(0), m_b(0), m_xp(0), m_xh(0), m_xl(0), m_yp(0), m_yh(0), m_yl(0), m_sp(0), m_f(0) | |
23 | 24 | { } |
24 | 25 | |
25 | 26 | protected: |
r250335 | r250336 | |
48 | 48 | e0c6s46_device::e0c6s46_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
49 | 49 | : e0c6200_cpu_device(mconfig, E0C6S46, "E0C6S46", tag, owner, clock, ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(e0c6s46_program), ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(e0c6s46_data), "e0c6s46", __FILE__) |
50 | 50 | , m_vram1(*this, "vram1") |
51 | , m_vram2(*this, "vram2") | |
52 | , m_pixel_update_handler(NULL) | |
51 | , m_vram2(*this, "vram2"), m_osc(0), m_svd(0), m_lcd_control(0), m_lcd_contrast(0) | |
52 | , m_pixel_update_handler(nullptr) | |
53 | 53 | , m_write_r0(*this), m_write_r1(*this), m_write_r2(*this), m_write_r3(*this), m_write_r4(*this) |
54 | 54 | , m_read_p0(*this), m_read_p1(*this), m_read_p2(*this), m_read_p3(*this) |
55 | , m_write_p0(*this), m_write_p1(*this), m_write_p2(*this), m_write_p3(*this) | |
55 | , m_write_p0(*this), m_write_p1(*this), m_write_p2(*this), m_write_p3(*this), m_r_dir(0), m_p_dir(0), m_p_pullup(0), m_dfk0(0), m_256_src_pulse(0), m_core_256_handle(nullptr), | |
56 | m_watchdog_count(0), m_clktimer_count(0), m_stopwatch_on(0), m_swl_cur_pulse(0), m_swl_slice(0), m_swl_count(0), m_swh_count(0), m_prgtimer_select(0), m_prgtimer_on(0), m_prgtimer_src_pulse(0), | |
57 | m_prgtimer_cur_pulse(0), m_prgtimer_count(0), m_prgtimer_reload(0), m_prgtimer_handle(nullptr), m_bz_43_on(0), m_bz_freq(0), m_bz_envelope(0), m_bz_duty_ratio(0), m_bz_1shot_on(0), m_bz_1shot_running(false), m_bz_1shot_count(0), m_bz_pulse(0), m_buzzer_handle(nullptr) | |
56 | 58 | { } |
57 | 59 | |
58 | 60 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
16 | 16 | h8_device::h8_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source, bool mode_a16, address_map_delegate map_delegate) : |
17 | 17 | cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
18 | 18 | program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 16, mode_a16 ? 16 : 24, 0, map_delegate), |
19 | io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 16, 16, -1) | |
19 | io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 16, 16, -1), program(nullptr), io(nullptr), direct(nullptr), PPC(0), NPC(0), PC(0), PIR(0), EXR(0), CCR(0), MAC(0), MACF(0), | |
20 | TMP1(0), TMP2(0), TMPR(0), inst_state(0), inst_substate(0), icount(0), bcount(0), irq_vector(0), taken_irq_vector(0), irq_level(0), taken_irq_level(0), irq_required(false), irq_nmi(false) | |
20 | 21 | { |
21 | 22 | supports_advanced = false; |
22 | 23 | mode_advanced = false; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
23 | 23 | timer16_3(*this, "timer16:3"), |
24 | 24 | timer16_4(*this, "timer16:4"), |
25 | 25 | sci0(*this, "sci0"), |
26 | sci1(*this, "sci1") | |
26 | sci1(*this, "sci1"), syscr(0) | |
27 | 27 | { |
28 | 28 | } |
29 | 29 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
28 | 28 | timer16_2(*this, "timer16:2"), |
29 | 29 | sci0(*this, "sci0"), |
30 | 30 | sci1(*this, "sci1"), |
31 | sci2(*this, "sci2") | |
31 | sci2(*this, "sci2"), syscr(0), ram_start(0) | |
32 | 32 | { |
33 | 33 | } |
34 | 34 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
53 | 53 | timer16_2(*this, "timer16:2"), |
54 | 54 | sci0(*this, "sci0"), |
55 | 55 | sci1(*this, "sci1"), |
56 | sci2(*this, "sci2") | |
56 | sci2(*this, "sci2"), syscr(0) | |
57 | 57 | { |
58 | 58 | ram_start = 0xfff720; |
59 | 59 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
25 | 25 | timer16_1(*this, "timer16:1"), |
26 | 26 | timer16_2(*this, "timer16:2"), |
27 | 27 | sci0(*this, "sci0"), |
28 | sci1(*this, "sci1") | |
28 | sci1(*this, "sci1"), syscr(0) | |
29 | 29 | { |
30 | 30 | } |
31 | 31 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
30 | 30 | timer16_3(*this, "timer16:3"), |
31 | 31 | timer16_4(*this, "timer16:4"), |
32 | 32 | sci0(*this, "sci0"), |
33 | sci1(*this, "sci1") | |
33 | sci1(*this, "sci1"), ram_start(0), syscr(0) | |
34 | 34 | { |
35 | 35 | } |
36 | 36 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
26 | 26 | timer16(*this, "timer16"), |
27 | 27 | timer16_0(*this, "timer16:0"), |
28 | 28 | sci0(*this, "sci0"), |
29 | sci1(*this, "sci1") | |
29 | sci1(*this, "sci1"), syscr(0), ram_start(0) | |
30 | 30 | { |
31 | 31 | } |
32 | 32 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
48 | 48 | timer16(*this, "timer16"), |
49 | 49 | timer16_0(*this, "timer16:0"), |
50 | 50 | sci0(*this, "sci0"), |
51 | sci1(*this, "sci1") | |
51 | sci1(*this, "sci1"), syscr(0) | |
52 | 52 | { |
53 | 53 | ram_start = 0xf780; |
54 | 54 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12 | 12 | |
13 | 13 | h8_adc_device::h8_adc_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
14 | 14 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
15 | cpu(*this, DEVICE_SELF_OWNER) | |
15 | cpu(*this, DEVICE_SELF_OWNER), intc(nullptr), io(nullptr), intc_tag(nullptr), intc_vector(0), adcsr(0), adcr(0), register_mask(0), trigger(0), start_mode(0), start_channel(0), | |
16 | end_channel(0), start_count(0), mode(0), channel(0), count(0), analog_powered(false), adtrg(false), next_event(0) | |
16 | 17 | { |
17 | 18 | suspend_on_interrupt = false; |
18 | 19 | analog_power_control = false; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
9 | 9 | |
10 | 10 | h8_intc_device::h8_intc_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
11 | 11 | device_t(mconfig, H8_INTC, "H8 INTC", tag, owner, clock, "h8_intc", __FILE__), |
12 | cpu(*this, DEVICE_SELF_OWNER) | |
12 | cpu(*this, DEVICE_SELF_OWNER), nmi_input(false), irq_input(0), ier(0), isr(0), iscr(0), icr_filter(0), ipr_filter(0) | |
13 | 13 | { |
14 | 14 | irq_vector_base = 4; |
15 | 15 | irq_vector_nmi = 3; |
16 | 16 | } |
17 | 17 | |
18 | 18 | h8_intc_device::h8_intc_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
19 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), | |
20 | cpu(*this, DEVICE_SELF_OWNER) | |
19 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), irq_vector_base(0), irq_vector_nmi(0), | |
20 | cpu(*this, DEVICE_SELF_OWNER), nmi_input(false), irq_input(0), ier(0), isr(0), iscr(0), icr_filter(0), ipr_filter(0) | |
21 | 21 | { |
22 | 22 | } |
23 | 23 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 8 | h8_port_device::h8_port_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
9 | 9 | device_t(mconfig, H8_PORT, "H8 digital port", tag, owner, clock, "h8_digital_port", __FILE__), |
10 | cpu(*this, DEVICE_SELF_OWNER) | |
10 | cpu(*this, DEVICE_SELF_OWNER), io(nullptr), address(0), default_ddr(0), ddr(0), pcr(0), odr(0), mask(0), dr(0), last_output(0) | |
11 | 11 | { |
12 | 12 | } |
13 | 13 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11 | 11 | device_t(mconfig, H8_SCI, "H8 Serial Communications Interface", tag, owner, clock, "h8_sci", __FILE__), |
12 | 12 | cpu(*this, DEVICE_SELF_OWNER), |
13 | 13 | tx_cb(*this), |
14 | clk_cb(*this) | |
14 | clk_cb(*this), intc(nullptr), intc_tag(nullptr), external_to_internal_ratio(0), internal_to_external_ratio(0), sync_timer(nullptr), eri_int(0), rxi_int(0), txi_int(0), tei_int(0), | |
15 | tx_state(0), rx_state(0), tx_bit(0), rx_bit(0), clock_state(0), clock_mode(0), tx_parity(0), rx_parity(0), ext_clock_counter(0), clock_value(false), ext_clock_value(false), rx_value(false), | |
16 | rdr(0), tdr(0), smr(0), scr(0), ssr(0), brr(0), rsr(0), tsr(0), clock_base(0), divider(0) | |
15 | 17 | { |
16 | 18 | external_clock_period = attotime::never; |
17 | 19 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12 | 12 | |
13 | 13 | h8_timer16_channel_device::h8_timer16_channel_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
14 | 14 | device_t(mconfig, H8_TIMER16_CHANNEL, "H8 16-bits timer channel", tag, owner, clock, "h8_16bits_timer_channel", __FILE__), |
15 | cpu(*this, "^^") | |
15 | cpu(*this, "^^"), chained_timer(nullptr), intc(nullptr), intc_tag(nullptr), tier_mask(0), tgr_count(0), tbr_count(0), tgr_clearing(0), tcr(0), tier(0), ier(0), isr(0), clock_type(0), | |
16 | clock_divider(0), tcnt(0), last_clock_update(0), event_time(0), phase(0), counter_cycle(0), counter_incrementing(false), channel_active(false) | |
16 | 17 | { |
17 | 18 | chain_tag = NULL; |
18 | 19 | } |
19 | 20 | |
20 | 21 | h8_timer16_channel_device::h8_timer16_channel_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
21 | 22 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
22 | cpu(*this, "^^") | |
23 | cpu(*this, "^^"), chained_timer(nullptr), intc(nullptr), intc_tag(nullptr), tier_mask(0), tgr_count(0), tbr_count(0), tgr_clearing(0), tcr(0), tier(0), ier(0), isr(0), clock_type(0), | |
24 | clock_divider(0), tcnt(0), last_clock_update(0), event_time(0), phase(0), counter_cycle(0), counter_incrementing(false), channel_active(false) | |
23 | 25 | { |
24 | 26 | chain_tag = NULL; |
25 | 27 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
8 | 8 | |
9 | 9 | h8_timer8_channel_device::h8_timer8_channel_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
10 | 10 | device_t(mconfig, H8_TIMER8_CHANNEL, "H8 8-bits timer channel", tag, owner, clock, "h8_8bits_timer_channel", __FILE__), |
11 | cpu(*this, "^") | |
11 | cpu(*this, "^"), chained_timer(nullptr), intc(nullptr), chain_tag(nullptr), intc_tag(nullptr), irq_ca(0), irq_cb(0), irq_v(0), chain_type(0), tcr(0), tcsr(0), tcnt(0), extra_clock_bit(false), | |
12 | has_adte(false), has_ice(false), clock_type(0), clock_divider(0), clear_type(0), counter_cycle(0), last_clock_update(0), event_time(0) | |
12 | 13 | { |
13 | 14 | } |
14 | 15 | |
15 | 16 | h8_timer8_channel_device::h8_timer8_channel_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
16 | 17 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
17 | cpu(*this, "^") | |
18 | cpu(*this, "^"), chained_timer(nullptr), intc(nullptr), chain_tag(nullptr), intc_tag(nullptr), irq_ca(0), irq_cb(0), irq_v(0), chain_type(0), tcr(0), tcsr(0), tcnt(0), extra_clock_bit(false), | |
19 | has_adte(false), has_ice(false), clock_type(0), clock_divider(0), clear_type(0), counter_cycle(0), last_clock_update(0), event_time(0) | |
18 | 20 | { |
19 | 21 | } |
20 | 22 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
33 | 33 | timer16_2(*this, "timer16:2"), |
34 | 34 | sci0(*this, "sci0"), |
35 | 35 | sci1(*this, "sci1"), |
36 | sci2(*this, "sci2") | |
36 | sci2(*this, "sci2"), ram_start(0), syscr(0) | |
37 | 37 | { |
38 | 38 | } |
39 | 39 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
42 | 42 | timer16_5(*this, "timer16:5"), |
43 | 43 | sci0(*this, "sci0"), |
44 | 44 | sci1(*this, "sci1"), |
45 | sci2(*this, "sci2") | |
45 | sci2(*this, "sci2"), ram_start(0), syscr(0) | |
46 | 46 | { |
47 | 47 | } |
48 | 48 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
38 | 38 | timer16_5(*this, "timer16:5"), |
39 | 39 | sci0(*this, "sci0"), |
40 | 40 | sci1(*this, "sci1"), |
41 | sci2(*this, "sci2") | |
41 | sci2(*this, "sci2"), ram_start(0), syscr(0) | |
42 | 42 | { |
43 | 43 | } |
44 | 44 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
34 | 34 | timer16_5(*this, "timer16:5"), |
35 | 35 | sci0(*this, "sci0"), |
36 | 36 | sci1(*this, "sci1"), |
37 | sci2(*this, "sci2") | |
37 | sci2(*this, "sci2"), syscr(0) | |
38 | 38 | { |
39 | 39 | has_trace = true; |
40 | 40 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
32 | 32 | hcd62121_cpu_device::hcd62121_cpu_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
33 | 33 | : cpu_device(mconfig, HCD62121, "Hitachi HCD62121", tag, owner, clock, "hcd62121", __FILE__) |
34 | 34 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 8, 24, 0) |
35 | , m_io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 8, 8, 0) | |
36 | , m_sp(0) | |
35 | , m_io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 8, 8, 0), m_prev_pc(0) | |
36 | , m_sp(0) | |
37 | 37 | , m_ip(0) |
38 | 38 | , m_dsize(0) |
39 | 39 | , m_cseg(0) |
40 | 40 | , m_dseg(0) |
41 | 41 | , m_sseg(0) |
42 | 42 | , m_f(0) |
43 | , m_lar(0) | |
43 | , m_lar(0), m_program(nullptr), m_io(nullptr), m_icount(0) | |
44 | 44 | { |
45 | 45 | } |
46 | 46 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
28 | 28 | : cpu_device(mconfig, I4004, "Intel I4004", tag, owner, clock, "i4004", __FILE__) |
29 | 29 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 12, 0) |
30 | 30 | , m_io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 6, 0) |
31 | , m_data_config("data", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 12, 0) | |
31 | , m_data_config("data", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 12, 0), m_A(0), m_C(0), m_TEST(0), m_flags(0), m_program(nullptr), m_direct(nullptr), m_data(nullptr), m_io(nullptr), m_icount(0), m_pc_pos(0), m_addr_mask(0) | |
32 | 32 | { |
33 | 33 | m_is_octal = true; |
34 | 34 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
38 | 38 | m_ch1(*this, "1"), |
39 | 39 | m_ch2(*this, "2"), |
40 | 40 | m_write_sintr1(*this), |
41 | m_write_sintr2(*this), | |
41 | m_write_sintr2(*this), m_databus_width(0), m_mem(nullptr), m_io(nullptr), | |
42 | 42 | m_sysbus(0), |
43 | 43 | m_scb(0), |
44 | m_soc(0), | |
44 | m_soc(0), m_initialized(false), | |
45 | 45 | m_master(false), |
46 | 46 | m_current_tp(0), |
47 | 47 | m_ca(0), |
48 | m_sel(0) | |
48 | m_sel(0), m_last_chan(false) | |
49 | 49 | { |
50 | 50 | } |
51 | 51 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
36 | 36 | |
37 | 37 | i860_cpu_device::i860_cpu_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
38 | 38 | : cpu_device(mconfig, I860, "i860XR", tag, owner, clock, "i860xr", __FILE__) |
39 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 64, 32, 0) | |
39 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 64, 32, 0), m_pc(0), m_merge(0), m_pin_bus_hold(0), m_pin_reset(0), m_exiting_readmem(0), m_exiting_ifetch(0), m_pc_updated(0), m_pending_trap(0), m_fir_gets_trap_addr(0), m_single_stepping(0), m_program(nullptr), m_ppc(0), m_icount(0) | |
40 | 40 | { |
41 | 41 | } |
42 | 42 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
18 | 18 | |
19 | 19 | i960_cpu_device::i960_cpu_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
20 | 20 | : cpu_device(mconfig, I960, "i960kb", tag, owner, clock, "i960kb", __FILE__) |
21 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32, 0) | |
21 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32, 0), m_rcache_pos(0), m_SAT(0), m_PRCB(0), m_PC(0), m_AC(0), m_IP(0), m_PIP(0), m_ICR(0), m_bursting(0), m_immediate_irq(0), | |
22 | m_immediate_vector(0), m_immediate_pri(0), m_program(nullptr), m_direct(nullptr), m_icount(0) | |
22 | 23 | { |
23 | 24 | } |
24 | 25 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
31 | 31 | ie15_device::ie15_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
32 | 32 | : cpu_device(mconfig, IE15, "ie15", tag, owner, clock, "ie15_cpu", __FILE__), |
33 | 33 | m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 14), |
34 | m_io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 8), | |
35 | m_program(0), | |
34 | m_io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 8), m_A(0), m_CF(0), m_ZF(0), m_RF(0), m_flags(0), | |
35 | m_program(0), m_io(nullptr), | |
36 | 36 | m_direct(0) |
37 | 37 | { |
38 | 38 | // set our instruction counter |
r250335 | r250336 | |
18 | 18 | cpu_device(mconfig, M6502, "M6502", tag, owner, clock, "m6502", __FILE__), |
19 | 19 | sync_w(*this), |
20 | 20 | program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16), |
21 | sprogram_config("decrypted_opcodes", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16) | |
21 | sprogram_config("decrypted_opcodes", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16), PPC(0), NPC(0), PC(0), SP(0), TMP(0), TMP2(0), A(0), X(0), Y(0), P(0), IR(0), inst_state_base(0), mintf(nullptr), | |
22 | inst_state(0), inst_substate(0), icount(0), nmi_state(false), irq_state(false), apu_irq_state(false), v_state(false), irq_taken(false), sync(false), inhibit_interrupts(false) | |
22 | 23 | { |
23 | 24 | direct_disabled = false; |
24 | 25 | } |
25 | 26 | |
26 | 27 | m6502_device::m6502_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
27 | cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), | |
28 | cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), | |
28 | 29 | sync_w(*this), |
29 | 30 | program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16), |
30 | sprogram_config("decrypted_opcodes", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16) | |
31 | sprogram_config("decrypted_opcodes", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16), PPC(0), NPC(0), PC(0), SP(0), TMP(0), TMP2(0), A(0), X(0), Y(0), P(0), IR(0), inst_state_base(0), mintf(nullptr), | |
32 | inst_state(0), inst_substate(0), icount(0), nmi_state(false), irq_state(false), apu_irq_state(false), v_state(false), irq_taken(false), sync(false), inhibit_interrupts(false) | |
31 | 33 | { |
32 | 34 | direct_disabled = false; |
33 | 35 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14 | 14 | const device_type M6509 = &device_creator<m6509_device>; |
15 | 15 | |
16 | 16 | m6509_device::m6509_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
17 | m6502_device(mconfig, M6509, "M6509", tag, owner, clock, "m6509", __FILE__) | |
17 | m6502_device(mconfig, M6509, "M6509", tag, owner, clock, "m6509", __FILE__), XPC(0), bank_i(0), bank_y(0) | |
18 | 18 | { |
19 | 19 | program_config.m_addrbus_width = 20; |
20 | 20 | program_config.m_logaddr_width = 20; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
16 | 16 | m6510_device::m6510_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
17 | 17 | m6502_device(mconfig, M6510, "M6510", tag, owner, clock, "m6510", __FILE__), |
18 | 18 | read_port(*this), |
19 | write_port(*this) | |
19 | write_port(*this), dir(0), port(0), drive(0) | |
20 | 20 | { |
21 | 21 | pullup = 0x00; |
22 | 22 | floating = 0x00; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
25 | 25 | m6510_device::m6510_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
26 | 26 | m6502_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
27 | 27 | read_port(*this), |
28 | write_port(*this) | |
28 | write_port(*this), dir(0), port(0), drive(0) | |
29 | 29 | { |
30 | 30 | pullup = 0x00; |
31 | 31 | floating = 0x00; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14 | 14 | const device_type M65CE02 = &device_creator<m65ce02_device>; |
15 | 15 | |
16 | 16 | m65ce02_device::m65ce02_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
17 | m65c02_device(mconfig, M65CE02, "M65CE02", tag, owner, clock, "m65ce02", __FILE__) | |
17 | m65c02_device(mconfig, M65CE02, "M65CE02", tag, owner, clock, "m65ce02", __FILE__), TMP3(0), Z(0), B(0) | |
18 | 18 | { |
19 | 19 | } |
20 | 20 | |
21 | 21 | m65ce02_device::m65ce02_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
22 | m65c02_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) | |
22 | m65c02_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), TMP3(0), Z(0), B(0) | |
23 | 23 | { |
24 | 24 | } |
25 | 25 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14 | 14 | const device_type M740 = &device_creator<m740_device>; |
15 | 15 | |
16 | 16 | m740_device::m740_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
17 | m6502_device(mconfig, M740, "M740", tag, owner, clock, "m740", __FILE__) | |
17 | m6502_device(mconfig, M740, "M740", tag, owner, clock, "m740", __FILE__), m_irq_multiplex(0), m_irq_vector(0) | |
18 | 18 | { |
19 | 19 | } |
20 | 20 | |
21 | 21 | m740_device::m740_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
22 | m6502_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) | |
22 | m6502_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), m_irq_multiplex(0), m_irq_vector(0) | |
23 | 23 | { |
24 | 24 | } |
25 | 25 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
26 | 26 | mb86233_cpu_device::mb86233_cpu_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
27 | 27 | : cpu_device(mconfig, MB86233, "MB86233", tag, owner, clock, "mb86233", __FILE__) |
28 | 28 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32, -2) |
29 | , m_data_config("data", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32, 0) | |
30 | , m_fifo_read_cb(*this) | |
29 | , m_data_config("data", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32, 0), m_pc(0), m_reps(0), m_pcsp(0), m_eb(0), m_shift(0), m_repcnt(0), m_sr(0), | |
30 | m_fpucontrol(0), m_program(nullptr), m_direct(nullptr), m_icount(0), m_fifo_wait(0) | |
31 | , m_fifo_read_cb(*this) | |
31 | 32 | , m_fifo_read_ok_cb(*this) |
32 | 33 | , m_fifo_write_cb(*this) |
33 | , m_tablergn(NULL) | |
34 | , m_Tables(NULL) | |
34 | , m_tablergn(nullptr), m_ARAM(nullptr), m_BRAM(nullptr) | |
35 | , m_Tables(nullptr) | |
35 | 36 | { |
36 | 37 | } |
37 | 38 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
13 | 13 | |
14 | 14 | i8x9x_device::i8x9x_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
15 | 15 | mcs96_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, 8, "i8x9x", __FILE__), |
16 | io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 16, 16, -1) | |
16 | io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 16, 16, -1), io(nullptr), base_timer2(0), ad_done(0), hso_command(0), ad_command(0), hso_time(0), ad_result(0), | |
17 | ios0(0), ios1(0), ioc0(0), ioc1(0), sbuf(0), sp_stat(0), serial_send_buf(0), serial_send_timer(0) | |
17 | 18 | { |
18 | 19 | } |
19 | 20 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14 | 14 | |
15 | 15 | mcs96_device::mcs96_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, int data_width, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
16 | 16 | cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
17 | program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, data_width, 16) | |
17 | program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, data_width, 16), program(nullptr), direct(nullptr), icount(0), bcount(0), inst_state(0), cycles_scaling(0), pending_irq(0), | |
18 | PC(0), PPC(0), PSW(0), OP1(0), OP2(0), OP3(0), OPI(0), TMP(0), irq_requested(false) | |
18 | 19 | { |
19 | 20 | } |
20 | 21 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
25 | 25 | |
26 | 26 | // device definitions |
27 | 27 | m58846_device::m58846_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
28 | : melps4_cpu_device(mconfig, M58846, "M58846", tag, owner, clock, 11, ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(program_2kx9), 7, ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(data_128x4), 12 /* number of D pins */, 2 /* subroutine page */, 1 /* interrupt page */, "m58846", __FILE__) | |
28 | : melps4_cpu_device(mconfig, M58846, "M58846", tag, owner, clock, 11, ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(program_2kx9), 7, ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(data_128x4), 12 /* number of D pins */, 2 /* subroutine page */, 1 /* interrupt page */, "m58846", __FILE__), m_timer(nullptr) | |
29 | 29 | { } |
30 | 30 | |
31 | 31 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
48 | 48 | // construction/destruction |
49 | 49 | mn10200_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, address_map_constructor program, const char *shortname, const char *source) |
50 | 50 | : cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) |
51 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 16, 24, 0, program) | |
52 | , m_read_port0(*this), m_read_port1(*this), m_read_port2(*this), m_read_port3(*this), m_read_port4(*this) | |
53 | , m_write_port0(*this), m_write_port1(*this), m_write_port2(*this), m_write_port3(*this), m_write_port4(*this) | |
51 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 16, 24, 0, program), m_program(nullptr) | |
52 | , m_read_port0(*this), m_read_port1(*this), m_read_port2(*this), m_read_port3(*this), m_read_port4(*this) | |
53 | , m_write_port0(*this), m_write_port1(*this), m_write_port2(*this), m_write_port3(*this), m_write_port4(*this), m_cycles(0), m_pc(0), m_psw(0), m_mdr(0), m_nmicr(0), m_iagr(0), | |
54 | m_extmdl(0), m_extmdh(0), m_possible_irq(false), m_pplul(0), m_ppluh(0), m_p3md(0), m_p4(0) | |
54 | 55 | { } |
55 | 56 | |
56 | 57 | // static configuration helpers |
r250335 | r250336 | |
46 | 46 | |
47 | 47 | tx0_device::tx0_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source, int addr_bits, int address_mask, int ir_mask) |
48 | 48 | : cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) |
49 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 32, addr_bits , -2) | |
50 | , m_address_mask(address_mask) | |
51 | , m_ir_mask(ir_mask) | |
52 | , m_cpy_handler(*this) | |
49 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 32, addr_bits , -2), m_mbr(0), m_ac(0), m_mar(0), m_pc(0), m_ir(0), m_lr(0), m_xr(0), m_pf(0), m_tbr(0), m_tac(0), m_cm_sel(0), | |
50 | m_lr_sel(0), m_gbl_cm_sel(0), m_stop_cyc0(0), m_stop_cyc1(0), m_run(0), m_rim(0), m_cycle(0), m_ioh(0), m_ios(0), m_rim_step(0) | |
51 | , m_address_mask(address_mask) | |
52 | , m_ir_mask(ir_mask), m_icount(0), m_program(nullptr) | |
53 | , m_cpy_handler(*this) | |
53 | 54 | , m_r1l_handler(*this) |
54 | 55 | , m_dis_handler(*this) |
55 | 56 | , m_r3l_handler(*this) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
28 | 28 | const device_type PSX_DMA = &device_creator<psxdma_device>; |
29 | 29 | |
30 | 30 | psxdma_device::psxdma_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
31 | device_t(mconfig, PSX_DMA, "Sony PSX DMA", tag, owner, clock, "psxdma", __FILE__), | |
31 | device_t(mconfig, PSX_DMA, "Sony PSX DMA", tag, owner, clock, "psxdma", __FILE__), m_ram( ), m_ramsize(0), m_dpcp(0), m_dicr(0), | |
32 | 32 | m_irq_handler(*this) |
33 | 33 | { |
34 | 34 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
30 | 30 | const device_type PSX_IRQ = &device_creator<psxirq_device>; |
31 | 31 | |
32 | 32 | psxirq_device::psxirq_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
33 | device_t(mconfig, PSX_IRQ, "Sony PSX IRQ", tag, owner, clock, "psxirq", __FILE__), | |
33 | device_t(mconfig, PSX_IRQ, "Sony PSX IRQ", tag, owner, clock, "psxirq", __FILE__), n_irqdata(0), n_irqmask(0), | |
34 | 34 | m_irq_handler(*this) |
35 | 35 | { |
36 | 36 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
31 | 31 | const device_type PSX_MDEC = &device_creator<psxmdec_device>; |
32 | 32 | |
33 | 33 | psxmdec_device::psxmdec_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
34 | : device_t(mconfig, PSX_MDEC, "Sony PSX MDEC", tag, owner, clock, "psxmdec", __FILE__) | |
34 | : device_t(mconfig, PSX_MDEC, "Sony PSX MDEC", tag, owner, clock, "psxmdec", __FILE__), n_decoded(0), n_offset(0), n_0_command(0), n_0_address(0), n_0_size(0), n_1_command(0), n_1_status(0) | |
35 | 35 | { |
36 | 36 | } |
37 | 37 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
39 | 39 | |
40 | 40 | psxsio_device::psxsio_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
41 | 41 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
43 | m_rxd(1), | |
42 | m_status(SIO_STATUS_TX_EMPTY | SIO_STATUS_TX_RDY), m_mode(0), m_control(0), m_baud(0), | |
43 | m_rxd(1), m_tx_data(0), m_rx_data(0), m_tx_shift(0), m_rx_shift(0), m_tx_bits(0), m_rx_bits(0), m_timer(nullptr), | |
44 | 44 | m_irq_handler(*this), |
45 | 45 | m_sck_handler(*this), |
46 | 46 | m_txd_handler(*this), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
35 | 35 | : cpu_device(mconfig, S2650, "S2650", tag, owner, clock, "s2650", __FILE__ ) |
36 | 36 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 15) |
37 | 37 | , m_io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 9) |
38 | , m_flag_handler(*this) | |
39 | , m_halt(0) | |
40 | , m_debugger_temp(0) | |
38 | , m_flag_handler(*this), m_ppc(0), m_page(0), m_iar(0), m_ea(0), m_psl(0), m_psu(0), m_r(0) | |
39 | , m_halt(0), m_ir(0), m_irq_state(0), m_icount(0), m_program(nullptr), m_direct(nullptr), m_io(nullptr) | |
40 | , m_debugger_temp(0) | |
41 | 41 | { |
42 | 42 | memset(m_reg, 0x00, sizeof(m_reg)); |
43 | 43 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
52 | 52 | , m_unconfig_func(*this) |
53 | 53 | , m_id_func(*this) |
54 | 54 | , m_crc_func(*this) |
55 | , m_rsi_func(*this) | |
55 | , m_rsi_func(*this), m_pc(0), m_oldpc(0), m_p(0), m_out(0), m_carry(0), m_decimal(0), m_st(0), m_hst(0), m_nmi_state(0), m_irq_state(0), m_irq_enable(0), m_in_irq(0), | |
56 | m_pending_irq(0), m_sleeping(0), m_monitor_id(0), m_monitor_in(0), m_program(nullptr), m_direct(nullptr), m_icount(0), m_debugger_temp(0) | |
56 | 57 | { |
57 | 58 | } |
58 | 59 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
23 | 23 | |
24 | 24 | scmp_device::scmp_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
25 | 25 | : cpu_device(mconfig, SCMP, "INS 8050 SC/MP", tag, owner, clock, "ins8050", __FILE__) |
26 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16, 0) | |
27 | , m_flag_out_func(*this) | |
26 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16, 0), m_AC(0), m_ER(0), m_SR(0), m_program(nullptr), m_direct(nullptr), m_icount(0) | |
27 | , m_flag_out_func(*this) | |
28 | 28 | , m_sout_func(*this) |
29 | 29 | , m_sin_func(*this) |
30 | 30 | , m_sensea_func(*this) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
36 | 36 | |
37 | 37 | scmp_device::scmp_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) |
38 | 38 | : cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) |
39 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16, 0) | |
40 | , m_flag_out_func(*this) | |
39 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16, 0), m_AC(0), m_ER(0), m_SR(0), m_program(nullptr), m_direct(nullptr), m_icount(0) | |
40 | , m_flag_out_func(*this) | |
41 | 41 | , m_sout_func(*this) |
42 | 42 | , m_sin_func(*this) |
43 | 43 | , m_sensea_func(*this) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
44 | 44 | |
45 | 45 | se3208_device::se3208_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
46 | 46 | : cpu_device(mconfig, SE3208, "SE3208", tag, owner, clock, "se3208", __FILE__) |
47 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32, 0) | |
47 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32, 0), m_PC(0), m_SR(0), m_SP(0), m_ER(0), m_PPC(0), m_program(nullptr), m_direct(nullptr), m_IRQ(0), m_NMI(0), m_icount(0) | |
48 | 48 | { |
49 | 49 | } |
50 | 50 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
550 | 550 | else |
551 | 551 | Offset=SEX(4,Offset); |
552 | 552 | |
553 | m_SP=Index+Offset; | |
553 | m_SP=(Index+Offset) & (~3); | |
554 | 554 | |
555 | 555 | CLRFLAG(FLAG_E); |
556 | 556 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
581 | 581 | else |
582 | 582 | Offset=SEX(10,Offset); |
583 | 583 | |
584 | m_SP=m_SP+Offset; | |
584 | m_SP=(m_SP+Offset) & (~3); | |
585 | 585 | |
586 | 586 | CLRFLAG(FLAG_E); |
587 | 587 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
37 | 37 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 8, 16, 0) |
38 | 38 | , m_dma_func(*this) |
39 | 39 | , m_timer_func(*this) |
40 | , m_PC(0) | |
41 | , m_SYS(0) | |
42 | , m_SP(0) | |
40 | , m_PC(0), m_IE0(0), m_IE1(0), m_IR0(0), m_IR1(0) | |
41 | , m_SYS(0), m_CKC(0), m_clock_changed(0) | |
42 | , m_SP(0) | |
43 | 43 | , m_PS0(0) |
44 | , m_PS1(0) | |
44 | , m_PS1(0), m_IFLAGS(0), m_CheckInterrupts(0), m_halted(0), m_icount(0), m_program(nullptr), m_oldpc(0) | |
45 | 45 | { |
46 | 46 | } |
47 | 47 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
10 | 10 | superfx_device::superfx_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
11 | 11 | : cpu_device(mconfig, SUPERFX, "SuperFX", tag, owner, clock, "superfx", __FILE__) |
12 | 12 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 32, 0) |
13 | , m_out_irq_func(*this) | |
13 | , m_out_irq_func(*this), m_pipeline(0), m_ramaddr(0), m_sfr(0), m_pbr(0), m_rombr(0), m_rambr(0), m_cbr(0), m_scbr(0), m_scmr(0), m_colr(0), m_por(0), | |
14 | m_bramr(0), m_vcr(0), m_cfgr(0), m_clsr(0), m_romcl(0), m_romdr(0), m_ramcl(0), m_ramar(0), m_ramdr(0), m_sreg(nullptr), m_sreg_idx(0), m_dreg(nullptr), | |
15 | m_dreg_idx(0), m_r15_modified(0), m_irq(0), m_cache_access_speed(0), m_memory_access_speed(0), m_program(nullptr), m_icount(0), m_debugger_temp(0) | |
14 | 16 | { |
15 | 17 | } |
16 | 18 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
36 | 36 | tms340x0_device::tms340x0_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname) |
37 | 37 | : cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, __FILE__) |
38 | 38 | , device_video_interface(mconfig, *this) |
39 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 16, 32, 3) | |
40 | , m_halt_on_reset(FALSE) | |
41 | , m_pixclock(0) | |
42 | , m_pixperclock(0) | |
43 | , m_output_int_cb(*this) | |
39 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 16, 32, 3), m_pc(0), m_ppc(0), m_st(0), m_pixel_write(nullptr), m_pixel_read(nullptr), m_raster_op(nullptr), m_pixel_op(nullptr), m_pixel_op_timing(0), m_convsp(0), m_convdp(0), m_convmp(0), m_gfxcycles(0), m_pixelshift(0), m_is_34020(0), m_reset_deferred(false) | |
40 | , m_halt_on_reset(FALSE), m_hblank_stable(0), m_external_host_access(0), m_executing(0), m_program(nullptr), m_direct(nullptr) | |
41 | , m_pixclock(0) | |
42 | , m_pixperclock(0), m_scantimer(nullptr), m_icount(0) | |
43 | , m_output_int_cb(*this) | |
44 | 44 | { |
45 | 45 | } |
46 | 46 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
22 | 22 | |
23 | 23 | tms57002_device::tms57002_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
24 | 24 | : cpu_device(mconfig, TMS57002, "TMS57002", tag, owner, clock, "tms57002", __FILE__), |
25 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), | |
25 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), macc(0), st0(0), st1(0), sti(0), | |
26 | 26 | txrd(0), |
27 | 27 | program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 8, -2, ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(internal_pgm)), |
28 | 28 | data_config("data", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 20) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
18 | 18 | |
19 | 19 | unsp_device::unsp_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
20 | 20 | : cpu_device(mconfig, UNSP, "u'nSP", tag, owner, clock, "unsp", __FILE__) |
21 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 16, 23, -1) | |
21 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 16, 23, -1), m_irq(0), m_fiq(0), m_curirq(0), m_sirq(0), m_sb(0), m_saved_sb(0), m_program(nullptr), m_icount(0), m_debugger_temp(0) | |
22 | 22 | { |
23 | 23 | } |
24 | 24 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
27 | 27 | necdsp_device::necdsp_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, UINT32 abits, UINT32 dbits, const char *name, const char *shortname, const char *source) |
28 | 28 | : cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
29 | 29 | m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 32, abits, -2), // data bus width, address bus width, -2 means DWORD-addressable |
30 | m_data_config("data", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 16, dbits, -1), // -1 for WORD-addressable | |
30 | m_data_config("data", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 16, dbits, -1), m_icount(0), // -1 for WORD-addressable | |
31 | 31 | m_irq(0), |
32 | 32 | m_program(NULL), |
33 | 33 | m_data(NULL), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
37 | 37 | : cpu_device(mconfig, Z8002, "Z8002", tag, owner, clock, "z8002", __FILE__) |
38 | 38 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 16, 16, 0) |
39 | 39 | , m_io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 8, 16, 0) |
40 | , m_mo_out(*this) | |
41 | , m_vector_mult(1) | |
40 | , m_mo_out(*this), m_ppc(0), m_pc(0), m_psapseg(0), m_psapoff(0), m_fcw(0), m_refresh(0), m_nspseg(0), m_nspoff(0), m_irq_req(0), m_irq_vec(0), m_op_valid(0), m_nmi_state(0), m_mi(0), m_program(nullptr), m_data(nullptr), m_direct(nullptr), m_io(nullptr), m_icount(0) | |
41 | , m_vector_mult(1) | |
42 | 42 | { |
43 | 43 | } |
44 | 44 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
47 | 47 | : cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) |
48 | 48 | , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 16, 20, 0) |
49 | 49 | , m_io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 16, 16, 0) |
50 | , m_mo_out(*this) | |
50 | , m_mo_out(*this), m_ppc(0), m_pc(0), m_psapseg(0), m_psapoff(0), m_fcw(0), m_refresh(0), m_nspseg(0), m_nspoff(0), m_irq_req(0), m_irq_vec(0), m_op_valid(0), m_nmi_state(0), m_mi(0), m_program(nullptr), m_data(nullptr), m_direct(nullptr), m_io(nullptr), m_icount(0) | |
51 | 51 | , m_vector_mult(2) |
52 | 52 | { |
53 | 53 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
81 | 81 | {0x2100,0x210f, 1,2, 7,&z8002_device::Z21_0000_dddd_imm16, "ld %rw3,%#w1", 0}, |
82 | 82 | {0x2110,0x21ff, 1,1, 7,&z8002_device::Z21_ssN0_dddd, "ld %rw3,@%rw2", 0}, |
83 | 83 | {0x2200,0x220f, 1,2, 10,&z8002_device::Z22_0000_ssss_0000_dddd_0000_0000, "resb %rb5,%rw3", 0}, |
84 | {0x2210,0x22ff, 1,1, 11,&z8002_device::Z22_ddN0_imm4, "resb @%rw | |
84 | {0x2210,0x22ff, 1,1, 11,&z8002_device::Z22_ddN0_imm4, "resb @%rw2,%3", 0}, | |
85 | 85 | {0x2300,0x230f, 1,2, 10,&z8002_device::Z23_0000_ssss_0000_dddd_0000_0000, "res %rw5,%rw3", 0}, |
86 | {0x2310,0x23ff, 1,1, 11,&z8002_device::Z23_ddN0_imm4, "res @%rw | |
86 | {0x2310,0x23ff, 1,1, 11,&z8002_device::Z23_ddN0_imm4, "res @%rw2,%3", 0}, | |
87 | 87 | {0x2400,0x240f, 1,2, 10,&z8002_device::Z24_0000_ssss_0000_dddd_0000_0000, "setb %rb5,%rw3", 0}, |
88 | {0x2410,0x24ff, 1,1, 11,&z8002_device::Z24_ddN0_imm4, "setb @%rw | |
88 | {0x2410,0x24ff, 1,1, 11,&z8002_device::Z24_ddN0_imm4, "setb @%rw2,%3", 0}, | |
89 | 89 | {0x2500,0x250f, 1,2, 10,&z8002_device::Z25_0000_ssss_0000_dddd_0000_0000, "set %rw5,%rw3", 0}, |
90 | {0x2510,0x25ff, 1,1, 11,&z8002_device::Z25_ddN0_imm4, "set @%rw | |
90 | {0x2510,0x25ff, 1,1, 11,&z8002_device::Z25_ddN0_imm4, "set @%rw2,%3", 0}, | |
91 | 91 | {0x2600,0x260f, 1,2, 10,&z8002_device::Z26_0000_ssss_0000_dddd_0000_0000, "bitb %rb5,%rw3", 0}, |
92 | {0x2610,0x26ff, 1,1, 8,&z8002_device::Z26_ddN0_imm4, "bitb @%rw | |
92 | {0x2610,0x26ff, 1,1, 8,&z8002_device::Z26_ddN0_imm4, "bitb @%rw2,%3", 0}, | |
93 | 93 | {0x2700,0x270f, 1,2, 10,&z8002_device::Z27_0000_ssss_0000_dddd_0000_0000, "bit %rw5,%rw3", 0}, |
94 | 94 | {0x2710,0x27ff, 1,1, 8,&z8002_device::Z27_ddN0_imm4, "bit @%rw2,%3", 0}, |
95 | 95 | {0x2810,0x28ff, 1,1, 11,&z8002_device::Z28_ddN0_imm4m1, "incb @%rw2,%+3", 0}, |
r250335 | r250336 | |
37 | 37 | cmos_40105_device::cmos_40105_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
38 | 38 | : device_t(mconfig, CMOS_40105, "40105", tag, owner, clock, "40105", __FILE__), |
39 | 39 | m_write_dir(*this), |
40 | m_write_dor(*this) | |
40 | m_write_dor(*this), m_d(0), m_q(0), m_dir(0), m_dor(0), m_si(0), m_so(0) | |
41 | 41 | { |
42 | 42 | } |
43 | 43 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
31 | 31 | device_execute_interface (mconfig, *this) |
32 | 32 | , m_icount (0) |
33 | 33 | , m_write_pa (*this) |
34 | , m_write_h2 (*this) | |
35 | { | |
34 | , m_write_h2 (*this), m_pgcr(0), m_psrr(0), m_paddr(0), m_pbddr(0), m_pcddr(0), m_pacr(0), m_pbcr(0), m_padr(0), m_pbdr(0), m_psr(0) | |
35 | { | |
36 | 36 | } |
37 | 37 | |
38 | 38 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
41 | 41 | device_execute_interface (mconfig, *this) |
42 | 42 | , m_icount (0) |
43 | 43 | , m_write_pa (*this) |
44 | , m_write_h2 (*this) | |
45 | { | |
44 | , m_write_h2 (*this), m_pgcr(0), m_psrr(0), m_paddr(0), m_pbddr(0), m_pcddr(0), m_pacr(0), m_pbcr(0), m_padr(0), m_pbdr(0), m_psr(0) | |
45 | { | |
46 | 46 | } |
47 | 47 | |
48 | 48 | //------------------------------------------------- |
r250335 | r250336 | |
28 | 28 | ***************************************************************************/ |
29 | 29 | |
30 | 30 | mpcc68561_t::mpcc68561_t(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
31 | device_t(mconfig, MPCC68561, "Rockwell 68561 MPCC", tag, owner, clock, "mpcc68561", __FILE__), | |
31 | device_t(mconfig, MPCC68561, "Rockwell 68561 MPCC", tag, owner, clock, "mpcc68561", __FILE__), mode(0), reg(0), status(0), IRQV(0), MasterIRQEnable(0), lastIRQStat(0), IRQType(), | |
32 | 32 | intrq_cb(*this) |
33 | 33 | { |
34 | 34 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
21 | 21 | |
22 | 22 | fifo7200_device::fifo7200_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
23 | 23 | : device_t(mconfig, FIFO7200, "IDT7200 FIFO", tag, owner, clock, "fifo7200", __FILE__), |
24 | m_ram_size(0), | |
24 | m_ram_size(0), m_read_ptr(0), m_write_ptr(0), m_ef(0), m_ff(0), m_hf(0), | |
25 | 25 | m_ef_handler(*this), |
26 | 26 | m_ff_handler(*this), |
27 | 27 | m_hf_handler(*this) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
29 | 29 | //------------------------------------------------- |
30 | 30 | |
31 | 31 | ttl74123_device::ttl74123_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
32 | : device_t(mconfig, TTL74123, "74123 TTL", tag, owner, clock, "ttl74123", __FILE__), | |
32 | : device_t(mconfig, TTL74123, "74123 TTL", tag, owner, clock, "ttl74123", __FILE__), m_timer(nullptr), | |
33 | 33 | m_connection_type(TTL74123_NOT_GROUNDED_NO_DIODE), |
34 | 34 | m_res(1.0), |
35 | 35 | m_cap(1.0), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
32 | 32 | m_b(0), |
33 | 33 | m_s(0), |
34 | 34 | m_m(0), |
35 | m_c(0) | |
35 | m_c(0), m_f(0), m_cn(0), m_g(0), m_p(0), m_equals(0) | |
36 | 36 | { |
37 | 37 | } |
38 | 38 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
26 | 26 | ***************************************************************************/ |
27 | 27 | |
28 | 28 | scc8530_t::scc8530_t(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
29 | device_t(mconfig, SCC8530, "Zilog 8530 SCC (Legacy)", tag, owner, clock, "scc8530l", __FILE__), | |
29 | device_t(mconfig, SCC8530, "Zilog 8530 SCC (Legacy)", tag, owner, clock, "scc8530l", __FILE__), mode(0), reg(0), status(0), IRQV(0), MasterIRQEnable(0), lastIRQStat(0), IRQType(), | |
30 | 30 | intrq_cb(*this) |
31 | 31 | { |
32 | 32 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
40 | 40 | //------------------------------------------------- |
41 | 41 | |
42 | 42 | aakart_device::aakart_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
43 | : device_t(mconfig, AAKART, "AAKART", tag, owner, clock, "aakart", __FILE__), | |
43 | : device_t(mconfig, AAKART, "AAKART", tag, owner, clock, "aakart", __FILE__), m_rxtimer(nullptr), m_txtimer(nullptr), m_mousetimer(nullptr), m_keybtimer(nullptr), | |
44 | 44 | m_out_tx_cb(*this), |
45 | m_out_rx_cb(*this) | |
45 | m_out_rx_cb(*this), m_tx_latch(0), m_rx(0), m_new_command(0), m_status(0), m_mouse_enable(0), m_keyb_enable(0), m_keyb_row(0), m_keyb_col(0), m_keyb_state(0) | |
46 | 46 | { |
47 | 47 | } |
48 | 48 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
29 | 29 | m_address(0), |
30 | 30 | m_start(0), |
31 | 31 | m_eoc(0), |
32 | m_next_eoc(0), | |
32 | m_next_eoc(0), m_sar(0), | |
33 | 33 | m_cycle(0), |
34 | m_bit(0) | |
34 | m_bit(0), m_cycle_timer(nullptr) | |
35 | 35 | { |
36 | 36 | } |
37 | 37 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
16 | 16 | const device_type ADC1038 = &device_creator<adc1038_device>; |
17 | 17 | |
18 | 18 | adc1038_device::adc1038_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
19 | : device_t(mconfig, ADC1038, "ADC1038", tag, owner, clock, "adc1038", __FILE__), | |
19 | : device_t(mconfig, ADC1038, "ADC1038", tag, owner, clock, "adc1038", __FILE__), m_cycle(0), m_clk(0), m_adr(0), m_data_in(0), m_data_out(0), m_adc_data(0), m_sars(0), | |
20 | 20 | m_gticlub_hack(0) |
21 | 21 | { |
22 | 22 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
32 | 32 | |
33 | 33 | aicartc_device::aicartc_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
34 | 34 | : device_t(mconfig, AICARTC, "AICA RTC", tag, owner, clock, "aicartc", __FILE__), |
35 | device_rtc_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
35 | device_rtc_interface(mconfig, *this), m_rtc_reg_lo(0), m_rtc_reg_hi(0), m_rtc_tick(0), m_we(0), m_clock_timer(nullptr) | |
36 | 36 | { |
37 | 37 | } |
38 | 38 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
20 | 20 | |
21 | 21 | amiga_fdc::amiga_fdc(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
22 | 22 | device_t(mconfig, AMIGA_FDC, "Amiga FDC", tag, owner, clock, "amiga_fdc", __FILE__), |
23 | m_write_index(*this) | |
23 | m_write_index(*this), floppy(nullptr), t_gen(nullptr), dsklen(0), pre_dsklen(0), dsksync(0), dskbyt(0), adkcon(0), dmacon(0), dskpt(0), dma_value(0), dma_state(0) | |
24 | 24 | { |
25 | 25 | } |
26 | 26 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
9 | 9 | const device_type ATA_FLASH_PCCARD = &device_creator<ata_flash_pccard_device>; |
10 | 10 | |
11 | 11 | ata_flash_pccard_device::ata_flash_pccard_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
12 | ide_hdd_device(mconfig, ATA_FLASH_PCCARD, "ATA Flash PCCARD", tag, owner, clock, "ataflash", __FILE__) | |
12 | ide_hdd_device(mconfig, ATA_FLASH_PCCARD, "ATA Flash PCCARD", tag, owner, clock, "ataflash", __FILE__), m_gnetreadlock(0), m_locked(0) | |
13 | 13 | { |
14 | 14 | } |
15 | 15 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
66 | 66 | m_pdiagin(0), |
67 | 67 | m_pdiagout(0), |
68 | 68 | m_single_device(0), |
69 | m_resetting(0) | |
69 | m_resetting(0), m_busy_timer(nullptr), m_buffer_empty_timer(nullptr) | |
70 | 70 | { |
71 | 71 | } |
72 | 72 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
43 | 43 | m_read_mode(*this), |
44 | 44 | m_write_sr(*this), |
45 | 45 | m_read_data(*this), |
46 | m_write_data(*this) | |
46 | m_write_data(*this), m_new_data(0), m_data(0), m_next_data(0), m_sr(0), m_next_sr(0), m_scan_timer(nullptr) | |
47 | 47 | { |
48 | 48 | } |
49 | 49 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
21 | 21 | |
22 | 22 | dp8390_device::dp8390_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, float bandwidth, const char *shortname, const char *source) |
23 | 23 | : device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
24 | device_network_interface(mconfig, *this, bandwidth), | |
24 | device_network_interface(mconfig, *this, bandwidth), m_type(0), | |
