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r26720 Monday 23rd December, 2013 at 15:16:21 UTC by Brian Troha
whatsnew_0152.txt: Removed dups and moved clones out of New Working Games - NW

413413Pharaohs Match (Arcadia) [Unigame]
414414Delta Command (Arcadia) [Unigame]
415415Wave shark/Jet Wave [Phil Bennett]
416Player's Edge Plus (XM00007P+XMP00006) Multi-Poker [BrianT, Ken]
417Who Dunit (version 9.0)  [Joe Magiera]
418416Puzzle Star (Sang Ho Soft) [Angelo Salese, Wilbert Pol]
419417Dancing Stage - Internet Ranking Ver (GC845 VER. EBA) [smf, skype]
418Player's Edge Plus (XM00007P+XMP00006) Multi-Poker [BrianT, Ken]
420419Player's Edge Plus (X000838S+XS000002) Five Times Pay Slots [BrianT, Kevin]
421420Player's Edge Plus (X000841S+XS000002) Five Times Pay Slots [BrianT, Kevin]
422421Player's Edge Plus (X001087S+XS000006) Double Double Diamond Slots [BrianT, Kevin]
423422Player's Edge Plus (IP0079) Standard Draw Poker - French [BrianT, Ken]
424423Player's Edge Plus (X002420P+XP000064) Deuces Wild Bonus Poker - French [BrianT, Ken]
425Commando (US set 2) [Kevin Eshbach]
426424Power Kick  [bodger319, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Angelo Salese]
427425S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (M68k label V100JP)
428426  (ARM label V100JP ROM 05/12/05  S.V.G V100) (Japan, JAMMA PCB) [rtw, David Haywood]
429Bucky O'Hare (ver EA) [caius]
432429New clones added
434431Scramble (Recreativos Franco, Spanish bootleg) [Basilio Garcia]
435Player's Edge Plus (PP0055) Deuces Wild Poker (set 2) [BrianT]
436Player's Edge Plus (PP0171) Joker Poker [BrianT]
437Player's Edge Plus (X000054P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker [BrianT]
438432The Gladiator / Road of the Sword / Shen Jian (M68k label V100)
439433   (ARM label V101, ROM 03/13/03 SHEN JIAN) [Artemio Urbina]
440434Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/10/26 20:24:29 CHASE 3 VER 1.1, prototype) [Unigame]
450444U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (Japan, prototype?) [Unigame]
451445Syvalion (World, prototype) [Unigame]
452446Donkey Kong Junior (P kit) [Chris Psaros]
447Who Dunit (version 9.0)  [Joe Magiera]
448Commando (US set 2) [Kevin Eshbach]
449Bucky O'Hare (ver EA) [caius]
450Player's Edge Plus (PP0055) Deuces Wild Poker (set 2) [BrianT]
451Player's Edge Plus (PP0171) Joker Poker [BrianT]
452Player's Edge Plus (X000054P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker [BrianT]
453453Player's Edge Plus (PP0002) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT, Ken]
454454Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better [BrianT, Ken]
455455Player's Edge Plus (PP0455) Joker Poker [BrianT, Ken]
497497Super Six Plus II English Mark Darts  [Jim Stolis]
498498Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart Seal Version Plus (GE756 JAA) [Guru]
499499Submarine (Midway) [John Robertson, hap]
500Power Kick [bodger319, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
501500Mambo A Go-Go e-Amusement (GQA40 VER. JRB) [smf]
502501Touch de Uno! [R. Belmont, bodger319, gamerfan, f205v, Yohji, Smitdogg, rtw, The Dumping Union]

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