25 | 25 | m_irq_cb(*this), |
26 | 26 | m_breq_cb(*this), |
27 | 27 | m_mem_read_cb(*this), |
28 | m_mem_write_cb(*this) | |
29 | { | |
28 | m_mem_write_cb(*this), m_reset(0), m_cs(false), m_rdma_active(0) | |
29 | { | |
30 | 30 | } |
31 | 31 | |
32 | 32 | void dp8390_device::device_start() { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
34 | 34 | device_nvram_interface(mconfig, *this), |
35 | 35 | m_rst( 0 ), |
36 | 36 | m_clk( 0 ), |
37 | m_dqw( 0 ) | |
37 | m_dqw( 0 ), m_dqr(0), m_state(0), m_bit(0) | |
38 | 38 | { |
39 | 39 | } |
40 | 40 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
28 | 28 | const device_type DS1315 = &device_creator<ds1315_device>; |
29 | 29 | |
30 | 30 | ds1315_device::ds1315_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
31 | : device_t(mconfig, DS1315, "Dallas Semiconductor DS1315", tag, owner, clock, "ds1315", __FILE__) | |
32 | { | |
31 | : device_t(mconfig, DS1315, "Dallas Semiconductor DS1315", tag, owner, clock, "ds1315", __FILE__), m_mode(), m_count(0) | |
32 | { | |
33 | 33 | } |
34 | 34 | |
35 | 35 | //------------------------------------------------- |
r250335 | r250336 | |
30 | 30 | const device_type DS2401 = &device_creator<ds2401_device>; |
31 | 31 | |
32 | 32 | ds2401_device::ds2401_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
33 | : device_t(mconfig, DS2401, "DS2401", tag, owner, clock, "ds2401", __FILE__) | |
33 | : device_t(mconfig, DS2401, "DS2401", tag, owner, clock, "ds2401", __FILE__), m_state(0), m_bit(0), m_shift(0), m_byte(0), m_rx(false), m_tx(false), m_timer_main(nullptr), m_timer_reset(nullptr) | |
34 | 34 | { |
35 | 35 | } |
36 | 36 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
26 | 26 | |
27 | 27 | ds2404_device::ds2404_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
28 | 28 | : device_t(mconfig, DS2404, "DS2404", tag, owner, clock, "ds2404", __FILE__), |
29 | device_nvram_interface(mconfig, *this), | |
29 | device_nvram_interface(mconfig, *this), m_tick_timer(nullptr), m_ref_year(0), m_ref_month(0), m_ref_day(0), | |
30 | 30 | m_address(0), |
31 | 31 | m_offset(0), |
32 | 32 | m_end_offset(0), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
40 | 40 | |
41 | 41 | e0516_device::e0516_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
42 | 42 | : device_t(mconfig, E0516, "E05-16", tag, owner, clock, "e0516", __FILE__), |
43 | device_rtc_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
43 | device_rtc_interface(mconfig, *this), m_cs(0), m_clk(0), m_data_latch(0), m_reg_latch(0), m_read_write(0), m_state(0), m_bits(0), m_dio(0), m_timer(nullptr) | |
44 | 44 | { |
45 | 45 | } |
46 | 46 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
35 | 35 | m_write_centronics_select(*this), |
36 | 36 | m_printhead(0), |
37 | 37 | m_pf_stepper(0), |
38 | m_cr_stepper(0) | |
38 | m_cr_stepper(0), m_centronics_data(0), m_centronics_busy(0), m_centronics_nack(0), m_centronics_strobe(0), m_centronics_data_latch(0), m_centronics_data_latched(0) | |
39 | 39 | { |
40 | 40 | } |
41 | 41 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
36 | 36 | m_read_di(*this), |
37 | 37 | m_write_do(*this), |
38 | 38 | m_md(I8212_MODE_INPUT), |
39 | m_stb(0) | |
39 | m_stb(0), m_data(0) | |
40 | 40 | { |
41 | 41 | } |
42 | 42 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
23 | 23 | //------------------------------------------------- |
24 | 24 | |
25 | 25 | i8243_device::i8243_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
26 | : device_t(mconfig, I8243, "8243 I/O Expander", tag, owner, clock, "i8243", __FILE__), | |
26 | : device_t(mconfig, I8243, "8243 I/O Expander", tag, owner, clock, "i8243", __FILE__), m_p2out(0), m_p2(0), m_opcode(0), m_prog(0), | |
27 | 27 | m_readhandler(*this), |
28 | 28 | m_writehandler(*this) |
29 | 29 | { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6 | 6 | const device_type I8271 = &device_creator<i8271_device>; |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 8 | i8271_device::i8271_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
9 | : device_t(mconfig, I8271, "Intel 8271", tag, owner, clock, "i8271", __FILE__), | |
9 | : device_t(mconfig, I8271, "Intel 8271", tag, owner, clock, "i8271", __FILE__), ready_connected(false), mode(0), main_phase(0), | |
10 | 10 | intrq_cb(*this), |
11 | 11 | drq_cb(*this), |
12 | 12 | hdl_cb(*this), |
13 | opt_cb(*this) | |
13 | opt_cb(*this), irq(false), drq(false), scan_done(false), scan_match(false), command_pos(0), sectors_read(0), scan_len(0), dma_data(0), oport(0), rr(0), scan_sec(0), moder(0), | |
14 | precomp(0), perpmode(0), srate(0), hset(0), icnt(0), hload(0), sector_size(0), cur_rate(0) | |
14 | 15 | { |
15 | 16 | select_connected = true; |
16 | 17 | external_ready = false; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
26 | 26 | m_can_identify_device(0), |
27 | 27 | m_num_cylinders(0), |
28 | 28 | m_num_sectors(0), |
29 | m_num_heads(0), | |
30 | m_master_password(NULL), | |
31 | m_user_password(NULL) | |
29 | m_num_heads(0), m_cur_lba(0), m_block_count(0), m_sectors_until_int(0), m_master_password_enable(0), m_user_password_enable(0), | |
30 | m_master_password(nullptr), | |
31 | m_user_password(nullptr) | |
32 | 32 | { |
33 | 33 | } |
34 | 34 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
48 | 48 | m_out_a_cb(*this), |
49 | 49 | m_in_b_cb(*this), |
50 | 50 | m_out_b_cb(*this), |
51 | m_out_irq_cb(*this) | |
51 | m_out_irq_cb(*this), m_in_a(0), m_in_b(0), m_out_a(0), m_out_b(0), m_mdr(0), m_odra(0), m_odrb(0) | |
52 | 52 | { |
53 | 53 | } |
54 | 54 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
10 | 10 | } |
11 | 11 | |
12 | 12 | jvs_device::jvs_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) |
13 | : device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) | |
13 | : device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), jvs_outputs(0), jvs_address(0), jvs_reset_counter(0) | |
14 | 14 | { |
15 | 15 | jvs_host_tag = 0; |
16 | 16 | next_device = 0; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
29 | 29 | } |
30 | 30 | |
31 | 31 | jvs_host::jvs_host(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) |
32 | : device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) | |
32 | : device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), send_size(0), recv_size(0), recv_is_encoded(false) | |
33 | 33 | { |
34 | 34 | first_device = 0; |
35 | 35 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
23 | 23 | //------------------------------------------------- |
24 | 24 | |
25 | 25 | k033906_device::k033906_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
26 | : device_t(mconfig, K033906, "K033906 PCI bridge", tag, owner, clock, "k033906", __FILE__) | |
26 | : device_t(mconfig, K033906, "K033906 PCI bridge", tag, owner, clock, "k033906", __FILE__), m_reg_set(0), m_voodoo_tag(nullptr), m_voodoo(nullptr) | |
27 | 27 | { |
28 | 28 | } |
29 | 29 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
34 | 34 | m_portb_r_cb(*this), |
35 | 35 | m_portb_w_cb(*this), |
36 | 36 | m_portc_w_cb(*this), |
37 | m_out_int_cb(*this) | |
37 | m_out_int_cb(*this), m_irq(0) | |
38 | 38 | { |
39 | 39 | } |
40 | 40 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5 | 5 | linear_flash_pccard_device::linear_flash_pccard_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock,const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
6 | 6 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
7 | 7 | device_memory_interface(mconfig, *this), |
8 | device_slot_card_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
8 | device_slot_card_interface(mconfig, *this), m_space(nullptr) | |
9 | 9 | { |
10 | 10 | } |
11 | 11 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15 | 15 | ADDRESS_MAP_END |
16 | 16 | |
17 | 17 | lpc_rtc_device::lpc_rtc_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
18 | : lpc_device(mconfig, LPC_RTC, "LPC RTC", tag, owner, clock, "lpc_rtc", __FILE__) | |
18 | : lpc_device(mconfig, LPC_RTC, "LPC RTC", tag, owner, clock, "lpc_rtc", __FILE__), cur_index(0), cur_extindex(0) | |
19 | 19 | { |
20 | 20 | } |
21 | 21 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
29 | 29 | |
30 | 30 | m6m80011ap_device::m6m80011ap_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
31 | 31 | : device_t(mconfig, M6M80011AP, "M6M80011AP EEPROM", tag, owner, clock, "m6m80011ap", __FILE__), |
32 | device_nvram_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
32 | device_nvram_interface(mconfig, *this), m_latch(0), m_reset_line(0), m_cmd_stream_pos(0), m_current_cmd(0), m_read_latch(0), m_current_addr(0), m_eeprom_we(0), m_eeprom_state() | |
33 | 33 | { |
34 | 34 | } |
35 | 35 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
18 | 18 | const device_type MB14241 = &device_creator<mb14241_device>; |
19 | 19 | |
20 | 20 | mb14241_device::mb14241_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
21 | : device_t(mconfig, MB14241, "MB14241 Data Shifter", tag, owner, clock, "mb14241", __FILE__) | |
21 | : device_t(mconfig, MB14241, "MB14241 Data Shifter", tag, owner, clock, "mb14241", __FILE__), m_shift_data(0), m_shift_count(0) | |
22 | 22 | { |
23 | 23 | } |
24 | 24 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
28 | 28 | //------------------------------------------------- |
29 | 29 | |
30 | 30 | mb3773_device::mb3773_device( const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock ) |
31 | : device_t(mconfig, MB3773, "MB3773 Power Supply Monitor", tag, owner, clock, "mb3773", __FILE__) | |
31 | : device_t(mconfig, MB3773, "MB3773 Power Supply Monitor", tag, owner, clock, "mb3773", __FILE__), m_watchdog_timer(nullptr), m_ck(0) | |
32 | 32 | { |
33 | 33 | } |
34 | 34 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
20 | 20 | |
21 | 21 | mb8795_device::mb8795_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
22 | 22 | device_t(mconfig, MB8795, "Fujitsu MB8795", tag, owner, clock, "mb8795", __FILE__), |
23 | device_network_interface(mconfig, *this, 10), | |
23 | device_network_interface(mconfig, *this, 10), txstat(0), txmask(0), rxstat(0), rxmask(0), txmode(0), rxmode(0), txlen(0), rxlen(0), txcount(0), drq_tx(false), | |
24 | drq_rx(false), irq_tx(false), irq_rx(false), timer_tx(nullptr), timer_rx(nullptr), | |
24 | 25 | irq_tx_cb(*this), |
25 | 26 | irq_rx_cb(*this), |
26 | 27 | drq_tx_cb(*this), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
34 | 34 | : device_t(mconfig, MC146818, "MC146818 RTC", tag, owner, clock, "mc146818", __FILE__), |
35 | 35 | device_nvram_interface(mconfig, *this), |
36 | 36 | m_index(0), |
37 | m_last_refresh(attotime::zero), | |
37 | m_last_refresh(attotime::zero), m_clock_timer(nullptr), m_periodic_timer(nullptr), | |
38 | 38 | m_write_irq(*this), |
39 | 39 | m_century_index(-1), |
40 | 40 | m_epoch(0), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
49 | 49 | : device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
50 | 50 | device_nvram_interface(mconfig, *this), |
51 | 51 | m_index(0), |
52 | m_last_refresh(attotime::zero), | |
52 | m_last_refresh(attotime::zero), m_clock_timer(nullptr), m_periodic_timer(nullptr), | |
53 | 53 | m_write_irq(*this), |
54 | 54 | m_century_index(-1), |
55 | 55 | m_epoch(0), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
32 | 32 | |
33 | 33 | |
34 | 34 | mc68328_device::mc68328_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
35 | : device_t(mconfig, MC68328, "MC68328 (DragonBall) Integrated Processor", tag, owner, clock, "mc68328", __FILE__), | |
35 | : device_t(mconfig, MC68328, "MC68328 (DragonBall) Integrated Processor", tag, owner, clock, "mc68328", __FILE__), m_rtc(nullptr), m_pwm(nullptr), | |
36 | 36 | m_out_port_a_cb(*this), |
37 | 37 | m_out_port_b_cb(*this), |
38 | 38 | m_out_port_c_cb(*this), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
19 | 19 | |
20 | 20 | microtouch_device::microtouch_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
21 | 21 | device_t(mconfig, MICROTOUCH, "Microtouch Touchscreen", tag, owner, clock, "microtouch", __FILE__), |
22 | device_serial_interface(mconfig, *this), | |
22 | device_serial_interface(mconfig, *this), m_rx_buffer_ptr(0), m_tx_buffer_num(0), m_tx_buffer_ptr(0), m_reset_done(0), m_format(0), m_mode(0), m_last_touch_state(0), | |
23 | m_last_x(0), m_last_y(0), | |
23 | 24 | m_out_stx_func(*this), |
24 | 25 | m_touch(*this, "TOUCH"), |
25 | 26 | m_touchx(*this, "TOUCH_X"), |
26 | m_touchy(*this, "TOUCH_Y") | |
27 | m_touchy(*this, "TOUCH_Y"), m_timer(nullptr), m_output_valid(false), m_output(0) | |
27 | 28 | { |
28 | 29 | } |
29 | 30 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
43 | 43 | m_read_x2(*this), |
44 | 44 | m_read_x3(*this), |
45 | 45 | m_read_x4(*this), |
46 | m_read_x5(*this), | |
46 | m_read_x5(*this), m_cap_osc(0), m_cap_debounce(0), | |
47 | 47 | m_max_y(5), // TODO 4 for 74C922, 5 for 74C923 |
48 | 48 | m_inhibit(0), |
49 | 49 | m_x(0), |
50 | m_y(0), | |
50 | m_y(0), m_data(0), | |
51 | 51 | m_da(0), |
52 | m_next_da(0) | |
52 | m_next_da(0), m_scan_timer(nullptr) | |
53 | 53 | { |
54 | 54 | } |
55 | 55 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
20 | 20 | m_rxc_handler(*this), |
21 | 21 | m_rts_handler(*this), |
22 | 22 | m_dtr_handler(*this), |
23 | m_control(0), | |
23 | m_control(0), m_command(0), | |
24 | 24 | m_status(0), |
25 | m_tdr(0), | |
25 | m_tdr(0), m_rdr(0), | |
26 | 26 | m_irq_state(0), |
27 | 27 | m_irq(0), |
28 | 28 | m_txd(0), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
34 | 34 | m_cts(1), |
35 | 35 | m_dsr(1), |
36 | 36 | m_dcd(1), |
37 | m_rxd(1), | |
37 | m_rxd(1), m_wordlength(0), m_extrastop(0), m_brk(0), m_echo_mode(0), m_parity(0), | |
38 | 38 | m_rx_state(STATE_START), |
39 | m_rx_clock(0), | |
40 | m_rx_counter(0), | |
39 | m_rx_clock(0), m_rx_bits(0), m_rx_shift(0), m_rx_parity(0), | |
40 | m_rx_counter(0), m_rx_irq_enable(0), | |
41 | 41 | m_rx_internal_clock(0), |
42 | 42 | m_tx_state(STATE_START), |
43 | 43 | m_tx_output(OUTPUT_MARK), |
44 | m_tx_clock(0), | |
45 | m_tx_counter(0) | |
44 | m_tx_clock(0), m_tx_bits(0), m_tx_shift(0), m_tx_parity(0), | |
45 | m_tx_counter(0), m_tx_enable(0), m_tx_irq_enable(0), m_tx_internal_clock(0) | |
46 | 46 | { |
47 | 47 | } |
48 | 48 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
31 | 31 | ADDRESS_MAP_END |
32 | 32 | |
33 | 33 | ncr5380n_device::ncr5380n_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
34 | : nscsi_device(mconfig, NCR5380N, "5380 SCSI (new)", tag, owner, clock, "ncr5380", __FILE__), | |
34 | : nscsi_device(mconfig, NCR5380N, "5380 SCSI (new)", tag, owner, clock, "ncr5380", __FILE__), tm(nullptr), status(0), istatus(0), m_mode(0), | |
35 | m_outdata(0), m_busstatus(0), m_dmalatch(0), m_icommand(0), m_tcommand(0), clock_conv(0), sync_offset(0), sync_period(0), bus_id(0), select_timeout(0), | |
36 | seq(0), tcount(0), mode(0), state(0), irq(false), drq(false), | |
35 | 37 | m_irq_handler(*this), |
36 | 38 | m_drq_handler(*this) |
37 | 39 | { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
22 | 22 | ADDRESS_MAP_END |
23 | 23 | |
24 | 24 | ncr5390_device::ncr5390_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
25 | : nscsi_device(mconfig, NCR5390, "5390 SCSI", tag, owner, clock, "ncr5390", __FILE__), | |
25 | : nscsi_device(mconfig, NCR5390, "5390 SCSI", tag, owner, clock, "ncr5390", __FILE__), tm(nullptr), config(0), status(0), istatus(0), clock_conv(0), sync_offset(0), sync_period(0), bus_id(0), | |
26 | select_timeout(0), seq(0), tcount(0), mode(0), fifo_pos(0), command_pos(0), state(0), xfr_phase(0), command_length(0), dma_dir(0), irq(false), drq(false), | |
26 | 27 | m_irq_handler(*this), |
27 | 28 | m_drq_handler(*this) |
28 | 29 | { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
23 | 23 | const device_type NSC810 = &device_creator<nsc810_device>; |
24 | 24 | |
25 | 25 | nsc810_device::nsc810_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
26 | device_t(mconfig, NSC810, "National Semiconductor NSC810", tag, owner, clock, "nsc810", __FILE__), | |
26 | device_t(mconfig, NSC810, "National Semiconductor NSC810", tag, owner, clock, "nsc810", __FILE__), m_portA_latch(0), m_portB_latch(0), m_portC_latch(0), | |
27 | m_ddrA(0), m_ddrB(0), m_ddrC(0), m_mode(0), m_timer0(nullptr), m_timer1(nullptr), m_timer0_mode(0), m_timer1_mode(0), m_timer0_counter(0), m_timer1_counter(0), | |
28 | m_timer0_base(0), m_timer1_base(0), m_timer0_running(false), m_timer1_running(false), m_timer0_clock(0), m_timer1_clock(0), m_ramselect(false), | |
27 | 29 | m_portA_r(*this), |
28 | 30 | m_portB_r(*this), |
29 | 31 | m_portC_r(*this), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6 | 6 | const device_type NSCSI_CONNECTOR = &device_creator<nscsi_connector>; |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 8 | nscsi_bus_device::nscsi_bus_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
9 | device_t(mconfig, NSCSI_BUS, "NSCSI Bus", tag, owner, clock, "nscsi_bus", __FILE__) | |
9 | device_t(mconfig, NSCSI_BUS, "NSCSI Bus", tag, owner, clock, "nscsi_bus", __FILE__), data(0), ctrl(0) | |
10 | 10 | { |
11 | 11 | devcnt = 0; |
12 | 12 | memset(dev, 0, sizeof(dev)); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14 | 14 | m_write_io(*this), |
15 | 15 | m_write_cd(*this), |
16 | 16 | m_write_sel(*this), |
17 | m_write_bsy(*this) | |
17 | m_write_bsy(*this), m_ctrl(0) | |
18 | 18 | { |
19 | 19 | } |
20 | 20 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6 | 6 | const device_type NSCSI_CDROM = &device_creator<nscsi_cdrom_device>; |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 8 | nscsi_cdrom_device::nscsi_cdrom_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
9 | nscsi_full_device(mconfig, NSCSI_CDROM, "SCSI CDROM", tag, owner, clock, "scsi_cdrom", __FILE__) | |
9 | nscsi_full_device(mconfig, NSCSI_CDROM, "SCSI CDROM", tag, owner, clock, "scsi_cdrom", __FILE__), cdrom(nullptr), bytes_per_sector(0), lba(0), cur_lba(0), blocks(0) | |
10 | 10 | { |
11 | 11 | } |
12 | 12 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6 | 6 | const device_type NSCSI_HARDDISK = &device_creator<nscsi_harddisk_device>; |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 8 | nscsi_harddisk_device::nscsi_harddisk_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
9 | nscsi_full_device(mconfig, NSCSI_HARDDISK, "SCSI HARDDISK", tag, owner, clock, "scsi_harddisk", __FILE__) | |
9 | nscsi_full_device(mconfig, NSCSI_HARDDISK, "SCSI HARDDISK", tag, owner, clock, "scsi_harddisk", __FILE__), harddisk(nullptr), lba(0), cur_lba(0), blocks(0), bytes_per_sector(0) | |
10 | 10 | { |
11 | 11 | } |
12 | 12 | |
13 | 13 | nscsi_harddisk_device::nscsi_harddisk_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
14 | nscsi_full_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) | |
14 | nscsi_full_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), harddisk(nullptr), lba(0), cur_lba(0), blocks(0), bytes_per_sector(0) | |
15 | 15 | { |
16 | 16 | } |
17 | 17 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15 | 15 | pc_lpt_device::pc_lpt_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
16 | 16 | : device_t(mconfig, PC_LPT, "PC-LPT", tag, owner, clock, "pc_lpt", __FILE__), |
17 | 17 | m_irq(1), |
18 | m_data(0xff), | |
18 | m_data(0xff), m_control(0), | |
19 | 19 | m_irq_enabled(1), |
20 | 20 | m_centronics_ack(1), |
21 | 21 | m_irq_handler(*this), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
24 | 24 | m_outputs(0), |
25 | 25 | m_terms(0), |
26 | 26 | m_input_mask(0), |
27 | m_xor(0) | |
27 | m_xor(0), m_cache_size(0), m_cache2_ptr(0) | |
28 | 28 | { |
29 | 29 | } |
30 | 30 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
7 | 7 | const device_type RF5C296 = &device_creator<rf5c296_device>; |
8 | 8 | |
9 | 9 | rf5c296_device::rf5c296_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
10 | device_t(mconfig, PCCARD_SLOT, "PCCARD SLOT", tag, owner, clock, "pccard", __FILE__) | |
10 | device_t(mconfig, PCCARD_SLOT, "PCCARD SLOT", tag, owner, clock, "pccard", __FILE__), m_rf5c296_reg(0), m_pccard(nullptr), m_pccard_name(nullptr) | |
11 | 11 | { |
12 | 12 | } |
13 | 13 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
32 | 32 | rtc4543_device::rtc4543_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
33 | 33 | : device_t(mconfig, RTC4543, "R4543 RTC", tag, owner, clock, "rtc4543", __FILE__), |
34 | 34 | device_rtc_interface(mconfig, *this), |
35 | data_cb(*this) | |
35 | data_cb(*this), m_ce(0), m_clk(0), m_wr(0), m_data(0), m_shiftreg(0), m_curreg(0), m_curbit(0), m_clock_timer(nullptr) | |
36 | 36 | { |
37 | 37 | } |
38 | 38 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
37 | 37 | device_nvram_interface(mconfig, *this), |
38 | 38 | m_latch(0), |
39 | 39 | m_reset_line(CLEAR_LINE), |
40 | m_clock_line(CLEAR_LINE) | |
40 | m_clock_line(CLEAR_LINE), rtc_state(), cmd_stream_pos(0), current_cmd(0), rtc9701_address_pos(0), rtc9701_current_address(0), rtc9701_current_data(0), rtc9701_data_pos(0) | |
41 | 41 | { |
42 | 42 | } |
43 | 43 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
36 | 36 | //------------------------------------------------- |
37 | 37 | |
38 | 38 | s3520cf_device::s3520cf_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
39 | : device_t(mconfig, S3520CF, "S-3520CF RTC", tag, owner, clock, "s3520cf", __FILE__) | |
39 | : device_t(mconfig, S3520CF, "S-3520CF RTC", tag, owner, clock, "s3520cf", __FILE__), m_dir(0), m_latch(0), m_reset_line(0), m_read_latch(0), m_current_cmd(0), m_cmd_stream_pos(0), m_rtc_addr(0), m_mode(0), m_sysr(0), m_rtc_state() | |
40 | 40 | { |
41 | 41 | } |
42 | 42 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
33 | 33 | const device_type S3C44B0 = &device_creator<s3c44b0_device>; |
34 | 34 | |
35 | 35 | s3c44b0_device::s3c44b0_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
36 | : device_t(mconfig, S3C44B0, "Samsung S3C44B0", tag, owner, clock, "s3c44b0", __FILE__), | |
36 | : device_t(mconfig, S3C44B0, "Samsung S3C44B0", tag, owner, clock, "s3c44b0", __FILE__), m_cpu(nullptr), | |
37 | 37 | m_port_r_cb(*this), |
38 | 38 | m_port_w_cb(*this), |
39 | 39 | m_scl_w_cb(*this), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
24 | 24 | serflash_device::serflash_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
25 | 25 | : device_t(mconfig, SERFLASH, "Serial Flash", tag, owner, clock, "serflash", __FILE__), |
26 | 26 | device_nvram_interface(mconfig, *this), |
27 | m_length(0) | |
27 | m_length(0), m_region(nullptr), m_flash_state(), m_flash_enab(0), m_flash_cmd_seq(0), m_flash_cmd_prev(0), m_flash_addr_seq(0), m_flash_read_seq(0), m_flash_row(0), | |
28 | m_flash_col(0), m_flash_page_addr(0), m_flash_page_index(0), m_last_flash_cmd(0), m_flash_addr(0) | |
28 | 29 | { |
29 | 30 | } |
30 | 31 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
26 | 26 | const device_type SPEECHROM = &device_creator<speechrom_device>; |
27 | 27 | |
28 | 28 | speechrom_device::speechrom_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
29 | : device_t(mconfig, SPEECHROM, "SPEECHROM", tag, owner, clock, "speechrom", __FILE__), | |
29 | : device_t(mconfig, SPEECHROM, "SPEECHROM", tag, owner, clock, "speechrom", __FILE__), m_speechrom_data(nullptr), m_speechROMlen(0), | |
30 | 30 | m_speechROMaddr(0), |
31 | 31 | m_load_pointer(0), |
32 | 32 | m_ROM_bits_count(0), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
25 | 25 | //------------------------------------------------- |
26 | 26 | |
27 | 27 | tms1024_device::tms1024_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
28 | : device_t(mconfig, TMS1024, "TMS1024 I/O Expander", tag, owner, clock, "tms1024", __FILE__), | |
28 | : device_t(mconfig, TMS1024, "TMS1024 I/O Expander", tag, owner, clock, "tms1024", __FILE__), m_h(0), m_s(0), m_std(0), | |
29 | 29 | m_write_port1(*this), m_write_port2(*this), m_write_port3(*this), m_write_port4(*this), m_write_port5(*this), m_write_port6(*this), m_write_port7(*this) |
30 | 30 | { |
31 | 31 | } |
32 | 32 | |
33 | 33 | tms1024_device::tms1024_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) |
34 | : device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), | |
34 | : device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), m_h(0), m_s(0), m_std(0), | |
35 | 35 | m_write_port1(*this), m_write_port2(*this), m_write_port3(*this), m_write_port4(*this), m_write_port5(*this), m_write_port6(*this), m_write_port7(*this) |
36 | 36 | { |
37 | 37 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
19 | 19 | const device_type UPD4701 = &device_creator<upd4701_device>; |
20 | 20 | |
21 | 21 | upd4701_device::upd4701_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
22 | : device_t(mconfig, UPD4701, "uPD4701 Encoder", tag, owner, clock, "upd4701", __FILE__) | |
22 | : device_t(mconfig, UPD4701, "uPD4701 Encoder", tag, owner, clock, "upd4701", __FILE__), m_cs(0), m_xy(0), m_ul(0), m_resetx(0), m_resety(0), m_latchx(0), m_latchy(0), | |
23 | m_startx(0), m_starty(0), m_x(0), m_y(0), m_switches(0), m_latchswitches(0), m_cf(0) | |
23 | 24 | { |
24 | 25 | } |
25 | 26 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
35 | 35 | |
36 | 36 | upd4992_device::upd4992_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
37 | 37 | : device_t(mconfig, UPD4992, "uPD4992 RTC", tag, owner, clock, "upd4992", __FILE__), |
38 | device_rtc_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
38 | device_rtc_interface(mconfig, *this), m_timer_clock(nullptr) | |
39 | 39 | { |
40 | 40 | } |
41 | 41 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
19 | 19 | const device_type UPD7002 = &device_creator<upd7002_device>; |
20 | 20 | |
21 | 21 | upd7002_device::upd7002_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
22 | : device_t(mconfig, UPD7002, "uPD7002", tag, owner, clock, "upd7002", __FILE__) | |
22 | : device_t(mconfig, UPD7002, "uPD7002", tag, owner, clock, "upd7002", __FILE__), m_status(0), m_data1(0), m_data0(0), m_digitalvalue(0), m_conversion_counter(0) | |
23 | 23 | { |
24 | 24 | } |
25 | 25 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
34 | 34 | //------------------------------------------------- |
35 | 35 | |
36 | 36 | v3021_device::v3021_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
37 | : device_t(mconfig, v3021, "V3021 RTC", tag, owner, clock, "v3021", __FILE__) | |
37 | : device_t(mconfig, v3021, "V3021 RTC", tag, owner, clock, "v3021", __FILE__), m_cal_mask(0), m_cal_com(0), m_cal_cnt(0), m_cal_val(0) | |
38 | 38 | { |
39 | 39 | } |
40 | 40 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
29 | 29 | ADDRESS_MAP_END |
30 | 30 | |
31 | 31 | vrc4373_device::vrc4373_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
32 | : pci_host_device(mconfig, VRC4373, "NEC VRC4373 System Controller", tag, owner, clock, "vrc4373", __FILE__), | |
32 | : pci_host_device(mconfig, VRC4373, "NEC VRC4373 System Controller", tag, owner, clock, "vrc4373", __FILE__), m_cpu_space(nullptr), m_cpu(nullptr), cpu_tag(nullptr), | |
33 | 33 | m_mem_config("memory_space", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32), |
34 | m_io_config("io_space", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32) | |
34 | m_io_config("io_space", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32), m_ram_size(0), m_ram_base(0), m_simm_size(0), m_simm_base(0), m_pci1_laddr(0), m_pci2_laddr(0), m_pci_io_laddr(0), m_target1_laddr(0), m_target2_laddr(0) | |
35 | 35 | |
36 | 36 | { |
37 | 37 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
16 | 16 | |
17 | 17 | |
18 | 18 | vt82c496_device::vt82c496_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
19 | : device_t(mconfig, VT82C496, "VIA VT82C496G system chipset", tag, owner, clock, "vt82c496", __FILE__) | |
20 | { | |
19 | : device_t(mconfig, VT82C496, "VIA VT82C496G system chipset", tag, owner, clock, "vt82c496", __FILE__), m_cpu_tag(nullptr), m_region_tag(nullptr), m_space(nullptr), m_ram(nullptr), m_rom(nullptr), m_reg_select(0) | |
20 | { | |
21 | 21 | } |
22 | 22 | |
23 | 23 | void vt82c496_device::device_start() |
r250335 | r250336 | |
76 | 76 | save_item(NAME(active)); |
77 | 77 | save_item(NAME(phases)); |
78 | 78 | save_item(NAME(external_io_select)); |
79 | save_item(NAME(; | |
80 | save_item(NAME(cur_lss.cycles)); | |
81 | save_item(NAME(cur_lss.data_reg)); | |
82 | save_item(NAME(cur_lss.address)); | |
83 | save_item(NAME(cur_lss.write_start_time)); | |
84 | // save_item(NAME(cur_lss.write_buffer)); | |
85 | save_item(NAME(cur_lss.write_position)); | |
86 | save_item(NAME(cur_lss.write_line_active)); | |
87 | save_item(NAME(; | |
88 | save_item(NAME(predicted_lss.cycles)); | |
89 | save_item(NAME(predicted_lss.data_reg)); | |
90 | save_item(NAME(predicted_lss.address)); | |
91 | save_item(NAME(predicted_lss.write_start_time)); | |
92 | // save_item(NAME(predicted_lss.write_buffer)); | |
93 | save_item(NAME(predicted_lss.write_position)); | |
94 | save_item(NAME(predicted_lss.write_line_active)); | |
79 | save_item(NAME(cycles)); | |
80 | save_item(NAME(data_reg)); | |
81 | save_item(NAME(address)); | |
82 | save_item(NAME(write_start_time)); | |
83 | save_item(NAME(write_position)); | |
84 | save_item(NAME(write_line_active)); | |
95 | 85 | save_item(NAME(drvsel)); |
96 | 86 | save_item(NAME(enable1)); |
97 | 87 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
104 | 94 | mode_write = false; |
105 | 95 | mode_load = false; |
106 | 96 | last_6502_write = 0x00; |
107 | = machine().time(); | |
108 | cur_lss.cycles = time_to_cycles(; | |
109 | cur_lss.data_reg = 0x00; | |
110 | cur_lss.address = 0x00; | |
111 | cur_lss.write_start_time = attotime::never; | |
112 | cur_lss.write_position = 0; | |
113 | cur_lss.write_line_active = false; | |
114 | = attotime::never; | |
97 | cycles = time_to_cycles(machine().time()); | |
98 | data_reg = 0x00; | |
99 | address = 0x00; | |
100 | write_start_time = attotime::never; | |
101 | write_position = 0; | |
102 | write_line_active = false; | |
115 | 103 | external_io_select = false; |
104 | ||
105 | // Just a timer to be sure that the lss is updated from time to | |
106 | // time, so that there's no hiccup when it's talked to again. | |
107 | timer->adjust(attotime::from_msec(10), 0, attotime::from_msec(10)); | |
116 | 108 | } |
117 | 109 | |
118 | 110 | void wozfdc_device::a3_update_drive_sel() |
r250335 | r250336 | |
152 | 144 | floppy->mon_w(true); |
153 | 145 | } |
154 | 146 | floppy = newflop; |
155 | if(active) | |
147 | if(active) | |
156 | 148 | floppy->mon_w(false); |
157 | lss_predict(); | |
158 | } | |
159 | 149 | } |
160 | 150 | } |
161 | 151 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
188 | 178 | floppy->mon_w(true); |
189 | 179 | active = MODE_IDLE; |
190 | 180 | } |
191 | ||
192 | if(active) | |
193 | lss_predict(); | |
194 | 181 | } |
195 | 182 | |
196 | 183 | /*------------------------------------------------- |
r250335 | r250336 | |
199 | 186 | |
200 | 187 | READ8_MEMBER(wozfdc_device::read) |
201 | 188 | { |
189 | lss_sync(); | |
202 | 190 | control(offset); |
203 | 191 | |
204 | if(!(offset & 1)) | |
205 | return cur_lss.data_reg; | |
192 | if(!(offset & 1)) { | |
193 | return data_reg; | |
194 | } | |
206 | 195 | return 0xff; |
207 | 196 | } |
208 | 197 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
213 | 202 | |
214 | 203 | WRITE8_MEMBER(wozfdc_device::write) |
215 | 204 | { |
205 | lss_sync(); | |
216 | 206 | control(offset); |
217 | 207 | last_6502_write = data; |
218 | lss_predict(); | |
219 | 208 | } |
220 | 209 | |
221 | 210 | void wozfdc_device::phase(int ph, bool on) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
231 | 220 | |
232 | 221 | void wozfdc_device::control(int offset) |
233 | 222 | { |
234 | if(offset < 8) { | |
235 | if(active) | |
236 | lss_sync(); | |
223 | if(offset < 8) | |
237 | 224 | phase(offset >> 1, offset & 1); |
238 | if(active) | |
239 | lss_predict(); | |
240 | 225 | |
241 | | |
226 | else | |
242 | 227 | switch(offset) { |
243 | 228 | case 0x8: |
244 | 229 | if(active == MODE_ACTIVE) { |
245 | lss_sync(); | |
246 | 230 | delay_timer->adjust(attotime::from_seconds(1)); |
247 | 231 | active = MODE_DELAY; |
248 | 232 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
262 | 246 | break; |
263 | 247 | } |
264 | 248 | break; |
265 | | |
249 | case 0xa: | |
266 | 250 | external_io_select = false; |
267 | 251 | if(floppy != floppy0->get_device()) { |
268 | if(active) { | |
269 | lss_sync(); | |
252 | if(active) | |
270 | 253 | floppy->mon_w(true); |
271 | } | |
272 | 254 | floppy = floppy0->get_device(); |
273 | if(active) | |
255 | if(active) | |
274 | 256 | floppy->mon_w(false); |
275 | lss_predict(); | |
276 | } | |
277 | 257 | } |
278 | 258 | break; |
279 | 259 | case 0xb: |
r250335 | r250336 | |
282 | 262 | { |
283 | 263 | if (floppy != floppy1->get_device()) |
284 | 264 | { |
285 | if(active) { | |
286 | lss_sync(); | |
265 | if(active) | |
287 | 266 | floppy->mon_w(true); |
288 | } | |
289 | 267 | floppy = floppy1->get_device(); |
290 | if(active) | |
268 | if(active) | |
291 | 269 | floppy->mon_w(false); |
292 | lss_predict(); | |
293 | } | |
294 | 270 | } |
295 | 271 | } |
296 | 272 | else |
r250335 | r250336 | |
300 | 276 | break; |
301 | 277 | case 0xc: |
302 | 278 | if(mode_load) { |
303 | if(active) { | |
304 | lss_sync(); | |
305 | cur_lss.address &= ~0x04; | |
306 | } | |
307 | mode_load = false; | |
308 | 279 | if(active) |
309 | lss_predict(); | |
280 | address &= ~0x04; | |
281 | mode_load = false; | |
310 | 282 | } |
311 | 283 | break; |
312 | 284 | case 0xd: |
313 | 285 | if(!mode_load) { |
314 | if(active) { | |
315 | lss_sync(); | |
316 | cur_lss.address |= 0x04; | |
317 | } | |
318 | mode_load = true; | |
319 | 286 | if(active) |
320 | lss_predict(); | |
287 | address |= 0x04; | |
288 | mode_load = true; | |
321 | 289 | } |
322 | 290 | break; |
323 | 291 | case 0xe: |
324 | 292 | if(mode_write) { |
325 | if(active) { | |
326 | lss_sync(); | |
327 | cur_lss.address &= ~0x08; | |
328 | } | |
329 | mode_write = false; | |
330 | 293 | if(active) |
331 | lss_predict(); | |
294 | address &= ~0x08; | |
295 | mode_write = false; | |
296 | attotime now = machine().time(); | |
297 | if(floppy) | |
298 | floppy->write_flux(write_start_time, now, write_position, write_buffer); | |
332 | 299 | } |
333 | 300 | break; |
334 | 301 | case 0xf: |
335 | 302 | if(!mode_write) { |
336 | 303 | if(active) { |
337 | lss_sync(); | |
338 | cur_lss.address |= 0x08; | |
339 | cur_lss.write_start_time = machine().time(); | |
304 | address |= 0x08; | |
305 | write_start_time = machine().time(); | |
306 | write_position = 0; | |
340 | 307 | if(floppy) |
341 | floppy->set_write_splice( | |
308 | floppy->set_write_splice(write_start_time); | |
342 | 309 | } |
343 | 310 | mode_write = true; |
344 | if(active) | |
345 | lss_predict(); | |
346 | 311 | } |
347 | 312 | break; |
348 | 313 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
365 | 330 | |
366 | 331 | void wozfdc_device::lss_start() |
367 | 332 | { |
368 | = machine().time(); | |
369 | cur_lss.cycles = time_to_cycles(; | |
370 | cur_lss.data_reg = 0x00; | |
371 | cur_lss.address &= ~0x0e; | |
372 | cur_lss.write_position = 0; | |
373 | cur_lss.write_start_time = mode_write ? machine().time() : attotime::never; | |
374 | cur_lss.write_line_active = false; | |
333 | cycles = time_to_cycles(machine().time()); | |
334 | data_reg = 0x00; | |
335 | address &= ~0x0e; | |
336 | write_position = 0; | |
337 | write_start_time = mode_write ? machine().time() : attotime::never; | |
338 | write_line_active = false; | |
375 | 339 | if(mode_write && floppy) |
376 | floppy->set_write_splice(cur_lss.write_start_time); | |
377 | lss_predict(); | |
340 | floppy->set_write_splice(write_start_time); | |
378 | 341 | } |
379 | 342 | |
380 | void wozfdc_device::lss_delay(UINT64 cycles, const attotime &tm, UINT8 data_reg, UINT8 address, bool write_line_active) | |
381 | { | |
382 | if(data_reg & 0x80) | |
383 | address |= 0x02; | |
384 | else | |
385 | address &= ~0x02; | |
386 | predicted_lss.cycles = cycles; | |
387 | = tm; | |
388 | predicted_lss.data_reg = data_reg; | |
389 | predicted_lss.address = address; | |
390 | predicted_lss.write_line_active = write_line_active; | |
391 | attotime mtm = machine().time(); | |
392 | if( > mtm) | |
393 | timer->adjust( - mtm); | |
394 | } | |
395 | ||
396 | void wozfdc_device::lss_delay(UINT64 cycles, UINT8 data_reg, UINT8 address, bool write_line_active) | |
397 | { | |
398 | lss_delay(cycles, cycles_to_time(cycles), data_reg, address, write_line_active); | |
399 | } | |
400 | ||
401 | void wozfdc_device::commit_predicted() | |
402 | { | |
403 | cur_lss = predicted_lss; | |
404 | assert(!mode_write || (cur_lss.write_line_active && (cur_lss.address & 0x80)) || ((!cur_lss.write_line_active) && !(cur_lss.address & 0x80))); | |
405 | if(mode_write) { | |
406 | if(floppy) | |
407 | floppy->write_flux(cur_lss.write_start_time,, cur_lss.write_position, cur_lss.write_buffer); | |
408 | cur_lss.write_start_time =; | |
409 | cur_lss.write_position = 0; | |
410 | } | |
411 | ||
412 | = attotime::never; | |
413 | } | |
414 | ||
415 | 343 | void wozfdc_device::lss_sync() |
416 | 344 | { |
417 | attotime tm = machine().time(); | |
418 | if(! && <= tm) | |
419 | commit_predicted(); | |
345 | if(!active) | |
346 | return; | |
420 | 347 | |
421 | while( < tm) { | |
422 | lss_predict(tm); | |
423 | commit_predicted(); | |
424 | } | |
425 | } | |
348 | attotime next_flux = floppy ? floppy->get_next_transition(cycles_to_time(cycles-1)) : attotime::never; | |
426 | 349 | |
427 | void wozfdc_device::lss_predict(attotime limit) | |
428 | { | |
429 | predicted_lss.write_start_time = cur_lss.write_start_time; | |
430 | predicted_lss.write_position = cur_lss.write_position; | |
431 | memcpy(predicted_lss.write_buffer, cur_lss.write_buffer, cur_lss.write_position * sizeof(attotime)); | |
432 | bool write_line_active = cur_lss.write_line_active; | |
433 | ||
434 | attotime next_flux = floppy ? floppy->get_next_transition( - attotime::from_usec(1)) : attotime::never; | |
435 | ||
436 | if(limit == attotime::never) | |
437 | limit = machine().time() + attotime::from_usec(50); | |
438 | ||
439 | UINT64 cycles = cur_lss.cycles; | |
440 | UINT64 cycles_limit = time_to_cycles(limit); | |
350 | UINT64 cycles_limit = time_to_cycles(machine().time()); | |
441 | 351 | UINT64 cycles_next_flux = next_flux != attotime::never ? time_to_cycles(next_flux) : UINT64(-1); |
442 | 352 | UINT64 cycles_next_flux_down = cycles_next_flux != UINT64(-1) ? cycles_next_flux+1 : UINT64(-1); |
443 | 353 | |
444 | UINT8 address = cur_lss.address; | |
445 | UINT8 data_reg = cur_lss.data_reg; | |
446 | ||
447 | 354 | if(cycles >= cycles_next_flux && cycles < cycles_next_flux_down) |
448 | 355 | address &= ~0x10; |
449 | 356 | else |
r250335 | r250336 | |
463 | 370 | if((write_line_active && !(address & 0x80)) || |
464 | 371 | (!write_line_active && (address & 0x80))) { |
465 | 372 | write_line_active = !write_line_active; |
466 | assert(predicted_lss.write_position != 32); | |
467 | predicted_lss.write_buffer[predicted_lss.write_position++] = cycles_to_time(cycles); | |
373 | assert(write_position != 32); | |
374 | write_buffer[write_position++] = cycles_to_time(cycles); | |
375 | } else if(write_position >= 30) { | |
376 | attotime now = cycles_to_time(cycles); | |
377 | if(floppy) | |
378 | floppy->write_flux(write_start_time, now, write_position, write_buffer); | |
379 | write_start_time = now; | |
380 | write_position = 0; | |
468 | 381 | } |
469 | 382 | } |
470 | 383 | |
471 | 384 | address = (address & 0x1e) | (opcode & 0xc0) | ((opcode & 0x20) >> 5) | ((opcode & 0x10) << 1); |
472 | 385 | switch(opcode & 0x0f) { |
473 | 386 | case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: |
474 | if(data_reg) { | |
475 | lss_delay(cycles+1, 0x00, address, write_line_active); | |
476 | return; | |
477 | } | |
387 | data_reg = 0x00; | |
478 | 388 | break; |
479 | 389 | case 0x8: case 0xc: |
480 | 390 | break; |
481 | 391 | case 0x9: |
482 | lss_delay(cycles+1, data_reg << 1, address, write_line_active); | |
483 | return; | |
392 | data_reg <<= 1; | |
393 | break; | |
484 | 394 | case 0xa: case 0xe: |
485 | lss_delay(cycles+1, (data_reg >> 1) | (floppy && floppy->wpt_r() ? 0x80 : 0x00), address, write_line_active); | |
486 | return; | |
395 | data_reg = (data_reg >> 1) | (floppy && floppy->wpt_r() ? 0x80 : 0x00); | |
396 | break; | |
487 | 397 | case 0xb: case 0xf: |
488 | lss_delay(cycles+1, last_6502_write, address, write_line_active); | |
489 | return; | |
398 | data_reg = last_6502_write; | |
399 | break; | |
490 | 400 | case 0xd: |
491 | lss_delay(cycles+1, (data_reg << 1) | 0x01, address, write_line_active); | |
492 | return; | |
401 | data_reg = (data_reg << 1) | 0x01; | |
402 | break; | |
493 | 403 | } |
404 | if(data_reg & 0x80) | |
405 | address |= 0x02; | |
406 | else | |
407 | address &= ~0x02; | |
494 | 408 | cycles++; |
495 | 409 | } |
496 | 410 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
503 | 417 | cycles_next_flux_down = cycles_next_flux != UINT64(-1) ? cycles_next_flux+1 : UINT64(-1); |
504 | 418 | } |
505 | 419 | } |
506 | ||
507 | lss_delay(cycles, limit, data_reg, address, write_line_active); | |
508 | 420 | } |
509 | 421 | |
510 | 422 | // set the two images for the Disk II |
r250335 | r250336 | |
52 | 52 | }; |
53 | 53 | |
54 | struct lss { | |
55 | attotime tm; | |
56 | UINT64 cycles; | |
57 | UINT8 data_reg, address; | |
58 | attotime write_start_time; | |
59 | attotime write_buffer[32]; | |
60 | int write_position; | |
61 | bool write_line_active; | |
62 | }; | |
54 | UINT64 cycles; | |
55 | UINT8 data_reg, address; | |
56 | attotime write_start_time; | |
57 | attotime write_buffer[32]; | |
58 | int write_position; | |
59 | bool write_line_active; | |
63 | 60 | |
64 | 61 | const UINT8 *m_rom_p6; |
65 | 62 | UINT8 last_6502_write; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
70 | 67 | bool external_drive_select; |
71 | 68 | bool external_io_select; |
72 | 69 | |
73 | lss cur_lss, predicted_lss; | |
74 | ||
75 | 70 | int drvsel; |
76 | 71 | int enable1; |
77 | 72 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
82 | 77 | void a3_update_drive_sel(); |
83 | 78 | |
84 | 79 | void lss_start(); |
85 | void lss_delay(UINT64 cycles, const attotime &tm, UINT8 data_reg, UINT8 address, bool write_line_active); | |
86 | void lss_delay(UINT64 cycles, UINT8 data_reg, UINT8 address, bool write_line_active); | |
87 | 80 | void lss_sync(); |
88 | void lss_predict(attotime limit = attotime::never); | |
89 | void commit_predicted(); | |
90 | 81 | }; |
91 | 82 | |
92 | 83 | class diskii_fdc : public wozfdc_device |
r250335 | r250336 | |
29 | 29 | , m_data_out(0) |
30 | 30 | , m_data_in(0) |
31 | 31 | , m_control(0) |
32 | , m_status(0) | |
33 | , m_rxd(1) | |
32 | , m_status(0), m_timer(nullptr) | |
33 | , m_rxd(1) | |
34 | 34 | , m_tx_busy(false) |
35 | 35 | { |
36 | 36 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6 | 6 | const device_type SEGA_315_5641_PCM = &device_creator<sega_315_5641_pcm_device>; |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 8 | sega_315_5641_pcm_device::sega_315_5641_pcm_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
9 | : upd7759_device(mconfig, SEGA_315_5641_PCM, "315-5641 PCM", tag, owner, clock, "315-5641_pcm", __FILE__) | |
9 | : upd7759_device(mconfig, SEGA_315_5641_PCM, "315-5641 PCM", tag, owner, clock, "315-5641_pcm", __FILE__), m_fifo_read(0), m_fifo_write(0) | |
10 | 10 | { |
11 | 11 | } |
12 | 12 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
26 | 26 | |
27 | 27 | awacs_device::awacs_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
28 | 28 | : device_t(mconfig, AWACS, "AWACS", tag, owner, clock, "awacs", __FILE__), |
29 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
29 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), m_stream(nullptr), m_play_ptr(0), m_buffer_size(0), m_buffer_num(0), m_playback_enable(false), m_dma_space(nullptr), m_dma_offset_0(0), m_dma_offset_1(0), m_timer(nullptr) | |
30 | 30 | { |
31 | 31 | } |
32 | 32 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
24 | 24 | |
25 | 25 | es1373_device::es1373_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
26 | 26 | : pci_device(mconfig, ES1373, "Creative Labs Ensoniq AudioPCI97 ES1373", tag, owner, clock, "es1373", __FILE__), |
27 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), | |
28 | m_eslog(NULL), | |
27 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), m_stream(nullptr), | |
28 | m_eslog(nullptr), m_tempCount(0), m_timer(nullptr), m_memory_space(nullptr), m_cpu_tag(nullptr), m_cpu(nullptr), | |
29 | 29 | m_irq_num(-1) |
30 | 30 | { |
31 | 31 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
14 | 14 | |
15 | 15 | esq_5505_5510_pump::esq_5505_5510_pump(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
16 | 16 | : device_t(mconfig, ESQ_5505_5510_PUMP, "ESQ_5505_5510_PUMP", tag, owner, clock, "esq_5505_5510_pump", __FILE__), |
17 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), | |
18 | m_esp_halted(true) | |
17 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), m_stream(nullptr), m_timer(nullptr), m_otis(nullptr), m_esp(nullptr), | |
18 | m_esp_halted(true), ticks_spent_processing(0), samples_processed(0) | |
19 | 19 | { |
20 | 20 | } |
21 | 21 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
390 | 390 | #undef DV |
391 | 391 | |
392 | 392 | /* 0 / 3.0 / 1.5 / 6.0 dB/OCT */ |
393 | static const UINT32 ksl_shift[4] = { 31, | |
393 | static const UINT32 ksl_shift[4] = { 31, 2, 1, 0 }; | |
394 | 394 | |
395 | 395 | |
396 | 396 | /* sustain level table (3dB per step) */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
25 | 25 | |
26 | 26 | i5000snd_device::i5000snd_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
27 | 27 | : device_t(mconfig, I5000_SND, "I5000", tag, owner, clock, "i5000snd", __FILE__), |
28 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
28 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), m_stream(nullptr), m_rom_base(nullptr), m_rom_mask(0) | |
29 | 29 | { |
30 | 30 | } |
31 | 31 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
19 | 19 | |
20 | 20 | ics2115_device::ics2115_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
21 | 21 | : device_t(mconfig, ICS2115, "ICS2115", tag, owner, clock, "ics2115", __FILE__), |
22 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), | |
22 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), m_stream(nullptr), | |
23 | 23 | m_rom(*this, DEVICE_SELF), |
24 | m_irq_cb(*this) | |
24 | m_irq_cb(*this), m_active_osc(0), m_osc_select(0), m_reg_select(0), m_irq_enabled(0), m_irq_pending(0), m_irq_on(false), m_vmode(0) | |
25 | 25 | { |
26 | 26 | } |
27 | 27 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
19 | 19 | |
20 | 20 | k054539_device::k054539_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
21 | 21 | : device_t(mconfig, K054539, "K054539 ADPCM", tag, owner, clock, "k054539", __FILE__), |
22 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), | |
22 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), flags(0), ram(nullptr), reverb_pos(0), cur_ptr(0), cur_limit(0), | |
23 | cur_zone(nullptr), rom(nullptr), rom_size(0), rom_mask(0), stream(nullptr), m_timer(nullptr), m_timer_state(0), | |
23 | 24 | m_timer_handler(*this), |
24 | 25 | m_rgnoverride(NULL) |
25 | 26 | { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
21 | 21 | //------------------------------------------------- |
22 | 22 | |
23 | 23 | k056800_device::k056800_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
24 | : device_t(mconfig, K056800, "K056800 MIRAC", tag, owner, clock, "k056800", __FILE__), | |
24 | : device_t(mconfig, K056800, "K056800 MIRAC", tag, owner, clock, "k056800", __FILE__), m_int_pending(false), m_int_enabled(false), | |
25 | 25 | m_int_handler(*this) |
26 | 26 | { |
27 | 27 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
6 | 6 | |
7 | 7 | struct l7a1045_voice |
8 | 8 | { |
9 | l7a1045_voice() : | |
10 | pos(0), | |
11 | frac(0) | |
9 | l7a1045_voice() : end(0), mode(false), | |
10 | pos(0), | |
11 | frac(0), l_volume(0), r_volume(0) | |
12 | 12 | { |
13 | 13 | //memset(regs, 0, sizeof(UINT32)*8); |
14 | 14 | start = 0; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12 | 12 | |
13 | 13 | mas3507d_device::mas3507d_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
14 | 14 | : device_t(mconfig, MAS3507D, "MAS3507D", tag, owner, clock, "mas3507d", __FILE__), |
15 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
15 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), i2c_bus_state(), i2c_bus_address(), i2c_scli(false), i2c_sclo(false), i2c_sdai(false), i2c_sdao(false), | |
16 | i2c_bus_curbit(0), i2c_bus_curval(0), i2c_subdest(), i2c_command(), i2c_bytecount(0), i2c_io_bank(0), i2c_io_adr(0), i2c_io_count(0), i2c_io_val(0) | |
16 | 17 | { |
17 | 18 | } |
18 | 19 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15 | 15 | |
16 | 16 | msm5232_device::msm5232_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
17 | 17 | : device_t(mconfig, MSM5232, "MSM5232", tag, owner, clock, "msm5232", __FILE__), |
18 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), | |
18 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), m_stream(nullptr), m_noise_cnt(0), m_noise_step(0), m_noise_rng(0), m_noise_clocks(0), m_UpdateStep(0), m_control1(0), m_control2(0), m_gate(0), m_chip_clock(0), m_rate(0), | |
19 | 19 | m_gate_handler_cb(*this) |
20 | 20 | { |
21 | 21 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
26 | 26 | |
27 | 27 | tc8830f_device::tc8830f_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
28 | 28 | : device_t(mconfig, TC8830F, "TC8830F", tag, owner, clock, "tc8830f", __FILE__), |
29 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), | |
29 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), m_stream(nullptr), | |
30 | 30 | m_playing(false), |
31 | 31 | m_address(0), |
32 | 32 | m_stop_address(0), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
37 | 37 | m_output(0), |
38 | 38 | m_command(0), |
39 | 39 | m_cmd_rw(0), |
40 | m_phrase(0) | |
40 | m_phrase(0), m_mem_base(nullptr), m_mem_mask(0) | |
41 | 41 | { |
42 | 42 | } |
43 | 43 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
377 | 377 | save_item(NAME(m_old_frame_energy_idx)); |
378 | 378 | save_item(NAME(m_old_frame_pitch_idx)); |
379 | 379 | save_item(NAME(m_old_frame_k_idx)); |
380 | save_item(NAME(m_old_zpar)); | |
381 | save_item(NAME(m_old_uv_zpar)); | |
380 | 382 | #endif |
381 | 383 | save_item(NAME(m_current_energy)); |
382 | 384 | save_item(NAME(m_current_pitch)); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
37 | 37 | upd7752_device::upd7752_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
38 | 38 | : device_t(mconfig, UPD7752, "uPD7752", tag, owner, clock, "upd7752", __FILE__), |
39 | 39 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), |
40 | device_memory_interface(mconfig, *this), | |
41 | m_space_config("ram", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16, 0, NULL, *ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(upd7752_ram)) | |
40 | device_memory_interface(mconfig, *this), m_stream(nullptr), | |
41 | m_space_config("ram", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16, 0, nullptr, *ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(upd7752_ram)), m_status(0), m_ram_addr(0), m_mode(0) | |
42 | 42 | { |
43 | 43 | } |
44 | 44 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
31 | 31 | |
32 | 32 | vrc6snd_device::vrc6snd_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
33 | 33 | : device_t(mconfig, VRC6, "VRC6 sound", tag, owner, clock, "vrc6snd", __FILE__), |
34 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
34 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), m_freqctrl(0), m_sawrate(0), m_sawfrql(0), m_sawfrqh(0), m_sawclock(0), m_sawaccum(0), m_stream(nullptr) | |
35 | 35 | { |
36 | 36 | } |
37 | 37 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
32 | 32 | |
33 | 33 | wave_device::wave_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
34 | 34 | : device_t(mconfig, WAVE, "Wave", tag, owner, clock, "wave", __FILE__), |
35 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
35 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), m_cass(nullptr) | |
36 | 36 | { |
37 | m_cassette_tag = | |
37 | m_cassette_tag = nullptr; | |
38 | 38 | } |
39 | 39 | |
40 | 40 | //------------------------------------------------- |
r250335 | r250336 | |
343 | 343 | #undef DV |
344 | 344 | |
345 | 345 | /* 0 / 3.0 / 1.5 / 6.0 dB/OCT */ |
346 | static const UINT32 ksl_shift[4] = { 31, | |
346 | static const UINT32 ksl_shift[4] = { 31, 2, 1, 0 }; | |
347 | 347 | |
348 | 348 | |
349 | 349 | /* sustain level table (3dB per step) */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
32 | 32 | |
33 | 33 | ymz770_device::ymz770_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
34 | 34 | : device_t(mconfig, YMZ770, "Yamaha YMZ770", tag, owner, clock, "ymz770", __FILE__), |
35 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), | |
35 | device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), m_stream(nullptr), | |
36 | 36 | m_cur_reg(0), |
37 | 37 | m_mute(0), |
38 | 38 | m_doen(0), |
39 | 39 | m_vlma(0), |
40 | 40 | m_bsl(0), |
41 | m_cpl(0) | |
41 | m_cpl(0), m_rom_base(nullptr), m_rom_limit(0) | |
42 | 42 | { |
43 | 43 | } |
44 | 44 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
15 | 15 | const device_type SEGA315_5313 = &device_creator<sega315_5313_device>; |
16 | 16 | |
17 | 17 | sega315_5313_device::sega315_5313_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
18 | : sega315_5124_device(mconfig, SEGA315_5313, "Sega 315-5313 Megadrive VDP", tag, owner, clock, SEGA315_5124_CRAM_SIZE, 0, true, "sega315_5313", __FILE__), | |
18 | : sega315_5124_device(mconfig, SEGA315_5313, "Sega 315-5313 Megadrive VDP", tag, owner, clock, SEGA315_5124_CRAM_SIZE, 0, true, "sega315_5313", __FILE__), m_render_bitmap(nullptr), | |
19 | m_render_line(nullptr), m_render_line_raw(nullptr), m_megadriv_scanline_timer(nullptr), | |
19 | 20 | m_sndirqline_callback(*this), |
20 | 21 | m_lv6irqline_callback(*this), |
21 | m_lv4irqline_callback(*this), | |
22 | m_dma_delay(0) | |
22 | m_lv4irqline_callback(*this), m_command_pending(0), m_command_part1(0), m_command_part2(0), m_vdp_code(0), m_vdp_address(0), m_vram_fill_pending(0), m_vram_fill_length(0), m_irq4counter(0), | |
23 | m_imode_odd_frame(0), m_sprite_collision(0), m_irq6_pending(0), m_irq4_pending(0), m_scanline_counter(0), m_vblank_flag(0), m_imode(0), m_visible_scanlines(0), m_irq6_scanline(0), | |
24 | m_z80irq_scanline(0), m_total_scanlines(0), m_base_total_scanlines(0), m_framerate(0), m_vdp_pal(0), m_use_cram(0), | |
25 | m_dma_delay(0), m_regs(nullptr), m_vram(nullptr), m_cram(nullptr), m_vsram(nullptr), m_internal_sprite_attribute_table(nullptr), m_irq6_on_timer(nullptr), m_irq4_on_timer(nullptr), | |
26 | m_render_timer(nullptr), m_sprite_renderline(nullptr), m_highpri_renderline(nullptr), m_video_renderline(nullptr), m_palette_lookup(nullptr), m_palette_lookup_sprite(nullptr), | |
27 | m_palette_lookup_shadow(nullptr), m_palette_lookup_highlight(nullptr), m_space68k(nullptr), m_cpu68k(nullptr) | |
23 | 28 | { |
24 | 29 | m_use_alt_timing = 0; |
25 | 30 | m_palwrite_base = -1; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
24 | 24 | m_res_out_de_cb(*this), |
25 | 25 | m_res_out_hsync_cb(*this), |
26 | 26 | m_res_out_vsync_cb(*this), |
27 | m_res_out_vblank_cb(*this), | |
28 | m_hpixels_per_column(0) | |
27 | m_res_out_vblank_cb(*this), m_horiz_char_total(0), m_horiz_disp(0), m_horiz_blank_start(0), m_horiz_blank_end(0), m_ena_vert_access(0), m_de_skew(0), m_horiz_retr_start(0), m_horiz_retr_end(0), | |
28 | m_horiz_retr_skew(0), m_vert_total(0), m_preset_row_scan(0), m_byte_panning(0), m_max_ras_addr(0), m_scan_doubling(0), m_cursor_start_ras(0), m_cursor_disable(0), m_cursor_end_ras(0), m_cursor_skew(0), | |
29 | m_disp_start_addr(0), m_cursor_addr(0), m_light_pen_addr(0), m_vert_retr_start(0), m_vert_retr_end(0), m_protect(0), m_bandwidth(0), m_vert_disp_end(0), m_offset(0), m_underline_loc(0), m_vert_blank_start(0), | |
30 | m_vert_blank_end(0), m_mode_control(0), m_line_compare(0), m_register_address_latch(0), m_cursor_state(false), m_cursor_blink_count(0), | |
31 | m_hpixels_per_column(0), m_cur(0), m_hsync(0), m_vsync(0), m_vblank(0), m_de(0), m_character_counter(0), m_hsync_width_counter(0), m_line_counter(0), m_raster_counter(0), m_vsync_width_counter(0), | |
32 | m_line_enable_ff(false), m_vsync_ff(0), m_adjust_active(0), m_line_address(0), m_cursor_x(0), m_line_timer(nullptr), m_de_off_timer(nullptr), m_cur_on_timer(nullptr), m_cur_off_timer(nullptr), | |
33 | m_hsync_on_timer(nullptr), m_hsync_off_timer(nullptr), m_light_pen_latch_timer(nullptr), m_horiz_pix_total(0), m_vert_pix_total(0), m_max_visible_x(0), m_max_visible_y(0), m_hsync_on_pos(0), | |
34 | m_hsync_off_pos(0), m_vsync_on_pos(0), m_vsync_off_pos(0), m_current_disp_addr(0), m_light_pen_latched(0), m_has_valid_parameters(false) | |
29 | 35 | { |
30 | 36 | } |
31 | 37 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
25 | 25 | |
26 | 26 | ef9340_1_device::ef9340_1_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
27 | 27 | : device_t(mconfig, EF9340_1, "EF9340+EF9341", tag, owner, clock, "ef9340_1", __FILE__) |
28 | , device_video_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
29 | //, m_start_vpos(START_Y) | |
28 | , device_video_interface(mconfig, *this), m_line_timer(nullptr) | |
29 | //, m_start_vpos(START_Y) | |
30 | 30 | //, m_start_vblank(START_Y + SCREEN_HEIGHT) |
31 | 31 | //, m_screen_lines(LINES) |
32 | 32 | { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11 | 11 | |
12 | 12 | epic12_device::epic12_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
13 | 13 | : device_t(mconfig, EPIC12, "EP1C12 Blitter", tag, owner, clock, "epic12", __FILE__), |
14 | device_video_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
14 | device_video_interface(mconfig, *this), m_ram16(nullptr), m_gfx_size(0), m_bitmaps(nullptr), m_use_ram(nullptr), | |
15 | m_main_ramsize(0), m_main_rammask(0), m_maincpu(nullptr), m_ram16_copy(nullptr), m_work_queue(nullptr) | |
15 | 16 | { |
16 | 17 | m_is_unsafe = 0; |
17 | 18 | m_delay_scale = 0; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
35 | 35 | |
36 | 36 | fixedfreq_device::fixedfreq_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) |
37 | 37 | : device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), |
38 | device_video_interface(mconfig, *this, false), | |
38 | device_video_interface(mconfig, *this, false), m_htotal(0), m_vtotal(0), m_vid(0), m_last_x(0), m_last_y(0), m_cur_bm(0), | |
39 | 39 | // default to NTSC "704x480@30i" |
40 | 40 | m_monitor_clock(13500000), |
41 | 41 | m_hvisible(704), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
48 | 48 | m_vbackporch(525), |
49 | 49 | m_fieldcount(2), |
50 | 50 | m_sync_threshold(0.3), |
51 | m_gain(1.0 / 3.7) | |
51 | m_gain(1.0 / 3.7), m_vint(0), m_int_trig(0), m_mult(0), m_sig_vsync(0), m_sig_composite(0), m_sig_field(0) | |
52 | 52 | { |
53 | 53 | } |
54 | 54 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
36 | 36 | |
37 | 37 | |
38 | 38 | gf4500_device::gf4500_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
39 | : device_t(mconfig, GF4500, "NVIDIA GoForce 4500", tag, owner, clock, "gf4500", __FILE__) | |
40 | { | |
39 | : device_t(mconfig, GF4500, "NVIDIA GoForce 4500", tag, owner, clock, "gf4500", __FILE__), m_data(nullptr), m_screen_x(0), m_screen_y(0), m_screen_x_max(0), m_screen_y_max(0), m_screen_x_min(0), m_screen_y_min(0) | |
40 | { | |
41 | 41 | } |
42 | 42 | |
43 | 43 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
43 | 43 | m_org_dn(0), |
44 | 44 | m_org_dpd(0), |
45 | 45 | m_cl0(0), |
46 | m_cl1(0), | |
46 | m_cl1(0), m_ccmp(0), m_mask(0), m_cpx(0), | |
47 | 47 | m_dcr(0), |
48 | 48 | m_space_config("videoram", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 16, 20, -1, NULL, *ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(h63484_vram)) |
49 | 49 | { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
27 | 27 | m_vsync_changed_1_cb(*this), |
28 | 28 | m_hsync_changed_1_cb(*this), |
29 | 29 | m_read_1_cb(*this), |
30 | m_write_1_cb(*this) | |
30 | m_write_1_cb(*this), m_window1(0), m_window2(0), m_io_device(0), m_map_index(0), m_map_dirty(0) | |
31 | 31 | { |
32 | 32 | } |
33 | 33 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
27 | 27 | |
28 | 28 | huc6261_device::huc6261_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) |
29 | 29 | : device_t(mconfig, HUC6261, "HuC6261", tag, owner, clock, "huc6261", __FILE__), |
30 | device_video_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
30 | device_video_interface(mconfig, *this), m_huc6270_a_tag(nullptr), m_huc6270_b_tag(nullptr), m_huc6270_a(nullptr), m_huc6270_b(nullptr), m_last_h(0), m_last_v(0), m_height(0), m_address(0), m_palette_latch(0), m_register(0), m_control(0), m_pixels_per_clock(0), m_pixel_data(0), m_pixel_clock(0), m_timer(nullptr), m_bmp(nullptr) | |
31 | 31 | { |
32 | 32 | // Set up UV lookup table |
33 | 33 | for ( int ur = 0; ur < 256; ur++ ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
220 | 220 | case 0x06: m_vert_disp = data & 0x7f; break; |
221 | 221 | case 0x07: m_vert_sync_pos = data & 0x7f; break; |
222 | 222 | case 0x08: m_mode_control = data & 0xff; break; |
223 | case 0x09: m_max_ras_addr = data & 0x1f; | |
223 | case 0x09: m_max_ras_addr = data & 0x1f; break; | |
224 | 224 | case 0x0a: m_cursor_start_ras = data & 0x7f; break; |
225 | 225 | case 0x0b: m_cursor_end_ras = data & 0x1f; break; |
226 | 226 | case 0x0c: m_disp_start_addr = ((data & 0x3f) << 8) | (m_disp_start_addr & 0x00ff); break; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
456 | 456 | { |
457 | 457 | UINT16 hsync_on_pos, hsync_off_pos, vsync_on_pos, vsync_off_pos; |
458 | 458 | |
459 | UINT16 video_char_height = m_max_ras_addr + | |
459 | UINT16 video_char_height = m_max_ras_addr + (MODE_INTERLACE_AND_VIDEO ? m_interlace_adjust : m_noninterlace_adjust); // fix garbage at the bottom of the screen (eg victor9k) | |
460 | 460 | // Would be useful for 'interlace and video' mode support... |
461 | 461 | // UINT16 frame_char_height = (MODE_INTERLACE_AND_VIDEO ? m_max_ras_addr / 2 : m_max_ras_addr) + 1; |
462 | 462 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
654 | 654 | // For rudimentary 'interlace and video' support, m_raster_counter increments by 1 rather than the correct 2. |
655 | 655 | // The correct test would be: |
656 | 656 | // if ( m_raster_counter == (MODE_INTERLACE_AND_VIDEO ? m_max_ras_addr + 1 : m_max_ras_addr) ) |
657 | if ( m_raster_counter == m_max_ras_addr ) | |
657 | if ( m_raster_counter == m_max_ras_addr + (MODE_INTERLACE_AND_VIDEO ? m_interlace_adjust : m_noninterlace_adjust) - 1 ) | |
658 | 658 | { |
659 | 659 | /* Check if we have reached the end of the vertical area */ |
660 | 660 | if ( m_line_counter == m_vert_char_total ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
922 | 922 | UINT8 mc6845_device::draw_scanline(int y, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) |
923 | 923 | { |
924 | 924 | /* compute the current raster line */ |
925 | UINT8 ra = y % (m_max_ras_addr + | |
925 | UINT8 ra = y % (m_max_ras_addr + (MODE_INTERLACE_AND_VIDEO ? m_interlace_adjust : m_noninterlace_adjust)); | |
926 | 926 | |
927 | 927 | /* check if the cursor is visible and is on this scanline */ |
928 | 928 | int cursor_visible = m_cursor_state && |
r250335 | r250336 | |
944 | 944 | { |
945 | 945 | UINT8 cc = 0; |
946 | UINT8 cr = y / (m_max_ras_addr + | |
946 | UINT8 cr = y / (m_max_ras_addr + (MODE_INTERLACE_AND_VIDEO ? m_interlace_adjust : m_noninterlace_adjust)); | |
947 | 947 | UINT16 ma = (cr << 8) | cc; |
948 | 948 | |
949 | 949 | m_update_row_cb(bitmap, cliprect, ma, ra, y, m_horiz_disp, cursor_x, de, hbp, vbp); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
954 | 954 | } |
955 | 955 | |
956 | 956 | /* update MA if the last raster address */ |
957 | if (ra == m_max_ras_addr) | |
957 | if (ra == m_max_ras_addr + (MODE_INTERLACE_AND_VIDEO ? m_interlace_adjust : m_noninterlace_adjust) - 1) | |
958 | 958 | m_current_disp_addr = (m_current_disp_addr + m_horiz_disp) & 0x3fff; |
959 | 959 | |
960 | 960 | return ra; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1064 | 1064 | m_line_address = 0; |
1065 | 1065 | m_current_disp_addr = 0; |
1066 | 1066 | m_disp_start_addr = 0; |
1067 | m_noninterlace_adjust = 1; | |
1068 | m_interlace_adjust = 1; | |
1067 | 1069 | |
1068 | 1070 | save_item(NAME(m_show_border_area)); |
1069 | 1071 | save_item(NAME(m_visarea_adjust_min_x)); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1173 | 1175 | m_supports_status_reg_d6 = false; |
1174 | 1176 | m_supports_status_reg_d7 = false; |
1175 | 1177 | m_supports_transparent = false; |
1178 | ||
1179 | // Non-interlace Mode, Interlace Sync Mode - When total number of rasters is RN, RN-1 shall be programmed. | |
1180 | m_noninterlace_adjust = 1; | |
1181 | // Interlace Sync & Video Mode - When total number of rasters is RN, RN-2 shall be programmed. | |
1182 | m_interlace_adjust = 2; | |
1176 | 1183 | } |
1177 | 1184 | |
1178 | 1185 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
167 | 167 | void set_hpixels_per_column(int hpixels_per_column); |
168 | 168 | |
169 | 169 | /* updates the screen -- this will call begin_update(), |
170 | followed by update_row() re | |
170 | followed by update_row() repeatedly and after all row | |
171 | 171 | updating is complete, end_update() */ |
172 | 172 | UINT32 screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); |
173 | 173 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
283 | 283 | ************************/ |
284 | 284 | |
285 | 285 | bool m_show_border_area; /* visible screen area (false) active display (true) active display + blanking */ |
286 | int m_interlace_adjust; /* adjust max ras in interlace mode */ | |
286 | int m_noninterlace_adjust; /* adjust max ras in non-interlace mode */ | |
287 | int m_interlace_adjust; /* adjust max ras in interlace mode */ | |
287 | 288 | |
288 | 289 | /* visible screen area adjustment */ |
289 | 290 | int m_visarea_adjust_min_x; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
314 | 315 | * vblank/hblank timing not supported yet! */ |
315 | 316 | mc6845_on_update_addr_changed_delegate m_on_update_addr_changed_cb; |
316 | 317 | |
317 | /* if specified, this gets called for every change of the disply enable pin (pin 18) */ | |
318 | /* if specified, this gets called for every change of the display enable pin (pin 18) */ | |
318 | 319 | devcb_write_line m_out_de_cb; |
319 | 320 | |
320 | 321 | /* if specified, this gets called for every change of the cursor pin (pin 19) */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
22 | 22 | ROM_END |
23 | 23 | |
24 | 24 | msm6222b_device::msm6222b_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
25 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) | |
25 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), cursor_direction(false), cursor_blinking(false), two_line(false), shift_on_write(false), double_height(false), cursor_on(false), display_on(false), adc(0), shift(0), cgrom(nullptr) | |
26 | 26 | { |
27 | 27 | } |
28 | 28 | |
29 | 29 | msm6222b_device::msm6222b_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
30 | device_t(mconfig, MSM6222B, "msm6222b-xx", tag, owner, clock, "msm6222b", __FILE__) | |
30 | device_t(mconfig, MSM6222B, "msm6222b-xx", tag, owner, clock, "msm6222b", __FILE__), cursor_direction(false), cursor_blinking(false), two_line(false), shift_on_write(false), double_height(false), cursor_on(false), display_on(false), adc(0), shift(0), cgrom(nullptr) | |
31 | 31 | { |
32 | 32 | } |
33 | 33 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12 | 12 | |
13 | 13 | TODO: |
14 | 14 | |
15 | - interlace, use CRS to output odd/even fields | |
15 | 16 | - remote controller input |
16 | 17 | - boxing |
17 | 18 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
535 | 536 | m_ra++; |
536 | 537 | m_ra %= 20; |
537 | 538 | |
538 | if (m_ra | |
539 | if (!m_ra) | |
539 | 540 | { |
540 | 541 | if (m_double_height_bottom_row) |
541 | 542 | m_double_height_bottom_row = false; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
21 | 21 | : device_t(mconfig, SCN2674_VIDEO, "Signetics SCN2674 AVDC", tag, owner, clock, "scn2674_device", __FILE__), |
22 | 22 | device_video_interface(mconfig, *this), |
23 | 23 | device_memory_interface(mconfig, *this), |
24 | m_irq_cb(*this), | |
24 | m_irq_cb(*this), m_IR_pointer(0), m_screen1_l(0), m_screen1_h(0), m_cursor_l(0), m_cursor_h(0), m_screen2_l(0), m_screen2_h(0), m_irq_register(0), m_status_register(0), m_irq_mask(0), | |
25 | m_gfx_enabled(0), m_display_enabled(0), m_display_enabled_field(0), m_display_enabled_scanline(0), m_cursor_enabled(0), m_hpixels_per_column(0), m_text_hpixels_per_column(0), | |
26 | m_gfx_hpixels_per_column(0), m_IR0_double_ht_wd(0), m_IR0_scanline_per_char_row(0), m_IR0_sync_select(0), m_IR0_buffer_mode_select(0), m_IR1_interlace_enable(0), m_IR1_equalizing_constant(0), | |
27 | m_IR2_row_table(0), m_IR2_horz_sync_width(0), m_IR2_horz_back_porch(0), m_IR3_vert_front_porch(0), m_IR3_vert_back_porch(0), m_IR4_rows_per_screen(0), m_IR4_character_blink_rate_divisor(0), | |
28 | m_IR5_character_per_row(0), m_IR6_cursor_first_scanline(0), m_IR6_cursor_last_scanline(0), m_IR7_cursor_underline_position(0), m_IR7_cursor_rate_divisor(0), m_IR7_cursor_blink(0), | |
29 | m_IR7_vsync_width(0), m_IR8_display_buffer_first_address_LSB(0), m_IR9_display_buffer_first_address_MSB(0), m_IR9_display_buffer_last_address(0), m_IR10_display_pointer_address_lower(0), | |
30 | m_IR11_display_pointer_address_upper(0), m_IR11_reset_scanline_counter_on_scrollup(0), m_IR11_reset_scanline_counter_on_scrolldown(0), m_IR12_scroll_start(0), m_IR12_split_register_1(0), | |
31 | m_IR13_scroll_end(0), m_IR13_split_register_2(0), m_IR14_scroll_lines(0), m_IR14_double_1(0), m_IR14_double_2(0), m_spl1(0), m_spl2(0), m_dbl1(0), m_buffer(0), m_linecounter(0), m_address(0), | |
32 | m_start1change(0), m_irq_state(0), m_scanline_timer(nullptr), | |
25 | 33 | m_space_config("videoram", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16, 0, NULL, *ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(scn2674_vram)) |
26 | 34 | { |
27 | 35 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
32 | 32 | ROM_END |
33 | 33 | |
34 | 34 | sed1200_device::sed1200_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : |
35 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) | |
35 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), cursor_direction(false), cursor_blinking(false), cursor_full(false), cursor_on(false), display_on(false), cursor_address(0), cgram_address(0), cgrom(nullptr) | |
36 | 36 | { |
37 | 37 | } |
38 | 38 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
83 | 83 | if(memregion("cgrom")) |
84 | 84 | cgrom = memregion("cgrom")->base(); |
85 | 85 | else |
86 | cgrom = | |
86 | cgrom = nullptr; | |
87 | 87 | |
88 | 88 | soft_reset(); |
89 | 89 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
29 | 29 | //------------------------------------------------- |
30 | 30 | |
31 | 31 | sed1520_device::sed1520_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
32 | device_t(mconfig, SED1520, "SED1520", tag, owner, clock, "sed1520", __FILE__), | |
33 | m_screen_update_func(NULL) | |
32 | device_t(mconfig, SED1520, "SED1520", tag, owner, clock, "sed1520", __FILE__), m_lcd_on(0), m_busy(0), m_page(0), m_column(0), m_old_column(0), m_start_line(0), | |
33 | m_adc(0), m_static_drive(0), m_modify_write(false), | |
34 | m_screen_update_func(nullptr) | |
34 | 35 | { |
35 | 36 | } |
36 | 37 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
37 | 37 | //------------------------------------------------- |
38 | 38 | |
39 | 39 | t6a04_device::t6a04_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
40 | device_t(mconfig, T6A04, "T6A04", tag, owner, clock, "t6a04", __FILE__), | |
40 | device_t(mconfig, T6A04, "T6A04", tag, owner, clock, "t6a04", __FILE__), m_busy_flag(0), m_display_on(0), m_contrast(0), m_xpos(0), m_ypos(0), m_zpos(0), m_direction(0), | |
41 | m_active_counter(0), m_word_len(0), m_opa1(0), m_opa2(0), m_output_reg(0), | |
41 | 42 | m_height(0), |
42 | 43 | m_width(0) |
43 | 44 | { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
309 | 309 | |
310 | 310 | |
311 | 311 | //------------------------------------------------- |
312 | // add_dynamic_device - dynamically add a device | |
313 | //------------------------------------------------- | |
314 | ||
315 | device_t &running_machine::add_dynamic_device(device_t &owner, device_type type, const char *tag, UINT32 clock) | |
316 | { | |
317 | // add the device in a standard manner | |
318 | device_t *device = const_cast<machine_config &>(m_config).device_add(&owner, tag, type, clock); | |
319 | ||
320 | // notify this device and all its subdevices that they are now configured | |
321 | device_iterator iter(root_device()); | |
322 | for (device_t *dev = iter.first(); dev != NULL; dev = | |
323 | if (!dev->configured()) | |
324 | dev->config_complete(); | |
325 | return *device; | |
326 | } | |
327 | ||
328 | ||
329 | //------------------------------------------------- | |
330 | 312 | // run - execute the machine |
331 | 313 | //------------------------------------------------- |
332 | 314 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
193 | 193 | inline device_t *device(const char *tag) const { return root_device().subdevice(tag); } |
194 | 194 | template<class _DeviceClass> inline _DeviceClass *device(const char *tag) { return downcast<_DeviceClass *>(device(tag)); } |
195 | 195 | |
196 | // configuration helpers | |
197 | device_t &add_dynamic_device(device_t &owner, device_type type, const char *tag, UINT32 clock); | |
198 | ||
199 | 196 | // immediate operations |
200 | 197 | int run(bool firstrun); |
201 | 198 | void pause(); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
249 | 249 | { |
250 | 250 | UINT64 size; |
251 | 251 | size = floppy_image_size(floppy); |
252 | *vote = (size == APPLE2_TRACK_COUNT * APPLE2_SECTOR_COUNT * APPLE2_NIBBLE_SIZE) ? 100 : 0; | |
253 | 253 | return FLOPPY_ERROR_SUCCESS; |
254 | 254 | } |
255 | 255 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
264 | 264 | |
265 | 265 | static floperr_t apple2_nib_read_track(floppy_image_legacy *floppy, int head, int track, UINT64 offset, void *buffer, size_t buflen) |
266 | 266 | { |
267 | if ((head != 0) || (track < 0) || (track > | |
267 | if ((head != 0) || (track < 0) || (track > APPLE2_TRACK_COUNT)) | |
268 | 268 | return FLOPPY_ERROR_SEEKERROR; |
269 | 269 | if (offset != 0) |
270 | 270 | return FLOPPY_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
276 | 276 | |
277 | 277 | static floperr_t apple2_nib_write_track(floppy_image_legacy *floppy, int head, int track, UINT64 offset, const void *buffer, size_t buflen) |
278 | 278 | { |
279 | if ((head != 0) || (track < 0) || (track > | |
279 | if ((head != 0) || (track < 0) || (track > APPLE2_TRACK_COUNT)) | |
280 | 280 | return FLOPPY_ERROR_SEEKERROR; |
281 | 281 | if (offset != 0) |
282 | 282 | return FLOPPY_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; |
r0 | r250336 | |
1 | // license:BSD-3-Clause | |
2 | // copyright-holders:Nigel Barnes | |
3 | /*************************************************************************** | |
4 | ||
5 | BBC Micro 8271 protected disk image format | |
6 | ||
7 | Disk image format | |
8 | ||
9 | ***************************************************************************/ | |
10 | ||
11 | #include "emu.h" | |
12 | #include "fsd_dsk.h" | |
13 | ||
14 | ||
15 | /********************************************************************* | |
16 | ||
17 | BBC Micro 8271 protected disk image format | |
18 | ||
19 | Header: | |
20 | ======= | |
21 | Identifier: "FSD" string literal 3 bytes | |
22 | Creator: 5 bytes; date of creation/author | |
23 | Title: Character string (unlimited length; may contain any but null) | |
24 | Title_End: 0x00 byte literal 1 byte | |
25 | Num_Tr: xx 1 byte, number of tracks | |
26 | ||
27 | For each track | |
28 | ============== | |
29 | track_num: 1 byte | |
30 | num_sec: 1 byte (00 == unformatted) | |
31 | readable: 1 byte (00 == unreadable, ff ==readable) | |
32 | ||
33 | If readable: | |
34 | For each sector | |
35 | =============== | |
36 | Track_ID: 1 byte | |
37 | Head_number: 1 byte | |
38 | Sector_ID: 1 byte | |
39 | reported_size: 1 byte (2^{7+x}; 0 ==>128, 1 ==> 256, 2==>512, 3==>1024 etc) | |
40 | real_size: 1 byte (2^{7+x}) | |
41 | error_code: 1 byte (0==No Error, &20==Deleted Data; &0E = Data CRC Error) | |
42 | data: <real_size> bytes | |
43 | Note that error_code matches the OSWORD &7F result byte | |
44 | ||
45 | If unreadable: | |
46 | Track_ID: 1 byte | |
47 | Head_number: 1 byte | |
48 | Sector_ID: 1 byte | |
49 | reported_size: 1 byte | |
50 | ||
51 | Decoding of the "creator" 5 byte field: | |
52 | ======================================= | |
53 | (byte1 byte2 byte3 byte4 byte5) | |
54 | ||
55 | Date_DD = (byte1 AND &F8)/8 | |
56 | Date_MM = (byte3 AND &0F) | |
57 | Date_YYYY = (byte1 AND &07)*256+byte2 | |
58 | Creator_ID = (byte3 AND &F0)/16 | |
59 | Release_num = ((byte5 AND &C0)/64)*256 + byte4 | |
60 | ||
61 | *********************************************************************/ | |
62 | ||
63 | fsd_format::fsd_format() | |
64 | { | |
65 | } | |
66 | ||
67 | const char *fsd_format::name() const | |
68 | { | |
69 | return "fsd"; | |
70 | } | |
71 | ||
72 | const char *fsd_format::description() const | |
73 | { | |
74 | return "BBC Micro 8271 protected disk image"; | |
75 | } | |
76 | ||
77 | const char *fsd_format::extensions() const | |
78 | { | |
79 | return "fsd"; | |
80 | } | |
81 | ||
82 | bool fsd_format::supports_save() const | |
83 | { | |
84 | return false; | |
85 | } | |
86 | ||
87 | int fsd_format::identify(io_generic *io, UINT32 form_factor) | |
88 | { | |
89 | UINT8 h[3]; | |
90 | ||
91 | io_generic_read(io, h, 0, 3); | |
92 | if (memcmp(h, "FSD", 3) == 0) { | |
93 | return 100; | |
94 | } | |
95 | return 0; | |
96 | } | |
97 | ||
98 | bool fsd_format::load(io_generic *io, UINT32 form_factor, floppy_image *image) | |
99 | { | |
100 | UINT64 size = io_generic_size(io); | |
101 | dynamic_buffer img(size); | |
102 | io_generic_read(io, &img[0], 0, size); | |
103 | ||
104 | UINT64 pos; | |
105 | std::string title; | |
106 | for(pos=8; pos < size && img[pos] != '\0'; pos++) | |
107 | title += char(img[pos]); | |
108 | pos++; | |
109 | ||
110 | if(pos >= size) | |
111 | return false; | |
112 | ||
113 | //popmessage("Loading image of '%s'\n", title); | |
114 | ||
115 | desc_pc_sector sects[10]; | |
116 | UINT8 total_tracks = img[pos++]; | |
117 | UINT8 tnum, hnum, snum, ssize, error; | |
118 | ||
119 | hnum = 0; | |
120 | //osd_printf_verbose("%d Tracks\n", total_tracks+1); | |
121 | //osd_printf_verbose("Tr.# No.S Sec.# Tr.ID Head# SecID IDsiz REsiz Error\n"); | |
122 | for(int curr_track=0; curr_track <= total_tracks; curr_track++) | |
123 | { | |
124 | UINT8 track = img[pos++]; | |
125 | UINT8 spt = img[pos++]; | |
126 | //osd_printf_verbose("%x %x\n", track, spt); | |
127 | if (spt > 0) // formatted | |
128 | { | |
129 | UINT8 readable = img[pos++]; | |
130 | for (int i = 0; i < spt; i++) | |
131 | { | |
132 | tnum = img[pos++]; // logical track | |
133 | hnum = img[pos++]; // head number | |
134 | snum = img[pos++]; // logical sector | |
135 | ssize = img[pos++]; // reported size | |
136 | sects[i].track = tnum; | |
137 | sects[i].head = hnum; | |
138 | sects[i].sector = snum; | |
139 | sects[i].size = ssize; | |
140 | if (readable == 0xff) | |
141 | { | |
142 | sects[i].actual_size = 1 << (img[pos++] + 7); | |
143 | error = img[pos++]; | |
144 | sects[i].deleted = (error & 0x20) == 0x20; | |
145 | sects[i].bad_crc = (error & 0x0e) == 0x0e; | |
146 | sects[i].data = &img[pos]; | |
147 | pos += sects[i].actual_size; | |
148 | //osd_printf_verbose("Read %x %x %x %x %x %x %x\n", i, sects[i].track, sects[i].head, sects[i].sector, sects[i].size, sects[i].actual_size, error); | |
149 | } | |
150 | else | |
151 | { | |
152 | throw emu_fatalerror("fsd_format: Unsupported unreadable sector on track %d sector %d head %d", track, i, hnum); | |
153 | ||
154 | // Unreadable sectors not supported!! | |
155 | //sects[i].track = track; | |
156 | //sects[i].head = 0; | |
157 | //sects[i].sector = i; | |
158 | //sects[i].size = 0; | |
159 | //sects[i].actual_size = 0; | |
160 | //sects[i].deleted = false; | |
161 | //sects[i].bad_crc = false; | |
162 | //sects[i].data = NULL; | |
163 | //osd_printf_verbose("Unread %x %x %x %x %x %x %x\n", i, sects[i].track, sects[i].head, sects[i].sector, sects[i].size, sects[i].actual_size, 0); | |
164 | } | |
165 | } | |
166 | } | |
167 | else // unformatted | |
168 | { | |
169 | sects[0].track = curr_track; | |
170 | sects[0].head = hnum; | |
171 | sects[0].sector = 0; | |
172 | sects[0].size = 0; | |
173 | //osd_printf_verbose("Unform %x %x %x %x %x %x %x\n", 0, sects[0].track, sects[0].head, sects[0].sector, sects[0].size, sects[0].actual_size, 0); | |
174 | } | |
175 | build_wd_track_fm(curr_track, hnum, image, 50000, spt, sects, 10, 40, 10); | |
176 | } | |
177 | return true; | |
178 | } | |
179 | ||
180 | const floppy_format_type FLOPPY_FSD_FORMAT = &floppy_image_format_creator<fsd_format>; |
r0 | r250336 | |
1 | // license:BSD-3-Clause | |
2 | // copyright-holders:Nigel Barnes | |
3 | /*************************************************************************** | |
4 | ||
5 | BBC Micro | |
6 | ||
7 | Disk image formats | |
8 | ||
9 | ***************************************************************************/ | |
10 | ||
11 | #pragma once | |
12 | ||
13 | #ifndef __FSD_DSK_H__ | |
14 | #define __FSD_DSK_H__ | |
15 | ||
16 | #include "flopimg.h" | |
17 | #include "wd177x_dsk.h" | |
18 | ||
19 | /**************************************************************************/ | |
20 | ||
22 | ||
23 | /**************************************************************************/ | |
24 | ||
25 | ||
26 | ||
27 | class fsd_format : public floppy_image_format_t | |
28 | { | |
29 | public: | |
30 | fsd_format(); | |
31 | ||
32 | virtual const char *name() const; | |
33 | virtual const char *description() const; | |
34 | virtual const char *extensions() const; | |
35 | virtual bool supports_save() const; | |
36 | ||
37 | virtual int identify(io_generic *io, UINT32 form_factor); | |
38 | virtual bool load(io_generic *io, UINT32 form_factor, floppy_image *image); | |
39 | }; | |
40 | ||
41 | extern const floppy_format_type FLOPPY_FSD_FORMAT; | |
42 | ||
43 | #endif // __FSD_DSK_H__ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
148 | 148 | galaxrf // bootleg (Recreativos Franco) |
149 | 149 | galaxrfgg // bootleg (Recreativos Franco) |
150 | 150 | superg // hack |
151 | supergs // Silver Systems hack | |
151 | 152 | galapx // hack |
152 | 153 | moonaln // [Nichibutsu] (Karateco license) or hack |
153 | 154 | galap1 // hack |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3074 | 3075 | supduck // (c) Comad |
3075 | 3076 | 1943 // 6/1987 (c) 1987 (Euro) |
3076 | 3077 | 1943u // 6/1987 (c) 1987 (US) Rev C |
3078 | 1943ua // 6/1987 (c) 1987 (US) | |
3077 | 3079 | 1943j // 6/1987 (c) 1987 (Japan) Rev B |
3078 | 3080 | 1943ja // 6/1987 (c) 1987 (Japan) |
3079 | 3081 | 1943b // bootleg |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5149 | 5151 | pclub2v3 // 1999.03 Print Club 2 Vol. 3 |
5150 | 5152 | sanjeon // 1999.04 Sanjun Sujun (Sega / Deniam) |
5151 | 5153 | danchih // 1999.06 Danchi de Hanafuda Okusan Komeya Desuyo! (Altron (Tecmo License)) |
5152 | ffreveng // 1999.09 Final Fight Revenge (Capcom) | |
5154 | ffrevng10 // 1999.09 Final Fight Revenge (Capcom) (V1.000) | |
5155 | ffreveng // 1999.09 Final Fight Revenge (Capcom) (V1.100) | |
5153 | 5156 | pclubpok // 1999.11 Print Club Pokemon |
5154 | 5157 | pclubor // 1999.11 Print Club Goukakenran |
5155 | 5158 | danchiq // 2000.12 Danchi de Quiz Okusan Yontaku Desuyo! (Altron) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5516 | 5519 | // 1999.?? Tokio Bus Guide |
5517 | 5520 | // 1999.?? Tokio Bus Guide (Rev A) |
5518 | 5521 | vtennisg // 1999.?? Virtua Tennis / Power Smash (GD-ROM) |
5522 | totdo // 1999.?? The Typing of the Dead | |
5519 | 5523 | 18wheelr // 2000.01 18 Wheeler Deluxe (Rev A) |
5520 | 5524 | 18wheels // 2000.01 18 Wheeler (Standard) |
5521 | 5525 | 18wheelu // 2000.01 18 Wheeler (Upright) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
10473 | 10477 | topbladv // 2002 Sonokong. Top Blade V |
10474 | 10478 | officeye |
10475 | 10479 | donghaer |
10480 | trivrus // 2009 AGT. Trivia R Us | |
10476 | 10481 | |
10477 | 10482 | ddz // (c) 200? |
10478 | 10483 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
10723 | 10728 | calchase // (c) 1999 The Game Room |
10724 | 10729 | eggsplc // (c) 2002 The Game Room |
10725 | 10730 | ripribit // (c) 1997 LAI Games |
10731 | ripribita // (c) 1997 LAI Games | |
10726 | 10732 | cfarm // (c) 1999 LAI Games |
10727 | 10733 | cclownz // (c) 1999 LAI Games |
10728 | 10734 | rotaryf |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11171 | 11177 | crsbingo // (c) 1991 Subsino |
11172 | 11178 | tisub // (c) 1992 Subsino |
11173 | 11179 | tisuba // (c) 1992 Subsino |
11174 | stisub // (c) 1995 Subsino (Alpha license) | |
11180 | stbsub // (c) 1995 Subsino (Alpha license) | |
11181 | stisub // (c) 1995 Subsino | |
11175 | 11182 | tesorone // (c) 1995 Subsino |
11176 | 11183 | tesorone240 // (c) 1995 Subsino |
11177 | 11184 | tesorone230 // (c) 1995 Subsino |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11336 | 11343 | pokerdub // 198?, Unknown |
11337 | 11344 | pokerduc // 198?, Unknown |
11338 | 11345 | bchancep // 198?, Unknown |
11346 | bchanceq // 198?, Unknown | |
11339 | 11347 | pokermon // 1987, Unknown |
11340 | 11348 | pokersis // 198?, Sisteme France. |
11341 | 11349 | super98 // 199?, Unknown |
r250335 | r250336 | |
12065 | 12073 | clkwise // (c) 1986 Ainsworth Nominees P.L. |
12066 | 12074 | gldnpkr // (c) 1986 Ainsworth Nominees P.L. |
12067 | 12075 | cgold // (c) 1986 Ainsworth Nominees P.L. |
12076 | fvrpitch // (c) 1986 Ainsworth Nominees P.L. | |
12068 | 12077 | gunnrose // (c) 1993 |
12069 | 12078 | 3bagflvt // (c) 1994 |
12070 | 12079 | 3bagflnz // (c) 1994 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
462 | 462 | ROM_LOAD( "bm6.4b", 0x0b00, 0x0100, CRC(0eaf5158) SHA1(bafd4108708f66cd7b280e47152b108f3e254fc9) ) /* video timing (not used) */ |
463 | 463 | ROM_END |
464 | 464 | |
465 | ROM_START( 1943ua ) | |
466 | ROM_REGION( 0x30000, "maincpu", 0 ) /* 64k for code + 128k for the banked ROMs images */ | |
467 | ROM_LOAD( "bmu01.12d", 0x00000, 0x08000, CRC(793cf15f) SHA1(7d49fd17acad7900c3d1187d25ada14247e267f3) ) /* no revision designation on these */ | |
468 | ROM_LOAD( "bmu02.13d", 0x10000, 0x10000, CRC(6f1353d5) SHA1(4b264f326891187f93d9fc347194091263828296) ) | |
469 | ROM_LOAD( "bmu03.14d", 0x20000, 0x10000, CRC(9e7c07f7) SHA1(c437e5fd0e8eb87ef50a6d71a7a43efc38e4f128) ) /* These 3 roms have a RED stripe on them */ | |
470 | ||
471 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "audiocpu", 0 ) | |
472 | ROM_LOAD( "bm04.5h", 0x00000, 0x8000, CRC(ee2bd2d7) SHA1(4d2d019a9f8452fbbb247e893280568a2e86073e) ) | |
473 | ||
474 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "mcu", 0 ) /* C8751H-88 MCU Code */ | |
475 | ROM_LOAD( "bm.7k", 0x00000, 0x10000 , NO_DUMP ) /* can't be dumped */ | |
476 | ||
477 | ROM_REGION( 0x8000, "gfx1", 0 ) | |
478 | ROM_LOAD( "bm05.4k", 0x00000, 0x8000, CRC(46cb9d3d) SHA1(96fd0e714b91fe13a2ca0d185ada9e4b4baa0c0b) ) /* characters */ | |
479 | ||
480 | ROM_REGION( 0x40000, "gfx2", 0 ) | |
481 | ROM_LOAD( "bm15.10f", 0x00000, 0x8000, CRC(6b1a0443) SHA1(32337c840ccd6815fd5844c194365c58d708f6dc) ) /* bg tiles */ | |
482 | ROM_LOAD( "bm16.11f", 0x08000, 0x8000, CRC(23c908c2) SHA1(42b83ff5781be9181802a21ff1b23c17ab1bc5a2) ) | |
483 | ROM_LOAD( "bm17.12f", 0x10000, 0x8000, CRC(46bcdd07) SHA1(38feda668be25d1adc04aa36afc73b07c1545f89) ) | |
484 | ROM_LOAD( "bm18.14f", 0x18000, 0x8000, CRC(e6ae7ba0) SHA1(959c306dc28b9be2adc54b3d46312d26764c7b8b) ) | |
485 | ROM_LOAD( "bm19.10j", 0x20000, 0x8000, CRC(868ababc) SHA1(1c7be905f53c63bad25fbbd9b3cf82d2c7749bc3) ) | |
486 | ROM_LOAD( "bm20.11j", 0x28000, 0x8000, CRC(0917e5d4) SHA1(62dd277bc1fa54cfe168ae2380bc147bd17f4205) ) | |
487 | ROM_LOAD( "bm21.12j", 0x30000, 0x8000, CRC(9bfb0d89) SHA1(f1bae7ec46edcf46c7af84c054e89b322f8c8972) ) | |
488 | ROM_LOAD( "bm22.14j", 0x38000, 0x8000, CRC(04f3c274) SHA1(932780c04abe285e1ec67b726b145175f73eafe0) ) | |
489 | ||
490 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "gfx3", 0 ) | |
491 | ROM_LOAD( "bm24.14k", 0x00000, 0x8000, CRC(11134036) SHA1(88da112ab9fc7e0d8f0e901f273715b950ae588c) ) /* fg tiles */ | |
492 | ROM_LOAD( "bm25.14l", 0x08000, 0x8000, CRC(092cf9c1) SHA1(19fe3c714b1d52cbb21dea25cdee5af841f525db) ) | |
493 | ||
494 | ROM_REGION( 0x40000, "gfx4", 0 ) | |
495 | ROM_LOAD( "bm06.10a", 0x00000, 0x8000, CRC(97acc8af) SHA1(c9fa07cb61f6905408b355edabfe453fb652ff0d) ) /* sprites */ | |
496 | ROM_LOAD( "bm07.11a", 0x08000, 0x8000, CRC(d78f7197) SHA1(6367c7e80e80d4a0d33d7840b5c843c63c80123e) ) | |
497 | ROM_LOAD( "bm08.12a", 0x10000, 0x8000, CRC(1a626608) SHA1(755c27a07728fd686168e9d9e4dee3d8f274892a) ) | |
498 | ROM_LOAD( "bm09.14a", 0x18000, 0x8000, CRC(92408400) SHA1(3ab299bad1ba115efead53ebd92254abe7a092ba) ) | |
499 | ROM_LOAD( "bm10.10c", 0x20000, 0x8000, CRC(8438a44a) SHA1(873629b00cf3f6d8976a7fdafe63cd16e47b7491) ) | |
500 | ROM_LOAD( "bm11.11c", 0x28000, 0x8000, CRC(6c69351d) SHA1(c213d5c3e76a5749bc32539604716dcef6dcb694) ) | |
501 | ROM_LOAD( "bm12.12c", 0x30000, 0x8000, CRC(5e7efdb7) SHA1(fef271a38dc1a9e45a0c6e27e28e713c77c8f8c9) ) | |
502 | ROM_LOAD( "bm13.14c", 0x38000, 0x8000, CRC(1143829a) SHA1(2b3a65e354a205c05a87f783e9938b64bc62396f) ) | |
503 | ||
504 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "gfx5", 0 ) /* tilemaps */ | |
505 | ROM_LOAD( "bm14.5f", 0x0000, 0x8000, CRC(4d3c6401) SHA1(ce4f6dbf8fa030ad45cbb5afd58df27fed2d4618) ) /* front background */ | |
506 | ROM_LOAD( "bm23.8k", 0x8000, 0x8000, CRC(a52aecbd) SHA1(45b0283d84d394c16c35802463ca95d70d1062d4) ) /* back background */ | |
507 | ||
508 | ROM_REGION( 0x0c00, "proms", 0 ) | |
509 | ROM_LOAD( "bm1.12a", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(74421f18) SHA1(5b8b59f6f4e5ad358611de50608f47f41a5b0e51) ) /* red component */ | |
510 | ROM_LOAD( "bm2.13a", 0x0100, 0x0100, CRC(ac27541f) SHA1(1796c4c9041dfe28e6319576f21df1dbcb8d12bf) ) /* green component */ | |
511 | ROM_LOAD( "bm3.14a", 0x0200, 0x0100, CRC(251fb6ff) SHA1(d1118159b3d429d841e4efa938728ebedadd7ec5) ) /* blue component */ | |
512 | ROM_LOAD( "bm5.7f", 0x0300, 0x0100, CRC(206713d0) SHA1(fa609f6d675af18c379838583505724d28bcff0e) ) /* char lookup table */ | |
513 | ROM_LOAD( "bm10.7l", 0x0400, 0x0100, CRC(33c2491c) SHA1(13da924e4b182759c4aae49034f3a7cbe556ea65) ) /* foreground lookup table */ | |
514 | ROM_LOAD( "bm9.6l", 0x0500, 0x0100, CRC(aeea4af7) SHA1(98f4570ee061e9aa58d8ed2d2f8ae59ce2ec5795) ) /* foreground palette bank */ | |
515 | ROM_LOAD( "bm12.12m", 0x0600, 0x0100, CRC(c18aa136) SHA1(684f04d9a5b94ae1db5fb95763e65271f4cf8e01) ) /* background lookup table */ | |
516 | ROM_LOAD( "bm11.12l", 0x0700, 0x0100, CRC(405aae37) SHA1(94a06f81b775c4e49d57d42fc064d3072a253bbd) ) /* background palette bank */ | |
517 | ROM_LOAD( "bm8.8c", 0x0800, 0x0100, CRC(c2010a9e) SHA1(be9852500209066e2f0ff2770e0c217d1636a0b5) ) /* sprite lookup table */ | |
518 | ROM_LOAD( "bm7.7c", 0x0900, 0x0100, CRC(b56f30c3) SHA1(9f5e6db464d21457a33ec8bdfdff069632b791db) ) /* sprite palette bank */ | |
519 | ROM_LOAD( "bm4.12c", 0x0a00, 0x0100, CRC(91a8a2e1) SHA1(9583c87eff876f04bc2ccf7218cd8081f1bcdb94) ) /* priority encoder / palette selector (not used) */ | |
520 | ROM_LOAD( "bm6.4b", 0x0b00, 0x0100, CRC(0eaf5158) SHA1(bafd4108708f66cd7b280e47152b108f3e254fc9) ) /* video timing (not used) */ | |
521 | ROM_END | |
522 | ||
465 | 523 | ROM_START( 1943j ) |
466 | 524 | ROM_REGION( 0x30000, "maincpu", 0 ) /* 64k for code + 128k for the banked ROMs images */ |
467 | 525 | ROM_LOAD( "bm01b.12d", 0x00000, 0x08000, CRC(363f9f3d) SHA1(06fbdf1fa2304a000bcb0a151b2ef4be8b291b0b) ) /* "B" stamped in red ink */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
705 | 763 | /* Game Drivers */ |
706 | 764 | GAME( 1987, 1943, 0, 1943, 1943, _1943_state, 1943, ROT270, "Capcom", "1943: The Battle of Midway (Euro)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
707 | 765 | GAME( 1987, 1943u, 1943, 1943, 1943, _1943_state, 1943, ROT270, "Capcom", "1943: The Battle of Midway (US, Rev C)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
766 | GAME( 1987, 1943ua, 1943, 1943, 1943, _1943_state, 1943, ROT270, "Capcom", "1943: The Battle of Midway (US)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
708 | 767 | GAME( 1987, 1943j, 1943, 1943, 1943, _1943_state, 1943, ROT270, "Capcom", "1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, Rev B)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
709 | 768 | GAME( 1987, 1943ja, 1943, 1943, 1943, _1943_state, 1943, ROT270, "Capcom", "1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
710 | 769 | GAME( 1987, 1943b, 1943, 1943, 1943, _1943_state, 1943b,ROT270, "bootleg", "1943: Battle of Midway (bootleg, hack of Japan set)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
148 | 148 | UINT16 temp = m_start_address; |
149 | 149 | UINT16 temq = m_cursor_address; |
150 | 150 | |
151 | // data is 18, but we need 19, to give the 20 rows needed by the SAA5050 | |
152 | if (m_video_index == 9) | |
153 | data++; | |
154 | ||
155 | 151 | m_crtc->register_w( space, 0, data ); |
156 | 152 | |
157 | 153 | // Get start address |
r250335 | r250336 | |
247 | 243 | MCFG_VIA6522_CB2_HANDLER(WRITELINE(a6809_state, cass_w)) |
248 | 244 | MCFG_VIA6522_IRQ_HANDLER(DEVWRITELINE("maincpu", m6809e_device, irq_line)) |
249 | 245 | |
250 | MCFG_MC6845_ADD("mc6845", | |
246 | MCFG_MC6845_ADD("mc6845", HD6845, "screen", XTAL_4MHz / 2) | |
251 | 247 | MCFG_MC6845_SHOW_BORDER_AREA(false) |
252 | 248 | MCFG_MC6845_CHAR_WIDTH(12) |
253 | 249 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1468 | 1468 | ROM_LOAD ( "unitron_apii+_keyboard.ic3", 0x0800, 0x0800, CRC(edc43205) SHA1(220cc21d86f1ab63a301ae7a9c5ff0f3f6cddb70)) |
1469 | 1469 | ROM_END |
1470 | 1470 | |
1471 | ROM_START(microeng) | |
1472 | ROM_REGION(0x0800,"gfx1",0) | |
1473 | ROM_LOAD ( "microengenho_6c.bin", 0x0000, 0x0800, CRC(64f415c6) SHA1(f9d312f128c9557d9d6ac03bfad6c3ddf83e5659)) | |
1471 | 1474 | |
1475 | ROM_REGION(0x4000,"maincpu",0) | |
1476 | ROM_LOAD ( "microengenho_d0_d8.bin", 0x1000, 0x1000, CRC(834eabf4) SHA1(9a2385c6df16e5f5d15b79da17d21bf0f99dbd08)) | |
1477 | ROM_LOAD ( "microengenho_e0_e8.bin", 0x2000, 0x1000, CRC(0d494efd) SHA1(a2fd1223a3ca0cfee24a6afe66ea3c4c144dd98e)) | |
1478 | ROM_LOAD ( "microengenho_f0_f8.bin", 0x3000, 0x1000, CRC(588717cf) SHA1(e2a867c4a390d65e5ea181a4f933abb9992e4a63)) | |
1479 | ROM_END | |
1480 | ||
1472 | 1481 | /* |
1473 | 1482 | J-Plus ROM numbers confirmed by: |
1474 | 1483 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1605 | 1614 | COMP( 1979, apple2p, apple2, 0, apple2p, apple2p, driver_device, 0, "Apple Computer", "Apple ][+", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
1606 | 1615 | COMP( 1980, apple2jp, apple2, 0, apple2p, apple2p, driver_device, 0, "Apple Computer", "Apple ][ J-Plus", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
1607 | 1616 | COMP( 198?, elppa, apple2, 0, apple2p, apple2p, driver_device, 0, "Victor do Brasil", "Elppa II+", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
1617 | COMP( 1982, microeng, apple2, 0, apple2p, apple2p, driver_device, 0, "Spectrum Eletronica (SCOPUS)", "Micro Engenho", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1608 | 1618 | COMP( 1982, maxxi, apple2, 0, apple2p, apple2p, driver_device, 0, "Polymax", "Maxxi", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
1609 | 1619 | COMP( 1982, prav82, apple2, 0, apple2p, apple2p, driver_device, 0, "Pravetz", "Pravetz 82", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
1610 | 1620 | COMP( 1982, ace100, apple2, 0, apple2, apple2p, driver_device, 0, "Franklin Computer", "Franklin Ace 100", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
402 | 402 | |
403 | 403 | MCFG_MC6845_ADD("ic30", MC6845, "screen", XTAL_15MHz / 10) |
405 | 405 | MCFG_MC6845_SHOW_BORDER_AREA(false) |
406 | 406 | MCFG_MC6845_CHAR_WIDTH(10) |
407 | 407 | MCFG_MC6845_UPDATE_ROW_CB(apricot_state, crtc_update_row) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1 | 1 | // license:BSD-3-Clause |
2 | 2 | // copyright-holders:Angelo Salese, Palindrome, FraSher, Roberto Fresca |
3 | /* | |
3 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************************** | |
4 | ||
4 | 5 | Driver: aristmk4 |
5 | 6 | |
6 | 7 | Manufacturer: Aristocrat Leisure Industries ( aka Ainsworth Nominees P.L. ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
9 | 10 | |
10 | 11 | original 86lions.c driver by Chris Hardy, Angelo Salese & Roberto Fresca |
11 | 12 | |
13 | ||
12 | 14 | ***************** INITIALISATION ********************************************************************* |
13 | 15 | |
14 | 16 | Method 1 : |
r250335 | r250336 | |
18 | 20 | * A value (displayed below) will appear next to RF/AMT on the right of the screen |
19 | 21 | * Key out both the Jackpot and Audit Keys |
20 | 22 | |
21 | ||
22 | 23 | This method works with the following games: |
23 | 24 | 3bagflnz 200 |
24 | 25 | 3bagflvt 200 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
29 | 30 | eforesta 200 |
30 | 31 | eforestb 200 |
31 | 32 | ffortune 200 |
33 | fvrpitch 200 | |
32 | 34 | gldnpkr 400 |
33 | 35 | goldenc 200 |
34 | 36 | gtroppo 500 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
43 | 45 | Method 2 : |
44 | 46 | * Key in with the Jackpot Key followed by the Audit Key |
45 | 47 | * Press PB4, PB5 and PB6 keys simultaneously (Z+X+C keys by default) |
46 | * This will enter the cashcade screen and increment $100 to the maximum | |
47 | * Press PLAY 2 LINES [listed as BET 2 on the screen] to increment the minimum cashcade value by $5 | |
48 | - (optionally, you can decrement with the PLAY 1 LINE [BET 1] button, but you must first increment the $5 to start with above or the game won't initialise) | |
49 | * A value (displayed below) will appear on the right as RF/AMT when you key in again (not visible until you key out and back in again with the Audit Key) | |
48 | * This will enter the cashcade screen and increment $100 to the maximum. | |
49 | * Press PLAY 2 LINES [listed as BET 2 on the screen] to increment the minimum cashcade value by $5. | |
50 | - (optionally, you can decrement with the PLAY 1 LINE [BET 1] button, but you must first increment | |
51 | the $5 to start with above or the game won't initialise) | |
52 | * A value (displayed below) will appear on the right as RF/AMT when you key in again (not visible | |
53 | until you key out and back in again with the Audit Key) | |
50 | 54 | * Key out both the Jackpot and Audit Keys |
51 | 55 | |
52 | 56 | This method works with the following games: |
53 | 57 | topgear 500 |
54 | 58 | |
55 | 59 | Method 3 : |
56 | * cgold2, fhunter and fhuntera ONLY: | |
57 | DIP labeled "5201-5" switch to ON | |
58 | This allows setup procedure to complete properly and game to play (if disabled, it acts as a 'freeze' switch and the games don't accept inputs). | |
60 | * cgold2, fhunter and fhuntera ONLY: DIP labeled "5201-5" switch to ON | |
61 | This allows setup procedure to complete properly and game to play (if disabled, it acts as a | |
62 | 'freeze' switch and the games don't accept inputs). | |
59 | 63 | * Key in with the Jackpot Key followed by the Audit Key. |
60 | 64 | * Press PB4, PB5 and PB6 keys simultaneously (Z+X+C keys by default) |
61 | 65 | * Press Service (default A) 4 times until you are in the Setup Screen, with Printer Pay Limit. |
r250335 | r250336 | |
69 | 73 | fhunter |
70 | 74 | fhuntera |
71 | 75 | |
76 | ||
77 | ********************************************************************************************************** | |
78 | ||
72 | 79 | Technical Notes: |
73 | 80 | |
74 | 81 | 68B09EP Motorola Processor |
r250335 | r250336 | |
93 | 100 | The AY8910 named ay1 has writes on PORT B to the ZN434 DA convertor. |
94 | 101 | The AY8910 named ay2 has writes to lamps and the light tower on Port A and B. these are implemented via the layout |
95 | 102 | |
103 | ||
104 | ********************************************************************************************************** | |
105 | ||
106 | Updates.... | |
107 | ||
96 | 108 | 27/04/10 - FrasheR |
97 | 109 | 2 x Sound Chips connected to the 6522 VIA. |
98 | 110 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
119 | 131 | - day of week is incorrect |
120 | 132 | - day of month is incorrect ( code is using day instead of mday ). |
121 | 133 | - hours are not showing up correct in PM and 12 hour mode |
122 | - rtc causes game to freeze if the game is left in audit mode with continuous writes to 0xA reg - 0x80 data ) | |
134 | - rtc causes game to freeze if the game is left in audit mode with continuous writes | |
135 | to 0xA reg - 0x80 data ) | |
123 | 136 | |
124 | 137 | 9/7/2010 - Palindrome |
125 | 138 | Robot Test added |
r250335 | r250336 | |
133 | 146 | |
134 | 147 | 12/12/2010 - Palindrome and Heihachi_73 |
135 | 148 | Updated source to 0.140u2 standards |
136 | Disabled real time clock to stop games from hanging. This causes a graphics glitch on the month display but makes the games more reliable in audit mode. | |
149 | Disabled real time clock to stop games from hanging. This causes a graphics glitch | |
150 | on the month display but makes the games more reliable in audit mode. | |
137 | 151 | Fixed ROM names |
138 | 152 | Added new game Arctic Wins |
139 | 153 | Added new game Caribbean Gold 2 (missing 2 gfx roms, still boots) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
141 | 155 | Added new game Fortune Hunter (2 sets) |
142 | 156 | |
143 | 157 | 06/06/2011 - Heihachi_73 |
144 | Added button panel artwork for all games, and renamed the in-game buttons to match the artwork and/or Robot Test description. | |
158 | Added button panel artwork for all games, and renamed the in-game buttons to match | |
159 | the artwork and/or Robot Test description. | |
145 | 160 | Remapped Jackpot Key to 'L' |
146 | 161 | Remapped 'power fail' key to ',' (comma) |
147 | 162 | Remapped the video poker buttons; holds are now keys S,D,F,G,H |
r250335 | r250336 | |
166 | 181 | |
167 | 182 | 21/02/2013 - Heihachi_73 |
168 | 183 | Added new game Caribbean Gold (cgold), however it is not a straight swap as it has slightly different input locations: |
169 | - With unmodified 0.148 source, game complains about logic door being open, which is seemingly tied to the current coin input. | |
170 | - When HOPCO2 is toggled off/on quickly (default is on otherwise it will cause a note acceptor error), the note acceptor works, adding 4 credits ($1?) - this is seemingly a quarter slot (25c). Not sure if other notes are possible. | |
171 | - Same gameplay as Gone Troppo, one interesting thing about this game is that the KQJ symbols have actual faces instead of plain letters. | |
184 | - With unmodified 0.148 source, game complains about logic door being open, | |
185 | which is seemingly tied to the current coin input. | |
186 | - When HOPCO2 is toggled off/on quickly (default is on otherwise it will | |
187 | cause a note acceptor error), the note acceptor works, adding 4 credits ($1?). | |
188 | This is seemingly a quarter slot (25c). Not sure if other notes are possible. | |
189 | - Same gameplay as Gone Troppo, one interesting thing about this game is that | |
190 | the KQJ symbols have actual faces instead of plain letters. | |
172 | 191 | |
173 | 192 | 08/03/2013 - Heihachi_73 |
174 | 193 | Cleaned up comments and erroneous ROM names (e.g. graphics ROMs named after the program ROM). |
175 | Caribbean Gold II - copied cgold graphics ROMs u8+u11 (aka u20+u45) to cgold2, game now playable. Tiles 0x64 and 0x65 are used to show the game's denomination (credit value), however cgold does not use these tiles (there are seemingly unused line/bet/number tiles in this location), this causes a minor glitch on the $/c sign. Tiles 0x277-0x288 also differ but are unused. | |
194 | Caribbean Gold II - copied cgold graphics ROMs u8+u11 (aka u20+u45) to cgold2, game now playable. | |
195 | Tiles 0x64 and 0x65 are used to show the game's denomination (credit value), however cgold does | |
196 | not use these tiles (there are seemingly unused line/bet/number tiles in this location), this | |
197 | causes a minor glitch on the $/c sign. Tiles 0x277-0x288 also differ but are unused. | |
176 | 198 | Promoted Fortune Hunter and clone to working status, as they were in fact working for quite a while. |
177 | 199 | Fixed ROM names for kgbird/kgbirda; 5c and 10c variants were mixed up. |
178 | 200 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
182 | 204 | 27/03/2014 |
183 | 205 | Added new game: Gun's and Roses Poker - gunnrose |
184 | 206 | |
185 | **************************************************************************** | |
207 | 13/11/2015 - Roberto Fresca | |
208 | Added new game: Fever Pitch? (2VXEC534, NSW, 90.36%). | |
209 | Need to confirm the title. | |
186 | 210 | |
187 | When the games first power on (or when reset), they will display a TILT message on the screen. This doesn't affect gameplay, and if there are no pending errors the game should coin up and/or play immediately. | |
188 | The tilt message will also appear when an error code is displayed, such as the main door being opened/closed, or a hardware error/fault (such as hopper empty, coin yoyo, printer errors; none of which should happen in MAME however). | |
211 | ||
212 | ************************************************************************************************************* | |
213 | ||
214 | When the games first power on (or when reset), they will display a TILT message on the screen. | |
215 | This doesn't affect gameplay, and if there are no pending errors the game should coin up and/or play immediately. | |
216 | ||
217 | The tilt message will also appear when an error code is displayed, such as the main door being opened/closed, or | |
218 | a hardware error/fault (such as hopper empty, coin yoyo, printer errors; none of which should happen in MAME however). | |
219 | ||
189 | 220 | The tilt message will disappear if you turn the Audit Key on and off, or after you start playing. |
190 | Despite the name, there is no 'tilt' mechanism in the machine and there is nothing to worry about. The first Aristocrat system to have a tilt mechanism was the MK5, which will cause the machine to reset abruptly if the player is too rough (e.g. hitting the screen or bumping the machine). | |
221 | Despite the name, there is no 'tilt' mechanism in the machine and there is nothing to worry about. | |
222 | The first Aristocrat system to have a tilt mechanism was the MK5, which will cause the machine to reset abruptly | |
223 | if the player is too rough (e.g. hitting the screen or bumping the machine). | |
191 | 224 | |
192 | These games do not feature a backup mechanism in case of power faults or system crashes requiring a reboot; if the player was in the middle of a spin or watching a win count up, any credits won on that spin will be voided. | |
193 | On the machine's artwork, this is reflected with text reading 'Malfunction voids all pays and plays', of which the text has also been carried onto later machines. The Aristocrat MK5 and later systems however feature backup mechanisms and will repeat the last game (including free game features and/or gamble selection) when powered on, to where the player had left off. | |
225 | These games do not feature a backup mechanism in case of power faults or system crashes requiring a reboot; | |
226 | if the player was in the middle of a spin or watching a win count up, any credits won on that spin will be voided. | |
227 | On the machine's artwork, this is reflected with text reading 'Malfunction voids all pays and plays', of which | |
228 | the text has also been carried onto later machines. The Aristocrat MK5 and later systems however feature backup | |
229 | mechanisms and will repeat the last game (including free game features and/or gamble selection) when powered on, | |
230 | to where the player had left off. | |
194 | 231 | |
195 | Gone Troppo and Caribbean Gold 1 and 2 require DIP SW7 to be set to off/off or else the second screen will be broken. This is possibly true to the original machine. | |
232 | Gone Troppo and Caribbean Gold 1 and 2 require DIP SW7 to be set to off/off or else the second screen will be broken. | |
233 | This is possibly true to the original machine. | |
234 | ||
196 | 235 | A similar thing happens with Top Gear, the drag cars' tyres will only be the correct colour (grey) if SW7 is off/off. |
197 | In Wild One, the dollar sign on the Insert $2 graphic is the wrong colour on other settings as well. It only appears correct when SW7 is off/off. This is probably a bug in the original game, where the graphic designers have used the wrong palette for the background of the dollar sign. | |
236 | ||
237 | In Wild One, the dollar sign on the Insert $2 graphic is the wrong colour on other settings as well. It only appears | |
238 | correct when SW7 is off/off. This is probably a bug in the original game, where the graphic designers have used the | |
239 | wrong palette for the background of the dollar sign. | |
240 | ||
198 | 241 | From these findings, it is noted that the off/off setting may in fact be the default background setting of all games. |
199 | 242 | |
200 | 243 | cgold, gtroppo and topgear are non-multiplier, 5 payline games, therefore, you cannot bet higher than 5 credits on these machines. |
201 | 244 | |
202 | cgold can be set to credit play or coin play by toggling SW1-5. If SW1-5 is on, game is in credit mode; if SW1-5 is off, wins and remaining credits will be automatically paid out as coins. | |
245 | cgold can be set to credit play or coin play by toggling SW1-5. If SW1-5 is on, game is in credit mode; if SW1-5 is off, | |
246 | wins and remaining credits will be automatically paid out as coins. | |
203 | 247 | |
204 | Non-US games can enable/disable the double up (gamble) option by toggling the SW1-8 switch. Turning SW1 off will enable the double up option (default); turning SW1-8 on will disable double up and enable auto-spin on some games (so far, only eforesta and 3bagflvt allow this; other games simply ignore the buttons). The games respond slightly faster between games with double up disabled. | |
205 | 3 Bags Full, Fortune Hunter, Caribbean Gold 1 and 2, Gone Troppo and Top Gear do not have a double up option, and US-based games ignore this switch setting (double up is always enabled on US games which support it). | |
248 | Non-US games can enable/disable the double up (gamble) option by toggling the SW1-8 switch. Turning SW1 off will enable | |
249 | the double up option (default); turning SW1-8 on will disable double up and enable auto-spin on some games (so far, only | |
250 | eforesta and 3bagflvt allow this; other games simply ignore the buttons). The games respond slightly faster between games | |
251 | with double up disabled. | |
206 | 252 | |
253 | 3 Bags Full, Fortune Hunter, Caribbean Gold 1 and 2, Gone Troppo and Top Gear do not have a double up option, and US-based | |
254 | games ignore this switch setting (double up is always enabled on US games which support it). | |
255 | ||
256 | ||
207 | 257 | TODO: |
258 | ||
208 | 259 | 1. ROMs need redumping for the following games: |
209 | 260 | - White Tiger has bad graphics ROMs. |
210 | 261 | - Caribbean Gold 2 is missing two graphics chips. |
211 | 262 | - Clockwise needs its program ROM redumped, original dump was 32K of 0xFF's. Graphics and video/sound ROM are OK. |
212 | - PROM dumps needed for Top Gear (2CM33), Caribbean Gold (1CM12), Caribbean Gold 2 (unknown), Clockwise (2CM18) and Golden Poker (unknown). | |
263 | - PROM dumps needed for Top Gear (2CM33), Caribbean Gold (1CM12), Caribbean Gold 2 (unknown), Clockwise (2CM18), | |
264 | Golden Poker (unknown), and Fever Pitch (unknown). | |
213 | 265 | |
214 | 2. Video poker and Keno button panels needed. 06/06/11: Video poker panels done, however they need confirmation with a real machine. | |
266 | 2. Video poker and Keno button panels needed. 06/06/11: Video poker panels done, however they need confirmation | |
267 | with a real machine. | |
215 | 268 | |
216 | 269 | 3. Extend the driver to use the keno keyboard input for keno games (no MK2.5/MKIV Keno games dumped yet as of 28/02/2010). |
217 | 270 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
229 | 282 | |
230 | 283 | 10. fix 86 Lions (pre-Aristocrat Mk-4 HW, without prom and dunno what else) |
231 | 284 | |
285 | ||
232 | 286 | ***************** POKER GAMES ************************************************************************ |
233 | 287 | |
234 | 288 | Wild One & Golden Poker have a problem where the second branch condition is always true, see assembler below for |
r250335 | r250336 | |
244 | 298 | |
245 | 299 | Bug in the 6845 crtc core ? Seems like some kind of logic there not working. |
246 | 300 | |
247 | EDIT: it's a vblank check, BITA opcode checks bit 5 in A register and compares it with the contents of 0x1800 (that is vblank in | |
248 | mc6845_status_r). Checking if a bit goes low then high it usually means that is moaning for a vblank. ;-) | |
249 | But now there is a new question: what kind of mc6845 clone this HW uses? It's clearly not standard mc6845, since that version doesn't | |
250 | support vblank reading. The vblank bit can be read only on C6545-1, R6545-1, SY6545-1 and SY6845E subvariants, so it all lies to | |
251 | those. -AS | |
301 | EDIT: it's a vblank check, BITA opcode checks bit 5 in A register and compares it with the contents of 0x1800 | |
302 | (that is vblank in mc6845_status_r). Checking if a bit goes low then high it usually means that is moaning for | |
303 | a vblank. ;-) | |
304 | But now there is a new question: what kind of mc6845 clone this HW uses? It's clearly not standard mc6845, | |
305 | since that version doesn't support vblank reading. The vblank bit can be read only on C6545-1, R6545-1, SY6545-1 | |
306 | and SY6845E subvariants, so it all lies to those. -AS | |
252 | 307 | |
308 | ||
253 | 309 | ***********************************************************************************************************************************************/ |
254 | 310 | |
255 | 311 | #define MAIN_CLOCK XTAL_12MHz |
r250335 | r250336 | |
280 | 336 | #include "wildone.lh" // Video poker |
281 | 337 | #include "gunnrose.lh" // Video poker |
282 | 338 | #include "gldnpkr.lh" // Video poker |
339 | #include "fvrpitch.lh" // 5 line without gamble | |
283 | 340 | |
284 | 341 | UINT8 crtc_cursor_index = 0; |
285 | 342 | UINT8 crtc_reg = 0; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1521 | 1578 | INPUT_PORTS_END |
1522 | 1579 | |
1580 | static INPUT_PORTS_START(fvrpitch) | |
1581 | PORT_INCLUDE(arcwins) | |
1582 | ||
1583 | PORT_MODIFY("500d") | |
1588 | ||
1589 | PORT_MODIFY("500e") | |
1591 | INPUT_PORTS_END | |
1592 | ||
1593 | ||
1523 | 1594 | static const gfx_layout layout8x8x6 = |
1524 | 1595 | { |
1525 | 1596 | 8,8, |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2317 | 2388 | ROM_LOAD("2cm07.u40", 0x0000, 0x0200, CRC(1e3f402a) SHA1(f38da1ad6607df38add10c69febf7f5f8cd21744)) // Using 2CM07 until a correct PROM is confirmed |
2318 | 2389 | ROM_END |
2319 | 2390 | |
2391 | /* Fever Pitch? (2VXEC534, 90.36%) | |
2392 | Need some proof about the real name. | |
2393 | Unhandled Mechanical meter 2 pulse: 04 --> Payout pulse. | |
2394 | */ | |
2395 | ROM_START( fvrpitch ) // MK2.5 | |
2396 | ROM_REGION(0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) | |
2397 | /* VIDEO AND SOUND EPROM */ | |
2398 | ROM_LOAD("vidsnd.u7", 0x06000, 0x2000, BAD_DUMP CRC(568bd63f) SHA1(128b0b085c8b97d1c90baeab4886c522c0bc9a0e)) // unknown EPROM name | |
2399 | ||
2400 | /* GAME EPROMS */ | |
2401 | ROM_LOAD("2vxec534_fever_pitch_90.36%.u9", 0x08000, 0x8000, CRC(6f8780e8) SHA1(ebf1bfdf2ad727caa2fee34a6ae645ddba42f1cb)) // 90.36% | |
2402 | ||
2403 | /* SHAPE EPROMS */ | |
2404 | ROM_REGION(0xc000, "tile_gfx", 0 ) | |
2405 | ROM_LOAD("1vlbh1299_fever_pitch.u8", 0x00000, 0x2000, CRC(8d6294d2) SHA1(819ab872a3ea99801350dd7bdf07011cbc7689e0)) // unknown EPROM names, should contain VLSH or VL/SH letters on sticker | |
2406 | ROM_LOAD("1vlbh1299_fever_pitch.u10", 0x02000, 0x2000, CRC(939b30af) SHA1(0253c6b1d336ad589322ee9058c1da68ac1e714a)) | |
2407 | ROM_LOAD("1vlbh1299_fever_pitch.u12", 0x04000, 0x2000, CRC(81913322) SHA1(4ed8b678e38784a41c1a46809a5ecb14256b4c75)) | |
2408 | ROM_LOAD("1vlbh1299_fever_pitch.u9", 0x06000, 0x2000, CRC(e0937d74) SHA1(19f567620e095b10f1d4f2a524331737bfa628b7)) | |
2409 | ROM_LOAD("1vlbh1299_fever_pitch.u11", 0x08000, 0x2000, CRC(bfa3bb9e) SHA1(610de284004906af5a5b594256e7d7ec846afff2)) | |
2410 | ROM_LOAD("1vlbh1299_fever_pitch.u13", 0x0a000, 0x2000, CRC(6d8fb9a6) SHA1(1d8b667eea57f5a4ce173af55f58b9bf56aaa05e)) | |
2411 | ||
2412 | /* COLOR PROM */ | |
2413 | ROM_REGION(0x200, "proms", 0 ) // Using kgbird's 1CM29 PROM (colors seems correct) until original PROM is dumped. | |
2414 | ROM_LOAD("1cm29.u71", 0x0000, 0x0200, BAD_DUMP CRC(ef25f5cc) SHA1(51d12f4b8b8712cbd18ec97ec04e1340cd85fc67)) | |
2415 | ROM_END | |
2416 | ||
2417 | ||
2320 | 2418 | /* 86 Lions */ |
2321 | 2419 | |
2322 | 2420 | ROM_START( 86lions ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2376 | 2474 | GAMEL( 1996, goldenc, 0, aristmk4, goldenc, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Aristocrat", "Golden Canaries (1VXFC5462, New Zealand)", 0, layout_goldenc ) // 2c, $2 = 100 credits |
2377 | 2475 | GAMEL( 1999, autmoon, 0, aristmk4, arimk4nz, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Aristocrat", "Autumn Moon (1VXFC5488, New Zealand)", 0, layout_arimk4nz ) // 5c, $2 = 40 credits |
2378 | 2476 | GAMEL( 2000, coralr2, 0, aristmk4, arimk4nz, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Aristocrat", "Coral Riches II (1VXFC5472, New Zealand)", 0, layout_arimk4nz ) // 2c, $2 = 100 credits |
2379 | GAMEL( 1986, gtroppo, 0, aristmk4, topgear, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Ainsworth Nominees P.L.", "Gone Troppo (1VXEC542, New Zealand)", 0, layout_topgear ) // possibly 20c, 1 coin = 1 credit | |
2380 | GAMEL( 1986, clkwise, 0, aristmk4, topgear, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Ainsworth Nominees P.L.", "Clockwise (1VXEC534, New Zealand)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING, layout_topgear ) // 20c, 1 coin = 1 credit | |
2381 | GAMEL( 1986, cgold, 0, aristmk4, topgear, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Ainsworth Nominees P.L.", "Caribbean Gold (3VXEC449, USA)", 0, layout_topgear ) // 25c, 1 coin = 1 credit | |
2382 | 2477 | GAMEL( 1995, cgold2, 0, aristmk4, cgold2, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Aristocrat", "Caribbean Gold II (3XF5182H04, USA)", 0, layout_cgold2 ) |
2383 | 2478 | GAMEL( 1996, fhunter, 0, aristmk4, fhunter, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Aristocrat", "Fortune Hunter (2XF5196I01, USA)", 0, layout_fhunter ) |
2384 | 2479 | GAMEL( 1996, fhuntera, fhunter, aristmk4, fhunter, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Aristocrat", "Fortune Hunter (2XF5196I02, USA)", 0, layout_fhunter ) |
2385 | 2480 | GAMEL( 1996, arcwins, 0, aristmk4, arcwins, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Aristocrat", "Arctic Wins (4XF5227H03, USA)", 0, layout_arcwins ) |
2386 | 2481 | GAMEL( 1997, wildone, 0, aristmk4_poker, wildone, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Aristocrat", "Wild One (4VXEC5357, New Zealand)", 0, layout_wildone ) // 20c, $2 = 10 credits, video poker |
2482 | GAMEL( 1993, gunnrose, 0, aristmk4_poker, wildone, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Aristocrat", "Guns and Roses (C606191SMP, Australia)", MACHINE_WRONG_COLORS, layout_topgear ) | |
2387 | 2483 | GAMEL( 1986, gldnpkr, 0, aristmk4_poker, gldnpkr, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Ainsworth Nominees P.L.", "Golden Poker (8VXEC037, New Zealand)", 0, layout_gldnpkr ) // possibly 20c, 1 coin = 1 credit, video poker |
2388 | GAMEL( 1993, gunnrose, 0, aristmk4_poker, wildone, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Aristocrat", "Guns and Roses (C606191SMP, Australia)", MACHINE_WRONG_COLORS, layout_gunnrose ) | |
2484 | GAMEL( 1986, gtroppo, 0, aristmk4, topgear, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Ainsworth Nominees P.L.", "Gone Troppo (1VXEC542, New Zealand)", 0, layout_topgear ) // possibly 20c, 1 coin = 1 credit | |
2485 | GAMEL( 1986, clkwise, 0, aristmk4, topgear, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Ainsworth Nominees P.L.", "Clockwise (1VXEC534, New Zealand)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING, layout_topgear ) // 20c, 1 coin = 1 credit | |
2486 | GAMEL( 1986, cgold, 0, aristmk4, topgear, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Ainsworth Nominees P.L.", "Caribbean Gold (3VXEC449, USA)", 0, layout_topgear ) // 25c, 1 coin = 1 credit | |
2487 | GAMEL( 1986, fvrpitch, 0, aristmk4, fvrpitch, aristmk4_state, aristmk4, ROT0, "Ainsworth Nominees P.L.", "Fever Pitch? (2VXEC534, NSW, 90.36%)", 0, layout_fvrpitch ) // 5c, $1 = 20 credits |
r250335 | r250336 | |
811 | 811 | |
812 | 812 | READ8_MEMBER(arkanoid_state::hexaa_f000_r) |
813 | 813 | { |
814 | // return hexaa_from_sub; | |
814 | // return m_hexaa_from_sub; | |
815 | 815 | return rand(); |
816 | 816 | } |
817 | 817 | |
818 | 818 | WRITE8_MEMBER(arkanoid_state::hexaa_f000_w) |
819 | 819 | { |
820 | hexaa_from_main = data; | |
820 | m_hexaa_from_main = data; | |
821 | 821 | } |
822 | 822 | |
823 | 823 | static ADDRESS_MAP_START( hexaa_map, AS_PROGRAM, 8, arkanoid_state ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
840 | 840 | |
841 | 841 | WRITE8_MEMBER(arkanoid_state::hexaa_sub_80_w) |
842 | 842 | { |
843 | hexaa_from_sub = data; | |
843 | m_hexaa_from_sub = data; | |
844 | 844 | } |
845 | 845 | |
846 | 846 | READ8_MEMBER(arkanoid_state::hexaa_sub_90_r) |
847 | 847 | { |
848 | return hexaa_from_main; | |
848 | return m_hexaa_from_main; | |
849 | 849 | // return rand(); |
850 | 850 | } |
851 | 851 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1183 | 1183 | |
1184 | 1184 | /* Machine Drivers */ |
1185 | 1185 | |
1186 | ||
1186 | void arkanoid_state::machine_start() | |
1187 | 1187 | { |
1188 | 1188 | save_item(NAME(m_bootleg_cmd)); |
1189 | 1189 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1204 | 1204 | save_item(NAME(m_palettebank)); |
1205 | 1205 | } |
1206 | 1206 | |
1207 | ||
1207 | void arkanoid_state::machine_reset() | |
1208 | 1208 | { |
1209 | 1209 | m_port_a_in = 0; |
1210 | 1210 | m_port_a_out = 0; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1245 | 1245 | |
1246 | 1246 | MCFG_QUANTUM_TIME(attotime::from_hz(6000)) // 100 CPU slices per second to synchronize between the MCU and the main CPU |
1247 | 1247 | |
1248 | MCFG_MACHINE_START_OVERRIDE(arkanoid_state,arkanoid) | |
1249 | MCFG_MACHINE_RESET_OVERRIDE(arkanoid_state,arkanoid) | |
1250 | ||
1251 | 1248 | /* video hardware */ |
1252 | 1249 | MCFG_SCREEN_ADD("screen", RASTER) |
1253 | 1250 | // MCFG_SCREEN_REFRESH_RATE(60) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1260 | 1257 | |
1261 | 1258 | MCFG_GFXDECODE_ADD("gfxdecode", "palette", arkanoid) |
1262 | 1259 | MCFG_PALETTE_ADD_RRRRGGGGBBBB_PROMS("palette", 512) |
1263 | MCFG_VIDEO_START_OVERRIDE(arkanoid_state,arkanoid) | |
1264 | 1260 | |
1265 | 1261 | /* sound hardware */ |
1266 | 1262 | MCFG_SPEAKER_STANDARD_MONO("mono") |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1279 | 1275 | MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(hexa_map) |
1280 | 1276 | MCFG_CPU_VBLANK_INT_DRIVER("screen", arkanoid_state, irq0_line_hold) |
1281 | 1277 | |
1282 | MCFG_MACHINE_START_OVERRIDE(arkanoid_state,arkanoid) | |
1283 | MCFG_MACHINE_RESET_OVERRIDE(arkanoid_state,arkanoid) | |
1284 | ||
1285 | 1278 | /* video hardware */ |
1286 | 1279 | MCFG_SCREEN_ADD("screen", RASTER) |
1287 | 1280 | // MCFG_SCREEN_REFRESH_RATE(60) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1294 | 1287 | |
1295 | 1288 | MCFG_GFXDECODE_ADD("gfxdecode", "palette", hexa) |
1296 | 1289 | MCFG_PALETTE_ADD_RRRRGGGGBBBB_PROMS("palette", 256) |
1297 | MCFG_VIDEO_START_OVERRIDE(arkanoid_state,arkanoid) | |
1298 | 1290 | |
1299 | 1291 | /* sound hardware */ |
1300 | 1292 | MCFG_SPEAKER_STANDARD_MONO("mono") |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1335 | 1327 | /* there is a 68705 but it's only role appears to be to copy data to RAM at startup */ |
1336 | 1328 | /* the RAM is also battery backed, making the 68705 almost reundant as long as the battery doesn't die(!) */ |
1337 | 1329 | |
1338 | MCFG_MACHINE_START_OVERRIDE(arkanoid_state,arkanoid) | |
1339 | MCFG_MACHINE_RESET_OVERRIDE(arkanoid_state,arkanoid) | |
1340 | ||
1341 | 1330 | /* video hardware */ |
1342 | 1331 | MCFG_SCREEN_ADD("screen", RASTER) |
1343 | 1332 | // MCFG_SCREEN_REFRESH_RATE(60) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1350 | 1339 | |
1351 | 1340 | MCFG_GFXDECODE_ADD("gfxdecode", "palette", arkanoid) |
1352 | 1341 | MCFG_PALETTE_ADD_RRRRGGGGBBBB_PROMS("palette", 512) |
1353 | MCFG_VIDEO_START_OVERRIDE(arkanoid_state,arkanoid) | |
1354 | 1342 | |
1355 | 1343 | /* sound hardware */ |
1356 | 1344 | MCFG_SPEAKER_STANDARD_MONO("mono") |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2037 | 2025 | membank("bank1")->configure_entries(0, 2, &RAM[0x10000], 0x4000); |
2038 | 2026 | } |
2039 | 2027 | |
2028 | DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(arkanoid_state,hexaa) | |
2029 | { | |
2030 | DRIVER_INIT_CALL(hexa); | |
2031 | ||
2032 | m_hexaa_from_main = 0; | |
2033 | m_hexaa_from_sub = 0; | |
2034 | ||
2035 | save_item(NAME(m_hexaa_from_main)); | |
2036 | save_item(NAME(m_hexaa_from_sub)); | |
2037 | } | |
2038 | ||
2040 | 2039 | DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(arkanoid_state,brixian) |
2041 | 2040 | { |
2042 | 2041 | UINT8 *RAM = memregion("protdata")->base(); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2076 | 2075 | GAME( 19??, tetrsark, 0, bootleg, tetrsark, arkanoid_state, tetrsark, ROT0, "D.R. Korea", "Tetris (D.R. Korea)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
2077 | 2076 | |
2078 | 2077 | GAME( 199?, hexa, 0, hexa, hexa, arkanoid_state, hexa, ROT0, "D.R. Korea", "Hexa", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND | MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
2079 | GAME( 199?, hexaa, hexa, hexaa, hexa, arkanoid_state, hexa, ROT0, "D.R. Korea", "Hexa (with 2xZ80, protected)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) | |
2078 | GAME( 199?, hexaa, hexa, hexaa, hexa, arkanoid_state, hexaa, ROT0, "D.R. Korea", "Hexa (with 2xZ80, protected)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) | |
2080 | 2079 | |
2081 | 2080 | GAME( 1993, brixian, 0, brixian, brixian, arkanoid_state, brixian, ROT0, "Cheil Computer System", "Brixian", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
655 | 655 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(522, 1566, 394, 1182) |
656 | 656 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE("vector", vector_device, screen_update) |
657 | 657 | |
658 | MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("dvg", DVG, | |
659 | 659 | MCFG_AVGDVG_VECTOR("vector") |
660 | 660 | |
661 | 661 | /* sound hardware */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1019 | 1019 | * |
1020 | 1020 | *************************************/ |
1021 | 1021 | |
1022 | GAME( 1979, asteroid, 0, asteroid, asteroid, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids (rev 4)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1023 | GAME( 1979, asteroid2, asteroid, asteroid, asteroid, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids (rev 2)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1024 | GAME( 1979, asteroid1, asteroid, asteroid, asteroid, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids (rev 1)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1025 | GAME( 1979, asteroidb, asteroid, asteroid, asteroidb, asteroid_state, asteroidb, ROT0, "bootleg", "Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1026 | GAME( 1980, aerolitos, asteroid, asteroid, aerolitos, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "bootleg (Rodmar Elec.)","Aerolitos (Spanish bootleg of Asteroids)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) // 'Aerolitos' appears on the cabinet, this was distributed in Spain, the Spanish text is different to that contained in the original version (corrected) | |
1027 | GAME( 1979, asterock, asteroid, asterock, asterock, asteroid_state, asterock, ROT0, "bootleg (Sidam)", "Asterock (Sidam bootleg of Asteroids)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1028 | GAME( 1979, asterockv, asteroid, asterock, asterock, asteroid_state, asterock, ROT0, "bootleg (Videotron)", "Asterock (Videotron bootleg of Asteroids)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1029 | GAME( 1979, meteorts, asteroid, asteroid, asteroid, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "bootleg (VGG)", "Meteorites (bootleg of Asteroids)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1030 | GAME( 1979, meteorho, asteroid, asteroid, asteroid, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "bootleg (Hoei)", "Meteor (bootleg of Asteroids)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1031 | GAME( 1979, hyperspc, asteroid, asteroid, asteroid, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "bootleg (Rumiano)", "Hyperspace (bootleg of Asteroids)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1022 | GAME( 1979, asteroid, 0, asteroid, asteroid, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids (rev 4)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1023 | GAME( 1979, asteroid2, asteroid, asteroid, asteroid, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids (rev 2)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1024 | GAME( 1979, asteroid1, asteroid, asteroid, asteroid, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids (rev 1)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1025 | GAME( 1979, asteroidb, asteroid, asteroid, asteroidb, asteroid_state, asteroidb, ROT0, "bootleg", "Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1026 | GAME( 1980, aerolitos, asteroid, asteroid, aerolitos, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "bootleg (Rodmar Elec.)", "Aerolitos (Spanish bootleg of Asteroids)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) // 'Aerolitos' appears on the cabinet, this was distributed in Spain, the Spanish text is different to that contained in the original version (corrected) | |
1027 | GAME( 1979, asterock, asteroid, asterock, asterock, asteroid_state, asterock, ROT0, "bootleg (Sidam)", "Asterock (Sidam bootleg of Asteroids)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1028 | GAME( 1979, asterockv, asteroid, asterock, asterock, asteroid_state, asterock, ROT0, "bootleg (Videotron)", "Asterock (Videotron bootleg of Asteroids)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1029 | GAME( 1979, meteorts, asteroid, asteroid, asteroid, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "bootleg (VGG)", "Meteorites (bootleg of Asteroids)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1030 | GAME( 1979, meteorho, asteroid, asteroid, asteroid, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "bootleg (Hoei)", "Meteor (bootleg of Asteroids)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1031 | GAME( 1979, hyperspc, asteroid, asteroid, asteroid, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "bootleg (Rumiano)", "Hyperspace (bootleg of Asteroids)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1032 | 1032 | |
1033 | GAMEL(1980, astdelux, 0, astdelux, astdelux, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_astdelux ) | |
1034 | GAMEL(1980, astdelux2, astdelux, astdelux, astdelux, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_astdelux ) | |
1035 | GAMEL(1980, astdelux1, astdelux, astdelux, astdelux, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 1)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_astdelux ) | |
1033 | GAMEL(1980, astdelux, 0, astdelux, astdelux, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_astdelux ) | |
1034 | GAMEL(1980, astdelux2, astdelux, astdelux, astdelux, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_astdelux ) | |
1035 | GAMEL(1980, astdelux1, astdelux, astdelux, astdelux, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 1)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_astdelux ) | |
1036 | 1036 | |
1037 | GAME( 1979, llander, 0, llander, llander, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Lunar Lander (rev 2)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1038 | GAME( 1979, llander1, llander, llander, llander1, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Lunar Lander (rev 1)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1039 | GAME( 1979, llandert, llander, llander, llandert, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Lunar Lander (screen test)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) // no copyright shown, assume it's an in-house diagnostics romset (PCB came from a seller that has had Atari prototypes in his possession before) | |
1037 | GAME( 1979, llander, 0, llander, llander, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Lunar Lander (rev 2)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1038 | GAME( 1979, llander1, llander, llander, llander1, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Lunar Lander (rev 1)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1039 | GAME( 1979, llandert, llander, llander, llandert, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Lunar Lander (screen test)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) // no copyright shown, assume it's an in-house diagnostics romset (PCB came from a seller that has had Atari prototypes in his possession before) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
30 | 30 | ARM1 - ARM Evaluation System |
31 | 31 | ADB20 - Master Compact |
32 | 32 | |
33 | Acorn Business Computer | |
34 | ||
35 | ABC110 - 64K, 10MB HDD, Z80, CP/M 2.2 | |
36 | ABC210/ACW443 - 4096K, 20MB HDD, 32016, PanOS | |
37 | ABC310 - 1024K, 10MB HDD, 80286, DOS 3.1/GEM | |
38 | ||
33 | 39 | ******************************************************************************/ |
34 | 40 | |
35 | 41 | /* Core includes */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
49 | 55 | /* Devices */ |
50 | 56 | #include "imagedev/flopdrv.h" |
51 | 57 | #include "formats/bbc_dsk.h" |
52 | ||
58 | #include "formats/fsd_dsk.h" | |
53 | 59 | #include "imagedev/cassette.h" |
54 | 60 | #include "formats/uef_cas.h" |
55 | 61 | #include "formats/csw_cas.h" |
r250335 | r250336 | |
136 | 142 | AM_RANGE(0x8000, 0xbfff) AM_READ_BANK("bank4") AM_WRITE(bbc_memoryb4_w) /* 8000-bfff Paged ROM */ |
137 | 143 | AM_RANGE(0xc000, 0xfbff) AM_READ_BANK("bank7") /* c000-fbff OS ROM */ |
138 | 144 | AM_RANGE(0xfc00, 0xfdff) AM_NOP /* fc00-fdff FRED & JIM Pages */ |
139 | /* fe00-feff SHEILA Address Page */ | |
140 | AM_RANGE(0xfe00, 0xfe00) AM_MIRROR(0x06) AM_DEVREADWRITE("mc6845", mc6845_device, status_r, address_w) /* fe00-fe07 6845 CRTC Video controller */ | |
141 | AM_RANGE(0xfe01, 0xfe01) AM_MIRROR(0x06) AM_DEVREADWRITE("mc6845", mc6845_device, register_r, register_w) | |
145 | /* fe00-feff SHEILA Address Page */ | |
146 | AM_RANGE(0xfe00, 0xfe00) AM_MIRROR(0x06) AM_DEVREADWRITE("hd6845", hd6845_device, status_r, address_w) /* fe00-fe07 6845 CRTC Video controller */ | |
147 | AM_RANGE(0xfe01, 0xfe01) AM_MIRROR(0x06) AM_DEVREADWRITE("hd6845", hd6845_device, register_r, register_w) | |
142 | 148 | AM_RANGE(0xfe08, 0xfe08) AM_MIRROR(0x06) AM_DEVREADWRITE("acia6850", acia6850_device, status_r, control_w) /* fe08-fe0F 6850 ACIA Serial controller */ |
143 | 149 | AM_RANGE(0xfe09, 0xfe09) AM_MIRROR(0x06) AM_DEVREADWRITE("acia6850", acia6850_device, data_r, data_w) |
144 | 150 | AM_RANGE(0xfe10, 0xfe17) AM_READWRITE(bbc_fe_r, bbc_SerialULA_w) /* fe10-fe17 Serial ULA Serial system chip */ |
145 | 151 | AM_RANGE(0xfe18, 0xfe1f) AM_NOP /* fe18-fe1f INTOFF/STATID # ECONET Interrupt Off / ID No. */ |
146 | AM_RANGE(0xfe20, 0xfe2f) AM_WRITE(bbc_videoULA_w) /* R: fe20-fe2f INTON # ECONET Interrupt On */ | |
147 | /* W: fe20-fe2f Video ULA Video system chip */ | |
152 | AM_RANGE(0xfe20, 0xfe2f) AM_READWRITE(bbc_fe_r, bbc_videoULA_w) /* R: fe20-fe2f INTON # ECONET Interrupt On */ | |
153 | /* W: fe20-fe2f Video ULA Video system chip */ | |
148 | 154 | AM_RANGE(0xfe30, 0xfe3f) AM_READWRITE(bbc_fe_r, bbc_page_selecta_w) /* R: fe30-fe3f NC Not Connected */ |
149 | /* W: fe30-fe3f | |
155 | /* W: fe30-fe3f 74LS161 Paged ROM selector */ | |
150 | 156 | AM_RANGE(0xfe40, 0xfe5f) AM_DEVREADWRITE("via6522_0", via6522_device, read, write) /* fe40-fe5f 6522 VIA SYSTEM VIA */ |
151 | 157 | AM_RANGE(0xfe60, 0xfe7f) AM_NOP /* fe60-fe7f 6522 VIA # USER VIA */ |
152 | 158 | AM_RANGE(0xfe80, 0xfe9f) AM_NOP /* fe80-fe9f 8271/1770 FDC # Floppy disc controller */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
162 | 168 | |
163 | 169 | AM_RANGE(0xc000, 0xfbff) AM_READ_BANK("bank7") /* c000-fbff OS ROM */ |
164 | 170 | AM_RANGE(0xfc00, 0xfdff) AM_NOP /* fc00-fdff FRED & JIM Pages */ |
165 | /* fe00-feff SHEILA Address Page */ | |
166 | AM_RANGE(0xfe00, 0xfe00) AM_MIRROR(0x06) AM_DEVREADWRITE("mc6845", mc6845_device, status_r, address_w) /* fe00-fe07 6845 CRTC Video controller */ | |
167 | AM_RANGE(0xfe01, 0xfe01) AM_MIRROR(0x06) AM_DEVREADWRITE("mc6845", mc6845_device, register_r, register_w) | |
171 | /* fe00-feff SHEILA Address Page */ | |
172 | AM_RANGE(0xfe00, 0xfe00) AM_MIRROR(0x06) AM_DEVREADWRITE("hd6845", hd6845_device, status_r, address_w) /* fe00-fe07 6845 CRTC Video controller */ | |
173 | AM_RANGE(0xfe01, 0xfe01) AM_MIRROR(0x06) AM_DEVREADWRITE("hd6845", hd6845_device, register_r, register_w) | |
168 | 174 | AM_RANGE(0xfe08, 0xfe08) AM_MIRROR(0x06) AM_DEVREADWRITE("acia6850", acia6850_device, status_r, control_w) /* fe08-fe0F 6850 ACIA Serial controller */ |
169 | 175 | AM_RANGE(0xfe09, 0xfe09) AM_MIRROR(0x06) AM_DEVREADWRITE("acia6850", acia6850_device, data_r, data_w) |
170 | 176 | AM_RANGE(0xfe10, 0xfe17) AM_READWRITE(bbc_fe_r, bbc_SerialULA_w) /* fe10-fe17 Serial ULA Serial system chip */ |
171 | 177 | AM_RANGE(0xfe18, 0xfe1f) AM_READ_PORT("STATID") /* fe18-fe1f INTOFF/STATID ECONET Interrupt Off / ID No. */ |
172 | AM_RANGE(0xfe20, 0xfe2f) AM_WRITE(bbc_videoULA_w) /* R: fe20-fe2f INTON ECONET Interrupt On */ | |
173 | /* W: fe20-fe2f Video ULA Video system chip */ | |
178 | AM_RANGE(0xfe20, 0xfe2f) AM_READWRITE(bbc_fe_r, bbc_videoULA_w) /* R: fe20-fe2f INTON ECONET Interrupt On */ | |
179 | /* W: fe20-fe2f Video ULA Video system chip */ | |
174 | 180 | AM_RANGE(0xfe40, 0xfe5f) AM_DEVREADWRITE("via6522_0", via6522_device, read, write) /* fe40-fe5f 6522 VIA SYSTEM VIA */ |
175 | 181 | AM_RANGE(0xfe60, 0xfe7f) AM_DEVREADWRITE("via6522_1", via6522_device, read, write) /* fe60-fe7f 6522 VIA USER VIA */ |
176 | /* fe80-fe9f FDC Floppy disc controller */ | |
182 | /* fe80-fe9f FDC Floppy disc controller */ | |
177 | 183 | AM_RANGE(0xfea0, 0xfebf) AM_READ(bbc_fe_r) /* fea0-febf 68B54 ADLC ECONET controller */ |
178 | 184 | AM_RANGE(0xfec0, 0xfedf) AM_DEVREADWRITE("upd7002", upd7002_device, read, write) /* fec0-fedf uPD7002 Analogue to digital converter */ |
179 | 185 | AM_RANGE(0xfee0, 0xfeff) AM_READ(bbc_fe_r) /* fee0-feff Tube ULA Tube system interface */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
186 | 192 | AM_RANGE(0x4000, 0x7fff) AM_READ_BANK("bank3") AM_WRITE(bbc_memoryb3_w) /* 4000-7fff Regular Ram */ |
187 | 193 | AM_RANGE(0x8000, 0xbfff) AM_READ_BANK("bank4") AM_WRITE(bbc_memoryb4_w) /* 8000-bfff Paged ROM */ |
188 | 194 | AM_RANGE(0xfe30, 0xfe3f) AM_READWRITE(bbc_fe_r, bbc_page_selectb_w) /* R: fe30-fe3f NC Not Connected */ |
189 | /* W: fe30-fe3f 84LS161 Paged ROM selector */ | |
195 | /* W: fe30-fe3f 84LS161 Paged ROM selector */ | |
190 | 196 | AM_RANGE(0xfe80, 0xfe83) AM_DEVICE("i8271", i8271_device, map) /* fe80-fe83 8271 FDC Floppy disc controller */ |
191 | 197 | AM_RANGE(0xfe84, 0xfe9f) AM_DEVREADWRITE("i8271", i8271_device, data_r, data_w) /* fe84-fe9f 8271 FDC Floppy disc controller */ |
192 | 198 | AM_IMPORT_FROM(bbc_base) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
198 | 204 | AM_RANGE(0x4000, 0x7fff) AM_READ_BANK("bank3") AM_WRITE(bbc_memoryb3_w) /* 4000-7fff Regular Ram */ |
199 | 205 | AM_RANGE(0x8000, 0xbfff) AM_READ_BANK("bank4") AM_WRITE(bbc_memoryb4_w) /* 8000-bfff Paged ROM */ |
200 | 206 | AM_RANGE(0xfe30, 0xfe3f) AM_READWRITE(bbc_fe_r, bbc_page_selectb_w) /* R: fe30-fe3f NC Not Connected */ |
201 | /* W: fe30-fe3f 84LS161 Paged ROM selector */ | |
207 | /* W: fe30-fe3f 84LS161 Paged ROM selector */ | |
202 | 208 | AM_RANGE(0xfe80, 0xfe83) AM_WRITE(bbc_wd1770_status_w) /* fe80-fe83 1770 FDC Drive control register */ |
203 | 209 | AM_RANGE(0xfe84, 0xfe9f) AM_DEVREADWRITE("wd1770", wd1770_t, read, write) /* fe84-fe9f 1770 FDC Floppy disc controller */ |
204 | 210 | AM_IMPORT_FROM(bbc_base) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
211 | 217 | AM_RANGE(0x8000, 0xafff) AM_READ_BANK("bank4") AM_WRITE(bbc_memorybp4_w) /* 8000-afff Paged ROM or 12K of SWRAM */ |
212 | 218 | AM_RANGE(0xb000, 0xbfff) AM_READ_BANK("bank6") /* b000-bfff Rest of paged ROM area */ |
213 | 219 | AM_RANGE(0xfe30, 0xfe3f) AM_READWRITE(bbc_fe_r, bbc_page_selectbp_w) /* R: fe30-fe3f NC Not Connected */ |
214 | /* W: fe30-fe3f 84LS161 Paged ROM selector */ | |
220 | /* W: fe30-fe3f 84LS161 Paged ROM selector */ | |
215 | 221 | AM_RANGE(0xfe80, 0xfe83) AM_WRITE(bbc_wd1770_status_w) /* fe80-fe83 1770 FDC Drive control register */ |
216 | 222 | AM_RANGE(0xfe84, 0xfe9f) AM_DEVREADWRITE("wd1770", wd1770_t, read, write) /* fe84-fe9f 1770 FDC Floppy disc controller */ |
217 | 223 | AM_IMPORT_FROM(bbc_base) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
224 | 230 | AM_RANGE(0x8000, 0xafff) AM_READ_BANK("bank4") AM_WRITE(bbc_memorybp4_128_w) /* 8000-afff Paged ROM or 12K of SWRAM */ |
225 | 231 | AM_RANGE(0xb000, 0xbfff) AM_READ_BANK("bank6") AM_WRITE(bbc_memorybp6_128_w) /* b000-bfff Rest of paged ROM area */ |
226 | 232 | AM_RANGE(0xfe30, 0xfe3f) AM_READWRITE(bbc_fe_r, bbc_page_selectbp_w) /* R: fe30-fe3f NC Not Connected */ |
227 | /* W: fe30-fe3f 84LS161 Paged ROM selector */ | |
233 | /* W: fe30-fe3f 84LS161 Paged ROM selector */ | |
228 | 234 | AM_RANGE(0xfe80, 0xfe83) AM_WRITE(bbc_wd1770_status_w) /* fe80-fe83 1770 FDC Drive control register */ |
229 | 235 | AM_RANGE(0xfe84, 0xfe9f) AM_DEVREADWRITE("wd1770", wd1770_t, read, write) /* fe84-fe9f 1770 FDC Floppy disc controller */ |
230 | 236 | AM_IMPORT_FROM(bbc_base) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
237 | 243 | AM_RANGE(0x8000, 0xafff) AM_READ_BANK("bank4") AM_WRITE(bbc_memorybp4_w) /* 8000-afff Paged ROM or 12K of SWRAM */ |
238 | 244 | AM_RANGE(0xb000, 0xbfff) AM_READ_BANK("bank6") /* b000-bfff Rest of paged ROM area */ |
239 | 245 | AM_RANGE(0xfe30, 0xfe3f) AM_READWRITE(bbc_fe_r, bbc_page_selectbp_w) /* R: fe30-fe3f NC Not Connected */ |
240 | /* W: fe30-fe3f 84LS161 Paged ROM selector */ | |
246 | /* W: fe30-fe3f 84LS161 Paged ROM selector */ | |
241 | 247 | AM_RANGE(0xfe80, 0xfe83) AM_NOP /* fe80-fe83 1770 FDC Drive control register */ |
242 | 248 | AM_RANGE(0xfe84, 0xfe9f) AM_NOP /* fe84-fe9f 1770 FDC Floppy disc controller */ |
243 | 249 | AM_IMPORT_FROM(bbc_base) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
677 | 683 | |
678 | 684 | FLOPPY_FORMATS_MEMBER( bbc_state::floppy_formats_bbc ) |
679 | 685 | FLOPPY_BBC_DFS_FORMAT, |
682 | 688 | FLOPPY_FORMATS_END |
683 | 689 | |
684 | 690 | FLOPPY_FORMATS_MEMBER( bbc_state::floppy_formats_bbcm ) |
685 | 691 | FLOPPY_BBC_DFS_FORMAT, |
687 | 693 | FLOPPY_BBC_CPM_FORMAT, |
690 | 696 | FLOPPY_FORMATS_END |
691 | 697 | |
692 | 698 | FLOPPY_FORMATS_MEMBER( bbc_state::floppy_formats_bbcmc ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
758 | 764 | |
759 | 765 | /* video hardware */ |
760 | 766 | MCFG_SCREEN_ADD("screen", RASTER) |
767 | //MCFG_SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS( XTAL_17_73447MHz / 4, 1024, 80, 80 + 640 + 48, 625, 12, 12 + 256 + 13 ) | |
761 | 768 | MCFG_SCREEN_SIZE(640, 256) |
762 | 769 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 640-1, 0, 256-1) |
763 | 770 | MCFG_SCREEN_REFRESH_RATE(50) |
772 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE("hd6845", hd6845_device, screen_update) | |
766 | 773 | |
767 | 774 | MCFG_PALETTE_ADD("palette", 16) |
768 | 775 | MCFG_PALETTE_INIT_OWNER(bbc_state,bbc) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
771 | 778 | MCFG_SAA5050_SCREEN_SIZE(40, 25, 40) |
772 | 779 | |
773 | 780 | /* crtc */ |
774 | MCFG_MC6845_ADD(" | |
781 | MCFG_MC6845_ADD("hd6845", HD6845, "screen", 2000000) | |
775 | 782 | MCFG_MC6845_SHOW_BORDER_AREA(false) |
776 | 783 | MCFG_MC6845_CHAR_WIDTH(12) |
777 | 784 | MCFG_MC6845_UPDATE_ROW_CB(bbc_state, crtc_update_row) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
875 | 882 | /* software lists */ |
876 | 883 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_ADD("cass_ls_b", "bbcb_cass") |
877 | 884 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_ADD("flop_ls_b", "bbcb_flop") |
885 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_ADD("flop_ls_b_orig", "bbcb_orig_flop") | |
878 | 886 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_ADD("flop_ls_z80", "bbc_z80_flop") |
879 | 887 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_ADD("flop_ls_32016", "bbc_32016_flop") |
880 | 888 | MACHINE_CONFIG_END |
r250335 | r250336 | |
970 | 978 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("cass_ls_a") |
971 | 979 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("cass_ls_b") |
972 | 980 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_b") |
981 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_b_orig") | |
973 | 982 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_32016") |
974 | 983 | MACHINE_CONFIG_END |
975 | 984 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
990 | 999 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("cass_ls_a") |
991 | 1000 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("cass_ls_b") |
992 | 1001 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_b") |
1002 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_b_orig") | |
993 | 1003 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_z80") |
994 | 1004 | MACHINE_CONFIG_END |
995 | 1005 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1041 | 1051 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("cass_ls_a") |
1042 | 1052 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("cass_ls_b") |
1043 | 1053 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_b") |
1054 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_b_orig") | |
1044 | 1055 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_z80") |
1045 | 1056 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_32016") |
1046 | 1057 | MACHINE_CONFIG_END |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1078 | 1089 | MCFG_SCREEN_SIZE(640, 256) |
1079 | 1090 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 640-1, 0, 256-1) |
1080 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE("mc6845", mc6845_device, screen_update) | |
1091 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE("hd6845", hd6845_device, screen_update) | |
1092 | ||
1081 | 1093 | MCFG_PALETTE_ADD("palette", 16) |
1082 | 1094 | MCFG_PALETTE_INIT_OWNER(bbc_state,bbc) |
1083 | 1095 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1085 | 1097 | MCFG_SAA5050_SCREEN_SIZE(40, 25, 40) |
1086 | 1098 | |
1087 | 1099 | /* crtc */ |
1088 | MCFG_MC6845_ADD(" | |
1100 | MCFG_MC6845_ADD("hd6845", HD6845, "screen", 2000000) | |
1089 | 1101 | MCFG_MC6845_SHOW_BORDER_AREA(false) |
1090 | 1102 | MCFG_MC6845_CHAR_WIDTH(12) |
1091 | 1103 | MCFG_MC6845_UPDATE_ROW_CB(bbc_state, crtc_update_row) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1128 | 1140 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_COMPATIBLE_ADD("cass_ls_a", "bbca_cass") |
1129 | 1141 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_COMPATIBLE_ADD("cass_ls_b", "bbcb_cass") |
1130 | 1142 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_COMPATIBLE_ADD("flop_ls_b", "bbcb_flop") |
1143 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_COMPATIBLE_ADD("flop_ls_b_orig", "bbcb_orig_flop") | |
1131 | 1144 | |
1132 | 1145 | /* acia */ |
1133 | 1146 | MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("acia6850", ACIA6850, 0) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1217 | 1230 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("cass_ls_b") |
1218 | 1231 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_m") |
1219 | 1232 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_b") |
1233 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_b_orig") | |
1220 | 1234 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_z80") |
1221 | 1235 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_32016") |
1222 | 1236 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1278 | 1292 | /* eeprom pcd8572 */ |
1279 | 1293 | //MCFG_DEVICE_REMOVE("rtc") |
1280 | 1294 | |
1295 | MCFG_MACHINE_START_OVERRIDE(bbc_state, bbcmc) | |
1296 | MCFG_MACHINE_RESET_OVERRIDE(bbc_state, bbcmc) | |
1297 | ||
1281 | 1298 | /* software lists */ |
1282 | 1299 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("cass_ls_m") |
1283 | 1300 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("cass_ls_a") |
1284 | 1301 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("cass_ls_b") |
1285 | 1302 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_m") |
1286 | 1303 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_b") |
1304 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_b_orig") | |
1287 | 1305 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_z80") |
1288 | 1306 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("flop_ls_32016") |
1289 | 1307 | MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_REMOVE("cart_ls_m") |
r250335 | r250336 | |
745 | 745 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 480, 0, 440) |
746 | 746 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE("vector", vector_device, screen_update) |
747 | 747 | |
748 | MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("avg", AVG, | |
749 | 749 | MCFG_AVGDVG_VECTOR("vector") |
750 | 750 | |
751 | 751 | /* sound hardware */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1062 | 1062 | GAME( 1980, spacduel, 0, spacduel, spacduel, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Space Duel (version 2)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
1063 | 1063 | GAME( 1980, spacduel1,spacduel, spacduel, spacduel, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Space Duel (version 1)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
1064 | 1064 | GAME( 1980, spacduel0,spacduel, spacduel, spacduel, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Space Duel (prototype)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
1065 | GAME( 1982, bwidow, 0, bwidow, bwidow, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Black Widow", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1066 | GAME( 1982, bwidowp, bwidow, bwidowp, bwidow, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Black Widow (prototype)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) | |
1065 | GAME( 1982, bwidow, 0, bwidow, bwidow, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Black Widow", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
1066 | GAME( 1982, bwidowp, bwidow, bwidowp, bwidow, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Black Widow (prototype)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) | |
1067 | 1067 | GAME( 1982, gravitar, 0, gravitar, gravitar, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Gravitar (version 3)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
1068 | 1068 | GAME( 1982, gravitar2,gravitar, gravitar, gravitar, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Gravitar (version 2)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
1069 | 1069 | GAME( 1982, gravitar1,gravitar, gravitar, gravitar, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Gravitar (version 1)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
546 | 546 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 580, 0, 400) |
547 | 547 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE("vector", vector_device, screen_update) |
548 | 548 | |
549 | MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("avg", AVG_BZONE, 0) | |
549 | MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("avg", AVG_BZONE, XTAL_12_096MHz) | |
550 | 550 | MCFG_AVGDVG_VECTOR("vector") |
551 | 551 | |
552 | 552 | /* Drivers */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
875 | 875 | * |
876 | 876 | *************************************/ |
877 | 877 | |
878 | GAMEL(1980, bzone, 0, bzone, bzone, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Battle Zone (rev 2)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_bzone ) | |
879 | GAMEL(1980, bzonea, bzone, bzone, bzone, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Battle Zone (rev 1)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_bzone ) | |
880 | GAMEL(1980, bzonec, bzone, bzone, bzone, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Battle Zone (cocktail)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE|MACHINE_NO_COCKTAIL, layout_bzone ) | |
881 | GAME( 1980, bradley, 0, bzone, bradley, bzone_state, bradley, ROT0, "Atari", "Bradley Trainer", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
882 | GAMEL(1980, redbaron, 0, redbaron, redbaron, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Red Baron (Revised Hardware)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_redbaron ) | |
883 | GAMEL(1980, redbarona, redbaron, redbaron, redbaron, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Red Baron", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_redbaron ) | |
878 | GAMEL( 1980, bzone, 0, bzone, bzone, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Battle Zone (rev 2)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_bzone ) | |
879 | GAMEL( 1980, bzonea, bzone, bzone, bzone, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Battle Zone (rev 1)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_bzone ) | |
880 | GAMEL( 1980, bzonec, bzone, bzone, bzone, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Battle Zone (cocktail)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE|MACHINE_NO_COCKTAIL, layout_bzone ) | |
881 | GAME ( 1980, bradley, 0, bzone, bradley, bzone_state, bradley, ROT0, "Atari", "Bradley Trainer", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
882 | GAMEL( 1980, redbaron, 0, redbaron, redbaron, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Red Baron (Revised Hardware)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_redbaron ) | |
883 | GAMEL( 1980, redbarona, redbaron, redbaron, redbaron, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Red Baron", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE, layout_redbaron ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
161 | 161 | |
162 | 162 | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
163 | 163 | |
164 | Top Roller | |
165 | Jaleco 1983 | |
164 | 166 | |
165 | Top Roller | |
166 | Jaleco | |
167 | PCB Layout | |
168 | ---------- | |
167 | 169 | |
168 | Hardware : Original Jaleco board no 8307-B/8307-A(redump) | |
170 | 8307-A | |
172 | |------------------------------------------------| | |
173 | | 2114 ENCR_Z80 | | |
174 | |DSW(8) 2114 6116 |-| | |
175 | | | | | |
176 | | 7.3D 1.5D | | | |
177 | |2 8.3F 2.5F | | | |
178 | |2 9.3H 3.5H 2114 |-| | |
179 | |W 10.3K 4.5K 2114 | | |
180 | |A 11.3L 5.5L 2114 | | |
181 | |Y 6.5M 2114 |-| | |
182 | | 12.3P 7603.9N| | | |
183 | | 7603.9P| | | |
184 | | DSW(4) | | | |
185 | | LM3900 |-| | |
186 | |HA1388 VOL AY-3-8910 7611.9S | | |
187 | |------------------------------------------------| | |
188 | Notes: | |
189 | ENCR_Z80 - Encrypted Z80 CPU. Clock 3.00MHz [12/4]. No markings on | |
190 | the chip but likely made by Sega (possibly 315-5018) | |
191 | AY3-8910 - Clock 1.50MHz [12/8] | |
192 | 7603 - Harris M3-7603 32 bytes x8-bit (256 bits) bipolar PROM | |
193 | 7611 - Harris M3-7611 256 bytes x4-bit (1k) bipolar PROM | |
194 | 6116 - 2kx8 SRAM | |
195 | 2114 - 1kx4 SRAM | |
196 | LM3900 - Texas Instruments LM3900 Quad Operational Amplifier | |
197 | HA1388 - Hitachi HA1388 18W BTL Audio Power Amplifier | |
198 | HSync - 15.13976kHz | |
199 | VSync - 59.15182Hz | |
169 | 200 | |
170 | Main CPU : Encrypted Z80 (probably 315-5018) | |
171 | Sound : AY-3-8910 | |
172 | 201 | |
173 | ROMS CRC32 + positions : | |
202 | 8307-B | |
204 | |------------------------------------------------| | |
205 | |7603.1A 13.4A 2114 | | |
206 | | 14.4C 2114 |-| | |
207 | | 2114 | | | |
208 | | 2114 2114 | | | |
209 | | 2114 15.4H | | | |
210 | | 16.4J |-| | |
211 | | D2125 D2125 | | |
212 | | D2125 D2125 | | |
213 | | D2125 D2125 |-| | |
214 | | | | | |
215 | | | | | |
216 | | | | | |
217 | | 7603.2P |-| | |
218 | | 7603.2R 12MHz | | |
219 | |------------------------------------------------| | |
220 | Notes: | |
221 | 2114 - 1kx4 SRAM | |
222 | D2125 - 1kx1 SRAM | |
223 | 7603 - Harris M3-7603 32 bytes x8-bit bipolar PROM | |
174 | 224 | |
175 | [9894374d] d5 | |
176 | [ef789f00] f5 | |
177 | [d45494ba] h5 | |
178 | [1cb48ea0] k5 | |
179 | [84139f46] l5 | |
180 | [e30c1dd8] m5 | |
181 | [904fffb6] d3 | |
182 | [94371cfb] f3 | |
183 | [8a8032a7] h3 | |
184 | [1e8914a6] k3 | |
185 | [b20a9fa2] l3 | |
186 | [7f989dc9] p3 | |
187 | [89327329] a4 bottom board 89327329 | |
188 | [7a945733] c4 bottom board | |
189 | [5f2c2a78] h4 bottom board bad dump / [1d9e3325] (8307-A) | |
190 | [ce3afe26] j4 bottom board | |
191 | ||
192 | 225 | ---- |
193 | 226 | |
194 | 227 | 2008-07 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
148 | 148 | required_shared_ptr<UINT32> m_vidregs; |
149 | 149 | required_shared_ptr<UINT32> m_textureram; |
150 | 150 | required_shared_ptr<UINT32> m_frameram; |
151 | | |
151 | optional_shared_ptr<UINT32> m_reset_patch; // not needed for trivrus | |
152 | 152 | // UINT32 * m_nvram; // currently this uses generic nvram handling |
153 | 153 | |
154 | 154 | /* devices */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
197 | 197 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(evosocc); |
198 | 198 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(donghaer); |
199 | 199 | |
200 | DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER(trivrus_input_r); | |
201 | DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER(trivrus_input_w); | |
202 | UINT8 m_trivrus_input; | |
203 | ||
200 | 204 | virtual void machine_start(); |
201 | 205 | virtual void machine_reset(); |
202 | 206 | UINT32 screen_update_crystal(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
525 | 529 | |
526 | 530 | ADDRESS_MAP_END |
527 | 531 | |
532 | // Trivia R Us | |
533 | // To do: touch panel, RTC | |
534 | ||
535 | READ32_MEMBER(crystal_state::trivrus_input_r) | |
536 | { | |
537 | switch (m_trivrus_input) | |
538 | { | |
539 | case 1: return ioport("IN1")->read(); | |
540 | case 2: return ioport("IN2")->read(); | |
541 | case 3: return ioport("IN3")->read(); | |
542 | case 4: return ioport("IN4")->read(); | |
543 | case 5: return ioport("IN5")->read(); | |
544 | case 6: return ioport("DSW")->read(); | |
545 | } | |
546 | logerror("%s: unknown input %02x read\n", machine().describe_context(), m_trivrus_input); | |
547 | return 0xffffffff; | |
548 | } | |
549 | ||
550 | WRITE32_MEMBER(crystal_state::trivrus_input_w) | |
551 | { | |
552 | if (ACCESSING_BITS_0_7) | |
553 | m_trivrus_input = data & 0xff; | |
554 | } | |
555 | ||
556 | static ADDRESS_MAP_START( trivrus_mem, AS_PROGRAM, 32, crystal_state ) | |
557 | AM_RANGE(0x00000000, 0x0007ffff) AM_ROM AM_WRITENOP | |
558 | ||
559 | // 0x01280000 & 0x0000ffff (written at boot) | |
560 | AM_RANGE(0x01500000, 0x01500003) AM_READWRITE(trivrus_input_r, trivrus_input_w) | |
561 | // 0x01500010 & 0x000000ff = sec | |
562 | // 0x01500010 & 0x00ff0000 = min | |
563 | // 0x01500014 & 0x000000ff = hour | |
564 | // 0x01500014 & 0x00ff0000 = day | |
565 | // 0x01500018 & 0x000000ff = month | |
566 | // 0x0150001c & 0x000000ff = year - 2000 | |
567 | AM_RANGE(0x01600000, 0x01607fff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("nvram") | |
568 | ||
569 | AM_RANGE(0x01801400, 0x01801403) AM_READWRITE(Timer0_r, Timer0_w) | |
570 | AM_RANGE(0x01801408, 0x0180140b) AM_READWRITE(Timer1_r, Timer1_w) | |
571 | AM_RANGE(0x01801410, 0x01801413) AM_READWRITE(Timer2_r, Timer2_w) | |
572 | AM_RANGE(0x01801418, 0x0180141b) AM_READWRITE(Timer3_r, Timer3_w) | |
573 | AM_RANGE(0x01802004, 0x01802007) AM_READWRITE(PIO_r, PIO_w) | |
574 | ||
575 | AM_RANGE(0x01800800, 0x01800803) AM_READWRITE(DMA0_r, DMA0_w) | |
576 | AM_RANGE(0x01800810, 0x01800813) AM_READWRITE(DMA1_r, DMA1_w) | |
577 | ||
578 | AM_RANGE(0x01800c04, 0x01800c07) AM_WRITE(IntAck_w) | |
579 | AM_RANGE(0x01800000, 0x0180ffff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("sysregs") | |
580 | AM_RANGE(0x02000000, 0x027fffff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("workram") | |
581 | ||
582 | AM_RANGE(0x030000a4, 0x030000a7) AM_READWRITE(FlipCount_r, FlipCount_w) | |
583 | ||
584 | AM_RANGE(0x03000000, 0x0300ffff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("vidregs") | |
585 | AM_RANGE(0x03800000, 0x03ffffff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("textureram") | |
586 | AM_RANGE(0x04000000, 0x047fffff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("frameram") | |
587 | AM_RANGE(0x04800000, 0x04800fff) AM_DEVREADWRITE("vrender", vrender0_device, vr0_snd_read, vr0_snd_write) | |
588 | ||
589 | AM_RANGE(0x05000000, 0x05000003) AM_READWRITE(FlashCmd_r, FlashCmd_w) | |
590 | AM_RANGE(0x05000000, 0x05ffffff) AM_ROMBANK("bank1") | |
591 | ||
592 | // AM_RANGE(0x44414F4C, 0x44414F7F) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("reset_patch") | |
593 | ||
595 | ||
596 | ||
528 | 597 | void crystal_state::PatchReset( ) |
529 | 598 | { |
599 | if (!m_reset_patch) | |
600 | return; | |
601 | ||
530 | 602 | //The test menu reset routine seems buggy |
531 | 603 | //it reads the reset vector from 0x02000000 but it should be |
532 | 604 | //read from 0x00000000. At 0x2000000 there is the bios signature |
r250335 | r250336 | |
603 | 675 | save_item(NAME(m_PIO)); |
604 | 676 | save_item(NAME(m_DMActrl)); |
605 | 677 | save_item(NAME(m_OldPort4)); |
678 | save_item(NAME(m_trivrus_input)); | |
606 | 679 | machine().save().register_postload(save_prepost_delegate(FUNC(crystal_state::crystal_banksw_postload), this)); |
607 | 680 | } |
608 | 681 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
703 | 776 | SetVidReg(space, 0x8e, GetVidReg(space, 0x8e) ^ 1); |
704 | 777 | |
705 | 778 | srcline = (UINT16 *) Visible; |
706 | for (y = 0; y < 240; y++) | |
707 | memcpy(&bitmap.pix16(y), &srcline[y * 512], width * 2); | |
779 | for (y = 0; y < screen.height(); y++) | |
780 | memcpy(&bitmap.pix16(y), &srcline[y * 1024], width * 2); | |
708 | 781 | |
709 | 782 | return 0; |
710 | 783 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
893 | 966 | INPUT_PORTS_END |
894 | 967 | |
895 | 968 | |
969 | static INPUT_PORTS_START(trivrus) | |
970 | PORT_START("IN1") | |
971 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000001, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
972 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000002, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
973 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000004, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
974 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000008, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
975 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000010, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
979 | PORT_BIT( 0xffffff00, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
980 | ||
981 | PORT_START("IN2") | |
982 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000001, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1 ) PORT_NAME("Enter/Exit") | |
983 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000002, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON2 ) PORT_NAME("Next") | |
984 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000004, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
985 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000008, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
987 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000020, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
988 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000040, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN1 ) PORT_IMPULSE(1) | |
989 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000080, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
990 | PORT_BIT( 0xffffff00, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
991 | ||
992 | PORT_START("IN3") | |
993 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000001, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
994 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000002, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
995 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000004, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
996 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000008, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
997 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000010, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
998 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000020, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON3 ) PORT_NAME("Sound") | |
999 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000040, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
1000 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000080, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
1001 | PORT_BIT( 0xffffff00, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
1002 | ||
1003 | PORT_START("IN4") | |
1005 | PORT_BIT( 0xffffff00, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
1006 | ||
1007 | PORT_START("IN5") | |
1008 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000001, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_SERVICE1 ) // Free Game | |
1009 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000002, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
1010 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000004, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
1011 | PORT_SERVICE_NO_TOGGLE( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW ) // Setup | |
1012 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000010, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
1013 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000020, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
1014 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000040, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
1015 | PORT_BIT( 0x00000080, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
1016 | PORT_BIT( 0xffffff00, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
1017 | ||
1018 | PORT_START("DSW") | |
1019 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x01, 0x01, "Interlace?" ) | |
1020 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
1021 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
1022 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x02, 0x02, "Serial?" ) | |
1023 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
1024 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) // hangs at boot | |
1025 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) | |
1026 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
1027 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
1028 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) | |
1029 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
1030 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
1031 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x10, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) | |
1032 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
1033 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
1034 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x20, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) | |
1035 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
1036 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
1037 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x40, 0x40, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) | |
1038 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
1039 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
1040 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x80, 0x80, "Touch Screen" ) | |
1041 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
1042 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
1043 | PORT_BIT( 0xffffff00, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
1044 | INPUT_PORTS_END | |
1045 | ||
1046 | ||
896 | 1047 | static MACHINE_CONFIG_START( crystal, crystal_state ) |
897 | 1048 | |
898 | 1049 | MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", SE3208, 43000000) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
937 | 1088 | |
938 | 1089 | MACHINE_CONFIG_END |
939 | 1090 | |
1091 | static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( trivrus, crystal ) | |
1092 | MCFG_CPU_MODIFY("maincpu") | |
1093 | MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(trivrus_mem) | |
1094 | ||
1095 | MCFG_SCREEN_MODIFY("screen") | |
1096 | MCFG_SCREEN_SIZE(640, 480) | |
1097 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 640-1, 0, 480-1) | |
1099 | ||
1100 | ||
940 | 1101 | ROM_START( crysbios ) |
941 | 1102 | ROM_REGION( 0x20000, "maincpu", 0 ) // bios |
942 | 1103 | ROM_LOAD("mx27l1000.u14", 0x000000, 0x020000, CRC(beff39a9) SHA1(b6f6dda58d9c82273f9422c1bd623411e58982cb) ) |
943 | 1104 | |
944 | 1105 | ROM_REGION32_LE( 0x3000000, "user1", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) // Flash |
945 | 1106 | |
946 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) //Unmapped flash | |
1107 | ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) // Unmapped flash | |
947 | 1108 | ROM_END |
948 | 1109 | |
949 | 1110 | ROM_START( crysking ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
955 | 1116 | ROM_LOAD("bcsv0004f02.u2", 0x1000000, 0x1000000, CRC(0e799845) SHA1(419674ce043cb1efb18303f4cb7fdbbae642ee39) ) |
956 | 1117 | ROM_LOAD("bcsv0004f03.u3", 0x2000000, 0x1000000, CRC(659e2d17) SHA1(342c98f3f695ef4dea8b533612451c4d2fb58809) ) |
957 | 1118 | |
958 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) //Unmapped flash | |
1119 | ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) // Unmapped flash | |
959 | 1120 | ROM_END |
960 | 1121 | |
961 | 1122 | ROM_START( evosocc ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
967 | 1128 | ROM_LOAD("bcsv0001u02", 0x1000000, 0x1000000, CRC(47ef1794) SHA1(f573706c17d1342b9b7aed9b40b8b648f0bf58db) ) |
968 | 1129 | ROM_LOAD("bcsv0001u03", 0x2000000, 0x1000000, CRC(f396a2ec) SHA1(f305eb10856fb5d4c229a6b09d6a2fb21b24ce66) ) |
969 | 1130 | |
970 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) //Unmapped flash | |
1131 | ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) // Unmapped flash | |
971 | 1132 | ROM_END |
972 | 1133 | |
973 | 1134 | ROM_START( topbladv ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
981 | 1142 | ROM_REGION32_LE( 0x3000000, "user1", 0 ) // Flash |
982 | 1143 | ROM_LOAD("flash.u1", 0x0000000, 0x1000000, CRC(bd23f640) SHA1(1d22aa2c828642bb7c1dfea4e13f777f95acc701) ) |
983 | 1144 | |
984 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) //Unmapped flash | |
1145 | ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) // Unmapped flash | |
985 | 1146 | ROM_END |
986 | 1147 | |
987 | ||
988 | 1148 | ROM_START( officeye ) |
989 | 1149 | ROM_REGION( 0x20000, "maincpu", 0 ) // bios (not the standard one) |
990 | 1150 | ROM_LOAD("bios.u14", 0x000000, 0x020000, CRC(ffc57e90) SHA1(6b6a17fd4798dea9c7b880f3063be8494e7db302) ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
997 | 1157 | ROM_LOAD("flash.u1", 0x0000000, 0x1000000, CRC(d3f3eec4) SHA1(ea728415bd4906964b7d37f4379a8a3bd42a1c2d) ) |
998 | 1158 | ROM_LOAD("flash.u2", 0x1000000, 0x1000000, CRC(e4f85d0a) SHA1(2ddfa6b3a30e69754aa9d96434ff3d37784bfa57) ) |
999 | 1159 | |
1000 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) //Unmapped flash | |
1160 | ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) // Unmapped flash | |
1001 | 1161 | ROM_END |
1002 | 1162 | |
1003 | ||
1004 | 1163 | ROM_START( donghaer ) |
1005 | 1164 | ROM_REGION( 0x20000, "maincpu", 0 ) // bios |
1006 | 1165 | ROM_LOAD("mx27l1000.u14", 0x000000, 0x020000, CRC(beff39a9) SHA1(b6f6dda58d9c82273f9422c1bd623411e58982cb)) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1012 | 1171 | ROM_LOAD( "u1", 0x0000000, 0x1000000, CRC(61217ad7) SHA1(2593f1356aa850f4f9aa5d00bec822aa59c59224) ) |
1013 | 1172 | ROM_LOAD( "u2", 0x1000000, 0x1000000, CRC(6d82f1a5) SHA1(036bd45f0daac1ffeaa5ad9774fc1b56e3c75ff9) ) |
1014 | 1173 | |
1015 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) //Unmapped flash | |
1174 | ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) // Unmapped flash | |
1016 | 1175 | ROM_END |
1017 | 1176 | |
1177 | ROM_START( trivrus ) | |
1178 | ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "maincpu", 0 ) | |
1179 | ROM_LOAD( "u4", 0x00000, 0x80000, CRC(2d2e9a11) SHA1(73e7b19a032eae21312ca80f8c42cc16725496a7) ) | |
1180 | ||
1181 | ROM_REGION32_LE( 0x3000000, "user1", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) // Flash | |
1182 | ROM_LOAD( "u3", 0x000000, 0x1000010, CRC(ba901707) SHA1(e281ba07024cd19ef1ab72d2197014f7b1f4d30f) ) | |
1183 | ||
1184 | ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, "user2", ROMREGION_ERASEFF ) // Unmapped flash | |
1185 | ROM_END | |
1186 | ||
1187 | ||
1018 | 1188 | DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(crystal_state,crysking) |
1019 | 1189 | { |
1020 | 1190 | UINT16 *Rom = (UINT16*) memregion("user1")->base(); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1133 | 1303 | } |
1134 | 1304 | |
1135 | 1305 | |
1136 | GAME( 2001, crysbios, 0, crystal, crystal, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "BrezzaSoft", "Crystal System BIOS", MACHINE_IS_BIOS_ROOT ) | |
1137 | GAME( 2001, crysking, crysbios, crystal, crystal, crystal_state, crysking, ROT0, "BrezzaSoft", "The Crystal of Kings", 0 ) | |
1138 | GAME( 2001, evosocc, crysbios, crystal, crystal, crystal_state, evosocc, ROT0, "Evoga", "Evolution Soccer", 0 ) | |
1139 | GAME( 2003, topbladv, crysbios, topbladv, crystal, crystal_state, topbladv, ROT0, "SonoKong / Expotato", "Top Blade V", 0 ) | |
1140 | GAME( 2001, officeye, 0, crystal, officeye,crystal_state, officeye, ROT0, "Danbi", "Office Yeo In Cheon Ha (version 1.2)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) // still has some instability issues | |
1141 | GAME( 2001, donghaer, 0, crystal, crystal, crystal_state, donghaer, ROT0, "Danbi", "Donggul Donggul Haerong", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) | |
1306 | GAME( 2001, crysbios, 0, crystal, crystal, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "BrezzaSoft", "Crystal System BIOS", MACHINE_IS_BIOS_ROOT ) | |
1307 | GAME( 2001, crysking, crysbios, crystal, crystal, crystal_state, crysking, ROT0, "BrezzaSoft", "The Crystal of Kings", 0 ) | |
1308 | GAME( 2001, evosocc, crysbios, crystal, crystal, crystal_state, evosocc, ROT0, "Evoga", "Evolution Soccer", 0 ) | |
1309 | GAME( 2003, topbladv, crysbios, topbladv, crystal, crystal_state, topbladv, ROT0, "SonoKong / Expotato", "Top Blade V", 0 ) | |
1310 | GAME( 2001, officeye, 0, crystal, officeye,crystal_state, officeye, ROT0, "Danbi", "Office Yeo In Cheon Ha (version 1.2)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) // still has some instability issues | |
1311 | GAME( 2001, donghaer, 0, crystal, crystal, crystal_state, donghaer, ROT0, "Danbi", "Donggul Donggul Haerong", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) | |
1312 | GAME( 2009, trivrus, 0, trivrus, trivrus, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "AGT", "Trivia R Us (v1.07)", 0 ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1177 | 1177 | |
1178 | 1178 | //buttons on the right |
1179 | 1179 | PORT_START("COL_I") |
1188 | 1188 | |
1189 | 1189 | //buttons beside the display |
1190 | 1190 | PORT_START("COL_L") |
1197 | 1197 | INPUT_PORTS_END |
1198 | 1198 | |
1199 | 1199 | static INPUT_PORTS_START( bridgec ) |
1200 | 1200 | PORT_START("LINE1") |
1206 | 1206 | |
1207 | 1207 | PORT_START("LINE2") |
1213 | 1213 | |
1214 | 1214 | PORT_START("LINE3") |
1220 | 1220 | |
1221 | 1221 | PORT_START("LINE4") |
1227 | 1227 | |
1228 | 1228 | PORT_START("LINE5") |
1234 | 1234 | |
1235 | 1235 | PORT_START("LINE6") |
1241 | 1241 | |
1242 | 1242 | PORT_START("LINE7") |
1248 | 1248 | |
1249 | 1249 | PORT_START("LINE8") |
1251 | 1251 | PORT_BIT(0x10, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_KEYPAD) PORT_NAME("RE") PORT_CODE(KEYCODE_R) PORT_CHANGED_MEMBER(DEVICE_SELF, fidelz80_state, bridgec_trigger_reset, 0) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
7126 | 7126 | ROM_LOAD( "gxrf.6l", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(992350e5) SHA1(e901b1abd11cc0f02dd6d87b429d8997f762c15d) ) |
7127 | 7127 | ROM_END |
7128 | 7128 | |
7129 | ||
7130 | 7129 | ROM_START( astrians ) |
7131 | 7130 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) |
7132 | 7131 | ROM_LOAD( "astrians.7h", 0x0000, 0x0800, CRC(21eba3d0) SHA1(d07f141d785c86faca8c40af034c26f2789e9346) ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
7158 | 7157 | ROM_REGION( 0x0020, "proms", 0 ) |
7159 | 7158 | ROM_LOAD( "6l.bpr", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(c3ac9467) SHA1(f382ad5a34d282056c78a5ec00c30ec43772bae2) ) |
7160 | 7159 | ROM_END |
7160 | ||
7161 | 7161 | ROM_START( superg ) |
7162 | 7162 | ROM_REGION( 0x4000, "maincpu", 0 ) |
7163 | 7163 | ROM_LOAD( "7f.bin", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(4335b1de) SHA1(e41e3d90dac738cf71377f3b476ec67b14dee27a) ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
7173 | 7173 | ROM_LOAD( "6l.bpr", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(c3ac9467) SHA1(f382ad5a34d282056c78a5ec00c30ec43772bae2) ) |
7174 | 7174 | ROM_END |
7175 | 7175 | |
7176 | ROM_START( supergs ) // rom names are from HBMAME; real names yet to be found | |
7177 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) | |
7178 | ROM_LOAD( "7f.bin", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(4335b1de) SHA1(e41e3d90dac738cf71377f3b476ec67b14dee27a) ) | |
7179 | ROM_LOAD( "superg.w", 0x1000, 0x0800, CRC(ddeabdae) SHA1(daa5109a32c7c9a80bdb212dc3e4e3e3c104a731) ) | |
7180 | ROM_LOAD( "superg.y", 0x1800, 0x0800, CRC(9463f753) SHA1(d9cb35c19aafec43d08b048bbe2337a790f6ba9d) ) | |
7181 | ROM_LOAD( "supergs.z", 0x2000, 0x0800, CRC(95e9005c) SHA1(cb4c556f00ec2ae9876d235224a7eb7816c06f60) ) | |
7182 | ||
7183 | ROM_REGION( 0x1000, "gfx1", 0 ) | |
7184 | ROM_LOAD( "galmidw.1j", 0x0000, 0x0800, CRC(84decf98) SHA1(2e565cb6057b1816a6b4541e6dfadd3c3762fa36) ) | |
7185 | ROM_LOAD( "galmidw.1k", 0x0800, 0x0800, CRC(c31ada9e) SHA1(237ebb48549b34ca59a13cc2706512d957413ec4) ) | |
7186 | ||
7187 | ROM_REGION( 0x0020, "proms", 0 ) | |
7188 | ROM_LOAD( "6l.bpr", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(c3ac9467) SHA1(f382ad5a34d282056c78a5ec00c30ec43772bae2) ) | |
7189 | ROM_END | |
7190 | ||
7176 | 7191 | ROM_START( galturbo ) |
7177 | 7192 | ROM_REGION( 0x4000, "maincpu", 0 ) |
7178 | 7193 | ROM_LOAD( "galturbo.u", 0x0000, 0x0800, CRC(e8f3aa67) SHA1(a0e9576784dbe602dd9780e667f01f31defd7c00) ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
11052 | 11067 | /* straight Galaxian ripoffs on basic galaxian hardware */ |
11053 | 11068 | GAME( 1979, moonaln, galaxian, galaxian, superg, galaxian_state, galaxian, ROT90, "Namco / Nichibutsu (Karateco license?)", "Moon Alien", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) // or bootleg? |
11054 | 11069 | GAME( 1979, superg, galaxian, galaxian, superg, galaxian_state, galaxian, ROT90, "hack", "Super Galaxians (galaxiana hack)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
11070 | GAME( 1979, supergs, galaxian, galaxian, superg, galaxian_state, galaxian, ROT90, "hack", "Super Galaxians (Silver Systems)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
11055 | 11071 | GAME( 1979, galturbo, galaxian, galaxian, superg, galaxian_state, galaxian, ROT90, "hack", "Galaxian Turbo (superg hack)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
11056 | 11072 | GAME( 1979, galapx, galaxian, galaxian, superg, galaxian_state, galaxian, ROT90, "hack", "Galaxian Part X (moonaln hack)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
11057 | 11073 | GAME( 1979, galap1, galaxian, galaxian, superg, galaxian_state, galaxian, ROT90, "hack", "Space Invaders Galactica (galaxiana hack)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
127 | 127 | * "Unknown French poker game", 198?, Unknown. |
128 | 128 | * "Unknown encrypted poker game", 198?, Unknown. |
129 | 129 | * "Unknown Sisteme France Poker", 198?, Sisteme France. |
130 | * Bonne Chance! (Golden Poker prequel hardware), 198?, Unknown. | |
130 | * Bonne Chance! (Golden Poker prequel HW, set 1), 198?, Unknown. | |
131 | * Bonne Chance! (Golden Poker prequel HW, set 2), 198?, Unknown. | |
131 | 132 | * Mundial/Mondial (Italian/French), 1987, Unknown. |
132 | 133 | * Super 98 (3-hands, ICP-1), 199?, Unknown. |
133 | 134 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
10013 | 10014 | ROM_LOAD( "bchancep_bp.bin", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(70fe1582) SHA1(118c743d445a37ad760e4163b61c3c562d7adda6) ) |
10014 | 10015 | ROM_END |
10015 | 10016 | |
10017 | ROM_START( bchanceq ) | |
10018 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) | |
10019 | ROM_LOAD( "pok4-5.014", 0x4000, 0x4000, CRC(92f1f515) SHA1(f79ab453458f71d7e62e895d04a2d6161dbf2aad) ) | |
10020 | ||
10021 | ROM_REGION( 0x1800, "gfx1", 0 ) | |
10022 | ROM_FILL( 0x0000, 0x1000, 0 ) /* filling the R-G bitplanes */ | |
10023 | ROM_LOAD( "pok3.014", 0x1000, 0x0800, CRC(fb00e263) SHA1(879660bc3a3eb3d41f80741b157cdefaa7bd9a18) ) /* char ROM, different cardback logo */ | |
10024 | ||
10025 | ROM_REGION( 0x1800, "gfx2", 0 ) | |
10026 | ROM_LOAD( "pok0.014", 0x0000, 0x0800, CRC(124f131f) SHA1(35b18d1d6b0146ecc5b52f3222a270c6b868742a) ) /* cards deck gfx, bitplane1 */ | |
10027 | ROM_LOAD( "pok1.014", 0x0800, 0x0800, CRC(6bbb1e2d) SHA1(51ee282219bf84218886ad11a24bc6a8e7337527) ) /* cards deck gfx, bitplane2 */ | |
10028 | ROM_LOAD( "pok2.014", 0x1000, 0x0800, CRC(6e3e9b1d) SHA1(14eb8d14ce16719a6ad7d13db01e47c8f05955f0) ) /* cards deck gfx, bitplane3 */ | |
10029 | ||
10030 | ROM_REGION( 0x0100, "proms", 0 ) | |
10031 | ROM_LOAD( "82s129.bin", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(7f31066b) SHA1(15420780ec6b2870fc4539ec3afe4f0c58eedf12) ) | |
10032 | ROM_END | |
10033 | ||
10016 | 10034 | /* |
10017 | 10035 | |
10018 | 10036 | PCB marked "MONDIAL" |
r250335 | r250336 | |
10659 | 10677 | GAMEL( 198?, superdbl, pottnpkr, goldnpkr, goldnpkr, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Karateco", "Super Double (French)", 0, layout_goldnpkr ) |
10660 | 10678 | GAME( 198?, pokerdub, 0, pottnpkr, goldnpkr, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "<unknown>", "unknown French poker game", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) // lacks of 2nd program ROM. |
10661 | 10679 | GAME( 198?, pokerduc, 0, goldnpkr, goldnpkr, goldnpkr_state, icp1db, ROT0, "<unknown>", "unknown encrypted poker game", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) // encrypted. |
10680 | GAME( 198?, pokersis, 0, bchancep, goldnpkr, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Sisteme France", "unknown Sisteme France Poker", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) // fix banking (4 prgs?)... | |
10662 | 10681 | |
10663 | GAMEL( 198?, bchancep, 0, bchancep, goldnpkr, goldnpkr_state, bchancep, ROT0, "<unknown>", "Bonne Chance! (Golden Poker prequel HW)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING, layout_goldnpkr ) | |
10682 | GAMEL( 198?, bchancep, 0, bchancep, goldnpkr, goldnpkr_state, bchancep, ROT0, "<unknown>", "Bonne Chance! (Golden Poker prequel HW, set 1)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING, layout_goldnpkr ) | |
10683 | GAMEL( 198?, bchanceq, 0, goldnpkr, goldnpkr, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "<unknown>", "Bonne Chance! (Golden Poker prequel HW, set 2)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING, layout_goldnpkr ) | |
10684 | ||
10664 | 10685 | GAME( 1987, pokermon, 0, mondial, mondial, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "<unknown>", "Mundial/Mondial (Italian/French)", 0 ) // banked selectable program |
10665 | GAME( 198?, pokersis, 0, bchancep, goldnpkr, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Sisteme France", "unknown Sisteme France Poker", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) // fix banking (4 prgs?)... | |
10666 | ||
10667 | 10686 | GAME( 1998, super98, bsuerte, witchcrd, super98, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "<unknown>", "Super 98 (3-hands, ICP-1)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) // program checks zeropage registers for changes... |
r250335 | r250336 | |
913 | 913 | |
914 | 914 | ROM_START( ripribit ) |
915 | 915 | ROM_REGION16_LE( 0x100000, "user1", 0 ) /* 34010 code */ |
916 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "ribbit_vc8_v3.5.vc8", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(8ce7f8f2) SHA1(b40b5127a0dc84a44e0283711cc526114e012c09) ) | |
917 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "ribbit_vc9_v3.5.vc9", 0x000001, 0x080000, CRC(70be27c3) SHA1(61328e51d083b0ffde739711675d19cfe3253244) ) | |
918 | ||
919 | ROM_REGION16_LE( 0x600000, "gfx1", 0 ) /* graphics data */ | |
920 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "ribbit_gr1_rv2.81.gr1", 0x000000, 0x100000, CRC(e02c79b7) SHA1(75e352424c449cd5cba1057555928d7ee13ab113) ) | |
921 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "ribbit_gr2_rv2.81.gr2", 0x000001, 0x100000, CRC(09f48db7) SHA1(d0156c6e3d05ff81540c0eeb66e9a5e7fc4d053c) ) | |
922 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "ribbit_gr4_rv2.81.gr4", 0x200000, 0x100000, CRC(94d0db81) SHA1(aa46c2e5a627cf01c1d57002204ec3419f0d4503) ) | |
923 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "ribbit_gr3_rv2.81.gr3", 0x200001, 0x100000, CRC(b65e1a36) SHA1(4feb7ea0bec509fa07d27c76e5a3904b8d1690c4) ) | |
924 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "ribbit_gr6_rv2.81.gr6", 0x400000, 0x100000, CRC(c9ac211b) SHA1(75cbfa0f875da82d510d75ad28b9db0892b3da85) ) | |
925 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "ribbit_gr5_rv2.81.gr5", 0x400001, 0x100000, CRC(84ae466a) SHA1(4e7b3dc27a46f735ff13a753806b3688f34a64fe) ) | |
926 | ||
927 | ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "oki1", 0 ) /* sound data (music) */ | |
928 | ROM_LOAD( "ribbit_rr_u20.u20", 0x00000, 0x80000, CRC(c345b779) SHA1(418058bbda74727ec99ac375982c9cd2c8bc5c86) ) | |
929 | ||
930 | ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "oki2", ROMREGION_ERASE00 ) /* sound data */ | |
931 | /* Not populated */ | |
932 | ||
933 | ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "oki3", 0 ) /* sound data (effects) */ | |
934 | ROM_LOAD( "ribbit_rr_u18.u18", 0x00000, 0x80000, CRC(badb9cb6) SHA1(716d65b5ff8d3f8ff25ae70426ce318af9a92b7e) ) | |
935 | ||
936 | ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "user2", 0 ) /* convert these */ | |
937 | ROM_LOAD( "vc-12.jed", 0x0000, 0x3f03, CRC(6947ea9e) SHA1(5a418cd04851841a49beeeea274c1441fefde173) ) | |
938 | ROM_LOAD( "vc-16.jed", 0x0000, 0x3efb, CRC(e535b16a) SHA1(e2c17c2a42386be957b603d2c2da4f1ac28a4074) ) | |
939 | ROM_LOAD( "vc-22.jed", 0x0000, 0x3efb, CRC(e535b16a) SHA1(e2c17c2a42386be957b603d2c2da4f1ac28a4074) ) | |
940 | ROM_LOAD( "vc-23.jed", 0x0000, 0x3efa, CRC(c054cb13) SHA1(1a45548747712112e2457bd933db5ced70dae72e) ) | |
941 | ROM_LOAD( "vc-24.jed", 0x0000, 0x3efa, CRC(c054cb13) SHA1(1a45548747712112e2457bd933db5ced70dae72e) ) | |
942 | /* 25 / 26 are secure? */ | |
943 | ROM_END | |
944 | ||
945 | ||
946 | ROM_START( ripribita ) | |
947 | ROM_REGION16_LE( 0x100000, "user1", 0 ) /* 34010 code */ | |
916 | 948 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rr_v2-84-vc8.bin", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(5ecc432d) SHA1(073062528fbcf63be7e3c6695d60d048430f6e4b) ) |
917 | 949 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rr_v2-84-vc9.bin", 0x000001, 0x080000, CRC(d9bae3f8) SHA1(fcf8099ebe170ad5778aaa533bcfd1e5ead46e6b) ) |
918 | 950 | |
919 | 951 | ROM_REGION16_LE( 0x600000, "gfx1", 0 ) /* graphics data */ |
920 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rr-gr1.bin", 0x000000, 0x100000, CRC(e02c79b7) SHA1(75e352424c449cd5cba1057555928d7ee13ab113) ) | |
952 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rr-gr1.bin", 0x000000, 0x100000, CRC(e02c79b7) SHA1(75e352424c449cd5cba1057555928d7ee13ab113) ) /* Same data, different labels */ | |
921 | 953 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rr-gr2.bin", 0x000001, 0x100000, CRC(09f48db7) SHA1(d0156c6e3d05ff81540c0eeb66e9a5e7fc4d053c) ) |
922 | 954 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rr-gr4.bin", 0x200000, 0x100000, CRC(94d0db81) SHA1(aa46c2e5a627cf01c1d57002204ec3419f0d4503) ) |
923 | 955 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rr-gr3.bin", 0x200001, 0x100000, CRC(b65e1a36) SHA1(4feb7ea0bec509fa07d27c76e5a3904b8d1690c4) ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
925 | 957 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rr-gr5.bin", 0x400001, 0x100000, CRC(84ae466a) SHA1(4e7b3dc27a46f735ff13a753806b3688f34a64fe) ) |
926 | 958 | |
927 | 959 | ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "oki1", 0 ) /* sound data (music) */ |
928 | ROM_LOAD( "rr-s-u20.bin", 0x00000, 0x80000, CRC(c345b779) SHA1(418058bbda74727ec99ac375982c9cd2c8bc5c86) ) | |
960 | ROM_LOAD( "rr-s-u20.bin", 0x00000, 0x80000, CRC(c345b779) SHA1(418058bbda74727ec99ac375982c9cd2c8bc5c86) ) /* Same data, different label */ | |
929 | 961 | |
930 | 962 | ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "oki2", ROMREGION_ERASE00 ) /* sound data */ |
931 | / | |
963 | /* Not populated */ | |
932 | 964 | |
933 | 965 | ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "oki3", 0 ) /* sound data (effects) */ |
934 | ROM_LOAD( "rr-s-u18.bin", 0x00000, 0x80000, CRC(badb9cb6) SHA1(716d65b5ff8d3f8ff25ae70426ce318af9a92b7e) ) | |
966 | ROM_LOAD( "rr-s-u18.bin", 0x00000, 0x80000, CRC(badb9cb6) SHA1(716d65b5ff8d3f8ff25ae70426ce318af9a92b7e) ) /* Same data, different label */ | |
935 | 967 | |
936 | 968 | ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "user2", 0 ) /* convert these */ |
937 | 969 | ROM_LOAD( "vc-12.jed", 0x0000, 0x3f03, CRC(6947ea9e) SHA1(5a418cd04851841a49beeeea274c1441fefde173) ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1015 | 1047 | GAME( 1997, eggventr2, eggventr, gameroom, eggventr2, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "The Game Room", "Egg Venture (Release 2)", 0 ) |
1016 | 1048 | GAME( 1997, eggventra, eggventr, gameroom, eggventr, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "The Game Room (A.L. Australia license)", "Egg Venture (A.L. Release)", 0 ) |
1017 | 1049 | GAME( 1997, eggventrd, eggventr, gameroom, eggvntdx, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "The Game Room", "Egg Venture Deluxe", 0 ) |
1018 | GAME( 1997, ripribit, 0, gameroom, ripribit, lethalj_state, ripribit, ROT0, "LAI Games", "Ripper Ribbit (Version 2.8.4)", 0 ) | |
1050 | GAME( 1997, ripribit, 0, gameroom, ripribit, lethalj_state, ripribit, ROT0, "LAI Games", "Ripper Ribbit (Version 3.5)", 0 ) | |
1051 | GAME( 1997, ripribita, ripribit, gameroom, ripribit, lethalj_state, ripribit, ROT0, "LAI Games", "Ripper Ribbit (Version 2.8.4)", 0 ) | |
1019 | 1052 | GAME( 1999, cfarm, 0, gameroom, cfarm, lethalj_state, cfarm, ROT90, "LAI Games", "Chicken Farm (Version 2.0)", 0 ) |
1020 | 1053 | GAME( 1999, cclownz, 0, gameroom, cclownz, lethalj_state, cclownz, ROT0, "LAI Games", "Crazzy Clownz (Version 1.0)", 0 ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3 | 3 | /* |
4 | 4 | --------------------------- |
5 | 5 | Marine Date by TAITO (1981) |
6 | --------------------------- | |
7 | ||
8 | Location Device File ID Checksum | |
9 | --------------------------------------------- | |
10 | LB 3D 2716 MG01 BB4B | |
11 | LB 4D 2716 MG02 89B3 | |
12 | LB 5D 2716 MG03 A5CE | |
13 | LB 6D 2716 MG04 CE20 | |
14 | LB 7D 2716 MG05 16B9 | |
15 | LB 9D 2716 MG06 39A9 | |
16 | LB 10D 2716 MG07 B7F1 | |
17 | LB 1F 2716 MG09 9934 | |
18 | LB 3F 2716 MG10 F185 | |
19 | LB 4F 2716 MG11 1603 | |
20 | MB 6C 2532 MG12 66C3 | |
21 | MB 6H 2532 MG13 23E2 | |
22 | MB 2A 82S123 MG14.BPR 1CB1 | |
23 | MB 1A 82S123 MG15.BPR 1471 | |
24 | MB 4E 82S123 MG16.BPR 0570 | |
25 | TB 5F 82S123 MG17.BPR 129B | |
26 | ||
27 | ||
28 | Notes: TB - Top PCB MG070001 MGN00001 | |
29 | MB - Middle PCB MG070002 MGN00002 | |
30 | LB - Lower PCB AA017779 MGN00002 | |
31 | ||
32 | ||
33 | Brief Hardware Overview | |
34 | ----------------------- | |
35 | ||
36 | Main processor - Z80 2.5MHz | |
37 | ||
38 | Sound - Discrete audio, like Space Invaders | |
39 | ||
40 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
41 | ||
42 | a static underwater scence with obstacles in it, like seaweed, | |
6 | MAME driver by insideoutboy | |
7 | --------------------------- | |
8 | a static underwater scene with obstacles in it, like seaweed, | |
43 | 9 | crabs and other stuff. You have a limited number of "strokes" |
44 | 10 | per screen as well as a timer to work against. Your goal is |
45 | 11 | to *bounce* yourself around the screen using *Strokes* on the |
46 | trackball to try to reach a *female* octopus before you | |
12 | trackball to try to reach a *female* octopus before you run out | |
47 | 13 | of strokes or time. You sort of bounce yourself around the screen |
48 | 14 | like a billiard ball would bounce, but once in a while bubbles |
49 | 15 | and other stuff will come up from underneath you and carry you |
50 | 16 | away from where you are trying to get. When you reach your goal |
51 | 17 | you get another more difficult screen, etc. |
52 | 18 | |
53 | I think it was manufactured by Taito, I'm not sure but I seem to | |
54 | recall that it was a full blown Japanese machine. | |
19 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
55 | 20 | |
21 | Marine Date | |
22 | Taito 1981 | |
56 | 23 | |
24 | PCB Layout | |
25 | ---------- | |
26 | ||
27 | Top board | |
28 | ||
29 | MGO70001 | |
30 | MGN00001 | |
31 | |---------------------------------------------| | |
32 | | VOL VR1 VR2 VR3 VR4 VR5 VR6 VR7 | | |
33 | | LM3900 LM3900 LM3900 LM3900 LM3900 LM3900 |-| | |
34 | |MB3712 |P| | |
35 | | 4006 LM3900 LM3900 LM3900 | | | |
36 | |2 4030 |-| | |
37 | |2 | | |
38 | |W DSW(8) | | |
39 | |A |-| | |
40 | |Y HD14584 NE555 MG17 DSW(8) |Q| | |
41 | | | | | |
42 | | HD14584 |-| | |
43 | | HD14584 | | |
44 | |---------------------------------------------| | |
45 | Notes: (PCB contains lots of resistors/caps/transistors etc) | |
46 | MG17 - 82S123 bipolar PROM (no location on PCB) | |
47 | MB3712 - Hitachi MB3712 Audio Power Amplifier | |
48 | LM3900 - Texas Instruments LM3900 Quad Operational Amplifier | |
49 | HD14584 - Hitachi HD14584 Hex schmitt Trigger | |
50 | NE555 - NE555 Timer | |
51 | 4006 - RCA CD4006 18-Stage Static Register | |
52 | 4030 - RCA CD4030 Quad Exclusive-Or Gate | |
53 | VR* - Volume pots for each sound | |
54 | VOL - Master Volume pot | |
55 | ||
56 | ||
57 | Middle board | |
58 | ||
59 | MGO70002 | |
60 | MGN00002 | |
61 | |---------------------------------------------| | |
62 | | MG15.1A | | |
63 | |-| MG14.2A |-| | |
64 | |S| |Q| | |
65 | | | | | | |
66 | |-| MG16.4E |-| | |
67 | | | | |
68 | | | | |
69 | |-| MG13.6H MG12.6C |-| | |
70 | |R| |P| | |
71 | | | PC3259 | | | |
72 | |-| PC3259 |-| | |
73 | | | | |
74 | |---------------------------------------------| | |
75 | Notes: | |
76 | MG12/13 - Hitachi HN462532 4kx8 EPROM | |
77 | MG14/15/16 - 82S123 bipolar PROM | |
78 | PC3259 - PC3259 8025 H08 unknown DIP24 IC. Package design indicates it was manufactured by Fujitsu | |
79 | ||
80 | ||
81 | Lower board | |
82 | ||
83 | AA017779 | |
84 | sticker: MGN00003 | |
85 | sticker: CLN00002 | |
86 | |---------------------------------------------| | |
87 | | 9.987MHz 2114 | | |
88 | |-| 2114 | | |
89 | |R| MG07.10D 2114 | | |
90 | | | MG06.9D 2114 | | |
91 | |-| 2114 1| | |
92 | | MG05.7D 8|Edge | |
93 | | MG04.6D W|Connector 'T' | |
94 | |-| MG03.5D A| | |
95 | |S| MG02.4D Y| | |
96 | | | MG01.3D MG09.4F | | |
97 | |-| MG10.3F | | |
98 | | Z80 MG11.1F | | |
99 | |---------------------------------------------| | |
100 | Notes: | |
101 | Z80 - Clock 2.49675MHz [9.987/4] | |
102 | 2114 - 1kx4 SRAM | |
103 | All EPROMs are 2716 | |
104 | Wire jumpers for ROM configuration - J1 open | |
105 | J2 1-2, 3-9, 4-8, 5-7 | |
106 | J4 1-2, 4-5, 7-8, 10-11 | |
107 | ||
108 | Top and Middle PCBs are plugged in with the solder-sides together. | |
109 | Lower PCB is plugged in with components facing up. | |
110 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
111 | ||
57 | 112 | todo: |
58 | 113 | in cocktail mopde p1 is flipped |
59 | 114 | after inking the shark on the far right octi was moved to goal? |
60 | 115 | for the colours, goal has to be black otherwise it would register |
61 | | |
116 | as a hit, is goal pen 0 or 6? | |
62 | 117 | rom writes when finishing a game |
63 | 118 | worth looking at before the collision is correct? |
64 | 119 | playing dot hit when eaten by a shark? |
r250335 | r250336 | |
67 | 122 | tilemap |
68 | 123 | palette may only be around 4 colours |
69 | 124 | is 14 the palette? |
70 | how do you know if you've got an ink left? | |
125 | how do you know if you've got any ink left? | |
71 | 126 | prom 14 is the top bits? 4 bpp? or so? |
72 | 127 | why is level 37 chosen? |
73 | 128 | should it be 30fps? |
r250335 | r250336 | |
89 | 144 | done: |
90 | 145 | timer? |
91 | 146 | you get 200 for each shot, don't think it's actually a timer |
92 | have i been using x/y consistently, ie non rotated or rotated origin? | |
93 | yes, seems to be best using xy raw (ie non-rotated) | |
147 | have I been using x/y consistently, i.e. non rotated or rotated origin? | |
148 | yes, seems to be best using xy raw (i.e. non-rotated) | |
94 | 149 | p2 ink doesn't always light up in test mode |
95 | 150 | after p1 ink pressed, p2 ink doesn't light up |
96 | 151 | this is correct behavior if DSW set as Upright mode |
r250335 | r250336 | |
190 | 245 | } |
191 | 246 | |
192 | 247 | //are these returning only during a collision? |
193 | //id imagine they are returning the pf char where the collission took place? | |
194 | //what about where there is lots of colls? | |
248 | //I'd imagine they are returning the pf char where the collision took place? | |
249 | //what about where there is lots of collisions? | |
195 | 250 | //maybe the first on a scanline basis |
196 | 251 | READ8_MEMBER(marinedt_state::marinedt_obj1_x_r) |
197 | 252 | { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
398 | 453 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, "5000" ) |
399 | 454 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "10000" ) |
400 | 455 | //cheat? |
401 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x02, 0x00, "ignore internal bounce?" ) //maybe die/bounce of rocks | |
456 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x02, 0x00, "ignore internal bounce?" ) //maybe die / bounce off rocks & coral? | |
402 | 457 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Off ) ) |
403 | 458 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( On ) ) |
404 | 459 | //freezes the game before the reset |
405 | //doesn't seem to be done as a dip, but what about mixing with di | |
460 | //doesn't seem to be done as a dip, but what about mixing with dips like this? | |
406 | 461 | PORT_SERVICE( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH ) |
407 | 462 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, DEF_STR( Cabinet ) ) |
408 | 463 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( Upright ) ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
706 | 761 | |
707 | 762 | ROM_START( marinedt ) |
708 | 763 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) |
709 | ROM_LOAD( "mg01", 0x0000, 0x0800, CRC(ad09f04d) SHA1(932fc973b4a2fbbebd7e6437ed30c8444e3d4afb)) | |
710 | ROM_LOAD( "mg02", 0x0800, 0x0800, CRC(555a2b0f) SHA1(143a8953ce5070c31dc4c1f623833b2a5a2cf657)) | |
711 | ROM_LOAD( "mg03", 0x1000, 0x0800, CRC(2abc79b3) SHA1(1afb331a2c0e320b6d026bc5cb47a53ac3356c2a)) | |
712 | ROM_LOAD( "mg04", 0x1800, 0x0800, CRC(be928364) SHA1(8d9ae71e2751c009187e41d84fbad9519ab551e1) ) | |
713 | ROM_LOAD( "mg05", 0x2000, 0x0800, CRC(44cd114a) SHA1(833165c5c00c6e505acf29fef4a3ae3f9647b443) ) | |
714 | ROM_LOAD( "mg06", 0x2800, 0x0800, CRC(a7e2c69b) SHA1(614fc479d13c1726382fe7b4b0379c1dd4915af0) ) | |
715 | ROM_LOAD( "mg07", 0x3000, 0x0800, CRC(b85d1f9a) SHA1(4fd3e76b1816912df84477dba4655d395f5e7072) ) | |
764 | ROM_LOAD( "mg01.3d", 0x0000, 0x0800, CRC(ad09f04d) SHA1(932fc973b4a2fbbebd7e6437ed30c8444e3d4afb)) | |
765 | ROM_LOAD( "mg02.4d", 0x0800, 0x0800, CRC(555a2b0f) SHA1(143a8953ce5070c31dc4c1f623833b2a5a2cf657)) | |
766 | ROM_LOAD( "mg03.5d", 0x1000, 0x0800, CRC(2abc79b3) SHA1(1afb331a2c0e320b6d026bc5cb47a53ac3356c2a)) | |
767 | ROM_LOAD( "mg04.6d", 0x1800, 0x0800, CRC(be928364) SHA1(8d9ae71e2751c009187e41d84fbad9519ab551e1) ) | |
768 | ROM_LOAD( "mg05.7d", 0x2000, 0x0800, CRC(44cd114a) SHA1(833165c5c00c6e505acf29fef4a3ae3f9647b443) ) | |
769 | ROM_LOAD( "mg06.9d", 0x2800, 0x0800, CRC(a7e2c69b) SHA1(614fc479d13c1726382fe7b4b0379c1dd4915af0) ) | |
770 | ROM_LOAD( "mg07.10d", 0x3000, 0x0800, CRC(b85d1f9a) SHA1(4fd3e76b1816912df84477dba4655d395f5e7072) ) | |
716 | 771 | |
717 | 772 | ROM_REGION( 0x1800, "gfx1", 0 ) |
718 | ROM_LOAD( "mg09", 0x0000, 0x0800, CRC(f4c349ca) SHA1(077f65eeac616a778d6c42bb95677fa2892ab697) ) | |
719 | ROM_LOAD( "mg10", 0x0800, 0x0800, CRC(b41251e3) SHA1(e125a971b401c78efeb4b03d0fab43e392d3fc14) ) | |
720 | ROM_LOAD( "mg11", 0x1000, 0x0800, CRC(50d66dd7) SHA1(858d1d2a75e091b0e382d964c5e4ddcd8e6f07dd)) | |
773 | ROM_LOAD( "mg09.4f", 0x0000, 0x0800, CRC(f4c349ca) SHA1(077f65eeac616a778d6c42bb95677fa2892ab697) ) | |
774 | ROM_LOAD( "mg10.3f", 0x0800, 0x0800, CRC(b41251e3) SHA1(e125a971b401c78efeb4b03d0fab43e392d3fc14) ) | |
775 | ROM_LOAD( "mg11.1f", 0x1000, 0x0800, CRC(50d66dd7) SHA1(858d1d2a75e091b0e382d964c5e4ddcd8e6f07dd)) | |
721 | 776 | |
722 | 777 | ROM_REGION( 0x1000, "gfx2", 0 ) |
723 | ROM_LOAD( "mg12", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(7c6486d5) SHA1(a7f17a803937937f05fc90621883a0fd44b297a0) ) | |
778 | ROM_LOAD( "mg12.6c", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(7c6486d5) SHA1(a7f17a803937937f05fc90621883a0fd44b297a0) ) | |
724 | 779 | |
725 | 780 | ROM_REGION( 0x1000, "gfx3", 0 ) |
726 | ROM_LOAD( "mg13", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(17817044) SHA1(8c9b96620e3c414952e6d85c6e81b0df85c88e7a) ) | |
781 | ROM_LOAD( "mg13.6h", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(17817044) SHA1(8c9b96620e3c414952e6d85c6e81b0df85c88e7a) ) | |
727 | 782 | |
728 | 783 | ROM_REGION( 0x0080, "proms", 0 ) |
729 | ROM_LOAD( "mg14.bpr", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(f75f4e3a) SHA1(36e665987f475c57435fa8c224a2a3ce0c5e672b) ) //char clr | |
730 | ROM_LOAD( "mg15.bpr", 0x0020, 0x0020, CRC(cd3ab489) SHA1(a77478fb94d0cf8f4317f89cc9579def7c294b4f) ) //obj clr | |
731 | ROM_LOAD( "mg16.bpr", 0x0040, 0x0020, CRC(92c868bc) SHA1(483ae6f47845ddacb701528e82bd388d7d66a0fb) ) //?? collisions | |
784 | ROM_LOAD( "mg14.2a", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(f75f4e3a) SHA1(36e665987f475c57435fa8c224a2a3ce0c5e672b) ) //char clr | |
785 | ROM_LOAD( "mg15.1a", 0x0020, 0x0020, CRC(cd3ab489) SHA1(a77478fb94d0cf8f4317f89cc9579def7c294b4f) ) //obj clr | |
786 | ROM_LOAD( "mg16.4e", 0x0040, 0x0020, CRC(92c868bc) SHA1(483ae6f47845ddacb701528e82bd388d7d66a0fb) ) //?? collisions | |
732 | 787 | ROM_LOAD( "mg17.bpr", 0x0060, 0x0020, CRC(13261a02) SHA1(050edd18e4f79d19d5206f55f329340432fd4099) ) //?? table of increasing values |
733 | 788 | ROM_END |
734 | 789 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
477 | 477 | MCFG_CPU_MODIFY("soundcpu") |
478 | 478 | MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(nost_sound_map) |
479 | 479 | MCFG_CPU_IO_MAP(nost_sound_io_map) |
480 | ||
481 | MCFG_DEVICE_REMOVE("lspeaker") | |
482 | MCFG_DEVICE_REMOVE("rspeaker") | |
484 | MCFG_SOUND_REPLACE("ymsnd", YM2610, XTAL_16MHz/2) /* verified on pcb */ | |
485 | MCFG_YM2610_IRQ_HANDLER(WRITELINE(mcatadv_state, sound_irq)) | |
486 | MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE(0, "mono", 0.2) | |
487 | MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE(1, "mono", 0.5) | |
488 | MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE(2, "mono", 0.5) | |
480 | 489 | MACHINE_CONFIG_END |
481 | 490 | |
482 | 491 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
505 | 505 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 300, 0, 260) |
506 | 506 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE("vector", vector_device, screen_update) |
507 | 507 | |
508 | MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("avg", AVG_MHAVOC, 0) | |
508 | MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("avg", AVG_MHAVOC, XTAL_12_096MHz) | |
509 | 509 | MCFG_AVGDVG_VECTOR("vector") |
510 | 510 | |
511 | 511 | /* sound hardware */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
763 | 763 | * |
764 | 764 | *************************************/ |
765 | 765 | |
766 | GAME( 1983, mhavoc, 0, mhavoc, mhavoc, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Major Havoc (rev 3)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
767 | GAME( 1983, mhavoc2, mhavoc, mhavoc, mhavoc, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Major Havoc (rev 2)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
768 | GAME( 1983, mhavocrv, mhavoc, mhavocrv, mhavocrv, mhavoc_state, mhavocrv, ROT0, "Atari / JMA", "Major Havoc (Return to Vax)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
769 | GAME( 1983, mhavocp, mhavoc, mhavoc, mhavocp, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Major Havoc (prototype)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
770 | GAME( 1983, alphaone, mhavoc, alphaone, alphaone, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Alpha One (prototype, 3 lives)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
771 | GAME( 1983, alphaonea,mhavoc, alphaone, alphaone, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Alpha One (prototype, 5 lives)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
766 | GAME( 1983, mhavoc, 0, mhavoc, mhavoc, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Major Havoc (rev 3)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
767 | GAME( 1983, mhavoc2, mhavoc, mhavoc, mhavoc, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Major Havoc (rev 2)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
768 | GAME( 1983, mhavocrv, mhavoc, mhavocrv, mhavocrv, mhavoc_state, mhavocrv, ROT0, "Atari / JMA", "Major Havoc (Return to Vax)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
769 | GAME( 1983, mhavocp, mhavoc, mhavoc, mhavocp, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Major Havoc (prototype)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
770 | GAME( 1983, alphaone, mhavoc, alphaone, alphaone, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Alpha One (prototype, 3 lives)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) | |
771 | GAME( 1983, alphaonea,mhavoc, alphaone, alphaone, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "Alpha One (prototype, 5 lives)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3377 | 3377 | INPUT_PORTS_END |
3378 | 3378 | |
3379 | 3379 | |
3380 | static INPUT_PORTS_START( downhill ) | |
3381 | PORT_START("P1") | |
3382 | PORT_BIT( 0xfff, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
3380 | 3383 | |
3384 | PORT_START("P2") | |
3385 | PORT_BIT( 0xfff, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNKNOWN ) | |
3381 | 3386 | |
3387 | PORT_START("IN01") | |
3388 | PORT_BIT(0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON3) // brake left | |
3389 | PORT_BIT(0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START1) // start | |
3390 | PORT_BIT(0x100, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_SERVICE) PORT_TOGGLE // test switch | |
3391 | PORT_BIT(0x200, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP) // select up | |
3392 | PORT_BIT(0x400, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN) // select down | |
3393 | PORT_BIT(0x800, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON1) // enter | |
3382 | 3395 | |
3396 | PORT_START("IN23") | |
3397 | PORT_BIT(0x400, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_BUTTON4) // brake right | |
3399 | ||
3400 | PORT_START("SERVICE") | |
3401 | PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_SERVICE1 ) // service coin | |
3402 | ||
3403 | PORT_START("DSW") | |
3404 | PORT_SERVICE( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW ) | |
3405 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x02, 0x02, "Skip POST" ) | |
3406 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
3407 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
3408 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, "Freeze?" ) | |
3409 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
3410 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
3411 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) | |
3412 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
3413 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
3414 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x10, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) | |
3415 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
3416 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
3417 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x20, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) | |
3418 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
3419 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
3420 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x40, 0x40, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) | |
3421 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
3422 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
3423 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x80, 0x80, DEF_STR( Unknown ) ) | |
3424 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( Off ) ) | |
3425 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) | |
3426 | INPUT_PORTS_END | |
3427 | ||
3428 | ||
3383 | 3429 | /*************************************************************************** |
3384 | 3430 | |
3385 | 3431 | Machine Drivers |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5081 | 5127 | GAME( 1997, rapidrvrv2c, rapidrvr, gorgon, rapidrvr, namcos23_state, s23, ROT0, "Namco", "Rapid River (RD2 Ver. C)", GAME_FLAGS ) // 97/11/27, Europe |
5082 | 5128 | GAME( 1997, rapidrvrp, rapidrvr, gorgon, rapidrvrp, namcos23_state, s23, ROT0, "Namco", "Rapid River (prototype)", GAME_FLAGS ) // 97/11/10, USA |
5083 | 5129 | GAME( 1997, finfurl, 0, gorgon, finfurl, namcos23_state, s23, ROT0, "Namco", "Final Furlong (FF2 Ver. A)", GAME_FLAGS ) |
5084 | GAME( 1997, downhill, 0, s23, | |
5130 | GAME( 1997, downhill, 0, s23, downhill, namcos23_state, s23, ROT0, "Namco", "Downhill Bikers (DH3 Ver. A)", GAME_FLAGS ) | |
5085 | 5131 | GAME( 1997, motoxgo, 0, s23, s23, namcos23_state, s23, ROT0, "Namco", "Motocross Go! (MG3 Ver. A)", GAME_FLAGS ) |
5086 | 5132 | GAME( 1997, motoxgov2a, motoxgo, s23, s23, namcos23_state, s23, ROT0, "Namco", "Motocross Go! (MG2 Ver. A)", GAME_FLAGS ) |
5087 | 5133 | GAME( 1997, motoxgov1a, motoxgo, s23, s23, namcos23_state, s23, ROT0, "Namco", "Motocross Go! (MG1 Ver. A, set 1)", GAME_FLAGS ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2881 | 2881 | Scan ROM for the text string "LOADING TEST MODE NOW" back up four (4) bytes for the region byte. |
2882 | 2882 | NOTE: this doesn't work for the HOTD2 or multi screen boot roms |
2883 | 2883 | |
2884 | ||
2885 | Naomi Dev BIOS v1.10: (some sources call it "NAOMI Test BIOS ROM") | |
2886 | NAOMI DEVELOP 1999 01/10 1.10 | |
2887 | ||
2888 | to boot into BIOS menu DIPSW 1-4 must be ON | |
2889 | with other values various tests will be run instead | |
2890 | with DIPSW 1 3 OFF, 2 4 ON MultiBoard hardware tests will be run (not present in menu) | |
2891 | ||
2892 | Warning !!! | |
2893 | "SECURITY TEST" and "FLASH TEST" will test "M2-type" 171-7885A ROM boards Flash-ROMs, erasing its contents. | |
2894 | "FLASH COPY" : 2x 171-7885A ROM boards must be connected and configured as Bank 0 and 1, contents of one will be flashed to another. | |
2895 | "NEW FLASH TEST" and "NEW SECURITY TEST" - tests for "M1-type" 171-7930B ROM boards (Actel-based), flash roms contents will be erased. | |
2896 | ||
2897 | Security tests uses hard coded encrypted/decrypted data, so all development ROM boards must be have same hardcoded security keys. | |
2898 | no valid 315-5881 key can be found using current decryption routine. | |
2899 | M1-type security key is ff9d4d3c | |
2900 | ||
2901 | other points of interest: | |
2902 | 000ADFB8 - 000AF7CB - HTML with Japanese SDK/Kit change log, used in M1 security test as plaintext data. | |
2903 | ||
2904 | "INPUT TEST" : tests inputs connected to MIE GPIO ports (active low): | |
2905 | 0 - Player 1 input | |
2906 | 1 - Player 2 input | |
2907 | 2 - Coins 1/2, Test, Service, Start 1/2 | |
2908 | 4 - Port E | |
2909 | 6 - Port G | |
2910 | F - 8x analogue inputs | |
2911 | Probably at some stage of development NAOMI was planned as non-JVS system as well, and inputs must be wired to CN19-21, unpopulated on retail hardware. | |
2912 | ||
2884 | 2913 | */ |
2885 | 2914 | // game specific bios roms quite clearly don't belong in here. |
2886 | 2915 | // Japan bios is default, because most games require it. |
2887 | 2916 | #define NAOMI_BIOS \ |
2888 | 2917 | ROM_REGION( 0x200000, "maincpu", 0) \ |
2889 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 0, "bios0", "epr-21576h (Japan)" ) \ | |
2890 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 0, "epr-21576h.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(d4895685) SHA1(91424d481ff99a8d3f4c45cea6d3f0eada049a6d) ) \ | |
2891 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 1, "bios1", "epr-21576g (Japan)" ) \ | |
2892 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 1, "epr-21576g.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(d2a1c6bf) SHA1(6d27d71aec4dfba98f66316ae74a1426d567698a) ) \ | |
2893 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 2, "bios2", "epr-21576e (Japan)" ) \ | |
2894 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 2, "epr-21576e.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(08c0add7) SHA1(e7c1a7673cb2ccb21748ef44105e46d1bad7266d) ) \ | |
2895 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 3, "bios3", "epr-21576d (Japan)" ) \ | |
2896 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 3, "epr-21576d.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(3b2afa7b) SHA1(d007e1d321c198a38c5baff86eb2ab84385d150a) ) \ | |
2897 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 4, "bios4", "epr-21576c (Japan)" ) \ | |
2898 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 4, "epr-21576c.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(4599ad13) SHA1(7e730e9452a792d76f210c33a955d385538682c7) ) \ | |
2899 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 5, "bios5", "epr-21576b (Japan)" ) \ | |
2900 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 5, "epr-21576b.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(755a6e07) SHA1(7e8b8ccfc063144d89668e7224dcd8a36c54f3b3) ) \ | |
2901 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 6, "bios6", "epr-21576a (Japan)" ) \ | |
2902 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 6, "epr-21576a.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(cedfe439) SHA1(f27798bf3d890863ef0c1d9dcb4e7782249dca27) ) \ | |
2903 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 7, "bios7", "epr-21576 (Japan)" ) \ | |
2904 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 7, "epr-21576.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(9dad3495) SHA1(5fb66f9a2b68d120f059c72758e65d34f461044a) ) \ | |
2905 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 8, "bios8", "epr-21578h (Export)" ) \ | |
2906 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 8, "epr-21578h.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(7b452946) SHA1(8e9f153bbada24b37066dc45b64a7bf0d4f26a9b) ) \ | |
2907 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 9, "bios9", "epr-21578g (Export)" ) \ | |
2908 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 9, "epr-21578g.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(55413214) SHA1(bd2748365a9fc1821c9369aa7155d7c41c4df43e) ) \ | |
2918 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 0, "bios0", "epr-21576h (Japan)" ) \ | |
2919 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 0, "epr-21576h.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(d4895685) SHA1(91424d481ff99a8d3f4c45cea6d3f0eada049a6d) ) \ | |
2920 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 1, "bios1", "epr-21576g (Japan)" ) \ | |
2921 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 1, "epr-21576g.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(d2a1c6bf) SHA1(6d27d71aec4dfba98f66316ae74a1426d567698a) ) \ | |
2922 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 2, "bios2", "epr-21576e (Japan)" ) \ | |
2923 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 2, "epr-21576e.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(08c0add7) SHA1(e7c1a7673cb2ccb21748ef44105e46d1bad7266d) ) \ | |
2924 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 3, "bios3", "epr-21576d (Japan)" ) \ | |
2925 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 3, "epr-21576d.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(3b2afa7b) SHA1(d007e1d321c198a38c5baff86eb2ab84385d150a) ) \ | |
2926 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 4, "bios4", "epr-21576c (Japan)" ) \ | |
2927 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 4, "epr-21576c.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(4599ad13) SHA1(7e730e9452a792d76f210c33a955d385538682c7) ) \ | |
2928 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 5, "bios5", "epr-21576b (Japan)" ) \ | |
2929 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 5, "epr-21576b.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(755a6e07) SHA1(7e8b8ccfc063144d89668e7224dcd8a36c54f3b3) ) \ | |
2930 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 6, "bios6", "epr-21576a (Japan)" ) \ | |
2931 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 6, "epr-21576a.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(cedfe439) SHA1(f27798bf3d890863ef0c1d9dcb4e7782249dca27) ) \ | |
2932 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 7, "bios7", "epr-21576 (Japan)" ) \ | |
2933 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 7, "epr-21576.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(9dad3495) SHA1(5fb66f9a2b68d120f059c72758e65d34f461044a) ) \ | |
2934 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 8, "bios8", "epr-21578h (Export)" ) \ | |
2935 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 8, "epr-21578h.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(7b452946) SHA1(8e9f153bbada24b37066dc45b64a7bf0d4f26a9b) ) \ | |
2936 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 9, "bios9", "epr-21578g (Export)" ) \ | |
2937 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 9, "epr-21578g.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(55413214) SHA1(bd2748365a9fc1821c9369aa7155d7c41c4df43e) ) \ | |
2909 | 2938 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 10, "bios10", "epr-21578e (Export)" ) \ |
2910 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 10, "epr-21578e.ic27", | |
2939 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 10, "epr-21578e.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(087f09a3) SHA1(0418eb2cf9766f0b1b874a4e92528779e22c0a4a) ) \ | |
2911 | 2940 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 11, "bios11", "epr-21578d (Export)" ) \ |
2912 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 11, "epr-21578d.ic27", | |
2941 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 11, "epr-21578d.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(dfd5f42a) SHA1(614a0db4743a5e5a206190d6786ade24325afbfd) ) \ | |
2913 | 2942 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 12, "bios12", "epr-21578a (Export)" ) \ |
2914 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 12, "epr-21578a.ic27", | |
2943 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 12, "epr-21578a.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(6c9aad83) SHA1(555918de76d8dbee2a97d8a95297ef694b3e803f) ) \ | |
2915 | 2944 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 13, "bios13", "epr-21577h (USA)" ) \ |
2916 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 13, "epr-21577h.ic27", | |
2945 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 13, "epr-21577h.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(fdf17452) SHA1(5f3e4b677f0046ce690a4f096b0481e5dd8bb6e6) ) \ | |
2917 | 2946 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 14, "bios14", "epr-21577g (USA)" ) \ |
2918 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 14, "epr-21577g.ic27", | |
2947 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 14, "epr-21577g.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(25f64af7) SHA1(99f9e6cc0642319bd2da492611220540add573e8) ) \ | |
2919 | 2948 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 15, "bios15", "epr-21577e (USA)" ) \ |
2920 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 15, "epr-21577e.ic27", | |
2949 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 15, "epr-21577e.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(cf36e97b) SHA1(b085305982e7572e58b03a9d35f17ae319c3bbc6) ) \ | |
2921 | 2950 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 16, "bios16", "epr-21577d (USA)" ) \ |
2922 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 16, "epr-21577d.ic27", | |
2951 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 16, "epr-21577d.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(60ddcbbe) SHA1(58b15096d269d6df617ca1810b66b47deb184958) ) \ | |
2923 | 2952 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 17, "bios17", "epr-21577a (USA)" ) \ |
2924 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 17, "epr-21577a.ic27", | |
2953 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 17, "epr-21577a.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(969dc491) SHA1(581d1eae328b87b67508a7586ffc60cee256f70f) ) \ | |
2925 | 2954 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 18, "bios18", "epr-21579d (Korea)" ) \ |
2926 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 18, "epr-21579d.ic27", | |
2955 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 18, "epr-21579d.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(33513691) SHA1(b1d8c7c516e1471a788fcf7a02a794ad2f05aeeb) ) \ | |
2927 | 2956 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 19, "bios19", "epr-21579 (Korea)" ) \ |
2928 | 2957 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 19, "epr-21579.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(71f9c918) SHA1(d15af8b947f41eea7c203b565cd403e3f37a2017) ) \ |
2929 | 2958 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 20, "bios20", "Naomi Dev BIOS" ) \ |
2930 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 20, "dcnaodev.bios", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(7a50fab9) SHA1(ef79f448e0bf735d1264ad4f051d24178822110f) ) /* This one comes from a dev / beta board. The eprom was a 27C4096 */ | |
2959 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 20, "dcnaodev.bios", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(7a50fab9) SHA1(ef79f448e0bf735d1264ad4f051d24178822110f) ) \ | |
2960 | ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 21, "bios21", "Naomi Dev BIOS v1.10" ) \ | |
2961 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 21, "develop110.ic27", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(de7cfdb0) SHA1(da16800edc4d49f70481c124d487f544c2fa8ce7) ) | |
2962 | /* dcnaodev.bios comes from a dev / beta board. The eprom was a 27C4096 */ | |
2931 | 2963 | |
2932 | ||
2933 | 2964 | // bios for House of the Dead 2 |
2934 | 2965 | #define HOTD2_BIOS \ |
2935 | 2966 | ROM_REGION( 0x200000, "maincpu", 0) \ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5433 | 5464 | |
5434 | 5465 | */ |
5435 | 5466 | |
5467 | ROM_START( totdo ) | |
5468 | NAOMI_BIOS | |
5470 | ||
5471 | ROM_REGION( 0xb000000, "rom_board", ROMREGION_ERASEFF) | |
5472 | ROM_LOAD("epr-23021.ic22", 0x0000000, 0x0400000, CRC(d848c889) SHA1(824ef197d5956d9eb6ad5d841dd5b171e1b7c074) ) | |
5473 | ||
5474 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23001.ic1", 0x0800000, 0x0800000, CRC(2eaab8ed) SHA1(e078bd8781e2a04e23fd18b11d118b2548fa59a8) ) | |
5475 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23002.ic2", 0x1000000, 0x0800000, CRC(617edcc7) SHA1(10f92cd9be94739c7c2f94cf9a5fa54accbe6227) ) | |
5476 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23003.ic3", 0x1800000, 0x0800000, CRC(37d6d9f8) SHA1(3ad3fa65f33d250eb8a620e7dc7c6b1209794a80) ) | |
5477 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23004.ic4", 0x2000000, 0x0800000, CRC(e41186f2) SHA1(2f4b26d8dba1629db539736cf88ec85c21820aeb) ) | |
5478 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23005.ic5", 0x2800000, 0x0800000, CRC(2b8e1fc6) SHA1(a5cd8c5840dd316dd1ad9500804b459476ca8ba0) ) | |
5479 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23006.ic6", 0x3000000, 0x0800000, CRC(3de23e27) SHA1(d3aae2a7e5c78fc3bf8e296392d8f893961d946f) ) //on board but actually 0xff filled | |
5480 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23007.ic7", 0x3800000, 0x0800000, CRC(ca16cfdf) SHA1(6279bc9bd661bde2d3e36ca52625f9b91867c4b4) ) | |
5481 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23008.ic8", 0x4000000, 0x0800000, CRC(8c33191c) SHA1(6227fbb3d51c4301dd1fc60ec43df7c18eef06fa) ) | |
5482 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23009.ic9", 0x4800000, 0x0800000, CRC(c982d24d) SHA1(d5a15d04f19f5569709b0b1cde64814230f4f0bb) ) | |
5483 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23010.ic10", 0x5000000, 0x0800000, CRC(c6e129b4) SHA1(642a9e1052efcb43d2b809f13d10617b43bd38f3) ) | |
5484 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23011.ic11", 0x5800000, 0x0800000, CRC(9e6942ff) SHA1(8c657d7d74c4c9106756a9934bc3c850f5069e29) ) | |
5485 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23012.ic12s", 0x6000000, 0x0800000, CRC(20e1ebe8) SHA1(e24cb5f48101e665c90af9be333e54ec274004fb) ) | |
5486 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23013.ic13s", 0x6800000, 0x0800000, CRC(3de23e27) SHA1(d3aae2a7e5c78fc3bf8e296392d8f893961d946f) ) //on board but actually 0xff filled | |
5487 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23014.ic14s", 0x7000000, 0x0800000, CRC(c4f95fdb) SHA1(8c0e806e27d7bed274dcb20b932897ea8b8bbf86) ) | |
5488 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23015.ic15s", 0x7800000, 0x0800000, CRC(5360c49d) SHA1(dbdf955d9bb9a387ded8ada18d26d222d73514d7) ) | |
5489 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23016.ic16s", 0x8000000, 0x0800000, CRC(fae2958b) SHA1(2bfe164723b7b2f57ae0c6e2fe348459f00dc460) ) | |
5490 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23017.ic17s", 0x8800000, 0x0800000, CRC(22337e15) SHA1(6a9f5569177c2936d8ff04da74e1fd036a093422) ) | |
5491 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23018.ic18s", 0x9000000, 0x0800000, CRC(5a608e74) SHA1(4f2ec47dad71d77ad1b8c640db236332c06d7ab7) ) | |
5492 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23019.ic19s", 0x9800000, 0x0800000, CRC(5cc91cc4) SHA1(66a68991f716ec23555784163aa5140b4e44c7ab) ) | |
5493 | ROM_LOAD("mpr-23020.ic20s", 0xa000000, 0x0800000, CRC(b5943007) SHA1(d0e95084aec5e05027c21a6b4a3331408853781b) ) | |
5494 | //ic21 not populated | |
5495 | ||
5496 | ROM_PARAMETER( ":rom_board:segam2crypt:key", "-1") // 315-5881 not populated | |
5497 | ROM_END | |
5498 | ||
5436 | 5499 | ROM_START( totd ) |
5437 | 5500 | NAOMI_BIOS |
5438 | 5501 | NAOMI_DEFAULT_EEPROM |
r250335 | r250336 | |
9124 | 9187 | /* 0022 */ GAME( 2000, tduno2, naomi, naomim1, naomi, naomi_state, naomi, ROT0, "Sega", "Touch de Uno! 2", GAME_FLAGS ) |
9125 | 9188 | /* 0023 */ GAME( 2000, 18wheelr, naomi, naomim2, 18wheelr,naomi_state, naomi, ROT0, "Sega", "18 Wheeler (deluxe) (Rev A)", GAME_FLAGS ) |
9126 | 9189 | /* 0025 */ GAME( 1999, marstv, naomi, naomim2, naomi, naomi_state, naomi, ROT0, "Sega", "Mars TV (JPN)", GAME_FLAGS ) |
9190 | /* 0026 */ GAME( 2000, totdo, totd, naomim2, naomi, naomi_state, naomi, ROT0, "Sega", "The Typing of the Dead (JPN, USA, EXP, KOR, AUS)", GAME_FLAGS ) | |
9127 | 9191 | /* 0026 */ GAME( 2000, totd, naomi, naomim2, naomi, naomi_state, naomi, ROT0, "Sega", "The Typing of the Dead (JPN, USA, EXP, KOR, AUS) (Rev A)", GAME_FLAGS ) |
9128 | 9192 | /* 0027 */ GAME( 2000, smarinef, naomi, naomim2, naomi, naomi_state, naomi, ROT0, "Sega", "Sega Marine Fishing", GAME_FLAGS ) |
9129 | 9193 | /* 0028 */ GAME( 2000, vonot, naomi, naomim2, naomi, naomi_state, naomi, ROT0, "Sega", "Virtual On Oratorio Tangram M.S.B.S. ver5.66 2000 Edition", GAME_FLAGS ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
521 | 521 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(522, 1566, 522, 1566) |
522 | 522 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE("vector", vector_device, screen_update) |
523 | 523 | |
524 | MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("dvg", DVG, | |
524 | MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("dvg", DVG, XTAL_12MHz) | |
525 | 525 | MCFG_AVGDVG_VECTOR("vector") |
526 | 526 | |
527 | 527 | /* sound hardware */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2053 | 2053 | |
2054 | 2054 | ROM_START( pepp0048 ) /* Normal board : Joker Poker (PP0048) */ |
2055 | 2055 | /* |
2056 | w/J w/oJ | |
2057 | PayTable Ks+ 2P 3K STR FL FH 4K SF RF 5K RF (Bonus) | |
2058 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | |
2059 | YD 1 1 2 3 5 7 15 50 100 200 400 940 | |
2060 | % Range: 92.7-94.7% Optimum: 96.7% Hit Frequency: 44.1% | |
2056 | 2061 | Programs Available: PP0048 |
2057 | 2062 | */ |
2058 | 2063 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2385 | 2390 | w/J w/oJ |
2386 | 2391 | PayTable Ks+ 2P 3K STR FL FH 4K SF RF 5K RF (Bonus) |
2387 | 2392 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
2388 | ???? 1 1 2 3 4 5 20 40 100 200 500 ??? | |
2393 | P17A 1 1 2 3 4 5 20 40 100 200 500 800 | |
2394 | % Range: 91.5-92.5% Optimum: 95.5% Hit Frequency: 44.7% | |
2389 | 2395 | Programs Available: PP0064 |
2390 | 2396 | |
2391 | 2397 | */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2751 | 2757 | ROM_LOAD( "cap953.u50", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(6ece50ad) SHA1(bc5761303b09625850ba50263607d11871ea3ed3) ) |
2752 | 2758 | ROM_END |
2753 | 2759 | |
2754 | ROM_START( pepp0132 ) /* Normal board : Standard Draw Poker (PP0132) */ | |
2760 | ROM_START( pepp0132 ) /* Normal board : Standard Draw Poker (PP0132) - requires SET chip to set denomination */ | |
2755 | 2761 | /* |
2756 | 2762 | PayTable Js+ 2PR 3K STR FL FH 4K SF RF (Bonus) |
2757 | 2763 | --------------------------------------------------------- |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3442 | 3448 | ROM_LOAD( "cap740.u50", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(6fe619c4) SHA1(49e43dafd010ce0fe9b2a63b96a4ddedcb933c6d) ) /* BPROM type DM74LS471 (compatible with N82S135N) verified */ |
3443 | 3449 | ROM_END |
3444 | 3450 | |
3445 | ROM_START( pepp0221a ) /* Normal board : Standard Draw Poker (PP0221) */ | |
3451 | ROM_START( pepp0221a ) /* Normal board : Standard Draw Poker (PP0221) - requires SET chip to set denomination */ | |
3446 | 3452 | /* |
3447 | 3453 | PayTable Js+ 2PR 3K STR FL FH 4K SF RF (Bonus) |
3448 | 3454 | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3998 | 4004 | ROM_LOAD( "cap740.u50", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(6fe619c4) SHA1(49e43dafd010ce0fe9b2a63b96a4ddedcb933c6d) ) /* BPROM type DM74LS471 (compatible with N82S135N) verified */ |
3999 | 4005 | ROM_END |
4000 | 4006 | |
4001 | ROM_START( pepp0420 ) /* Normal board : Standard Draw Poker (No Double-up) (PP0420) */ | |
4007 | ROM_START( pepp0420 ) /* Normal board : Standard Draw Poker (No Double-up) (PP0420) - requires SET chip to set denomination */ | |
4002 | 4008 | /* |
4003 | 4009 | PayTable Js+ 2PR 3K STR FL FH 4K SF RF (Bonus) |
4004 | 4010 | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
r250335 | r250336 | |
4040 | 4046 | ROM_LOAD( "cap740.u50", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(6fe619c4) SHA1(49e43dafd010ce0fe9b2a63b96a4ddedcb933c6d) ) /* BPROM type DM74LS471 (compatible with N82S135N) verified */ |
4041 | 4047 | ROM_END |
4042 | 4048 | |
4043 | ROM_START( pepp0423a ) /* Normal board : Standard Draw Poker (No Double-up) (PP0423) */ | |
4049 | ROM_START( pepp0423a ) /* Normal board : Standard Draw Poker (No Double-up) (PP0423) - requires SET chip to set denomination */ | |
4044 | 4050 | /* |
4045 | 4051 | PayTable Js+ 2PR 3K STR FL FH 4K SF RF (Bonus) |
4046 | 4052 | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
r250335 | r250336 | |
4108 | 4114 | w/J w/oJ |
4109 | 4115 | PayTable Ks+ 2P 3K STR FL FH 4K SF RF 5K RF (Bonus) |
4110 | 4116 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
4111 | YD 1 1 | |
4117 | YD 1 1 2 3 5 7 15 50 100 200 400 940 | |
4112 | 4118 | % Range: 92.7-94.7% Optimum: 96.7% Hit Frequency: 44.1% |
4113 | 4119 | Programs Available: PP0568, X000568P & PP0426 - Non Double-up Only |
4114 | 4120 | */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
5003 | 5009 | w/J w/oJ |
5004 | 5010 | PayTable Ks+ 2P 3K STR FL FH 4K SF RF 5K RF (Bonus) |
5005 | 5011 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
5006 | YD 1 1 | |
5012 | YD 1 1 2 3 5 7 15 50 100 200 400 940 | |
5007 | 5013 | % Range: 92.7-94.7% Optimum: 96.7% Hit Frequency: 44.1% |
5008 | 5014 | Programs Available: PP0568, X000568P & PP0426 - Non Double-up Only |
5009 | 5015 | */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
8056 | 8062 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
8057 | 8063 | ZA 1 1 2 3 5 7 20 50 100 200 400 800 |
8058 | 8064 | % Range: 99.2-98.2% Optimum: 100.2% Hit Frequency: 44.2% |
8059 | Programs Available: PP0588, X000588 | |
8065 | Programs Available: PP0588, X000588P | |
8060 | 8066 | */ |
8061 | 8067 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) |
8062 | 8068 | ROM_LOAD( "xp000038.u67", 0x00000, 0x10000, CRC(8707ab9e) SHA1(3e00a2ad8017e1495c6d6fe900d0efa68a1772b8) ) /* 09/05/95 @ IGT L95-2452 */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
278 | 278 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 900, 0, 600) |
279 | 279 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE("vector", vector_device, screen_update) |
280 | 280 | |
282 | 282 | MCFG_AVGDVG_VECTOR("vector") |
283 | 283 | |
284 | 284 | /* sound hardware */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
149 | 149 | ROM_LOAD( "ramtek5.g9", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(205bf9a1) SHA1(3014d226d8afebc6a52e5adb84f1846dd1c0b01c) ) |
150 | 150 | ROM_END |
151 | 151 | |
152 | ROM_START( soccrrmt ) | |
152 | ROM_START( soccrrmt ) | |
153 | 153 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", ROMREGION_ERASE00 ) |
154 | 154 | |
155 | 155 | ROM_REGION( 0x0020, "roms", ROMREGION_ERASE00 ) |
156 | 156 | ROM_LOAD( "ramtek3.g8", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(f14416f8) SHA1(413f051c73f05c3c5c2ec1dd8620e03c43835e10) ) |
157 | ROM_LOAD( "ramtek3.b3", 0x0000, 0x0020, | |
157 | ROM_LOAD( "ramtek3.b3", 0x0000, 0x0020, CRC(205bf9a1) SHA1(3014d226d8afebc6a52e5adb84f1846dd1c0b01c) ) | |
158 | 158 | ROM_END |
159 | 159 | |
160 | 160 | ROM_START( wipeormt ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
502 | 502 | MCFG_KANEKO_PANDORA_PALETTE("palette") |
503 | 503 | |
504 | 504 | /* sound hardware */ |
506 | 506 | |
507 | 507 | MCFG_OKIM6295_ADD("oki", 12000000/6, OKIM6295_PIN7_HIGH) |
508 | MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "lspeaker", 0.25) | |
509 | MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "rspeaker", 0.25) | |
508 | MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "mono", 0.5) | |
510 | 509 | |
511 | 510 | /* YM3014B + YM2203C */ |
512 | 511 | MCFG_SOUND_ADD("ymsnd", YM2203, 4000000) |
513 | 512 | MCFG_YM2203_IRQ_HANDLER(INPUTLINE("audiocpu", 0)) |
514 | 513 | MCFG_AY8910_PORT_A_READ_CB(IOPORT("DSW1")) |
515 | 514 | MCFG_AY8910_PORT_B_READ_CB(IOPORT("DSW2")) |
516 | MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "lspeaker", 0.25) | |
517 | MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "rspeaker", 0.25) | |
515 | MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "mono", 0.5) | |
518 | 516 | MACHINE_CONFIG_END |
519 | 517 | |
520 | 518 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
355 | 355 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 250, 0, 280) |
356 | 356 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE("vector", vector_device, screen_update) |
357 | 357 | |
359 | 359 | MCFG_AVGDVG_VECTOR("vector") |
360 | 360 | |
361 | 361 | /* sound hardware */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1994 | 1994 | ROM_PARAMETER( ":315_5881:key", "05226d41" ) |
1995 | 1995 | ROM_END |
1996 | 1996 | |
1997 | ROM_START( ffrevng10 ) | |
1998 | STV_BIOS | |
1999 | ||
2000 | ROM_REGION32_BE( 0x3000000, "cart", ROMREGION_ERASE00 ) /* SH2 code */ | |
2001 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "opr21872.7", 0x0200000, 0x0200000, CRC(32d36fee) SHA1(441c4254ef2e9301e1006d69462a850ce339314b) ) // good (was .11s) | |
2002 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "mpr21873.2", 0x0400000, 0x0400000, CRC(dac5bd98) SHA1(6102035ce9eb2f83d7d9b20f989a151f45087c67) ) // good (was .12) | |
2003 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "mpr21874.3", 0x0800000, 0x0400000, CRC(0a7be2f1) SHA1(e2d13f36e54d1e2cb9d584db829c04a6ff65108c) ) // good (was .13) | |
2004 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "mpr21875.4", 0x0c00000, 0x0400000, CRC(ccb75029) SHA1(9611a08a2ad0e0e82137ded6205440a948a339a4) ) // good (was .14) | |
2005 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "mpr21876.5", 0x1000000, 0x0400000, CRC(bb92a7fc) SHA1(d9e0fab1104a46adeb0a0cfc0d070d4c63a28d55) ) // good (was .15) | |
2006 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "mpr21877.6", 0x1400000, 0x0400000, CRC(c22a4a75) SHA1(3276bc0628e71b432f21ba9a4f5ff7ccc8769cd9) ) // good (was .16) | |
2007 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "opr21878.1", 0x1800000, 0x0200000, CRC(2ea4a64d) SHA1(928a973dce5eba0a1628d61ba56a530de990a946) ) // good (was .17) | |
2008 | ||
2009 | // 1998 317-5049-COM ST-V | |
2010 | ROM_PARAMETER( ":315_5881:key", "0524ac01" ) | |
2011 | ROM_END | |
2012 | ||
1997 | 2013 | ROM_START( ffreveng ) |
1998 | 2014 | STV_BIOS |
1999 | 2015 | |
2000 | 2016 | ROM_REGION32_BE( 0x3000000, "cart", ROMREGION_ERASE00 ) /* SH2 code */ |
2017 | ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "ffr110.ic35", 0x0000001, 0x0100000, CRC(3ffea541) SHA1(715b070b1d574a99aeb12086de380b0b3aaa25a1) ) | |
2018 | ||
2019 | // actual source ROM board have 21x 16Mbit FlashROMs instead | |
2001 | 2020 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "opr21872.7", 0x0200000, 0x0200000, CRC(32d36fee) SHA1(441c4254ef2e9301e1006d69462a850ce339314b) ) // good (was .11s) |
2002 | 2021 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "mpr21873.2", 0x0400000, 0x0400000, CRC(dac5bd98) SHA1(6102035ce9eb2f83d7d9b20f989a151f45087c67) ) // good (was .12) |
2003 | 2022 | ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "mpr21874.3", 0x0800000, 0x0400000, CRC(0a7be2f1) SHA1(e2d13f36e54d1e2cb9d584db829c04a6ff65108c) ) // good (was .13) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3056 | 3075 | GAME( 1996, dnmtdeka, diehard, stv, stv, stv_state, dnmtdeka, ROT0, "Sega", "Dynamite Deka (J 960515 V1.000)", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS | MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND ) |
3057 | 3076 | GAME( 1995, ejihon, stvbios, stv, stv, stv_state, stv, ROT0, "Sega", "Ejihon Tantei Jimusyo (J 950613 V1.000)", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND | MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) |
3058 | 3077 | GAME( 1998, elandore, stvbios, stv_5881, stv6b, stv_state, elandore, ROT0, "Sai-Mate", "Touryuu Densetsu Elan-Doree / Elan Doree - Legend of Dragoon (JUET 980922 V1.006)", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND | MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) |
3059 | GAME( 1999, ffreveng, stvbios, stv_5881, stv, stv_state, ffreveng, ROT0, "Capcom", "Final Fight Revenge (JUET 990714 V1.000)", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND | MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) | |
3078 | GAME( 1999, ffrevng10, ffreveng,stv_5881, stv, stv_state, ffreveng, ROT0, "Capcom", "Final Fight Revenge (JUET 990714 V1.000)", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND | MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) | |
3079 | GAME( 1999, ffreveng, stvbios, stv_5881, stv, stv_state, ffreveng, ROT0, "Capcom", "Final Fight Revenge (JUET 990930 V1.100)", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND | MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) | |
3060 | 3080 | GAME( 1995, fhboxers, stvbios, stv, stv, stv_state, fhboxers, ROT0, "Sega", "Funky Head Boxers (JUETBKAL 951218 V1.000)", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND | MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) |
3061 | 3081 | GAME( 1997, findlove, stvbios, stv, stv, stv_state, stv, ROT0, "Daiki / FCF", "Zenkoku Seifuku Bishoujo Grand Prix Find Love (J 971212 V1.000)", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND | MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) |
3062 | 3082 | GAME( 1994, gaxeduel, stvbios, stv, stv6b, stv_state, gaxeduel, ROT0, "Sega", "Golden Axe - The Duel (JUETL 950117 V1.000)", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND | MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
21 | 21 | |
22 | 22 | To Do: |
23 | 23 | |
24 | - Remove ROM patches from smoto, stisub and tesorone, emulate the protection instead. | |
25 | - Hopper emulation currently hooked up in stisub, tesorone and smoto. Add to others. | |
24 | - Remove ROM patches from smoto, stbsub and tesorone, emulate the protection instead. | |
25 | - Hopper emulation currently hooked up in stbsub, tesorone and smoto. Add to others. | |
26 | 26 | |
27 | 27 | **************************************************************************** |
28 | 28 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
247 | 247 | m_reel1_ram(*this, "reel1_ram"), |
248 | 248 | m_reel2_ram(*this, "reel2_ram"), |
249 | 249 | m_reel3_ram(*this, "reel3_ram"), |
250 | m_st | |
250 | m_stbsub_out_c(*this, "stbsub_out_c"), | |
251 | 251 | m_maincpu(*this, "maincpu"), |
252 | 252 | m_gfxdecode(*this, "gfxdecode"), |
253 | 253 | m_palette(*this, "palette") { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
261 | 261 | optional_shared_ptr<UINT8> m_reel1_ram; |
262 | 262 | optional_shared_ptr<UINT8> m_reel2_ram; |
263 | 263 | optional_shared_ptr<UINT8> m_reel3_ram; |
264 | optional_shared_ptr<UINT8> m_st | |
264 | optional_shared_ptr<UINT8> m_stbsub_out_c; | |
265 | 265 | |
266 | 266 | tilemap_t *m_tmap; |
267 | 267 | tilemap_t *m_reel1_tilemap; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
276 | 276 | UINT8 m_flash_packet; |
277 | 277 | UINT8 m_flash_packet_start; |
278 | 278 | int m_colordac_offs; |
279 | UINT8 *m_st | |
279 | UINT8 *m_stbsub_colorram; | |
280 | 280 | |
281 | 281 | ticket_dispenser_device *m_hopper; |
282 | 282 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
295 | 295 | DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(colordac_w); |
296 | 296 | DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(reel_scrollattr_w); |
297 | 297 | DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(reel_scrollattr_r); |
298 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(stbsub); | |
298 | 299 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(stisub); |
299 | 300 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(tesorone); |
300 | 301 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(tesorone230); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
309 | 310 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(tisub); |
310 | 311 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(mtrainnv); |
311 | 312 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_tile_info); |
312 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_st | |
313 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_stbsub_tile_info); | |
313 | 314 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_subsino_reel1_tile_info); |
314 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_st | |
315 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_stbsub_reel1_tile_info); | |
315 | 316 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_subsino_reel2_tile_info); |
316 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_st | |
317 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_stbsub_reel2_tile_info); | |
317 | 318 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_subsino_reel3_tile_info); |
318 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_st | |
319 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_stbsub_reel3_tile_info); | |
319 | 320 | DECLARE_VIDEO_START(subsino); |
320 | 321 | DECLARE_PALETTE_INIT(subsino_2proms); |
321 | 322 | DECLARE_PALETTE_INIT(subsino_3proms); |
322 | 323 | DECLARE_VIDEO_START(subsino_reels); |
324 | DECLARE_VIDEO_START(stbsub); | |
324 | 325 | UINT32 screen_update_subsino(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); |
325 | 326 | UINT32 screen_update_subsino_reels(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); |
326 | UINT32 screen_update_st | |
327 | UINT32 screen_update_stbsub_reels(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); | |
327 | 328 | virtual void machine_start(); |
328 | 329 | required_device<cpu_device> m_maincpu; |
329 | 330 | required_device<gfxdecode_device> m_gfxdecode; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
368 | 369 | SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(0, code, color, 0); |
369 | 370 | } |
370 | 371 | |
371 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(subsino_state::get_st | |
372 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(subsino_state::get_stbsub_tile_info) | |
372 | 373 | { |
373 | 374 | UINT16 code = m_videoram[ tile_index ] + (m_colorram[ tile_index ] << 8); |
374 | 375 | code&= 0x3fff; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
402 | 403 | 0); |
403 | 404 | } |
404 | 405 | |
405 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(subsino_state::get_st | |
406 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(subsino_state::get_stbsub_reel1_tile_info) | |
406 | 407 | { |
407 | 408 | int code = m_reel1_ram[tile_index]; |
408 | 409 | int attr = m_reel1_attr[tile_index]; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
431 | 432 | 0); |
432 | 433 | } |
433 | 434 | |
434 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(subsino_state::get_st | |
435 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(subsino_state::get_stbsub_reel2_tile_info) | |
435 | 436 | { |
436 | 437 | int code = m_reel2_ram[tile_index]; |
437 | 438 | int attr = m_reel2_attr[tile_index]; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
459 | 460 | 0); |
460 | 461 | } |
461 | 462 | |
462 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(subsino_state::get_st | |
463 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(subsino_state::get_stbsub_reel3_tile_info) | |
463 | 464 | { |
464 | 465 | int code = m_reel3_ram[tile_index]; |
465 | 466 | int attr = m_reel3_attr[tile_index]; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
485 | 486 | |
486 | 487 | } |
487 | 488 | |
488 | VIDEO_START_MEMBER(subsino_state,st | |
489 | VIDEO_START_MEMBER(subsino_state,stbsub) | |
489 | 490 | { |
490 | m_tmap = &machine().tilemap().create(m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(subsino_state::get_st | |
491 | m_tmap = &machine().tilemap().create(m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(subsino_state::get_stbsub_tile_info),this), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8,8, 0x40,0x20 ); | |
491 | 492 | m_tmap->set_transparent_pen(0 ); |
492 | 493 | |
493 | m_reel1_tilemap = &machine().tilemap().create(m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(subsino_state::get_stisub_reel1_tile_info),this),TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8, 32, 64, 8); | |
494 | m_reel2_tilemap = &machine().tilemap().create(m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(subsino_state::get_stisub_reel2_tile_info),this),TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8, 32, 64, 8); | |
495 | m_reel3_tilemap = &machine().tilemap().create(m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(subsino_state::get_stisub_reel3_tile_info),this),TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8, 32, 64, 8); | |
494 | m_reel1_tilemap = &machine().tilemap().create(m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(subsino_state::get_stbsub_reel1_tile_info),this),TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8, 32, 64, 8); | |
495 | m_reel2_tilemap = &machine().tilemap().create(m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(subsino_state::get_stbsub_reel2_tile_info),this),TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8, 32, 64, 8); | |
496 | m_reel3_tilemap = &machine().tilemap().create(m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(subsino_state::get_stbsub_reel3_tile_info),this),TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8, 32, 64, 8); | |
496 | 497 | |
497 | 498 | m_reel1_tilemap->set_scroll_cols(64); |
498 | 499 | m_reel2_tilemap->set_scroll_cols(64); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
538 | 539 | } |
539 | 540 | |
540 | 541 | |
541 | UINT32 subsino_state::screen_update_st | |
542 | UINT32 subsino_state::screen_update_stbsub_reels(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) | |
542 | 543 | { |
543 | 544 | int i; |
544 | 545 | bitmap.fill(0, cliprect); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1081 | 1082 | break; |
1082 | 1083 | |
1083 | 1084 | case 1: |
1084 | m_st | |
1085 | m_stbsub_colorram[m_colordac_offs] = data; | |
1085 | 1086 | m_palette->set_pen_color(m_colordac_offs/3, |
1086 | pal6bit(m_stisub_colorram[(m_colordac_offs/3)*3+0]), | |
1087 | pal6bit(m_stisub_colorram[(m_colordac_offs/3)*3+1]), | |
1088 | pal6bit(m_stisub_colorram[(m_colordac_offs/3)*3+2]) | |
1087 | pal6bit(m_stbsub_colorram[(m_colordac_offs/3)*3+0]), | |
1088 | pal6bit(m_stbsub_colorram[(m_colordac_offs/3)*3+1]), | |
1089 | pal6bit(m_stbsub_colorram[(m_colordac_offs/3)*3+2]) | |
1089 | 1090 | ); |
1090 | 1091 | m_colordac_offs = (m_colordac_offs+1) % (256*3); |
1091 | 1092 | break; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1104 | 1105 | // not 100% sure on the bank bits.. other bits are also set |
1105 | 1106 | WRITE8_MEMBER(subsino_state::reel_scrollattr_w) |
1106 | 1107 | { |
1107 | if (*m_st | |
1108 | if (*m_stbsub_out_c & 0x20) | |
1108 | 1109 | { |
1109 | 1110 | if (offset<0x200) |
1110 | 1111 | { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1151 | 1152 | return m_reel1_attr[offset]; |
1152 | 1153 | } |
1153 | 1154 | |
1154 | static ADDRESS_MAP_START( st | |
1155 | static ADDRESS_MAP_START( stbsub_map, AS_PROGRAM, 8, subsino_state ) | |
1155 | 1156 | AM_RANGE( 0x00000, 0x0bfff ) AM_ROM |
1156 | 1157 | |
1157 | 1158 | AM_RANGE( 0x0c000, 0x0cfff ) AM_RAM |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1164 | 1165 | AM_RANGE( 0x0d005, 0x0d005 ) AM_READ_PORT( "INB" ) |
1165 | 1166 | AM_RANGE( 0x0d006, 0x0d006 ) AM_READ_PORT( "INA" ) |
1166 | 1167 | |
1167 | AM_RANGE( 0x0d008, 0x0d008 ) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("st | |
1168 | AM_RANGE( 0x0d008, 0x0d008 ) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("stbsub_out_c") | |
1168 | 1169 | |
1169 | 1170 | AM_RANGE( 0x0d009, 0x0d009 ) AM_WRITE(subsino_out_b_w ) |
1170 | 1171 | AM_RANGE( 0x0d00a, 0x0d00a ) AM_WRITE(subsino_out_a_w ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1204 | 1205 | AM_RANGE( 0x0d004, 0x0d004 ) AM_READ_PORT( "SW4" ) |
1205 | 1206 | AM_RANGE( 0x0d005, 0x0d005 ) AM_READ_PORT( "INB" ) |
1206 | 1207 | AM_RANGE( 0x0d006, 0x0d006 ) AM_READ_PORT( "INA" ) |
1207 | AM_RANGE( 0x0d008, 0x0d008 ) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("st | |
1208 | AM_RANGE( 0x0d008, 0x0d008 ) AM_RAM AM_SHARE("stbsub_out_c") | |
1208 | 1209 | // AM_RANGE( 0x0d009, 0x0d009 ) AM_WRITE |
1209 | 1210 | // AM_RANGE( 0x0d00a, 0x0d00a ) AM_WRITE |
1210 | 1211 | // AM_RANGE( 0x0d00b, 0x0d00b ) AM_WRITE |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1592 | 1593 | INPUT_PORTS_END |
1593 | 1594 | |
1594 | 1595 | |
1595 | static INPUT_PORTS_START( st | |
1596 | static INPUT_PORTS_START( stbsub ) | |
1596 | 1597 | PORT_START("SW1") |
1597 | 1598 | PORT_DIPNAME( 0x07, 0x07, DEF_STR( Coinage ) ) PORT_DIPLOCATION("SW1:1,2,3") |
1598 | 1599 | PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x06, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2786 | 2787 | GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "reels", 0, layout_8x32x4, 0, 16 ) |
2787 | 2788 | GFXDECODE_END |
2788 | 2789 | |
2789 | static GFXDECODE_START( subsino_st | |
2790 | static GFXDECODE_START( subsino_stbsub ) | |
2790 | 2791 | GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "tilemap", 0, layout_8x8x8, 0, 1 ) |
2791 | 2792 | GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "reels", 0, layout_8x32x8, 0, 1 ) |
2792 | 2793 | GFXDECODE_END |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2943 | 2944 | MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "mono", 1.0) |
2944 | 2945 | MACHINE_CONFIG_END |
2945 | 2946 | |
2946 | static MACHINE_CONFIG_START( st | |
2947 | static MACHINE_CONFIG_START( stbsub, subsino_state ) | |
2947 | 2948 | /* basic machine hardware */ |
2948 | 2949 | MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", Z180, XTAL_12MHz / 8) /* Unknown clock */ |
2949 | MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(st | |
2950 | MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(stbsub_map) | |
2950 | 2951 | MCFG_CPU_IO_MAP(subsino_iomap) |
2951 | 2952 | |
2952 | 2953 | MCFG_TICKET_DISPENSER_ADD("hopper", attotime::from_msec(200), TICKET_MOTOR_ACTIVE_HIGH, TICKET_STATUS_ACTIVE_LOW) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2958 | 2959 | MCFG_SCREEN_SIZE(512, 256) |
2959 | 2960 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 512-1, 0+16, 256-16-1) |
2960 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DRIVER(subsino_state, screen_update_st | |
2961 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DRIVER(subsino_state, screen_update_stbsub_reels) | |
2961 | 2962 | MCFG_SCREEN_PALETTE("palette") |
2962 | 2963 | |
2963 | MCFG_GFXDECODE_ADD("gfxdecode", "palette", subsino_st | |
2964 | MCFG_GFXDECODE_ADD("gfxdecode", "palette", subsino_stbsub) | |
2964 | 2965 | |
2965 | 2966 | MCFG_PALETTE_ADD("palette", 0x100) |
2966 | 2967 | //MCFG_PALETTE_INIT_OWNER(subsino_state,subsino_3proms) |
2967 | 2968 | |
2968 | MCFG_VIDEO_START_OVERRIDE(subsino_state,st | |
2969 | MCFG_VIDEO_START_OVERRIDE(subsino_state,stbsub) | |
2969 | 2970 | |
2970 | 2971 | /* sound hardware */ |
2971 | 2972 | MCFG_SPEAKER_STANDARD_MONO("mono") |
r250335 | r250336 | |
2974 | 2975 | MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE(ALL_OUTPUTS, "mono", 1.0) |
2975 | 2976 | MACHINE_CONFIG_END |
2976 | 2977 | |
2977 | static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( mtrainnv, st | |
2978 | static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( mtrainnv, stbsub ) | |
2978 | 2979 | |
2979 | 2980 | /* basic machine hardware */ |
2980 | 2981 | MCFG_CPU_MODIFY("maincpu") |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3613 | 3614 | |
3614 | 3615 | ***************************************************************************/ |
3615 | 3616 | |
3616 | ROM_START( st | |
3617 | ROM_START( stbsub ) | |
3617 | 3618 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) |
3618 | 3619 | ROM_LOAD( "trbon-rlu16.u12", 0x00000, 0x10000, CRC(07771290) SHA1(c485943045396d8580271504a1fec7c88579f4a2) ) |
3619 | 3620 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3630 | 3631 | ROM_LOAD( "sti-alpha_9-ver1.1.u22", 0x60000, 0x20000, CRC(9710a223) SHA1(76ef6bd77ae33d91a9b6a9a615d07caee3356dfb) ) |
3631 | 3632 | ROM_END |
3632 | 3633 | |
3634 | ||
3635 | ||
3636 | ROM_START( stisub ) | |
3637 | ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 ) | |
3638 | ROM_LOAD( "b1", 0x00000, 0x10000, CRC(3f7adf66) SHA1(6ff37d070c7866133853c7cb3e2fbcb5610d87e8) ) | |
3639 | ||
3640 | ROM_REGION( 0x100000, "tilemap", 0 ) | |
3641 | ROM_LOAD( "-2.u30", 0x00000, 0x40000, CRC(60596c9c) SHA1(6cea104539957bacb857bb14f967633e8cd729c0) ) | |
3642 | ROM_LOAD( "b-3.u29", 0x40000, 0x40000, CRC(eb0968d3) SHA1(5313150725d9b7019ddaddc0b1cdb92330ab0b49) ) | |
3643 | ROM_LOAD( "b-4.u28", 0x80000, 0x40000, CRC(ee5024ba) SHA1(cf65bbee12f6aaf8bb22c2a03e7b360fa58f3b80) ) | |
3644 | ROM_LOAD( "a-5.u27", 0xc0000, 0x40000, CRC(6748c76d) SHA1(1013f5924c584df4bd6a1a3dbd0fff96c1313ed3) ) | |
3645 | ||
3646 | ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "reels", 0 ) | |
3647 | ROM_LOAD( "a-6.u25", 0x00000, 0x20000, CRC(69a19c43) SHA1(d90a59bfee500ea9b1a21f60bc2fd7c3ddadb6a6) ) | |
3648 | ROM_LOAD( "b-7.u24", 0x20000, 0x20000, CRC(09173bec) SHA1(c9bf491a9d4009d1debf7a19657129a209f02768) ) | |
3649 | ROM_LOAD( "b-8.u23", 0x40000, 0x20000, CRC(10ff8fdf) SHA1(1f07ce5517c816852e5b739e3170d104c080ea18) ) | |
3650 | ROM_LOAD( "a-9.u22", 0x60000, 0x20000, CRC(ce1e9a3d) SHA1(263e396058e74ae55834dc028b477eb21ceab9b9) ) | |
3651 | ROM_END | |
3652 | ||
3653 | ||
3654 | ||
3633 | 3655 | /*************************************************************************** |
3634 | 3656 | |
3635 | 3657 | Tesorone Dell'Isola (2 sets) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3810 | 3832 | rom[0x6498] = 0x00; |
3811 | 3833 | } |
3812 | 3834 | |
3813 | DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(subsino_state,st | |
3835 | DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(subsino_state,stbsub) | |
3814 | 3836 | { |
3815 | 3837 | #if 1 |
3816 | 3838 | UINT8 *rom = memregion( "maincpu" )->base(); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3819 | 3841 | rom[0x957] = 0x18; //patch "losing protection" check |
3820 | 3842 | #endif |
3821 | 3843 | |
3822 | m_st | |
3844 | m_stbsub_colorram = auto_alloc_array(machine(), UINT8, 256*3); | |
3823 | 3845 | |
3824 | 3846 | m_reel1_scroll.allocate(0x40); |
3825 | 3847 | m_reel2_scroll.allocate(0x40); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3829 | 3851 | m_reel2_attr = auto_alloc_array(machine(), UINT8, 0x200); |
3830 | 3852 | m_reel3_attr = auto_alloc_array(machine(), UINT8, 0x200); |
3831 | 3853 | } |
3854 | ||
3855 | DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(subsino_state, stisub) | |
3856 | { | |
3857 | UINT8 *rom = memregion( "maincpu" )->base(); | |
3858 | rom[0x0FA0] = 0x28; | |
3859 | rom[0x0FA1] = 0x1d; //patch protection check | |
3860 | ||
3861 | m_stbsub_colorram = auto_alloc_array(machine(), UINT8, 256*3); | |
3862 | ||
3863 | m_reel1_scroll.allocate(0x40); | |
3864 | m_reel2_scroll.allocate(0x40); | |
3865 | m_reel3_scroll.allocate(0x40); | |
3866 | ||
3867 | m_reel1_attr = auto_alloc_array(machine(), UINT8, 0x200); | |
3868 | m_reel2_attr = auto_alloc_array(machine(), UINT8, 0x200); | |
3869 | m_reel3_attr = auto_alloc_array(machine(), UINT8, 0x200); | |
3870 | } | |
3871 | ||
3832 | 3872 | DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(subsino_state,tesorone) |
3833 | 3873 | { |
3834 | 3874 | #if 1 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3839 | 3879 | rom[0xa84] = 0x18; //patch "losing protection" check |
3840 | 3880 | #endif |
3841 | 3881 | |
3842 | m_st | |
3882 | m_stbsub_colorram = auto_alloc_array(machine(), UINT8, 256*3); | |
3843 | 3883 | |
3844 | 3884 | m_reel1_scroll.allocate(0x40); |
3845 | 3885 | m_reel2_scroll.allocate(0x40); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3860 | 3900 | rom[0xa88] = 0x18; //patch "losing protection" check |
3861 | 3901 | #endif |
3862 | 3902 | |
3863 | m_st | |
3903 | m_stbsub_colorram = auto_alloc_array(machine(), UINT8, 256*3); | |
3864 | 3904 | |
3865 | 3905 | m_reel1_scroll.allocate(0x40); |
3866 | 3906 | m_reel2_scroll.allocate(0x40); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3874 | 3914 | |
3875 | 3915 | DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(subsino_state,mtrainnv) |
3876 | 3916 | { |
3877 | m_st | |
3917 | m_stbsub_colorram = auto_alloc_array(machine(), UINT8, 256*3); | |
3878 | 3918 | |
3879 | 3919 | m_reel1_scroll.allocate(0x40); |
3880 | 3920 | m_reel2_scroll.allocate(0x40); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3899 | 3939 | |
3900 | 3940 | GAMEL( 1991, crsbingo, 0, crsbingo, crsbingo, subsino_state, crsbingo, ROT0, "Subsino", "Poker Carnival", 0, layout_crsbingo ) |
3901 | 3941 | |
3902 | GAMEL( 1995, stisub, 0, stisub, stisub, subsino_state, stisub, ROT0, "American Alpha", "Treasure Bonus (Subsino, v1.6)", 0, layout_stisub ) // board CPU module marked 'Super Treasure Island' (alt title?) | |
3903 | GAMEL( 1995, tesorone, stisub, stisub, tesorone, subsino_state, tesorone, ROT0, "Subsino", "Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.41)", 0, layout_stisub ) | |
3904 | GAMEL( 1995, tesorone240, stisub, stisub, tesorone, subsino_state, tesorone, ROT0, "Subsino", "Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.40)", 0, layout_stisub ) | |
3905 | GAMEL( 1995, tesorone230, stisub, stisub, tesorone, subsino_state, tesorone230,ROT0,"Subsino", "Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.30)", 0, layout_stisub ) | |
3942 | GAMEL( 1995, stbsub, 0, stbsub, stbsub, subsino_state, stbsub, ROT0, "American Alpha", "Treasure Bonus (Subsino, v1.6)", 0, layout_stisub ) // board CPU module marked 'Super Treasure Island' (alt title?) | |
3943 | GAMEL( 1995, stisub, stbsub, stbsub, stbsub, subsino_state, stisub, ROT0, "Subsino", "Super Treasure Island (Italy, v1.6)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING, layout_stisub ) // need proper patches | |
3944 | GAMEL( 1995, tesorone, stbsub, stbsub, tesorone, subsino_state, tesorone, ROT0, "Subsino", "Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.41)", 0, layout_stisub ) | |
3945 | GAMEL( 1995, tesorone240, stbsub, stbsub, tesorone, subsino_state, tesorone, ROT0, "Subsino", "Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.40)", 0, layout_stisub ) | |
3946 | GAMEL( 1995, tesorone230, stbsub, stbsub, tesorone, subsino_state, tesorone230,ROT0,"Subsino", "Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.30)", 0, layout_stisub ) | |
3906 | 3947 | |
3907 | 3948 | GAMEL( 1996, sharkpy, 0, sharkpy, sharkpy, subsino_state, sharkpy, ROT0, "Subsino", "Shark Party (Italy, v1.3)", 0, layout_sharkpy ) // missing POST messages? |
3908 | 3949 | GAMEL( 1996, sharkpya, sharkpy, sharkpy, sharkpy, subsino_state, sharkpy, ROT0, "Subsino", "Shark Party (Italy, v1.6)", 0, layout_sharkpy ) // missing POST messages? |
r250335 | r250336 | |
3915 | 3956 | GAMEL( 1996, smoto20, 0, srider, smoto20, subsino_state, smoto20, ROT0, "Subsino", "Super Rider (Italy, v2.0)", 0, layout_smoto ) |
3916 | 3957 | GAMEL( 1996, smoto16, smoto20, srider, smoto16, subsino_state, smoto16, ROT0, "Subsino", "Super Moto (Italy, v1.6)", 0, layout_smoto ) |
3917 | 3958 | |
3918 | GAME ( 1996, mtrainnv, mtrain, mtrainnv, st | |
3959 | GAME ( 1996, mtrainnv, mtrain, mtrainnv, stbsub, subsino_state, mtrainnv, ROT0, "Subsino", "Magic Train (Clear NVRAM ROM?)", MACHINE_NOT_WORKING ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
4131 | 4131 | GAME( 1992, gseeker, 0, f3_224b_eeprom, f3, taito_f3_state, gseeker, ROT90, "Taito Corporation Japan", "Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver 1.3O)", 0 ) |
4132 | 4132 | GAME( 1992, gseekerj, gseeker, f3_224b_eeprom, f3, taito_f3_state, gseeker, ROT90, "Taito Corporation", "Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver 1.3J)", 0 ) |
4133 | 4133 | GAME( 1992, gseekeru, gseeker, f3_224b_eeprom, f3, taito_f3_state, gseeker, ROT90, "Taito America Corporation", "Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver 1.3A)", 0 ) |
4134 | GAME( 1992, commandw, 0, f3_224b, f3, taito_f3_state, commandw, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Command War - Super Special Battle & War Game (Ver 0.0J | |
4134 | GAME( 1992, commandw, 0, f3_224b, f3, taito_f3_state, commandw, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Command War - Super Special Battle & War Game (Ver 0.0J, prototype)", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) | |
4135 | 4135 | /* Most of the football games share some GFX roms but shouldn't be considered clones unless they have the same Taito game code for the program roms */ |
4136 | 4136 | GAME( 1993, cupfinal, 0, f3_224a, f3, taito_f3_state, cupfinal, ROT0, "Taito Corporation Japan", "Taito Cup Finals (Ver 1.0O 1993/02/28)", 0 ) |
4137 | 4137 | GAME( 1993, hthero93, cupfinal, f3_224a, f3, taito_f3_state, cupfinal, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Hat Trick Hero '93 (Ver 1.0J 1993/02/28)", 0 ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
4155 | 4155 | GAME( 1994, kaiserkn, 0, f3_224a, kn, taito_f3_state, kaiserkn, ROT0, "Taito Corporation Japan", "Kaiser Knuckle (Ver 2.1O 1994/07/29)", 0 ) |
4156 | 4156 | GAME( 1994, kaiserknj,kaiserkn, f3_224a, kn, taito_f3_state, kaiserkn, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Kaiser Knuckle (Ver 2.1J 1994/07/29)", 0 ) |
4157 | 4157 | GAME( 1994, gblchmp, kaiserkn, f3_224a, kn, taito_f3_state, kaiserkn, ROT0, "Taito America Corporation", "Global Champion (Ver 2.1A 1994/07/29)", 0 ) |
4158 | GAME( 1994, dankuga, kaiserkn, f3_224a, kn, taito_f3_state, kaiserkn, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Dan-Ku-Ga (Ver 0.0J 1994/12/13 | |
4158 | GAME( 1994, dankuga, kaiserkn, f3_224a, kn, taito_f3_state, kaiserkn, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Dan-Ku-Ga (Ver 0.0J 1994/12/13, prototype)", 0 ) | |
4159 | 4159 | GAME( 1994, dariusg, 0, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, dariusg, ROT0, "Taito Corporation Japan", "Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5O 1994/09/19)", 0 ) |
4160 | 4160 | GAME( 1994, dariusgj, dariusg, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, dariusg, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5J 1994/09/19)", 0 ) |
4161 | 4161 | GAME( 1994, dariusgu, dariusg, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, dariusg, ROT0, "Taito America Corporation", "Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5A 1994/09/19)", 0 ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
4176 | 4176 | GAME( 1994, elvactrj, elvactr, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, elvactr, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Elevator Action Returns (Ver 2.2J 1995/02/20)", 0 ) |
4177 | 4177 | GAME( 1994, elvact2u, elvactr, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, elvactr, ROT0, "Taito America Corporation", "Elevator Action II (Ver 2.2A 1995/02/20)", 0 ) |
4178 | 4178 | /* There is also a prototype Elevator Action II (US) pcb with the graphics in a different rom format (same program code) */ |
4179 | GAME( 1994, recalh, 0, f3_eeprom,f3, taito_f3_state, recalh, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Recalhorn (Ver 1.42J 1994/5/11 | |
4179 | GAME( 1994, recalh, 0, f3_eeprom,f3, taito_f3_state, recalh, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Recalhorn (Ver 1.42J 1994/5/11, prototype)", 0 ) | |
4180 | 4180 | GAME( 1995, spcinv95, 0, f3_224a, f3, taito_f3_state, spcinv95, ROT270, "Taito Corporation Japan", "Space Invaders '95: The Attack Of Lunar Loonies (Ver 2.5O 1995/06/14)", 0 ) |
4181 | 4181 | GAME( 1995, spcinv95u,spcinv95, f3_224a, f3, taito_f3_state, spcinv95, ROT270, "Taito America Corporation", "Space Invaders '95: The Attack Of Lunar Loonies (Ver 2.5A 1995/06/14)", 0 ) |
4182 | 4182 | GAME( 1995, akkanvdr, spcinv95, f3_224a, f3, taito_f3_state, spcinv95, ROT270, "Taito Corporation", "Akkanbeder (Ver 2.5J 1995/06/14)", 0 ) |
4183 | GAME( 1995, twinqix, 0, f3_224a, f3, taito_f3_state, twinqix, ROT0, "Taito America Corporation", "Twin Qix (Ver 1.0A 1995/01/17 | |
4183 | GAME( 1995, twinqix, 0, f3_224a, f3, taito_f3_state, twinqix, ROT0, "Taito America Corporation", "Twin Qix (Ver 1.0A 1995/01/17, prototype)", 0 ) | |
4184 | 4184 | GAME( 1995, quizhuhu, 0, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, quizhuhu, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Moriguchi Hiroko no Quiz de Hyuu!Hyuu! (Ver 2.2J 1995/05/25)", 0 ) |
4185 | 4185 | GAME( 1995, pbobble2, 0, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, pbobbl2p, ROT0, "Taito Corporation Japan", "Puzzle Bobble 2 (Ver 2.3O 1995/07/31)", 0 ) |
4186 | 4186 | GAME( 1995, pbobble2o,pbobble2, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, pbobble2, ROT0, "Taito Corporation Japan", "Puzzle Bobble 2 (Ver 2.2O 1995/07/20)", 0 ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
4211 | 4211 | GAME( 1997, popnpopj, popnpop, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, popnpop, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Pop'n Pop (Ver 2.07J 1998/02/09)", 0 ) |
4212 | 4212 | GAME( 1997, popnpopu, popnpop, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, popnpop, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Pop'n Pop (Ver 2.07A 1998/02/09)", 0 ) |
4213 | 4213 | GAME( 1998, landmakr, 0, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, landmakr, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Land Maker (Ver 2.01J 1998/06/01)", 0 ) |
4214 | GAME( 1998, landmakrp,landmakr, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, landmkrp, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Land Maker (Ver 2.02O 1998/06/02 | |
4214 | GAME( 1998, landmakrp,landmakr, f3, f3, taito_f3_state, landmkrp, ROT0, "Taito Corporation", "Land Maker (Ver 2.02O 1998/06/02, prototype)", 0 ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
603 | 603 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 580, 0, 570) |
604 | 604 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE("vector", vector_device, screen_update) |
605 | 605 | |
607 | 607 | MCFG_AVGDVG_VECTOR("vector") |
608 | 608 | |
609 | 609 | /* Drivers */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
426 | 426 | MCFG_SCREEN_VISIBLE_AREA(0, 280, 0, 250) |
427 | 427 | MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE("vector", vector_device, screen_update) |
428 | 428 | |
429 | MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("avg", AVG_TOMCAT, | |
429 | MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("avg", AVG_TOMCAT, XTAL_12MHz) | |
430 | 430 | MCFG_AVGDVG_VECTOR("vector") |
431 | 431 | |
432 | 432 | MCFG_SPEAKER_STANDARD_STEREO("lspeaker", "rspeaker") |
r250335 | r250336 | |
454 | 454 | ROM_LOAD( "136021-105.1l", 0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(82fc3eb2) SHA1(184231c7baef598294860a7d2b8a23798c5c7da6) ) /* AVG PROM */ |
455 | 455 | ROM_END |
456 | 456 | |
457 | GAME( 1985, tomcat, 0, | |
457 | GAME( 1985, tomcat, 0, tomcat, tomcat, driver_device, 0, ROT0, "Atari", "TomCat (prototype)", MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
101 | 101 | UINT8 horiz_disp; |
102 | 102 | UINT8 hscroll; |
103 | 103 | UINT8 de_start; /* flag to check if DE is been enabled this frame yet */ |
104 | bool hsync_first_tick; /* flag to check in first CRTC tick, used for knowing when to cover left side of screen to cover horizontal softscroll mess */ | |
105 | UINT8 hsync_tick_count; | |
104 | 106 | |
105 | 107 | /* DMA */ |
106 | 108 | UINT8 dma_status; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
20 | 20 | m_videoram(*this,"videoram"), |
21 | 21 | m_spriteram(*this,"spriteram"), |
22 | 22 | m_protram(*this,"protram"), |
23 | m_maincpu(*this, "maincpu"), | |
23 | 24 | m_mcu(*this, "mcu"), |
24 | m_maincpu(*this, "maincpu"), | |
25 | 25 | m_gfxdecode(*this, "gfxdecode"), |
26 | 26 | m_palette(*this, "palette") { } |
27 | 27 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
52 | 52 | UINT8 m_bootleg_cmd; |
53 | 53 | |
54 | 54 | /* hexaa */ |
55 | UINT8 hexaa_from_main; | |
56 | UINT8 hexaa_from_sub; | |
55 | UINT8 m_hexaa_from_main; | |
56 | UINT8 m_hexaa_from_sub; | |
57 | 57 | |
58 | 58 | /* devices */ |
59 | required_device<cpu_device> m_maincpu; | |
59 | 60 | optional_device<cpu_device> m_mcu; |
61 | required_device<gfxdecode_device> m_gfxdecode; | |
62 | required_device<palette_device> m_palette; | |
63 | ||
60 | 64 | DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(arkanoid_Z80_mcu_r); |
61 | 65 | DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(arkanoid_Z80_mcu_w); |
62 | 66 | DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(arkanoid_68705_port_a_r); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
84 | 88 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(block2); |
85 | 89 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(arkblock); |
86 | 90 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(hexa); |
91 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(hexaa); | |
87 | 92 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(paddle2); |
88 | 93 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(tetrsark); |
89 | 94 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(arkgcbl); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
92 | 97 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(arkangc); |
93 | 98 | DECLARE_DRIVER_INIT(brixian); |
94 | 99 | TILE_GET_INFO_MEMBER(get_bg_tile_info); |
95 | DECLARE_MACHINE_START(arkanoid); | |
96 | DECLARE_MACHINE_RESET(arkanoid); | |
97 | DECLARE_VIDEO_START(arkanoid); | |
100 | virtual void machine_start(); | |
101 | virtual void machine_reset(); | |
102 | virtual void video_start(); | |
98 | 103 | UINT32 screen_update_arkanoid(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); |
99 | 104 | UINT32 screen_update_hexa(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); |
100 | 105 | TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(test); |
101 | 106 | void draw_sprites( bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect ); |
102 | 107 | void arkanoid_bootleg_init( ); |
103 | required_device<cpu_device> m_maincpu; | |
104 | required_device<gfxdecode_device> m_gfxdecode; | |
105 | required_device<palette_device> m_palette; | |
106 | 108 | }; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
34 | 34 | |
35 | 35 | #define RS232_TAG "rs232" |
36 | 36 | |
37 | enum machine_type_t | |
38 | { | |
39 | MODELA, | |
40 | MODELB, | |
41 | BPLUS, | |
42 | MASTER, | |
43 | COMPACT | |
44 | }; | |
45 | ||
37 | 46 | class bbc_state : public driver_device |
38 | 47 | { |
39 | 48 | public: |
r250335 | r250336 | |
41 | 50 | driver_device(mconfig, type, tag), |
42 | 51 | m_maincpu(*this, "maincpu"), |
43 | 52 | m_ram(*this, RAM_TAG), |
44 | m_ | |
53 | m_hd6845(*this, "hd6845"), | |
45 | 54 | m_adlc(*this, "mc6854"), |
46 | 55 | m_sn(*this, "sn76489"), |
47 | 56 | m_trom(*this, "saa5050"), |
r250335 | r250336 | |
137 | 146 | DECLARE_MACHINE_RESET(bbcm); |
138 | 147 | DECLARE_VIDEO_START(bbcm); |
139 | 148 | |
149 | DECLARE_MACHINE_START(bbcmc); | |
150 | DECLARE_MACHINE_RESET(bbcmc); | |
151 | ||
140 | 152 | DECLARE_PALETTE_INIT(bbc); |
141 | 153 | UINT32 screen_update_bbc(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect); |
142 | 154 | INTERRUPT_GEN_MEMBER(bbcb_vsync); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
190 | 202 | private: |
191 | 203 | required_device<cpu_device> m_maincpu; |
192 | 204 | required_device<ram_device> m_ram; |
193 | required_device< | |
205 | required_device<hd6845_device> m_hd6845; | |
194 | 206 | optional_device<mc6854_device> m_adlc; |
195 | 207 | optional_device<sn76489_device> m_sn; |
196 | 208 | public: // HACK FOR MC6845 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
227 | 239 | |
228 | 240 | void check_interrupts(); |
229 | 241 | |
242 | machine_type_t m_machinetype; | |
243 | ||
230 | 244 | bool m_os01; // flag indicating whether OS 0.1 is being used |
231 | 245 | int m_SWRAMtype; // this stores the DIP switch setting for the SWRAM type being used |
232 | 246 | int m_Speech; // this stores the CONF setting for Speech enabled/disabled |
r0 | r250336 | |
1 | <?xml version="1.0"?> | |
2 | <mamelayout version="2"> | |
3 | <element name="cashout"> | |
4 | <rect state="1"> | |
5 | <color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
6 | </rect> | |
7 | <rect state="0"> | |
8 | <color red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.0" /> | |
9 | </rect> | |
10 | <text string="CASHOUT"> | |
11 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
12 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
13 | </text> | |
14 | </element> | |
15 | ||
16 | <element name="1 line"> | |
17 | <rect state="1"> | |
18 | <color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /> | |
19 | </rect> | |
20 | <rect state="0"> | |
21 | <color red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.5" /> | |
22 | </rect> | |
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24 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
25 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
26 | </text> | |
27 | </element> | |
28 | ||
29 | <element name="2 lines"> | |
30 | <rect state="1"> | |
31 | <color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /> | |
32 | </rect> | |
33 | <rect state="0"> | |
34 | <color red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.5" /> | |
35 | </rect> | |
36 | <text string="2 LINES"> | |
37 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
38 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
39 | </text> | |
40 | </element> | |
41 | ||
42 | <element name="3 lines"> | |
43 | <rect state="1"> | |
44 | <color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /> | |
45 | </rect> | |
46 | <rect state="0"> | |
47 | <color red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.5" /> | |
48 | </rect> | |
49 | <text string="3 LINES"> | |
50 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
51 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
52 | </text> | |
53 | </element> | |
54 | ||
55 | <element name="4 lines"> | |
56 | <rect state="1"> | |
57 | <color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /> | |
58 | </rect> | |
59 | <rect state="0"> | |
60 | <color red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.5" /> | |
61 | </rect> | |
62 | <text string="4 LINES"> | |
63 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
64 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
65 | </text> | |
66 | </element> | |
67 | ||
68 | <element name="5 lines"> | |
69 | <rect state="1"> | |
70 | <color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /> | |
71 | </rect> | |
72 | <rect state="0"> | |
73 | <color red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.5" /> | |
74 | </rect> | |
75 | <text string="5 LINES"> | |
76 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
77 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
78 | </text> | |
79 | </element> | |
80 | ||
81 | <element name="reserve"> | |
82 | <rect state="1"> | |
83 | <color red="0.0" green="1.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
84 | </rect> | |
85 | <rect state="0"> | |
86 | <color red="0.0" green="0.5" blue="0.0" /> | |
87 | </rect> | |
88 | <text string="RESERVE"> | |
89 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
90 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
91 | </text> | |
92 | </element> | |
93 | ||
94 | <element name="bet1"> | |
95 | <rect state="1"> | |
96 | <color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /> | |
97 | </rect> | |
98 | <rect state="0"> | |
99 | <color red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.5" /> | |
100 | </rect> | |
101 | <text string="BET 1"> | |
102 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
103 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
104 | </text> | |
105 | </element> | |
106 | ||
107 | <element name="bet2"> | |
108 | <rect state="1"> | |
109 | <color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /> | |
110 | </rect> | |
111 | <rect state="0"> | |
112 | <color red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.5" /> | |
113 | </rect> | |
114 | <text string="BET 2"> | |
115 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
116 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
117 | </text> | |
118 | </element> | |
119 | ||
120 | <element name="bet3"> | |
121 | <rect state="1"> | |
122 | <color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /> | |
123 | </rect> | |
124 | <rect state="0"> | |
125 | <color red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.5" /> | |
126 | </rect> | |
127 | <text string="BET 3"> | |
128 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
129 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
130 | </text> | |
131 | </element> | |
132 | ||
133 | <element name="bet4"> | |
134 | <rect state="1"> | |
135 | <color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /> | |
136 | </rect> | |
137 | <rect state="0"> | |
138 | <color red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.5" /> | |
139 | </rect> | |
140 | <text string="BET 4"> | |
141 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
142 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
143 | </text> | |
144 | </element> | |
145 | ||
146 | <element name="bet5"> | |
147 | <rect state="1"> | |
148 | <color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /> | |
149 | </rect> | |
150 | <rect state="0"> | |
151 | <color red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.5" /> | |
152 | </rect> | |
153 | <text string="BET 5"> | |
154 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
155 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
156 | </text> | |
157 | </element> | |
158 | ||
159 | <element name="light tower1"> | |
160 | <disk state="1"> | |
161 | <color red="1.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
162 | </disk> | |
163 | <disk state="0"> | |
164 | <color red="0.5" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
165 | </disk> | |
166 | <text string=""> | |
167 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
168 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
169 | </text> | |
170 | </element> | |
171 | ||
172 | <element name="light tower2"> | |
173 | <disk state="1"> | |
174 | <color red="1.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
175 | </disk> | |
176 | <disk state="0"> | |
177 | <color red="0.5" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
178 | </disk> | |
179 | <text string=""> | |
180 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
181 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
182 | </text> | |
183 | </element> | |
184 | ||
185 | <element name="light tower3"> | |
186 | <disk state="1"> | |
187 | <color red="1.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
188 | </disk> | |
189 | <disk state="0"> | |
190 | <color red="0.5" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
191 | </disk> | |
192 | <text string=""> | |
193 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
194 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
195 | </text> | |
196 | </element> | |
197 | ||
198 | <element name="light tower4"> | |
199 | <disk state="1"> | |
200 | <color red="1.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
201 | </disk> | |
202 | <disk state="0"> | |
203 | <color red="0.5" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
204 | </disk> | |
205 | <text string=""> | |
206 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
207 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
208 | </text> | |
209 | </element> | |
210 | ||
211 | ||
212 | <element name="auditkey"> | |
213 | <rect state="1"> | |
214 | <color red="0.5" green="0.35" blue="0.0" /> | |
215 | </rect> | |
216 | <rect state="0"> | |
217 | <color red="1.0" green="0.7" blue="0.0" /> | |
218 | </rect> | |
219 | <text string="Audit Key"> | |
220 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
221 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
222 | </text> | |
223 | </element> | |
224 | ||
225 | <element name="jackpotkey"> | |
226 | <rect state="1"> | |
227 | <color red="0.2" green="0.2" blue="0.2" /> | |
228 | </rect> | |
229 | <rect state="0"> | |
230 | <color red="0.4" green="0.4" blue="0.4" /> | |
231 | </rect> | |
232 | <text string="Jackpot Key"> | |
233 | <color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /> | |
234 | <bounds x="0" y="0.1" width="1" height="0.8" /> | |
235 | </text> | |
236 | </element> | |
237 | ||
238 | <view name="Button Lamps"> | |
239 | <screen index="0"> | |
240 | <bounds left="0" top="0" right="4" bottom="3" /> | |
241 | </screen> | |
242 | ||
243 | <bezel name="lamp11" element="cashout"> | |
244 | <bounds x="0.67" y="3.02" width="0.31" height="0.24" /> | |
245 | </bezel> | |
246 | ||
247 | <bezel name="lamp6" element="1 line"> | |
248 | <bounds x="1.08" y="3.02" width="0.31" height="0.24" /> | |
249 | </bezel> | |
250 | ||
251 | <bezel name="lamp5" element="2 lines"> | |
252 | <bounds x="1.49" y="3.02" width="0.31" height="0.24" /> | |
253 | </bezel> | |
254 | ||
255 | <bezel name="lamp8" element="3 lines"> | |
256 | <bounds x="1.91" y="3.02" width="0.31" height="0.24" /> | |
257 | </bezel> | |
258 | ||
259 | <bezel name="lamp12" element="4 lines"> | |
260 | <bounds x="2.31" y="3.02" width="0.31" height="0.24" /> | |
261 | </bezel> | |
262 | ||
263 | <bezel name="lamp7" element="5 lines"> | |
264 | <bounds x="2.72" y="3.02" width="0.31" height="0.24" /> | |
265 | </bezel> | |
266 | ||
267 | <bezel name="lamp10" element="reserve"> | |
268 | <bounds x="0.67" y="3.28" width="0.31" height="0.24" /> | |
269 | </bezel> | |
270 | ||
271 | <bezel name="lamp1" element="bet1"> | |
272 | <bounds x="1.08" y="3.28" width="0.31" height="0.24" /> | |
273 | </bezel> | |
274 | ||
275 | <bezel name="lamp2" element="bet2"> | |
276 | <bounds x="1.49" y="3.28" width="0.31" height="0.24" /> | |
277 | </bezel> | |
278 | ||
279 | <bezel name="lamp3" element="bet3"> | |
280 | <bounds x="1.91" y="3.28" width="0.31" height="0.24" /> | |
281 | </bezel> | |
282 | ||
283 | <bezel name="lamp9" element="bet4"> | |
284 | <bounds x="2.31" y="3.28" width="0.31" height="0.24" /> | |
285 | </bezel> | |
286 | ||
287 | <bezel name="lamp4" element="bet5"> | |
288 | <bounds x="2.72" y="3.28" width="0.31" height="0.24" /> | |
289 | </bezel> | |
290 | ||
291 | <bezel name="lamp14" element="light tower1"> | |
292 | <bounds x="3.70" y="3.28" width="0.10" height="0.10" /> | |
293 | </bezel> | |
294 | ||
295 | <bezel name="lamp15" element="light tower2"> | |
296 | <bounds x="3.80" y="3.28" width="0.10" height="0.10" /> | |
297 | </bezel> | |
298 | ||
299 | <bezel name="lamp16" element="light tower3"> | |
300 | <bounds x="3.70" y="3.38" width="0.10" height="0.10" /> | |
301 | </bezel> | |
302 | ||
303 | <bezel name="lamp17" element="light tower4"> | |
304 | <bounds x="3.80" y="3.38" width="0.10" height="0.10" /> | |
305 | </bezel> | |
306 | ||
307 | <bezel name="lamp19" element="auditkey"> | |
308 | <bounds x="0.26" y="3.09" width="0.31" height="0.12" /> | |
309 | </bezel> | |
310 | ||
311 | <bezel name="lamp20" element="jackpotkey"> | |
312 | <bounds x="0.26" y="3.34" width="0.31" height="0.12" /> | |
313 | </bezel> | |
314 | ||
315 | </view> | |
316 | </mamelayout> |
r250335 | r250336 | |
709 | 709 | { |
710 | 710 | ma += m_asic.horiz_disp; |
711 | 711 | } |
712 | m_gate_array.address = ( ( ma & 0x3000 ) << 2 ) | ( ( m_gate_array.ra & 0x07 ) << 11 ) | ( ( ma & 0x3ff ) << 1 ); | |
712 | ||
713 | m_gate_array.address = ( ( ma & 0x3000 ) << 2 ) | ( ( ra & 0x07 ) << 11 ) | ( ( ma & 0x3ff ) << 1 ); | |
713 | 714 | = m_ram->pointer()[ m_gate_array.address ]; |
714 | caddr = 0x2400 + m_gate_array.mode_lookup[] * 2; | |
715 | if((m_asic.ram[0x2804] & 0x80) && m_asic.hsync_first_tick) | |
716 | caddr = 0x2420; | |
717 | else | |
718 | caddr = 0x2400 + m_gate_array.mode_lookup[] * 2; | |
715 | 719 | m_gate_array.colour = m_asic.ram[caddr] + ( m_asic.ram[caddr+1] << 8 ); |
716 | 720 | m_gate_array.colour_ticks = m_gate_array.max_colour_ticks; |
717 | 721 | m_gate_array.ticks = 0; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
750 | 754 | UINT16 caddr; |
751 | 755 | |
752 | 756 | <<= 1; |
753 | caddr = 0x2400 + m_gate_array.mode_lookup[] * 2; | |
757 | if((m_asic.ram[0x2804] & 0x80) && m_asic.hsync_first_tick) | |
758 | caddr = 0x2420; | |
759 | else | |
760 | caddr = 0x2400 + m_gate_array.mode_lookup[] * 2; | |
754 | 761 | m_gate_array.colour = m_asic.ram[caddr] + ( m_asic.ram[caddr+1] << 8 ); |
755 | 762 | m_gate_array.colour_ticks = m_gate_array.max_colour_ticks; |
756 | 763 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
762 | 769 | UINT16 caddr; |
763 | 770 | |
764 | 771 | = m_ram->pointer()[ m_gate_array.address + 1 ]; |
765 | caddr = 0x2400 + m_gate_array.mode_lookup[] * 2; | |
772 | if((m_asic.ram[0x2804] & 0x80) && m_asic.hsync_first_tick) | |
773 | caddr = 0x2420; | |
774 | else | |
775 | caddr = 0x2400 + m_gate_array.mode_lookup[] * 2; | |
766 | 776 | m_gate_array.colour = m_asic.ram[caddr] + ( m_asic.ram[caddr+1] << 8 ); |
767 | 777 | } |
768 | 778 | break; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
776 | 786 | m_gate_array.draw_p++; |
777 | 787 | cycles_passed--; |
778 | 788 | m_gate_array.line_ticks++; |
789 | m_asic.hsync_tick_count++; | |
790 | if(m_asic.hsync_tick_count > 16) | |
791 | m_asic.hsync_first_tick = false; | |
779 | 792 | if ( m_gate_array.line_ticks >= m_gate_array.bitmap->width() ) |
780 | 793 | { |
781 | 794 | m_gate_array.draw_p = NULL; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
931 | 944 | // CPC+/GX4000 Programmable Raster Interrupt (disabled if &6800 in ASIC RAM is 0) |
932 | 945 | if ( m_asic.pri != 0 ) |
933 | 946 | { |
934 | if ( m_asic.pri == m_asic.vpos | |
947 | if ( m_asic.pri == m_asic.vpos ) | |
935 | 948 | { |
936 | 949 | logerror("PRI: triggered, scanline %d\n",m_asic.pri); |
937 | 950 | m_maincpu->set_input_line(0, ASSERT_LINE); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1030 | 1043 | /* DE became active, store the starting MA and RA signals */ |
1031 | 1044 | = m_crtc->get_ma(); |
1032 | 1045 | m_gate_array.ra = m_crtc->get_ra(); |
1046 | ||
1047 | m_asic.hsync_first_tick = true; | |
1048 | m_asic.hsync_tick_count = 0; | |
1033 | 1049 | m_asic.h_start = m_gate_array.line_ticks; |
1034 | 1050 | if(m_asic.de_start == 0) |
1035 | m_asic.vpos = | |
1051 | m_asic.vpos = 0; | |
1036 | 1052 | m_asic.de_start = 1; |
1053 | m_gate_array.colour = m_asic.ram[0x2420] + ( m_asic.ram[0x2421] << 8 ); | |
1054 | m_asic.hscroll = m_asic.ram[0x2804] & 0x0f; | |
1055 | if ( m_asic.hscroll == 0 ) | |
1056 | amstrad_plus_gate_array_get_video_data(); | |
1037 | 1057 | |
1038 | 1058 | /* Start of screen */ |
1039 | if ( m_asic.vpos == | |
1059 | if ( m_asic.vpos == 0 ) | |
1040 | 1060 | { |
1041 | 1061 | m_asic.split_ma_base = 0x0000; |
1042 | 1062 | m_asic.split_ma_started = 0x0000; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1047 | 1067 | m_asic.split_ma_started =; |
1048 | 1068 | m_asic.split_ma_base = ( m_asic.ram[0x2802] << 8 ) | m_asic.ram[0x2803]; |
1049 | 1069 | } |
1050 | ||
1051 | m_gate_array.colour = m_asic.ram[0x2420] + ( m_asic.ram[0x2421] << 8 ); | |
1052 | m_asic.hscroll = m_asic.ram[0x2804] & 0x0f; | |
1053 | ||
1054 | if ( m_asic.hscroll == 0 ) | |
1055 | amstrad_plus_gate_array_get_video_data(); | |
1056 | 1070 | } |
1057 | 1071 | |
1058 | 1072 | if ( && ! state ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
4 | 4 | |
5 | 5 | machine.c |
6 | 6 | |
7 | Functions to emulate general aspects of the machine (RAM, ROM, interrupts, | |
8 | I/O ports) | |
7 | Functions to emulate general aspects of the machine | |
8 | (RAM, ROM, interrupts, I/O ports) | |
9 | 9 | |
10 | 10 | ***************************************************************************/ |
11 | 11 | |
12 | 12 | #include "emu.h" |
13 | 13 | #include "machine/atari_vg.h" |
14 | #include "video/avgdvg.h" | |
15 | 14 | #include "includes/asteroid.h" |
16 | 15 | |
17 | 16 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
551 | 551 | if ((offset>=0x200) && (offset<=0x2ff)) /* SHEILA */ |
552 | 552 | { |
553 | 553 | myo = offset-0x200; |
554 | if ((myo>=0x00) && (myo<=0x06) && (myo+0x01) & 1) return m_mc6845->status_r(space, myo-0x00); /* Video controller */ | |
555 | if ((myo>=0x01) && (myo<=0x07) && (myo & 1)) return m_mc6845->register_r(space, myo-0x01); | |
554 | if ((myo>=0x00) && (myo<=0x06) && (myo+0x01) & 1) return m_hd6845->status_r(space, myo-0x00); /* Video controller */ | |
555 | if ((myo>=0x01) && (myo<=0x07) && (myo & 1)) return m_hd6845->register_r(space, myo-0x01); | |
556 | 556 | if ((myo>=0x08) && (myo<=0x0e) && (myo+0x01) & 1) return m_acia ? m_acia->status_r(space, myo-0x08) : 0xfe; /* Serial controller */ |
557 | 557 | if ((myo>=0x09) && (myo<=0x0f) && (myo & 1)) return m_acia ? m_acia->data_r(space, myo-0x09) : 0xfe; |
558 | 558 | if ((myo>=0x10) && (myo<=0x17)) return 0xfe; /* Serial System Chip */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
569 | 569 | if ((myo>=0x60) && (myo<=0x7f)) return m_via6522_1 ? m_via6522_1->read(space, myo-0x60) : 0xfe; |
570 | 570 | if ((myo>=0x80) && (myo<=0x9f)) return 0xfe; |
571 | 571 | if ((myo>=0xa0) && (myo<=0xbf)) return m_adlc ? m_adlc->read(space, myo & 0x03) : 0xfe; |
572 | if ((myo>=0xc0) && (myo<=0xdf)) return 0xfe; | |
573 | if ((myo>=0xe0) && (myo<=0xff)) return 0xfe; | |
572 | if ((myo>=0xc0) && (myo<=0xdf)) return 0xff; | |
573 | if ((myo>=0xe0) && (myo<=0xff)) return 0xff; | |
574 | 574 | } |
575 | 575 | return 0xfe; |
576 | 576 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
582 | 582 | if ((offset>=0x200) && (offset<=0x2ff)) /* SHEILA */ |
583 | 583 | { |
584 | 584 | myo=offset-0x200; |
585 | if ((myo>=0x00) && (myo<=0x06) && (myo+0x01) & 1) m_mc6845->address_w(space, myo-0x00, data); /* Video Controller */ | |
586 | if ((myo>=0x01) && (myo<=0x07) && (myo & 1)) m_mc6845->register_w(space, myo-0x01, data); | |
585 | if ((myo>=0x00) && (myo<=0x06) && (myo+0x01) & 1) m_hd6845->address_w(space, myo-0x00, data); /* Video Controller */ | |
586 | if ((myo>=0x01) && (myo<=0x07) && (myo & 1)) m_hd6845->register_w(space, myo-0x01, data); | |
587 | 587 | if ((myo>=0x08) && (myo<=0x0e) && (myo+0x01) & 1) if (m_acia) m_acia->control_w(space, myo-0x08, data); /* Serial controller */ |
588 | 588 | if ((myo>=0x09) && (myo<=0x0f) && (myo & 1)) if (m_acia) m_acia->data_w(space, myo-0x09, data); |
589 | 589 | if ((myo>=0x10) && (myo<=0x17)) bbc_SerialULA_w(space, myo-0x10, data); /* Serial System Chip */ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
893 | 893 | } |
894 | 894 | break; |
895 | 895 | case 1: |
896 | if (m_ | |
896 | if (m_machinetype == MASTER && m_MC146818_WR == 0) | |
897 | 897 | { |
898 | 898 | /* BBC Master has NVRAM Here */ |
899 | 899 | m_MC146818_WR = 1; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
911 | 911 | } |
912 | 912 | break; |
913 | 913 | case 2: |
914 | if (m_ | |
914 | if (m_machinetype == MASTER && m_MC146818_DS == 0) | |
915 | 915 | { |
916 | 916 | /* BBC Master has NVRAM Here */ |
917 | 917 | m_MC146818_DS = 1; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
976 | 976 | } |
977 | 977 | break; |
978 | 978 | case 1: |
979 | if (m_ | |
979 | if (m_machinetype == MASTER && m_MC146818_WR == 1) | |
980 | 980 | { |
981 | 981 | /* BBC Master has NVRAM Here */ |
982 | 982 | m_MC146818_WR = 0; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
994 | 994 | } |
995 | 995 | break; |
996 | 996 | case 2: |
997 | if (m_ | |
997 | if (m_machinetype == MASTER && m_MC146818_DS == 1) | |
998 | 998 | { |
999 | 999 | /* BBC Master has NVRAM Here */ |
1000 | 1000 | m_MC146818_DS = 0; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1051 | 1051 | } |
1052 | 1052 | |
1053 | 1053 | |
1054 | if (m_ | |
1054 | if (m_machinetype == MASTER) | |
1055 | 1055 | { |
1056 | 1056 | //set the Address Select |
1057 | 1057 | if (m_MC146818_AS != BIT(data,7)) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1720 | 1720 | |
1721 | 1721 | MACHINE_START_MEMBER(bbc_state, bbca) |
1722 | 1722 | { |
1723 | m_machinetype = MODELA; | |
1723 | 1724 | bbc_setup_banks(m_bank4, 4, 0, 0x4000); |
1724 | 1725 | } |
1725 | 1726 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1749 | 1750 | |
1750 | 1751 | MACHINE_START_MEMBER(bbc_state, bbcb) |
1751 | 1752 | { |
1753 | m_machinetype = MODELB; | |
1752 | 1754 | m_mc6850_clock = 0; |
1753 | 1755 | bbc_setup_banks(m_bank4, 16, 0, 0x4000); |
1754 | 1756 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1771 | 1773 | |
1772 | 1774 | MACHINE_START_MEMBER(bbc_state, bbcbp) |
1773 | 1775 | { |
1776 | m_machinetype = BPLUS; | |
1774 | 1777 | m_mc6850_clock = 0; |
1775 | 1778 | |
1776 | 1779 | m_maincpu->space(AS_PROGRAM).set_direct_update_handler(direct_update_delegate(FUNC(bbc_state::bbcbp_direct_handler), this)); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1795 | 1798 | |
1796 | 1799 | MACHINE_START_MEMBER(bbc_state, bbcm) |
1797 | 1800 | { |
1801 | m_machinetype = MASTER; | |
1798 | 1802 | m_mc6850_clock = 0; |
1799 | 1803 | |
1800 | 1804 | m_maincpu->space(AS_PROGRAM).set_direct_update_handler(direct_update_delegate(FUNC(bbc_state::bbcm_direct_handler), this)); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1818 | 1822 | |
1819 | 1823 | bbcb_IC32_initialise(this); |
1820 | 1824 | } |
1825 | ||
1826 | ||
1827 | MACHINE_START_MEMBER(bbc_state, bbcmc) | |
1828 | { | |
1830 | ||
1831 | m_machinetype = COMPACT; | |
1832 | } | |
1833 | ||
1834 | MACHINE_RESET_MEMBER(bbc_state, bbcmc) | |
1835 | { | |
1837 | } | |
No newline at end of file |
r250335 | r250336 | |
183 | 183 | case 0x1fffc: m_cryptdevice->set_subkey(data); return; |
184 | 184 | } |
185 | 185 | } |
186 | | |
186 | logerror("NAOMIM2: unhandled board write %08x, %04x\n", offset, data); | |
187 | 187 | } |
188 | 188 | |
189 | 189 | UINT16 naomi_m2_board::read_callback(UINT32 addr) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
444 | 444 | uniap2en // 1982 Unitron AP II (in English) |
445 | 445 | uniap2pt // 1982 Unitron AP II (in Brazilian Portuguese) |
446 | 446 | uniap2ti // 1982 Unitron AP II+ (Teclado Inteligente) |
447 | microeng // 1982 Micro Engenho (Brazilian Apple2 clone) - Spectrum/SCOPUS | |
447 | 448 | apple2jp // ??? ???? Apple ][j+ |
448 | 449 | apple2e // Jan 1983 Apple //e |
449 | 450 | apple2euk // Jan 1983 Apple //e (UK) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
171 | 171 | SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(0, code, color, 0); |
172 | 172 | } |
173 | 173 | |
174 | ||
174 | void arkanoid_state::video_start() | |
175 | 175 | { |
176 | 176 | m_bg_tilemap = &machine().tilemap().create(m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(arkanoid_state::get_bg_tile_info),this), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8, 8, 32, 32); |
177 | 177 | } |
r250335 | r250336 | |
22 | 22 | * |
23 | 23 | *************************************/ |
24 | 24 | |
25 | #define MASTER_CLOCK (12096000) | |
26 | #define VGSLICE (10000) | |
27 | 25 | #define VGVECTOR 0 |
28 | 26 | #define VGCLIP 1 |
29 | 27 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
43 | 41 | |
44 | 42 | void avgdvg_device::set_flip_x(int flip) |
45 | 43 | { |
46 | flip | |
44 | m_flipx = flip; | |
47 | 45 | } |
48 | 46 | |
49 | 47 | void avgdvg_device::set_flip_y(int flip) |
50 | 48 | { |
51 | flip | |
49 | m_flipy = flip; | |
52 | 50 | } |
53 | 51 | |
54 | 52 | void avgdvg_device::apply_flipping(int *x, int *y) |
55 | 53 | { |
56 | if (flip_x) | |
57 | *x += (xcenter - *x) << 1; | |
58 | if (flip_y) | |
59 | *y += (ycenter - *y) << 1; | |
54 | if (m_flipx) | |
55 | *x += (m_xcenter - *x) << 1; | |
56 | if (m_flipy) | |
57 | *y += (m_ycenter - *y) << 1; | |
60 | 58 | } |
61 | 59 | |
62 | 60 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
74 | 72 | i++; |
75 | 73 | m_vector->add_point(vectbuf[i].x, vectbuf[i].y, vectbuf[i].color, 0); |
76 | 74 | |
77 | for (i = 0; i < nvect; i++) | |
75 | for (i = 0; i < m_nvect; i++) | |
78 | 76 | { |
79 | 77 | if (vectbuf[i].status == VGVECTOR) |
80 | 78 | m_vector->add_point(vectbuf[i].x, vectbuf[i].y, vectbuf[i].color, vectbuf[i].intensity); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
83 | 81 | m_vector->add_clip(vectbuf[i].x, vectbuf[i].y, vectbuf[i].arg1, vectbuf[i].arg2); |
84 | 82 | } |
85 | 83 | |
86 | nvect=0; | |
84 | m_nvect=0; | |
87 | 85 | } |
88 | 86 | |
89 | 87 | void avgdvg_device::vg_add_point_buf(int x, int y, rgb_t color, int intensity) |
90 | 88 | { |
91 | if (nvect < MAXVECT) | |
89 | if (m_nvect < MAXVECT) | |
92 | 90 | { |
93 | vectbuf[nvect].status = VGVECTOR; | |
94 | vectbuf[nvect].x = x; | |
95 | vectbuf[nvect].y = y; | |
96 | vectbuf[nvect].color = color; | |
97 | vectbuf[nvect].intensity = intensity; | |
98 | nvect++; | |
91 | vectbuf[m_nvect].status = VGVECTOR; | |
92 | vectbuf[m_nvect].x = x; | |
93 | vectbuf[m_nvect].y = y; | |
94 | vectbuf[m_nvect].color = color; | |
95 | vectbuf[m_nvect].intensity = intensity; | |
96 | m_nvect++; | |
99 | 97 | } |
100 | 98 | } |
101 | 99 | |
102 | void avgdvg_device::vg_add_clip | |
100 | void avgdvg_device::vg_add_clip(int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax) | |
103 | 101 | { |
104 | if (nvect < MAXVECT) | |
102 | if (m_nvect < MAXVECT) | |
105 | 103 | { |
106 | vectbuf[nvect].status = VGCLIP; | |
107 | vectbuf[nvect].x = xmin; | |
108 | vectbuf[nvect].y = ymin; | |
109 | vectbuf[nvect].arg1 = xmax; | |
110 | vectbuf[nvect].arg2 = ymax; | |
111 | nvect++; | |
104 | vectbuf[m_nvect].status = VGCLIP; | |
105 | vectbuf[m_nvect].x = xmin; | |
106 | vectbuf[m_nvect].y = ymin; | |
107 | vectbuf[m_nvect].arg1 = xmax; | |
108 | vectbuf[m_nvect].arg2 = ymax; | |
109 | m_nvect++; | |
112 | 110 | } |
113 | 111 | } |
114 | 112 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
121 | 119 | |
122 | 120 | void dvg_device::update_databus() // dvg_data |
123 | 121 | { |
124 | /* | |
125 | * DVG uses low bit of state for address | |
126 | */ | |
122 | // DVG uses low bit of state for address | |
127 | 123 | m_data = avgdvg_vectorram[(m_pc << 1) | (m_state_latch & 1)]; |
128 | 124 | } |
129 | 125 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
167 | 163 | void dvg_device::dvg_draw_to(int x, int y, int intensity) |
168 | 164 | { |
169 | 165 | if (((x | y) & 0x400) == 0) |
170 | vg_add_point_buf((xmin + x - 512) << 16, | |
171 | (ymin + 512 - y) << 16, | |
166 | vg_add_point_buf((m_xmin + x - 512) << 16, | |
167 | (m_ymin + 512 - y) << 16, | |
172 | 168 | VECTOR_COLOR111(7), intensity << 4); |
173 | 169 | } |
174 | 170 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
594 | 590 | { |
595 | 591 | cycles = 0x8000 - m_timer; |
596 | 592 | m_timer = 0; |
597 | m_xpos = xcenter; | |
598 | m_ypos = ycenter; | |
593 | m_xpos = m_xcenter; | |
594 | m_ypos = m_ycenter; | |
599 | 595 | vg_add_point_buf(m_xpos, m_ypos, 0, 0); |
600 | 596 | } |
601 | 597 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
627 | 623 | { |
628 | 624 | if ((OP2 == 0) && (m_dvy12 == 0)) |
629 | 625 | { |
630 | /* Contrary to previous documentation in MAME, | |
631 | Tempest does not have the m_enspkl bit. */ | |
626 | /* Contrary to previous documentation in MAME, Tempest does not have the m_enspkl bit. */ | |
632 | 627 | if (m_dvy & 0x800) |
633 | 628 | m_color = m_dvy & 0xf; |
634 | 629 | else |
r250335 | r250336 | |
662 | 657 | |
663 | 658 | apply_flipping(&x, &y); |
664 | 659 | |
665 | vg_add_point_buf(y - ycenter + xcenter, | |
666 | x - xcenter + ycenter, rgb_t(r, g, b), | |
660 | vg_add_point_buf(y - m_ycenter + m_xcenter, | |
661 | x - m_xcenter + m_ycenter, rgb_t(r, g, b), | |
667 | 662 | (((m_int_latch >> 1) == 1)? m_intensity: m_int_latch & 0xe) << 4); |
668 | 663 | } |
669 | 664 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
681 | 676 | * avg_common_strobe2). If we don't discard all vectors in the |
682 | 677 | * current buffer at this point, the screen starts flickering. |
683 | 678 | */ |
684 | nvect = 0; | |
679 | m_nvect = 0; | |
685 | 680 | } |
686 | 681 | #endif |
687 | 682 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
699 | 694 | |
700 | 695 | if (m_lst == 0) |
701 | 696 | { |
702 | vg_add_clip(0, m_ypos, xmax << 16, ymax << 16); | |
697 | vg_add_clip(0, m_ypos, m_xmax << 16, m_ymax << 16); | |
703 | 698 | } |
704 | 699 | m_lst = 1; |
705 | 700 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
822 | 817 | { |
823 | 818 | cycles = 0x8000 - m_timer; |
824 | 819 | m_timer = 0; |
825 | m_xpos = xcenter; | |
826 | m_ypos = ycenter; | |
820 | m_xpos = m_xcenter; | |
821 | m_ypos = m_ycenter; | |
827 | 822 | vg_add_point_buf(m_xpos, m_ypos, 0, 0); |
828 | 823 | } |
829 | 824 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
910 | 905 | * avg_common_strobe2). If we don't discard all vectors in the |
911 | 906 | * current buffer at this point, the screen starts flickering. |
912 | 907 | */ |
913 | nvect = 0; | |
908 | m_nvect = 0; | |
914 | 909 | } |
915 | 910 | |
916 | 911 | int avg_quantum_device::handler_0() // quantum_st2st3 |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1040 | 1035 | |
1041 | 1036 | apply_flipping(&x, &y); |
1042 | 1037 | |
1043 | vg_add_point_buf(y - ycenter + xcenter, | |
1044 | x - xcenter + ycenter, rgb_t(r, g, b), | |
1045 | ((m_int_latch == 2)? m_intensity: m_int_latch) << 4); | |
1038 | vg_add_point_buf(y - m_ycenter + m_xcenter, x - m_xcenter + m_ycenter, | |
1039 | rgb_t(r, g, b), | |
1040 | ((m_int_latch == 2)? m_intensity: m_int_latch) << 4); | |
1046 | 1041 | } |
1047 | 1042 | if (OP2) |
1048 | 1043 | { |
1049 | 1044 | cycles = 0x4000 - m_timer; |
1050 | 1045 | m_timer = 0; |
1051 | m_xpos = xcenter; | |
1052 | m_ypos = ycenter; | |
1046 | m_xpos = m_xcenter; | |
1047 | m_ypos = m_ycenter; | |
1053 | 1048 | vg_add_point_buf(m_xpos, m_ypos, 0, 0); |
1054 | 1049 | } |
1055 | 1050 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1165 | 1160 | |
1166 | 1161 | /************************************* |
1167 | 1162 | * |
1168 | * halt function | |
1163 | * halt function | |
1169 | 1164 | * |
1170 | 1165 | *************************************/ |
1171 | 1166 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1175 | 1170 | m_sync_halt = dummy; |
1176 | 1171 | } |
1177 | 1172 | |
1178 | TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER( avgdvg_device::vg_set_halt_callback ) | |
1179 | { | |
1180 | vg_set_halt(param); | |
1181 | } | |
1182 | 1173 | |
1183 | ||
1184 | 1174 | /******************************************************************** |
1185 | 1175 | * |
1186 | 1176 | * State Machine |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1194 | 1184 | * |
1195 | 1185 | *******************************************************************/ |
1196 | 1186 | |
1197 | ||
1187 | void avgdvg_device::execute_run() | |
1198 | 1188 | { |
1199 | int cycles = 0; | |
1189 | if (m_halt) | |
1190 | { | |
1191 | m_icount = 0; | |
1192 | return; | |
1193 | } | |
1194 | ||
1200 | 1195 | UINT8 *state_prom = machine().root_device().memregion("user1")->base(); |
1201 | 1196 | |
1202 | while (c | |
1197 | while (m_icount > 0) | |
1203 | 1198 | { |
1204 | 1199 | /* Get next state */ |
1205 | 1200 | m_state_latch = (m_state_latch & 0x10) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1212 | 1207 | |
1213 | 1208 | /* Decode state and call the corresponding handler */ |
1214 | 1209 | switch(m_state_latch & 7) { |
1215 | case 0 : cycles += handler_0(); break; | |
1216 | case 1 : cycles += handler_1(); break; | |
1217 | case 2 : cycles += handler_2(); break; | |
1218 | case 3 : cycles += handler_3(); break; | |
1219 | case 4 : cycles += handler_4(); break; | |
1220 | case 5 : cycles += handler_5(); break; | |
1221 | case 6 : cycles += handler_6(); break; | |
1222 | case 7 : cycles += handler_7(); break; | |
1210 | case 0 : m_icount -= handler_0(); break; | |
1211 | case 1 : m_icount -= handler_1(); break; | |
1212 | case 2 : m_icount -= handler_2(); break; | |
1213 | case 3 : m_icount -= handler_3(); break; | |
1214 | case 4 : m_icount -= handler_4(); break; | |
1215 | case 5 : m_icount -= handler_5(); break; | |
1216 | case 6 : m_icount -= handler_6(); break; | |
1217 | case 7 : m_icount -= handler_7(); break; | |
1223 | 1218 | } |
1224 | 1219 | } |
1225 | 1220 | |
1226 | /* If halt flag was set, let CPU catch up before we make halt visible */ | |
1227 | if (m_halt && !(m_state_latch & 0x10)) | |
1228 | vg_halt_timer->adjust(attotime::from_hz(MASTER_CLOCK) * cycles, 1); | |
1221 | // Halt if flag was set | |
1222 | if (m_halt && !(m_state_latch & 0x10)) | |
1223 | { | |
1224 | vg_set_halt(1); | |
1225 | } | |
1229 | 1226 | |
1230 | 1227 | m_state_latch = (m_halt << 4) | (m_state_latch & 0xf); |
1231 | c | |
1228 | m_icount -= 8; | |
1232 | 1229 | } |
1233 | ||
1234 | vg_run_timer->adjust(attotime::from_hz(MASTER_CLOCK) * cycles); | |
1235 | 1230 | } |
1236 | 1231 | |
1237 | 1232 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1250 | 1245 | { |
1251 | 1246 | vggo(); |
1252 | 1247 | |
1253 | if (m_sync_halt && (nvect > 10)) | |
1248 | if (m_sync_halt && (m_nvect > 10)) | |
1254 | 1249 | { |
1255 | 1250 | /* |
1256 | 1251 | * This is a good time to start a new frame. Major Havoc |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1262 | 1257 | vg_flush(); |
1263 | 1258 | |
1264 | 1259 | vg_set_halt(0); |
1265 | vg_run_timer->adjust(attotime::zero); | |
1266 | 1260 | } |
1267 | 1261 | |
1268 | 1262 | WRITE16_MEMBER( avgdvg_device::go_word_w ) |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1285 | 1279 | |
1286 | 1280 | WRITE16_MEMBER( avgdvg_device::reset_word_w ) |
1287 | 1281 | { |
1288 | reset_w | |
1282 | reset_w(space,0,0); | |
1289 | 1283 | } |
1290 | 1284 | |
1291 | 1285 | /************************************* |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1328 | 1322 | save_item(NAME(m_clipx_max)); |
1329 | 1323 | save_item(NAME(m_clipy_max)); |
1330 | 1324 | |
1331 | save_item(NAME(flip_x)); | |
1332 | save_item(NAME(flip_y)); | |
1325 | save_item(NAME(m_flipx)); | |
1326 | save_item(NAME(m_flipy)); | |
1333 | 1327 | save_pointer(NAME(avgdvg_vectorram), avgdvg_vectorram_size); |
1334 | 1328 | } |
1335 | 1329 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1345 | 1339 | |
1346 | 1340 | avgdvg_colorram = reinterpret_cast<UINT8 *>(machine().root_device().memshare("colorram")->ptr()); |
1347 | 1341 | |
1348 | xmin = visarea.min_x; | |
1349 | ymin = visarea.min_y; | |
1350 | xmax = visarea.max_x; | |
1351 | ymax = visarea.max_y; | |
1342 | m_xmin = visarea.min_x; | |
1343 | m_ymin = visarea.min_y; | |
1344 | m_xmax = visarea.max_x; | |
1345 | m_ymax = visarea.max_y; | |
1352 | 1346 | |
1353 | xcenter = ((xmax - xmin) / 2) << 16; | |
1354 | ycenter = ((ymax - ymin) / 2) << 16; | |
1347 | m_xcenter = ((m_xmax - m_xmin) / 2) << 16; | |
1348 | m_ycenter = ((m_ymax - m_ymin) / 2) << 16; | |
1355 | 1349 | |
1356 | flip | |
1350 | m_flipx = m_flipy = 0; | |
1357 | 1351 | |
1358 | vg_halt_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(avgdvg_device::vg_set_halt_callback),this)); | |
1359 | vg_run_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(avgdvg_device::run_state_machine),this)); | |
1360 | ||
1361 | 1352 | /* |
1362 | 1353 | * The x and y DACs use 10 bit of the counter values which are in |
1363 | 1354 | * two's complement representation. The DAC input is xored with |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1366 | 1357 | m_xdac_xor = 0x200; |
1367 | 1358 | m_ydac_xor = 0x200; |
1368 | 1359 | |
1360 | m_icountptr = &m_icount; | |
1361 | ||
1369 | 1362 | register_state(); |
1370 | 1363 | } |
1371 | 1364 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1381 | 1374 | |
1382 | 1375 | avgdvg_colorram = reinterpret_cast<UINT8 *>(machine().root_device().memshare("colorram")->ptr()); |
1383 | 1376 | |
1384 | xmin = visarea.min_x; | |
1385 | ymin = visarea.min_y; | |
1377 | m_xmin = visarea.min_x; | |
1378 | m_ymin = visarea.min_y; | |
1386 | 1379 | |
1387 | vg_halt_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(avgdvg_device::vg_set_halt_callback),this)); | |
1388 | vg_run_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(avgdvg_device::run_state_machine),this)); | |
1389 | ||
1380 | m_icountptr = &m_icount; | |
1381 | ||
1390 | 1382 | register_state(); |
1391 | 1383 | } |
1392 | 1384 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1395 | 1387 | downcast<avgdvg_device &>(device).m_vector.set_tag(tag); |
1396 | 1388 | } |
1397 | 1389 | |
1398 | avgdvg_device::avgdvg_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : | |
1399 | device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), | |
1400 | m_vector(*this) | |
1390 | avgdvg_device::avgdvg_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) | |
1391 | : device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source) | |
1392 | , device_execute_interface(mconfig, *this) | |
1393 | , m_vector(*this) | |
1401 | 1394 | { |
1402 | 1395 | m_pc = 0; |
1403 | 1396 | m_sp = 0; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
1440 | 1433 | m_clipx_max = 0; |
1441 | 1434 | m_clipy_max = 0; |
1442 | 1435 | |
1443 | xmin = 0; | |
1444 | xmax = 0; | |
1445 | ymin = 0; | |
1446 | ymax = 0; | |
1447 | xcenter = 0; | |
1448 | ycenter = 0; | |
1449 | flip_x = 0; | |
1450 | flip_y = 0; | |
1451 | nvect = 0; | |
1436 | m_xmin = 0; | |
1437 | m_xmax = 0; | |
1438 | m_ymin = 0; | |
1439 | m_ymax = 0; | |
1440 | m_xcenter = 0; | |
1441 | m_ycenter = 0; | |
1442 | m_flipx = 0; | |
1443 | m_flipy = 0; | |
1444 | m_nvect = 0; | |
1452 | 1445 | } |
1453 | 1446 | |
1454 | 1447 | dvg_device::dvg_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : |
r250335 | r250336 | |
21 | 21 | |
22 | 22 | // ======================> avgdvg_device |
23 | 23 | |
24 | class avgdvg_device : public device_t | |
24 | class avgdvg_device : public device_t, | |
25 | public device_execute_interface | |
25 | 26 | { |
26 | 27 | public: |
27 | 28 | // construction/destruction |
r250335 | r250336 | |
40 | 41 | void set_flip_x(int flip); |
41 | 42 | void set_flip_y(int flip); |
42 | 43 | |
43 | TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(vg_set_halt_callback); | |
44 | TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(run_state_machine); | |
45 | 44 | protected: |
46 | 45 | void apply_flipping(int *x, int *y); |
47 | 46 | void vg_set_halt(int dummy); |
r250335 | r250336 | |
52 | 51 | |
53 | 52 | void register_state(); |
54 | 53 | |
54 | virtual void execute_run(); | |
55 | int m_icount; | |
56 | ||
55 | 57 | UINT8 *avgdvg_vectorram; |
56 | 58 | size_t avgdvg_vectorram_size; |
57 | 59 | |
58 | ||
60 | UINT8 *avgdvg_colorram; | |
59 | 61 | |
62 | int m_xmin, m_xmax, m_ymin, m_ymax; | |
63 | int m_xcenter, m_ycenter; | |
64 | int m_flipx, m_flipy; | |
60 | 65 | |
61 | int xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; | |
62 | int xcenter, ycenter; | |
63 | emu_timer *vg_run_timer, *vg_halt_timer; | |
64 | ||
65 | int flip_x, flip_y; | |
66 | ||
67 | int nvect; | |
66 | int m_nvect; | |
68 | 67 | vgvector vectbuf[MAXVECT]; |
69 | 68 | |
70 | ||
71 | 69 | UINT16 m_pc; |
72 | 70 | UINT8 m_sp; |
73 | 71 | UINT16 m_dvx; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
76 | 76 | if (BIT(ma,13)) |
77 | 77 | { |
78 | 78 | // IC 10 and IC 11 |
79 | m = ((ma&0x3ff) | 0x3c00) | ((s&0x8)<<11); | |
79 | m = ((ma & 0x3ff) | 0x3c00) | ((s & 0x8)<<11); | |
80 | 80 | } else { |
81 | 81 | // IC 8 and IC 9 |
82 | m = ((ma&0xff)<<3) | (s<<11) | (ra&0x7); | |
82 | m = ((ma & 0xff)<<3) | (s<<11) | (ra & 0x7); | |
83 | 83 | } |
84 | 84 | if (m_memorySize == 16) |
85 | 85 | return m & 0x3fff; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
144 | 144 | // Set the control register in the Video ULA |
145 | 145 | case 0: |
146 | 146 | m_videoULA_Reg = data; |
147 | m_videoULA_master_cursor_size = (m_videoULA_Reg | |
147 | m_videoULA_master_cursor_size = BIT(m_videoULA_Reg,7); | |
148 | 148 | m_videoULA_width_of_cursor = (m_videoULA_Reg>>5)&0x03; |
149 | m_videoULA_6845_clock_rate = (m_videoULA_Reg | |
149 | m_videoULA_6845_clock_rate = BIT(m_videoULA_Reg,4); | |
150 | 150 | m_videoULA_characters_per_line = (m_videoULA_Reg>>2)&0x03; |
151 | m_videoULA_teletext_normal_select = (m_videoULA_Reg>>1)&0x01; | |
152 | m_videoULA_flash_colour_select = m_videoULA_Reg &0x01; | |
151 | m_videoULA_teletext_normal_select = BIT(m_videoULA_Reg,1); | |
152 | m_videoULA_flash_colour_select = BIT(m_videoULA_Reg,0); | |
153 | 153 | |
154 | 154 | m_videoULA_palette_lookup = m_videoULA_flash_colour_select ? m_videoULA_palette0 : m_videoULA_palette1; |
155 | 155 | |
r250335 | r250336 | |
161 | 161 | else |
162 | 162 | m_pixels_per_byte = pixels_per_byte_set[m_videoULA_characters_per_line | (m_videoULA_6845_clock_rate<<2)]; |
163 | 163 | |
164 | m_ | |
164 | m_hd6845->set_hpixels_per_column(m_pixels_per_byte); | |
165 | 165 | if (m_videoULA_6845_clock_rate) |
166 | m_ | |
166 | m_hd6845->set_clock(XTAL_16MHz/8); | |
167 | 167 | else |
168 | m_ | |
168 | m_hd6845->set_clock(XTAL_16MHz/16); | |
169 | 169 | break; |
170 | 170 | // Set a palette register in the Video ULA |
171 | 171 | case 1: |
172 | int tpal = (data >> 4)&0x0f; | |
173 | int tcol = data&0x0f; | |
172 | int tpal = (data >> 4) & 0x0f; | |
173 | int tcol = data & 0x0f; | |
174 | 174 | m_videoULA_palette0[tpal] = tcol; |
175 | 175 | m_videoULA_palette1[tpal] = tcol<8 ? tcol : tcol^7; |
176 | 176 | break; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
226 | 226 | bitmap.pix32(y, (x_pos*m_pixels_per_byte)+pixelno) = rgb; |
227 | 227 | } |
228 | 228 | } |
229 | ||
230 | if (ra == 18) | |
231 | { | |
232 | m_trom->lose_w(1); | |
233 | m_trom->lose_w(0); | |
234 | } | |
235 | 229 | } |
236 | 230 | else |
237 | 231 | { |
r250335 | r250336 | |
582 | 582 | |
583 | 583 | /* draw the sprites -- note that it is important to draw them exactly in this |
584 | 584 | order, to have the correct priorities. */ |
585 | for (offs = | |
585 | for (offs = m_spriteram.bytes() - 4; offs >= 0; offs -= 4) | |
586 | 586 | { |
587 | 587 | int x = m_spriteram[offs + 3]; |
588 | 588 | int y = 240 - m_spriteram[offs + 2]; |
r250335 | r250336 | |
296 | 296 | else if (bpp == 8)\ |
297 | 297 | {\ |
298 | 298 | UINT8 Texel = Quad->u.Imageb[Offset];\ |
299 | Texel = Quad->u.Imageb[Offset];\ | |
300 | 299 | Color = Quad->Pal[Texel];\ |
301 | 300 | }\ |
302 | 301 | else if (bpp == 16)\ |
r250335 | r250336 | |
485 | 484 | { |
486 | 485 | QuadInfo Quad; |
487 | 486 | |
488 | Quad.Pitch = | |
487 | Quad.Pitch = 1024; | |
489 | 488 | |
490 | 489 | // assert(Endx >= Dx && Endy >= Dy); |
491 | 490 | |
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